This graphic is part of our verse for the week.
Our Verse for the Week: “Satisfy [me] in the morning with your unfailing love, that [I] may sing for joy and be glad all [my] days…for I have put my trust in you.” Psalm 90:14, 143:8b, NIV
Our Word for the Week: SATISFIED (Download in a PDF or download in MSWord). Please print it and post it everywhere so you can remember that God’s love can satisfy the thirst of your soul!
Our Assignment for Today:
- Start or continue reading chapter 3. Remember, take your time and highlight or underline sentences that resonate in your heart.
- Let’s commit to memorize this week’s verse together!
My friend Heather is a Word girl!! When she was in college she performed in over 14 plays and memorized hundreds of lines, so I’ve asked her to share some tips to help us hide God’s Word in our hearts this week. Here are a few she shared. I’ll post more each week.
Ideas for Memorizing Scripture
- Write the scripture on several index cards or post-it notes and place them in areas where you will see them frequently throughout the day. Examples: on the bathroom mirror, refrigerator door, in the car, at work, etc…
- Get a stack of index cards and on each one write one or two words from the verse, including the reference. Shuffle them up and see if you can put them in the correct order again. Save the cards and reuse common words found in other verses.
- Send the verse to friends and family by typing, texting, or writing it out by hand. You can look at the verse, but do not copy and paste! Try writing it at least once a day.
- Study with a friend, your spouse, or teach it to your kids! Quiz each other and keep each other on track. What a great way for families to spend time in the Word together!
- Change the wall paper on your computer to an image that has your Bible verse.
Connecting in Community: Wanna commit to memorize this week’s verse together?! If you are in, leave a comment by clicking on “share your thoughts” and tell us how you plan to memorize it. Also, if you have any other creative ways to memorize scripture please share that, too. I’ll be back Weds with a video message that I’m so excited to share with you!! {If you’re reading this via email, click here to return to my website to commit and connect.}
I normally write them on index cards (something I found quiet helpful in college :-)!)
I also put it on the refrigerator for my children, I like for us all to learn a new scripture each week together and since they are always in the fridge… Than that’s the best place for it 🙂
First…about memorizing scripture. What is wrong with me!?!? You all seem so open and willing to give this a try, but for years I have …… told myself I don’t have time/it is too hard. (poo-pooed the idea) Why do I struggle so much? You are all challenging me that is for sure. 🙂
Second….ch 3. I am struggling to grasp what it is I am supposed to hear/learn/understand from the Lord on this. In the past it was easy for Him to show me things He wanted me to work on, and usually after I cried it out, I was willing to work it out. Honestly, I feel like I have let my heart get so hard towards God……
IDK….I just know that at this point I am a little frustrated. Getting ready to hop over to the video Renee posted…maybe something will click for me there.
You are all challenging me!! I have avoided PV 31 ministries for years because it was a “woman”
thing. (Not very comfortable with women ) Seems like I shouldn’t have fought it so hard, but I am thankful to be here now!! 🙂
Yay!!! After watching the video, the visual aid was awesome!! However, it wasn’t until I read someone else’s post that I realized the things I have been filling my empty places with are: disappointment; bitterness; resentment; unforgiveness; conditional love; hopelessness, etc. I was trying so hard to make it tangible things when in reality I gave up on those things a long time ago and have allowed the non-tangibles to take their place.
Hallelujah……He IS pursuing me!!!! ♥♥♥
ladena, that is so awesome to hear!!! He IS…hallelujah! <3
I am one who collects “pretty paper”. Why?….because I like paper that has pretty graphics on it. Well, now I’ve found a constructive way to use my great collection of pretty paper; I will tear sheets of it into little squares on which I will write each word of this week’s verse. I have a lot of down-time at my day-job, so I can use that time to scramble the words and then put them together to form the verse. This Bible study is turning out to be fun and creative, along with insightful and life-changing!
what fun that will be! hmmm, might try that, colora…thanks for sharing.
Oh my. Does this chapter express and explain my depression. It wasn’t until today that I felt I just woke up, to completely realize that I need my thinking retrained; to focus on what is real and trustworthy. When I was younger I made a lot of foolish mistakes because , at the time, I believed this is what I needed to be whole. When I realized one thing was not the answer, I found something else. I finally found something that was more meaningful and it seemed to take the emptiness away for many years. Since I consumed my whole life with it I was able to cover up those empty feelings, I finally felt I had a purpose. Then life changed and what I depended on for years was no more. There was nothing as comparable or meaningful that I could find to replace what I had. Not only was this “good thing” gone, God had also taken away everything else at the same time. I was now standing totally naked, aware and surrounded by my incompleteness and a desperation to be complete. I knew the world had nothing to offer, so I became very depressed and even had thoughts of giving up. I tried to get back what I had, but things were so different now, It would never be the same no matter what I tried. i have been fighting this depression every day and sometimes when the feelings would be so deep, I would just give up the day. After reading the chapter, I came face to face with the foolishness of my actions. I can’t believe I couldn’t see. I am a believer and I am saved. I read my Bible and have done studies. I try to have my quiet time with the Lord every morning, but with all of this , I still felt an emptiness. What wasn’t I getting? I guess I thought I would get a complete washing of my mind, soul and heart instantaneously to conform me to God’s ways and knowledge. I surely have prayed enough for understanding and I know God answers prayers. Even through all the lessons God has put me through, I still can’t believe I had this blind spot. He has shown me over and over He is there, He is faithful, He cares and loves me, but I still would not let go of my thoughts and ways. I saw this verse a while back and set to memorizing it. Rom 12:2″ Don’t copy the behaviors and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. ” This verse got my attention. I was really happy God was going to change the way I think, I really need it, but how and when, I wondered. I now realize God was starting to open my eyes. God wants me to do more than read the Bible, more than do the studies, more than take the time to pray, He wants me to KNOW Him. I can do this by really reading His word, by studying, by memorizing His scriptures (I have found this is like a first-aid kit to life’s problems that come up), and most of all, Believing and trusting in Him. I believed in what the world could offer and those things have all come and gone. Why not seriously take a step of faith, surrender and believe in God’s ways God is forever. I must let God transform the way I think by turning to him first and letting go, by believing in Him and trusting in Him with all my heart, mind and soul. I must include God in everything I do and think. I have a lot of bad habits to change, but I now realize I have to open the door to let Him in and together we can make changes.
Dear Kathy,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I feel the same way many times too. I too realized, or I guess more appropriately God showed me, through this chapter that I had been finding my worth and value in other things outside of God. For me, its been relationships (romantic relationships and family relationships) and career. Neither of them have satisfied me. It sounds like you had a revelation. Its beautiful when He reveals something to us that we thought we knew but didn’t. I thank God for him renewing your mind! I too need His help to renew my mind. I too have been thinking about taking a “step of faith, surrender and believe in God’s ways.” I want to, I really do, but I don’t always trust Him. I need to believe and trust in Him too. I am asking him to help me do that. I pray that you have been believing and trusting in him more and more each day since writing your comment. I like how you ended your comment. I will try to remember that if I open the door to let him in he will make the changes in my life. God bless you!
I am in, I hope, to at least study this verse this week. I need to remind my heart that only in the Lord can my heart be truly satisfied. And on from Him comes unconditional love.
I love you for all you do ! I pray my children for all their lives know that Mama is “Always There”.
I have never had very much success at creating an organized system of memorizing verses, but this is so on time for me. I desperately need more of God’s word tucked away in my heart because I just feel like I am under so much attack emotionally lately. Almost like I don’t even know who this person is in my shoes anymore! But God is good and I know that if I keep my eyes stayed on Him, He will keep me in perfect peace. I will take all of the ideas that you ladies have shared, and I am going to fight back and take a stand, capturing every thought and holding it up to the light of Christs word. My prayer is that by the end of this study, I will no longer struggle with thinking whether or not I am good enough or worthy, and that I can finally, once and for all, just love myself for who God made me to be. 🙂
Oh yes! I am in for memorizing our bible verse. I have posted it on Facebook, and ask that my family and friends send it to me daily for the next 5 days(if they have my cell phone number) by text if they have availabilty to text, along with some personal texts I sent from my phone,this is my way of getting them involved too. I have it in the car to read when I start the car and when I shut the car off. It is on my home computer desktop, on my desktop calendar at work, in which when I read it tomorrow morning, I will highlight in yellow. I also have purchased some neon color posty notes, I will write part of the verse to challenge myself to finish the verse and place them around the house. I want to lift up my sisters in Christ for those going through difficult times or challenges, those with health issures, those who have withdrawn or isolated themselves and for those who have taken the opportunity to to be involved in this online study that you each hear God’s voice talking with you so that you can become closer to God. God Bless
Count me in….the idea of changing the wallpaper on my computer is perfect.. When I’m sitting in front of the computer all day no better way to spend the day then memorizing God’s word as I work. I also like the texting idea from friends… I will have to use that. Thanks for sharing.
Janet your very welcome and it is amazing that I am receiving our memory verse at all times of the day, what a great feeling that others have the desire and love for Christ as myself. God Bless
I just read chapter 3 last night and I was reminded of this book my children have about “filling buckets”. At first I really liked reading it to them as it focuses on how our words and actions can serve to encourage or defeat others. However, as I read it, I realized that- whether intentional or not- this was setting up a bad precedent…it gave the impression that our bucket is filled by the kind words and deeds of others and that we are responsible for the filling of others’ buckets. Now, I know that we are called to use our words and actions to give encouragement and support, but those things are not the “bucket fillers” themselves, but a means to bring the Living Water of Christ to others. Sometimes we still read this book, but we talk about how God is our “bucket filler” and we are called to share this truth through our words and actions so that everyone can receive the only true and satisfying WATER that will eternally fill our hearts and quench our thirsty souls.
Amen, I love the way you have taken the particular story and developed a way to share with your children that God is our “bucket filler.” God Bless
Leslie A I am going to commit to pray for you daily. I am so glad that you are here with us all in this community of woman, please share and let us love you. I believe that one of Satan’s most powerful tools in this modern age of business, and technology, for women especially, is isolation. Where once upon a time woman met at the well each morning and every evening and shared with one another we now have to be very intentional about coming together. I think we share with one another just by being in each other’s presence. I know in my life, in my aloneness, and the crazy work of being a mother, I allowed depression to have a hold quite often just by my isolation from the rest of the world. You are amazing to have gone through everything that you have and I will pray for your beautiful daughter and her wonderful mother!
This Bible Study is so good for me. Thank you for your inspirational words. I have been following all you instructions and going through it slow and really engraving it on heart and in my soul. I got out my sticky notes and have written our weekly verse on several of them and every where I look or go in my house I look at it and repeat it. I is such a good verse. It is so me and I think that is why I am not having problems remembering it…Thanks for the memorizing hits, I will always use them as I memorize other verses…
I love 3×5 cards, i will write the verse on them plus add them to my sticky notes for desktop, so even when there are no windows open, I can see the verse in front of me.
Renee, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your book”A Confident Heart”. You have no idea how the book has touched me. After 8 years of marriage my husband and I learned that we are expecting. I am in my 40’s and so very concerned about the health of the baby (boy). I have really latched on to so many things you have written about. I am a worrier and I like “control” so I find myself having no control and trusting our Father for his grace, mercy, and love. I have put little stars by parts of the book and have it sitting by my bedside so when I get scared and worried about the future I refer to it. I find so much comfort in it. Today I noticed that I am less anxious about the future and believe that is due to the promises you discussed in the book and your articulate way of speaking to us. I know that there are going to be days were I am stronger.. and days that I am weak but your book has really inspired me and I appreciate it so much. You have made a difference in my life. Please say a prayer for the health of our baby…. I would appreciate it. Beth
woo-hoo! how wonderful! i’m sure many of us will be lifting the life&health of your little one to the Father w/thanksgiving, beth.
Lifting up prayers for mom and dad to be and for God’s baby boy. I to totally agree with your words to Renee. This is such an inspiring book and I too find comfort during difficult times. God Bless
These ideas of memorizing scripture are awesome. This is one area I struggle with is memorizing things, so my goal this week is to get my index cards out, start with this weeks verse and use some of these ideas! I love the ‘wheels on the bus’ tune idea, the posting on your computer home screen and writing it on a series of index cards and putting it together. 😉
Putting the memory verse on colored cards helps me. I did this in school and had better recall then on just plain white cards..
For me this week, I was most hit with the fact that daily I need to find that quiet time with Him. It’s silly that I haven’t learned this by now. When I’m going through a difficult phase the amount of time I spend with Him increases but as life returns to normal I lose track of Him and I lose spending the time I did when struggling.
My confidence ebbs and flows and it is so related to time spent with Him. I can have a great week where I feel solid in His promises and have a joyful mood and looking back I have put time aside to meet with Him. A busy weekend happens and my confidence and foul mood returns but when I think back to what I’ve done differently my busyness took me away from spending any time with Him.
I pray I’m on to something here for myself….I can only be confident seeking Him on a daily basis. I can’t seek Him one day and expect to make it through till the next week believing His promises and having that joyful mood. I need to stop and seek Him
Sounds silly like it should be common sense but why is it so hard to follow through? My day goes so much better, my mood is so much better, my hope is so much more positive when I spend time each day with Him.
You are not alone in this “ebb and flow” of confidence related to time with God! I have noted the same in my life, and, like you, wonder why it is still so hard to stick to even when I know it will be helpful?! I’ve heard if satan can’t make you bad he makes you busy… and so I have seen in my life- God time is the first to get squeezed out when life gets hectic, when it should be the one thing that remains constant! Be encouraged in knowing you are not the only one who struggles with this!
I memorize best through re-writing on a note card, put in in my kitchen window, and then memorizing in sections as I wash the dishes. Once I get the first section, then I do that plus the next, and work towards having the entire verse ingrained in my mind! Something else I’ve been thinking about in relation to this study as a whole and scripture memorization: For the last couple of weeks I didn’t understand women posting saying ‘this is scary’ and such. But I get it this week. So many doubts that I work hard to suppress are in the forefront as I confront them. I think often we think that victory over self-doubt or negative self-talk is a “one and done” thing where it is taken away and the struggle is gone. I know that is not what I have experienced in my life… it may leave for a while, but tends to creep back in. What Renee is doing is giving us the ammunition to fight these doubts very directly and specifically- the victory will be won over and over as we are attacked repeatedly. I believe only in Heaven will these struggles be completely removed from us, but we can claim victory each day as we memorize these verses and use them to fight the lies. Thank you Renee for helping us to find the power of God’s Word!
I find if I memorize the verse section by section and keep repeating it out loud and writing it out a few times I do better with the holding power in my brain. But I must admit that I do have a problem with the book and the verse numbers included with the verse, but I try to remember that too but it is hard for me, so I take what the Holy Spirit brings to mind and run with it! I also do write it on a post card and put it in a few places around the house so I see it all day long.
It was so much easier when I was younger. Repetition is what works the best now.
Good Afternoon girls… I just printed out the verse for this week and the way i am going to memorize is. I took a picture of it wth my phone and made it my wall paper. So every time i look at my phone it will remind me and i can go over it every time i look at it.. I am doing the same thing with my wallpaper on my computer and Zoom.
I will post this verse everyehwere and try putting in song form. After chemo, I have no memorization skills what so ever!
This study has brought such a peace to my life,
thank you!
Visited your site for the first time today. I’m finding it so hard to have a good daily quiet time in this phase of my life (a 2yr old and a 1yr old). I’m trying to wake up in the morning before they do (so, super early)….but i think adding scripture memorization throughout my day will really encourage my heart. This is a wonderful one to start with. Thank you!
I so understand Christina. I have a 3yr old and 2 teenagers who are all going in different directions and it’s a stretching season. I have to be really creative too. I loaded Jesus Calling on my phone so I can read that as my morning devotion. Then I take one verse and focus on it through out the day and look for ways to see God doing what it says or for ways for me to live it out. It’s really about our hearts being close to Him all throughout the day. Grace is needed and He graciously gives it to us mommas!!
Christina, I have two little ones (just 3 last week and 1 in March)- and it IS a challenge! I make nap time in the afternoon my time to sit down and spend time in this study or my personal devotions. If the older doesn’t want to take a nap, I have quiet reading time for him where he sits on his bed and I give him a basket of books to read through. It’s not as long as if he sleeps, but I at least get 20 minutes or so to take a break and focus on God’s Word to me for that day. I’ve tried early mornings, but I can’t remember what I read a couple of hours later, so I’ve found I’m more alert and able to ‘absorb’ more when I do it in the afternoon hours. You’ll find what works for you, and I believe God will honor your intentions to spend time with Him and provide you with some unexpected quiet in your days. 🙂
I took a picture of the graphic with my phone then switched my wallpaper to the graphic. Now every time I pick up my phone, I’ll read the verse
Great idea!
Love this!
I will post it above my kitchen sink. Since I am the “dishwasher” I spend plenty of time in that spot each day. It helps pass the time when I have something to focus on…and even better when it’s spiritually focused!
I love looking out my kitchen window. Hadn’t thought about putting my verse there. I think I’ll do that too!
That is what I love to do- have it in the window over my sink, for the same reason (I’m there a lot!).
I will use the “Wheels on the Bus” song idea. I run a morning and afternoon afterschool program. On Tuesdays, I do song and dance with my 35 preschoolers and Kindergarteners. So I will be teaching them the song( which means I have to memorize it) Not only will I be putting God’s Word in my heart but theirs also. I have done a lot of Christian songs with them but I think now I will start adding small Bible verses in song also. There is nothing better than little ones singing the praises and Word of God. I am truly blessed.
Just finished adding some sing language to some of the words andwill teach the children today. Thanks for the great idea.
I was singing it to my 3 yr old, Aster, this morning to the tune of “Wheels on the Bus” – made us both smile.
I plan to memorize the verse this week. The way I do it with my Wednesday night girls is…..
1) Write the verse down
2) Begin to erase one word at a time.( Ex. all “The”, then all “I” . etc. till all words are gone)
3) Reread out loud, including the missing words each time you erase.
4) Works like magic!
delia, i l-o-v-e that idea! going to incorporate it today! thanks.
Renee: After your last “Confident Heart” session ended, I prepared a little 3 x 5 card spiral notebook that I picked up at the dollar store that fits in my purse, with those important verses you shared during that 3 month session. So to work on the memory part, they are convenient to pull out and work on daily. I am also “chilling out” more daily, remembering is GOD enough?” in my daily situations or ‘ICE’, “Is Christ enough!?!?” Thanking GOD for your CONFIDENT HEART to share with so many!! Thanking GOD for this wonderful study!!!
Love that you did that. I have a spiral I need to find and use again. I used to walk and read my verse and pray them outloud in the mornings and it was a great way to start my day. Then we adopted Aster and my mornings changed so I don’t get those walks anymore. Need to find a creative way to put them back in our schedule.
Also, love, love, love ICE?? Yes He is!!
So glad you are part of the study again Carol, You add so much!
Christina- I love the acronym ICE. Hadn’t thought about using it that way to continually ask myself. Yes, He is but have to continually remind myself of that or my focus and priorities get out of whack
yes, yes He is!!! but do i live like that? <3
The best way for me to memorize this verse is to put it up as the wallpaper on my laptop. I’ve also been putting up the key verses on the walls of my house so I can see them every morning when I wake up.
I will be writing the verse in my planner each day this week and hopefully by the end of the week, I will have it memorized!! 🙂
Heather has great ideas! I not only commit to memorizing it, but I also commit to feeling it and having confidence in it!
Index cards and Repeating it over and over out loud works best for me…maybe learn the first half, then the second half and then put the two together?!
I plan to write it on a post-it and put it on my computer and somewhere in my car so I can read over it/practice while at a red light?! Maybe put the post-it on my steering wheel so when I’m parked in a parking lot and someone happens to glance in my car then they’ll see the Bible verse too?! 🙂
Thank you Renee! And thank you Donna B. I’ve started a journal with scripture and positive quotes that touch me and make me remember God does love me and I am HIS child. I know its our hard times that make us stronger. But when depression hits its hard to get back up out of that well. I recently developed it about a year ago and its literally been hell! I’ve never been like this. I just thank you all for your support and prayers. Thank you all…and thank you again Renee!
This verse is so beautiful. All you women of God are such a blessing to me lifting eachother up an just loving on God’s Word and sharing all the amazing ways to memorize scripture I’m gonna give it all I got for Jesus! Ladies have a blessed week!
Aloha from Hawaiixoxoxoxo
I am going to write the verse on an index card and keep it with me throughout the day, reviewing it over and over again. Also, I will write it out each day to keep it fresh in my mind and plant it in my heart…God bless!
I am going to make up a melody and sing it…I usually go to sleep singing a song in my head and wake up doing the same!
I pledge to memorize this verse and recite it every morning. Thank you Renee for reminding me if this verse. I also love to listen to Mandisa’s song “good morning” to start my day off on a positive note. 🙂
This is a very busy week for me but I am going to try and memorize this verse. I plan on putting on my phone’s home screen, computer screen saver, and singing it. I love that idea!!!
I think i will Send the verse to friends and family by typing, texting, and I will write it out by hand at least once a day. I also use index cards to help me remember. I sometimes put verses in my bible or journal and whenever I see them I stop and read them.
I write the verse I am trying to memorize as a reminder on my IPhone and set it to remind me of the verse everytime I leave my house I get a ding on my phone bringing the verse to mind
That’s a great idea. I’m going to try that too. I need to use my phone more 🙂
WOW !!! You girls are WAY good! I love how you are encouraging each other and sharing so many scriptures. I love Renee’s on-line community here! You girls inspire me BIG time! Reminds me of the following scriptures:
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 and “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thess. 5:11.
You are rocking both of those!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Donna B
Hi everyone…I am following along and doing this Bible study which is so inspirational! And staying caught up which is amazing. In chapter 2 about wearing the mask, that is SO me. I am having several issues at home that have brought me GREAT guilt that I can’t seem to leave behind. NO not an affair of nothing like that. Its called the evil tongue. Running my mouth when I shouldn’t. I’ve hurt many people and laid a huge burden on my shoulders that I can’t get rid of. I’ve tried to commit suicide which I KNOW is dumb but the thoughts linger in my mind everyday. Maybe they would be better off without me. I’m the type of person who wears that mask oh so well. I do in fact have a wonderful life but I have hurt the ones I loved and because of that we’ve moved to Arizona from Texas where I grew up to start over. Change is a hard thing for me as I was abused as a child and security and safety is everything to me. I’ve asked God to help me forgive myself. I have learned SOOOOO…many lessons from this and feel now I am suffering the consequences. I feel so alone. My husband hates my emotions but I am me and I express them which he HATES! I really need prayer to let my mask down and ask for prayer to get these thoughts out of my mind. I needed to turn to someone and I hope you will all understand I know this is not a venting blog but I do need LOTS of prayer. I am seeking help but that’s hard to for me to hold my commitment. I hope I can become that confident woman God wants me to be and live without this burden and guilt that are dragging me down. Will it ever go away so i can feel peace?? Thanks everyone! Hugs!
I”m praying for you right now Cheryl. This is the place to ask. We pray this week’s promise over you.
Lord, Satisfy [Cheryl] in the morning with your unfailing love, that [she] may sing for joy and be glad all [her] days…Let the morning bring Cheryl word of your unfailing Love, for she has and is putting her trust in you.” Psalm 90:14, 143:8
In Jesus’ Name, amen.
I wrote a bunch of songs quite a few years ago to memorize scripture and get God’s truths into my mind.
Last weeks key word was KNOW. One of my songs is called
He Knows Everything.
It is about the fact that God knows our whole life story and understands us.
I tried to post it but I don’t think it worked.
He Knows Everything!/photo.php?v=2172384425606
Then this week is SATISFY. Another one of my songs has this weeks scripture as the bridge. So I guess I should share it. The recordings are not very good…
Nothing Satisfies Like You!/photo.php?v=2172388145699
Thank you so much for sharing these links. Great idea to tie in the words with a song each week to. :0)
I will memorize this verse and try to feel it. Currently, it is very difficult for me, as I am dealing with a mid life crisis that has been looking back and trying to move forward. Quickly, I have 3 children….my first was born with a birth defect where his esphogus was not connected and he had 3 major surgeries. He has to have endoscopies every few years as he will always be at risk for esphogeal cancer. He also has severe anxiety and aspergers. My second son, born 2 years later was born with a rare birth defect where his head was prematurely fused called craniosynostosis. He has had 5 major head operations…where he was cut from ear to ear. He also had a stroke–but only lost left perpherial vision in both eyes and ADHD. The boys are now in early 20’s and doing well. But my 3 child, a 16 year old girl, who is brilliant is suffering from severe depression and wants to die. She dropped out of school, and it has been very difficult for me to face this last trial. I thought I made it through all the other ones, only to find out I have been stuffing my feelings and am now trying to reclaim my voice, emotions and lots of other lessons……I have walked with the Lord through it all and tried to stay faithful….although I need to be more disciplined in reading and trusting. SO having a heavy sadness in my heart as I try to work through all this….and I know I have to give it all to the Lord. This verse reminded me of that. Thanks for this study, I feel surrounded by all of you, knowing you are all out there…all with different stories, but all of us sisters in Christ and i can not explain how that has been a blessing to me. I pray we all have minds of little ones who memorize so quickly…and soak up God’s words like sunshine!
it IS such a blessing, leslie, knowing that others are “right there” with us…meditating on the same scriptures, having the holy spirit working within each of us. y’know, it must be like ‘…with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. there is one Body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. but to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift’ (ephesians 4.2-7).
i, along with others, am praying for your children especially your sweetheart daughter. and for you, leslie, that the Lord will help you to cast ALL of your cares upon Him because, as you know, He cares deeply and unconditionally and faithfully for you. may God bless you&keep you. g’night.
Hi Leslie, I’m so thankful you are part of this amazing community of hearts and sisters in Christ — supporting, praying for and encouraging one another. What a gift we have in HIM and in each other during this journey we are taking together!!
I am praying comfort, courage, peace and healing hope for you and your daughter Leslie. I want to encourage you to show her chapter 12 with the chart of 31 promises – one for each day – to replace her doubts and defeat. You have been through more than anyone should have to endure. Thank you for not giving up, for loving your children sacrificially and for making the courageous decision to read this book. God is right there with you – wanting to love on and affirm you each minute of each day.
Psalm 46:1, ” God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble “
Thank you for the ideas on how to memorize scripture—I will commit to memorizing this weeks verse and post it in my bathroom!
I am already enrolled in other Bible classes online which are free. I have obtained from them a software called SwordScript which is free and helps with Scripture memory. FAST ministries is dedicated to teaching & hiding God’s Word in an individual’s heart. You can get this software through their site:
On the bottom of their welcome page is a gray area with a bunch of links. Just click on the link “other tools” on the bottom of the 3rd column from the left. You might even want to check out their classes! I have found them very helpful in my life.
God bless!
Thanks for the link. I may check it out
thanks, amy…looks like a wonderful tool! we all sure need ’em!
Amy, thank you for sharing this link to help with hiding the Lord’s words in our hearts.
My plan for memorizing this passage is to incorporate it into my breakfast devotion time with my children. They will keep me on track and will love to “quiz” me on it each day!!…AND (bonus!!).. They will learn it too!
This is a verse I have underlined in my Bible and have been reading almost daily for the past year-
I am over……50……. so I have to totally surround and saturate myself with the verse to memorize it. But I have noticed that when I enter into a prayerful, committed bible study God tends to surround me with the key verses and messages. They just seem to have a presence in my life during the time that I am pursuing them. Has anyone else noticed that? Sometimes I am reminded of my children, starting to learn their ABC’s, and writing a whole page of just one letter, struggling to master the flow of our language, the mechanics of our alphabet. I often feel like God has me in kindergarten, and I am struggling to master the flow of HIS language for me. Not just memorizing a verse because I need the mechanics of scripture, which I do need, but understanding that this verse is part of HIS story for my life, realizing that all of these things connected spell out – CHRIST died for me……..
I love this verse and am working to memorize it. For me saying it out loud and writing it are the quickest way for me to memorize something.
Hi Renee, this is my morning verse I say before I eat breakfast~~~~~I love it!!!
To start my day fresh every morning by telling God my trust is in Him all day long and His love is unfailing is to me like starting over every day. Yesterday is gone and we are on to a new day and God is the same He was yesterday and today and tomorrow and HIs love for us is unfailing~~~~gives me the “umph” to start my day on the right foot.
Amen! 🙂
I’m in! I wish we could just sleep with our head on our bible and it would just get sucked into our brains! I have managed to memorize quite a few verses but my heart is always thirsting for more!
I feel the same way!
That would be amazing wouldn’t it??!