This graphic is part of our verse for the week.
Our Verse for the Week: “Satisfy [me] in the morning with your unfailing love, that [I] may sing for joy and be glad all [my] days…for I have put my trust in you.” Psalm 90:14, 143:8b, NIV
Our Word for the Week: SATISFIED (Download in a PDF or download in MSWord). Please print it and post it everywhere so you can remember that God’s love can satisfy the thirst of your soul!
Our Assignment for Today:
- Start or continue reading chapter 3. Remember, take your time and highlight or underline sentences that resonate in your heart.
- Let’s commit to memorize this week’s verse together!
My friend Heather is a Word girl!! When she was in college she performed in over 14 plays and memorized hundreds of lines, so I’ve asked her to share some tips to help us hide God’s Word in our hearts this week. Here are a few she shared. I’ll post more each week.
Ideas for Memorizing Scripture
- Write the scripture on several index cards or post-it notes and place them in areas where you will see them frequently throughout the day. Examples: on the bathroom mirror, refrigerator door, in the car, at work, etc…
- Get a stack of index cards and on each one write one or two words from the verse, including the reference. Shuffle them up and see if you can put them in the correct order again. Save the cards and reuse common words found in other verses.
- Send the verse to friends and family by typing, texting, or writing it out by hand. You can look at the verse, but do not copy and paste! Try writing it at least once a day.
- Study with a friend, your spouse, or teach it to your kids! Quiz each other and keep each other on track. What a great way for families to spend time in the Word together!
- Change the wall paper on your computer to an image that has your Bible verse.
Connecting in Community: Wanna commit to memorize this week’s verse together?! If you are in, leave a comment by clicking on “share your thoughts” and tell us how you plan to memorize it. Also, if you have any other creative ways to memorize scripture please share that, too. I’ll be back Weds with a video message that I’m so excited to share with you!! {If you’re reading this via email, click here to return to my website to commit and connect.}
I plan to memorize this verse by posting it on my desk at my work. So every morning I will see it before the day begins to remind me to trust in his unfailing love! It’s very encouraging to know that God loves us all the time, no matter what our feelings may be. He’s so amazing.
I will memorize and meditate on this verse. I need to cling to both this one and Psalm 143:8. We are in the middle of a big transition and I am both lonely and uncertain of what the future will bring. I am grieving the loss of many relationships and many other which, though they are not lost have significantly changed. Both myself and my husband are looking for work and we have four children to provide for. SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO, OH LORD, for to YOU I lift up my soul.
I will put it here at my computer at work. I will also write it out.
Count me in. I utilize index cards and carry them with me for the week. This way when I need the Word I pull them out and recite them aloud. It also allows me to memorize the scripture. I love the word of the week. It exemplifies how I have felt these past few weeks of this study. Satisfied and Full.
I for also I wanted to say, some of you said you will sing the verse to help you memorize. I love to sing! great idea! I’m going to try that! I love we all share great ideas with each other! thanks Renee! for this great study! I’ve never done anything like this before! God is really challenging me to spend time with him! Thank you!
I love this verse. Ever since starting this study I have been listening to a song over and over.. one line is..”Let me be most satisfied in You” It is the song “Choose” by Christy Nockels, so since that song is one I listen to, it will remind me of the verse. I like to find songs with the verses.
I was most upset today, driving home by something my husband had said, and I went to the bank drive through to do a deposit for my son. A salvation pamphlet was in there and it was a lovely rose on front and all about how precious we are to GOD. It was like God put it right there today to remind me of his love.
Looking very forward to chapter 3.
I will make myself a mini-poster with it on there.
Hi, Renee thank you for this study! I love all your friend’s ideas of memorizing bible verses. I have been very lazy about memorizing bible verses. I just read all the comments. It’s so good we all share and have the same things in common, evenm though we all have our different situations in life. Writing things down helps me. i will commit to memorizing this week’s bible verse. I have a good friend here in my apartment building that I can work with. i’ve writeen here before in earlier sections. I am blind. I have an amazing computer with speech software program that reads me evertying. I have to know the right key stroke commands to do. It reads me everything on the screen. There are a couple of limitations. When there are a lot of graphics on web sites, or in e-mails, the speech program doesn’t read the text. also, it only reads word files. Now. my computer teacher gave me special instructions for it to read p.d.f. files. I know confident heart is a p.d.f. file. I’m praying for another opportunity to get the book for free, then, I will try downloading it agin. I can still really participate in this study. I get the e-mails. I hear the videos. I read the comments, and i am able to put my own comments. I have the braille bible old king James version. I’m with bible gate way. they have on the web site someone that narrates the bible, in an every day english easy to understand translation. the old king James version has some strange words. I’m going to memorize this week’s bible verse. It’s going to really help me. I’m trying to wait on god now for something. i’m trying to do online classes with Liberty university. I want to take their two year program with the bible institute. they have me on file. i need to find a place where i can get my g.e.d. I didn’t finish my credits. I’m 48 I live in Canada, i called the university for help. the closest place they gave me was a test center in toronot. I live an hour and a half from there. i have no one to take me there. I hear this has to be done in person. I’ve been trying to find out if I can do it online. I jusut got a great idea. If I can e-mail the Toronto center, and ask them to e-mail me the test. I’m so frustrated here. People need to understand, what if sometimes, people can’t get places. Sorry, I didn’t mean for this to be so long. I meant just to write in here about how I plan to memorize the verse, it’s just that as I have been reading everyone’s comments every week, I feel like I’m really getting to know people. I wanted to share this dilema i had here with you all, to see if anyone had any suggestions. I’m so frustrated, I really want to do this. I keep hearing from Liberty, and the fact that I keep hearing from the, to me is a sign that God is saying I will do Liberty, but maybe, he wants me to work on finishing this study first, and not get stressed out about how I’m going to do this with Liberty! I just really want this! I really believe I’m ready! I’m getting impatient hearing from god. this week’s memory verse will really help me when I’m medidating! Thank you renee!
Thank you Phyllis for sharing your story. You are an inspiration! How wonderful that technology allows you to access this bible study as well as the bible and other sources of information, yet I’m sure it can be frustrating for you as well given your circumstances. I will pray that God provides a way for you to complete the Liberty program. May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans suceed. Psalm 20:4
I am going to write our verse this week on index cards and place all over the house. I have already posted it as my status on FB 🙂 I plan to choose a couple of friends or family members to text the verse to each day.
When involving the kids in learning/memorizing words, phrases and sentences, a fun way for them to have a kinesthetic way of learning is to make plastic baggies filled with a gel of some sort that they can press down and make the letters of the word. if you put just enough gel in, they will be able to see the word when they are finished. Shaving cream is fun, but messy and smelly. cookie sheets with rice or colored sand is also a fun way too learn/memorize words, phrases and sentences.
This is my second time through this bible study. Just before the last one, my work decided to send me to class for a new certification, and I gave up. Not this time! I have some major issues coming into play in my personal life, but I need the hope and message in this study desparately. It is so timely, and I need confidence and God in every second of life right now. I will stick this out. So please day a quick prayer for me, and let me rejoice in God’s word, and the companionship I can find here.
Yes I will memorize the verse. Usually repetion, and re-writing helps me. I am going to try writing it on several index cards, kept in the daily areas of my life.
Thank you Renee, all you ladies, and foremost God for giving me a glimmer of hope today.
I’ve printed several copies of our word for the week and I am posting it everywhere. I am at my desk at work, if I look to the right it is posted on my bulletin board; to the left it is on my copy holder; straight ahead it is on my computer screen. Thanks for the challenge!
This verse blessed me this morning. I have two grandsons who are very sick and yesterday a friend lost her son.. unexpectedly to them but perfect timing to God. I shared this verse with her as she chooses to trust the Lord’s unfailing love. I will be memorizing this verse.
I will also memorize it this week. Memorization is something I always considered difficult, but the suggestion of singing it is one I have not tried! Great suggestions.
I am memorizing this one with my daughter. Hearing someone else, or recording yourself saying the verse & then replaying it is a good memorization tip. A lot of cell phones have a recorded note feature you can use! Or the free audio Bible. Have a great week!
As a mother of 2 boys, I am ALWAYS in my fridge. Just alone getting breakfast, lunch and dinner, there is always something I need out of fridge. Not to mention snacks and drinks through out the day. (ANY mother of boys knows what I am talking about. THEY ARE ALWAYS HUNGRY,lol.) So I put my up on my fridge for I know that I will see it a 100 times a day, and so I will say it each time I open the fridge:)
I will memorize it too … by placing it on the bathroom mirror, by the kitchen sink, in front of the computer monitor and recite it as a take a walk in the mongings.
I have set it as my desktop.
Love that idea. I will do that as well!
Set this beautiful message as the background on my computer not just to lift me up, but anyone who see’s or uses my computer. I also plan on texting it to everyone on my phone this week to brighten their days.
What a beautiful promise.
God waits for us to get up every morning. He can’t wait to show us what today brings! This verse speaks to those thoughts ” Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning”…..
Just so awesome from an awesome Father.
Thank you for this encouragement.
WOW! This is a very powerful verse! It has really made me think about a lot things goin gon around me. It also brings new meaning to contentment in ones life and knowing that God knows my every thought and need and can satisfy them through is glory. Memorizing will be a tough one for me but I am going to give it a try!
I will be sharing this verse with friends via text and facebook as well as posting it on my mirror to memorize this week. I will try the index card method too… for good measure. I am really enjoying this study it has been good medicine for my heart.
This has been a challenge for me but I have been writing it over and over so I can memorize it. I also quiz myself by filling in blanks. Thank you Renee for your commitment. And for challenging us in this area.
I homeschool my boys, so we’re going to turn this into a game to learn this verse together. We roll (sometimes throw!) a ball to each other and say as much as we can and keep going until we’ve got it. Tucking His word into our hearts ;-).
Love that idea! What a fun way to learn scripture 🙂
I am going to memorize the verse. I will put it on my desktop and I will print it out and put it several places around my house.
I will be participating. I have been really really lazy about scripture memorization. I will be doing all of thee above. I am currently trying to figure out how to get it as the backdrop on my phone.
I don’t know what type of phone you have. But I have a post-it note setting in my phone. I can type anything on it and post it on my home screen. Try looking in your settings or if you have a touch screen, you may be able to touch and hold the screen and the option will pop up. Good Luck!
I am in! I put post it’s all over the place as well as index cards!
Going to put it on my phone to memorize.
I read this weeks Bible verse in KJ and I think i really like it better in that. Wonderful verse!!
Count me in. I feel the Lord is calling me to memorize scripture verses as well. I think I will put them on taped sheets, on index cards, recite them a couple of ladies at church. I liked the idea of texting them as well. Good suggestions by all. Hope you all have a blessed week!
I plan to put it as the background on my computer and post it on the wall at work and around my apartment. 🙂
I am going to memorize this verse! I will write it, post it, and share it with friends. When my children were little we would memorize verses together. I would write a new verse on the bathroom mirror each week for us to memorize. They loved it. My son just joined the army and my daughter just came home for the summer from college. Memorizing scripture together again will be a great way for my daughter and I to stay connected with my son.
Needed that verse this morning. Learning more and more each day how to totally trust Him for everything. In my time with Him this morning, I realized that I had been so focused on what was against me, than the power, love and grace of God that is with me. Something happens when we change our perspective. I have been meditating on the Scripture in 2 Kings chapter 6 where Elisha and his servant were surrounded by the Syrians. His servant asked what what they were going to do. Elisha told him that there were more WITH them than AGAINST them. He then prayed and asked the Lord to open the servant’s eyes so that he could see. When he opened his eyes, he saw the army of the Lord surrounding them. The army didn’t just appear. It had been there all along. That’s the way it is with us sometimes. We have to change our perspective and look at what we are facing with the assurance that the greater one in us is greater than what we are facing. That is the reason the portion of our key verse this morning stuck out for me, “…show me the way I should go…”
Amen Michele! That is why memorizing scripture is so vital to us…one that has been my prayer is from Mark 10:51…When Jesus asks the blind man “What do you want me to do for you?” The man replied, “Rabbi, I want to see.” Oh Lord, I want to see!!
I will commit to memorizing our verse also. My math teacher gave me a hint with remembering formulas this past semester…read out loud while you are writing on index cards. I do like the suggestion of singing the verse to the Lord. I will try that also!! God Bless!
Kelly, thanks for sharing that Scripture! I love that prayer.
I will commit to memorize this verse. I will post it at my desk and around my home to help me remember it. I may try finding a friend to call me and quiz me on it. My son is a little young for a verse this long, but hey maybe not. it’s worth a try right? I love this study and am blessed to be a part of it.
me, too…i am in! my favorite way to memorize scripture is through song & melody. so, i will be looking for a little ditty to apply to this scripture ‘ cause “Your Word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against You” (psalm 119:11).
I have a shower curtain that’s called blessings. It has Psalm 98:4 4 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.
15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding Proverbs 3:5
Finally, this my favorite is Matthew 17:20 20- Jesus said to them, “Because you have so little faith. For sure, I tell you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to over there,’ and it would move over. You will be able to do anything.
I am in. I will put it on my laptop’s wallpaper as well as hanging in my office since that is the one place I am in almost all day. I will probably put it on my phone some how so I everything I go to check it I will see that verse.
I just had a birthday weekend away @ a beautiful resort outside of Branson (thanks to my wonderful husband) The last 5 years of my life I have been pouring my heart, soul, and every last bit of energy and patience into caring for a daughter with autism.
Just before I read this post this morning, I had completed Chapter 3 of the book and posted this on my FB site
I’ve had a wonderful weekend of relaxation and regained perspective. I went to bed last night worried that I wouldn’t be able to retain or sustain that energy and hope I have been revived with over the weekend. As I pack up ready to head back to life as I know it, God gave me this birthday gift at the tail end of my bible study this morning..
“I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I will remember them and my soul is downcast within me. YET this I call to mind and THEREFORE I HAVE HOPE; Because of the Lord’s great love we are NOT CONSUMED, for His compassions NEVER FAIL. They are new every morning; GREAT is your faithfulness… The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will wait for him.” Lamentations 3:19-24
He promises to renew his compassion and give me new strength EVERY morning, not just mornings like these when I am sitting quietly alone on a deck overlooking a beautiful view. But he will renew my strength all those many mornings when I am lucky to squeeze in 30 minutes for myself if I manage to get out of bed after a restless night… and scramble around getting myself ready for work and Maddie ready for school as I feel the stress building before the day even begins.
Lord “Satisfy me in the morning with your unfailing love that I may sing for joy an be glad in ALL my days.” Psalms 90:14
God bless you, kris! as i read your post, i prayed for you. being the momma of a child with special needs requires much love, compassion, strength, resiliance, patience…much need of God! how He must be pleased that you have chosen to seek Him and recognize your need for His provision of your (AND maddie’s) daily bread. thanks for sharing your heart and inviting us to share the blessing that God has given to you today. i appreciate it, and am encouraged by it. God bless you & keep you.
Coleen – thank you for your prayers. I really appreciate it! I am glad I was able to encourage someone else this morning as God encouraged me and continues to do so every day!
reminds me of 2 corinthians 1:2-4 blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. <3
Thank you Kris for your post! I was especially touched by Psalms 90:14. “Satisfy me in the morning with your unfailing love that I may sing for joy and be glad in all my days.” I am not a morning person and if I could memorize this it would be like a good cup of coffee to someone that needs coffee in the morning. I too am on a little vacation with my husband in FL and I fly back tomorrow to PA while he stays here at the military base and works. You’re post really spoke to me and know I feel differently about going home to my children. Thank you.
Katie – I “stole” that verse from Chapter 3 😉 but I am claiming it! I hope you enjoyed the time with your husband. That must be rough raising your children with him so far away. I pray God continues to give you strength and patience and remind you daily that you are not alone!
I have never realized the value of memorizing Scripture until I started doing so. I used to think I have Bibles all around, when I have a need I will look it up. But that took time and sometimes the time wasn’t available. The other day I was working on memorizing Phil 2:3-4. That evening I was going out to a planned event and one of the ladies I was going with did some changes to the plans that I was not happy with. Immediately, the verse Phil 2:3-4 was there and I was able to correct my response. I have become a believer of scripture memorization and I will add this new verse to my memory. To help with the learning, I use the spiral index cards in a pack. They are great for references and flashcards. Also easy to carry around in my pocket with my cell phone.
I too have had a Job experience. Though He slay me; yet will I trust Him IwI commit to memorizing verse. Thanks Renee for your love for Jesus & His people. May the blessing of God continue to rest upon you & your household in Jesus name. Love you 🙂
I want to memorize it! Count me in! 🙂 I like Renee’s friend’s idea of writing each word down on an index card. I have trouble memorizing things, but that sounds like a way I could do it. Thanks Renee for the idea from your friend, and thank her too please! 🙂
I’m in!!! I find tha I learn so much more and better when I write things down, so I will be writing this out on index cards and posting where I can see it,….texting it to friends….I will also talk about it with my children, who are young, but love quizzes (gets them to listen and pay attention) so that will be fun to see if they can also memorize some of this too!
Count me in! I am going to post all throughout my house, in my car and at work. I think changing my computer background would be an awesome idea! I must admit memorizing verses is a major weakness and it is something that I want to become better at.
I experienced lots of trials several years ago…lost of a parent, sister straying from the Lord, personal illness, trouble with finances, mother seriously ill…. There were times when I thought it would never end…I felt like Job…and I found comfort in .Psalms 91 “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
I am going to memorize the verse for this week. It was like salve to a wound this morning for my heart to hear this verse. I want to be completely satifisied with Him and not have to HAVE anything else. Everything else He gives me on top of me being satisified in Him is a blessing. I am going to memorize this by writing it out in everyone of my 11/12 grade Sunday School class notes I write to them each week. Have a blessed week!
“This is the day which the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it.” Psalm 118:24 is the verse I have said for more than 20 years. Starting each NEW day with the Lord satisfies me that whatever comes into my life is no surprise to Him; the challenge of course, is for me to remember this as the day goes on. When my children were younger each Monday I would change the screen saver on the computer in our kitchen to a different bible verse. It turned into a game to see who remembered or noticed the change first and looked up the verse to share it with me.
I will memorize this verse this week. I will write it ,say it out loud, and sing it! I thought I might write it with some pictures to replace some of the words and then I would have a visual. Thank you for message!
I agree with Cathy. I am a visual learner and seeing the words “unfailing love” and “show me the way” in script helps a lot. I will write it out and put words or pictures that come to mind when I read each section. This verse is so powerful for me because for a few months I have been asking the Lord to show me which career path to take. I have a teaching degree but I can’t pass the praxis exam to get my certificate in PA. I already have it in NE. I am working in a church right now and I feel so close to our Lord, but something is missing. We are also contemplating moving since I can’t pass the exam. I have a temporary certificate for FL. I am trying to wait patiently on the Lord for an answer. God Bless everyone this week! God is Good!
Praying for you to know – and for Jesus to “show you the way” He is calling you to go. It’s a hard place to be but just keep praying and asking and waiting for His peace and joy to lead you. Praying Is 55:12 for you….”You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace;”
I am with this Cathy, too. I have trouble memorizing verses and have found that if I put them to music, in this case, a hymn, recalling it is easy. And a choir director once said, when you sing, you pray twice! To memorize this verse and the two after them, Psalm 143:8-10, I put the words to Bless Be the Tie that Binds. An old hymn, but one that works!!
I post verses on my bathroom mirror.
I am going to do that this week too 🙂
Wow, what a beautiful word today! Such intimate words as spoken between two who care deeply for each other. The one who speaks them out knows that the One hearing will respond with absolute Love!
I also think that all ways are good to memorise verses but singing them out seems to bring a very special depth of not only understanding exactly what you are trying to say but also turns the Lord’s ear to hear quickly. If His word says he sings songs over us then He must enjoy hearing His words sung back to Him.
What a wonderful bible study, I am enjoying every minute of it.
Oh, your note touched my heart. I just sense God is loving on you in a beautiful way. Thank you for inspiring me with your words.
I am enjoying every moment of this Bible study, too!
Posting the verse around the house is probably best for me. Making the words into a song and/or rewriting really helps me put the verse in my head (and heart!). Looking forward to memorizing this very applicable verse!
You have inspired me to memorize them to the sound of “Wheels on the Bus” – guess you can tell I have a 3yr old.
“Satisfy [me] in the morning with your unfailing love, your unfailing love, your unfailing love,
“Satisfy [me] in the morning with your unfailing love, that [I] may sing for joy and be glad all [my] days.
Ok, so the ending is a challenge but I still like it. 🙂
That’s GREAT! I always remember things better when I put it to music.
Oh that is a great idea!
I’ll never hear Wheels on the Bus the same way again ;0)
So creative I love that 🙂
Fun! I have troublre memorizing things, but I will be able to do it to the Wheels on the bus. I’m confident I can do it. thanks!! 🙂
I have it down to She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain. It makes me smile every time. Love the Wheels on The Bus though. :). Fun!
This is great! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Funny story! I just sang this song about an hour ago BEFORE reading this post. I haven’t even THOUGHT of that song in YEARS! (I don’t have any children.) How cool to begin reading the comments and as I scroll down my comp stopped at your comment about the “Wheels on the Bus.” Wow, I have to say that is a God-incident and not a coincidence! I will be using your suggestion to memorize this verse. Funny thing is that the Holy Spirit has been bringing this verse (the first part) to mind today, again before reading the website. I love it when you know its the Spirit at work! God bless you!
Count me in. Psalms 119:11 says “I will plant thy word in my heart so that I may not sin against thee.” Some scriptures tend to stick easier than others but I’m one who is good for typing it up and printing copies all over the place; in the bathroom, around my pc at work; any available space that I know I will look at often. I have also taped it on a small tape recorder repeating it over and over and over again and then playing it back in the car instead of listening to radio.
That is a great idea about recording it and listening to it in the car. :0)
I agree! 🙂
This verse has been with me for many years. During a very hard time in my life, the Lord gave me this verse.
Even though i usually read the NIV, i read it in the KJ : “Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.” It was on my mirror until i made it my screen saver. Now i will memorize it again. Have an awesome day with Jesus! ♥
Hello everyone,
I am going to do a variety of things to commit this verse to memory because I like changing up things when I am learning. Since I am a singer, I will ask God for a special melody to go with the verse. I am also going to involve my friends and some other groups that I belong to on Facebook by typing and posting the verse in all those places and I am going to ask my husband to learn it with me so he can keep me accountable to learning the verse by the end of this week.
Love that!
great idea! I’m going to try to post it around the house, on facebook and text it to my 3 children.