Do you ever wonder why you didn’t get the gift of confidence like others you know? I used to feel slighted by that. But over time I realized there was more to confidence than just being born with it.
Lasting confidence comes from knowing and believing that our value isn’t determined by our performance or competence. But that is not always easy to believe because we have an opponent who will do all he can to convince us otherwise.
Some avoid talking about the devil because they don’t want to give him too much attention. But I think it’s important that we realize we have an enemy. The Bible calls him the accuser of the brethren. Satan loves to accuse us and make us feel worthless so that we never become all that God created us to be!
One of the ways he works is by getting us to doubt ourselves. In my P31 devotion today, I shared how a few years ago I realized I was going along with the enemy’s schemes every time I’d do something wrong and then ask: What’s wrong with me?
A few years ago, it dawned on me that every time I asked, “What’s wrong with me?” I was actually telling myself something was wrong with me. Then I would try to figure out my elusive fault so I could change it or hide it. Do you ever do that?
It’s not what God wants us doing to ourselves, but Satan loves for us to focus on all that is wrong with us (real or perceived) so that we become consumed by self-doubt and condemnation as a result. Peter tells us what we need to do about him: “Keep your mind clear, and be alert. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion as he looks for someone to devour.” (1 Pet. 5:8, GW).
Keeping Our Minds Clear
Jesus says in John 14:26 that God has given us an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to teach us everything and to remind us of all that Christ said. The Holy Spirit lives in us as believers, and He is great at helping us keep our minds clear. Let’s ask Him daily to clean out the clutter of insecurity, pride, and Satan’s lies in your thoughts and replace them with the clarity of Truth.
Staying Alert
We can stay alert by listening to our thoughts. If our thoughts are against us, then our feelings will be too. What we think determines how we feel, and our feelings often determine how we live.
Think –> Feel–> Live
However, with the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Promises, we can ask Jesus to change the way we think, which will change the way we feel and eventually transform the way we live!
The next time you start having negative feelings about yourself, stop and ask the Holy Spirit to show you what you’re thinking that is making you feel that way. Then compare your thoughts about yourself, or the circumstances you are in, to God’s thoughts. Do they match? If not, find a promise in God’s Word to replace the lie that has filled your heart with self-critical thoughts For instance:
- When you feel defeated, focus on the truth that God says, “In all these things [you] are more than [a conqueror] through him who loved [you]…” (Rom. 8:37, NIV)
- When you feel worthless, focus on the truth that God says, “You are precious and honored in my sight, and . . . I love you.” (Isa. 43:4, NIV)
- When we feel inadequate, focus on the truth that God says, “’You are my witnesses,’ declares the Lord, ‘and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he.’” (Isa. 43:10, NIV)
If we have Christ in us because of our faith in Him as our Savior, then we have God’s power and promises available to live with a confident heart!
* If this is an area of your life you sense God leading you to dig deeper into, more about this part of my journey and this topic are in chapter 6 of A Confident Heart,
As part of a little celebrating we’re doing at my house, (see note below) we’re giving away 5 copies of A Confident Heart along Confident Heart Scripture stickies we’re having created this month!! Just leave your name or a comment to enter by clicking on “Share Your Thoughts” to let me know what God has you thinking about after reading this post, or my devotion. I’ll be reading your comments today and praying for you. It would be my honor to do that.
Today my family and I are celebrating some “only God could do this” news we recently received…over 20,000 copies of A Confident Heart are in the hands of women around the US, and it’s now being published in Korean!! We’re totally blown away – that in the midst of my father’s passing, my daughter’s speech disorder diagnosis and my mom’s hospitalization all during my book release – God is doing immeasurable more than we could even imagine. I know part of it is women reading reviews and hearing from other women so I want to thank you for sharing those, too. JJ and I love reading the stories in the reviews and seeing what God is saying to your hearts through the words He poured through mine in each chapter!!
Thank you for sharing. I need to be more positive about myself. I would LOVE a copy of your book!
What a blessing A Confident Heart is in my life! It helps to know I am not the only person in the world to get down on myself and am so thankful for the scripture that makes me know just how much I am loved! Thank you, Renee and P31 for the most amazing ministry!
As I struggle with my feelings of inadequacy and failures of being a single mom to 6 small children, 3 of whom have special needs, along comes God through Renee Swope and tells me that I AM good enough. That HE will equip me. “What is wrong with me” exits my mouth more times than what I care to admit. Thank you for the devotion and the Bible verses, that I can now write down on 3×5’s, to remind me during the day who I should and should not be listening to.
Dear Renee
First I would like to say congrats on the many, many copies sold of A Confident Heart! I know you have touched & blessed the lives of so many women, that’s truly a blessing & honor! I’m praying that I will be able to do just that one day, I know this is something that GOD has placed on heart to do. I’m currently going through a rough time now, I have recently experienced several traumatic events in the last two years, and recently realized that the anxiety&depression I’m experiencing is the result of all those events. I’m thankful that I can admit these, seek some professional help, and I know in the midst of it all, GOD will heal me, and I know there is Purpose in my Pain. Thanks for the 7day Doubt Diet & all your devotions they have really been a blessing to me, I hope I can get book soon, just not able to at time.
I am humbled by how God lovingly puts things in our paths when we are dealing with issues and He says “Stop – read this – it’s just what you’re dealing with – hear My message to you”. And the message goes right to the core of my heart, uses words I’ve been speaking to myself and I KNOW He is now speaking truth to me. Thanks for being the instrument Renee, that God has used to speak to my heart and mind today. It has been powerful, encouraging and life giving.
I keep trying to figure out what you do when you have someone who constantly in subtle and not so subtle ways, tell you all these things you do wrong – (even if you are not doing these things or saying the things you are accused of). You know in your head what is right, you know with God what is right, but for some reason it is hard to not constantly repeat in your mind where someone has and keeps attacking your character. How do you let go of these verbal insinuations that never seem to stop. I have come up with ignoring, acting like it doesn’t bother me, not speaking even when something else is brought up because of what I am harboring, etc… but all of these things do not take away what is eating away inside. I have called out in Jesus’ name for satan to get behind me, I have gone into reciting scripture in my mind, I have gone into immediate prayer (those all do help) – but the fact remains that I have lost sleep over one’s tactics as this. UGH! or HELP!!
This is so timely. We’re dealing with behavior issues with our youngest – who doesn’t at some point, right? Afterwards, I beat myself up by telling myself I was too harsh, I was too this, I was too that. However, a recurring thought is that I’m not cut out to do this mothering thing. “What’s wrong with me?” It’s just the devil feeding me with his lies and I am falling for it hard which is creating a vicious cycle of me second guessing every mothering decision I make. Your devotional and your blog entry have hit right at the heart of my issues. I could really use your book to help guide me through this, to accompany my prayers and quiet times. Thank you for your words and hope.
Thank you for this most timely post. I have suffered for many of my 44 years with what I call serial doubt. God has called me to a ministry but wants me to allow healing in various areas as we progress into it. Seems like those pesky doubts have doubled. I lie awake at night doubtful of my calling, anxious about being able to manage it all and weary from the struggle to heal my heart. I feel stuck paralyzed with this doubt unable to move forward. Sometimes it all just overwhelms me and satan temps me to give up – give in, quit. I would love to be able to read your book.
I am always wondering “what’s wrong with me”. I have in fact prayed for God to change my personality so I won’t have so many things wrong with me!!! I feel such a lack of confidence in myself and in things that I do and I didn’t used to be this way. I have been listening to Satan’s lies and I need to remember God’s truth. Thanks so much for this devotion.
Renee, God uses your words to touch my heart every time I read them (or hear them). But today, the words hit me so hard I had to stop and pray like you were saying every minute or so. I have extremely bad self-esteem and lack just about all confidence. God is using you to help me grow closer to Him, strengthen my faith and belief in Him, and heal some deep emotional and psychological wounds. Thank you so much for allowing Him to work through you. Please pray for me, I just want to be and do what God wants me to be and do. In Christ’s love…Kimberli
I am always stuck in performance mode, I feel tears in my eyes just thinking about it, thank you for reminding me that I am good enough just the way I am right now, not after I finally succeed at something or finally find my place in the church, it is right now, I need to remind myself that I am loved not because of what I do but because of what Jesus has done for me!
Trials, Faith, & Hope
Most of my life had been spent stuggling, feeling uncertain, and living in fear. I was very insecure, but I always trusted in God to help me through life’s difficulities. It took time for my heart to heal after my mother passed away and sometimes, it still heals.
I had several jobs and even went back to college after my mother passed away.
It was not until February 1984 that I moved away from home, leaving my dad. I was twenty-nine years old.
With much prayer and thought about the future ahead, I enlisted in the army for three years. Proverbs 3:5 became my heartfelt verse. I had ask the Lord for help getting an office job, a husband and guidance in my work, but I also agreed to share the gospel with others.
It wasn’t long my prayers were answered. God sent me to Germany. After a few months a chaplin assistant on post introduced me to Gordon, my husband. We went to church off post and we even had guard duty together a couple of times. It wasn’t long before we were talking about getting married. In August 1985, we were married in Gessien, Germany. I had one year left in the army and after I finished my time in Germany, we went home to meet our families together. Both of our churches gave us a wedding shower. His family in Michigan, my family in Mississippi. What a blessing it was! Then, Gordon returned to Germany for a few months, but joined me later at Ft. Stewart, Georgia where I finished out my term in the army.
You would think after 25 years, I would finally get it!…I guess it took some counselling and reading this book to see how to make the changes I needed. God was very patient with me. Thank you for sharing!
I cannot thank you enough for your devotional here and at P31. Despite being a Christian most of my life, I have fought negative thinking. (I’m now 54 years old). Thank you so much for sharing the truths God laid on your heart. When I do something wrong, I, too, have said to myself, “Oh Sherry, what’s wrong with you”, “Good grief, Sherry”, or “Oh, Sherry”, all of them being forms of pointing the finger at myself. I need to read your book and intend to soon. I’m so happy for how well it’s doing. Unfortunately it’s an indicator of how prevalent the need is among women today. Hopefully that will change over time! God Bless You and yours!!
Today I am thinking about how God will test our confidence in him. The scripture I read on your blog 1 peter 5:8. is just what I need to do to show him my confidence in Him and my self. This scripture is just what the devil is trying to do to me but I am going to follow these instructions.I am also going to ask the Holy sprit to clear my mind and clear out the cluter
This hits straight home to me. I have been struggling with this issue for several weeks now. “What’s wrong with me?” Why am I so this? Why am I so that? It is a constant battle. Thank you, thank you for the reminder that “I am fearfully and wonderfully made”.
Thank you for this reminder today Renee. Those lies sometimes come just out of the blue and cause us to doubt and it can be a challenging moment. But I know that Jesus loves me and If I look upto his promises, this doubts can be replaced with lasting confidence. Would love to receive a copy of your book which am sure has changed and is still changing many lives around the world.
God Bless!
Today is the first day I’ve read your post, thanks to a friend liking it on Facebook. I struggle frequently with thoughts about “whats wrong with me?” This morning as I dressed I was really thinking about how I’ve been living my life based on feelings. Do I feel that God has really called me to do what I once believed with confidence? Am I choosing things that are bad for me in the long run because they make me feel ‘good’ in the moment, or when I’m tired and just need someone or something to say I’m really not as bad as I feel. I know that I am missing out on the life God planned because my feelings tell me I’m just not good enough. I’ve done bible studies on replacing lies we believe with the truth and somehow lost the power of that as I crumbled under the false evidence of less than desirable circumstances or a past that just won’t stop hounding me. Thank you for sharing this truth… God’s timing is perfect… so so perfect. He told me I’m living by my feelings and only a few hours later you tell me to change the way I feel by listening to Him. Please pray that I can find strength by His power to live in that place and move out, doing His will in the confidence that comes from Him.
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! For sharing the blessing of this devotional. It could not have been more perfect! I would love to read your book. Thank you for the opportunity to read it. God Bless you for your obedience to share such a powerful message.
“When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.” (2 Cor. 10:12 NIV)
This just hit me like a ton of bricks!
Thank you for another awesome reminder of
who we really are in Christ. I know God is speaking
to me and wanting me to know that no matter what
rejection and abandonment I faced as both a child and adult
that through his love I can be confident in him.
Thank you for these reminders!
L. Nicole
Thanks so much for th wonderful devotional – I really needed this one. It spoke to me in such a mighty way and I can’t wait to read the book.
Self-esteem has always been an issue for me. Feelings of inadequacy (about my weight, my hair, my cooking, my worth, you name it), have been with me throughout my 58 years. Since becoming a Christian four years ago, though, I have come to realize that the only one whose opinion of me matters, is my Lord and Savior. He sees me as very worthy and adequate. But, there are times when I allow that old Deceiver to enter my thoughts. Please pray for me as I am still a work in progress.
Renee, I just thought I’d encourage you by letting you know that I posted the “Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence” handout from She Speaks on the fridge (at a strategically low height). The other day my almost 9 year old daughter paused and pointed to it and said, “I like that.” I think I’ve noticed her reading it from time to time. I think it’s just what she needs (as well as what I need). She’s much younger than her 2 siblings and I think she really struggles with confidence. Isn’t it cool how God uses everything we do in so many far reaching ways? Have a great day and be blessed!
How critical it is to have a positive thought life but it is hard when life requires for an extended period of time that you make lemonade out of lemons! And if you were brought up by negative parents, that thought process is certainly ingrained. Truly only the Lord can change this if He chooses to. Thank you for offering such loving support!
Hi Renee,
Today devotional spoke to me in such great volumes!! I am so glad that I signed up for Proverbs 31 it just seems like “wow” I am not the only one who goes through things like this. Self doubt and insecurities have been such huge factors the devil has spoken to me for many years of my life. i am now faced with a very tough decision and to this very day, when I know in my heart I have to face my giant, I still hear him telling me “are you sure”, “is this really what you should be doing”! I pray for direction and to hear Gods’ sweet voice whispering, “yes my child, this is what you are to do”! Please keep me in prayer as turn my thoughts around to the certainty of God’s promises and know, trust and believe He is with me always!!!
Have a blessed day!!
When God wants to get a point across, He brings it in multiple forms. This is the fourth thing today I have read about where my thoughts need to be. Thanks.
How encouraging your devotion is today. Seems a common struggle with women today is confidence. Your message reminded me of my identity in Christ, and that with confidence in Him, I am empowered and capable of achieveing all He has for me.
I so hope I win a copy of your book. Your devotions along with comments from your readers has certainly triggered a yearning in my spirit to grow deeply in Him and to embrace the call on my life, to be the woman He designed me to be. Blessings to you. 🙂
Thanks for this devotion Renee! God is confirming that He is hearing my prayer for my son! I just have to hold on to the Promise that God is Faithful, and that my son will make a complete u-turn back to Him! The enemy wants me to believe that he is winning but God reminds me that He has already won!!! Thanks for helping build my confidence in this!!! I would LOVE to win a copy of your book!!! 😉
Thanks for the encouragement today! I need to be constantly reminded of who I belong to as I work in a large company. the corporate world is not encouraging and it’s easy to be critical of my work which turns into critical of who i am.
A very good friend is completely consumed with what a horrible person she must be to have the life she is living. I have sent this to her – sincerely hoping she will see that she is a wonderful woman that is just letting the devil take her down. I hope her perception of her life turns the other way VERY SOON!!! I have forwarded this page to her and have been trying to get her started in reading her bible so she can find some peace in her life. Thanks for this!
Think. Feel. Live. I often need to be reminded that what I think affects how I feel and ultimately what I will do. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Sometimes I get so focused on my own negative thoughts I lose sight of the Truth of His Word,
I am reading A Confident Heart right now and participating in Melissa Taylor’s online study. I love your book, I downloaded the Nook version but would love to have an actualy copy to write notes in and/or give to a friend of mine! Thank you for your continued P31 devotions and sharing your insights!!!
I would love to receive a copy of this book to read for myself and be able to share it’s wisdom with the many young girls I mentor through youth sports.
your message today is so important and a much needed one thanks for sharing.
Thank you so very much for your efforts and dedication to helping empower and strengthen Christian women. If we could shuck the negative, inadequate image of ourselves that Satan has impressed on us we could rise up and be the strong, confident Christian women God intends for us to be. Confident in His love, confident in our worth and equipped to share His word and blessings. Haven’t read the book but I believe the message is one all women should hear. Would love to read it with my 15 year old daughter. How empowering to go into young womanhood knowing exactly who you are in Christ. Thank you.
Wow, does this hit close to home. I think we all do this and don’t even realize it. Thanks for the devotion today!
Thank you for your devotion today & for your blog post. Last night I led an event at our Church for the Wives of the Deacons & Ministers. All day yesterday & this morning I have had doubt & insecurity over how the evening went. Many times throughout the day I thought of your book and reminded myself that God had a plan for the night. If I followed His guiding and let the Holy Spirit guide the prayer time then His Will would be accomplished. I know these doubts & insecurities are from the enemy. Thank you for that reminder.
Thank you so much for this devotional! I heard you yesterday on the radio and my heart was touched as I heard you share. Your words entered my heart and bore witness with what God has been speaking to me for the past couple of months during my prayer time and through our pastor’s teachings about the accuser of the brethren. I have struggled my entire life with self-doubt and with speaking negative things about myself, and I have always wondered why I tend to do that so much. I am trying to break those habits and learn how to replace them with recognizing God’s thoughts about me and what His word says about me, and speaking those things in place of the accuser’s thoughts. I feel like I am beginning a new journey that will help me be more effective in all areas of my life as a wife and mother, and in ministering to others. Thank you so much for your ministry! I know God had his hand in letting me come across you on the radio program yesterday. God bless you as you bring freedom and blessing to others!
This was so timely for me today! I received some devastating news yesterday afternoon and spent the entire night in tears, with the enemies lies hammering away at me. Reading your devotion in my email was like a breath of fresh air. I think I may actually be able to get through the day now. 🙂
May God bless you…
Good Morning !
I have given a copy of your book to my daughter, Sarah, who struggles with self doubt. She is a college student and is struggling with her classes. I had bought the book for myself, but after I began to read it, I knew this is something she needed to read.
Your devotion and blog gave me the words of encouragement I needed for today.
God Bless,
Grace 🙂
I was was really touched and blessed by this part of the teaching. I find myself comparing and trying to measure up against other people particularly in the way that they pray. I would think perhaps if I prayed like that God would answer me more etc but I know that is nonesense but sometimes that thought comes across my mind and then I get back on point and the holy spirit will remind me that it is not about big words and long dialects that appeals to God but it is the heart that the prayer is coming from. When I read your devotion today I was nodding and agreeing and sitting up in my seat -lol because it spoke to me. Thank you Renee for letting God use you in this way though these devotions thank you for being willing to be open about your experiences in order to help others. God bless you continually.
The opportunity to win a free book would be great and greatly appreciated but I live in England so I dont know if the offer would be eligible for me. Is is just for people in and around the United States? If the offer is world wide I hope that I could be considered. Thanks again Renee
Thank you for sharing your insights. With my new job 2 months ago, kids, husband and life this is exactly how I am feeling (thinking). I would be honored to win/read your book.
Thank you for today’s devotional regarding those infamous words i say to myself, “What’s wrong with me?!” I needed to hear that today!! My identity is in Christ, yet Satan has such a way with me as he whispers doubt in my ear all the time. My teenage daughters struggle with this too, I know, and I would love to share your book with them!! God Bless you!
Thank you for this devotion. I actually have said words to myself that are not true just as you described in the devotion. I never really thought about it as Satan telling me lies but after reading both the devotion & the blog I am convicted & see the need to work on stopping this pattern in my life. Congratulations on having your book sell so well & thank you for your prayers for myself & for all the other women who are working on doing things God’s way & not listening to the deceiver!
Thank you so much for sharing this. I look back and see how I have been doing this my whole life. I am making an effort to change my thought patterns. Your prayer is appreciated.
Amazed is the only way I can voice how I feel after reading this. I was praying and asking the Lord as I rocked my 2-year old last night what I should write my next blog post about. It was getting close to my self-impose deadline and I was clueless. He laid on my heart all times I have felt like a complete idiot, and he has reminded that I am NOT, I am “fearfully and wonderfully made” exactly they way he wants me to be. Thank you for this reinforcement at exactly the right time! 😉
Thank you for your devotion today. God placed it there for me to see for a reason. Both my son and I needed to hear this today. We both struggle with frequent self-doubt and feelings of not inadequacy. It is so easy to fall into the trap that Satan sets for you. Why we fall for it so often is a question I ask myself frequently. My son is 15 and has some special needs and I have really struggled with how to best help him feel better about himself. Nothing has been very successful for very long. But, I just now realized that the only way to do that is through prayer. Why I didn’t see that before now, I don’t know. God is the only one who knows the perfect time and plan for us. Thank you God for revealing these truths to me today in your word and in this devotional. Please help me to always remember this and please keep reminders like the ones in the devotional today in front of all who need to hear it. Thank you.
As I was reading the Proverbs31 devotion this morning, I clicked on the link about your book, The Confident Heart. I have dealt with this very issue my entire life. As a young child, I followed in the footsteps of an older sister who was beautiful, popular, head cheerleader, etc. and I thought I had to be just like her.
Throughout my high school and college years, I struggled because I built my self worth on a boy, instead of the TRUTH of God’s word. When he broke up with me, I believed all the lies Satan threw my way that if I was more beautiful, gave “into” his advances, tried a little harder, etc then he wouldn’t have broken up with me
I could go on and on, as a young married woman, mother, teacher, etc.
However, it is my 18 year old daughter that I would love to have the book for. Abby is a beautiful young lady of God, but she doesn’t see that. She is constantly bombarded by Satan’s lies and deceptions. She lives trying to win the approval of others.
I do not want her to live her entire life as I did.
Thank you for all you are doing and for allowing God to use you to work in so many ladies lives!
Today was just the reinforcement I needed! I am currently involved in an online study with this book, A Confident Heart. When I first started reading Chapter 6 (which we are currently on), I thought, well, I’ll read it and all, but I dont have a problem with this particular area of negative thinking. Boy was a wrong! As I began to read, God began to reveal the areas in my heart and mind where I question my worth and value. I can see how this way of thinking affects my feelings which in turn affects my life. Today’s devotion was great because it encouraged me to read chapter 6 again. I always find things I would have missed out on when I reread. Although I have my own copy of A Confident Heart, I am hoping to win one to give to my daughter, since my is well worn (and loved) from this study. I have been sharing many of the bible verses from the book with her, but would love for her to have her own copy so that she can also feel confident in her own heart. She has struggled with some health issues that are a result of many of the negative feelings that she, as well as many women face. My hope and prayer is that she will learn just how much Jesus wants her to feel His love each day and take these negative feelings of doubt and fear away. I can just imagine how much better her llife will be if she can learn this at this point in her life (she is 20 years old) rather than wait until she has allowed satan to drag her down for 20 some years of her life, like I did.
P.S. I am 43 today . . . a book for my daughter would be a great Happy Birthday to me!!! 🙂
What a perfect devotion for me to read today. We listen to Satan’s voice too often and assume his thoughts as our own. Thank you, Renee for all you do for women through your ministry!
I’ve never been one to have confindence in myself and I’m 55 years old. We started a new church about a year ago and the ladies of the church came to me and ask me to be the group leader for the Women of Faith Conference this year. Women of Faith??? What was that and what do I do? This was my first year of ever hearing of this and my first year being group leader. I put the group together, got their tickets, got their motel rooms, handled all the details, suprised myself in what I could do since I didn’t believe in myself and what I could do. One more point, I’m unemployed and my husband is disable, so I knew when I took this project on, there was no way I could afford to go, but would do it for the ladies of my new church. It came to the final Sunday that everything had to be turned in to me, we had a meeting about final details, who was rooming with who, etc. I was asked who did I want to room with. I had not said anything before so I had to tell the ladies I wasn’t going because of my financial position. A room full of ladies started screaming yes you are going. They got together, purchased me a ticket, put me in one of their rooms, bought my dinner. I was so rejuvinated when we left on Saturday afternoon. On cloud nine!!!! God bless Women of Faith and even more Thank you God and Bless the Ladies of First Baptist Church Highland City, Bartow, FL for giving me the experience of my life. Now I can do anything!!! Thank you
God brought me right where I need to be today regarding A Confident Heart. I was just sharing with my pastors wife this week how I struggle all to often with “self editing”. I downloaded the first chapter and tried to digest every nugget of help in the chapter. Tonight I mentioned to my husband what a valuable resource this book would be for me and he said get it! My birthday is coming up (Nov. 3). A Confident Heart would be a treasured gift!!
Thank you for this wonderful ministry for all the women. This web site has valuable resources that I am going to make the most of!!