I hated feeling so uneasy and uncertain. Lost within my own heart. If only I knew what was making my emotions so wobbly. If only I could name it. Then I could figure out what to do about it. One morning, Jesus whispered it’s name in the quiet of my heart. It was doubt. It wasn’t fear. It wasn’t worry. Self-doubt was making me question everything I thought, felt and said. Naming it helped me know how to pray. Naming it led me to confessions I needed to make and promises I could claim. Naming it made me feel like I could finally stand up to it. Two summers ago, I got to visit the Farm and sit on the porch with my friend, Ann Voskamp. We talked about the power of naming things- the hard and the holy everyday grace things. How essential it is to our healing. We shared how doubt and fear had overshadowed our lives for so long, but how we both found hope and freedom once we learned to name them. Would you join us on the porch? {Be sure to turn up the volume. A tractor passes by and it gets kind of loud.} If you’re reading this via email, click here to view the video on my website.
“When you don’t have a name for something, you’re haunted by it’s shadows…But when you can name something… It loses it’s mask and you can find a strategy to deal with it.” (One Thousand Gifts)
Just days after Ann and I chatted on the porch, I received these two notes. “Renee, I just finished reading the first chapter of A Confident Heart . Thank you so much for writing a book like this and knowing exactly what it’s called that I’m going and have gone through all my life and didn’t know what it was called. ~ Sharon “I’ve always doubted myself, but like you I called mine different names. It felt so good to know and hear that I am not alone and that I can find my God-Confidence. ~ Megin
Lord, thank you for showing us just how much we need to name that doubt, that fear, that worry – so we can find a strategy to overcome it with You! There is power in Your Name, and power in naming the things that hold us captive. Give us wisdom and insight to name them, and courage to claim and walk in the overcoming power that is ours in Christ. In Jesus Name Amen! Join Us On The Porch Slip a note in the comments below this post by clicking “Share your thoughts.” As a special gift, each of you who join Ann and my conversation will be entered for a chance win one of three copies of A Confident Heart and one copy of Ann Voskamp’s New York Times Best-Seller, One Thousand Gifts.
Meet Us On the Porch Again This Week? Ann and I kept talking, and we’d love for you to join us on the porch again on Thursday, when we’ll share more. If you’d like a little reminder, enter your email in the box in my sidebar that says
RECEIVE EMAIL UPDATES and I’ll slip a note in your inbox when it’s posted.
A simple powerful truth, naming it so I can develop a strategy to overcome it. Just what I needed today, thank you. Be blessed!
I realized just yesterday that self-doubt has a hold on me! Now to begin the journey of letting it go.
This topic speaks to my heart and draws me. Jesus truly has it all covered. His name is above all names. When we are specific in our prayers, His name is above it. When we’re too hurt for words, He knows our heart and thought anyway.
I am currently coming out of a season where I wasn’t able to name this dark cloud which hung over me. Something haunted me from my past that was affecting the present. I had many possible names for that which was haunting me, but not until recently have I been able to see more clearly the name which affects my heart. It isn’t a pretty name, one that is going to take a lot of healing and prayer, but as you said – giving it a name gives me a plan of attack and opens my eyes.
Thank you for the point that giving it a name also brings God into it – that was so very encouraging.
Blessed by this!
How awesome it is that God meets our nerds daily! Cant wait to read these two books!
I needed to hear this today. I have been focusing on the darkness and shadows. 2013 has been a bad year for my family from my son leaving our home, unexpected illnesses and major surgeries, disappointments and car issues. Naming things including my fear and worries has helped. Thank-you.
Self doubt is something I struggle with daily. Am I a good enough mom, good enough Christian, good enough wife. It encompasses fear and worry as you said and perpetuates anger and jealousy. Today I pray to release the self doubt and allow me to serve God as he deserves to be served. God made me the perfect me and I need to have faith that I am serving His purpose. Thank you for posting about this.
That is just what I needed this morning. I have been working on identifying my emotions and stopping the snowball effect. And as a child of God knowing that I can turn to the Word for wisdom helps me from letting doubt overtake that process. Thank you for reminding me this Sunday morning. I will listen to God’s heart for me today and everyday.
I’ve heard it said, “You can’t fix what you don’t acknowledge”. Guess that’s the same principle.
“Once you name it, God can raise beauty out of the ashes”
I just thought that was a beautiful way of stating what I experience on a daily basis. At times, I feel as though I am consumed by my fears, my doubts, and I would use them as excuses to not follow God’s will for my life. Once I realized what it actually was, just doubt, it allowed me to pray to be released from it and for God to turn it into something beautiful. It is still a constant and daily battle I wage with myself, but now that I know it’s name, it’s easier to lift it to the Lord. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
When friends and coworkers see me, they see a strong, confident woman. On the inside, I’m a mess. Naming this mess, self doubt and insecurity now makes so much sense. Naming it means I know what to give to God, what I need to pray about, specifically. Naming it makes it real and sometimes all we need to do is know is that what we’re feeling is real, and that it has a name, and that others feel this way too. Thank you!
I have also dealt with anxiety in various forms which has greatly caused doubt to creep in often without me realizing it. When God shows me my fears and the lies behind them, it brings freedom because then I can lay down that fear by name and cast doubt out from my heart and mind. It is a daily practice, but brings such joy and peace that enables me to find the freedom that can only be found in trustin The Lord.
Looking forward to Thursday’s conversation. I now will be looking forward to reading Renee’s book and Ann’s challenge to list my own 1000gifts. Thank you both.
WOW! The very thing I have been struggling with. Thank you for sharing it. Such a timely message.
I seem to struggle with this exact thing. I would love to read both of these books! This is a great giveaway! Thank you so much!
Just found your blog on proverbs 31 ministries. Love this conversation. Reminds me of conversations with a dear friend of mine a few years back when I was struggling with issues. Would love the book and I will be signing up the updates.
Ann’s book and counting all that Christ is has transformed my life. I am thankful for her passion for Jesus and His gifting me with a bit of her heart through One Thousand Gifts. The battle goes on and as I have taken a path not travelled in the church as I know it, doubt and fear have both reared their ugly head. Naming fear was easier, doubt more sly… both named and claimed and now the daily walk in the comfort of His presence. The pain of the journey has drawn me to Him in a way I can only marvel at. This is the first I’ve seen of Renee’s book. Looks like one I need to get!
You have my attention! I have named it (doubt), now I need the next step. I want the promises from The Lord and to tell this mountain to jump in the sea.
This was something I needed to hear right now. We’ve got the possibility of something very good coming for our family, and I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. My husband and I keep wondering, well, is this really going to happen, we aren’t getting any red flags, but is a roadblock going to come up at the last minute? God, do you really mean for us to have *this*? Perhaps it’s not so much that God isn’t speaking to us as it is that we need to name what’s keeping us from hearing Him. Thank you for sharing!
Two women with a beautiful heart for God and such encouraging words for all.
Thank you.
My, what good timing of this interview. It reminded me again of naming things. So many times the Lord has said to me: “Take this thing in your hands – which looks like a stone – and proclaim it to be bread. Wait until it transforms into bread, and you can even smell the aroma. I’m the Bread of Life; I’m the One who will turn it into what I designed it to be. I promised I would not give you a stone. Trust Me.” As a pastor, I fight self-doubts when a trusted member of the flock displays disloyalty. Someone so close. How that hurts so deeply. Then I remember how His flock turns on Him relentlessly. Lord, help me to name this pain, so I can give it to You to heal.
So true!!!
I am having a really hard time naming my emotions lately which is causing great problems in my marriage and family life. Nice to know I’m not the only one experiencing this.
I would love to learn to do this.
Thank you for this and the opportunity to learn more about it.
I know reading these books would help me in my walk with God.
Both of you are such great blessings. I hope that I am lucky enough to win.
Would love to read both of these books.
Would love to read these books.
It’s most always self doubt for me. I usually don’t call it self doubt when speaking of the turmoil it can cause. I usually refer to my struggle as fear or anxiety of sorts. But truly the bottom line is, and has been, self doubt….self doubt about my body changing, my age, my younger husband, my social awkwardness etc. Well maybe naming it can help. Lord Jesus, I pray.
I feel like God put this on my Facebook newsfeed tonight for a reason. I pray about this all the time.
I try to make sure I talk to God every day, I don’t think it’s in the traditional way we usually pray, I feel most comfortable speaking to God as if He was next to me, that we were sitting at the kitchen table or taking a walk outside. I ask for guidance to be a better person to those around me, a better mother, a better wife, to live the way God would like me to live, to show me the way. I love naming self doubt. I think I read the other day on this page about how when we react negatively to a situation or aspect of someone’s personality or situation, that we really are looking at a part of ourselves we feel discomfort with, that we haven’t come to terms with. This helps me so much, it’s good to really give myself a true self evaluation, being honest with myself will help me to be more like that person I know God wants me to be. 🙂
I really needed to read this today! I was having a hard day and couldn’t figure out why. Thank you so much for sharing this, it was exactly what I needed to hear (or read).
Thank you for this opportunity. I look forward to “sitting on the porch” and talking about those things….fear and doubt….that invade our thoughts and hearts. We as believers can stand together, with confident trust, believing that the Lord Jesus will NEVER leave us or forsake us.
Would love to get to read these awesome books. Thank you
Very helpful!
This jumped off the page right into my heart! What an emotional day today was . . . over situations that I keep trying to give to God but the selfdoubt about everything i say and do keeps creeping in, paralizing, destroying, and stealing my Joy! Thank you for telling me to Name it and thereby rebuking it! It’s difficult to pray when you can’t even put words to exactly what is wrong.
I need to get better at this! I would love to win!! These books could really help me pray about the challenges with my career and health!
The visit to the country sounds almost too good to be real—–a mini vacation
Oh wow – Gods timing is amazing!
Guess that’s why I read this tonight instead of the other day!
This will help me follow up w a conversation I had tonight w my daughter!
I pray that naming will help w knowing how to pray & helping us stand up to things!
Thank you!
I want to share with you how I believe The Lord spoke to me tonight……I’m sitting in my living room feeling sad and confused. I wondered why these unsure feelings and emotions creep up on me. It’s like I’m on a constant roller coaster feeling confident and full of Gods peace one day then the next feeling like this….just sad, insecure about so many things. My journey with The Lord has brought me through so much brokenness from my past and I am always sure I’ve let go and am healed, then these unsettling feelings shadow over me. I began to speak Gods word out loud on the subject of fear and emotions and praying. I opened up my email and there was your email….”when you can’t name what it is”. I knew this message was for me. Thank you for helping me see that naming this uncertainty can be the beginning of healing. I’m praying for victory over this stronghold so that The Lord can use me to help others.
This is Monday’s lesson but I’ve been reading it every day for encouragement. Last Saturday, my 16 year old daughter was arrested for possession, with intent to deliver. My precious, beautiful daughter who has been raised to love Jesus, who has been trustworthy and delightful. My 16 year old daughter who was diagnosed bipolar, grew up in an abusive home (before my divorce) and struggles with severe anxiety. My 16 year old daughter who refuses to go to therapy and thinks that she can do it all on her own. My heart is broken in a million pieces. I am so lost and so grieved. Please pray for me. I don’t even know what to do with this. But more than me, please pray for my daughter. She is not humble in her consequences and she has been very difficult to communicate with. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart.
Prayers for you. I’m sorry for this heartbreaking time. Jesus, Healer & Sustainer, please comfort my sister with peace beyond comprehension.
This is wonderful insight! Very encourging and right on time! Thank you for sharing!
Thanking God for His marvelous work and the molding and shaping us on the potter’s wheel.
I like the thought of framing the moment you shared today. I have enjoyed a ledger a friend gave me for my Birthday yrs ago to log a blessing each day. She labeled it “Blessings Book” and what a blessing because we forget as time passes us by of the great things He has done. His Mercy is new each morning.
However as you were talking of naming our fears or weaknesses to find victory in Him, I have a struggle but I desire His victory over all the powers of the enemy each day.
I am excited about your books “Unglued” and “1,000 Gift” Hoping to own and read them someday, until then
God Bless You Richly. Thankful for His ministry in you.
I have been blessed by God and the Proverbs 31 Ministry team
I. Have throuly enjoyed “Meet Me on the Porch”
So many reasons to Praise His Holy name and all His works
I have just learned from you to seek His face to name an claim
His victory over the things that pleague us or weigh us down
I think even in that we have to be careful to not get a critical spirit
I have never heard of the book “1,000 gifts” it sounds so awesome
Nor have I read “Unglued” I am anxious for the day to own & read them.
I am sure they are true blessings! I use to log so many blessings in my
“Blessings Book” a ledger a friend gave me for my Birthay years ago
It has been hard to get my “Alone Time with The Lord” since my husband
and son lost their jobs and they are here so much. They have had
some good interviews but no call to work. Please join me in prayer for
the work God has planned for them. It has been a long couple of years
Needed this. Thank you!
I want to share something that I am grateful for. Monday 6/24/13 I met with my Emmaus Reunion Group at our church to do Wendy Blight’s Bible study from May 2013 called Quiet My Anxious Heart. We reviewed her questions together and she wrote…Find one way to outwardly express this gratitude. Maybe give up something for God. Maybe create a gratitude journal or box where each day you write down something for which you are grateful. Commit to do this for at least a week and keep a journal on how God changes you and maybe even those around you. We talked about what else we would study this summer after Wendy’s online Bible study was finished. My friend brought out an email that she received on 5/2/13. She asked “Have you read “A Thousand Gifts? It is about gratitude and how it can change your life. I highly recommend it. There is even a study with DVD that your reunion group or whatever can use.” So last night I was working on my gratitude journal and then checked my email. Renee Swope sent an email that had an interview with Ann Voskamp about her book One Thousand Gifts!!! I’m grateful that God is working through you to guide me on my journey! Thanks!
Thank you both very much for being so real. I don’t think I realized just how many women struggled with the very thing I’ve struggled with most of my life. God is doing a wondrous work in me and I am so grateful. Renee, I have read your book and spoken of it often to my Ladies Bible study group. My mom has it right now and I’m sure the Lord will use it to minister to her as well.
Ann, I’ve not read your book yet but after listening to you ‘n Renee talk I’m sure its one that I will read before too long.
May God continue to bless you both for empowering others through all that you share,
I have both these books (A Confident Heart and One Thousand Gifts) and thank God for both authors who have so succintly captured the struggle so many of us have with deeply-rooted self-doubt. They really do give you something to grab onto instead of feeling alone and it is such a huge help to know there are others who feel the same and more importantly, have found ways to overcome self-doubt and unease 🙂
Even if I name it how do I completely overcome it…the doubt that I am forgiven, that I am good enough, that I am going to heaven, that I am in God’s will, and how do I hear God? Just a few of the thoughts going through my mind…