I know you sometimes feel ordinary but you’re not.
You are one of a kind ~ a unique and beautiful blend of all God wants you to be.
You may feel invisible … like you’re just one of millions of others.
But there’s no comparison. God sees you friend.
And when God sees you, He sees someone He loves.
Listen as He whispers…”You are precious and honored in my sight …. and I love you.” Is 43:4
He also sees someone He knows.
“You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.” Ps 139:1
Since God knows you, has a purpose for you and loves the way He made you, I’m confident He wants you to feel the same way. Watch, listen and let Him sing these truths over your heart today. {And if you’re reading this in email, click here to watch it online.}
You really are…
You are His!
May God’s sweet affirmations replaceall those comparisons. As you identify, understand and embrace who HE created you to be, I’m praying you will be able to say with confidence, “Lord, You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Ps. 139:13-14)
Want to find out more about who God created you to be?
Here’s a link to a FREE Spiritual Gifts Assessment to see what your gifts are!
It’s FREE for everyone!
ENTER TO WIN: I’m giving away 5 copies of the personality assessment that I talk about in my book A Confident Heart {on sale now for $6.99}
In chapter 8, I share an in-depth section about personalities and how our unique traits play a key role in our God-given purpose. Today’s giveaway is called Wired That Way Personality Profile and includes a time-tested profile with definitions, instructions to eliminate confusion, a detailed explanation of your scores, and a handy team-building chart that shows how the different Personalities interact. To enter: Share a little bit about what God is showing you as you continue to read chapter 8, or today’s blog post and/or music video. Simply click “share your thoughts” below. And let me know if you’ll be on our Conference Call tomorrow night!
FREE Confident Heart Conference Call
Thursday, May 9th, at 9pm EST
Topic: You’ve Already Got What It Takes
Sign Up Below:
In chapter 8 you talked about not knowing what you liked or what your dreams were at 32. I am about to turn 41 and I don’t know either. I seem to have missed the self discovery years somehow. In addition to praying and asking God, you said there were some books that you read that helped you figure it out. What books do you suggest?
Thank you.
What an awesome song. Speaks of truth!!! The fear, the view of God, He loves and cherishes us.
What a great song with powerful words. We ARE beautiful!! God created us all differently yet with purpose, He is not finished working in us, it is an ongoing thing, he is moulding us into the person He wants us to be day by day and we are a step closer to being more like Him when one day we will be with Him forever and be LIKE HIM.
I don’t feel beautiful when I compare myself to the world; but listening to this song reminds me that God created me and in His eyes I am beautiful. And all He created was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Love the words to this song and the video was very touching!! Thank you for sharing!!
I wanted to share also my 1st and 2nd personality….I am mainly melancholy with a close 2nd phlegmatic….I found this so interesting and recognize what I have to work on but more important that I do have some awesome abilities. <3
I am going to play catch-up with this lesson. I have read it and outlined it but have not answered the questions …one because some a little hard and second…you know the saying it comes in 3’s, well I got that this week. Husband bp would not stay down…his dad not doing well and may not come out of it, and my mom in hospital with her sugar problems and uti infection. And we have started a roofing job. Sooooo I had to sit down take some breaths and ask God for help. Things are leveling out a little now but oh how glad I am to be taking this study at this time. Now to catch up with you beautiful ladies. Please pray for my family while we take the journey of caring for our aging parents. <3
That video was very moving. I loved it. It really spoke to me. That is something that God is trying to teach me now is that I am beautiful. Thanks for sharing Renee.
BEAUTIFUL! I went online and copied the words to this song to share with my son’s girlfriend almost two years ago…I wish I had felt this way about myself when I was young…I only figured it out when I began my journey with God and developed a relationship with Jesus…loved hearing it tonight! Ps they still play it on KLove radio all the time or you can request it!
LUKE 7: 43…
I surrender myself to you JESUS, and I offer my ways that are pleasing to you. forgive me lord just like to forgave women in Luke chapter 43. please take away my doubts that I have within, and let me hear your voice in a quite voice. let me know it’s you, and most importantly let me be obedient to you. use me lord to do your will. lord show me what it is that you want me to do, what is my purpose lord. help me to find what you created me to be, and let me be faithful to you just as king David did. you were very pleased with David. let me be in the here and now, give me peace within, and most importantly bring me joy so that I can share that joy & confidence with my two grown daughters. this prayer I pray in Jesus name amen. thanks Renee for conference call, it was very helpful. thanks again for sharing, caring, and thank God for speaking through Renee so that we can know we are not alone, and things are going to be ok. thanks lord for loving me.
I have been praying about going on a mission trip this summer.. It’s something that I feel is a desire God has put on my heart… It’s something I prayed God would open that door and now that it has.. I wander am I sure he wants me to do this..? Is this something he wants me to do. Any advice?
I am still reading chapter 8. I needed to find someone to read part of this chapter with me. My mom is going to read it with me tomorrow! I am sorry that I missed the call.
In Christ’s Love,
Christina Beebe
I don’t feel beautiful. Haven’t since I was sexually assaulted in college and six years ago at the hands of a neighbor. I hope that by the end of this study I can say YES.
Stephanie Mitchell, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! And YOU have much courage to share a part of your story.
Don’t those who hurt you steal your inner beauty from you. God is wrapping His arms around you, holding you, loving you!! I will be praying for you!
Love the message in the song. Having a hard time today . Had to take my beloved scottish terrier to the vet today for the “big sleep”
crying my eyes out. I will miss my always happy little guy
Kittie, I am so sorry you had to take your scottish terrier to the vet and say goodbye. That had to be very difficult. We love our pets because they are our family. **Hugs** this evening for you.
Thank you so much Susan
Oh Kittle, i am so sorry. I lost my sweet Chelsea {our miniature daschund} five years ago and it nearly did me in. Praying for you!
Thank you Renee. I know my post had nothing to do with chapter 8. But it was what was on my heart last night
. I listened to the song as i read the blog. Then listened again and watched the video. I was always told i was ugly as a kid. Now i know i’m not but it doesn’t take much to drag up old wounds.
Played the video for my sister this morning and it made her cry just as it did to me.
When we listened to your video about the rubber plug that went to your tv remote my sister said” i have been searching for that little rubber plug all my life”. Always wondering what wasnt done right to someone elses expectation and what punishment would come as a result of messing up. We have discussed alot of the book together. And have had many meaningful conversations.
Doing better today missing my Seamus.
I recently hit a milestone birthday and with that I realized how much I have to learn about really letting go of my need to “know” and to trust in what God does know. I can look back and see a few examples of amazing things that happened when I trusted God fully; but the reality is these moments are far and few between.
After reading something late last year about choosing one word to focus on, to pray on, to purposefully pursue with all my heart, and to be open to how God will teach me, I chose the word Confidence. And then I discovered this wonderful Book and online Bible Study. Between Chapter 5 and 6 (or 6 and 7) I thought my marriage was going to end. My husband and I are reaching just over 20 years together, and we have a lot of baggage between the two of us. It was a very rough few weeks, but God has been our rock. And when I recognized that maybe Satan isn’t liking the “confidence” I am learning about, and when I pray on the words God says about me rather than my auto default doubting thoughts, I know that God’s plan is unraveling as it should. Together – we represent a magnificent truth. Thank you Renee for your authentic truthful story, your courage to show up and speak up and for touching us with your love.
Love this study. After having a very abusive and demeaning boss for years and finally leaving the company, this study is really helping me to rebuild and not see my value as attached to any human’s perceptions rather through God’s eyes. Thank you for the time you have invested in this book and the study. Praying about ways I can help other woman who have gone through similar circumstances once I rebuild fully.
Thanks Renee
I have recently begun writing seriously after a few years of just “playing around.” When you talk about doubt coming into your head telling you, “Who am I to think I could write something women would want to read,” I actually wrote the word “Yep” next to that. God has done a mighty work in me as of late, and I am believing that He has called me to do this writing thing, and He will equip me to do it. My confidence has grown, and I am more convinced than ever that I am within His will for my life. Thanks so much for sharing your story throughout this book. I’ve had a lot of “Yep!” moments while reading!
THANK YOU so much for your book, A Confident Heart! It has blessed me in amazing ways and I am so grateful and thankful. For the last 6 months, I have been on a difficult journey of awareness. I have learned that because of my self-doubt and lack of confidence, I had lost myself and my sense of identity. I was looking to others to “fill my cup” and help me feel okay about me. I would compare myself to others (on the outside) and I could never measure up. In addition, I have been living in fear on a daily basis due to my son and his addiction to meth. I have come to learn on a very real, deep level how unhealthy I have been and have had to acknowledge and take responsibility for my actions relating to codependency and enabling my son. I have had to go thorugh the difficult journey of seeing my actions as harmful and hurtful as I deprived him of taking responsiblity for his life and from suffering the consequences of his own actions. Now, through weekly Al-Anon meetings (that are so helpful), counseling, A Confident Heart bible study, and a very supportive family, I am learning who I really am, and it feels amazing. It is hard to even express to anyone how good it feels, as I have hid my deepest thoughts of inadequacy and shame for years, as I knew I wouldn’t be loved it everyone knew and saw me through my eyes. Your book A Confident Heart resonates with me on so many levels, and I will read it over and over again to stay balanced and focused on God, how much He loves me, and seek His Perfect Plan in my life. He led me to this bible study at just the right time, and I am so thankful….
Wow, all I can say is ” how did you know that”? That is the way I feel most of the times. I know God created me for more than this and blessed me with the ability to serve him. I pray that I will be more faithful in his gifts and serve him…”that’s why he made me”.
I was so upset on my former landlord today. I know I made some mistakes and I have to live with the consequenses. There not much, what I can do about it. I only know there are more importend things in my life, than to pay the fee he is asking for. If I,m in deept, than in the deept of the LORD, he lifted me up so many times in my life. Thank you LORD for loving me uncondishendly.
May God’s sweet affirmations replace all those comparisons. As you identify, understand and embrace who HE created you to be, I’m praying you will be able to say with confidence, “Lord, You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Ps. 139:13-14)
In his name I pray
As I am learning to declare who I am in Jesus Christ, I have found that I am becoming more bold in sharing with others. I used to have so much I wanted to say, but felt as though others would think I was too inadequate to share my thoughts. But in the last few weeks I am not only sharing my thoughts, but a long time desire to write is starting to blossom in me. Somedays I have so much I want to put into words, I struggle to keep my focus on my daily work. There are times I almost feel like I want to burst. I know that God is bringing me to a new place in Him. He has been waiting for me to be ready and I feel that beginninf to happen and I can’t wait to see what He does with me next! Thank you for your studies and devotions. They are words of life.
I stepped away from the study here for about a week. My mind felt very overwhelmed. I have been speaking the verses from chapter 12, but just needed a break. I started reading chapter 8 today. I am definitely a melancholy. I desire perfection. Perfection from myself and others. I know I can be very hard to please and most of the time would rather do things myself, “the right way”.
It was very true that when my needs of understanding and support, space and silence are not met that I operate in my weaknesses. Or as Renee calls them relational challenges. I have needed space and silence lately. I do not feel like I am understanding myself or a few other people in my life. It is a confusing time. My reaction to not understanding how to help, or why someone behaves a certain way, or hurts me; is to distance myself and become silent. Not always the best approach to conflict resolution.
I feel better about who I am. In fact last night I realized something. I used to associate confidence with arrogance, and I did not want to come off that way, so I would hide or downplay my talents. I realize now that confidence is just liking who I am.
I just love how our God works. I am actually behind in this study. I have been keeping up with the e-mails and printing the worksheets, but I am behind in the reading. This morning I printed out the spiritual gift assessment and decided to take it. Not really knowing my spiritual gifts and I was curious to see what it said. I am a quiet and more of a shy person and am always feeling like I am not heard because of my personality. In the last 3 years my faith has been put to the ultimate test. First I lost my sister in a car accident and then 16 months later my sister in law lost her second battle with breast cancer. Through my sister in laws battle I believed with all my heart she was going to be healed here on this earth, The Lord gave me so many verses of his great healing and trusting Him, and then when she passed my faith was shaken to the core. I still don’t know God’s plan in it all, but I do know with a HUGE surprise that my #1 spiritual gift is FAITH (with a perfect 24)!! I am in awe of his faithfulness to me!!! The very thing that I thought I had lost is my spiritual gift! WOW!!!
Renee, I don’t have the words to thank you enough for putting your heart and life out there in writing this book, but I am forever grateful to you for being faithful to what you have been called to do.
Thank you so much for posting that video. I have heard that song before so many times, and have always loved it, but for some reason today it really got to me and made me emotional 🙂 We are beautiful, we are unique, we are His!!!! I am a daughter of the King – how awesome is that!
This chapter has been intriguing, validating, and challenging for me. All my life I only desired to make my home and my children my life’s career. We started a family quickly and by the time we needed a minivan, I felt I’d “arrived” driving it for the first time. When my children came to school age I began hometeaching and reveled in this! This was my dream! Life was wonderful. This lasted almost 3 years and then God called my husband to basically call an end to hometeaching. I was devastated. there was no way I could have obeyed had God HIMSELF not put immense peace and confirmation in many, many ways to submit and obey my husband’s desires. I grieved for 3 years. In that time I felt lost, I questioned who I was. I questioned my purpose. I felt I’d lost part of myself. I began questioning my very identity. God answered by scooping me up and beginning a journey grounding my identity in HIM alone. It has been really hard at times, many things I have needed to “prune” out of myself, past beliefs, old thought processes, old patterns… but He accomplishes the works of His hands and He is faithful in every way to complete the desires of His good heart towards us. I have leanred how easily and quickly I can turn doubtful and unfaithful to Him. I have learned how easily I will steady myself upon other things instead of Him. I have learned how steady He truly is, an unshakeable undeniable unfailing Rock. A fortress of protection. A father for the wounded. The Commander in Chief worthy of my complete trust. But still, sometimes I struggle. He isn’t done yet. I still need help. I still need Him. Just recently (I’m talking within mere months) He has placed a passion in my heart towards a service that has never been there before, with something I never knew even existed. For 15 years I have thought over and over of returning to college, but could never decide on any chosen career path that just “grabbed” me, that said “Yes. This is worthy of time away from your growing family. Yes, this is worth money taken away from them. Yes, this is worth the amount of effort it takes to achieve”, until now. And it quite plainly dropped into my lap, very unexpected, and dealing with subject matter I have absolutely no previous experience with. I had to laugh when I took the personality quiz and “faith” came up as my number one! I never in a million years would have chosen that for myself, yet I feel like that’s exactly what I’m forced to lean on in pursuing what He’s leading before me… a leap of faith that He knows what Hes’ doing because I sure DON’T! The other giftings line up as well with what He’s leading, except a few that have me a bit confused, but that just reminds me you can’t outguess God. I can’t take a few quizes and go “oh yep! totally sums up my entire life! *gives head nod of approval towards God’s direction*” God is God. He wants to show Himself as such in our lives, and sometimes that means trusting all these puzzle peices laying before us have purpose and will somehow interlink with eachother (because they were MADE to) even though I don’t see how this red piece over here is going to blend with the blues and purples on this side. Sometimes I fret a bit over the lost pieces that have fallen on the floor, waiting patiently for God to bring it back to the table top when it’s time. Reading about the talents was a bit hard. Several people ave told me I should be a writer but I’ve always said I would never pursue that until God Himself led me to. 3 years ago I asked Him, in the midst of that confusion and pain and grief of losing homeschooling and questioning everything of everything around me and of myself, to take that “gift” of blogging away. My feelings engulfed me. I could hardly breathe, and the thought of carrying “one more thing” was overwhelming, so I prayed for Him to take it away. And He did. “blogs” no longer “just come” to me as they used to. I no longer feel that fire within that if I don’t write, I will explode from the inside out. Just quiet. All the time. Quiet. And now I’m fearing a bit! Lord, what have I done? Have I made a terrible mistake? Have I buried your personal treasure and asked You to stamp the ground with Your “okay”? SO, that’s where I am. I trust Him. I know His heart is full of so much love for us. I prayed then and I still pray now, that He will bring it back when He so chooses. I hate stepping on His toes though…
Chapter 8 really spoke volumes to my heart. I read the chapter Sunday evening and I have come back to in every day this week. I wake up with this study on mmy mind and go to bed with it on my mind. My favorite line in this chapter is the last sentence of the chapter. “The only change He desires is that you become more like Him as you become more like you!!!”
thank you for this great book. What evidence of how God has taken such difficult circumstances, Renee, and used them to extend this great message to so many women. Thank you for the encouragment.
I love the promises to personalize! They help me remember I am a daughter of the King and am Very special to him! I have learned so much from this book about how to stop thinking negative thoughts and using the scriptures to combat what is going wrong in my life. God always has a word for me that I can store up for myself to get through the tough times and the daily little stuff that happens.
I cried through it all. I am slowly chipping away at the ugliness inside of me and gaining that confidence I need. Most days I don’t feel beautiful, inside or out. I’ve heard from people all my life about how beautiful I am, but I’ve never really believed them. I’m working on seeing it. I’m working on getting past the things I’ve done that make me feel ugly inside. i’m working to become more spiritual. It’s comforting to know that God truly sees me as beautiful. It’s something I’ve needed to be reminded of lately. It’s been a rough couple of weeks for me. 🙁
Dear Renee,
beautiful picture- beautiful song–> thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to encourage us. I am sure your message put a smile on most of those who read it.
One of the many statements that you draw our attention to that spoke to me was “God deliberately gave you the personality He wanted you to have so He could impact certain people through your life.” It comforted me quite a bit esp. since at times I go thru waves of self-criticism on why I am not more like others in certain character traits.
It is so hard for me to fell like I have worth, I know God has shown me time and time again that He cares, the same as my husband- he always says, “when are you going to believe me that I love you”. It is so hard to recover from the hurts of the past, they still affect my presence!
I particularly needed this reminder today as I begin a new project in the office. Its so comforting to know that God treasures us, He loves us and is thinking of us much more than we think of our own children. There is nothing physical or otherwise in us that He doesn’t love…just as we are. I pray that this words from the video and scripture are engraved in our hearts always
I suffer from extreme social anxiety, so it’s taking every ounce of courage I have to post this, but I feel God leading me to do so. I hope it speaks to someone else as much as it did me. See, I’m going through a year long bible reading plan and today one particular verse spoke to me in a big way that I also feel is relevant to everything I’ve been reading in A Confident Heart.
In John 5:41-44, Jesus says, “Your approval means nothing to me, because I know you don’t have God’s love within you. For I have come to you in my Father’s name, and you have rejected me. Yet if others come in their own name, you gladly welcome them. No wonder you can’t believe! For you gladly honor each other, but you don’t care about the honor that comes from the one who alone is God.”
It left such a big impression on me because the whispers of doubt and insecurity that burden my heart originated from hurtful, destructive words that people have said to me. People who I cared about, but who rejected me and didn’t care about speaking the encouraging, uplifting truth of God.
And when Jesus says that we gladly honor each other, but don’t care about the honor that comes from God, I feel my heart stir. I’m left wondering… why do I let their words or approval define me when God says I am so much more? Why do I care so much about what they think about me when my Father, the one who loves me the most, carefully designed me on PURPOSE and made me who I am for His divine plan?
I need to turn away from the approval of others and instead look to God’s promises for security and confidence. This is the thing I struggle with the most and the biggest source of my anxiety, but this book has been an immense blessing in revealing God’s truth about me and the desires He has for me. Thank you so much, Renee and God bless you! Your honesty and vulnerability has made it possible for me to be honest with myself and vulnerable with God about all of my needs, desires and insecurities.
Ah Bethany, Thank you for writing this! It has truly touched me. That passage of scripture is so riveting to my heart also. I have also struggled with grasping for approval from others when usually God has *already* given me His approval… but it’s like I don’t count it “enough” and seek out man’s as well. (shakes head) I have had to ask forgiveness on this so many times, for truly He is enough. More than enough. And really, when you think about man’s approval it is quiet a shaky source. Usually “man” may agree with you, what you have done, or what you’ve had to say, only to whatever extent it serves or resonates with them at that moment in time. You could speak the SAME words of truth in another season or circumstance and they would choose not to agree because they are at a different place in their lives at that moment, yet your words of Truth would still be words of truth, or your Godly action carried out by Him through you…etc. Yet we’d look at that and think, “maybe that wasn’t quite right, maybe I did that wrong, maybe my thoughts aren’t as lined up as I thought”… man is shaky. man is always changing according to their circumstance or current feelings. God doesn’t though. He stands sure. His heart is full of truth, and genuine love and care for us. He will not lead us wrong, nor will He go back on His thoughts or directions towards us because someone else decided it didn’t “fit” them for that time being. God is truth and He is trust worthy… so they WHY do we lean more on man than Him? (I am talking to myself here too!! I have gone rounds with this myself! Still do!! I am constantly repenting of it! lol) Anyway, thank you for sharing your experience, your struggle, and the truth from the Word. Sometimes it just helps knowing you aren’t alone. ((hugs))
I really enjoyed this post I felt like it has confirmed truth that God has been speaking over me. Right now I am working through some difficult things and how they have affected my trust in His love and protection and who I am. Thank you for your encouragement and reminder of who I am in Him.
I have struggled with all of them but especially the “You are really….beautiful, loved and cherished.” all of my life. I am married to a great man you loves me and finds me beautiful but since my biological father told me “I love you because you are my daughter, but I can’t truly love you because you are fat and ugly.” and walked out of my life numerous times from the time I was 6 months old until he left permanently at age 13, I have never seen myself as any of those. I was taken to every doctor and put on every diet as a child to try to figure out why I was fat and right now, I weigh more than I have ever weighed. A lot of my weight now comes from Lupus, Fibromyalgia, CFS, Thyroid Cancer, etc… but I have never had success in dropping the weight and keeping it off…now I’m to a point where I really could lose 170 pounds and would still be okay. I have even had the lap band surgery but I have continued to gain weight instead of losing it. I know a lot of it is me sabatoging myself. I keep trying to remind myself that I’m not truly believing God and having a relationship with Him if I don’t believe EVERYTHING He and His Word says….I can’t just pick and choose what I want to believe, I just can’t seem to find a way out of this pit and to stay out of it for good.
The song says it all. I’ve heard it many times but never really listened closely to what it said. You know how you sing along but it never really clicks in your mind what the song is actually saying. Thanks for sharing. I have really enjoyed this study. Thanks for all your hard work to make it possible. You do an awesome job.
That’s how I felt watching it too. I’ve heard it before but never actually let it click in. We are beautiful!
What a great chapter this is – Chapter 8. I have learned so much from this chapter on gifts, personalities and abilities. It’s not that I haven’t heard about these over the years that I have been a Christian (47 to be exact), but Renee put’s it all together in such a way that it’s easily understood, all in one chapter. I love the verse Ephesians 2:10 – that shows God made us so that we could do good works, that He planned for us long ago! What a promise! The video is awesome too! Sorry I won’t be able to do the conference call – I hope the rest of you are so blessed by it!
Blessings to you Renee and to the rest of you!
My church is having a planning meeting for a special week of prayer in June. We are walking in faith to grow in corporate prayer at my church. So this meeting is very important. BUT immediately after, I am planning to be the phone for the Confident Heart conference call with everyone tomorrow night! Looking forward to it – thank you!
oh my goodness this chapter could have been a whole book! I am a little overwhelmed trying to digest it all, and exactly how to use all the verses in my life, in the dark situations that pop up. I have already decided I will be compiling a notebook to refer to later on when I know I need a “confident” refresher. Thank you again!
I love this song and the video is powerful. I am becoming more and more confident as we go on I. This study. I highlight almost everything in the book. Between this book, my Pastors sermon series of finding joy and the small group God has placed in my life I am really starting to feel Gods love for me and how to turn my thoughts around and it’s still a daily struggle but I am truly grateful for this study, this book and for Renee. I am still reading chapter 8 but I have a feeling I will be re reading this book over again once I finish the first round. Thank you God and thank you Renee.
What an important message, and what a “beautiful” video. I have so much trouble applying this to myself— I find it so easy to see the beauty in others, but I struggle with it on a personal level. Since my husband left, it seems the words that try to permeate my mind and heart most often are all just the opposite of these. Words like worthless, not good enough, boring, betrayed, ugly, unworthy……. I so pray that God will firmly plant this lesson in my heart. I don’t want the pain of my past tokeepme from the joy of the present and the future He has for me.
Powerful video. I’ve heard that song several times on the radio, but have not seen the music video for it until now. What a blessing. As I’ve shared, this chapter was for me “the chapter” that was written for me. I have struggled with the sin of comparison, and through this study and through the help of my Life Purpose Coach, I am learning that I am uniquely His. I am understanding that each one of us has special talents and gifts that only He can give to us. There is no need to be jealous or compare myself to others because He packaged me just the way He wanted to. That Truth is powerful to own.
Thank you for the video/ music, I can’t wait to share that with my daughters!