Do you know if they give “bad blogger” awards? They should give them to people who say they’re going to do a great give-away on their blog, and then they don’t show up until that night to do it – when everyone has logged off their computers. 🙂
Ok, so here’s the honest truth. A bunch of things came up today that I embraced as great excuses for not writing. Why? Because I knew I was going to tell you something that if I tell you, then I’ll have to follow through and do it. And that kind of accountability made me want to change the plan.
It’s that whole stinkin’ doubt thing – you know those thoughts that make you question if you can really follow through on something you feel called to do.
So I am just going to say it…I sense God is calling me to write a book – about DOUBT!!!
I’ve prayed about it, thought about it, spoke about it, been encouraged by friends to write about it, and you better believe I have also doubted it. But now I am going to quit talking, quit doubting and do something about it! I said it. Yes I did! (Whew)
Well, I never ever thought my first book would be on doubt, and honestly I don’t want it to be becauseI’ll be tested in it again and again. Yet, God has allowed doubt to be a struggle most of my life which allows me to write about it from personal experiences and from a personal expression of His life giving power that has been available to me when I BELIEVE.
I pray that these last few posts have somehow encouraged you in your journey, in seeing God’s protection, preparation and process of calling in your life. My hope that is in sharing my story you will see more clearly into yours.
This week I am going to work on my book proposal and I really want you my bloggy friends to be part of this process. Lysa was just asking me the other day if I had thought about getting your input. We talked about how doubt has cast its shadow on all of us, but it affects us differently. So, this is where you come in – and that great give away I promised!
I’ll do a drawing from the comments on this post and any that follow through Wednesday at midnight. Thursday morning I will announce the winner of a $20 gift card to Starbucks, Target or Wal-Mart! (winner gets to choose)
Here is the first thing I’d love to know: How does doubt affect your life?
You can post your answer by clicking “comments” below. Please list your email so I can get in touch if you win. Also, be sure to come back as I’ll be posting other thoughts and questions through Thursday morning.
I was reading an email my friend sent me and I came across your website. I’m from Dinwiddie County (near Petersburg), VA. My wife packed her luggage and left in the truck with a guy to Tennessee (who has since left her) on 10 February 2008. I haven’t talked to her in 12 days because she acts like we could get back together and then doesn’t answer me when I ask her if she wants to come back to me. I think that she doesn’t know what she wants. She’s also with the first guy’s brother and his family in Tennessee. I love her and I really would like for her to come back to me so that we can start over and be a family again. Please pray for us. God bless, Gerry.
It paralyzes me. It keeps me from wanting to get better, become whole in Christ, because it says that I can never live that way.
Doubt that I can keep from falling back into old ways.
Doubt that I can be a good wife and mom.
Doubt holds me back from trying new things.
Doubt asks me if I am really hearing God’s voice or if I am just making it up because its something I want to do.
I try something new, and the enemy really has a heyday with me, filling me with doubt that I could ever be good at it…
I think doubt is a major area in anyone’s life that the enemy really attacks… we hear the doubting thoughts in our heads, as our own voice, and can talk ourselves out of anything.
This book is needed and I think would be well received.
God Bless,
[email protected]
Doubt has dogged me since I was a child. A lot of it had to deal with being compared with my twin.
And I picked up where everyone left off. Now I compare myself to people automatically. Sigh.
I think the biggest area of doubt is in relationships. I email, don’t get a reply or they take a bit answering a call and I start to hyperventilate with “What did I do to make them angry?” I fear it will be the end of the relationship.
Before meeting new people I obsess with “What if they don’t like me?”
But I am learning that all that doubt and fear puts a lot of weight on relationships. A ton.
So, now I am trying to say, “I may not have done anything. They may be busy. Maybe if I don’t hear from them in a day or so, I’ll check in again and see what they might need.” I still get anxious, but I’m trying to learn to talk myself through the doubt.
Thanks for sharing all of this!
As a mom doubt seems to be most effective in my life. Especially as we are in the throes of raising 4 little ones: tantrums, screaming, yelling, crying…and wondering where in the world the light at the end of the tunnel is.
I doubt/fear that I am going to miss that all important one thing that could be the solution to all my child-rearing problems (even though I know there isn’t a quick patch fix). That otherwise, if I don’t pray enough, respond kindly enough, love them and raise them right…well, there’s just a lot of doubts. 🙂
Doubt…..I can’t think of a dfay when I haven’t had doubt; it’s a great book topic. I’ve found that recognising it goes a long way towards God conquering it…
Please don’t consider me for the prize – I live in the UK, so the voucher wouldn’t work, and it will give other people more of a chance.
The Broken Man
Doubts affect my life by just popping up out of the blue and turning into fear. One that I struggle with frequently is believing that people aren’t just giving me nice words that they really mean what they’re saying. Such as, a couple of my friends and I have been wanting to sing in church some more together (we’ve only done it once). Well, I keep thinking of songs and 1 in particular doesn’t think too much about it. The doubt keeps coming that maybe she doesn’t want to sing with me, maybe she just couldn’t say no the first time. Usually after I give it to God, she’ll come to me and say “What do you think about this song?”. If I let satan get the best of me we would never sing and glorify God. I would live my life believing that I am no good. With no real friends.
I thank God that he HAS given me true friends that want to do God’s will also.
I forgot to post my e-mail…
[email protected]
I think the enemy feeds us big doses of doubt everyday, especially as women. Doubts about our looks, about what we can accomplish, about our friendships, about parenting… and the list goes on.
We just need to keep telling ourselves that Christ is our hope and in Him we can do anything or accomplish anything.
Some days we need to keep telling ourselves that every hour and sometimes every minute 🙂
Whenever those thoughts creep in… I try to change the thought immediately and say… I am His and the evil one can have NO part of me!! Then I feel so big and victorious shooting down the enemy.
Have a blessed day,
Hi sweet sister!
You want to know how doubt affects my life? Oh boy, where do I begin. The thing that I am struggling with the most at the moment is the doubt “of being a mother capable of raising her son in such a manner that he comes to desire a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” I so want to get this relationship right and I know that I can only do it through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is often very difficult to release our fear and doubt to God when He is intangilbe. We have never physically touched or viewed God with our eyes, yet we KNOW that He exists and works everything for our good.
As the others have said, satan uses this tool so effectively and I think that because we women tend to be overly critical of ourselves and often lack self-esteem, doubt is a particular danger for us.
I will be praying for you as you make your way along in this process.
6Doubt affects my life most by affecting others around me. It keeps me from reaching out when I should. It keeps me from speaking when I should. It keeps me from loving the way that I should. It keeps me from…fill in the blank. That’s what it does most, I guess, it keeps me. I don’t see that I’m being “kept” until I see it affecting others. And it is often contagious. I always hope that my doubt will cause someone else to be confident and fill in the gap. It is usually just the opposite.
Christy Leake
[email protected]
I just want to say again “Thank you” for sharing your message on Doubt at She Speaks. It greatly ministered to me.
I have struggled with doubt throughout most of my life. As a child coming from divorce, doubting love. As a child placed up for adoption, douting my worth.
Now as an adult, feeing called by the Lord to speak and write, doubting if I can do this…Not sure where to really start.
My doubts have been rooted in fear and insecurities…Not being good enough, fear of failure, not having what it takes.
But I am constantly reminded by the Lord that He desires me to bring to Him my avaiablity and not my ability because only through Him am I able. I am reminded that “Not by might or power, but by the Spirit of the Lord” I can do all things which he Has called me to do. He doesn’t need me to do HIs work, but He wants me too.
Just this morning in a devotional email I am again reminded of the scripture to rest in the shadow of the cross. I can’t find the reference right now.
I am amazed by the Lord and how He continually brings Himself to us with exactly what we need.
Thank you for letting us all know that we are not alone in our struggles. I know all of us reading these post are encouraged!
Angela Whitmire, [email protected]
Oh goodness how to respond in less then a novel 😀
Doubt causes me to not move forward when God is clearly telling me to.
Doubt causes me to make stupid mistakes.
Doubt causes me to forget my blessings
Doubt makes me think God doesn’t have plans to prosper me
I am *so* thankful, *so* thankful you are addressing this issue. It causes us such undue grief, frustration, fear, disobedience and heartache. I know God will use all the doubt you’ve experienced to free others from this monster. God’s blessings to you dear sweet Renee.
In Christ,
[email protected]
Well, don’t forget that Sookie was a virgin until she met Bill. So she was pretty inexperienced in sex, personally. Not counting what she heard from other people’s heads. She was also raised by her grandmother, so I’m not sure there was a whole lot of frank sexual talk in their house. And finally, as SVB pointed out, Sookie uses the language of the romance novels she reads to talk about her sex libp;&nbse.&nfsp; 8 likes
Thank you so much Renee for this post and for all the comments. I am going to have to bookmark this post so I can re-read it often to reassure myself I am not in this struggle alone.
My days of doubt are those in which I don’t “feel” spiritual. I have experienced enough times of speaking or writing that were absolutely “God-made.” These are the times I know that I am completely in His will and following His lead. I relish those times when God moves so powerfully.
Unfortunately in the day-to-day activities of being a wife, mother, and friend, finding God-made moments is much more difficult. This is especially true when I am tired, discouraged and “done.” These are the times that doubt creeps in and asks “Are you really listening to God? Are you really following Him? If you were, would you really be such a grumpy mom, frustrated wife, or absent friend? Shouldn’t you have overcome this by now?”
I “know” in my mind that the doubts are from Satan and combatting them with scripture is the key. Choosing truth over the lies is so important. Unfortunately, sometimes I forget to ask God to give me the mental energy to fight, and I end up going down with the last blow. Thank goodness His mercies are new every morning! Thank God that He is not a God of feelings, but of truth.
Thank you again for your posting. And be sure to add me to your list of potential book buyers. I’m sure the acquisitions editor would appreciate some marketing numbers. Hee hee!
[email protected]
Hi Renee,
What an amazing journey you are on! Doubt, oh the power it seems to hold. In my life doubt is the paralyzing element of every insecurity I have. It is doubt that feeds the lies into my head in deep succession. It is effortless how the doubt runs through my mind when I know the truth of God’s Word should be taking residence instead. I am becoming aware of the falsehood of the doubts as God reveals the Truth that only He is. I find that when I verbalize the doubts audibly to others I hear the stupidity of it all. How could the doubt have sounded some real in the confines of my head? I am so thankful that God allows us grace beyond understanding to grow in relation with Him. Those divine “God” moments seem to be too far apart for my liking; yet, I know that hunger and thirst for Him keeps me seeking the fullness of relationship with God. Thank you so much for sharing your blog. I enjoy reading your thoughts! Forever seeking~ Tammie [email protected]
Doubt can affect every area of your life. Do you know there are stores I don’t go in at the mall, because I doubt my worth?? I mean really, from a store?? I am actually now (at 40 – for Pete’s Sake) marching right into those “high class” stores and feeling like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. But I had so much doubt of my worth, in my life, that there were stores I felt unworthy to go in.
Doubt can enter every area of your life and make you feel worthless in all of them. And God can pick you up, dust you off, and show you your worth – in him.
I’m back! Okay, so here is my list of things that can consume my heart and mind with doubt if I allow it.
1. Marriage–Am I the best wife I can be?
2. Motherhood–Am I doing this right?
3. job–Are you really qualified to do this?
4. home–Your home just doesn’t measure up so don’t invite anyone over because they may just tell you how small your house is…how it’s in the middle of a pasture. They won’t care that you love it…they won’t, and that’s all that matters.
5. education–Did you really travel the right road? Should you have done this or that differently?
Are you even using the education that you are still paying for?
6. God–Why does He continue to love me? Does He just shake His head when He looks at me? He can’t really use me, I’m nobody. Why would He want me to lead this study or that study….I’m so not qualified. Why do I think that I can write when I so obviously can’t?
7. Friends–Why hasn’t she called me? Have I done something to offend her? What did that statement mean? Has she found another friend better than me?
8. Looks–I’m ugly. I’m overweight. When my husband says I’m gorgeous, he doesn’t really mean it…he is just throwing me a bone.
9. Cooking–Who am I kidding? I can’t cook. Nothing I fix is right. Why isn’t my husband saying anything? Doesn’t he like what I just slaved over?
10. Salvation–Are you really saved? hmmmm…why would you do that if you were really saved?
ARGH!!!! The devil just tries to defeat us at every turn! Like I said in my previous post, the only way I can combat the devil is to spend time with God and keep repeating His promises over my life.
Congrats on the book idea/proposal! I think this is a much needed book!!!!
Prayers and blessings, Renee!
P.S. And one more doubt that has recently crept up…why hasn’t so and so left a comment on my blog? Did I offend them? Do they not like what I have to say? Have mercy! God is good though…He sets me straight on my doubts!
Renee – What an awesome, God-inspired idea! Funny, my 10 year-old daughter was just doing her devotional time this morning and the topic was none other than DOUBT. I was telling her that when the enemy puts doubt into our mind, it’s a great opportunity for God to grow our faith in Him and His Word. Anyhow, I get lost in doubt when I stop believing God’s promises to change, heal, grow and transform me. I was just there yesterday and I have to say, the feelings it brought up really stunk. Can’t WAIT to see what God teaches us through you! Praying His blessing upon your writing (& learning) process!
I constantly doubt my abilities in mothering amd being a wife after God’s own heart. I also doubt my talent in the field that I would like to pursue as a career. Rejection creeps in and Satan tells me that I am not as good as I think I may be or have been told from others. However, i know that God tells me something so different about myself & I try to always remember that I can nothing apart from Christ. Prayers for your book!!
I’ve come to realize that doubt isn’t always about faith. I know that God can do anything and I’ve never doubted that for a moment. My faith in who He is has never wavered but my question tends to be; will He move like I thought He would and how will I react?
The person I tend to doubt most is me 🙂 For me doubt is a nagging thought that seems to burst forth whenever my focus shifts off of the Lord and onto myself. When I began to doubt my ability as a wife and mother I start focusing on “me” and not who my heavenly Father say’s I am. As long as I’m focusing on the Lord even huge circumstances seem small. When I get the focus off of myself and truly understand how much He loves me and just how He sees me; my outlook completely changes. I view myself, my husband, and children completely different and just can’t help smiling; even when things aren’t perfect 🙂
As I see some of the others have said, doubt makes me think I have nothing to offer. It keeps me from reaching my potential because maybe, just maybe, this is all there is for me …
I know that’s not true, but it sure comes to mind a lot!
prov31grace (at) yahoo (dot) com
Great book idea. Doubt keeps me from seeing my dreams come to fruition. It keeps me where I am…in a comfortable place. I want to be a stay at home mom but have to have a substancial income. I know there are other options other than corporate america but I am afraid to try them. I DOUBT I will be sucessful and send my family in financial turmoil. I really have to remember my faith in GOD and know he will get me thru it.
Leigh Fant
[email protected]
What a perfect subject to write about,a subject that we all know to well.
Doubt has been around since Eve pondered the question that Satan put before her…”Did God really say you must not eat any of the fruit in the garden?”
He still today uses the same question…”Did God really say____?”
For me,when doubt steps into my space I start to second guess my abilities as a wife, mom, friend, speaker and writer.
Doubt has lead me to make wrong choices,to compare myself to others and to become fearful at times.But it also makes me run to the feet of Jesus.
Hi Renee. I wanted to leave my mother’s words to me on doubt and how it can be a good thing.
A few years ago, I told her I doubted I was a good mom. Silly, huh? She shared with me that she felt that same way with her girls (me and my sister). She said the good thing about that is that you know you aren’t perfect at being a mom, but always have it in your mind to strive to be great.
Also, how about that comfort zone? I don’t like to leave it and I am sure DOUBT and FEAR (which is the defination if used as a verb) play a huge role in it.
Defination as a noun is uncertainty of belief or opinion that often interferes with decision-making.
Synonyms – distrust, distrustfulness, incertitude, misgiving, mistrust, mistrustfulness, skepticism, suspicion, uncertainty
Related Words – disbelief, incredulity, unbelief; anxiety, concern; compunction, qualm, scruple
Near Antonyms credence, faith
Antonyms assurance, belief, certainty, certitude, confidence, conviction, sureness, surety, trust
It’s important as to what do we do with doubt, it can be bad, but it can be good. Hope this was helpful, Cindy
God knows we need to encourage each other in our calling. He has called me to educate, edify and encourage women as they walk out the call He has for them through writing and speaking opportunities.
I just began seminary in May and in my Spiritual Formation class we had to put together a Holistic Formation Portfolio listing our core beliefs on every area of our lives and setting goals for improvement for each area. Once I submitted my portfolio, the test of faith began. Yikes!!!!! Everywhere I turned there was an opportunity for me to do just what I had planned to do in my portfolio! Opportunity was everywhere and all of my accountability partners were just waiting (and salivating I think!) for me to step into my destiny. I even received a letter from a friend who said she had been thinking about me and prayed that the Lord would continue to make me the brave woman she knew I was. Whew, too heavy for me!
So naturally I ran – in the opposite direction of course! Doubt and fear were my closest friends last week. If they could have been any bigger and any more consuming…I couldn’t eat enough chocolate or consume enough Coca Cola!
I encourage you to write this book and if I can help you (and my ever-present “buddies”) please let me know. Maybe in the process the two of us can truly understand that the confidence needed for the big visions must be in God and not in ourselves.
Be encouraged and blessed.
Superbe article.!!! Et terrifiant. Il est clair que la prochaine fois ce sera une &#p;&02sim8le2#8221; explosion en plein New-York, sans missile nécessaire. Et contre qui nos amis américains se tourneront-ils? Le Pakistan? L’Iran?
Doubt is rooted in FEAR, and it is Satan’s tool to steal, kill, and destroy!! We can face our fears by rebuking Satan at the frist whisper in our ear, quoting scripture, praising Him daily, and meeting with Him daily.
Doubt will get you no where, but women especially struggle with doubt at every turn and chapter our lives. Will I get to be cheerleader? Will I have a boyfriend? Am I skinny, pretty (fill in the blank) enough? Will I get married? Will I have children? Will my husband leave me? Will I get fired? How can I make it as a single mom? Who will love me? The list of doubt can go on and on like the vast wilderness for the children of Israel.
God doesn’t want us to wander in the wilderness of doubt. He is our strength, or source, and our Strong Tower. Satan can’t do a thing about that.
D – Disturbing
O – Outlandish Thoughts
U – Ugly
B – Binds you to Satan
T – Ties you to your weakness
Good Luck with your book.
Tonya Mankin
[email protected]
When doubt speaks its whispers into my mind and heart, I almost always speak its echo. Rarely do I process things quietly. Thus, doubt affects my language and my voice. Sometimes it comes out gently, but more than not, it comes out loud.
Doubt can be paralyzing for me. It’s all-consuming and can force me to find my “quit” quicker than anything else. When this happens, it trickles down into every other area of my life.
Just some initial thoughts.
Doubt makes me lazy. When I’m filled with doubt I just don’t do anything. My thinking is, “why bother?”
Paula G.
[email protected]
Interesting that you are talking about this…I have a heart to want to adopt waiting children. But I also want to do more than that. I want all waiting children to have homes. I just heard on FOTF last week about a place in Texas called, That is the model I want to build….I just told my husband that I will need encouragement. I have prayed and prayed, but I still know satan is going to attack me, and tell me it won’t work, it is stupid, just give up, it is easier to pray that to put my feet into action.
There is this place about 3 miles from me. I call it my mansion on a hill. It is an older home. Sits on a chain of lakes. It used to be an assisted living home, that has now sat empty for quite a few years. So it needs lots of work done on it. It is way out of our reach financially. My husband told me to start small with that house, we can foster care/adopt, (we have five children of our own), and let things blossom from there…….So in my self doubt moments, I have to self talk positive…..This will stretch me beyond beleif, and that scares me…..No one even knows about my plans other than my husband…..So I need to “come out of the closet!”
Blessings on your book. I guess I will be first in line to buy it when it comes out…..Guess I am out of the closet with your bloggy friends! Ü
Doubt causes me to withdraw and think that I am not good enough, so why even try. It causes me to focus on the “I never”. It brings back all the failures of the past and times when you felt that you didn’t measure up to others. It makes you feel worthless and inferior….
All right I think I will quit there so I don’t end up depressed! 🙂
Hope you have a great day Renee.
Hey Renee!
I will be buying a copy of your book to read over and over again.
Doubt continues to effect me in the area of writing. In fact I was just posting on my blog about it tonight. Doubt says, “Lord, I’m not creative. I can’t write eloquently.” Doubt also says, “Who am I? What do I have to share that 1,000 other people haven’t already shared?”
The Lord gently reminds me that because He brought me out of darkness into His marvelous light, I CAN tell others about His goodness. He reminds me that because He is creative and His creativity resides in me… I am creative. He reminds me that my story is different because I’m different.
Doubt is a tool that the enemy tries to use on all of us to hold us back from doing what God has called us to do. WRITE!
Thank you so much for your thoughts. Thank you once again for the message you shared at She Speaks that continues to impact my life. Thank you for stepping past your doubt to be used by God!
Blessings to you!
It is almost 10pm here and I’m just logging on for the first time since this morning. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing your callings and your heart. As for your new book subect… Doubt paralyzes me in many areas of my life. Insecurity, indecision, irrational fear… especially in writing. God has used this little blogging community in redirecting my path back to writing. Maybe I’ll keep some notes specifically on the doubts (as they are sure to keep hammering me) and send them to you as I follow my commitment to write.
Here’s a thought. I’ve known for awhile that I tend toward immobility because of insecurities and indecision. I don’t think I’ve ever traced it back to doubt. Guilt, sin in general, fear, but not doubt. Seems that doubt would be fairly easy to cure. If we are trusting our Lord, should we doubting? Although the eagerness to please and wanting so much to do the right thing and do what you’re suppossed to do… Hmmmmm Have fun writing that book! Glad it’s not me. 🙂
[email protected]
Hope. That first beam of shining sunlight that can only be noticed at the end of the darkest night. That first glimmer of light is only detected if you’ve clung to faith while it was still dark, and watched with wide eyes even while nothing could be seen…”being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see”…( Hewbrews 11).
For me, having this kind of faith is a trial by trial, decision by decision way of living. I wish I could say that choosing faith always comes easy for any christian; that doubt is overcome once and for all in that sweetest of moments when we choose to submit out lives to Christ. The difficult truth is that there is not a once and for all cure for doubt until His return. The lovely truth is that if we seek, if we choose to keep our eyes wide during those darkest of nights, He will replace seeds of doubt that we have tucked away in our hearts with the light of hope that grows brighter with each step we take in its direction. And with each step we make toward that light, faith over takes more territory in our hearts, equipping us with greater strength for overcoming.
This is the lesson God has been working in me for at least 2 years…
Making the choice to wait on Him, watch for Him, and call to Him even when I can not hear his voice clearly responding; even when my hope is sliced to shreads… ( or more like one shread), it is always a choice. Sometimes, a choice of the will, followed by a choice of the heart.
This topic hits me in just the right spot.
I am so blessed to know that He has placed this book in your heart. He will give you the tools to place it on paper…and I for one can’t wait to read it! Yeah! Write it sister!
Jill Harriott
[email protected]
When I doubt God’s intentions toward me are good, it’s crippling. It makes me afraid of everything, and unable to process success or failure the way I should.
Doubting that God is real is an EXTREMELY rare occurrence that is only a fleeting thought, if that. No, He’s real, all right, but the temptation I struggle with is to doubt His love for me… It’s a more sophisticated than just to say He doesn’t love me. The voice from the pit (that sounds amazingly like my own voice) just tells me He just doesn’t love me as much as He does other people…
It is an exhausting thing to have to fight against. I’m less easily victimized by it, and I feel like I may actually get over it for good one of these days.
Okay, you’ve only had your post up for an hour and you’ve already gotten enough good input and feedback to write your whole book.
Mercy alive… these comments are amazing.
You just gotta love whoever suggested the question that prompted these answers. He he he.
Off to shine my halo… which is sure to slip down and choke me at any minute.
Must be his perfect timing Renee! I have to admit I simply laughed out loud when I read, “honestly I don’t want it to be because I’ll be tested in it again and again.” Laughing with you because I’ve had those same thoughts.
I also remember you saying something like, “why does it have to be so stinkin hard!” AMEN sister, yet I know that the hard is what makes it so stinkin good.
So how does doubt affect my life? It derails me, shifts my focus, tells me I’m not good enough, strong enough, pretty enough, old enough, smart enough, articulate enough, eduated enough, experienced enough to accomplish anything for Him. And most of the time, my first response is…you’re right.
How long I remain there lessens a bit each time, but my self-worth always goes there first. That is, until I consider the source.
When we can know, stand on, and call upon all that we have been given in position with Him, the other voice fades to silent. We have been given tools to fight and we have a Big Daddy who’s got our back (aka If God is with us, who can be against us).
Funny how it’s easy to write now, yet so easy to forget in the moment, better post this somewhere.
Thanks again for your pursuit of Him Renee! [email protected]
Sometimes there’s an advantage to being on the left coast! (It’s still broad daylight here.)
At the moment I’m kind of experiencing second-hand doubt. We know God brought us here to this ministry, but due to the doubts of others, there is more uncertainty than I even care to look in the face. Their doubts have caused DH to doubt not just where we are, but his calling altogether. So even though I don’t live in this place of doubt all the time myself, it creeps in like the coastal fog and has laid a dark blanket over our summer. And as much as I dislike the heat, I could go for some blazing sunshine (or Sonshine!) soon.
Interesting topic for your book! I can relate about not wanting to live it while you write it. I can say though, when I was going through daily doubt when writing my first book (my last thing I heard as I drifted to sleep and first thing in the morning was “You can’t write a book, you can’t write a book.”) once it was complete, I never heard that voice again.
It’s my bet that the act of obedience that will bring this book to fruition will also bring you victory in this area. I’m so excited for you!
Doubt paralyzes me. It keeps me from taking action in areas I need to be actively trying to work on in my life. And from there, it all spirals downhill until I feel defeated and hopeless.
Oh Renee, I’m so excited for you…and so pleased you took that step of faith to share what God is saying to you. OH man, I have so been there. It seems like as soon as you voice something like that IMMEDIATELY your mind fills with doubts – what if you’re wrong…what if it wasn’t God…what if it never happens…what will everyone think…it’s endless the questions that begin to attack.
Just thinking back to my flight home from NC when the plane “rocked and rolled” all the way due to the storm we were flying in at the time. My thoughts wanted to doubt my safety…but I had to remember and claim God’s Word to me before I left – “I will watch over your coming and going…” God was well aware of my situation. He had not abandoned me. “Sometimes He calms the storm and other times He calms His child.”
Circumstances can make us doubt because we only see the present and we wonder how on earth things will change. We see the rejection. We see the disaster. We see uncertainties. We see the now. God sees the tomorrow.
Continual obedience counteracts doubt. Keep following what you know, and even though the journey may be longer than expected, in the end I just know you will experience God in so many new ways as you trust in Him.
Love, hugs and prayers,
PS. Loved the Beth Moore quote!
Hey Renee!
Let me know when your book is out, I will definitely buy it!
Doubt has won in my life numerous times, I wish I could say the opposite. For me doubt comes in the form of a nagging little voice inside my head… You know, the one that says, you can’t do it, God didn’t mean for you to be the one, you’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, the list goes on and on. It’s when I let that nagging little voice, become a reality, that I surrender to it. It’s funny when I’m rehashing all the reasons why not, that my emotions start to support my doubts. My heart starts pounding, my hands get sweaty, I have a hard time breathing, and I start convincing myself that I really CAN’T physically do what I felt I was supposed to do. I guess that’s what the Lord means in the Bible when He talks about not walking according to the flesh! Our flesh can really keep us from obeying God. But, I truly believe that it starts with doubt.
On the positive side, when I squelch that doubtful voice and step out and do what God has called me to do, He truly takes over! Sometimes I don’t think that it always goes the way I think it should, but God knows best! And the feeling that comes from taking the risk and obeying God, is like no other! When I’m at that point, I literally “do a little dance” with God!(from “Evan Almighty”) I just wish I didn’t have to battle the doubts, especially when it comes to certain areas. The ones that pull me out of my comfort zone, and cause me to question just why God would want me to be the one in the first place.
Thank God for His patience and grace! I’m so glad He’s not finished with me yet! Renee, I have needed this post so much lately, God is nudging my husband and I in a different direction ministry-wise, and I’m facing some fears from the past that I’m having a hard time pushing through. Thank you for being real, and showing all of us out in bloggy world that we’re not alone. God is good! Lots of love, April
Thank you for your blog. It is funny I was out this evening and wanted to get home to read the rest of the story. Doubt is huge for me, especially when I am not sure it is really God’s will. It has been the case when I have “doubt” that it can be traced back to my own fears of inadequacy. So I ask my self this question:
Usually DOUBT
Most of the time my fears are unfounded and it is what the Lord wants for me. I know for me I am always working on self doubt. Hope this helps.
Wow! Talk about a posting knkniocg my socks off!
Okay I’m convinced. Let’s put it to action.
l’appunto serio da fare sarebbe quello del modo di marcare in area…io nn marcherei mai a uomo sempr a zona….schiero la mia difesa e copro tutta l’ palla allà adda passa!!invece se marchi a uomo ti puo capitare quesllo che è capitato a noi…Ludo sui calci piazzati noi non marchiamo a uomo ma alla cazzo di cane
If you’re like me, you’re well used to navigating the world with a GPS mapping app on your T810 Watch. But have you ever given a thought to the work that goes into getting all that information into the map?
I don’t think the ending ruined it. There needs to be a 7th book! I mean the end could be the end, but it keeps you thinking.. “oh, what happens next?” so it would be great if there was a 7th book.
8-12-12edy spune: am downloadat placa video de pe saitu de mai susu spus de tocilau ii dau sa se instaleze se instaleaza si la jumate im ida erare asa :setup was unable to findcomponents that can be installed on your current of software configuration .Please make sure your have the reguired hardware or software ce inseamna asta ma ajutati va rog +37V-a ajutat acest raspuns?
I don’t really know, but I’ve always opined -On days when you’re feeling alone and maligned,Diminished and broken by life’s daily grind,You’ll feel better after you’ve wined and you’ve dined.
Can’t wait to read the book!
As far as the question, I’m afraid if I gave you the complete answer this would be a book! Honestly doubt is a tool satan use far too often in my life – especially doubt about myself and abilities – you know the lies we tell ourselves. I too have to focus on God and what His word says. Being surrounded by fellow believers helps as well.
Renee I will be praying for you as you journey ahead with this book. I’m sure God can use your story to help all of us in the battle versus doubt and at the same time realize satan will do all he can to keep that from happening. Stay strong and remember as the prayers go up the blessings will come down, Jill
[email protected]
Hi Renee,
Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your journey. Right at this very minute, doubt is asking me what right I have to lave a comment on your blog. Why would anyone care what I have to say? That is where Satan works on me. I have a thirst for God’s word, and sharing it with those who need to hear a particular scripture. The Holy Spirit often whispers the one in my ear that I know needs to be said. Then Satan whispers in my other ear all the reasons I shouldn’t say anything. None of my business, don’t want to offend anyone, I’ll come across like a Holy Roller (Amen to that!)If the evil one can plant a seed of doubt, it will fester until I get back into God’s word and read how much He loves me. Anything He whispers can’t be drowned out by Satan. At least not for long.
I’m checkin’ in too!
I have always doubted myself. Being a victim of abuse will do that. More recently, being a cancer survivor will make you doubt every lump you feel, every itch, every sore and every cough you have for more than a week. Hearing a diagnosis that means you will have back pain for the rest of your life will compound it.
How do I combat it? Speak truth into it. Speak the truth that God sees you as the perfect woman He created you to be. Speak the truth that Jesus is the Great Physician and He alone receives the glory for healing you from cancer, and He can heal you from back pain if you allow Him to.
Am I there yet? I know I am beautiful in God’s eyes. I know that God healed me from cancer, but I still have moments of fear when I feel a lump, or have an itch, or start coughing without relief. I have the understanding that He can heal my back and end the hurt, but unfortunately, I lack the faith to completely trust that He can do that at this time. But I am working on it!
Thank you Renee for being open and honest on your blog. It has helped so many women to know God still loves them.
[email protected]
After hearing your message at She Speaks, I am very excited about your book! I will buy it FOR SURE!
How does doubt affect my life?
It steals my joy, fills me with worry, and generally makes me a whiner in my prayer life and my relationships.
The evil one is always telling me lies to try to stir up doubt.
A colleague does not return my call. My doubtful heart believes the worst–that she is blowing me off and does not value my input in department decisions.
My friend never invites me to lunch even though I have invited her several times. My doubts taunt me with thoughts that my friend merely tolerates me and doesn’t value our friendship.
I received a rejection letter from a magazine article submission. My doubt tells me that I have no talent and nothing to offer.
Those examples are just a few of the joy-stealing doubts I have struggled with over the past few months. I could go on, but I think you get the point! 🙂
I pray that your book will be published so that God can use your message to help people like me overcome and release all doubt all the time. Bless you! [email protected]
Hi late night bloggy friend! I haven’t turned off my computer yet!!! 🙂 🙂
Now to your question. The root of all doubt in my life is a mean little thing called FEAR. It can consume me if I let it. I continually have to repeat what I know about God. What His Word says about His love for me and His provision for me. It’s more than just positive thinking; it’s God thinking.
Doubt is from the devil plain and simple. It’s a distraction to get us off the course God has planned for our lives. There are a million different examples floating around in my head, but I don’t have the time to share them with you.
I hope to come back and get a little more detailed with examples. Until then, have a blessed night!
Thanks again for the encouraging comments on my blog. They meant the world to me! You are truly a wonderful encourager!
Prayers and Blessings