I hated feeling so uneasy and uncertain. Lost within my own heart. If only I knew what was making my emotions so wobbly. If only I could name it. Then I could figure out what to do about it. One morning, Jesus whispered it’s name in the quiet of my heart. It was doubt. It wasn’t fear. It wasn’t worry. Self-doubt was making me question everything I thought, felt and said. Naming it helped me know how to pray. Naming it led me to confessions I needed to make and promises I could claim. Naming it made me feel like I could finally stand up to it. Two summers ago, I got to visit the Farm and sit on the porch with my friend, Ann Voskamp. We talked about the power of naming things- the hard and the holy everyday grace things. How essential it is to our healing. We shared how doubt and fear had overshadowed our lives for so long, but how we both found hope and freedom once we learned to name them. Would you join us on the porch? {Be sure to turn up the volume. A tractor passes by and it gets kind of loud.} If you’re reading this via email, click here to view the video on my website.
“When you don’t have a name for something, you’re haunted by it’s shadows…But when you can name something… It loses it’s mask and you can find a strategy to deal with it.” (One Thousand Gifts)
Just days after Ann and I chatted on the porch, I received these two notes. “Renee, I just finished reading the first chapter of A Confident Heart . Thank you so much for writing a book like this and knowing exactly what it’s called that I’m going and have gone through all my life and didn’t know what it was called. ~ Sharon “I’ve always doubted myself, but like you I called mine different names. It felt so good to know and hear that I am not alone and that I can find my God-Confidence. ~ Megin
Lord, thank you for showing us just how much we need to name that doubt, that fear, that worry – so we can find a strategy to overcome it with You! There is power in Your Name, and power in naming the things that hold us captive. Give us wisdom and insight to name them, and courage to claim and walk in the overcoming power that is ours in Christ. In Jesus Name Amen! Join Us On The Porch Slip a note in the comments below this post by clicking “Share your thoughts.” As a special gift, each of you who join Ann and my conversation will be entered for a chance win one of three copies of A Confident Heart and one copy of Ann Voskamp’s New York Times Best-Seller, One Thousand Gifts.
Meet Us On the Porch Again This Week? Ann and I kept talking, and we’d love for you to join us on the porch again on Thursday, when we’ll share more. If you’d like a little reminder, enter your email in the box in my sidebar that says
RECEIVE EMAIL UPDATES and I’ll slip a note in your inbox when it’s posted.
I have been wondering for some time now why I can’t make decisions and now I know. Fear and doubt are keeping me from even leaving the house. Now that I have a name for it I will pray that God will lift this from me and let me get on with my life. Thank you.
Today, I am understanding this video very clearly because I need to put a name to something bothering me.
This “something” is making me so sick. Yes, I would love and need these books!
This is another one of those moments. I am going through a rough time in my marriage/life right now and a very good friend recommended Ann’s book. Thank you for sharing your discussion and for the opportunity to delve deeper into this issue with these two books.
I enjoyed your “front porch” conversation on the farm. I need a friend like that ! — thanks for sharing
I find it remarkable that God placed both your book, Renee, and Ann’s book in my life this year. My daughter gave me One Thousand Gifts for Christmas stating “Mom, this book changed my life.” I have been reading it ever so slowly, underlining so many lines! Meanwhile, I stepped out of my comfort zone this spring deciding to do an on-line Bible study with you and A Confident Heart. Within days of opening your book, Renee, I determined that I would be giving my daughter a copy! You managed to speak things in away both my head and heart could understand!
The fact that you two joined for this interview and spoke of the inter-weavings of your thoughts – Naming our Gifts and magnifying HIM when we can develop clarity and strategy….well, from my standpoint, only God, Jehovah Jirah, could have orchestrated this! I give thanks to both of you for your very unique and heart-felt writings. And, I thank our GOD for his divine intervention through you.
God also placed both books in my life this year! As a matter of a fact, I was reading the chapter in 1000 Gifts that talked about naming it just this morning! We are doing a small group at our church on 1000 Gifts. The gal that is hosting it said that the book 1000 gifts and writing down what you are thankful for has changed her life. God is so faithful!
Love this, thank you 🙂
I really needed to hear this, thank you so much for sharing and for helping me “name it”
Naming what we go through allows to be honest with ourselves and should let to confession and repentance followed by becoming right with God. It sets us free and restores us. I had to get honest with myself about what pride is and also my fear of rejection. Once I realized that those were what I struggled with, then I was able to be set free from them.
Renee, thank you for this small amount of your time. The message that identifying (giving a name) to my problems can enable me to pray about them specifically and have a plan to overcome is extremely personal! I really enjoyed reading your book these last few weeks and participating in your online study. I feel like I need to go through it again and again improving more each time! Thank you for taking the time to share your heart with me and helping me understand how damaging self-doubt can be!
And I thought it was only me – no knowing what to actually call the ‘thing’ I was in. 🙂 God is so faithful and always lets us know we are not alone in our thinking, but lets us know there are many others who feel the exact same way, or have the same thoughts about a problem. I believe the enemy wants us to ‘stay in the dark’, but God’s glorious Light shines ever brighter to show us ‘the path’ to freedom!
I refer back to The Confident Heart many times, especially when my ‘heart’ seems to be ‘feeling’ the wrong thing. I go directly to the reference scriptures in the back of the book to ‘take care of’ the problem, and let God soothe my soul.
Thanks Renee and Ann!
Greetings in Jesus’ Name:
This is wonderful message. Even as I have watched it and am pondering it, I have an uneasy feeling about something, and realize I was at such peace when a certain person was away. 🙁 I want to experience when they are here, too. I am not sure what to name it. Hmmmmm? I am praying. God bless you both richly. Thank you so much for sharing your conversation with us.
Thank you Renee for this video. When I’m struggling and can’t figure out why, I start searching out my heart trying to figure out what it’s called that I’m currently dealing with. In my mind, if I can just know the name, I will be empowered to overcome it with God’s word. I also ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me what I am feeling and where this emotion is coming from. Naming it gives you power I think.
Renee, thank you once again for bringing something to the forefront where we can find the love, peace, and understanding of what God is doing in our lives! Anne is so positive and her book is one that I am definitely interested in. May God bless both of you and I am so blessed by how He speaks through you! Love in His name….
What a perspective…naming it ..”so we can find a strategy to overcome it with You.” Love it. It seems so simple and practical. Thank you for your insight. Now if I could just remember to do this!
I have been on a journey of darkness with my family, with health issues, judicial issues and spiritual issues for myself. I started reading “A Confident Heart” and it has helped me so much in trying to get through and deal with the multiple issues in our family. I have been struggling with my faith, trying to hold on to trusting God through all these trials coming in so many directions. I like “naming my doubts” because I struggle with fear and doubt when facing so many unknowns. Thanks for you video.
What a blessing for me to see the two of you together and to hear your thoughts on naming the gifts of our Lord, and in naming them, bringing them under the power of Christ. I read Anne’s 1000 Gifts last summer at the beginning of what has been one of the epoch years in my life, and I went through Renee’s A Confident Heart with her this spring, and went through it again last week while I was on a silent retreat (a blessing, a gift of Jesus and my wonderful husband). The first epoch year of my life was when I was 24 and God brought me out of darkness, severe dysfunction and abuse of my family of origin and into His light, and I was saved and married that year.
While over the past 24 years God has grown me, blessed me and matured me, I have struggled with self-value, guilt, shame, doubt, fear…
A year ago, after attending a church for 17 years, making it our church home, raising our 4 daughters there, serving in leadership, small groups, etc, the undercurrent of legalism and performance-based christianity led us to leave the church. The blessing of leaving our church home has been incredible. While difficult, I realized that the atmosphere there was one in which I could not deal with the issues that needed work, and God has used this last year to walk me through some dark valleys, but using His Word, your books, godly council, prayer, He has taken me from a place of salvation but living much in my own strength, to really beginning to live my life in the reality of my identity in Christ. My past does not define me; Christ does. I am not enough, but because He is, I don’t have to be!!
Thank you both for your openness and obedience to God’s call to share what you have learned.
Renee, thank you for sharing your conversation with Ann. All my life I’ve lived in fear and never really knew what the fear was. After listening to you guys, it totally makes since to search ourselves and named our fears. Once we have a name for the fear, we can carry it to God. And, pray that he takes that fear from us and replace it with confidence.
I love the idea of listing 1,000 things I love! If I can do that, surely I can put a name to my fears! Yesterday, I was watching a program called Brain Games, and the narrator told that as adults we try to filter everything in a certain category. We need to broaden our horizons and think more like children. Children do not have that filter and they can let their imaginations run wild. I think with this assignment, I need to let my creative, inner child out. And see the good things in the world that I love, big and small. Plus, I’ll open myself to other possibilities for my fears,instead of trying to filter them.
And, I want to thank you for the Confident Heart OBS! I loved in and feeling more confident each day!
There are no words, simply happy tears of how an awesome God spoke to my heart through this powerful post. Thank you, precious friend for saying yes to Jesus using your life to touch others! Hugs in Him…
When You Don’t Know What It Is…
Truly and surely, God is always on time. When we seek Him, we’ll find Him. Thanks Renee for your encouragement and obedience to the Spirit of God. This is the way I felt this morning when I woke up. I didn’t know what to do or how to sort my thoughts and feelings. My mind was wondering in different places trying to find God and peace. I took your book, prayed, cried but couldn’t find “WHAT IT IS.” I even read the promises on your book “Confident Heart” and I started to feel better when I got your email, blessed be the name of the Lord. I listened to the video, it was really a divine appointment and the Holy Spirit revealed to me “what it is,” He took me back to my teenage years and reminded me what happened to me. In a nutshell, I was rise by my grandmother, my father’s mother. When I was eighteen years old, she got a stroke and her children putted her in a nursing home. They sold her house and told me to find a place to leave. Ever since I find myself moving from one place to another, right now I’m applying for a senior housing apartment praying they will approve it. As you can see, it has been so long for my healing. Please be in agreement with me in prayer I’ll get it. Your video taught me to “naming it led me to confessions I needed to make a promises I could claim.” May the Lord blessed and keep using you and sister Anne for His kingdom. THANKS SO MUCH!
I loved the saying “when you can name sothing – it loses its mask (that is awesome!!) and you can find a strategy to deal with it. That is so true. When we know what we are dealing with, it makes it so much easier – that is where giving it a name comes in. I get that!!!
Thank you for these up lifting words and will see you again on the porch.
When we know God’s names – Elohim – the creator; ElRoi – the God who see me; El Shaddai – the All Sufficent One; and more that can only help us in gving a situtation a name when we also know who to pray to – making it so real.
This is so true. Naming it and having a proactive plan to pursue doing something or eliminating something in our life. What seems like a simple thing to do but we don’t do it at times or can’t cause we don’t know the name. Slowing down also to listen to The Lord for the name if we don’t know is so important. So glad I listened to this this am.
What a wonderful message. It’s hard to move the mask sometimes because coming to terms with something is so hard and then you could potentially deal with denial. Sometimes, I know with myself, finding it is just so hard as well. Thank God we have a wonderful leader / father in our lives and that he can assist us in coming over Satan!!! What a wonderful video to help us. Thank you so much for the love you have for not only God, but everyone around you to submit yourself in your work and share with others.
Loved the talk on the front porch.it made me think of all the things I’m going through and naming them get freeTthe books really sound great .I would love to read them
Thank you for what you do! I really needed this.
I just love when seemingly random things occur! Who would have ever thought the author of the book I am currently reading and the author of the JOY DARE my bible study group is doing would arrive in my inbox together. Christ makes all possible!
Thank you so much, Renee, for helping me put a name to why I’m feeling so down. Sometimes I know I’m down from memory triggers of abuse, but other times I just feel so gloomy and feel like weeping. I can’t always pinpoint the real cause, but this morning when I read your post, I knew this was why – “Self-doubt was making me question everything I thought, felt and said.” I’ve been getting back into that rut again lately. I don’t believe in myself, and I doubt everything I do, think, say, write. I don’t even trust my own feelings, the deep-down-in-my-gut feeling. I’m letting those negative voices get the upper hand again. When I first read your book, I was so uplifted and strengthened, but often I still get stuck in that rut of self-condemnation and self-doubt. Sometimes I’m so, so weary of this battle that it’s so difficult to lift up my head to Jesus…
There are A LOT of responses on here, so scrolling through I think I stopped on your comment for a reason. You said things so well that I have been unable to say! I too have ignored that deep-down-in-my-gut feeling, trusting instead the opinions and advice of others, and making a mess of things in the process! I don’t know how to fix things, or if God will let me sit in this mess since it is of my own doing. I too am battle weary. I appreciate your honesty, and have said a prayer for you. Remember this verse, Psalm 3:3 “But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.” You see Trudy? You helped me because I had to look this verse up, and am now reading others similar! I pray God blesses you!
I struggle with panic attacks. They are a result of sexual abuse in a time in my life when I did not have any control over what was happening. And, though they have gotten better as I have dealt with what happened and as the years have gone by, they still rear their head at times. The one thing that has helped me to abate them, has been naming what is causing the panic. Is it the fact that someone looks like the person who abused me? Is it that the environment I am in reminds me of where I was abused? Is it just that too much is happening and I feel out of control? Being able to name the cause always helps me calm down; it doesn’t always stop the panic attack, but I am able to ride through it because I can identify it and I know–just like you two were talking about–the process needed to ‘defeat’ that fear.
And gradually, because I have father issues, I am coming to trust God with control in my life and that helps too. Knowing that you can go to the Creator of the universe, with your life and your fears and your hurts, and He will listen and take control is both liberating and terrifying at the same time. He created SO much and yet He loves little ol’ me enough that He will make personal time; it is a humbling realization.
Naming things gives them power, but it also gives you power when you go to God and say, “I know its name; I know You created it and I know You have power over it. Please help.”
Thanks for the reminder today.
How beautiful….to see how naming it goes right back to God! And to think to name 1000 good things, seems like I don’t have that many….but, I have so many more! What a wonderful conversation! Thanks for sharing with me!
So what do you do when you name it, mine is doubt and trust issues because of my past growing up, just wish I could get to the point that I even trust God with my life. I can quote scripture and I dig into the word but I am not sure its deep in my heart. So it really changes my life.
I have been able to name quite a few things over the years and God has helped me through each one… but there was one lingering that I couldn’t quit put a finger on…. Doubt… (and Trust) I have just started reading your book and I hope to replace that doubt with confidence in who God is and in doing so grow my trust!! <3
I have always prayed about my fears and lack of self confidence in myself and my daughter in general terms but have never fully put a specific name to each one of these. Thank you for the thought and insight you have allowed me to grasp through your talk. I will take a turn on that self discovery road to try to pray in more specific terms to receive the healing I am always praying for.
Naming things makes them clearer, more visible. Thanks to God who gives us those names- the good and the bad, so we are able to recognize them and make them smaller than they first appear
Renee and Ann thank you so much for this video. I read A Confident Heart and did the study, and it blew me away at times, I have grown so much since doing the study, not only as a person, but in God, in Chapter Four, I remembered something from my past, a molestation by a relative as a child. It was buried in my mind, yet when I saw this person, something in me was uneasy, my stomach would tie in knots, but I didnt know why. I started to have dreams during the study of a room, a closet, a shadow. One morning I awoke and saw the shadows face, and instantly knew what had happened to me. In the video you both talk about naming, I now know that my shadow is fear. I am reading Wendy’s book Hidden Joy, I have cried out to God to help me forgive, I cried until I almost choked. I read about Wendy’s struggle with fear, and see how God has helped her and spoken to her, and it just makes me realize God is in control of all, and He will guide us through anything in life. I’m learning to be still and listen for Him to speak. I love Psalm 46:10 Be still and know I am God. God allowed me to remember, and I am healing with His help. Ann you are right “beauty does come out of the ashes”….Through all of the things I have remembered and learned I know that the Lord has called me to forgive. He has whispered two words to me through all of this “grace” and “forgive”. I continue on my journey with my Lord and Savior and love to read His word, I continue to write in my journal, and memorize scripture…I keep my Confident Heart near for reference, prayers and scripture (thanks Renee), I am looking forward to reading your book Ann…One Thousand Gifts……I am truly blessed to walk this journey with my “El Sali” God of my strength….God Bless Anna
Naming it can definitely be a scary thing to do!
This is so true. How many of us have sat by the phone and worried over medical test results, not knowing what to expect because the diagnosis is unknown. Then when the phone call comes and you finally know what is causing your health issues, it’s like a sense of relief, even if it’s bad. But at that point, at least you begin to have direction. You know what to expect. You know there is an answer. We, as humans, are so afraid of the unknown. And that’s why some of us have a hard time accepting God.
Thank you for sharing this powerful message. For me, I can name much of where my self-doubt comes from these days: adjusting to a life that has been completely changed (and limited) by chronic illness – or really, the inability to adjust to it. Overcoming doubt, fear and worry is a daily battle for me… as well as fighting off frustration.
Focusing on the many things I can still be thankful for is a good ‘strategy’ for winning the war against self-doubt…. AND self-pity.
Thank you both.
Thank you for sharing this segment. When we name something it becomes real and we have to face it!
I have never thought about it that way…..maybe that is why I am still struggling with all of my “unnamed worries”. Thanks once again for a great read.
This is so true! I have always struggled with doubting my salvation and the devil knows how to use it to really bring me down! It causes fear, worry, and anxiety! As a wife, and mother to 3 children under the age of 3, it can be a struggle to get through each day with those emotions. Thanks for your ministry!
Thanks Carolyn a light just went on in my head when I read your post, I too have struggled with doubting my salvation for too many years. I will name it and claim God’s promise that whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) will not perish but shall have everlasting life. John 3v16
We shall overcome I clung to this verse from Isaiah when my 3 children were young
He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.
I think it is Isaiah 41
They are just so precious
I have been in a difficult ‘refining’ period this past year…and Satan is constantly trying to fill my thought with fear, worry and doubt! I am leading a Summer Study of Lysa Terkeurst’s ‘Say Yes to God’ at this time…and the two books that you are giving away would be a wonderful follow up! Thank you for your encouragement today…it was needed!
What a GIFT to listen to two of my favorite inspirations. Renee your book came to me at a time when I was struggling with so much darkness and I didn’t understand what it was that was happening. I was literally in a fight for my life. A battle against addiction which I know now stemmed from lies I was believing. I am an overcomer. I am a child of the one true King, I am redeemed, i am blessed, I am chosen. I’m learning and learning how to believe who i am in Christ. Ann, I’m so thankful for the Joy Dare, to look at every little thing and see the gift in it. We have a bluebird nest in our pump. What a wonderful gift that they chose to take up residence in our garden. There’s so much joy in observing them. I’m learning to thank the Lord for all of our circumstances, even the really tough one’s. Thank you ladies for sharing your hearts. Maybe, as my God-confidence grows and I continue to heal, I’ll be able to share my story.
I to have battled these things. But I really live the concept of the Joy Dare- going to teach a session on finding our Joy in Jesus in a month. Gratitude rocks for healing!
“I hated feeling so uneasy and uncertain. Lost within my own heart.” This is me at times. Would love to read your book!
I just love your book A Confident Heart. I like it so much – I bought one for my daughter and mailed it to her two weeks ago. I will have to get us both One thousand gifts too! Hope you both have a great day!
Sue Tingle
Thank you for this message Renee. And thank you for introducing us to Ann’s book. I’ve struggled with doubt for many years. I am learning to release the things that have held me captive. What a wonderful feeling to name them and let them go!
Thank you both for allowing the Lord to use you mightily to help us name those things that would try to steal our joy. I thank the Lord for replacing my doubt with assurance, my fear with boldness, my depression with His joy, my weakness with His strength! Thank you for reminding me to be specific with my prayers & my praise!
thank you. Praying about these very issues of doubt and fear today. Thank you for insight and hope
Naming your doubt or fear makes it real. Then you can take the first step to overcoming it. The power comes the Lord.
What a great little talk – thanks so much.
Being able to name things has helped me to be able to focus on what it is and how to proceed from that point to being set free,
I’ve had so many situations in my life, where naming it really set me free!
And I love how she talks about naming the good as well, it’s so wonderful 🙂