Today we’re kicking off a month of encouragement for moms! Proverbs 31 Ministries is partnering with D6 Family Conference and Ministry, along with Focus on the Family, Barna Research Group, Dave Ramsey, John Trent, Angela Thomas and many more who believe that moms (and dads) have the most important job on earth.
God has entrusted moms and dads with an amazing calling, yet the by day-to-day demands on our time and attention often consume all that we have to give. In survival mode, we lose sight of the clearest command God’s given to us as parents in (D6) Deuteronomy 6:5-9, to make daily deposits of faith into our children’s lives and leave a spiritual legacy.
Mom, there is no one else who can take your place. Being a parent is the most important investment of your time and attention. But don’t let that overwhelm you. You don’t have to do it all and you don’t have to do it alone. Most of all, you don’t have to do it perfectly! This month our hope is to make it more “doable” for you. So, I’ll be writing about my personal journey as a mom, and featuring guests who will share lessons they’ve learned along the way that have helped their family incorporate D6 moments into every day life. And I hope you’ll share yours!!!
Before we get started, I want to share why we think this is so important. Please take a few minutes to watch this video and come back to let us know your thoughts.
We want to hear from you, so let us know what’s on your mind and what your greatest needs are as a mom. How does this video make you feel? What does it evoke in your thoughts? Does it make you want to ask anything?
We’ll be drawing names based on your thoughts and questions from this post today through Friday. Saturday morning we’ll announce the winner of a D6/P31 family gift pak that includes a cool D6 family coffee mug, a D6 t-shirt, a year’s subscription to the P31 magazine for mom and a year subscription to D6 Clear magazine for kids. And be sure to come back for more encouragement and give-aways all month!
We need this D6 Conference and now is the time to create a movement of Moms and Dads sharing their faith with their kids. Look out but when this happens then we are going to see a revival in our nation!
I just want to say that I have lost my way as a mother. It started when I lost my job. I had it in my mind that that was what defined me as a person. I was so devoted to the job that I felt helpless and incomplete without it. I want to tell you that I want to say thank you for clearing up that thought in my mind! I just started to read the messages on this site yesterday and I have been given a new lease on life. I have been a christian for over half of my life and a mother just as long. When I was young and didn’t work I put all of my energy into my children. We went to church on a normal basis, had dinner together every night, prayed every morning, meal and night, and I would teach my children about God and his love. When I had to get a job to help out. My mind must have changed somewhere in all of that. I have had a major eye opener today in reading this. I realize that I have lost my way and in turn have not been doing my job as a mother to the children that God has entrusted in my care. I know that I need to get back to what I really need to do and show my children what life is really all about. Thank you so very much!
I think that the greatest need that I have as a mom is to really connect with my kids on a daily basis. It’s hard with all of their plugged-in activities. I just have to make a concerted effort to connect with them.
Hello Renee. I really enjoyed this clip. Felt like it was just for me. It is amazing how God knows just what you need each day. I am married and have 2 children from a previous marriage ages 10 (girl) and 7 (boy) and my husband has 2 children from a previous marriage ages 6 (boy) and 4 (boy). I never realized how hard it could be having a blended family. We have become a very spiritual family just over the last 1 1/2 years. God has really done AMAZING things for our family in this time. I have been born again since I was a teenager, but got away from the Lord for a few years. Now, we are trying to instill in all our children how important it is to make God FIRST in your life! We pray daily with them and are looking for ideas we can do as a family to worship him other than going to church. Since there is such a big age difference between the girl and boys in the house, it is hard to include her in the same worship time as the younger boys. The mother of the younger boys does not attend church and the father of my two does not attend it really is a challenge for me and husband to teach all the children to worship the Lord at ALL times, even if you are not taken to church. I hope one day I am able to attend the D6 conference! I will share this post will all the families I know and I look forward to reading your blog all month, it is really an eye opener!
This moved my very soul for this issue has been on my heart for quite sometime now. Through this past year of 2008 I have made a very conscious effort to rejuvenate the spiritual dryness that had crept into our home as a family unit. I feel I have made a good start in the right direction but I really want to continue focusing on this through the next year with my main objective to turn my home into something more. To turn it into a spiritual haven. Your devotion on crosswalk was a direct answer to my prayer – for I had prayed that God would reveal ways I could implement all these 2009 goals and then I read your blog on the D6 family. Coincidence, I think not. Answered prayer, definitely.
I posted yesterday about wanting to have answers to difficult questions. Last night my 8 year old daughter starting asking questions about sex. I got my husband and we sat down together and explained things. I think we did alright. I was asking God to give us the right answers for her the whole time.
It was a little unnerving. God had been putting this discussion in my mind though, so I wasn’t entirely suprised. I’m grateful that our daughter felt comfortable enough to ask the questions. We told her to never be afraid to ask about anything. We would rather have her ask us, than someone at school. Lord, grant us wisdom!
[email protected]
Hi from UK
I’m a 57 year old Grandmother who also used to work with children and families. I can certainly agree with the idea that parents shape children more than school church etc. Except where the Holy Spirit uses something heard/taught at Sunday School or church and lodges it in the heart. I was only converted 12 years ago after years away from church, but I had attended regularly until age 18. So when I came back to church and was converted it was as if the floodgates of previous information opened and I suddenly understood so much. Take heart all who teach Sunday School. God’s word is indeed living and powerful and able to convert souls. Thanks for blog. I’m currently trying to use a different approach to my husband (recently retired through ill-health)and grown-up son (who lives a distance away from home,)using more biblical principles. I used to be a bully based on feminist principles and have lots of past horrors to change with them both.
Thanks for the useful guidelines based in Deuteronomy 6.
Wow..what a great video. I spend a lot of time with our kids as a stay at home mom. But I really need to work on many areas after seeing this video.
Well…my kids are all grown. This video makes my heart heavy, because in some ways I almost feel it’s too late. Don’t get me wrong, I still try. My oldest just became a father for the first time, and I am determined that he raises his son in the ways of the Lord. My younger two are both in college and have gotten caught up in the world. My heart aches when I remember them worshipping God as teenagers. But I know the Lord has plans for them…and I believe they will come back.
My husband and I have been “adopted” as parents by a young lady who has two young children of her own. She is struggling with behavioral issues and negative attitudes. She is at the end of her rope. She grew up in a drug addicted family and has been clean and living for God for three years now. She’s determined to leave a different legacy for her kids than she was left. I’m sending her a link to this video. I KNOW it is exactly what she needs to encourage her and give her the strength to be a great mom. Thank you so very much for sharing it with us.
This is so exciting. I can’t wait to hear more. It is such a wake up call. I’ve relied on the church to teach my children and hope they see my example as well. Now with teenagers it just gets harder and harder. I’m really looking forward to hearing more ways in which I can be a better teacher and leader in the spiritual journey.
AMEN!!! After watching the clip, I want my whole church to see this. Since having children of my own I realized that my parents did the best they knew how but oh, did they miss the mark on teaching me outside of the times we met at church. I thank them for planting that basis in my life but I want to take it to a whole nother level with my children and it has made a huge impact on my parents. The biggest was the fact that I only wanted our children to listen to Christian music and my parents grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and my father loved his hard-core rock stations but he no longer listens to it.
A friend and I are the leaders of our church’s children’s programs and we try so hard to keep the children focused on worshiping the Lord and helping other people. Not what can I get out of this, but what can I do to help someone else or how can I show God’s love!! I always said I was not a teacher but oh, how God has made me eat those words by showing me, I teach every moment of the day. Thank you for your encouragement!
I agree with the video 100% and I fail in this area myself sometimes. I try to be consistent with it and then I falter. It seems so much eaiser to push that “easy button”, as our youth pastor said in a sermon one night at church. In our busy lives we don’t stop and take the time we need to to teach our kids or discipline our children. I know for me the Lord has been dealing with me on some things such as, unity with my husband , letting my yes be yes and no be no. It is our responibility to train up our children in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. God never promised us it would be easy but He did promise He would always be there to help and see us through. I share with my kids all the time about “Who they are in Christ” among other things but I don’t do it as often as I should. I believe that the D6 teaching will help alot of parents including myself as I do not do it all right but I try and pray and leave the results up to God.
To “Will someone stand by me?” I want to tell you that you cannont give up you have taught your children and God holds them in the palm of his hand and their walls are continusouly before Him. He will bring them back from their capitivity. (Jeremiah 29:10-14) Hold on to the promises that God has spoken to us from His word. If he said it He will do it and if He spoke it He will bring it to pass. Keep praying, believing, and speak what you seek in them. Love them through the tough times. I am speaking to myself as much as you… I will stand with you in prayer our greatest weapon.
With Love in Christ,
Wow, I've been praying about this and my husband and I discussed this very subject at church on Sunday morning. To find your site and watch this video this morning I know God is speaking to me.
I'm a new believer, just a couple of years. I was not raised in a spiritual home. My father occasionally took my brother and I to church but my mother never attended. My parents never had a bible in the home. We never prayed.
I've been blessed to have some wonderful Christian women in my life recently and through them I was led to the Lord. My husband is not a Believer but will go with us to Church. We have two children, 6 & 10. When I try to discuss raising our children with a Spiritual foundation, praying together, reading the Bible, etc. he doesn't disagree but doesn't want to be involved either. He says at least coming to Church is better than nothing. I can't wait to share this video with him. I try my best to teach our children God's principles at home but I'm such a new Believer that I'm still learning. I can't quote much Scripture yet and teachable moments have to be planned for me because I need to research the bible first. Its difficult but I'm trying. Thank you for your website. I look forward to learning more this month.
Amen! Excellent video. I am currently in the process of a divorce and am raising my three children, essentially, alone. It has always been very important to me that my kids learn about God and His word in our home and throughout our daily activities. In fact, just last night my 13 y.o. daughter and I had a wonderful conversation about Proverbs that resulted in us spending over an hour reading and discussing the many wise words of Solomon. But I am also the Education chairperson for our church and a Sunday School teacher. I agree whole-heartedly that spiritual learning cannot just be limited to one hour a week at church. In fact, I have been working on a letter to send home to our families regarding just this! I was led to your blog today through your devotion on Proverbs 31. I am so glad I decided to click on the link to your blog. I will certainly be reading through the information on D6 and sharing with my education team and working filtering the information to our church families so that they too, will understand how important they are in their own child’s spiritual growth (as well as their own!) Thank you for the post and the video!
As a youth leader, I spend 1-2 hours a week with “my kids” – and every week it seems I have to start all over again – simply because many of them are not getting what they need from home. I get calls and texts and Facebook comments all week from them – and I do what I can. Now, after hearing about D6, I can’t wait to share with their parents that they have resources and hope to becoming a real part of their children’s lives! Rules without relationship=Rebellion – WOW! That sums up my teenage years – I know the parents of my youth are going to love this!
Wow! This is one of my hearts cry being a mom who struggles….my husband says he is a believer..but no proof as the way he lives…I grew up in a home that went to church every time the doors were open…but we never prayed together except before dinner, never read the bible together…my husband grew up with none of that…so its so hard to do this with our family now….D6 looks like like help…looking forward to following this…going to share this with others!
I really enjoyed watching this video.I am a Pastor’s wife and was a youth leader and truly believe that it is up to the parents to train their children in many things especially spiritual. SOME parents feel that if they just give their children to the church once or twice a week then they will turn out fine and that isn’t true. I have two little boys in elementary school and they quickly adopt habits that we do not practice at home and I have to make the changes right away before it sticks with them. I feel that as a leader in the church we can show them the way and give caution, but it’s up to the parents to hold them by the hand and take them where they need to go. Believe it or not sometimes the parents themselves wind up hindering their children with the examples they live! But as more parents become aware of the reality and truth of their responsibility and going against what the world teaches our children we will be victorious.
Thank you for sharing that clip. I have so much work to do. When my children were younger, I was very active in their spiritual development. I see the fruit of those efforts in my 24 year old, for she loves the Lord and is a faithful tither. I think I slacked off with my youngest child, for the two are seven years apart. My son has accepted Jesus as his Lord, however, he is not active at all with the church’s youth group. That is directly my fault. He goes away to college next year, so I have a lot of work to do. I thank God for the early years in which he was active, for I know God’s word does not return void. Thank you so much for reminding us of our responsibility. I am going to start by upgrading his “children’s bible” to a teen devotional bible. I will pray and ask God how to go from there. I spend so much time developing the women in my women’s group, somehow my son fell from my radar. Thanks again so very much.
I have spent years and years of time with our four children. We don’t have much t.v. and we have put our children through Christian school. I have talked with our children about Jesus throughout their lives. I talk about Him…He is real to me…struggles, good times and all. But right now (our children from pre-teen to post teen) seem to all have drifted. We try to have meals together, I try to talk to them at various times and share what I know about God.
It feels as though I (we) have failed. My husband has been much less involved with them in these ways although he has done some. It has been much more of a priority (the relationship with Christ) with me than with him as relating to the children.
Now I have grown weary. This video has made me cry…I feel i have tried so hard and when I look at the “fruit” it appears I have failed. One child is unkind, combative and unwilling to help at home. He refuses advise and struggles with porn at times…which scares me. One child will help out and shows some kindness but tries to “hide” to avoid having to do anything that is outside their comfort zone. Another hides behind reading and video games and will usually help out when asked but doesn’t show initiative with looking toward the future and need to find work, etc. and the last would rather play than work and seems to connive to avoid it.
I feel as though I have failed miserably as a parent…even though I have tried my hardest. I know I have made mistakes through the years…but I fear for my children’s futures.
“Will Someone Stand By Me?”
[email protected]
Renee, My parents have always worked toward leaving Christ in our hearts as a their legacy. I am also working towards that goal. I realized these last few days back to the regular schedule that a few of our good together time habits have fallen to the side. Tonight I will intentionally be picking them back up. I have tried since my 7 year old was born to every day pray for him and with him and also with my 5 year old. At bed time each night we say the “Lord’s Prayer” as they are tucked in and I am able to spend a little time with each one just chatting. I am a full time stay at home mom with a part time job at our chuch in Children’s Ministry – I am so fortunate to know and be reminded by this D6 ministry how important these verses are in our lives and the ones that we are responsible for. I am encouraged by the knowledge that if I lead my life according to God’s Word that my children will also want to do so. I am also hoping that by seeing them excited to learn about Christ that their father will some day share that excitement. Leading by doing is not hard, God intended for this so I believe he will provide for it’s success. Thank you for seeing this need throughout our World and addressing it. I will be praying for you and all the other parents that are trying hard everyday to share God with their kids.
I am so excited for this posting. My heart has been heavy for the hurting state of our country and our world. I was feeling overwhelmed with the helplessness I felt. This post reminded me of where my first and most important job is. I know God showed me this post this morning for me to embrace D6 in my heart and also to live it out. I am also in the Children’s Ministry at the church I attend. I am always looking for was to inspire and encourage parents, and this is wonderful. Children and Families are so close to my heart but, sometimes I get over run with useless business and loose focus. Thank you for this month of parenting posts. I can’t wait to see what God is going to show us!
Renee – what a blessing you and this group are for me right now. I have been struggling with my 5 year old daughter and helping her to read. They are teaching her at school – but she needs help at home too. Sometimes I get so frustrated that I yell at her and tell her she is going to be left behind if she doesn’t get this. I feel guilty afterward and I ask God for help and I believe He has sent me help through the D6 Family! I am my children’s teacher – both spiritually and otherwise. I have to be an example to them in all areas and that means I have to show them the great love that God shows me daily. I truly need to take the time and sit with my children and incorporate what they learn at church into our home environment – and that goes for reading as well. Thank you so much for sharing this with us – God is talking to me and I am listening!
Hello Renee. I really enjoyed this clip. Felt like it was just for me. It is amazing how God knows just what you need each day. I am married and have 2 children from a previous marriage ages 10 (girl) and 7 (boy) and my husband has 2 children from a previous marriage ages 6 (boy) and 4 (boy). I never realized how hard it could be having a blended family. We have become a very spiritual family just over the last 1 1/2 years. God has really done AMAZING things for our family in this time. I have been born again since I was a teenager, but got away from the Lord for a few years. Now, we are trying to instill in all our children how important it is to make God FIRST in your life! We pray daily with them and are looking for ideas we can do as a family to worship him other than going to church. Since there is such a big age difference between the girl and boys in the house, it is hard to include her in the same worship time as the younger boys. The mother of the younger boys does not attend church and the father of my two does not attend it really is a challenge for me and husband to teach all the children to worship the Lord at ALL times, even if you are not taken to church. I hope one day I am able to attend the D6 conference! I will share this post will all the families I know and I look forward to reading your blog all month, it is really an eye opener!
This is incredible timing for me as well. My youngest son (3) has just started pre-school today, and I have mornings to myself for the first time. I’ve been praying that God will guide me and show me where I should be putting my energies – and what do I get? This video – reminding me that being a Mum is still my most important role. I have a lot to learn, and look forward to studying with you all. God bless you. Fiona.x
Wow Renee!
What an amazing group God has gathered for this D-6 concept. It has truly allowed me to pause this morning and reflect on my serious role as a mother. To perhaps pray more specifically about this – plans, opportunities, just being intentional – in guiding, listening, and sharing with each child. Thank you for listening to his Will in spreading the word. Amazing to think that parents DO need to be more intentional, but it truly is the world we live in today.
Have a blessed week!
As a youth leader, I spend 1-2 hours a week with “my kids” – and every week it seems I have to start all over again – simply because many of them are not getting what they need from home. I get calls and texts and Facebook comments all week from them – and I do what I can. Now, after hearing about D6, I can’t wait to share with their parents that they have resources and hope to becoming a real part of their children’s lives! Rules without relationship=Rebellion – WOW! That sums up my teenage years – I know the parents of my youth are going to love this!
Thank you for sharing that clip. I have so much work to do. When my children were younger, I was very active in their spiritual development. I see the fruit of those efforts in my 24 year old, for she loves the Lord and is a faithful tither. I think I slacked off with my youngest child, for the two are seven years apart. My son has accepted Jesus as his Lord, however, he is not active at all with the church’s youth group. That is directly my fault. He goes away to college next year, so I have a lot of work to do. I thank God for the early years in which he was active, for I know God’s word does not return void. Thank you so much for reminding us of our responsibility. I am going to start by upgrading his “children’s bible” to a teen devotional bible. I will pray and ask God how to go from there. I spend so much time developing the women in my women’s group, somehow my son fell from my radar. Thanks again so very much.
This is incredible timing for me as well. My youngest son (3) has just started pre-school today, and I have mornings to myself for the first time. I’ve been praying that God will guide me and show me where I should be putting my energies – and what do I get? This video – reminding me that being a Mum is still my most important role. I have a lot to learn, and look forward to studying with you all. God bless you. Fiona.x
Wow- something that we as Christian parents need to be reminded of.
As a SAHM of 3 under 5.. I am with my children the majority of the day.. ( 2 are in preschool in the mornings).
This has given me pause to think about .. am I really finding the teachable moments and using them with my 5/4 yr old…
What is the best way to do this in ways that they will understand???
What about my 2 yr old.. I know there are moments .. I need to find them…
As a family..we don’t do any type of family devotions or bible time with the kids before bed..
As a few other women have said on here.. I have an awesome, Godly husband.. but I need him to lead in this.. which seems to be .. I will mention doing something with the kids/he agrees.. but its almost like its left to me to do it.
I don’t want to lead.. please pray that God will stir his heart in this area.
With 2 boys.. they need to learn by example….
He was not raised in a Christian home.. He has been saved for over 20 yrs.. but I don’ think he was ever taught about leading in this way.
I have tried to encourge this… but nothing.
What can I do???
Please pray that I will find/use those teacheable moments.
Chrissy Gunning
I’m with Lisa V. It brings me to tears. I grew up going to church on Sunday and Wednesday. We never prayed other than before meals. We didn’t read the bible or talk about God either. I was much older than Lisa though when reconnecting with Christ. It’s only been 3 years and I’m 37. My 18 year old son just got baptized right before Christmas but I feel he’s missed sooo much. It makes me sad. Even with my 9 year old, I just want to be the role model that I need to be. It’s very important for the parents to be the primary source of leadership. It’s their responsibility. If we the parents are living a Godly life, then it shouldn’t be as hard as it sounds. Thank you so much for this.
This video excites me because I agree 100% with what was shared. We need the awakening and reminding of this message. We need to be intentional. I have made it a priority as a Mom to give my son a Biblical foundation from an early age and use teachable moments, yet even with my own efforts, I feel there is so much more I could have done.
This video also puts me into a bit of a panic mode when I come face-to-face with the reality that in another year my son is off to University and I have this small window of opportunity left to share God’s Word with him on a daily basis in the way I do now. Oh, I’ll still be in touch with him, praying for him daily, but he won’t be in our home. The brevity of the time left with him here in our home makes my breath catch in my throat. Have I done enough? When decisions need to be made, will he make godly choices? Has my life given evidence of a mom who takes everything to the Lord so that his immediate response when struggles arise will be to call on the Lord? When our children are young, we think we have so much time and if we aren’t consistant with our spiritual training, or we miss a few days it’s OK – we have all these years ahead of us. Trust me, they go by so quickly. Suddenly your heart fills with the urgency to use all the time remaining.
In the last 4 1/2 months I’ve been offered 4 jobs. I haven’t even been looking for work – I’ve just received phone calls offering me positions. With the enconomy the way it is, and my husband employed by General Motors, it has been tempting to return to the workforce. Each time as I prayed about my response to these offers the Lord reminded me of my call as a mom. He clearly spoke to me that at least until my son goes off to University, I am to remain at home. Some might think that as a teenager, he would be OK on his own, but as a teenager he is also sailing through uncharted waters in the area of relationships, huge decisions about future vocation etc… I want to be there to offer the support and guidance his little boy heart still longs for at this time and be able to open God’s Word together with him and pray with him. Every moment has the promise of being a teachable moment and I don’t want to miss any.
Can’t wait to hear more about the D6 Family. May the Lord bless the efforts being made and may the result be strong households of faith.
Gosh, there are so many thoughts running through my mind right now that I don’t know if I can catch them fast enough to get them on paper. Here is goes:
– Am I doing enough and is there ever too much?
– Do I know enough to teach my child (4 and 13)? They are so smart and I often fumble with Scripture references.
– Am I (or how do I) present the Word so not to turn my kids off or roll their eyes and say, “Here she goes again”?
– Am I modeling well enough that they notice and will impact them?
– We find it so hard, even though I try, to do devotionals at home. How do I make sure we have time for discussions?
– Since the father is the head of the house, how does the mother present family worship times or devotionals? My husband supports me but I do not like feeling like I have to drag him into it. Does that make sense?
– How do you help your step-child walk in the Word when he is at his mother’s house?
– How do you equip your 13 year old step-son to stand up when things happen at his mother’s house that we don’t approve of.
– We spend most of our Sunday at church with service, kids choir, and MYF. Is there such a thing as too much church?
Our children go to a Christian private school, have Bible study at church on Wednesdays, attend church service and Sunday school on Sunday mornings participate in the choir and have fellowship and devotionals Sunday evenings. With all of those things you would think they got enough of the Word. But like the one gentleman said about all the walking time, prayer request time there isn’t much actual study time. There is so much fluff that I wonder sometimes if it is even worth it. Would we be better off staying home and studying the Word as a family.
Sorry if I typed too much. It sure feels good to get that out though. 🙂
I couldn’t be more in need of a month of encouragement. Right now my husband is in seminary, and I have had to return to work. Every day I struggle with feeling inadequate as a woman who strives to be a Godly mom, because I am not able to be at home with our son. I feel like the lack of time is such a hindrance. I am reminded as I ponder on this that God has given us the powerful tool of prayer.
As for application, I am wondering specific ways that I can talk with my two year old about Jesus. He always says, “I want to hold Jesus”. It’s hard to explain to my toddler.
Hey There,
I am very much in agreement with the gentleman that said "this is our mission field". I have felt that way for so long. There is so much work to be done right here with our own children so that our society does not get anymore out of control than it already is! My oldest daughter is 20 and I feel like I have just as much an important role in her life now that she is in college as when she was her sisters age(16). Our job as a parent is to train them up from the time of birth and it really shouldn't ever end. If we do this then they see us more as a friend to talk to and learn with and I don't believe it will seem as "preachy". Just yesterday when I picked my daughter up from school she immediately started talking to me about things she had found out a girl from our church was doing and I know this family well enough to know that other than going to church a couple Sundays a month there is no ministry. It is so important for them to see us (the parents) reading our Bible and praying,etc on a daily basis and I believe they will do the same, my girls have. One other thing that has been successful at our church is a Moms In Touch prayer group. The children know that their moms are getting together every Sunday evening just to pray for the children and the schools. Sorry I talked too long! I think this is an awesome ministry to be a part of. I am going to have D6 scripture printed & framed and put it in our family room.
Thanks for your commitment to our families.
Sweet Blessings,
What a great post! i am eager to see where God takes this. i want to teach my children so much. I often get questions that I don’t know the anwers too. And the questions often come at bedtime. Thank you for bringing this topic to the forefront.
God works in mysterious ways…Just started a time for kids devos in the morning again…we have gotten away from it. Everyone needs to get up at different times, and everyone is scrambling…so I put candles out for each one, and if they are not shut off I know they didn’t do them. We also have a prayer journal. I am so amazed at the prayers my little ones, and big ones are writing! Amazing. But, before we started this up again, God has been convicting me to do this again. Then your blog…then something in Beth Moore study, ect…on and on. i am glad that we did it. I have also recently started to reevaluate my time, which then reflects on what my kiddos are doing. I am starting a foster care ministry… it is a huge undertaking. We will buy land and build homes, for Christian, married couples to do foster care in a community called Hope Blooms. My husband and I want to live in this community also. We have always had a paasion for children, and their importance. Well, if I wasn’t even taking more time for my children, and doing this or that around the house, how I am going to minister to other children that have horrible lives. So, I try to get what I need to get done during the day, I am blessed to be home! Then spend TIME with them. Talk with them, go to their rooms and chat, play games, talk about how their lives reflect what the Bible says…..I am eager to read more about this, and the timing of the video was another realization of God’s right timing…makes me smile when things like that happen! Oh I cannot wait to hear more from all of you…I cannot wait for my ministry to take off! Make the difference in my children’s lives, and other children that God entrusts in my life….
Thanks Renee and everyone!
I totally agree that we cannot leave it up to the church to teach our children about Christ. The example set in the home environment is so very important. I am like Lara who asked how to get the Dad’s more involved in the process. My husband is a wonderful Christian man, but I find that often I must step into the role of being the spiritual head-of-the-household. I pray that God will keep me humble and that I will cry out to hear His voice and follow closely His commands so that my son will see the reality of Jesus in my everyday life. I don’t want to preach the gospel; it is my desire to live the gospel so loudly and so lovingly that others are drawn to join me!
I am looking forward to seeing what tips and thoughts that are shared through this crucial discussion. May God bless and keep you and your family as you lead us Renee. And, thanks for your faithfulness!
I have always believed this, even if I haven’t been so great at practicing it. It is only one factor in why we chose to homeschool our children. The difficulty lies in the fact that our children learn so much more by what they *see* than what I *say.* It puts a lot of pressure on me and I often miss the mark behavior-wise. But then I get to talk about grace and forgiveness…. so there is some benefit even to my weakness.
My own desire has always been to raise godly children. However, and this hurts me deeply to say it, the church has left me in frustration because I have not received support from the pulpit in regards to being a full-time homemaker and mother of five. I have been made to feel guilty because I did not teach or serve in the church while raising young children. It was conveyed to me that works in the service of the church were more important than my service to my home. Those who are busy as bees outside of their homes are commended while women, as myself, are often looked upon as “bench warmers”. May I leave you a quote which has encouraged me when left discouraged by “religion”…” There were some women who supposed that, the moment they became Christians, they were to run about everywhere. “No”, says the apostle, “let them keep at home.” There is no gain to the Christian church when the love, and the industry and the zeal, which ought to make a happy home, are squandered on something else.” Charles H. Spurgeon
I love this video. I completely agree that the family needs to take the lead in raising spiritual kids, but how? I’m still so new at living a life of faith that I’m not sure I know enough to lead my kids. I’m looking forward to learning more on your blog this month!
As a mom of teenage boys I struggle with the quantity of teaching. Like “anonymous” above, my boys feel I am too “preachy” also. They were raised with going to church…praying together as a family…scripture memorization through the youth program. They attend youth group/sunday school. I feel that I have failed in showing them how to truly make their faith their own.
And my husband who is a very quiet laid back personality is a believer but has never taken the initiative in devotions or family worship. I have encouraged him…and he feels that he watched his father pray and study his bible and that faith is learned by example.
This is a great start to encouraging parents to see how important their role is in raising Godly children.
Thank you for introducing this to me and the rest of your blog readers! I am eager to read what else you will post about this topic as it really will help me with my children! I have just started teaching my son (age 2) some simple scriptures to memorize and am very excited to do more! I am now going to check out the D6 website!
Thank you for introducing this to me and the rest of your blog readers! I am eager to read what else you will post about this topic as it really will help me with my children! I have just started teaching my son (age 2) some simple scriptures to memorize and am very excited to do more! I am now going to check out the D6 website!
This is so true, but sometimes difficult in reality. My kids are older–ages 14 and 16. They feel like I am too “preachy” at times. I think the challenge is incorporatiing Godly views and values into every conversation without it turning the off.
I’m close to tears. Oh yes Renee, you have heard my heart. How can I teach my son, lead my son to God? I’m not sure how to be that example. He is two years old. I was raised in a nominally God believing home, we were made to go to church but we didn’t pray together, read the Bible together, or really talk about God. I am a Christian that accepted the Lord at 13. I’m now 35 and have walked with the Lord all these years. I want to start a new way so that my children will love the Lord, and will teach their children to love the Lord. Thankfully my husband is also a believer but we are both in the same boat in that we just don’t know how to live out our faith at home, and with each other. I’m so excited to hear all you’ll have to say this month. Thank you Renee.
What a great wake up call. I can’t wait to follow this the next few days! A couple of questions – how do you get the dads more involved in sewing those seeds? As moms, we’re with our kids more throughout the day – at breakfast, in the car, etc. What are some practical tips for dad to get involved without it seeming forced or fake? It’s hard for my kids to relate to their dad sometimes because on some days, they don’t even see him.
Yes! I agree! This is what I’ve been learning about over the past year, and I’m trying to find new ideas and practical ways to do this. The church can’t do everything, and just because someone works for the church doesn’t mean that they’re an expert in anything. We need to take the lead to teach our children, and I’m looking forward to finding new ways to do this.
Hi, Renee!
My one desire is to sew God’s Word into their hearts daily. And to be an example to them….not of a great mom, but of a mom who desperately needs Jesus’ grace, mercy and love. A mom who asks for forgiveness when I have sinned. A mom who does not lower the standard but rather keeps it raised to line up with God’s Word. A mom who lives in the Truth. A mom who prays for them. A mom who listens to and talks with them.
Thanks, Renee. I am excited to follow this D6! 🙂
Hey, Renee!
This was a great wake-up call! There are so many parents who need to see this clip. I loved the way that the speakers truly plugged in D6–for the parents! We do need to share, remind, and encourage our children as we rise, go through the day, and before we go to bed. I loved the way that one mentioned taking out the ear buds!! We are up against so much “stuff” in our culture. Thanks so much for sharing this. I plan on forwarding it to friends.
Hi, Renee!
My one desire is to sew God’s Word into their hearts daily. And to be an example to them….not of a great mom, but of a mom who desperately needs Jesus’ grace, mercy and love. A mom who asks for forgiveness when I have sinned. A mom who does not lower the standard but rather keeps it raised to line up with God’s Word. A mom who lives in the Truth. A mom who prays for them. A mom who listens to and talks with them.
Thanks, Renee. I am excited to follow this D6! 🙂