I know you sometimes feel ordinary but you’re not.
You are one of a kind ~ a unique and beautiful blend of all God wants you to be.
You may feel invisible … like you’re just one of millions of others.
But there’s no comparison. God sees you friend.
And when God sees you, He sees someone He loves.
Listen as He whispers…”You are precious and honored in my sight …. and I love you.” Is 43:4
He also sees someone He knows.
“You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.” Ps 139:1
Since God knows you, has a purpose for you and loves the way He made you, I’m confident He wants you to feel the same way. Watch, listen and let Him sing these truths over your heart today. {And if you’re reading this in email, click here to watch it online.}
You really are…
You are His!
May God’s sweet affirmations replaceall those comparisons. As you identify, understand and embrace who HE created you to be, I’m praying you will be able to say with confidence, “Lord, You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Ps. 139:13-14)
Want to find out more about who God created you to be?
Here’s a link to a FREE Spiritual Gifts Assessment to see what your gifts are!
It’s FREE for everyone!
ENTER TO WIN: I’m giving away 5 copies of the personality assessment that I talk about in my book A Confident Heart {on sale now for $6.99}
In chapter 8, I share an in-depth section about personalities and how our unique traits play a key role in our God-given purpose. Today’s giveaway is called Wired That Way Personality Profile and includes a time-tested profile with definitions, instructions to eliminate confusion, a detailed explanation of your scores, and a handy team-building chart that shows how the different Personalities interact. To enter: Share a little bit about what God is showing you as you continue to read chapter 8, or today’s blog post and/or music video. Simply click “share your thoughts” below. And let me know if you’ll be on our Conference Call tomorrow night!
FREE Confident Heart Conference Call
Thursday, May 9th, at 9pm EST
Topic: You’ve Already Got What It Takes
Sign Up Below:
Even though I am a believer, for many years now, I have been trying to fill a hole in my heart & escape my anxiety with so many things other than God, such as food, compulsive shopping, keeping a full calendar, sleeping 2 escape, & people pleasing among other things (all idols). I have read/listend to 3 devotionals today that have told me to surrender it all 2 God & just rest in Him for peace & joy, very much like Renee’s book states.
I am ashamed 2 say that I am not yet up to ch. 8 in Renee’s book & have not watched all the videos or made time 2 comment daily, & I really want 2 believe all that I have read thus far, but I am having a hard time. I have prayed to God asking forgiveness for not placing my trust in Him, but instead relying on other people & things to fill my heart. I have seen Him do tremendous work in other areas of life & have now asked Him to help fill the hole in my heart & give me peace over my anxiety. I know that it is His will, not mine & in his timing, not mine. I just have to strenghten my trust & faith in Him, which I am also praying about.
Thank u Renee 4 writing such a wonderful book & helping so many people! I aspire 2 have the healing that u have experienced, the fruits of the Spirit that u possess, & the trust & faith in God u have.
May God Bless U & Everyone in This Study,
I want to know that I am uniquely made with special talents, but I still struggle with it. I want to be “perfect”. Thank you for this book, it has been awe inspiring every time I pick it up to read.
Renee, what a wonderful video! It compliments chapter 8 perfectly! Through the video and chapter 8, I felt God tell me no matter what you think about yourself, you are wonderful and beautiful just the way you are. I created you in my own image and created every detail about you. Trust me. Trust me with your heart and your life. I have great things in store for you, Courtney. You cannot give up now! Take my hand as I lead you to all I have planned for you. It is greater than anything your mind can imagine; and greater than anything your hands can hold….
I love the truth that God has a purpose for my personality. The good, bad and yes, even ugly! He created me to influence others as I become the woman He created me to be-until the day I die. If I am not loving myself, than I am probably not allowing myself to love on others. Since that is where true joy is for a server, then I need to do everything in my power and His to block the enemy’s fiery darts with Scripture. Thanks for bringing such foundational truth to light, Renee!
I’ve never been happy with my personality. I’ve always thought of myself as a shy, rigid, boring person. Many people say that a lot of times I’m closed off & unapproachable, that I have a wall up, not sure if this is due to past hurts or not. It really hurts & I feel very badly to know that this is the way the some may perceive me. Once people get to know me a little better they find that “I am so much more” & as the song says “I was made for so much more”, but a have lots of moments where I’m still closed off, especially when I’m tired & have had a bad day or experience. I think I’m just so afraid of being hurt, like I have so many times in the past that I try to protect myself from the pain. Everyone, & I do mean everyone says that I’m too hard on myself, not sure how to stop being that way. I wish I could figure out how to just relax & be myself, but I guess I need to figure out who I am before I can be comfortable with myself & just relax & be happy. I need to realize I’m a beautiful child of God & know that He loves me so very much, as he does all of you wonderful ladies.
That is one of my all-time favorite songs! It is amazing how the words can just make you “feel” beautiful and loved and cherished. Thank you for the reminder that we all needed!
Kellie – It is one of favorite songs too! I feel the same way! It just lifts you up when you hear it!
Christina Beebe
thank you so much for that video. I sent it to my daughter, who is struggling to get out of a marriage with a man who has subjected her to emotional and mental abuse for the last 10 years. he has convinced her that she is anything but beautiful.
I can’t wait!!!!
I will be at the conference call.
I will be meditating on Ps 139-:13-14 daily
Have a blessed day every one !
I am slowly learning that God loves me no matter what I say or do. I have believed everyone else about how ugly and fat and worthless I am. How I wish I had learned this earlier. I am slowly working on the pain and hurt that I have gone through over the last 40 years. I am learning that I can be confident in who I am because He made me this way and He loves me.
Thank You Lord for Renee and this book. I am your Masterpiece and I know that you love me. I surrender my all to You and I want to use my gifts, which you blessed me with to help others. I have a physical disability which :satan always told me, I would not be able to help with anything”….But I know now that he is a liar!!!!!, I just say that everyday…The Holy Spirit has laid several things on my heart, and I can help!!!!!….in small things I can do to help in church, like bake for Sunday morning service….Listen to sisters who need to talk, I crochet, why not create beauty for others..Im excited!!!! God is good.
It’s never to late to be the beautiful women God created us to be!!!!!!…..Sisters, there is no limit to what we can do…AMEN!!!! May 8th
Loved the video………..
Thanks for sharing! I agree, the enemy uses our human weaknesses to destroy our confidence. But God’s power is perfected in weakness. May He give you hope and bless you in your ministry!
This is a hard song for me to really believe. I was born with a cleft palate and cleft lip and I know that I never really be beautiful, at least on the outside and so many times I’m not beautiful on the inside either. I posted a comment this morning on the part 1 of chapter 8 if any of you have any comments about how to balance your dreams with the expectations of others especially your husband. Thanks.
Hi, Elizabeth ~ I could not find your earlier post. I have been to counseling on my own just to deal with the differences between my and my husband’s personality – to find my own voice. It opened up communication between us in that area…..
For years I have been searching for contentment in my life, with my job, with my living situation, with my relationship status and for whatever reason I never found it. I couldn’t understand what God was doing with my life! What was wrong with me that I couldn’t find companionship with others like all my friends could? Why wasn’t I finding a man to share my life with…everyone else seemed to find their match? Why was I so alone all the time and why wasn’t Jesus pulling me out of the pit of aloneness? As I read this book I began to see that I had so many doubts about myself and they held me back. I believed that I wasn’t as pretty as others so no one would really be attracted to me. I believed that I wasn’t “fun enough” so people really didn’t want to go out of their way to hang out with me. I believe that I wasn’t talented enough and didn’t have a great enough gift to be of interest to others. And on and on those thoughts went. No wonder I wasn’t content with anything external in my life…I wasn’t content with who I was internally! I have loved my journey of discovering those insecurities and learning how to rid my mind of those insecurities. Understanding who I am, how God made me, the traits he has given me and what gifts I have to offer this world are helping me discover who I am internally. I can’t say I am finally at a place of contentment with everything but I’m learning more about who God made me to be and I look forward to learning more as He continues to teach me.
Rachel, I will pray for God to open your heart…your His materpiece, beautifully made. Always remember you are His and He loves you….Anna
Thank you for sharing this. I could almost go ditto! I am realizing so many areas of insecurities and doubts that are ingrained in my heart. I am encouraged by your comments and encouraged to keep listening to God, exploring the places in my heart that need healing and freedom. I am so happy God is setting you free and showing who you are in Christ.
Wow! I am starting classes, so I have fallen behind on my reading. However, I needed this today! I find myself constantly comparing myself to one person or another….she’s skinnier….she is friendlier…the list is almost without end. Hearing the phrase in the song about before I was born….He loved me more than all of this! I have thought about these things for my girls, but never applied it to myself. To think that He is happy with the me He created seems to take away any right I might perceive I have to compare myself and consequently take away my right to feel inadequate. With that realization, it also feels less bothersome to change those areas that need work….to be more like Him and who He wants me to be. In a word today’s message gives me freedom.
I needed this video! I grew up hearing. “You will never mount to anything.” “You can’t do anything right.” :You are not the marrying kind,” and on and on. I am sad to say that my mother and I did not get along. She wanted a boy so bad and she got me! It seemed like I could never please her.
But, I know God has plans for me and yes, even in my 60’s. Chapter 8 is a great chapter. I want to use my gifts for Him!
I am praying for each and every one of you!!
And oh how I hope you can be on our conference call tomorrow night. I am so eager to share what God has on my heart for you. I know it’s a week night and it may not be possible but if you can – that would be wonderful. I want to “speak” into your hearts the many things that I have on my mind as I read through your questions, thoughts and stories these past few weeks. LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!
{And if you can’t be on the call – it will be recorded so I’ll add a link to it here on Friday :)}
Thank you Renee for making it possible to watch later, I have a function at work tomorrow night and I am not sure I will be home in time. God Bless you!!!
Thank-you for recording the call! I had to miss the call but will now feel like I was part of it!!
I struggle with feeling invisible every day. In a couple’s world, being a never married 36 year old woman is often lonely and heartbreaking, especially when all others in your circle are married and most with children. I know I have a gift working with children and am blessed to do so in my career and at my church but that doesn’t satisfy the longing and desire to be a wife and a mother and have someone to share with often complicated and confusing life with. I know God is there with me but again, if God was all we needed, why would women marry and have families of their own? Sadly, the Christian church often doesn’t recognize that women like me exist. Most churches address the needs of engaged couples, married couples, divorced adults and parents. They do recognize the need for support for youn adult singles in their 20’s but the assumption is that most women my age have already married.
I know that I am beautiful in His eyes, and that he has great plans for me. This gives me confidence and security. Thank you Rene for reminding us all of this simple truth.
I have been amazed throughout this whole process just how much I do actually have to offer based on the gifts I have been discovering I have been given. I am filled with excitement over the plans God has for me to do his work as i see some of them already being used for his glory! I also never realized what a life guide the book of Jeremiah really truly is. Until this study I never realized just how much comfort and guidance this book had to offer!
I am learning that “it is okay to feel different, weird at times” God has set us apart. Things that I used to think were my weaknesses, God is showing me they are strengths……..Wow! No matter my past.
He has opened my eyes and heart to His unconditional love. Showing me I am His, I am worthy of His Love.
It feels good to see that all the people mentioned in God’s Word were ‘messed up’ in some degree or another, yet God used them in ways we, at times, feel unworthy to do.
I took a similar test a while back… it completely changed my life… I think its so important for people to know that God gives us each special gifts… How wonderful to understand that my gifts are special and important… just as important as everyone elses. I too was unfamiliar with all the gifts… I thought at one time that maybe God had forgotten me because my gifts were not the ones that I had deemed as important in the body. So freeing to know that there are many and that God gives them to us to use to bring Glory to His precious name. Thankyou for this book and especially this chapter… this message is important and I seem to keep needing to be reminded that yes God sees me beautiful 🙂
The line in the song “you were made for so much more than all
of this.” was so timely for me. I was just in the middle of feeling so gross with condemning and trivial thoughts and I could just hear Jesus calling me out of it. Calling me to hear what he has to say about my beauty and my purpose. Thank you for sharing, I didn’t want to listen, but I’m glad I did.
I too cired thru the music video….it hit home in my heart….I don’t feel beautiful even as a deaf pastor’s wife….I’m also adopted & have many health problems that has limited me to do alot. I know He has reasons for allowing these limitations to exist….it’s the cross I carry & His strength is made shown through my weaknesses. Thank you for the music video. I can’t hear it because I’m deaf; but loved the pictures & words shown.
thank you for ministering to my weary & unloved heart.
God bless you!
I have lived a life of learning to do things differently… with use of only one arm and legs not even… but at age 60 I was married for 38 years, gave birth to 2 beautifuld daughter that bless me every day and share 5 wonderful grand children with me…but I fail to see my accomplishments…as I am now widowed, I feel inadequate…tho it was me that paid the bills, made appointments and such I now struggle with those tasks …I survived cancer near ten years ago and I forget that fight… I am re learning God loves me, he is not finished with me, I have a purpose maybe two : ) but I must want to reach to grow into that purpose…No one else can bring it to me or make me happy…I must find myself and love myself…
I know that God is wanting to heal me of wounds, and help me to see myself as He created me to be, as He sees me. As beautiful, cherished, loved, valuable.
Thanks for sharing this song,not feeling very beautiful today, but willing to fight this fight. I stopped reading the book in chapter 4 and know I need to get back with it. Becuase it has truely helped me and can’t wait to see what rest the book has to bring to me. Thanks!
I just printed off the personality profile. I am anxious to work on it and see what God’s is calling me to do.
Knowing how special I am to God is something that I have been learning through this awesome study, and through my personal study!! It is life changing!! TY so much for doing this!! Your obedience is blessing many women!!!
I love that song! I find that I need to be reminded OFTEN of these truths. I can always see them applying to someone ELSE, but not to ME. I grew up with no self-confidence and I still struggle with it a great deal today. I often feel that I have no spiritual gifts at all. I’m pretty sure I need to go and take that spiritual gifts assessment. I have taken them in the past, but I never really seem to stand out on any one thing. So… there is lots of work for me to do. I have a long way to go before I can win the battle of the negative voices in my head, but I am trying to work on it.
I’ve always loved this song and sitting out on my deck this morning listening to it is just what I needed to start my day off right. Your book has been exactly what I’ve needed, Renee because I’ve always struggled with confidence. At the age of 52, I think it’s time I start to realize more about God’s confidence and love for me and not worry so much about the world’s view. Thank you so much for all you do!
I have heard this so many times before but seeing the video really brought it home to my heart that I am beautiful in God’s eyes. HE made me special. I don’t have a lot of confidence in myself and don’t feel very smart but am learning to through this study to change what I tell myself because they are lies from satan and not from God. Thank you for this study.
Before I knew about this study I had bought your book and God put it on my heart to give it to a friend. It took me a little while to do this because I felt like this was a book I needed. It was her birthday so I followed my heart and she told me later that God knew she needed this book right now in her life. So thankful I listened and then I got your email about a week or so later about this study and your book being on sale. I was so excited about it and the book was cheaper. 🙂 Its so amazing how God knows when you need something why is it so hard for me to remember HE knows what we need and when we need it.
God bless you
I have been talking to a young lady about this study and she has bought the book and is going to start your study soon. So excited to see how God will touch her life.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful song. What an assurance that we are beautiful and we are His. I really needed to hear this song this morning. I know I am His and I am beautiful in His eyes.
I have gotten so much out of reading “A Confident Heart”. The greatest truth I have learned is that God loves me in the way I have desired to be loved. I have sought the attention of others, wanting to be wanted. It felt so good to realize finally that God WANTS me! I also love learning how to tune out Satan’s against me thoughts and replace them with God’s for me thoughts. Renee, I truly appreciate your willingness to share your story and allow God to use you to encourage others!
OMG! I didn’t realize I would start crying when I opened the e-mail this morning!!! I have been feeling so worthless this week because I got laid off a little over 6 months ago and am having a hard time finding a job: I’m either overqualified or under, but I feel like no one wants me. It’s been weighing so hard on my spirit that I just feel like I am shutting myself out of life sometimes.
I am a table leader for a Women’s Encounter next weekend, and the message in this post is something we are trying to impart to our participants, so I sure needed the reminder that God thinks I am beautiful too! Thank you Renee – thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Your messages always bless me, but this one in particular hit a chord in my soul at a time I really NEEDED it!!!
Debbie, I am praying for you. I asked GOD to remind you that HE is a huge GOD and and to remember he does not promise understanding, but he does promise PEACE in the midst of not understanding. his nearness can be our good, and finding a refuge of PEACE in him can be our goal. psalm 73:28 you are a BEAUTIFUL person GOD does not mistakes. LYMI = love, you mean IT !!!!!
As I watched this video, i was feeling torn inside. There is part of me that is embracing these truths that I am beautiful and unique but another part, that has believed all the lies for so many years, that I am not and that whispers that maybe this isn’t true. I choose to believe the Truth because I am tired of living in the ugliness of the lies.
I remember when I was 12, at VBS, one of our memory verses was Psalms 139:14. I remember not believing it then. God has been bringing me on a journey to where I now accept this Truth. I am unique, and fearfully & wonderfully made. God does want to use my gifts/ talents because He loves me and made me as I am. This verse is now so precious to me. Thank you for this reminder- “You are one of a kind ~ a unique and beautiful blend of all God wants you to be.” That is what I am going to cling to today!
Renee, as I began reading Chapter 8 I felt as if you were writing about me personally. Right down to your age! I have just recently started asking what I am supposed to be doing with my life. I am a stay at home mother of 3 children. I got my Associate’s degree in Medical Office Management just over a year ago but have been unable to put it to use. I have heard of spiritual gifts but always thought they were given to certain people, other people, special people. This chapter has spoken to me in so many ways and I want to continue searching for my path!
No matter my past or my future- I am loved. Having no family left but a small son, the video reminds me that God is still here and loves me .
I have heard the song that you shared today many times on the KLove Radio station. It is a beautiful reminder that we are always Beautiful in God’s eyes and that is what we should be concerned about. Thank you for sharing the song today with the video. I had never seen it with the video and it just helped to see the pictures with the words. It made it even more real. Thank you!
Oh to let those truths sink deep into our hearts and souls… how marvelous is our God, so sweet and loving and gentle… Help us Lord to become confident in who we are in You and how much You truly love us, with an unconditional love like we have never known before… to let you get deep into the depths of our spirit and fill that place that was created ONLY FOR YOU to fill… everything else is just gravy! 🙂
Through this chapter I am realizing that I don’t know myself as well as I thought. God’s opening my eyes to traits I have that are strengths instead of weaknesses. I love the last line of chapter 8 – “The only change He desires is that you become more like Him as you become more like you.” Amen!!!
Wow! Did I ever need to hear that. God is so amazing in His timing, His ways, His power! I just literally emailed a friend from church about all of the stress I am under right now & how I feel so distant from God even though I need Him now more than ever. He IS listening and He DOES love me. Thank you for sharing that Renee.
Vicki I prayed almost the same yesterday. Feelings of not being special to anyone and knowing its not true. It is hard for me to know that God loves me. I know He loves everyone but would He love just me if I was the only one left? I know better but can’t seem to help it right now.
I got the answer from this devotion and another one I recieved today. God loves us each and everyone-He knows the number of hairs on our head. We just need to spend time with Him so he can lavish us with love!!
What a beautiful music video, such an encouragement to me and I’m sure to many others!
I love what Psalm 139:14 says: I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,And my soul knows it very well. Thank you, Lord, for Your word, which brings encouragement and hope!
This is a wonderful music video! The timing of this chapter was uncanny, because I just spent the last few days at a career conference organized by my workplace. As I listened to the various speakers, it sounded as though I could center my whole life around my career. But as I prayed, God showed me that while it is important to work hard at the job that I’ve been given, I don’t need to spend so much time at work happy hours, volunteer events, networking, etc etc. And I live in a very driven and career-oriented town! But God has provided and He always will. Yesterday, He led me to take some meals to a sick neighbor who had no family nearby. He wants me to be aware of the way He sees me, as well as the way He sees others. He wants me to sow generously to the those around me. I don’t know where He wants to take me, but my job is simple obedience.
“My Job is simple obedience” I love that! Love love love love love that! That one’s gonna stick with me!
In chapter 8 you said “God deliberately gave you the personality he wanted you to have so he could impact certain people through your life.” I’ve never been happy with my personality. I have been described as quiet and shy my entire life. Recently I found out from my sister that when I was younger my extended family thought I was stuck up due to my being shy. Oh, how I’ve wanted to change. I never thought this is how God wants me to be. What a revolutionary thought, it’s okay to be me! I’ve taught Vacation Bible School and Sunday school for 12 years and feel comfortable doing so but I wonder what else God may be calling me to do? I’ve wondered for a while but nothing has been made clear to me. it doesn’t matter how much or how little God gave us, what matters is how we use it. I’ve just come off a study of the parable of the talents, how true this is!
Amen, amen, amen!! You are getting it Lynn. He didn’t make a mistake when He made you shy. My oldest son is quiet and until he was about 16, He was VERY shy. He’s still very introverted but he is coming out of his shell more.
He is so different from me and I used to push him to talk more when he was younger but then I started talking to adults who are like him and they helped me understand how he process life – in the opposite way I do.
He’s turning 18 next week and he’s one of my wisest advisors. He doesn’t say a lot but when he does say something, it’s worth listening to 🙂
I bet you are the same. Be you, keep doing what you do and keep letting Jesus use you each day, one step of obedience at a time 🙂
Wow, I know GOD loves me, but i never realized he LOVES me just the way I am ! I watched the Beautiful video this morning and KNOW that I MATTER !!! What I have chosen as my career path may not be what others have chosen for me, but it is what I have a PASSION for. I coach gymnastics and all my years of coaching the focushad been on the TEAM WIN. This year I turned things around, the boys I coach are ages 6 to 12. I found an athletes prayer and before every competiton we prayed that prayer out loud together and stood holding hands in front of everyone calling this our motivational circle …declaring our love for christ and each other. I have to admit, a year ago this was not my practice. People called me a perfectionist and HARD HEARTED. Renee through this book my LIFE and FOCUS have truly changed. I feel like I have been shaken awake my GODhimself. Thank you !!!
It’s much easier to just do our part and leave the results to God. That athletes sounds like a terrific idea, may He bless you and your team abundantly!
WOW, that is so encouraging Christina!! God is at work in you and He’s working through you. Im so glad you are letting HIM and experiencing the blessing of following Him in your heart and with your life :)!
I love that God is changing your heart Christina! I too was called hard hearted and cold hearted! Christ changed me when he met me at a very low point! I pray to never be the cold hearted person I was again!
Thank you so much Renee for the section in your book “Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gifts” The breaking them down and explaining them I realized I have two. I never knew before what mine were and was even wondering most days if I even had any. I thank the Lord for you and this book that is bringing so much revelation to me of God’s word and how He loves me so much. God Bless you!!
🙂 That makes me so happy that you are seeing how God has gifted you!!
Thanks for your inspiring thoughts!
I thank you Lord, that I am beautiful in your sight. I pray that we would all have Spiritual eyes to see ourselves as you see us. That your
Word would be engraved in our hearts. That it would be embedded so deeply, that we would have no choice but to hold on to it. That we would change the habits of the words of doubts that flood our minds, and instead your promises would be the first thing that comes to our minds, in any situation. That our go to words, would be straight from your heart to ours. I thank you Lord for Renee and all my sisters in the Lord who are participating in this online Bible study. I pray that we would all take the time to listen to the things you are speaking to our hearts. Thank you Lord for loving us all. In the name of Jesus, Amen
Thanks Wendy for your prayers, I’m in agreement with you. May the Lord continue blessing this Bible study in our hearts.
Crying through the music video. I struggle to see how I’m beautiful. Physically I don’t feel it. Just a big fat uncomfortable blob. Emotionally I’m not quite so ugly after a year of counselling. Spiritually, not really sure where I’m at right now. I know I should feel that way but I do sometimes, especially when I’m tired.
It’s hard to comprehend how God sees me as beautiful when all your life people have called you many ugly
names. Just learning to trust again. Learning to believe God again. Learning to find my security and worth in Him once again. Loving this study and the wonderful encouragement from all you lovely ladies 🙂
Praying for you Gwenda!
Dear Lord I pray that you will be with your daughter Gwenda. Give her the peace and assurance to know that you love her unconditionally and that you see her as beautiful. Help her each day grow stronger in her confidence that she is beautiful in your eyes. Remove the negative words from her mind and fill it with truth & love. In Your Precious Name I Pray, Amen.
btw, Gwenda, maybe you will be blessed by this post. it’s just a few paragraphs about seeing beauty based on GOD, not self…how we just need to take on HIS perspective. be blessed, hon. praying for you beautiful women! http://adjustedsails.wordpress.com/2013/03/11/skin-deep/
Praying u see yourself the way GOD sees u, Gwenda! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! At a time then I was feeling extremely shattered, I believe God spoke to me through someone else who told me: I don’t see u as broken, but i DO see u in pieces, and GOD is going to have to put u back together, maybe even for the first time. Just because a puzzle is in pieces doesn’t mean it’s broken. That will forever minister to me and I pray it ministers to u, as well and that u see yourself as beautifully n as whole as God sees u!
Love that God bless you all. Gwenda you are beautiful. The world may tell us we are not but don’t let negative talk in your head. Thankful Thursday!
Praying for you, Gwenda:)
Praying in agreement with sisters in Christ who are praying for you today Gwenda.
May our Lord blessed you and give you encouragement. YOU are His masterpiece!
Gwenda, you are beauitful!!
what a wonderful video! enjoyed listening to it
Dear Gwenda,
My prayers are with you as you try to sort things out. Believe me, I am 59-years-old and I am still trying to understand where I fit in the scheme of things and who I am. I can tell you this, God loves you unconditionally and He will hold your hand and walk you through all your struggles and blessings. You sound like you struggle with weight issues. What woman doesn’t? Just keep re-reading Renee’s book and embrace the scriptures she gives us showing how much God wants us to be confidant, not so much in ourselves, but through Him. I hope you will feel better about yourself soon. You deserve it! Thank you for sharing with all of us!
In Christ’s love,
Susan Jones
Thank you ladies. I am feeling much better.
I tend to get quite down on myself when I’m exhausted.
The last two weeks have been stressful with moving house.. Painting the one we moved to and packing/cleaning the one we left.
We are all settled now and i have started sleeping proper once again.
Appreciate your thoughts and prayers, your encouragement has helped me not to lose it completely.
Praying many blessing upon you all 🙂