I know you sometimes feel ordinary but you’re not.
You are one of a kind ~ a unique and beautiful blend of all God wants you to be.
You may feel invisible … like you’re just one of millions of others.
But there’s no comparison. God sees you friend.
And when God sees you, He sees someone He loves.
Listen as He whispers…”You are precious and honored in my sight …. and I love you.” Is 43:4
He also sees someone He knows.
“You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.” Ps 139:1
Since God knows you, has a purpose for you and loves the way He made you, I’m confident He wants you to feel the same way. Watch, listen and let Him sing these truths over your heart today. {And if you’re reading this in email, click here to watch it online.}
You really are…
You are His!
May God’s sweet affirmations replaceall those comparisons. As you identify, understand and embrace who HE created you to be, I’m praying you will be able to say with confidence, “Lord, You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Ps. 139:13-14)
Want to find out more about who God created you to be?
Here’s a link to a FREE Spiritual Gifts Assessment to see what your gifts are!
It’s FREE for everyone!
ENTER TO WIN: I’m giving away 5 copies of the personality assessment that I talk about in my book A Confident Heart {on sale now for $6.99}
In chapter 8, I share an in-depth section about personalities and how our unique traits play a key role in our God-given purpose. Today’s giveaway is called Wired That Way Personality Profile and includes a time-tested profile with definitions, instructions to eliminate confusion, a detailed explanation of your scores, and a handy team-building chart that shows how the different Personalities interact. To enter: Share a little bit about what God is showing you as you continue to read chapter 8, or today’s blog post and/or music video. Simply click “share your thoughts” below. And let me know if you’ll be on our Conference Call tomorrow night!
FREE Confident Heart Conference Call
Thursday, May 9th, at 9pm EST
Topic: You’ve Already Got What It Takes
Sign Up Below:
Oops! Posted on the wrong blog entry 🙂
I have heard that sound countless times…and never have I paid any attention to the message it gives. This really struck home with me today. I’ve been spending a lot of time in Isaiah lately, and am truly learning about the Lord’s emotions for me. As a divorced, single mom, it has been easy to feel ‘not good enough’ and that I have nothing to offer. This whole study has been showing me my true worth, that which is found in my Saviour alone. I have struggled with this chapter. Being so caught up in ‘life’ for so long, I don’t even remember what I truly love anymore. I have no idea what I really enjoy doing. This chapter has forced me to start to re-evaluate where I spend my time. Maybe it’s ok to say no to the supposed obligations and put some focus and energy into figuring out what really is important to me after God, and my daughter…
I admit to being behind in the book, but I watched the video today. I don’t know why it was so hard to believe the words describe me. it is so vain to think yes they are beautiful, but not me. In my head, i know they are true words, but it is such a struggle for me to believe it. It seems like the lies have gotten louder since I started this study and harder to hold on to the truth. I think I could highlight the whole book and feel like it applied to me.
I have repented for such lack of faith and trust in God, yet holding onto the truth is like holding onto jello. I know this healing is a journey and it won’t be accomplished with a few prayers and a few weeks.
I really appreciate the comments you ladies share. You have no idea how some of you have articulated what I felt or thought and it helps me think I am not the only one with these struggles.
Thank you Renee and you sisters in Christ.
I LOVED this chapter. I asked my husband to read through the personality section and tell me which of the profiles best fit me. It was so sweet! As he debated between two that he thought were the closest, he mentioned to me that all of the strengths sounded like me but he was debating between the weaknesses. He ran through the list with me and some of the things that I thought were OBVIOUSLY my weaknesses, he didn’t notice and didn’t think that I had. It was good that I knew myself and knew which profile was me right from the start, but I was amazing to me that the one person that I thought knew me best, could so easily overlook my weaknesses, so much so, that he didn’t realize that I had them. It made me think of the Savior. He knows me better than anyone, even myself, but he chooses to overlook my weaknesses and wants to show me how to turn them into strengths. It just made me that much more inspired to be the person that HE wants me to be because he knows me well enough to know who I can be, through him.
I am trying to learn to have a confident heart. It’s funny how I read and do the studies at the end of each chapter but something happens and my confidence comes crashing down. I make mistakes or think of past mistakes and my confidence decreases. It’s so easy to read, highlight, and work on things but then something happens. I am trying my best to apply the principles in each chapter. I need a confident heart and I am trying my best.
Not only learning to have a confident heart, but learning how to share that with others. A beautiful friend today was putting herself down….So, I got to share with her that God made us all beautiful. Love to be able to use God’s word to lift people up!
Hi Renee, first of all thank you for this wonderful book, I have been going through it and the study and it is revealing much to my heart. I haven’t had time to comment with all you beautiful women on this study but I want to be in on the drawing.
I have learned a lot about how I came to be a judgmental perfectionist with feelings of inadequacy so far thru your book and posts, and am learning to change all that and fail forward.
Thanks so much and blessings on you….
The video really spoke to me. I sent today’s email to several people and encouraged them to read the post and also watch the video. So blessed by today’s post.
Listening to that song made me think that I felt and thought those things just six months ago. I felt broken, I did not have confidence that I could be loved. I had not been to church in years but went and I felt as if the pastor was speaking directly to me. I have been blessed since that day as people have come into my life who lead me to your website and this book. I can not express how much I have received and how very greatful I am. Sometimes I slip back to thinking I am not beautiful but then something will happen and bring me strength to realize that I truly am.
Loved the video!!! Just what I needed today!
I am behind in my reading, but of course I went to the blog and watched the video. As I watched it, I began to remember when there were times in my life I felt down, not beautiful or had negative thoughts about myself. How life has changed and how much better I feel about myself. Then as the video continued, I realized what a terrific reminder this song/video is for me. I get so caught up in daily life and I want to make everyone happy in my life, I forget to listen to God…I am beautiful and loved, no matter what anyone thinks or says. Thank you for this tremendous reminder.
would love to win that personality profile – I’ve been wanting to do one since i read it in your book. Your spiritual gifts assessment really helped me to hone in on the areas I want to serve and it pegged me perfectly! Thank you for your generosity in sharing! I’ve had alot of whispers of doubt lately but reading chapter 8 has encouraged me to know that I do indeed have gifts from God to be used to glorify Him.
I had tears in my eyes as I listened to the music. It washed over my heart, a comforting wonder – as much as I know it’s true – I often times dont *feel* any of it. That will never mean those feelings are true. Not anymore can I belive it is true – no matter what i’m “feeling”. No matter what.
This has been an amazing journey for me! I have not finished chapter 8 yet, but so far, I’ve highlighted so many phrases that I love. I am anxious to take the time to learn more about myself and find out the person that God wants me to be. I have always struggled with being a “people pleaser” and I feel like it is time for me to think about me! I feel that I have sacrificed my dreams to meet the financial needs of my family, and I really feel like I have shut out God’s dreams for me. I know that God has a plan for me, and I am seeing that trusting in Him makes all the difference!
I pray that God will reward you for all that you have sacrificed for the good of others!! You obviously have a beautiful heart. He will use it for a wonderful purpose, all of it….you never know, that might have actually been His plan to get you to fulfill His dreams for you!! Enjoy all that He still has in store for you!! It will be even better than you ever imagined!! May God bless you tremendously!!
This study has been amazing….helping me so much! I ca relate to every chapter. I did the personality plus traits 5 years ago and found that I was 2 opposite personalities…..at first I thought, what? But then I read in her book that people that have this have taken on the personality that will help them cope with the situation they are in as they are growing up. I had to become someone that I wasn’t to cope with my situation. This knowledge was so helpful…I feel more comfortable as myself but I still struggle with knowing who I really am….since I lived this way my whole life, I often slip back into what is comfortalbe even if it isn’t who I am. I still wonder, who am I? Who did God create me to be? Help me to be ME.
A funny situtaiton that really happened about a year ago—-my husband and I were at a work function. When we looked around for a place to sit, I was drawn to a particular table so we went there—felt like someone was pushing me to go there. I was talking to one of the wives(her name happened to be Mei (pronounced “me”) and she was sharing alll of the wonderful things that she does(& not bragging just sharing) . She seemed so confident, calm, perfect. I found myself thinking, “I’m not good enough, I need to be more like her, she is perfect” then I heard God whisper that I don’t have to be Mei…..that I need to Me. That the ME that I am is perfect just the way she is. I thought it was funny that he used a a play on words and directed me to sit right there to teach me that lesson…. powerful! Thank you, God!
Thank you, Renee, for sharing your story and putting it into s book and study to help others.
Thank you so much for the beautiful song and spiritual gifting assessment Renee! I learned something about myself I never quite fully articulated.
After taking the assessment, I noticed everything that I was more gifted in was revealed more after being tested and scarred the most. All the ugliest moments – the moments of greatest discouragement, the failure, the tears, the wounds of words – have lead to battle scars that are now a point of strength for God’s purposes for me.
God has always said let the weak say I am strong, the first shall be last and the last first…..
In our lives, He continues to use these contrasting juxtapositions, it seems.
He will turn our TEARS TO JOY….
and we bear FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT BECAUSE of the trials and prayers,
and then we REAP an eternal harvest for His Glory….
He wastes nothing….it’s never comfortable being molded as a pot of clay…but we will “toughen up” and become exquisite inside and out to display and serve our gifts and fruit. His work in us is not complete yet, I pray we see all the tears and turns on the way as just another step to TRUE BEAUTY!!
Chapter 8 really hit home for me. I loved the quote from Renee’s friend Genia: “Every time I compare myself with someone else, I can never measure up because I am comparing my insides with their outsides.” (p. 137) I want to spend some time asking God to show me who I really am. What are my real talents, abilities, desires, passions? I am going to start praying for “God to give me the confidence to be my most natural self.” (p.141) Thank you, Renee, for the reassurance that “the only change He desires is that (I) become more like Him as I become more like (me)!”
Really wish I could participate in the conference call, but I will be out with my husband and kids tomorrow night. But it will be a good outing–very much in line with how God made me, how He made my husband, and how He made our family!
I hope you got me for conferences call, tomorrow. Looking forward to it, 9pm.
Glory! That was beautiful, everything about that video made me feel special.
Thanks so much for sharing it with us Renee. I’m beautiful on the inside am I
I’m blossoming into this beautiful flower that God created. I see myself on the
outside beautiful, but sometimes dissatisfied because of weight gain, other
personally problems. I’m going to get better because I’m God child, and I’m
his creation. God is well pleased with his creation. I’m getting it, and I’m
a,wonderful person, a wonderful daughter, and a wonderful mom. I’m not
so bad after all. In book of genesis God created the heavens and earth,
and it was good. God created man and women, and he was pleased.
How can I be anything else, but beautiful on the inside and out. I’m am
Beautiful not matter what I think about me on the outside, because change starts within.
Thanks again Renee for sharing this video with all of us, and thanks for being beautiful.
I don’t remember what my thoughts the last time I went through this with you (lesson for me: JOURNAL), but reading your post and taking the gift assessment this time I am finding that I need to identify with my spiritual gifts more instead of falling back on it as an anointed skill. It’s more than God has given me the ability to teach; He has MADE me a teachER. I think the enemy can easily attack the confidence I have in my skill…he lies to me about my skill, uses people to hurt me or misuse my skill so I’m constantly having to renew my mind with God’s Word, use the fire to refine my skill and rely on the Holy Spirit to operate in my gift/skill. None of this is bad, in fact, it’s necessary. The problem is when my confidence is in what I do and not who I am just like the child who only feels good enough to their parents if they do enough. So I often feel like I’m in battle to protect and build my skill. Instead, I will find peace and much more confidence by resting in the fact that God made me a teacher. I have more faith in what God created than in my ability. Think of Jesus…God’s purpose was for Him to die for our salvation. No matter how strong the temptation, how hurtful the betrayal or how badly beaten, He did what He was called to do no matter what. He is our Savior! So not matter the circumstances or what the enemy would try to do to hinder my confidence, he can not change the unique way God made me. I am a teacher, and I will teach! Also, I am a woman of faith, and I will believe! Thanks for the encouraging, thought provoking post!
Here I am, sitting at my desk at work fighting back tears and dabbing my eyes. My heart has been heavy and my faith challenged as I wonder what God or anyone else sees positive in me. I don’t feel pretty even or loveable or like I have achieved a thing in my life worthwhile other than my beautiful daughter. I feel like I have failed over and over again and have nothing to offer. Last night the pain was so sharp over personal, human hurts that I just wanted to God to take me Home. In fact I prayed for it. But I guess His work for me is not done yet. This song was His way to remind me that I am loved by someone more precious than anyone here. I ask that if you read this message, that you hold me in your prayers. I am struggling with so many things and I just need God’s encouragement (and my faith) to grow in Him and not trust in the decisions I am trying to make that seem to be wrong at every turn. Thank you for this today. I needed it more than you will ever know! Ali
I am Putting you in my daily prayer journal. Thank you for sharing and asking for prayers.
Ali, I don’t have any words of wisdom……but wanted to let you know I’ve been feeling the same way and the Lord is only one holding me up! I will keep you in my prayers. Melanie
Ali, I will be praying for you! Always remember that God loves you!
Just working through the questions and thinking about how I constantly compare myself to others (negatively) in all kinds of different areas. What I’ve realized is that when I do it, I am actually insulting my Creator who made me this way for a certain purpose!
I cried watching the video too. Chapter 8 was packed with lots of good stuff. The vision of tasting the cake ingredients individually. We are all blessed with spiritual gifts and are beautiful!
the music video was very touching. i felt the Spirit of God all over me. Now that I’ve listen to and seen this video I feel so very special . I am His!!!!!!!!!! This isnt easy to get because God chooses people. Ordinary people and He sees them as a work of art. i am His masterpiece! : )
I am so far behind….Still working on Chapter 5!!! I love that song, and I’ve sent it to some of my friends who need encouragement, but I still have such a hard time believing that God’s promises are for me, too. I don’t feel beautiful or special.
I can so FEEL those ugly thoughts and words. I’ve been hearing them for 8 years from the man I chose to be my mate. He is unpaved so I have to always remember that. And now he has petitioned a divorce from me…what a poster child I feel like to all those ugly words now. I need so hard to seek God first and wonder all the time why I don’t truly understand LOVE….and what’s wrong with me? And why am I so scared to step out and follow MY LORD…….when I KNOW it is exactly what I need to do? The song changed my countenance as it reaffirmed the Lords love for me and all of us at this very painful time! Thank you Renee!
What a blessing that music video is, plus Renee’s lovely words and scripture! I’m feeling His love! Thank you, Renee 🙂
God’s timing really is perfect. I bought A Confident Heart last year with the intention of participating in the Bible Study at that time. Due to alot of other things on the go, I wasn’t able to and I’m so thankful it has come along when I actually have the time to sit and think through these important messages. I didn’t understand the difference between the physical and spiritual gifts before and I’ve been struggling alot with what I’m actually supposed to be doing here. I’ve read alot about taking those steps of faith and have been frustrated with the lack of opportunities coming up. Well, this week I was asked to run a play group at the church tomorrow morning and although it is not something I have ever done before I decided to just step out and put something together. My first thoughts were what others will think but I’m trying to focus on just what God wants me to do. I love the line “God designed each of us with a desire to make a difference”!!!
God is showing me that I CAN be used by Him!! And it can be in the smallest of ways. Sending a card to someone just to let that person know you are thinking of him/her and praying. Asking someone if they need a ride to a Drs appointment…etc. That He has created me with personality traits that are unique to ME to be used by Him for His glory 🙂 . He is showing me that comparison is a waste of time. We are ALL unique and special in His eyes. I am who I am- God’s masterpiece 🙂
Im beautiful! That song touched my heart. Its one thing to have beauty on the outside and for many years I thought thats what I had. But, then my inside was ugly from past hurt, rejection, abandonment, failure to make the right choices that it effected my self esteem.
I felt if I was beautiful why did my mom abandon me at 15? and left me in the streets to survive. If I was beautiful why arent I married? So, many thoughts and questions I had. Until one day it hit me.. I have to be BEAUTIFUL on the inside. My heart must be pure and clean and filled with love. I lacked that. I had no Self-love. Its like I loathed myself because my mother loathed me. It shaped my entire existence up til now.
God is an awesome God. He has been working on me. For the first time I have surrendered so he can do just that. Work in me, through me and as me. That way I can fulfill my purpose, his will for my life.
Thank you Lord.. Thank you Renee. Your book has been challenging but one I invite into my life. Im digging, healing and making sense of things..
Something wonderful happened after I had my 40th birthday – I began to see myself as a success. Occasionially I hear Satan telling me the lies to pull that success away from me, but I do try to return to how I know others, and especially God, see me. I am a kind, giving person who is beautiful on the inside and out, in my own way. The further I walk on my (new) Christian journey, the more clearly I see that God makes us all beautiful, in His image, and we are all here for very clear and individual purposes. I have so many family and friends that I pray will see how beautiful they are as well. I could not get the song to load on the office computer so will try again at home this evening.
From the beginning this book has been amazing, but chapter 8 has really ‘hit home’ and opened my eyes to several amazing truths. I have always compared myself with other women and have oftentimees felt like I have nothing to offer. To see my personality in black and white for the first time was truly a revelation and obviously I’m not the only one with it. 🙂 I never stopped to realize we have God-given emotional needs, but looking back over the years, I can see evidence in my life of when those needs weren’t met, I operated out of my weaknesses.
Recently, I have been feeling useless (knowing serving is my desire & that I should be serving somewhere), but I just wasn’t sure where or how. In addition, Psalm 139:14 was heavy on my heart a few weeks ago, so reading it in this chapter was confirmation of a truth He wants me to know and believe. I’m in awe of God’s timing and will continue to pursue the heart of God to see what He has in store!
Wow! I love everything about this online Bible study! It cetainly was meant for me to participate in with my new friends online. It has been so rewarding. I find myself Praising the Lord for His devine guidence. Thank you Renee for following your heart to write this book.
Love the Quotes, videos and guest speakers. Love this music video!
Praying for all my sisters in Christ today and every day. God bless each of you!
This song is already one of my favorties I have it on my ipod and I listen to it when I feel unloved and useless and like God is far away. The video made it so much more emotional for me and got me right in my heart its beaitiful just like God knows I am and I think I should be too. Thanks
Thanks Renee for the video.
The song was amazing.
Tulips are my favorite flower and especially red ones, so the picture alone spoke to my heart.
The video totally made me cry. I’m still fighting the little voice inside me that’s trying to convince me that I’m not beautiful. I caught myself saying, “Yeah, but He loves EVERYBODY that way, so how does that make ME special?” Even though I’m behind in the book, I know I need to continue on this journey so I can take hold of God’s promises for myself and internalize them and silence that crummy voice!
When the world screams that you have to be skinny to be successful or loved, it is difficult to remember that God sees me. Thank you so much for the reminder today. I was made for so much more than all of this. God has a purpose and a plan for my life. This is just the transition.
He chose me – what peace and confidence that has given me!
MercyMe is one of my favorite groups. Thanks so much for sharing that awesome song from them. I never tire of hearing them sing such a wonderful reminder.
Thank you for both the reminders and the opporutunity to see the comments of others. Such an encouragement!
I’ll definitely be at the conference Thurs night and I’m very excited for this. As far as watching this video, just confirms what I have been talking about in my last blog, Positive Talk. Were so quick to say such negative things to ourselves and allow ourselves to bring us down. Even with someone tell us different, I know sometimes, I’ve had a hard time believing and it’s about having the Word of God on a daily basis, understanding Him, allowing Him in your life and talking out loud to yourself in the mirror and telling yourself “I’m worth, I’m incredible, I’m amazing and NOTHING anyone else has to say to me shall matter because I know God loves me and he’s for me, never against me.” We need to hear this, from ourselves, most assuredly. 🙂 Thank you for your wisdom! 🙂
Well! That spiritual gift test took me a minute! lol. How accurate is it when some of the gifts weren’t included; like healing, prophecy, tongues? Is that to keep from distracting threads that could come from those? Just curious. Either way, I got the same answers on there that I always get when I take one of those tests; exhortation and mercy being the most dominant 🙂 I have had a lot reinforced this week about my personality..that I am a melancholy with a heart for the hurting. I struggle with wanting to be a sanguine and feeling awkward about how inward I can be…but I am realizing that God really wants to use the written word to encourage others through me, and the only time I am able to write anything worthy of ministering to others, it is because I am so..”thinky”…lol…so who am I to argue with my Maker?
Thank you, Renee, for allowing God to mold and shape you into a beautiful woman of God. Every page of “A Confident Heart” is a testimony of Christ in your life, and speaks volumes to my soul! I am learning to throw off the self doubt and insecurity that hinders me from running the unique race God has marked out for me. I know it is a process, but I feel freedom coming! I am looking forward to getting to know the woman God created me to be and being used for his purposes. Thank you, dear sister!
This video came at the right time in my life. I have been struggling with seeing myself as beautiful. I pray that through this study I will start seeing myself for the person God has made to be.
I often struggle with these feelings and I absolutely LOVE that song!! Each day I need to practice believing How God see’s me and not worry so much about my shyness or how others may perceive me. The one’s whom HE wants me to impact will come to know who I am and I am Nothing with out HIM!! I always wonder if I could be doing more and what my strengths and weaknesses are… maybe this book give away could shed some light.
love the video, I am learning to replace the lies of the devil with the truth of God’s Word! He loved me enough to die for me!
This video has spoken to my heart like no other this morning. I had never seen the video to go with the song and it really helped give me a visual for the lyrics. I have been feeling very distant and have struggled to get to the reading each day but God is faithful even when we aren’t. He knows what we need and brings it to us. Thanks for sharing, Renee.
A friend sent your message to me today. I struggle to feel the love I know God has for me. I have a list of scriptures that help and I read them over and over….”Because I love you with an everlasting love…”Jeremiah 31:3 and many more.
I hope someday to actually be able to feel His love. Thanks for the message….
Yes~~I am one of a kind and was made for so much more than all of this~~ I have been reminded to relax and stop trying to live up to the demands of others,,, that I can be confident to be& become the true me I was intended to be. Thank you