Tomorrow is my birthday, and guess what? God has given me the most amazing gift, but I didn’t even realize the unique timing of it all until today. You see, the day after my birthday, I get to launch my Confident Heart Online Bible and Book Study with YOU…and a few other women from around the world!
I can’t think of a better way to start my 45th year of life!! But first, we need to to take care of some details so you don’t miss any updates or postings!!
I’m a little nervous about the amount of administrative/email issues that could come up. So, I’d really like ALL participants of the Online Study to sign up for the study and for my email updates. {That way we have a back up system in case one doesn’t make it to you}
Here is how you’ll know you are signed up for them:
Did you receive a similar note (like this post) via email – with my website banner at the top. If YES– you successfully signed up for my Online Study group list.
Are you reading this post via email – with my head shot in the top corner? If YES, then you are already an email subscriber.
If you cannot say YES to both please take a minute to do these things before Sunday at 3pm EST:
- Sign up to receive my blog updates via email. If you don’t already receive them, sign up by clicking this link: Renee’s Website Email Updates
- Sign up for my Online Study group list by clicking this link and completing the form: Online Study Sign Up
- Prevent emails from being blocked by adding [email protected] in your email account as an approved sender, and check spam these first few days to make sure you are receiving them.
OPTIONAL but FUN {extra ways to stay connected & in the group loop!}
- If you’re on Facebook please join me at my Confident Heart Facebook page where we can share quotes from each chapter, thoughts for the week, Bible promises and prayers for one another. You can find us here:
- If you’re on Twitter, please follow me at (@reneeswope). And tweet to tell me so I can follow you back. Let’s use the hashtag #AConfidentHeart to encourage one another (and others) with quotes and verses from each chapter. Find me on Twitter at:
If you’re ready to get started early, please read the Acknowledgements and Chapter One. (Foreword is optional but encouraged!)
Remember you’ll need a copy of the book, a notebook, a Bible, and a ready-for-Jesus-to-do-a-new-thing-in-you attitude! If you are waiting on your book, you can read through chapter One on Amazon by clicking “Look Inside” here.
I’m so honored to seek HIM with you in the coming weeks. I’m praying daily over you and over the transforming work the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have planned in advance to do in and through each of us! See you back here on Sunday afternoon!
Got any questions before we get started? Are you excited, nervous, ready?? Just click “share your heart” below. I’ll answer questions throughout the weekend.
Happy Birthday!!!!!
I can’t wait for the class to start Monday – so excited. Thank you so much for offering it.
This is frustrating. I want to sign up your class, confident woman for April, 2012…and I have followed all the directions and I still am unable to find a place to sign up! I see the sign up for emails…but doesn’t lead me anywhere. I see no phone number to call. Thanks sherry keating, richmond, va. 804-230-1989
Hey Renee i’m so excited about this book study! I’ve never done anything like this before! It’s great! God has really challenged me through this book study to be more confident in him and trust him more. I am a people pleaser. I started this at the end of Januray. I have written my comments underneath your other postings. and now I’m sending my comments underneat this posting. You are responding to people’s comments a lot under this posting and I’m thinking, I should have started with this posting putting my comments. as I’ve said in the other postings. I am totally blind. I have the computer with the speech program that with keystroke commands that I do, I can do anything! It’s a great program. there are just a couple of limitations. I can only read word documents. a lot of documents I notice are p.d.f. files. Now I notice the chapters in confident heart are p.d.f. files. on your web site, I always read something called seven day diet I always go by it and last week, I decided to see what this is all about. Well, I loved what I found out! I am able to read what the chapters are about and you sent your first chapter. even thought I’ve been getting all the e-mails, I am doing this at my own pace. So, today, I’m starting the seven day diet. I signed up last week and am getting the e-mails. i’m just working at my own pace and have decided to start from scratch today with the seven day diet. I have read a lot of women’s comments from a lot of other posts. and it is so good to know there are women out there who go through what I go through. I am a people pleaser. I have negative people in my life, and it is hard to deal with because they are trying hard to make me miserable like them, and I’m trying so hard to focus on being joyful on all the blessings that God has for me. so, I really struggle. I pray a lot and God has really challenged me through this confident heart book study to spend more time with him and focus on being confident in him. I love your analogy Renee of losing weight and we lose doubt and gain confidence. analogies are very important to blind people. I love in the first chapter when you talked about throwing something away and regretting it. It was the top oof the remote control and then, you regretted it and then you talked about throwing away our confident. I throw away a lot of things in the trash without thinking about it, and I too, sense God sayign to me I’ve throwing away the confidence in him so thank you for all your analogies! I continue to look forward to sharing comments and reading the comments and hopefully getting some friends here. I don’t have a lot of Christian friends. I live on my own. I’m 48 I have a boy friend I love but he is very critical of me. I always try to take the good with the bad he is good to me, also, I have a mother who tends to be very critical of me. i’m sure she doesn’t mean it. She does so much for me. but it’s the way she comes across. and whenever I’ve tried to tell her about something I want to do, and I want her to be happy for me, She always starts off her sentences with but you can’t do that and that hurts anmd then, I believe it. and then, I doubt myself! but since, I started this, I’m already feeling a difference in being confident thank you Renee! you are a blessing! God has found something really great for me! thank you!
I just got my book, am I too late to start ..I see just from the looks of things I’ve already missed a lot.
I just ordered the book this morning– and this evening I am seeing the online study– I know I would be getting into it late, but I can catch up! Is it to late? Were do I begin/get started?
I am looking forward to this study! Thank you Debra purchasing the books for several people!! It has hlped me already just knowing that I am not alone!!
Hi Renee,
Happy Birthday to you! My birthday is also in January. I wanted to write and comment, but also have to be careful because of my current situation. I recently started Christian counseling and my counselor recommeneded your book. The first chapter and the “Praying God’s Promises” was just amazing. I love the part in the prayer, “…and I am no longer one who shrinks back and is destroyed, but one who believes and is saved!” God has been gently whispering to me in recent weeks He wants me to be healed, whole, changed, completely transformed once and for all. This book just speaks to me about that. To be healed not of just what I am coming out of but all my past. Thank you so much for overcoming your doubts and writing the book.
I am getting started late. Just found out about the study this past weekend. After a rough couple of months, I need a fresh start….
Hi Renee,
I am getting a late start but looking forward to catching up and participating in this online study.
I signed up but have not received anything.
There was some confusion from an earlier study a few days ago.
Is there a DVD to purchase. I don’t want to miss anything.
I tried listening from your website but the volume is not coming through.
(our speakers do work)
Please help.
I’m so excited about this book. I am a small group leader at my church for a group of 6th grade girls. I lead while I was in high school but got out of it, Now God has challenged me to get back into it so I did and I have been doing it for a couple of months now. This book perked my interest so I figured why not God will show me something out of this but I had no clue what He had in store for me. On Friday I had a meeting with the lead pastor over the youth group and he expressed to me my strengths and weaknesses that he saw. And what do you know every weakness boiled down to my lack of self confidence. He challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and get to know the people I lead with on a deeper level. I was scared to death and not because I didn’t want to get to know them but because I was going to become vulnerable and put my self on the line. All I could think was what if they don’t like me or think I’m dumb or unfit to be a leader. While pondering on all the what if’s God spoke to me and said Hillary you CAN do this! And with His help I did. I was completely transparent today at church and got to know quiet a few of the leaders while there and then was invited to go bowling and to a movie with a group of them. I am so thankful that I didn’t let my shadows of a doubt hold me back. The people I was afraid would judge me harshly welcomed me in with open arms and accepted me for who I am. Then I came home and read the first chapter. It was as if God said to me threw this book good job but this is only the first baby step. I can’t wait to see how I will be challenged by this book. Thank You!
Several ladies at church are taking your online study together! I look forward to hearing what God has placed on your heart to share with us! Thank you!
Renee, Today is a very “Special” day!!! In Psalm 139:13-16 (NIV) (13) For You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. (14) I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (15) My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, (16) Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.
This Scripture came to me when I read that it’s your birthday. the verses are an important reminder to all of us…we are fearfully and wonderfully made…Amen!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RENEE *!*!*
I’m a little nervous and excited at the same time…Just expecting God to do a mighty work in all of us and to deliver us from the bondages of our past of self-doubt, whether caused from uncouraging words from others or the lies from the devil still taunting us even now… We Shall Be Set Free Indeed…Amen!!!!!!
More thoughts. Yes, Happy Birthday, not sure if it was today or yesterday but hear it was beautiful. I truly believe that God has this study planned for me. When I first saw this offered on P31 I had also just heard of Me, Myself, and Lies. God is leading me to get free of self and into Him. I pray I can get the message from my head to my heart. I want to live this not just study it and have it pass along like so many others.
I agree about being scared. I did the homework for day one and I have written four pages. Yes it includes the questions but still it is a lot of inside work. Much of my childhood is a blank, I often think God is protecting me that way. Yet, wow, thiswork is hard. I have been in recovery for almost 20 years so it is not new work, just a new level of it. I fear not giving it the time needed. Partly because I don’t know if I have the accountability I would like to have. So much going through my mind and heart. Being single and alone with these feelings is probably not the best for me either.
I’m praying for you Katrina!! You are not alone. We’re going to prayerfully consider how we can hold each other accountable in a really encouraging way – for those who want it. I’ll be looking for you to check in every few days to share your heart and your thoughts. I’m proud of you for reading, writing down the questions and doing the heart work. YOU are so worth it!! He loves you – and so do all of us – you’re our sister!!
Happy Late Birthday!
I am looking forward to the study. I am ready to walk in the confidence, the freedom, the blessing that I know the Lord intends for me. I’ve struggled with confidence all my life but in the last three or four years finally learned that the more I read my Bible, the more time I spend with God, the more confidence I have. Am learning that I am exactly who He created me to be and I want to embrace that fully and walk in it daily. Loved the first chapter of the book. Thank you!
Happy Birthday!! and many more!!
I recieved your Jan 13th email but where do I go to do today’s devotion?
Happy birthday Renee! From the looks of your responses earlier, you thoroughly enjoyed YOUR day which is fantastic to hear! What’s even more exciting is the ongoing gift of the book/bible study to come! I can tell you I’m more than looking forward to what is in store. Being able to embark on such a spiritual and powerful journey with you and all the other women who will be a part of this is amazing. I can already feel the blessings and positive changes building. I followed you on Twitter and am looking forward to sharing there as well. My tweets are private so when you get a second, please follow me back so that my tweets are visible to you. Anyone else reading this, feel free to do the same! My username is @thebrionne. We shall meet again tomorrow for day one! *squeals in excitement* 🙂
I started the confiden heart online study with Melissa and I was overwhelmed.
I tried to keep up and be honest with myself, then time began to get away and
i was behind, never caught up. i have kept her study emails. Just pray that I will
will keep going even when I want to stop.
Thanks Renee! So excited to start your Bible study! Happy Birthday!!!
Renee, I’ve wanted to get your book since the moment I saw it was out. I finally broke down and bought for myself “from my husband” at Christmas! I can’t wait to get started and have purposefully put off reading the book until this group with you started! Yahoo! And btw…Go Patriots! 😉
Happy Birthday, Renee!! I have already read your book and really attempted to do the study with Melissa but fell so far behind with the holidays and really felt defeated. I am so happy to have a second chance to to the study. Thank you.
Happy Birthday Renee! I am excited to get into this study and look forward to growing deeper with the Lord and becoming all He has created me to be! Thank you for this book and for this study. God bless you!!
Got the book and so excited to start! I discovered Proverbs 31 Ministries about a month ago and was so glad to see you ladies offer online study groups. I’m doing three right now, including yours! My church only has a ladies group right in the middle of the day, when I’m working, so this is such a blessing to me! I thank God for letting me come across your ministry. Thank you so much for your time! I’m following you on Twitter as well! Happy Birthday!
So excited to be doing this study…. Hope I am finally signed up right. I tried a month ago and was not sure. Hubby helped me after your post. New at this stuff….computer challenged.
Happy Birthday Renee! Hope it is blessed!
I am ready and excitied to this study. I pray God’s blessings on you, Renee, and everyone in this study.,
Happy Birthday Renee! I am very excited to get started on this book and I’m looking forward to what God is going to do in our lives through it. Be glorified Lord!
I’m excited! I believe that I’m signed up for both, I received the email it had your banner and your picture so I think I’m good. I only received the one copy though, so I hope I’m understanding correctly.
Happy Birthday! We are closer in age than I thought. You look younger! I will be 43 in April, but I really thought that you were younger than me! Thanks for being an example and a good friend. I don’t have facebook, but have been thinking about it. I really am looking forward to what God is going to do in this study!
Looking forward to the study; however, sharing comments, etc. on the Facebook page when it is PUBLIC – I won’t be participating in that. The bible study chat rooms should be closed to only those in the study, otherwise, our privacy is compromised.
You make a valid point of concern for those who need to share some harder things. I am going to encourage everyone to have someone they know to share and pray together. For those who need and want a smaller community online, they can start private groups if they want to. I’m totally supportive of that!! I just cant manage those due to limitations in my schedule.
Glad you are joining us!!
I too am excited yet apprehensive. I came across this study a couple of days ago Just when I needed it! I am ready to put away my guilt and worry. Thank you and Happy Birthday Renee!
Yay Mollie!! I’m so glad you found us and so thankful you are joining the study. I think it’s going to be a sweet time of connection and a powerful time of growing – closer to HIM – and closer to the woman He created each of us to be!
I’m Excited. I feel this is the time that God has made for me to finally conquer fear, self doubt, and people pleasing. Though I have gotten 100% better in the last few years I want to be Healed completely. Really exciited.
Thanks Renee – and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
I”m excited you are joining us Lynn!! And thanks for the birthday wishes. I’ve had a WONDERFUL morning with my kids and JJ. Sleeping late, breakfast in bed, all the kids piled into my bedroom to hang out for two hours just talking, reminiscing and laughing. My heart is full!!
I’m scared!
Aww, thanks for being honest. What are you scared of? God has you covered and we are going to be so loved on by Him and so encouraged and prayed for by each other. I’m glad you are in!!
PS. I was scared when God called me out of my comfort zone into a place of courageously believing HIM. And I was overwhelmed with fear at times when I wrote the book. But look how God showed up. Satan wants us to be afraid so we dont’ step into healing and hope. Walk it out friend, there is more for you on the other side of this fear!!
Elizabeth, you are not the only one, I am scared too. I have been scared for far too long and I am tired of it.
At 43 I am a recently divorced woman living on disability with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The answer to my prayers began the day my husband raised his hand in anger and beat me. On that day God set me free, free from the verbal, emotional, and finally physical abuse I had been suffering. Over the past year God has surrounded me with support from family and friends and today I will be going to Church for the first time since I was a child. I have been studying for my GED and have plans to further my education. God has plans for my future and I do not plan on wasting a single moment. Already I feel a strength and peace I had not ever known before. Praise the Lord for people like Renee. I have read “A Confident Heart” and I look forward to the online study. I know I still have a long way to go, and a lot of healing to do. That is why I am here. Still scared but oh so willing.
Praise God Donna! Love your positive attitude! You sound like a strong woman of God to me! Blessings to you and your future in Jesus name.
Awesome job Donna! God is blessing your path already because of your amazing faith. God Bless
Yes you have to stay confident in all things not matter what the situation. I wish you the best. May God bless you
Hi Renee,
I’ve signed up for the Confident Heart online study several times but not sure it’s going through. The last email I received from you was Dec. 12. Maybe it’s all good and you haven’t sent out any reminders?????
Looking forward to studying with you!!!! I pray God’s great blessings to you!!!!
With all the sign ups coming in and the holidays I decided to wait and send my first update today – Jan 13th.Did you receive the email with my banner at the top and all of the info in this post? If so, you’re good.
If not, email a note explaining what you have received via email to my admin account
[email protected]
We’ll check the database to make sure you’re in it on Monday.
Also, be sure to sign up for the email updates — there is a link in this post and in my sidebar.