Women of Faith has graciously given us {Proverbs 31 Ministries Staff} tickets to their Charlotte Women of Faith Conference this weekend, October 19-20, 2012. And we want to share them with you!!
Women of Faith Conference is a wonderful place to renew your heart and soul as you connect and worship with other believers, hear inspirational speakers, sing your heart out, laugh and cry all at the same time. This year’s theme is “Celebrate What Matters” and I am so looking forward to attending with friends from my small group. We’d love to meet you there!
If you you live in or near the Charlotte area, or want to make road-trip, please leave me a comment and let me know. I will choose one winner from your comments to receive two tickets! I’ll announce the winners on Tuesday! {If you are reading this via email, click on the title of this post to visit my blog and enter to win}
PS. Our own Lysa TerKeurst is joining WOF for their 2013 tour – so ya’ll pray they give us tickets to share then, too!}
I would love to attend. It would be an awesome road trip and a great opportunity to spend time with some family I don’t get to see very often!!
I live just 30 minutes from Charlotte and would love to attend!!!
I read A Confident Heart and did the online study…would absolutely love to make a road trip and attend!!
I’m in desperate need of renewal & I know the WOF conference is just the avenue!! Please select me!! Thk you! God bless you!!
I would love to be able to attend this event!
I have wanted to go to one for awhile now, but have been unble to afford to go, I know whoever gets these will be.Blessed!
Would luv to make a road trip to see WOF! My
mom would luv it also!!! Have been unable to go
to local one! Thx!
It would be wonderful to go to this conference, and even more awesome to actually win a ticket!!! God is going to bless someone with this for sure!! 🙂
I would absolutely LOVE to go to Women of Faith! I need a renewal of my spirit with a group of strong, faithful women! It would be awesome to go and I have a sweet friend in mind to take with me!
Please pick me!! I seriously could use this in my life right now, I feel it would help me considerably!! I love you Renee and the difference you are making!!! I want to be more like you and more as Jesus wants me too be!! I have gone through some serious trauma in my lifetime and have several health problems. I have day surgery scheduled for November 28, to check to make sure I do not have uterine cancer and I am so scared!! I am soon to be 50 and have 5 wonderful grandchildren that I love to pieces and my 3 children and stepson and my wonderful handsome hansome, there is so much I have left to share with them and so many things I wish to do to help make a difference in this world!! This is an adventure that would thrill me to the core!! I am from Halifax,Nova Scotia, Canada!! Have never really been out in the world much, travelling!!
I would be so honored to meet you and share this experience with you!!!
Hugs, Joanne Theriault
I have never had the opportunity to attend a Women of Faith conference. I would love the opportunity to go. Blessings!
I live in Charlotte and would LOVE to attend!!
My daughter lives near there and I would love to take her with me. Thanks so much.
Some life group ladies of mine are attending, but due to everything extra I had being sunk into SheSpeaks this year…I exaughsted my ability to attend any other conferences this year. I would live the chance to attend with my LG ladies! Thank you for offering this opportunity!
I have a friend who is going through a series of life changes right now. To attend WOF Charlotte would be a great blessing for her.
Please include me in the drawing for the tickets in Charlotte. I would love to join you all and bring along a friend. This is a crucial time in history and would love to come and get centered with all of you. God bless.
Free tickets would rock but I don’t expect there to be free tissues … BYOK. :-p
I would live to go! I am now in South Carolina due to hubby being in the military so it would be amazing to go!
I love Women of Faith! My step daughter is coming tolive with us and praying the transition will be one that will change her life and our lives as a family. This would be a good time to renew my mind and my thoughts. Thank you for the opportunity.
I just saw your post about the two tickets you were given for the Women of Faith in Charlotte! How awesome!!! I join with all the other ladies to say that I would love to be able to attend and would so very much appreciate those tickets!!! Thank you!! 🙂
Would love to go!!!! Pick me! Pick me!!! 🙂
I LOVE Women of Faith..have not gottten to go in the last few years.. It may be just what I need to hear with the struggles I m having right now.
I have heard great things about Women of Faith. I have never been. But I am sure that it will be a blessing to whoever wins. I also want to wish the lady above who has a birthday this weekend a Happy Birthday. My birthday was Saturday the 13th.
I also want to thank you ladies from Proverbs 31, for being such an inspiration to so many others.
This would be such a sweet, fullfilling fellowship trip for my mother and I. I’d love to share an amazing time of worship & soul feeding with my momma by my side!! Thank you for considering me!!
I would love to attend this conference with my daughter who is a senior this year.She loves The Lord with all her heart and soul. She has been stressed with the many decions of college, a recent boyfriend break up and wanting to insure she doesn’t lose sight of her one true source of joy, her precious Jesus. I would love for her to experience a Women of Faith conference and for us to both have this time to share in the annoiting of so many gifted speakers.
I would love to attend. I have never been but have always heard wonderful things about the WOF
It would be a true blessing to be able to attend the Women of Faith conference with a friend. But who ever you pick will be blessed. Thank you for the opportunity
I’m a mom of 3 boys, Chtistian schoolteacher in need of a break and inspiration.
I would love to attend!
I’ve heard wonderful things each year after the conference. I would love to attend one year.
I would love to attend the Women of Faith conference this weekend. After 20 months of unemployment, and just starting a new job, it would be an opportunity to celebrate God’s faithfulness!
Thanks for your faithfulness, Renee, in leading women to a closer walk with God!
Theresa Milne
As Dori from Nemo would say “pick me! Pick me!”
I would love to go to Charlotte for the WOF Conference! I would take my daughter along, as it would bless us both as we are both struggling to find the faith path that best fits who we are…
Everyone wants to attend and so do I. It would just be me so you can give the other ticket to someone else. I have never been to one of these meetings and it would be a nice adventure to experience.
Your conference sounds like just what I need.. I’ve shared several times during your gifeaways my story but this conference touched me more. Last Oct. I had two surgeries within two weeks that would just not heal. It was my 17 th surgery in the last 10 years that won’t heal. Two weeks ago I had another comp;ication surgery caused because of the same thing. Over the surgeries the last 10 years that was caused by me having a gastric bypass that went bad. I have been on life support in a coma and barely survived that. Anyway these last 3 surgeries have really took their toll on me. I used to be real actively involved in community services but now I’m having panic and anxiety where I don’t want to leave the house. I think coming to your conference could get me back on the right track or at leeast headed toward that way.I’m very thankful to still be here which means God still has a purpose for me Life has just been so hard these last 10 years I pray that if God’s answer is in this he’ll let me go and open my eyes.Thanks, Sharon
I would love to go. I do not live in the area but I can grab my sister and a road would be great !! We have not had a road trip in a while so we would be forever grateful for a chance to make one especially to such an amazing event as this!! We could catch up with each other and praise God all the while. Not only will it bring us closer to each other but closer to God as well. Pick me….pick me!!!!
I live about 2 1/2 hours from Charlotte and would love to go to this. It is such a encouraging conference.
I live outside of Raleigh, NC and I’ve never been to a women’s conference. I’d love to go!
I’ve never been to a women’s conference. I’d love to go.
I live in columbia,sc and to receive these tickets would be such a blessing. i’ve been struggling in my
Walk with the Lord for awhile & this would be an awesome opportunity to get in his presence & hear from some godly women. Our pastor preached a message on the word today and how important it is to make it a priority and that is exactly what I aim to start doing instead of making excuses or busying/distracting myself with too many earthly things. Renee, I have read and love your confidant woman book! I have lysa’s book made to crave & I am looking forward to hopefully starting a book study soon with some other ladies who struggle with eating & weight issues. Thank you for your consideration. May God bless you and proverbs 31 ministries. -stephanie reely
Would love the opportunity to attend the WOF conference along with my buddy this coming weekend in Charlotte. We are only 35 minutes away.
I live in Charlotte,NC never had a chance to attend before. I would love to be surrounded by all these Godly Women and praise God!
Hello: Thank you for sharing this opportunity! I got the chance to meet you, hear you speak and have you sign a copy of your book for me during your visit at Hope in Memphis. It would be wonderful to see you and to hear you and Lisa in NC. Again thank you for always being so generous as one of God’s disciples.
I would love to go to this… would be such a blessing to win 🙂
It would be a blessing to get to attend. I need the spiritual refreshment!!
I would love to win these tickets. I actually live in Pensacola ,Fl but I am heading to North Carolina on the 17th to visit my daughter who had been in the hospital for almost. 3 weeks and she gave birth to her daughter Monday the 8th. Her daughter was 3lbs 2 oz and only 29 weeks and 4 days old. This would be a wonderful time to take my daughter to fellowship and strengthen her relationship with God . I attended WOF several several years ago in Orlando and I will never forget that experience. It has helped me through alot, and I have been wanting to take my daughter to a WOF event and was actually looking into this one, but due to the issues that arrose finances were not there to buy tickets. But who ever wins I know they will be blessed.
I would LOVE to attend next weekend!!!
I would love to attend Women of Faith…and to be there on my birthday, October 20th would be a double blessing!
I just moved to NC from AL and would LOVE to come to this event. I have been attending the EWomen in Pensacola for years. And I LOVE Lysa so much. Her testimony is so real to me because it speaks to situations that I have endured with my children. God spoke to me so clearly to me two years ago through her testimony and it brought me to me knees literally in a sea of tears. It was one of the most powerful experiences that I have EVER had. I did not grow up in church but Proverbs 31 Ministries has been used by God in more ways than I can say in this comment. And even if I don’t win the tickets I want to say THANK YOU for allowing God to use you to speak to young women such as myself. It is a wonderful thing to share your life stories with others. I pray that I can do the same in the future. Thanks again! 🙂
I would love to have an opportunity to be renewed in the spirit. We’ve been through so much the past two years and desire to be on fire for God!
Heard this an awesome conference….it would be a blessing to anyone who attends!! 🙂
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to attend this conference!PICK ME PICK ME!!!!!
I would love to attend next weekend!
I would LOVE to attend next weekend 🙂