We’re going to read chapter 1 and 2 this week, so today I wanted to lead those of you who are ready to go with me to the next chapter.
From Chapter 2, A Confident Heart
“Jesus knew Sam’s (the Samaritan woman’s) story and He knows yours. The Greek word for “know” is yada. It means a deep emotional experience; a bonding between two people when one truly feels the emotions of the other. Jesus knows your pain, fears, doubts, and disappointments. He understands your dreams and desires.
Although some of us feel uncomfortable that God knows so much about us, it is good to be known, to be listened to and not judged. Jesus is the only One who can meet our deepest needs to be accepted and delighted in simply because of who we are. We can offer nothing but our presence, and He will desire us just the same…”
Our word this week is “Known”
Our verse of the week is Jeremiah 1:5 – “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…” (NIV)
This week’s video message is below. Please click the arrow to watch it – all the way through. You’ll be so glad you did.
(from video script)
I want someone to look at my face
And not just see two eyes, a nose,
a mouth and two ears
But to see all that I am, and could be
all my hopes, loves and fears…
And YOU know me
You actually know me
all of me and everything about me
Every thought inside and hair on top of my head
Every hurt stored up, every hope, every dread
My past and my future, all I am and could be
You tell me everything,
You tell me about ME
And that which is spoken by another would bring hate and condemnation
Coming from Youu brings love, grace, mercy, hope and salvation
I’ve heard of One to come
who could save a wretch like me
And here in my presence, You say
Today’s Assignment:
- Download Free Printable PDF of this week’s word and verse — or find it here in a Word doc format. Please print it and post it everywhere so you can remember God KNOWs YOU and He loves you!!
- Read this week’s memory verse (Jeremiah 1:5). Ask God to remind you all week that He knows the way you long to be known, pursued and loved!
- Start or continue reading chapter 2. If you already did or you are just starting, read it slowly and highlight or underline sentences that resonate in your heart. Journal your thoughts if you want the lessons to stay with you.
Connect in Community:
What about today’s video or sentences in Chapter 2 resonate most with you?
- Please click “Share Your Thoughts” below this post and do just that. (REMEMER: If you are reading this via email, you will need to click here to go to my blog to watch the video and share in the comments section.)
- Optional: If you are on Facebook and/or Twitter, I’d love for you to share your favorite quotes on our Confident Heart Community Facebook Page and/or share them with me on Twitter (@reneesswope) I’d love to retweet them! Also let’s use #AConfidentHeart as our hashtag. 🙂
So many times I read through a story like that of Sam, and it’s just words. But taking the time to feel where she was, to think about why she would accept those words from this unknown man… Oh,how the love must have shown in His face… No condemnation. The worst and most misleading is the self-condemnation… Now, that, I’m familiar with… Mistakes and bad attitudes, usually brought about by the ever-present fear that I’m not really good enough. My head knows the key is in His Word, that He is the Word… Now to get my heart to accept it long enough to see that face for myself…
I never though of it the way you put it that He was an unknown man and how would she accept His words, yes you are so right He must have shown such love on His face and in His voice!!
I agree! That is a very profound detail that I don’t know if I’ve ever caught when reading that scripture, because not only did she not know Him, but she had all of those preconceived judgments of how He must have felt about her rearing up. In His presence though, they didn’t rule her heart. He was bigger than her crazy train brain!!! lol (okay so maybe I projected there a little bit)
Wow! Thank you for sharing Neil Anderson’s thoughts, Diana. . Praise God. It brings tears to my eyes.
God bless you!
Laura, your insights are very thought-provoking – “not only did she not know Him, but she had all those preconceived judgments of how He must have felt about her….IN HIS PRESENCE, THOUGH, THEY DIDN’T RULE HER HEART. HE WAS GIBBER THAN HER CRAZY TRAIN BRAIN!!! ”
He’s bigger than our brains, too, and what great and deep love He has for us. We must rest in the strong, everlasting arms of our Savior. Praise God! May our thoughts not rule our hearts – not the least little bit. Glory!
Yes He is! Amen!!
I loved the sentence on page 31 that says “Although we tell people we’re fine, what we really mean is that we are Frazzled, Irritated, Neurotic, and Exhausted!”. So many days this sentence applies to me. But the reminder later in the chapter that tells us He is always there with us, even on those really bad days is reassuring.
This is the first online study I have done it is a great book and I so need this study just not sure how to do the online part do we just post comments and ask for prayer
You are doing great. Follow Renee’s posts here and Just post any questions, comments or prayer requests under the appropriate study day.
When I was first saved, I was overcome by His deep and unconditional love for me; fully submerged in it. I remember Him calling my name and telling me that I was His. I hold onto that like a lifeline now, because for the past few years I have been in this battle and although I know in my head that His love is forever and unconditional, I have such condemning thoughts and emotions that just overwhelm me at times. I know that salvation is forever, but sometimes I don’t really know that…if that makes any sense. I miss that deep peace and security. I miss it so very much. I feel very bipolar in my relationship with Him. When I am good, I am very very good…but when I am bad…I am horrid. lol. You get the picture. Gonna post this before I change my mind 😉
Okay..one more small purge and then I’m done for the day. lol. I had a really good perception of who God was as a small child. My dad was an addict, however, and when his addiction took control and he ultimately wound up in prison for the majority of my growing up…I began this cycle of trying to be good enough to make him stay..to make him fight for us. I do this with God as well 🙁 I always think He’s abandoned me and that if I could just “get it right” then He wouldn’t “be so angry” with me and I would feel His presence again. Ew. I don’t want to admit any of this.
Love your realness. And you are not alone! I think we all go there every know and then. The key is not to linger there very long.
Love this promise from Him when I find myself there ….
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1, NLT)
Donna B
Thank you SO much Donna!!
How powerful! I printed off tiny little hearts with Jeremiah 1:5 and have posted them everywhere. This is what I love about God – He knows the troubles of our heart – He knows the burden of being worn down by this self esteem thing – Ladies – lets give God our heart fully – Let’s let Him heal us. He already knows the hurt – give it to Him. Let me tell you this book has already touched me in ways that I so desperately needed. – Thank you Lord for using Renee as a vehicle to help those of us see You!!
That is such a sweet idea, verses on hearts! Love it!
What I loved about this story was how Jesus HAD to go to Samaria. Not chose to go. The urgency speaks volumes. And to realize He has this same urgency for me too. Amazing. Extending to all areas of my life.
Thank you so much for emphasizing that!! It is sooo beautiful! Your thoughts reminded me of a verse that paints that picture too: “There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides across the heavens to help you and on the clouds in His majesty. The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Deuteronomy 33:26-27a
God bless you and make His presence always known to you!
What a beautiful poem, “To Be Known and Loved,” I watched it twice and cried both times. I can certainly relate to “Sam” but, something happened today… I feel a bit further away from believing that God could know and love me… I have had three husbands all 3 ended in nasty divorces. My two children aren’t speaking to me today and accuse me of “shortchanging them” when they were growing up. I was a single parent and both accuse and condemn for the things I couldn’t/didn’t do for them and to this day, complain about my lack as a parent. I finally distanced from both of them because their constant accusations and condemnations hurt so badly. I found myself thinking, “At least Sam had people she could go home to tell about Jesus.” In my life, no one would listen… not feeling very hopeful today that Jesus would still love me if he knew me… but, I’m determined to hang in there.
Yes. Keep believing. Draw your strength from the Savior. He is faithful.
Andrea you are loved, by all of us and by God. The enemy tries to get us distracted and take our minds to where he wants them to go. He wants you to doubt God’s love. You don’t need to doubt it. He went to the cross for you, He loved you that much!! The enemy likes to cause strife and division among families, I know, I am divorced and I have a son divorced and now my other son’s wife is leaving him. The enemy knows we are stronger together so tries to separate us. Remember Eph 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I will be praying for you and your children for their hearts to soften. GOD DOES LOVE YOU!!!♥
This is my life verse …..
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11.
I have held onto this verse for 20 plus years and pull it out often realizing that He is my hope and my future … even tho for all practical purposes my Dad left me, my sisters and my Mom at the age of 6 and then I was molested by a so-called family friend and even through a battle with cancer.
I have to keep my eyes on this promise and it makes all of the difference in my heart.
Praying for you.
Donna B
Andrea, I can totally relate to your story, my own is very much the same. When I think of the Samaritan woman, I don’t think she really had many friends or family to talk to. I believe that is why her story is so significant. After she had spent time with Jesus, she was changed. Her outlook for her own life changed, her attitude changed, she went from walking with her head down, looking depressed and sad, to running, laughing, smiling, and yelling to everyone about what Jesus had done for her. She was awash in His love, filled up so much, that it was spilling out on other people. That is what happens when we really know Him, when we really have a relationship with him. When we really grasp, how much He truly loves us. His love is not one we can contain, it bubbles out of us. I will keep you in prayer, please pray for me as well. If we truly get this…know how He knows us and loves us just the same, our perceptions of ourselves will change, just as “Sam’s” did. God Bless you!
oh He loves you, you just have to beieve that & oh when it finally clicks, you will soar!
I printed out the PDF of the memory verse Jer. 1:5. My husband read it and said that was a good verse against abortion. It is a beautiful verse!
I always use that verse when talking to people about abortion. <3
I was so blessed by the dramatic interpretation of Sam in the video. I love the arts and it was so cool, so encouraging and powerful to see the Word come alive in this script/drama. Yay!!
I have loved the story of the Samaratin women for so many different reasons and in different seasons of my life. It seems God shows me over and over again each time I read that story how He loves me. I am truely blessed for these teachings. I love the opportunity to come together and meet such loving women and share in God’s glory. I look forward to learning more and sharing more with such a great group of women. Thanks Renee for al you do and I am so glad God brought you into my life! The video was awesome!!
Renee, I read with interest the statement that you wrote to Ashley…
“Salvation is not a feeling, it’s a decision. I just want to make sure you know that. Salvation is about turning to Jesus and turning away from sin and our self-focused life. That is the first step of saying “I do.”
I also struggle with the salvation question…. I know I made the decision but than I also get confused and feel that no one could love me and I’m not good enough….. Thank you for the words of your response.
I also feel that no one could love me and I’m npot good enough… thanks for your honesty.
The video was powerful. Jesus met the woman at the well. He met me when I was very young. But my concept of God was skewd because I am the adult daughter of an alcoholic who walked away from the ministry when I was two. My mom faithfully prayed to God but it would be seventeen years before my dad would walk away from alcoholosm and return to God. How did this affect me? Too many ways to be recounted. I married young. I had many years of self loathing for mistakes I made, I have walked with God for many years but some times I isolate because of things in my life. Now I run to the Jesus who met the woman at the well. I am forgiven and redeemed. Neil Anderson writes in the booklet “The Steps to Freedom in Christ some truths about God. I have put them in the positive for you. My God is intimate and involved not distant and disinterested. My God is kind and compassionate not insensitive and uncaring. My God is accepting and filled with joy and love not stern and demanding. My God is warm and affectionate not passive and cold. My God is always with me and eager to be with me not absent or too busy for me. My God is patient and slow to anger not impatient, angry, and rejecting. My God is loving, gentle and protective not mean, creul, or abusive. My God is trustworthy and wants to give me a full life, His will is good, perfect, ans acceptable not trying to take the fun out of life. My God is full of grace and mercy, and he gives me the freedom to fsil not controlling or manipulative. My God is tenderhearted and forgiving, His heart and arms are always open to me not condemning or unforgiving. Lastly, my God is commited to my growth and proud of me as His beloved child not a nit picking, demanding perftionist. I am the apple of His eye. Today, I am still married, I have a good relationship with my dad and my husband but I still struggle with my own insecurities but in my heart I know I am loved. Blessings…diana
What a wonderful way to draw close to God by seeing how He blesses you! Thanks for this encouraging post!
Thanks for that. I need to constantly remember Gods goodness and not focus on the negative things in my life. I think i might copy those God is phrases so I can put them up to look at regularly. Or get the book! I strugle with finding turths to replace the rubbish that constantly comes into my head, to take every thought captive. My days are very up and down, one day very positive that I can do it because of Gods strength and believing him for the futre,holding onto the hope and promises given to me and/my husband; then next day struggling with it isn’t going to change and my husband’s choice of seperation and wanting a divorce is the outcome, rather all that God has given us and promised us. I constantly have to trust God that he is in control and to focus my eyes on him- the light and the truth. That only God can change my husband and soften his heart. that I can change and be the women god called me to be despite my circumstances. He is Lord of my life and I love him. He is my healer and my redeamer. I can be an example to my children to keep my eyes on him and to praise and worship him because of his goodness. He has been my help, my strength, my shelter. He has provided for me, by givng friends around me when i need them, for finanaces, for support. I can look back and see how he is drawing me closer to him, how he has put the right people in place at the right time for different problems or moments of need. Yet I still struggle on a day to day basis with my insecurities and self doubt, and then as Job would be I find Gods strength to carry on to pick up my feet and stand tall, because of my God is greater then the things of this world. and as in ephesians through my faith I can see the bigger picture, not looking at things with a tunnel vision( as in driving) but seeing the bigger picture and being more aware from a wider perspective.
My God is great and he is faithful. it is because of him that that I can do this. I can look after four young children, stay in my faith, and he still uses me to bless others, to share at church and contribute by his leading. He still uses me and speaks thruogh me, he still uses me as his vessel no matter what the circumstances and all glory goes to him.
It is amazing! His ways are higher than our ways. It might not make sense to us but he knows what he is doing he sees the bigger picture. He is in all and above all.
I get excited about what he has for for me and that there is so much more. I have to trust he will show me the way and that his timing is perfect.
there were some things that I underlined as I reread chp. 2 today. One of the sentences that caught me was that He is there in those mornings where we can’t stop criticizing ourselves for messing up the day before. I’ve done things and not done things that have caused me to not pray for days or even weeks because I knew God was upset with me and if I didn’t go to him I didn’t have to hear what he would say. Anyone else? I still knew that He knew what I had done or didn’t do that he had asked me to do. But God is merciful and never leaves us even when we leave him. One of the questions at the end asks us when we need his assurance and his presence the most. I guess I need it the most in the midst of chaos and when I’m feeling alone and unloved. When I get time it helps to put worship music on and just get lost in his presence.
Love your realness Pam. I think we’ve all been there.
It’s kind of like how Adam and Eve thought they were hiding from God in the garden. He knows. He knows where we are … He knows what we’ve done … even before we’ve done it …. He just wants our obedience to ask for forgiveness.
Love how you put your worship music on!
Blessings and prayers as God continues to transform your heart into a heart like his. I always have to remember … progress not perfection.
Thank you Donna. I’m really trying to let God work in me and trying to lean on Him and trust His word. I’ve been a christian since I was a teen but I’ve also walked away from him for periods of time. I’m hoping with the help of this book I can finally let God show me where my insecurities started so that I can finally be whole and free. He is the potter and we are the clay and may He mold each of us into a vessel He can pour through.
The video was incredible!!!
I agree! I love it …. I’m thinking of all the people I want to share it with.
Me, too! I watched it a couple of times already!
Im doing this study, and just started learning to spend time with the Lord daily every morning this is something i have struggle with so long to do, its always worked againts me. I ask for prayers please because i find i have had alot of things coming againts me lately, one i had freinds i was close to, drop me and hang out together without me, just throw me aside like yesterdays dirt. I have had a good freind that i have been with for 8 years be discouraging to me, and tell me things that dont even make sense and now we are barely talking, she wants me to except things her way or its the highway. I have also my fiances parents having troubles and it effecting me, i have health problems and depression i have had my meds changed and i need something that is more than what i have to make me feel the way i should, i know how i need to feel, i dont think im using medication as a crutch like i was told by my freind of 8 years, but i believe that it is helping me live a somewhat normal life. I am cranky alot lately and short with people. I just dont know what to do our believe. Please pray for me. Thank you
The Lord can heal your hurts. You’re in my prayers.
Go back and read page 23 through page 26 of Chapter 1 again especially the scriptures. Take note cards and write the scriptures on your note cards. Read and reread each scripture and claim God’s promises for you. And add this one to collection:
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
God loves you with an everlasting unfailing love! Take it! Claim it! Believe it!!
Praying for you.
Donna was just looking for prayers, that would be much appreciated, i have and will try many things, prayer is what is needed now.
Father God, in the Name of Jesus, I lift Lisa to You. Thank You for Your deep and great love for her. Please help her to be strong in her inner man and to keep her eyes, heart and mind fixed on You. Please help her to rest your in Your strong, everlasting, arms – Your embrace, and help Lisa to hear Your voice and words of assurance, and yes, perhaps words of correction – but always in love. Thank You that You love us enough to discipline us and not leave us where we are. Thank You we can know You have our best in Your heart. Father, You know Lisa’s heart to have quiet time with You. May nothing get in her way, may voices other than Yours be silenced and she hear clearly your still small voice – as she reads Your Word, sits quietly before You, or is listening to a message from another brother or sister in Christ. I pray that the lies of the enemy, her flesh, and the world would be silenced, in the Name of Jesus, and bound. We pray for the cleansing, purging, preventing, preserving, persevering, blood of Jesus to flood Lisa’s life and refresh her in Your love, mercy and grace. Thank You, Father, for Your unfailing, unrelenting love. Thank You that You are her healer. May she be healed physically, spiritually, socially, emotionally and mentally by the stripes Jesus bore. Please help Lisa to lean on and into Jesus as her very best friend and let Him lead her to friends with whom she can relate and whom she can trust. Please help us all to let go of the past and move forward in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank You!
Love you, sweet sister!
How do I print out Chapter 2? I don’t have a book yet and I can’t find a download for Chapter 2 on this page? Do I have to subscribe every day? I watched the video . . . powerful, but want to read Chapter 2.
HELP !!!!
You have to buy the book, or you can download a kindle version on Amazon, and either use a kindle, kindle app, or kindle for PC to read the book. Good luck!
Renee, thanks for chapter 2 The Samaritan Woman. That story is my favorite because all of us can see ourselves in her. She lived a life that she was not proud of but Jesus still loved her anyway. We all want to be loved for who we are. 1 Corinthians 13, I had it read at my wedding because it explains the true meaning of love. There is heavenly love and there is earthly love and no comparison between the two. Earthly love is what creates the self doubt if only we are pretty enough, smart enough, have the certain name or have the big house or drive a certain car. But heavenly love, we don’t have to compare ourselves to anyone and feel very confident on who we are when we stay focused on the scriptures tell us. I am in my mid forties and never have I read the bible as much as I do now. One Christmas morning, I received a gift from my husband a new bible. He knew I wanted one that was easy to read so that I could better understand the scriptures. Its amazing how it is helping me to grow closer to God and to his son Jesus and now I am learning how to throw away the self doubts. God created me and therefore I am beautiful.
Lisa, I too see myself in the story of the Samaritan Woman, I cry everytime I read it, or hear it. I was so happy when I first learned that Jesus loves me, no matter what I have done in the past. I still walk with a mask at times, with other people. I have been hurt so many times, and I often have the perception that others are judging me, probably because I have already judged myself and found myself guilty. It is incredible that the Lord can love me, even though at times I have been so unlovable. That He knows me and loves me! Now that is something to be excited about! I loved the video, it really touched my heart. I pray that we all see ourselves the way that Jesus sees us, that we can truly feel the excitment that Sam felt, when she realized who Jesus is, and that He loved her enough to talk to her. He loves us so much, that He pursues us, He offers us unconditional love, living water, so that we can be satisfied, that the emptiness inside each of us can be filled, to overflowing….Amen <3
Love that Lisa. Earthly out performance based love and God’s action based love. I would add feelings to that list of earthly love. They are so fickle.
Wow— amazing
I love spending time with you all here – Im really visual so I imagine we’re in my living room talking and each of you are sharing your thoughts. I love that no one has to worry about interrupting or saying too much or talking too long. Isn’t’ that the best?
And as I read your stories and your thoughts, I’ve prayed for you today. I’ll hop back on tonight. For now I need to get to work – Im under a big deadline to turn in the manuscript for my Confident Heart devotions book – due this week {YIKES!}
Im going to be thinking about each of you and what you have shared as I write – and ask Jesus to give me content that will speak to hearts like yours in this new book :).
So honored and blessed to be on this journey with you!
I’m behind in reading the posts but just wanted to thank you Renee for your book and this Bible study. I love that you are really taking this journey with us here. Also, I have been praying for you. I’m excited to see that this book will also be in devotion format. Thank you!
I’m catching up on the posts this morning. Renee I am praying for you as you finish writing A Confident Heart devotions. Praying for His Divine Wisdom & His Words as you seek to share His Truths.
Video is fabulous! Heard of one to come who could save a wretch like me! I AM HE….those words keep playing over and over in my mind…Amazing Grace!
Wow!!! God is awesome and I am so glad to know that He loves me!
This quote from the chapter just really struck me: “He wants us to go below the surface by asking Him to show us why we want what we want. Then we can ask Him if what we want is really what we need.” I think it takes all kinds of courage to ask this question because I know my motives are not always the purest. And I expect I’m afraid that what I want is not what I really need. Thankfully, I know that if I have the courage to ask the question, Jesus will be with me as I receive the answer, even if it’s not what I really had wanted to hear.
That’s beautiful!
Yada..Yada…now I understand. And know that I can start running into the arms of Jesus!
Chapter 1 was incredible last night. It really helped me realize my self doubts and the reflection at the end of the chapter really helped. I am learning so much and stretching my faith through the help of this book.
I’m still reading through Chapter 2, but the video was amazing. The part that stuck with me most was “I want someone to look at my face….” down to, “Now I keep to myself and by that I mean the pain that keeps me in my own private jail…” Love that part because I know that feeling all to well! I have isolated myself and have tendencies to only have one friend at a time because I don’t feel worthy enough to be around a lot of people or I’m worried what they will think of me, do I talk to much , I’m not in the right social class, I don’t dress as nice, etc. That is a jail that is terrible to live in! Because of this I miss out or loose many great friendships. I’m too scared or insecure to try and fight for friendships to hold on to them. Because of this I’ve delt with feeling alone even though I’m surrounded by friends and family! Just a sense that I don’t fit in, so when she gets to the part in the video “For to be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be known…. AND YOU KNOW ME, ALL OF ME AND EVERYTHING ABOUT ME…” scares me to know He knows all of me, but what a comfort and honor that though He knows me, my thoughts, my heart , HE still loves me!! I can’t wait to continue on this journey and see how He changes me! Have a blessed Tuesday everyone!
I feel the same way too. We will OVERCOME as we go through this study together. Looking forward to victory! 🙂
I truly believe that God will take me at my weakest spiritual moment…and that I WILL be strong enough….”for I am weak and He is strong”. Hold me, Lord, with a confident heart…..
I’m very thankful for this study. Then enemy is constantly attacking and trying to keep me from doing this, and from me getting anything from it. Please keep me in prayer. My mind gets overwhelmed easily and I can’t remember things I’ve just read. Lack of confidence has kept me a prisoner my entire life. I need this badly!
I relate to you, Cheryl, I will prayer for you and this entire group. Thank you Lord for this group.
Thank you Mary Lou. I’ll pray for you too.
I loved in the video how she keeps saying, “For to be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be known.” How many times do we pretend to assume things about others when don’t really know them? How often do people do the very same thing to me?
I’ve always loved the story of the Samaritan woman, which I believe is the longest recorded dialogue of Jesus. And we don’t even know her name. But perhaps that was the point. That Jesus knew it and that’s all that mattered. I can relate to her feelings of not worth staying for and not worth getting to know. How I’d love to hear Jesus’ tone when he told her that she has had five husbands. I can’t imagine how many times she had been condemned by others and now she is expecting to be condemned by Jesus. But He must have spoken with such love and gentleness that instead of feeling rejected, she felt accepted.
And I’m amazed at the transformation. She was the village outcast who didn’t dare to draw water with everyone else. But one conversation with Jesus gave her the security and confidence to proclaim the good news to everyone in town. Her own fears of rejection and inadequacy were melted away by His love and wisdom that she wasn’t afraid anymore. And if the other villagers chose to reject her, then they would be the ones missing out! How the tables have turned because of Jesus.
Julie you have stated this “right on target”. This is also my favorite Biblical story of Jesus. He went to Samaria especially for her. Thanks for reminding me that once she had been filled with the living water, the opinions, and condemnation of others were of no concern to her. Also, despite how she had been treated, she wanted to share the good news with others. Praise Him Hallelujah!
I love what you said about tone, Julie! I think I often filter other’s tones through my insecurity and they sound so condemning. Jesus must have indeed been so loving and gentle that her own fears and rejection just melted away…and to think, He feels the same way about me! It makes me love Him all the more.
Well said. Thank you for your insight. God bless.
Wow! I had read the script before I listened to it. The very last line is ringing in my ears: “Need it for our own.” We have the love Jesus for own. Praise Him. To really believe Jesus for me and live in and out of that love – that is another issue. I so want to do that. I do know of His love for me and am so thankful for it. May I honor Him with my love for Him and like Him, my love for those around me.
I like your acronym for “fine” on page 31 Frazzled, Irritated, Neurotic and Exhausted. We need to be honest with one another. I had the blessed experience on Resurrection Sunday of spontaneously praying for a sister in Christ who was honest with me when I asked how she was doing? She told she was struggling with some things in her life. She was nearly in tears. I asked if I could hug her. She said, yes, and as I hugged her, and she cried, I whispered a prayer in her ear. Wow! That was God. He is so very good.
“Because God is perfect, I don’t have to be”! So simple, yet so profound! I’m free already! Hallelujah!
That part really struck me as well, I want to imprint that truth on my heart!
Hello ….
I do not have the book and I’m trying to obtain it …. please advise.
Melanie, I am using the Kindle version. You can get a free Kindle for pc at Amazon.com and then also download free Christian books, including this one. You just read it on your pc, in the Kindle library, and you can highlight and add notes too. 🙂
Melanie, not sure if there is a LifeWay store near you, but they have them on sale for $6.99 which is half off.
I loved this video. It says it all. It grabs your whole being. Can’t wait to start reading chapter 2. In just this short 1-1/2 days I am learning about myself and what needs to change. Can’t wait to say goodbye forever to all my insecurities and doubts.
I grew up with the fact that the only ones that pray and fast is the pastor and that God is the God of do’s and don’ts. Wow, were we ever lead down the wrong path. It is so cool to know that I personally can have a relationship with my Lord and Father. To Ginosko (Greek-to know God intimately and personally) and be accepted, approved of, and loved by God is so totally awesome. I praise Him every day for His unconditional love that has brought me from the bondage of abuse into knowing His freedom from the bondage of that abuse. We do serve an awesome God!
I praise Him too that you have been set free!! So glad you are on this journey with us this week. He knows you and He loves you Lisa! In fact, He’s crazy about you!
AMEN and Praise God
Wow this has spoken to me. I walk around where from afar I look together, nice and neat but up close I am a paint peeling, chipping mess…. This study has been such a blessing. And to top it off the “I want to be known” Poem tugged at my heart and is a wonderful tool for those raising young ladies to help them understand that only Jesus’s love can fill them and truly know them. God Bless
I appreciate your response, Kerry. I can, at times, relate to your first few statements. I also appreciate what you said about the poem being a tool for young ladies. 🙂 God bless you richly!
My husband is a preacher mainly in prisons and he continues to say “We are in this together” and we are. God Bless you Cindy.
To be known AND be loved…amazing! Thanking God today that He sent His son to Sam on that blistering afternoon and that He sent His son for me!
I think so too!
Most of my life, my doubt, insecurity and fear was implanted in my mind because of my over-sensitivity to other’s perception of me or my own belief of their perception of me.
To guard my mind and hold each thought captive is so imperative….I in effect have to RE-TRAIN my BRAIN to go back to the Source and rest in the Truth – The truth of GOD’s KNOWLEDGE of me – the One who CREATED ME IN HIS UNFATHOMABLE LOVE. Any other person’s opinion in this world is equivalent to what a warped mirror in a fun-house reflects back.
At that point, I don’t have to prove or disprove anything about myself to anyone….Let them have “fun” figuring it out!
Wow! You have said the proverbial “mouthful” here. 🙂 Thank you. The first paragraph is true of me, too. I am glad you wrote it. Yes! “RE-TRAIN” the brain – to go back to THE SOURCE and rest in THE TRUTH! Absolutely a must. Everything you have written is resonating within. 🙂 Praise God! God bless you richly!
Thanks, Pillar, I couldn’t have said it better myself.. “a warped mirror in a fun house”!
This is really challenging my mind and heart. I’m ready to go on this journey because I know God has big plans for me! God’s ways are definitely better than our own.
God bless you ladies, today’s reading of ch2 was pretty heart wrenching for me & yet very refreshing. I’ve known about God but I want to know God. That’s one of the many things in this chapter that stood out for me. Because of my need to be accepted & wanted I’ve forgotten that my relationship with God needed to be the most important relationship I have. Nevertheless, because of God’s mercy & forgiveness I’ve come to that realization. I chose my insecurities to take precedence over God’s desire to be up close & personal with me. But it’s a new day & His mercies are made new. And so I’m taking the first step in getting to know Him & my life goes on with this revelation & heartfelt desire to do just that – get to know HIM. There’s no turning back but moving forward in Him & learning whom He desires to be to me.
He’s doing a new thing & I can see it!
My eyes are filled with tears and my heart is filled with joy Deborah as I read your story. Im praying for you friend. You are getting the most important truth we need as we begin this journey. Keep pressing in to HIM into His LOVE, into HIS acceptance and affirmation – it is what you were made for and will change your life forever!!
Deborah & Renee,
I felt the same way as I was readhing Ch. 2. I was surprised to find my eyes were filling with tears. Anyway, I do the “fine” thing because I don’t want to be high maintenance and there aren’t very many people that I can really talk to. I forget that God knows me, knows all about me. I have been a Christian long enough to know that you can’t hide anything from Jesus, but I still find myself trying to put on a “good face” for my quiet times.
Quoting your words…
Because of my need to be accepted & wanted I’ve forgotten that my relationship with God needed to be the most important relationship I have. Nevertheless, because of God’s mercy & forgiveness I’ve come to that realization. I chose my insecurities to take precedence over God’s desire to be up close & personal with me.
You are not alone in this thought process. I’m praying for however many new days it takes to break the spell!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Thank You Lord. A new thing indeed. Hallelujah!
Amen. Thanks for your response Deborah. It encourages me. Having to go back and read over and over: “Because of my need to be accepted & wanted I’ve forgotten that my relationship with God needed to be the most important relationship I have. Nevertheless, because of God’s mercy & forgiveness I’ve come to that realization. I chose my insecurities to take precedence over God’s desire to be up close & personal with me. But it’s a new day & His mercies are made new.”
You ladies are a blessing from God at just the right time in my life. Thank you for sharing and caring and loving with HIS love. Renee, thank you for allowing Him to speak through you!
What hit home for me was “If we only live on the surface with God, we’ll never experience the intimacy we long for or the acceptance and security of others”. I don’t think I truly “lay it on the line” with God- I am guilty of how I feel and think something is wrong with me- my problems are minor compared to most. I can’t get it into my head that He knows me and loves me whether I struggle with depression or guilt myself that I’m not perfect. I struggle with believing completely as you stated in Chapter 2.
Praying for you TEH. Praying for God to give you the courage to lay it on the line. You might as well, He knows your thoughts anyway! No hiding from God …. just freedom! And there are no minor problems. It’s happening to you so that makes it a big deal in the eyes and heart of God. Trust Him with it all!
I know He loves me and KNOWS me, but I cannot understand how He could truly love me with my past mistakes/sins. How could I do some of the things I have done and even at the time, I knew they were not in keeping with what I knew to be Christ’s teachings and yet I did them. My guilt is what holds me back from the relationship I want so badly with God. I try to remind myself that He loves me and forgives me, but how can He forgive me if I can’t forgive myself….? Sometimes living on the surface seems so easy when what I really desire is to live fully in His love….
Stacey, thanks for sharing your heart. I used to feel like you do and one day a friend shared with me something that changed my life regarding my past and needing to forgive myself. She asked me, “Are you higher than God? Of course my reply was in astonishment – NO – she said, well then “If God can forgive you, who are you not to forgive yourself?” It was like a physical slap in the face to realize that I was acting like I was higher than Him and it broke me. I’m so thankful to have fellowship with other women that can correct me in love. I pray that this will help you. Here is a key verse that helps me to keep my focus on the here and now and looking to the future instead of my past. Paul writes in Philippians 3:13-14 NLT No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. May the Lord Bless you as you seek him with all your heart.
Thank you Gina, that does give me something to think about as I wrestle with my emotions and trying to let the Word guide me instead of those emotions.
Reading your post brought tears to my eyes and a tug on my heart strings as I know exactly how you feel here. I too have had these doubts and have had the desire to know Jesus fully. I have always kept a part of me just incase something happened and part of it is because I have never know pure love in my life. I have known a love that was conditional and have somehow thought that God’s love is somehow that way too. I am looking forward to finding out truly all I can about God. I was saved and baptized when I was 11….
‘And you know me, you actually know me…to be known is to be loved, and to be loved is to be known…’ To know that He knows everything about me and still He loves me – amazes me everyday!
also reminds me of the c.s. lewis quote: “God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain.” i hate that we have to go through trials, but i LOVE that God has known us, all along, and that He has loved us FROM everlasting, TO everlasting. to be known and loved…priceless.
I will be rereading the chapters and posting between today and to morrow. I;m on the way to see my grandson for the first time in 6 years. scared please pray for me
I will pray about this visit with you.
That’s awesome! I’m praying for you!
Angela, praying for you.
i thought of this text a lot as i sat through a few baby blessings this past weekend…this text, along with psalm 139. reminds me of the old song, “He knew me, yet He loved me.”
Love these words. So few yet so powerful…If I could take this in and truly believe it in my heart and soul.( My head gets it.) I don’t feel so alone in my feelings after reading all these thoughts. The struggle with thinking I am not doing this God thing right is so strong some days that I have a “why bother” attitude. So today, April 6th I am changing that belief! I am doing the best I can and the more I pray and get into his word and this study (thank you Renee) the stronger I will become!
this grabed my heart. I know I want all of this every day. Praise God
Oh that we would walk in the Truth that God knows us intimately and loves us deeply – not because of who we are or what we’ve done, but because of Who He IS – the lover of our souls, the only One to meet our every desire!
Amen. Well said Deb! 🙂
Amen Sister! It brought tears of joy to my eyes!
This is an extremly powerful video message. I have begged internally and externally to be known for most of my life and all along the One that has known me, even before I knew myself and that matters most, was always waiting for me to realize it. Never once has He let me down, and I pray that throughout this journey (this study) I can truly listen to Him.
Praying for that too for you Michelle. I love your heart’s willingness to be so real and to ask so vulnerably.
I completely agree with you, Michelle. That video is very powerfull and has brought tears to my eyes. I have never felt really known by anyone before and yet God knows me inside out. He knows my past, my hurts, what i’ve been through where i am now, He not only knows me but understands me and he still loves me. He knows how to show me in his gentle way.
And I haven’t even looked at the chapter yet!
I am amazed by the emotion-evoking video. Though I have been a Christian for many years, I am full of insecurity and the feelings of shame and unworthiness. I really feel like a failure evem though I know I have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. I am looking forward to not allowing my emotions and feelings be in control…but lettting Christ lead. I want to grow as a woman of God! I am thankful for each of you…and Renee, thanks for allowing God to use you! God’s timing is perfect!
this grabed my heart. I know I want all of this every day. Prise God
This chapter made me think about my perception of God I grew up with and the one that has developed as I have gotten older. As a child, I grew up thinking of God as an untouchable/unreachable being that was watching all that I did (right or wrong). Growing up as a Catholic, I was taught that you needed to keep track of your sins so that you could confess them. I never even considered a personal relationship with God. I am so glad that I now view him as a forgiving and loving God that wants to meet us where we are, flaws and all.
I grew up believing God was afar off somewhere in the heavens just looking down on me. I never realized how I mattered to Him & how He loves me just the way I am.
How do I know if I truly belong to God? That is my heart’s true desire, but it seems like I keep getting confused and have doubts about my salvation. I want to know God!
Ashley, towards the end of chapter 2 I share how you can have a personal relationship with Jesus.
If you invite Him into your heart and accept His death on the Cross and payment for your sins and receive His forgiveness and grace – then you will be saved. At that point the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in you. And sweet friend, no matter what, you cannot lose your salvation. Sin, discouragement, doubt, anger, bad days doesn’t mean you are not saved. That is all normal.
Salvation is not a feeling, it’s a decision. I just want to make sure you know that. Salvation is about turning to Jesus and turning away from sin and our self-focused life. That is the first step of saying “I do.”
Then sanctification comes over time as we follow jesus, surrendering more and more of our heart and our life to Him each day – that’s when we begin to experience the power of the Holy Spirit in us as we let Him lead our thoughts and our decisions.
It’s a moment by moment relationship that builds over time – just like any relationship. The key is to get into God’s word like you are through this study 🙂 and to get God’s word into you.
I hope this helps. After you read all of Chapter 2, let us know if you have more questions. You are loved and treasured. We are so glad you are here!
oh thanks renee, i needed to rehear that, i know i’m saved, but you worded it so wonderfully! i might just have to print it off:-))
one question tho, how do we know if we’re doing enough for Him, i listen to some of my friends & i always seem to fall short.
I know, it can be quite confusing. But it’s not in our doing for Him. It’s in our relationship with Him. It’s in our love for Him. You can’t do anything that is going to make Jesus not love you any more than He already does. And there is nothing that you can do that will make Him love you more. He loves us because we are His. He loves us because it’s His nature to love us. And He created us to love Him back.
It’s all about Jesus residing in your life/heart and you loving Him back. You are worth His love because He chose to give it to you. It’s with us knowing who He is and us relying on Him instead of us relying on ourselves or others.
His grace and love are free to us. We just have to ask for them. He wants to know you up close and personal.
Praying that answers your question, if not, please let me know. Praying for God to flood you with His understanding and His love.
I love this conversation…. Words I needed to read today!
Thank you Renee for your words. I too even though I was saved and baptized when I was 16, sometimes I have doubts because I don’t seem to feel as close to God as others do. Easter Sunday I went to my Aunts church. When I go to churches where people are jumping up and down, raising their hands to the music and seem so at peace, I feel so out of place like I don’t belong. I don’t know if that makes sense. I’m quiet and reserved so sometimes I wonder if I were truly saved, wouldn’t I want to jump up and down showing my excitement as well. Shouldn’t I be excited to be going to church instead of nervous?
I know I’m saved. It’s the best decision I made. My struggle is to get my adult daughter to see that Jesus loves her. She gave her life to Jesus but is struggling with faith. I see her has the Samaritan woman. I also see myself as Sam. My heart breaks for my daughter and Sam. I hope she will read it one day. I pray that I can be an example. She struggles with serve depression. I know it stems from doubt. I personally am reading the book a second time. This chapter changed how I view myself, for the better. I struggle with poor body image. I’m over weight. This is a daily struggle.
Renee-thank you for sharing with me earlier in reply to my post….your words spoke to my heart and I truly asked Jesus to save me but am still having doubts creep into my mind…I feel like I will never have assurance and that this is how my life is going to be…please pray for me…I am so discouraged.
thanks,still learning how to do this every day,even after all these years.
I have never heard it explained quite this way. Absolutely phenomenal!!!!! I’ve got a much clearer understanding. Thank you Renee and thank you Ashley !!!!
What beautiful words to explain the coming of one’s salvation with our LORD Jesus Christ! I too feel like I would like to copy such a wonderful heartfelt guiding of a soul to Him. Thank you so much for your words to those who have questions, to those of us who hurt and need healing, to those who need to feel confident in the love of our Maker and Sustainer. Thank you for letting us be a part of this wonderful growing community of Christ!
Thanks Renee for doing a great favor to so many people by writing this book!
You are leading many to accept Christ and truly trust Him.
May God bless your every efforts!
Renee – I needed those words today. I know I have been saved but, but all too often, the negative words flood my thoughts and push the truth of God’s word far from my grasp. 55 years of put-downs are often bigger than 3 years of build-ups. It is so hard to remember that I am loved.
Hi there all of you. I love that we’re talking about all of this together. I’ve been so eager to get back online after I did some writing today, so I could share these verses with you 🙂 God’s word has to be our final be all, end all in our search for truth – the way, the truth and the Life is in Jesus the living word and in the BIble, God’s written word.
We can’t rely on our emotions or thoughts b/c we have an enemy who attacks us there and he will do all he can to make you doubt yourself and your salvation.
BUT God gets the final word and read what He says here in Ephesians 1: 5-14
In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he[d] made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
In him we were also chosen,[e] having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.
And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.
I especially want to emphasize that this is God’s doing, and He wanted to save you!! It was God’s pleasure to choose you, He planned to adopt you when you responded to His offer, and when you believed, you were sealed with a deposit of the Holy Spirit guaranteeing your inheritance – salvation, redemption, security and hope– you are God’s treasured possession.
Now read this again and again, write it down word for word as a letter to yourself. Then write it down and thank God for it, claiming these truths for yourself one by one.
If you will teach your mind to think truth, your emotions will follow. Through my book I want to show you how important this is and equip you to change the way you think – which will change the way you feel – and then that will transform the way you live BUT it can’t start with your feelings. You have to take the reigns with your thoughts first. You can do this. Im praying for you – it will take time but I promise if I can do this and overcome the plague of doubts I have faced – you can too!!!
Ashley, my precious sister in Christ;
Renee had stated it perfectly. I was going through a rough patch last year and the only thing that kept me were the promises of God; read & believe Psalm 139 along with our verse Jeremiah 1:5 which confirms our place in God through Christ Jesus. The Lord reminded me that my faith MUST take precedence over my feelings. My obedience to Him by the leading of the indwelling Holy Spirit always guides me to that place in His Word that comforts me and reassures me that I’m saved, it’s going to take some purposeful praise, worship and alone time with God our Father to feel you’re saved.
You can be sure when you study His Word and someone says something to you that only God could’ve told them to. You go to church and the pastor is confirming what the Holy Spirt has already revealed to you as you’ve read the Holy Word. Pray about all things and trust God’s Word. So stay in His Word which is our reassurance that we are truly saved. Like any other relationship we must work on our relationship with God and it starts by getting to know God through consistently reading His word asking the Holy Spirit to open your understanding. He is able and we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us.
All my doubting sisters, please note that it doesn’t matter how mature a Christian we are, we are all work in progress and none of us will be perfected until we go to live with our Lord. Daily we have to die to self & self will and give ourselves away to the Lord. We must stay under the shadow of the Almighty God to be at peace in our relationship with Him. Knowing then that we are being kept in the hollow of His hands where nothing, nor noone can snatch us away.
I continue to pray for our faith and love for God & each other, which will help us conquor all doubts & fears. May the reassurance of our salvation through this bible study and shared personal experiences laced with the studying of God’s Holy Word, help us to sing praises and hallelujahs to Him, knowing that we are a chosen and peculiar people called by God who first loved us and truly desires to have an intimate relationship with each and every one of us.
Thank you Renee. This blesses me so much to hear these words. There is hope in knowing that my relationship with The Lord will begin to deepen first by me gaining control if my thoughts and is not dependent on my feelings. I also struggle with wondering if I am doing enough for The Lord. I love Him with all my heart but I feel my feelings create so many barriers. I am looking forward to learning how to let go, and trust Him with all of the areas of my life and to be set free from my pain and guilt. I am so encouraged to know HE loves me and ready to learn how to truly believe and understand with all that I have that His love is perfect and unconditional.
Hi Renee,
Those are wonderful words to live by. You have a way with words. I grew up Lutheran and became Catholic 10 years ago. I don’t know how to say this exactely, so I will just say it. I am a little put off with some of the negative Catholic comments. I have had a completely different experience in the Catholic church. I understand that everyone’s experience is different. Am I allowed to be here? I would love to be a part of the bible study and hang out with you guys here.
I am rejoicing that you are here. A relationship with Christ has nothing to do with a church or faith, it is a personal, intimate, up-close encounter with the God of the Universe. This is all about learning God’s word and applying it to our lives. May you be greatly blessed as I have been already. You are my sister and I am excited you are a part of this. Praying for you on this journey.
Hi Dawn,
Thanks for your reply. Well said! That’s the way I feel, too, Sister.
Bless u.
I love what you said about “teaching our minds to think truth and our emotions will follow.” I just started reading through Proverbs and this reminds me of verses in Chapter 3 about “pondering the path of our feet so that our ways will be sure.” That makes me think of being confident in His truth for us.
Renee, I love reading you what you write. I have so many things happening in my life and stuff from my childhood that makes it so hard to to accept or believe that I am worthy of Gods love or healings. I pray that I can learn to believe and trust that I am worthy. Thank you for sharing all of this. My life is a huge struggle right know. your writings help so much. Thank you!
At Stacey…I totally understand about what you mean about feeling uncomfortable about jumping up and down at church. I recently accepted Christ into my heart about four or more months ago so I am new at this and I too have found myself looking at the others around me at church who lift their arms up to the sky as they sing, etc, and I have thought to myself…I must not be as Christian as them for I dont, nor want to do that, but you know what, it doesnt matter. Everyone prays to God in their own way. Everyone sings to God on their own way. You dont have to be the loudest in church or the jumpiest, haha. God knows how you feel about Him by whats in your heart. Do not compare yourself to others around you and how they act in or out of church. There are even people who sing their hearts out during worship, who lift their arms up, who shout Amen the loudest, but that doesnt mean they are more Christian than you or than me because I have also seen people who do that but once they step out of church they do not act very Christian. It isnt a popularity contest, and trust me, I used to think the same thing, especially being a new Christian cause I, like you, am more reserved during worship songs, and from what I am learning, God loves us for us, period. Hope this helps. 🙂
At Ashley, I wanted to tell you that I too have been ‘saved’ yet I wrestle with worry, anxiety, and doubt every day. I have been that way since I can remember. A lot of it has to do with how I was raised, in a negative environment, and raised Catholic, meaning, I was basically brought up with the feat of God rather than learning God loves me for me and that all He wants is a relationship with us. Anyways, growing up my mother, and still to this day, has never been very supportive of me, never compliments me, and basically her and my sister just treat me like dirt. And so .i grew up with low self esteem and surrounded by negativity and always trying to feel them love me. Because of that my relationship with God was kind of like that. I would instead yell at Him instead of actually praying. I would wonder why all this keeps happening to me, why He lets them treat me like this, and dont get me wrong, I still ask .god this everyday and .i am almost forty! They still treat me bad and make me feel bad about myself and unloved. i am the blacksheep of the family. My father is the only one who ever has complimented me or treated me just a bit better then they have. But now my father has ALS and as I watch his body fail him more and more each day I have cried to God and yelled at God wondering why?! Why out of my family would God do this to the one person in my family that actually makes me feel like I am loved, even if just a little bit, why would God do that, not only to my dad, but to me. Sounds selfish I know, and even wrong to think why my dad and not my mom, not that I want my mom to have ALS, no one should, this disease is horrific, but I cant stop having these thoughts of why? I doubt all the time, but then I talk to friends I have met in church who point me in the right direction or show me where to go in the Bible. I now pray to God to not let my father have to hurt or suffer long. i actually ask God now to take him earlier so my father doesnt have to go thru the rougher parts of the disease. As mad as I am that he is dying, I rather im go sooner cause I know this is just so hard for my dad. I also have doubts of Gods love for me. I also thought that this was just another way .god was telling me, haha Holly, I dont love you so now Im taking you dad from you so you can be left with your mom and sister and have no one left in your family to love you. I compare Gods love for me on how I am loved here on earth. I figure is my own mother and sister who are suppose to love me cant do that, they say they do, but actions speak louder than words, I figure if the people that I can feel, see, and hear dont love me than how can I trust that God, a man I can not see, cant hear, how can .i trust he actually loves me when alls I see around me is things telling me He doesnt. Then, because of things I have learned, and am learning, like in this study, that it is evil that is crowded up my brain. My doubts are my worst enemy. They destroy me. They always have. I was raised to see the negative in everything so to try and look on the positive or believe that someone actually loves me is very hard for me. Its like the mouse getting the cheese, it is a habit now for me to think this way, to be this way. Even though I wrestle everyday with doubt and look to the negative, it doesnt mean I am not saved. It just means .i have more work to do. By getting involved at my church and in bible studies I am finding out ways to stop my thoughts or now I know that it is just say, the devil trying to cloud my mind and keep me from seeing God. But because I have learned that I now know to stop and tell myself that. It isnt easy. It is very hard. But dont ever think that you arent saved because you have doubts. We will always have doubts, it is how we are wired. But now we go to Gods word to help us sort out our doubts and feelings.
I hope this helps. I know I am not the best to hear from since I am so new to all this and I have doubts too, but I just wanted you both to know you are not alone and that your comments was read. 🙂
Have a great day girls!
I am going through marriage struggles. I have sinned and repented, but now my husband is sinning. I am standing strong that God still wants us together and I am staying in faith. I have doubting days and my emotions get in the way. I do many daily devotions, I pray continually, I go to church a couple times a week. Everyday is getting better, but my husband is a Minister… and tells me things that justify his choices and make me question my relationship with God. I wonder sometimes if he has a deeper connnection with God and so because I sinned maybe God is punishing me with this hardship of my husband’s actions. I wonder is God going to favor my husband’s desires over mine because of my actions. When I think about it… It sounds stupid and crazy but those feelings do come into my mind. I hope this is not TMI!! Some days I know that I know that I know!! And other days are harder!! Please pray for US!!
Hi Alhsey
I feel like that to just didn’t want to say it. I feela lot of things but keep them to my self. I doubt my salavtion all the time and if he really loves me. Like you I want to know for sure no doubts at all. I’m not no where near their yet but with the group and all these women to help each other I feel we all will make it. My prayers are with you. and please pray for me as well. New sisters in Christ Amen
Please, please write a short 3-4 week bible study directed at teen girls about the Samaritan woman, Sam. I love her having a name! But what a blessing it would be for girls to hear there value is not in a boy, but with God!!!
You are welcome!! You love Jesus! And, that is all that matters!! I, personally, love you being part of this group. Our focus on Him is all that matters.
In my own life, doubting comes when I get my eyes off Jesus and start looking at myself, or at others. We can trust God to keep His Word. He is our strength, our hope, our security, our protector, our EVERYTHING. Don’t let Satan continue to whisper in your ear and paralyze you with doubt. God says, “I will NEVER leave you”.
At Holly, Thank you so much for the kind words. They helped.
I grew up too thinking that God was far away, but knowing He is right by me walking in front of me and to the left and right of me is so comforting.
To be known and to be loved is a great desire of my heart!
The video made me realize I do not feel known because of fears I have. Like not feeling good enough to be seen by Him or anyone else. It was a great video.
That is a huge life-changer. If we can really understand there heart of God and His heart towards us, it changes everything. praying you will come to know HIM just as HE really is. One of my goals in the book is to show that to each of you – up close and personally!!
I struggle with knowing I am saved. There is always the ‘good enough”. I know that I am saved by Grace, that God loves me just as I am -= as I love my kids but it’s hard for this to penetrate my heart and it is that assurance that I am hoping this study will address.
I am torn between loving God and serving him and forgiving myself and seeing myself through His eyes. As my faith grows stronger everyday there is always that small tug that tells me I am not worthy or good enough. I have 3 daughter and I am a single mother as my husband went to heaven so he could watch over us better. I want my daughters to grow up knowing the are worthy. I loved watching this video!!!!! I made me feel almost powerful in the fact that God knows and he does love me!!
Do you forgive your daughters when they do wrong?? Yes you do!! God forgives you!! HE loves you even when you fall short. I was in a deep dark hole hiding from God and guess who was my only friend and companion? The one I was hiding from….My lord and Savior Jesus Christ!! He could have given up on me but he didnt, He love me even when I wasnt loveable!! He loved me all the way out of the dark hole and back to his loving arms!! He loves you too, unconditionally and all day, everyday!! Just like you love your girls, always and forever. He will love you through every rainy day and sunny day. read 1corinthians 13:4-8… that is our God and who we are to strive to be like… but we fall short and he takes our right hand and pulls us back up to take another step toward him!!! He is LOVE and we are to strive to be that as well!!
In love from my Godly given heart!!
martha i can relate to you, i grew up the same way, im so greatful for The Father picking me up out of the Catholic religion.
Matha and Lisa,
My husband is Catholic. I am filled with hope when I read your posts. I want him to know the love of God and what it is to have a personal relationship with him that isn’t based on guilt or works. There is nothing in this world like being known and accepted by God. Blessings to you!
I had the same exact experience growing up Catholic myself. It just never occurred to me that I could be personally connected with God and have a close relationship with him. I was too busy thinking of the sins I’d committed so I could recite them in the confessional.
I hit reply on your post because I can’t seem to figure out how to share my thoughts any other way.
In Chapter one in the discussion questions the first question asks when was your first memory of doubting yourself? I was a little stunned to answer grade school. I knew I was bullied to a certain extent, but what I didn’t realize how much the bullying affected me. The other day my 18 year old son was kidding around while I was using my inhaler. He was joking about the way I used it and then I just stopped useing it. He was still kidding and said Mom were you bulliedas a child or something? I was honest and said yes. It seems as though God is reaching out to me and saying it is ok to be take off my mask of being “fine”.
As I watched the video poem about “Sam” and read through chapter 2 I was crying, too. My Mom had alzheimer’s disease and passed away in 2010. In the last 7 years I have had alot of other people in my life pass away, also. In reading chapter 2 I realized that with friends I put on my “fine” mask. I felt like when someone asked me how I was I only talked about my problems. It really touched me to read that if I don’t take off my “fine” mask then the person I am talking to will not feel comfortable taking off their “fine” mask, either. I want people to be honest with me, so I guess I better be honest with them, too.
The sentence “He is waiting for you to stop, come up close, and turn your heart to His” really spoke to me, too. I think that sums up how I would like to wake up every morning!
Know one ever taught me that one can have a personal relationship with God. I GREW up in a dead church that judged and falsely accused those who did not conform to there ways. The church I GREW up in was corrupt spiritually in a sense that they put on a particular mask only to find out down the road that elders n leaders of the church were living lies in front of the church.