Okay, so most of you know I’m in the process of writing a book. My first book! Just last week my publisher chose my suggested title, and I just about jumped out of my chair! I hope you like it as much as I do. You ready? Drum roll please…
I love those three words. They describe what I have always wanted. For so many years I lived with an insecure, fear-filled, doubting-myself kind of heart. But over the past several years, God has taken me on a journey of moving beyond simply believing in Him to really believing Him; to really putting my trust in the power of His promises and living like they are true!
Some days I do much better than others. But when I choose to believe and live what I know about who I am and Whose I am, I experience a wonderful thing – a confident heart!
Do women struggle with self doubt?
Last year I surveyed over 1200 women about their self doubts. Here is some of what they shared when I asked what doubt whispers and how doubt affects them:
92% hear doubt whisper: “You’re not good enough.”
85 – 90% hear doubt whisper: “You can’t balance your life.” “You’re not gifted enough.” “You worry too much.” “You’re not smart enough.” “You’ll never change.” You can’t follow God consistently.”“If people knew who you really are…”
95% say doubt makes them: feel like quitting or giving up; feel paralyzed or stuck; question how and what they are doing; feel uncertain about God’s plan for their lives; feel discouraged and defeated; distracted; or steals their focus.
I am praying, “A Confident Heart” will set women free from the trap of doubt and give them the God-fidence that is ours when we live in power of His promises.
How can you help?
I need a subtitle to summarize what will be inside the book. And that is where I’m getting stuck. So, I’ve decided to call upon some of the smartest people I know…YOU! Will you help me think through the subtitle?
This message will help a woman navigate through the causes and paralyzing effects of self-doubt and illustrate, through Biblical and real-life examples, how she can live confidently in the truth of who she is and who she can become in Christ. A Confident Heart will give voice to the questions, doubts, struggles, and hopes many women have but are afraid to admit. This book will set free the captive heart that lives in the darkness of insecurity and uncertainty, but longs for the illumination of God’s power, truth, and grace. This is not a cookie-cutter approach to forever eliminating doubt like one would a grass stain on a white T-shirt. It’s about learning how to identify, process, and even use doubt to get you to a place of secure dependence, by stepping out of doubt’s shadows and into the power of God’s promises.
How can you win a gift card?
Will you read over the following subtitles and let me know what you think about them? Would any of them grab your attention and prompt you to want to buy this book?
A Confident Heart
How to Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Trusting God’s Promises
A Confident Heart
Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Believing God
A Confident Heart
Learning to Live in the Power of God’s Promises
Which one do you like best? Please vote for one, and if you think of another idea (after reading what the book is about), also give us your suggestion.
For everyone that comments between today and the weekend, I will enter you into a random drawing to win a $20 Starbucks or Target card. Bribery isn’t all bad right? I’ll announce the winner Monday morning! Feel free to comment as many times as you like as ideas come to you.
To leave a comment please click on the word “comments” below and type in the white box. If you don’t have a blog, click anonymous. If you are reading this via email or facebook, double click on the title and it should take you to my blog where you can leave a comment. Or email [email protected] and put “Subtitle” in the subject line. Then we’ll post it here.
Include your email or come back Monday so I can let you know you won.
Roll Call please. Tell me where you are from (state, country) and your age. Pleeeeaaaasee. It’s so helpful and interesting to know more about you who gather here.
More than ever before, I need your help and your opinion. And I know you have one. Please don’t doubt that what you think will be helpful!! My publisher and I want to hear your thoughts and we value your input. It’s you (and women like you) that I’m writing this book for!
A Confident Heart… I can't do it, but God can!
Hi Renee! I vote for:
How to stop doubting yourself and start believing God.
Think it captures what you've said is the crux of the book. Looking forward to reading it. Best!
A Confident Heart
Learning to Live in the Power of God's Promises
That's the one that grabbed my interest!
Believing Him~Pamela
[email protected]
The first one says what the book is about in words that look good on a page and feel good tripping off one's tongue. (And publishers are still having their love affair with "How to" right?)
A Confident Heart
How to stop doubting yourself and start believing God
Doubting ourselves keeps the focus on ourselves. Even though what we know of God is found in His word (truth, promises) my vote is you keep it "God" and don't change it to "God's _____" so our mindset is one of seeing Him in personal terms.
A Confident Heart
Walking off the Path of Insecurity to the Path of a Whole Heart
Monica Ciampa
New York
A Confident Heart
Learning to Live in the Power of God's Promises
I'm 46 live in SC
A Confident Heart: Putting Your Trust in God Alone.
Age 58
[email protected]
A Confident Heart
Tuning Out Whispering Doubts
A Confident Heart: Seeing the You that God Sees.
A Confident Heart
Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Believing God
I like this one!
Bobbie Jo
San Angelo TX
So excited about your book!
A Confident Heart
Living in the Power of Gods Promises
That would grab my attention!
Mary 36
South Carolina
[email protected]
I really like: A Confident Heart Learning to Live in the Power of God's Promises
I really really like
A Confident Heart
Stop doubting yourself and start believing God
I'm 28 from Wisconsin.
[email protected]
Renee – Thank you for writing this book and listening to the voice of God in doing so. There are so many women struggling each and every day with doubt in a world where we are surrounded by a culture that says anything less than perfect is not good enough.
The truth is, that God created each of us, uniquely wonderful. (Now if I could just keep hold of that. . . LOL.) God shares the truth of His love for who we are in His word and your willingness to search out this idea and present it to fellow sojourners is so encouraging.
I do like the subtitle, "Learning to live in the Power of God's Promises."
I also like "Trusting in God's Truth."
Just my two cents. 🙂
I live in NC and am 35.
A Confident Heart – Learning to live through God's promises
I'm a 33 year old mom who lives in northern MI
memoriesmama @ netonecom . net
Between the 3 suggestions, I like the first one, but without the "How to."
As for my own suggestions:
A Confident Heart: Let Jesus Ninja Kick Your Doubts out of the House (Nah, maybe for the guy version.)
A Confindent Heart: Make Doubt Move Out and Let the Promises Take Over
Then again, I think I'll stick with my vote for the first on your list 🙂
Wake Forest, NC
Age: 49 (Ooh, that's kind of painful to look at 🙂
A Confident Heart
Stop believing your doubts and start believing God.
Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Believing God
This one really spoke to me.
Can't wait to read this Renee. So thankful for you my FB friend.
Love ya, Chris Baker
I like the first subtitle! Everything in your post up to the point of the book titles is SO me, and I am ready to buy the book! =)
I love your third option
A Confident Heart
Learning to Live in the Power of God's Promises
I think this is JUST PERFECT!
Alabama, USA
A Confident Heart
Saying goodbye to Satan's obstacles
age 52
Marion, Arkansas
[email protected]
I love your thoughts and ideas. I've been reading them all day and can I just tell you something? You've helped me keep going when this day has been tough and the writing got rough. You're the best!
Remember to also let me know your
The short narrative you wrote really summed up, I think, what you really are trying to say so how about:
A Confident Heart
"Beyond simply believing in Him to really believing Him"
and if not, the statement itself has really powerful underlying message to some us who have also been moving into a different realm of believing. Whatever you choose I am looking very forward to reading it!!!
A Confident Heart:
Where Christ Dwells.
43 y/o mom of Surprise, AZ
(Mom to sons ages 23, 21, 16 & 3 and daughter age 12)
Hi there! I like:
A Confident Heart: Learning to Live in the Power of God's Promises
One I've come up with on my own is
A Confident Heart, Standing in the Light of God's Promises
Thank you for the chance to give our 2 cents' worth! This sounds like an amazing book!!
Brenna Smith
[email protected]
I like the third one. Learning to live in the power of God's promises .
As a child of God I am learning something new everyday. It tells me I am growing in Him. I would possibly add the word Everyday or Daily as this is a continual process. It is not going to be in an instant. When we are doubting we need to be reminded that His mercies are new everyday. It just broadens the scope for those of us who really struggle to know that if it is not fixed in one day we will not be abandoned. God and His promises are there for us everyday.
I live in Ohio and I am 37.
Thank you for listening to God and writing a book like this.
I am a 39 year old SAHM of three boys ages 6,5 and 5 (twins)from Iowa.
'Allow God's Promies to chase away your doubts.'
[email protected]
Stop doubting yourself and start believing God!
This is amazing! I have been sitting her an hour in tears with a hurting heart. My daughter leaves for Ethiopia next week to minister to children there.
I am having such a hard time trusting God. I want to do this and I know He is in control. But…as a Mom I want to be there. I need this book today! Thanks for helping me get through the day just by reading your blog! God is always on time!
A Confident Heart……God is all you need!
A Confident Heart
Learning to Live in the Power of God's Promises
I LOVE that one! I came over from P31's facebook page 🙂
I like the subtitle "Learning to Live in the Power of God's Promises" because it is positive in nature. The other subtitles you listed are attractive and will garner interest from the self-help book-buyers, but this subtitle gives a glimpse into the meaty content of the book. I'm looking forward to reading it when it comes out. Kitty from Kingsport (age 53)
I like the third choice the best!
A Confident Heart, Learning to Live in the Power of God's Promises.
[email protected]
Asheville, NC (friends with Carol Davis!)
Of the three, I like "A Confident Heart: Learning to Live in the Power of God's Promises" the best.
But maybe "A Confident Heart: A Journey from Doubt to Faith
I'm 29 and am from Wilmington, NC
A Confident Heart
Learning to Live in the Power of God's Promises
This one catches my attention the most. Because I know God has promised us abundant life and i need to learn to live the way God wants me to and hold on to those promises and stop doubting.
A Confident Heart
How to Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Trusting God's Promises
This subtitle would definitely catch my attention! I can't wait to read it! God Bless!
Putting Your Confidence In The Only One You Can Be Confident Of….
Hmmm. What about "Out of doubt's shadows into the light of His promises"?
A little long. Hmmm. "Into the light of God's promises"? "Doubt flees in the light of His promises"?
I know! "A Confident Heart: Glowing in His Promises". 😀
Lori Stilger
Nashville, TN, age 42 (AUGH! Did I say that in public?:D)
A Confident Heart
How to stop doubting yourself and start believing God
Makes me want to pick it up and not put it down until I'm done!!!!!
A Confident Heart
Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Believing God
[email protected]
Texas, USA
A Confident Heart.
I AM NOT afraid.
A Confident Heart.
The Lord is the Strength of My Life
V/R-Jennifer Goulart
I too am SO excited for you and can't wait to read this!
From your list, I loved:
"Stop doubting yourself and believe God."
As another thought:
A confident heart: From Brokeness to Belief
{when I see heart like that…I think broken?? does that make sense?}
Much love,
free to live through Christ..
[email protected]
I think you have a great idea for your book and I am so excited to read it!
I like:
A Confident Heart
How to Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Trusting God's Promises
one more idea…
A Confident Heart
Allowing God to Replace Our Doubts with His Grace
Elizabethton, TN
A Confident Heart
Becoming God Confident
A Confident Heart
Taking "self" out and adding "God"
God Confident
I think anytime we can get out of our "self" and into "God" we are in the right place. I have struggled with self confidence and still do but years ago I learned that as long as I look within myself for confidence I will never get where I need to be, but with God Confidence I can do all things thru him.
I am 37 and from North Carolina
[email protected]
A Confident Heart
How to Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Believing God.
That is my favorite, though I would buy the book no matter. lol. I am so excited for you.
A Confident Heart
Letting Go of Doubt and Living in God's Promises.
[email protected]
Wisconsin- Age 33
I'm so excited for you; you and the P-31 women have been such an inspiration!
I like the subtitle "Learning to Live in the Power of God's Promises." We've read those promises over and over, meditated on them, heard them taught, yet we still fall prey to Satan's fiery darts. I think it really is a lifelong learning process.
I'm 46 and live in NC.
How to stop doubting yourself and start believing God
[email protected]
Helena, Montana
A Confident Heart: Yearnings of a Woman's Heart
[email protected]