Click “Share Your Thoughts” and do just that on my blog today. Your comment will be your entry into my “Heart-and-Soul Spa” gift-pack GIVEAWAY that includes my A Confident Heart Devotional book, my favorite prayer journal and a Bath & Body Works gift card! {If you are reading this via email, join us on my blog to enter to win!}
New to your blog. Would love to be apart of the conversation.
Worry is a sin. In my mind I know that, but my heart says “I am not worried I am concerned.” So many times my concern steps over the boundaries straight into worry. I have to constantly remind myself who is really in charge (and it is not me). I have to take my burdens to the cross (and leave them there). Then I have to live my life in the peace, power and the promise of God. In order to persevere and prevail I must learn to rest in Him continually. Thank you for sharing this great reminder it was just what I needed. God Bless you and your ministry!
I read your devotion today on worry and peace. I too have a problem with over-booking my self and calendar. I sometimes struggle with the “no” word and as a result overload my self. Then comes the stress, worry and headaches which usually result in my attitude turning sour and negative and I become resentful and bitter. I too will have to learn to pray about everything. Everything. Thank you for sharing. God bless!
Thank so much to P31 and the devotions. They have helped me so much over the last year and are timely! I have been praying over multiple family issues and this message reminds that God is good all the time, just give it all to him!
Ohhhh I want to quit everyday – I feel overwhelmed and inadequate to be the best mom for my kids and juggle full time job too. Praying for peace and wisdom and trust to let go and let God. Thank you for your wisdom and insight . Blessings
Trying to trust God while feeling overwhelmed!
When my husband was living it was easier not to worry. He could fix just about anything. Since he died, I am responsible for so many things-house and auto repairs and maintenance, maintaining the lawn, keeping up with finances and taxes, finding and hiring someone reliable to do all those things I cannot do. I miss my husband so much and sometimes I just try to stay busy so that I will not think about all these things. I thank God each day for the 43 years my husband and I had together.
I have been a worrier for many years. I am sick of it! I’ve been reading “A Confident Heart” , and it has been very helpful to me. I know that things will get better because God is helping me.
I thought I was off to a good start this a.m. after getting lots of Bible study time in yesterday. I woke up with a good attitude and prayed. Then, wham, it took all of about five minutes for it all to come crashing down with one innocent comment from my husband. I just took it wrong and because of pride got defensive. Rrrr! Frustrated over all “my” efforts to have a good day not working, God gently led me to my room to pray and reminded me of my prayer pocket. I felt like I needed to write down all of my burdens and leave them, symbolically, in God”s hands. After writing them out, I felt the Spirit saying that I didn’t need to stop there but needed to meditate on God’s faithfulness to help me in the past and His “BIG-ness” to help me in the future. Then,my friend sent me this Devo and I stopped and read it. Wow! Timely! Your words about it being the worries and not the workload hit their mark. Thank you for sharing the wisdom God gave you with us. Be encouraged that God used your post to confirm to my Spirit that He is breaking into my life to speak the wisdom that I need. Thank you, God, for the gift of your Holy Spirit in us and for defeating the enemy!!!
Boy did I need to read this today. Thank you so much for letting God use you.
We were designed to have God be in control of everything every day. Instead we have been braught up to believe the lie of the enemy. Give the control back to God and you will finf peace unlike anything you have known.
Renee, thank you for the time and thought you placed into writing this devotional. It has been very meaningful to me – in fact I took notes! 🙂 Praying for complete wholeness and victory in the area of each of our thoughts today. Thank You! Have a Blessed Day!
Your messages are always so timely – I know this is not a coincidence! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and how you have worked through them with Him. It is such a blessing to know that what we are going through is the same as what others – even those with wonderful ministries – are going through. I do my best to not worry but it sure does creep in. Thanks again and I will be sharing your post and printing the download!
This is something I need to be reminded of every day. Thanks for this!!
This so resonates with me! Several years back, I was feeling pressure on how my time was spent; began asking God what I should eliminate, gave my worries to Him, and then did a ‘motion & time study’ – for two weeks, kept track of how my days were spent. I was self-employed and my thoughts seemed to constantly be on the business. When the two weeks were done, God showed me the actual time spent was much less than I thought which set me on a path of a realistic schedule and freeing my mind to focus on Him and other opportunities He had for me. I’m still self-employed and there are many ‘things’ going on but He gently reminds me He’s in control and I’m not and I open-handedly repent of control and lean into His strength. Would love to win the spa pack!
Praise the lord! I am blessed by your ministry from Kenya and itake these opportunity to appreciate what God is doing through you and our prayer is that you are extending your ministry to Africa, and our church and Kenya we need to hear your message live God bless we love your ministry.
You devotions are great. Thank you for sharing and for the great giveaway.
I am dealing with some very stressful issues at work. I’m ready to throw in the towel. I can’t quit and I feel like I’m bound to my job on a ball and chain and I have to sacrifice my health and family for the sake of retirement and job security. I feel like there’s no options there for me and I’m digging myself in a deep hole. Reading your devotional today brought some peace to my heart. Thank you.
Very good devotional!Timely too as dealing with stress caused by health issues.
I have forgotten about doing this. I backslid and have just recently been back on track with prayer. If it wasn’t for P31 and the encouragement I get daily from the women who share I would be lost. The enemy has been attacking me on all sides it seems. In my thoughts, my dreams … I used to help other women with this very thing, give them encouragement to give it to God. I used to take a paper plate and stacks of little papers with all my cars concerns and worry. Seeing it all pulled up was overwhelming. I would pay and realize that all I needed to do was let God handle situations that I had no control over and give him m Mr worries and stresses with the rest. My plate did not seem so full afterwards. I also noticed that I had a tendency to take on other ppl stuff. Once I sorted it all out, God showed me many things about myself. Thank you for reminding me that today. I have forgotten God’s wonderful promised and have been trying to solve things all on my own. I hope this made sense. I don’t usually respond, the enemy tells me I don’t have anything productive to share. I refuse to let the enemy win! It had only taken a few short months for him to get snuggled into my life. I love P31 and the women who share. Thank you again.
I so need encouragement these days and you always come through. 8 weeks ago I fell and broke one arm, sprained the other and badly bruised a knee. Now I know it could be worse, but it has still been a difficult time for us. I have been unable to do much for myself. Because I was having pain that was worse than the injuries deserved, more tests were done and I have been diagnosed with a nerve disorder. So I am not having fun and struggle. Thank you for encouraging me.
Cum rai nu exista si D-zeu e o fictiune, nu mi-as bate prea tare capul cu adunarea Domnului . . . M-as concentra pe lucrurile pe care le pot vedea si ma283a&#usr0; Numai asa imi pot gasi adevarata fericire
As usual, Renee, you have spoken right into my heart & the issues I’m concerned with. Thank you for your willingness to share.
I really appreciate your words of wisdom and comfort!
This devotion is one that most of us (not all) struggles with. Sometimes things are going good – trusting God and then other times there is worrying about the smallest situation. Sisters who have overcome this challenge of worrying (WORRYING is not pleasing to God) please pray for the sisters who are going through this shortcoming (could be called a sin because it is doubting God’s capability). I thank God for the openness of this devotion so we an get it right. We need to surrender all our cares, ups and downs to the God our Father in the Name of Jesus and NOT TAKE THEM BACK! OH GOD HELP US! YOU ARE OUR DELIVERER AND WE ARE DECLARING TOTAL VICTORY IN JESUS NAME.
So thankful for your honesty! Grateful to know my struggles aren’t alone.
Thanks so much for this! I’ve never thought of it this way! I’m so excited to try this! 🙂
Man did this post hit the spot! I am weary all of the time and now I realize it is my worry, not my work that is wearing me out. God just used you yo remind me that I am so good at mental gymnastics and I don’t take time to take my thoughts captive or take everything to Him in prayer. Thanks for the reminder!
This message was for me on so many levels. I wrote down my concerns and places it a envelope and gave it to Jesus. Moving forward and making it a point to stop at all times and give it all to him.
This message was very timely for me. I often get consumed with worry and forget to stop, give it to God, pray, and thank him for protecting me. Thank you for the reminder.
I have a big decision to make and less than two weeks to make it. I have been praying a lot about what it is God wants me to do. I have to decide between leaving my full time job to be a stay at home mom for the sake of my marriage and my son, or continue working full time with the security of knowing that I will have a steady paycheck while rarely getting to see my husband and son. I feel drawn to staying at home because of all of the positive outcomes it would hold, however the fear of the unknown of going from a two paycheck household income down to a one paycheck household income scares me a great deal. I know this would be a leap of faith and God rewards us when we leap out in faith, but I can’t seem to find the courage to write my resignation letter. I’ve given it to God….and trying desperately to not snatch it back out of his hands.
God bless you woman of God. Im a Minister and boy do I ever feel that over load. Not only that everyone expects me to be the one at all times to do all the praying and trusting for them. I refuse to deny the fact that sometimes I feel like just quitting altogether, but I been in this long enough to know God ain’t having it, so I keep trying but the one thing I know for sure without people like you allowing God to use you the way He does to help and encourage us even the stong get burnt out at times. Your ministry is a blessing to the body of Christ. Minister T.Burton ps this blog was right on tone for the burden that has been wearing me down. Thank you
Thank you for this encouragement. I am just so tired and am struggling in my relationship with God. I have head knowledge but I just feel so distant. Your words always seem to speak right to me. Thank you.
Thank you for the encouragement today. I am struggling with an unwanted divorce. I am disabled and cannot support myself. I am currently learning to trust God to truely supply ALL my needs- housing, food, medicine etc. god is faithful and this devotion about not letting the worry WEAR me down is perfect for me. I am still praying for a miracle healing of my marriage but- I am also believing God will care for me alone.
Thank you.
i enjoyed reading your devotional message today. Knowing that God is always there to help me through the times that seem impossible is comforting.
Good reminder, it does require practice to make it a habit, then make it feel natural to automatically do.
Today’s devotional is exactly what I needed. It is so easy to get down and worry about everything that has to be done as a stay at home mom of 4. I mentally exhaust myself with negative thoughts of failing or not being good enough at what I’m doing so it distracts me from getting thinks done. Thank you for your commitment to serving others and spreading the Good News!
Your uplifting words and counsel couldn’t come at a better time. You are in my prayers as God leads you and uses you for His Glory.
Thank you so much for this encouragement today. My husband and I have been weighed down with worry over many things that are going on in our life right now. We both try so hard to turn these worries and concerns to God but sometimes the flesh takes over. I will hang the 3 steps to get God’s Peace in my kitchen so that we can both see it everyday to remind us where we need to turn in all times…to the one who loves us the most… our Heavenly Father.
I enjoyed your devotional today. I hope to be able to read your blog more often. God bless!
Thank you so much for this!! I’ve been struggling for months and this totally puts it all into perspective. I’ve been thinking all along about how much I need to do and everything that has to get done and how overwhelming everything is becoming when in reality “and without realizing it, I had spent as much time thinking and worrying about concerns, commitments, circumstances and deadlines as I did working on them.” So perfectly timed!
This message came at just the right time for me. Thank you for the helpful reminders. Roxanne
Again, a reminder to stay the course God has me on…Thank you!
Hi Renee,
Yes I do admit that sometimes I worry way too much and recently I have incurred about 1,500.00 in medical bills and I see no way But God! I have a strange Peace that I will manage all that He has given me, because to whom much is given, much is required right?
And with my student loans in default and the medical bills, and Monday got notice that my rent is increasing I did not panic and I have been sleeping well so I thing this just means that I am learning to truly Trust Him even when I cannot trace Him.
Be Blessed and please keep the inspiration coming…………..We need it!
Your Sister in Christ,
Kellye R. Turner
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this matter. This topic is one that consumes most people every day. It would be wise for us all to consider what you have shared with us and to listen to God through doing so. Thank you so much. Blessings!
Love this!! Thank you for this PERFECTLY TIMED devotional Renee!
I have been feeling overwhelmed and have been wanting to quit alot lately. I needed to read this blog today thanks : for sharing it 🙂 <3
Not sure whether to laugh or cry at your devotional today! 4AM God told me to make a list of everything I thought I needed to do in the next couple of months (4AM is when He talks to me! cause I’m quiet!!)
There is so much going on & I don’t have a job right now. How am I going to have time to go back to work? I’m really starting to feel the pressure as my brief time in college comes to an end.
Thank you so much for the scriptures and the focus I need. Am stopping right now to pray and get in God’s presence! THANK YOU!
I appreciated the devotional. I think I need to put some of the verses on cards and hang them where I can see the. I,especially, need the words you wrote b/c I’ve been worrying that a health problem I thought was gone is back and its not a small problem. Yet, God knows what’s happening, and even if the illness comes back, I must keep believing He cares. Thanks for the giveaway-sounds wonderful & relaxing:)
Thank you for sharing your God-given gifts with us, I suffer from heart-disease and am here at home this morning because I had another angioplasty done on Monday! God has brought me through many things and I find much encouragement from Proverbs 31 Ministries…Thank you also for the giveaway! I will pray for your ministry as it is such a nice way to share examples that others also experience life, but with a helping Father!
What a wonderful way to express these thoughts. I have been struggling with worry even more lately (I lost my job in March and no income) and this helps put things in perspective. Thank you for putting into words the things I need to remember.
I read your devotion today and this is a constant struggle in my household. I don’t know who is worse, my husband or me. Busyness, I believe, is a tool of the devil. Yes, sometimes even working in ministry can consume us to the point where we no longer have time for God because we have too many “irons in the fire” so to speak. We have to pray without ceasing about this. I believe this is a struggle for many, many people today. Even God rested after he finished the creation! Sometimes, we just need to be still and know He is God. I’m not much of a morning person – never have been. However, I do so enjoy spedning time with God over a cup of coffee each morning. Without Him, I would be in a mess!
God Bless!