When life gets overwhelming, do you ever feel like you might suffocate under everything you need to do?
Does worry ever weave it’s way into your heart and consume your thoughts with concern?
If I’m not careful, worry can wear me out and make me want to quit… just about everything!
A few years ago, I took my husband’s advice to write down everything on my plate so I could ask God what needed to be cut back. I listed my commitments and concerns, deadlines and dates on my calendar with every appointment, event, conference call and meeting I could think of for the next six months.
And I prayed: Please God, show me where I need to make changes.
I assumed the Holy Spirit would suggest adjustments in my schedule, but that’s not what happened. God didn’t tell me to make cut backs at work or in ministry. He didn’t show me our family had too many activities. He didn’t challenge me to take a sabbatical, although I was hoping He would.
Jesus showed me it was worry — not my workload — that was making me weary.
You see, without realizing it I was spending as much time thinking and worrying about concerns, commitments, circumstances and deadlines as I did working on them.
It was not only how I spent my time, but how I spent my thoughts that left me depleted.
But it wasn’t until I brought it all to God, and wrote it all out, that I recognized what was happening. I wonder if that’s why Peter tells us: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
The apostle Paul tells us the same thing, and shows us how:
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and A him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, NLT)
But it’s not easy. Honestly, our natural tendency is to take control. And we have an enemy who suggests we do. But we don’t have to listen to the lies. Instead we can listen to God’s promises, and take these 3 steps to get God’s peace:
CLICK HERE to Download “3 Steps to Get God’s Peace”
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Worry is one of my biggest challenges and something that I feel the Lord has bee n dealing with my heart. My husband often reminds me to read Luke 12:22-34 as a reminder. Thank you for your words of encouragement today.
Stop worrying, start praying, keep thanking God. The perfect words for me today (and most days). Thank you for your encouraging post today.
I’m in my head way too much–sometimes worse than others, but lately ALL of the time. I have the ability to make a non-issue, an issue in my head. At times, I will doubt and downplay myself and compare myself to others. I also can relate to commitments seemingly becoming overwhelming because I’ve fretted over them. I want to let God use for me for His Greater Purpose and allow Him to take the steering wheel without doubting His plan.
Thank you for these words of wisdom. I have been feeling so overwhelmed lately and never even thought that it could be worry rather than the number of things on my “to do” list. This gives me a new perspective and as always a reminder to stop and give it all to God to show me what steps I should take.
You are so right, I find myself where you describe; depleted, weary. Will continue to go to God daily, hourly. Thanks for the encouragement!
This is so true and I always need reminding!! I love the thought that we shouldn’t worry at night, while we should be sleeping, because God’s up anyway so we should give it to Him and get our rest!
Thank you Lord for this inspiring message today and reminder to PRAY about everything!!! “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and A him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, NLT)
A good and timely reminder. My son will start kindergarten in the fall and we are trying to sell our house. Only God knows where we will be in a few months. I can worry which accomplishes nothing or I can trust God. I choose to trust.
Thanks Renee. Insecurity & sadness are constant foes I war against, and God is asking me to be the calm eye amidst our family’s life of constant chaos. I would love to read your words of wisdom in “A Confident Heart” so that God can continue to speak life and encouragement to this weary warrior.
It’s amazing to me how God can always give us the peace we need even though we don’t deserve it. When I finally give it over to Him, I truly feel the burden lifted, and a new sense of clarity that hadn’t been there before.
Perfect!! For me at this point in my life!I have felt a calling for a few years now to go back to school and get a degree in social work or counseling. Worry keeps me from moving on. What if it takes to much time from my family,what if it’s to hard,what if I finish and it’s not where I feel I should be…. The list goes on and on.Now I have a new perspective to pray from. I need to work at it and not worry about it.Blessings!
Thank you for this beautiful reminder this morning. I am currently doing the P31 Online Bible Study – When Women Walk in Faith and the first step is “Leaving”. For me, that means leaving behind worry and concern that tends to consume my every thought. I have to learn to trust God more and walk in faith!
Be blessed!
April Anstey
Thank you for your words today. God has been blessing me beyound my wildest dreams and instead of truly ejoying the blessing I find myself worried and stessing over when the bad is coming. your words have lifted me and helped me to release the negative thoughts and have full faith in our Lord knowing what ever layes ahead he will be with me through it all and to enjoy the blessings of today! I am new to your site but will be staying and I am excited to read A onfident Heart devotional which is just another message from god since i am a few days from finishing my current devotions. God is so Great!
Just what I needed to hear today. I thought I had my “worry-wart” nature under control but obviously not. I feel like I haven’t slept well in months. I give it over to a God but then take it right back, and I’m exhausted! Thank you for the reminder that God is in control and He can, and will, take care of it all.
I really needed this reminder today! Sometimes circumstances and the daily demands of life get the best of me and before I know it I’m wrapped up in worries and cares. It’s when I focus on Jesus and His love for me instead of all the “what if’s” that sometimes plague me, that I have peace. Thank you for sharing!
This is a wonderful reminder that God is in control if only I let Him! Thank you for sharing your stories.
Thank you so much for this article… I am so busy with homeschooling, activities, watching grandson and other things I get so overwhelmed.. I see myself worrying a lot and I need to give it to God… This article came at such a good time… Thank you
Thank you for your encouraging words. I am so overwhelmed by the long to-do lists at work, at home, and what I should be doing spiritually to grow. When I start working on something, I am so distracted by the enormity of it all, that I just can’t move forward. It can be so discouraging.
I needed this today – so thanks for sharing. Not only did I need this for me, but for a friend who shared with me Sunday and has been on my heart ever sense. All about worry. I will share with her today. Praying it helps her and her heart.
Thank you for this post I can see how some of my own weariness has been from worry and not the work load. I can see that the battle really does begin in my mind and where I allow my thoughts to dwell. I will put your 3 steps to peace into practice. May The Lord bless you richly. Thank you for your service in building His kingdom.
I am so thankful for posts like these! I constantly worry about how I am going to fail at everything I am assigned to do. I get overwhelmed by all the things I need to do and how there just is never enough time to do everything. I need this reminder that God is higher and has a more purposeful life for me than worry! If I would just lay my needs at his feet He will help me handle these stresses and cleanse my soul! Since I lost my mom nearly 3 years ago life seems ever so much more stressful, especially since my father and I have no relationship due to his new fiance, and I just recently was able to come to peace that our relationship may not be like I imagined, but I forgive him for the things he has done to me and I am able to now have peace in that area of my life, because God put that on my heart and that is one thing down! God is so good!!
I totally need help in this area. Worry and fear is definitely a way of putting on blinders to the awesome power of God.
Thank you so much for posting this. I think writing out all your commitments, meetings, etc is such a helpful idea that I plan on doing just that. I have been feeling a little overwhelmed at work and church due to some “big” projects so this is exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks again!
My soul is tired and I find it hard to lean on anything. May Jesus give my soul peace and my body rest and may I lean on him.
Love the printable and the good reminder!
Right on point today. Thank you!
Thank you for this–I have felt myself sinking beneath the weight of my worries this week, and I needed the reminder to bring it all to God.
This really was what i needed to hear today. I am weighed down by worry right now. what a gentle reminder from God that I need to give it to him and stop worrying so much. Today, everytime that worry pops up in my head, i’m going to pray. Thanks so much!
One of the first Scriptures I learned when I was first saved is Philippians 4:6-7. Little did I know that I would be clinging to that verse 30+ years later. Seems that I’m a slow learner…. Or more probable, that the enemy is diligent in bombarding me with negative thoughts. I love Jesus. He loves me. We WILL win.
What a wonderful message!! I’m can be an anxiety driven worrier at times. I too need to remember to let go, and let God. The book would be amazing, as I am a people pleaser. I need to learn balance between what Jesus would do, and spreading myself thin.
Worry often consumes me and I often have to give these concerns over and over multiple times a day to the Lord. I have to learn to trust in His plans for the future and His will.
Thank you for sharing this reminder today. I battle myself on a regular basis with worry and anxiety. Sometimes consumed by things I have no control over or planning things out in my head for a future that’s too far out to even be thinking about. I don’t always remember to talk to God but when I do, and I do more often than not, He always gives me His peace.
Thank you for this reminder today. God always gives us what we need just in time!
Yes, that is exactly what I have been doing, letting the worries of making decisions – all the details to be worked out now consume me and as a result, nothing has been completed.
I love it when I finally turn something over to God and feel His peace flow through me. Why had I worried about it so long when He is there to carry my burdens?
Thank you for helping me to keep focused on Jesus, by laying aside worries. I pray for you, your family, and the impact that you continue to make for His glory.
I’m so grateful for the message in this devotional and with God’s help, I plan to take it to heart along with passing it on to one of my kids. Thank you for using your gifts to communicate His truth.
This was just the reinforcement I needed today! Worry is most assuredly the work of Satan. I have been purposeful in giving even the littlest of things to the Lord, since they can sometimes be the most bothersome. It’s been a difficult path to follow, as the control freak in me tries to get in the way every now and again! But when I look up instead of down pray, trust, and obey and keep reaching for God’s hand, I’m am blessed with peace!
I tend to think I have to take care of everything with my husband being disabled. I was on overload. This reminds to take everything to God. My worries, my anxiety, my fears. Thanks for the reminder.
I love this. Taking my thoughts captive is something I struggle with. Thanks for this!
This word of encouragement is right on time. I have been feeling extremely overwhelmed with work, home, and life in general. While I have been making an effort to pray and give it to Jesus, I tend to continue to worry because the pressures don’t go away, the outcomes are uncertain, and I don’t see God right away. But, I’m reminded faith is not based on what I see and all things are working together for my good! Many blessings to you!
I so identified with your devotional today; I have struggled with fatigue and weariness for most of my adult life. I’ve been to so many doctors over the years, but they can never find the reason. Medication has not helped significantly. In spite of this, I completed college while married, raising 2 sons, taught for over 25 years and now I am a widow, retired. I thought that retirement would solve this problem, but guess what? I’m still weary. I recognized while reading your words, that it is not external activities making me weary, but internal thought patterns, i.e., worry, fear and unrealistic expectations I set for myself. There may yet be an undiscovered physical reason for my weariness, but I want to give it to God, who already knows and has the answers. I know I have never given it to Him. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Thank you for 3 very important reminders on how to stop worrying. Worrying is the greatest hindrance to having a truly God centered life filled with peace.
I love the idea of writing down your worries and burdens and then sealing it and giving it to God in prayer.
What really struck me in your post was taking the scripture from satans perspective and how in my sinful nature that is what I tend to do and oh how the devil loves it. Today I will focus on surrendering ALL to my Lord and Savior!
This is an awesome post! It is so easy for all of us to let worry lead us to becoming weary. No one wants to let go of control to the One who has ultimate control. I have found that it is so hard to let go and let God. It is a long journey, but one I am making progress in. Thanks so much for your thoughts and the download. I will definitely be printing that out and hanging it up where I can see it until it becomes habit!
This devotional and blog post were exactly what I needed to hear. The LORD has been showing me that my words and my thought life are an area of weakness. I struggle with feeling I am not enough for the many “hats” I wear. The simple yet powerful 3steps will give me a way to shift my “self – talk”. And receive God’s perspective through prayer, His word and the Holy Spirit. Thank you!
I had my meltdown just last night in my drive way. I needed this message for your encouragement from Philippians today. For all the talking we women do, we sure can worry inside our heads to the point of delirium. Thank you Jesus and holy spirit for being my counselor.
Thanks– just what I needed to hear today- Blessings to you and Peace