Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are or why you do things the way you do? I remember all the way back to Jr. High feeling like I didn’t really like who I was. I’d compare myself to those around me and try to figure out who people liked most, so I could be like them. It was exhausting!
I want to to talk a little more today about something I shared in my devotion, “The Real Me” featured at Proverbs 31 and Crosswalk. The journey God’s taken me on to become the woman He created me to be has totally changed my life, and all of my relationships, for the better. I hope I can encourage you today with somethings I’ve learned.
First of all, comparison can be my worst enemy. My friend Genia summed it up well one day when we were talking about it. She said, “When we compare ourselves with someone else, we can never measure up because we compare our insides with their outsides.”
She’s right. I usually compare how I feel on the inside with how someone else looks like they have it all together on the outside. Paul talks about the comparison trap in 2 Corinthians 10:12, “but when they measure themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding.”
Comparison leaves us confused and discontent. It causes us to compete with each other but God never intended for women to compete with each other; He wants us to complete one another. Seriously, He wants us to encourage each others’ strengths and then be who He created us to be.
Paul explains why in 1 Corinthians 12:18-20, “But now God has placed the parts, each one of them in the body just as He wanted. And if they were all the same part, where would the body be? Now there are many parts, yet one body.”
The truth is: You are uniquely you because God has a unique purpose for your life. God created you with a unique personality because you play an important role in the story He’s writing in your life. You are “God’s masterpiece…created anew in Christ so that [you] can do the good things He planned for [you] long ago.” Ephesians 2:10, (NLT)
There are certain thing He wants to do through your life and that is why He gave you a personality that is one-of-a-kind! In her book, Personality Plus, Florence Littauer describes four personality types. Most of us are a blend of two. See if you can relate to the desires and emotional needs of one or two of these:
Phlegmatic: Desires PEACE
Needs times of quiet, reduced stress, feeling of worth, relaxation
Choleric: Desires CONTROL
Needs appreciation for achievements, opportunity for leadership, and participation in decisions
Sanguine: Desires FUN
Needs attention, affection, approval, activity with people
Melancholy: Desire PERFECTION
Needs sensitivity, stability, support, space, silence
- Which personality best describes you?
- What are your greatest strengths? What are things you think you need to work on?
- What challenges do you face in discovering your unique “you”?
Click on the word “Comments” below to share thoughts or questions. If you don’t have a blog, click on anonymous, then leave your name and email to be part of a drawing I’ll do this weekend to give away a copy of “Shaped with Purpose : A Practical Guide for Discovering Who You Are” Workbook and CD.
Each comment will be entered for the give-away so be sure to include your email in your comment, and I’d love to know your age and where you’re from.
You must live inside of my head! Thank you so much for your words of encouragement.
I'm a peace(ful) gal for sure with some control issues. : )
Never quite saw myself as controlling but put myself in my work situation and that's me!
Lisa V.
Age 36
Washington, NJ
This page was sent to me by a friend and when I read it I was just blown away. I am 44 years old, was married before for 13 years and divorced for 11 and I raised three daughters alone. I just got married last Aug 1, 08 and moved to NJ. My saying is I don't know what I wanna be when I grow up. Because I too don't know. I lived for everyone else but me. Now I feel as though I am in this spot of sitting still and God is saying now you need to deal with you, you have no were to run. I am not working and all I'm doing is sitting home (well thats not all, house work and cooking). But anyway It's like I'm dealing with stuff that I thought I dealt with along with trying to find out who I am. And I don't know were to begin and when I read this it summed it up.
I call myself a work in progress. I'm not were I want to be yet but I am further than were I was.
May God continue to bless you because you are being a blessing to me.
Thank You
[email protected]
Thank ou for the devotion on P31 this morning! It has been my prayers all my life to find what my purpose for God is. I'll be 50 in two weeks, currently unemployed again and wondering what the next adventure is that God has for me. I've always compared myself to others and still do a lot of the time. Especially now that I'm hitting the half century mark and I feel that I have not done anything special besides raise two terrific children. I will be reading the book you refered to in your blog and would, also, like to know the books you read when going through the "Who am I and what am I doing here?" stage.
[email protected]
I am such a work in progress. Even at 46 I struggle with trying to live up to expectations that I have set for myself based on comparisons with others. God has really impressed upon me lately my uniqueness and importance to him-right now. Not when I finally feel I get my act together and I'm everything I think I should be, but right now.
Renee, Thank you so much for your devo. I am 42 years old and I have often wondered why I was here. I have been a People Pleaser and most times do for others and not for me. I went throught a similar personality profile through a Marriage Enrichment Retreat with my husband several years ago, it is funny how we change over the years because God is still working on me. God Bless until next time. Melissa, Cleveland, Tn [email protected] 🙂
Ginger said…
I am so glad you have addressed this topic. I am 42 and have been seeking God's ultimate will for my life for about five years. I have been through tumultuous changes–only God knows and during one of my quiet moments with God, I heard Him whisper, What do you Want?
I remember the puzzling feeling, God is asking me what I want. I began making lists of needs, needs for my children, physical needs, needs for my family, friends,etc. In my spirit I knew I had not addressed the question My Savior had asked. I am still trying to understand and answer that question. Coming from a highly abusive childhood, I quickly learned how to keep my mom from crying and to keep my dad from raging by performing and not "being". I have to force myself daily to just "be". God is helping me tremendously and I know I am on the right path.
I'd love to share a poem that indicates the trap of performing for others:
Oh precious mannequin, come to life and let someone love your heart full of strife.
For though outside you look so gay,
I know that inward, you're wasting away.
And though your eyes like sunshine glow, your storming tears may never show.
And though you have a painted grin, a frown is roaring from withing.
How much longer will it take for you to realize mannequins are fake?
How much longer will it be before I realize it's okay to be me.
by Ginger Manakides
Renee Thanks for the devotion on
P31.I am 43 and am struggling with this, still searching who I am and waht I should be doing. I am lacking in self-confidence, always waiting for confirmation/approval, full of self-condemantion, busy trying to be what others think I am or doing what others want me to do. Of late I have been feeling so discouraged. One truth I know though is that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. so I am praying that God help me overcome all these negative thoughts. I want to be the woman that God created me to be!
Its almost sad to see there are so many of us that do not know ourselves. I'm in my late 40's and made alot of wrong choices. I've heard alot of talk about knowing who you are in Christ. I can honestly say I don't really even know this. Of the personalities you mentioned I would have to say I'm a little of all of them. I'm not sure where I'm going or where He wants me to go but He does. I just hope I make the right choices to get there. I would hope to be a blessing to all who come in contact with me but I'm SO VERY FAR from there. Thanks for the encouragement. God will surly bless you!
My name is Maggie Kress. I am 72 years young and legally blind. The computer is my friend because it makes me feel like a sighted person. My computer fonts are 8X normal. I just started writing articles on my blog and have posted a few on Ezine Articles. I want to share my experiences with others so they know they can be in control of their own life.
Your article on Encouragement sounded a lot like me. My thoughts were all controled by what others thought. I had no self confidense so I thought they knew better than i did. I started to find my own life several years ago but have just found out how to Own My Life. This is only done through God. I put complete faith in him now to lead me and reveal to me what he wants me to know.
I still struggle with my main purpose for my life. I am in a group and they call it your WHY. I am still searching to know my why or purpose I am here. I feel it is doing what I am doing now, sharing with others and giving them hope for them to get what I have. God is your only answer. My daily prayer is for him to send me the people that he wants me to meet and say the words that he wants me to say. This has happened several times since I started this prayer.
There are so many people that need to hear that there is hope. We are going through rough times but it can only make us stronger. If everything was easy, we would not know anything different. Our daily conflicts are just challenges of life. Knowing God is always with me is such a confort and I can go through anything as long as I have him at my side.
Thanks for letting me share with you my feelings and if you would like to know more about me go to my site http://mentormaggie.com
God Bless
Maggie Kress
[email protected]
My name is Maggie Kress. I am 72 years young and legally blind. The computer is my friend because it makes me feel like a sighted person. My computer fonts are 8X normal. I just started writing articles on my blog and have posted a few on Ezine Articles. I want to share my experiences with others so they know they can be in control of their own life.
Your article on Encouragement sounded a lot like me. My thoughts were all controled by what others thought. I had no self confidense so I thought they knew better than i did. I started to find my own life several years ago but have just found out how to Own My Life. This is only done through God. I put complete faith in him now to lead me and reveal to me what he wants me to know.
I still struggle with my main purpose for my life. I am in a group and they call it your WHY. I am still searching to know my why or purpose I am here. I feel it is doing what I am doing now, sharing with others and giving them hope for them to get what I have. God is your only answer. My daily prayer is for him to send me the people that he wants me to meet and say the words that he wants me to say. This has happened several times since I started this prayer.
There are so many people that need to hear that there is hope. We are going through rough times but it can only make us stronger. If everything was easy, we would not know anything different. Our daily conflicts are just challenges of life. Knowing God is always with me is such a confort and I can go through anything as long as I have him at my side.
Thanks for letting me share with you my feelings and if you would like to know more about me go to my site http://mentormaggie.com
God Bless
Maggie Kress
[email protected]
What an encouraging word you shared today! At times I felt as tho' I was reading some of my own story! I am in a season of life that I am coming to realize I have put many expectations on myself that the Lord never intended. Embracing this is often difficult and learning to let go, say no and simply "enjoy a simplier" life is often "difficult". Thank you for your encouragement in His truths and pointing us back to who we are in Him!
Thank you for this awesome devotion. I am 33 and always trying to find the path that I am suppose to be one. I am a person pleasure and like to be surrounded by people that will love me for who I am. I am going to pray that I can look at people and not judge them.
God's Blessings,
[email protected]
Renee, I read your devo and just finished reading this… both are wonderful and hit the spot.
Thanks so much for sharing it.!
I'm 30… about to be 31 on the 20th of this month. Yay!
[email protected]
Thanks for this devotion Renee. I am 33 yrs old, a pastor's wife and mother of two (ages 3 and 6 mos). I often feel as though I have to conceal who I really am in order to please others. Especially for the last few years I have felt that I am defined by my roles as wife and mother. It's hard to think past those roles to who I am on my own and what God wants me to do and be. To a certain extent I know that wife and mother is where he wants me right now, but sometimes I wonder if there is something else I'm missing.
[email protected]
I can't believe this was posted today on Proverbs 31, I have been discussing w/ my Husband what I should do with my life. I'm almost 41 and still don't know. Thank you.
[email protected]
As a mom of young kids, I sometimes wonder if I have a "me" or if my kids are who I am. What makes it harder is that I had my kids in my late 30's so I had an identity before but always wanted the identity of MOM. This was an awesome post. A girlfriend and I had this conversation about finding you when you are in the midst of kids. We figured out that right now we are moms.
So often I see women all around me who seem to have it all together and know exactly who they are and how they fit and I have none of that. I desperately want to be confident as the woman God made me to be. I'm 24, the mother of two little girls. I want them to grow up knowing who they are is just right in God's eyes and be confident in that. I'm from Knoxville,Tn.
[email protected]
I had never really thought about who I really am until I read today's devotion. I am 31 and have been married for almost 2 years now. I am working so my husband can get his masters degree, but I really don't know what my goal is when we are ready to move again.
[email protected]
Renee, it looks like this devotion hit the spot with so many of us today. I too, (at age 52) am still wondering what God wants me to do. Besides being a wife, mother, and grandmother – what else does the Lord have for me?
Like some of the other ladies, I know there's something in me that makes me unique, but I can't allows see it. Although, I am starting to realize, it's ok to be myself and to be happy while I'm doing it! 🙂
Thanks for allowing the Lord to use you to bless so many.
[email protected]
I wrote a comment earlier but looking through everything that has been written now, isn't it good to see those of us who are not young, I am 57, still learning about the love and faithfulness of God? He simply never stops!
No matter who we are, what our lives have contained this far, and how deep the mess is, God has a way through it all. Jesus is the Way!!
[email protected]
Above is my email, as requested. I am from the UK but presently living in Lima Peru.
Oh your devotion brought tears to my eyes this morning! Thank you for your honesty. I am 51 next week and have not been working full time for the past 15 years. I have focussed on getting my two kids through a very messy divorce, death of their dearly loved grandmothers and the roller coaster ride that is the teenage years! In that time God has given me a wonderful Godly second husband and two great step children.. We have also adopted twin girls who are now in their teens. As a child I dreamed of having six children but biologically I was not able to have them. God has given them to me in a way I probably wouldn't have chosen as a young person(you know who wants the pain of divorce?). I was wrestling with this very question of purpose, the other day and as I went outside to get some more wood for the fire God revealed to me that this is the season of my life and I am to enjoy it and rest in it. He will reveal to me what further assignments He has in his good time. I am so used to feeling like a facilitator( wind beneath their wings kinda thing) for everyone elses life that I some times, like others, question if I am in God's purpose for my life. I hope and pray that God reveals to us all what it is He wants for us. Why is it that we feel that we must be on the treadmill of career/ministry to feel fulfilled? Our ministry is sometimes in the small things. Smiling at the checkout chic/guy, finding something to brighten the day of the bank teller or being gracious to those who are difficult. I wrestle with this daily as I am sure do others.
I am so glad you gave us this devotion today. It has given me much to think about… God Bless you and the team a P31.
Jo from Australia [email protected]
Wow! God is so good. This post and the p31 devotional come at a time in my life (at 42) where I am starting over. I was in an abusive relationship for over 20 years and have realized since being saved that God made me for a reason, and I have been trying to shake off the past and move ahead into the life he has planned for me. I am so blessed having read this and found your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your heart Renee' God bless you. Teresa: [email protected]
I read your devotional posted on Crosswalk's Encouragement for Today. I had the privilege of getting to hear Florence Littauer speak at a church "Women's Conference" in 1996. If I remember correctly, Phlegmatic is my personality type. Looking forward to reading more of your blog post. I just recently started a blogsite. It has helped me through my grieving process after the loss of my son, last December. I am so glad I came across your site.
Sandy @ beachgirl77blogspot.com
I was comforted today when I read this. I was sure that I was the only 35 year -old who did not know what she wants to be when she grows up.I would love to read some material that would help me discover who I am , and I will also seek this from the Lord . Thank you , Angela [email protected]
Wow, I didn't know I had so much company. I am 57 years old, divorced twice, no children, no career, at present on disability for mental/emotional issues, living with a friend from church because my house was demolished after Hurricane Katrina and I am waiting and waiting and waiting on a Parish Program for a house, grant/loan. I have no clue who I am, but the older I am getting, the more frightening and devastating this realization is becoming. I feel useless, even though I know in my heart the Lord has good plans for me. All toughout my life I made bad choices and it seems the chickens are coming home to roost! I am seeking Him for answers and a closer walk…and He is taking His time. I am hanging onto Trust the Lord…and learning patience…having not yet succeeded in being content in all circumstances! I guess I must be REALLY special, since God is taking so long to give me a clue! Hang in there, gang…God will outdo anything we could even have imagined, so great things are coming for us and He will be glorified. Love y'all, Elizabeth
For the past month, I've been asking the Lord for His direction for my life now that my youngest will be leaving for college next month. I have never felt so lost and unsure of myself as I do right now. I've spent my life taking care of everyone else, trying to please everyone, serving others, sacrificing because I felt it was what God wanted me to do. And after reading your devotion, I felt God's tenderness embrace me. My heart was about to explode because I could totally relate. I thank God for bringing this to my attention. My prayer is that I will seek Him with my whole heart and allow Him to reveal to me His purpose and plan for my life.
Like so many before me I want to thank you for opening this topic up for discussion. As my kids move on to becoming the adults I have always prayed them to be I am left wondering "OK now what am I going to do?" Your blog has greatly inspired me to not just sit around waiting on God strike me with a plan but to be diligent with what He has given me until the next step is revealed.
[email protected]
I am going to turn 40 this October and your devotion has touched me right where I am! I, like you, have struggled with and still don't know the "real Me". I've always compared myself and still do! Thank you for writing on this subject that is so true for so many! I pray God will help me find who I'm supposed to be through Him.
Thanks for this devotion today. I am 23 years old. I know that I am young but just graduated from college with a degree in Child and family studies which i probably will never use. I do not know what my purpose is and sometimes feel like I am the person other people went me to be. I want to be what Christ has made me to be but I am having a hard time finding Who God made me to be and the purpose he has for me and my life
I really enjoyed this devotion. I often times comepare myself to the outside of others and it is so true that I will never measure up. I am not completely sure in the woman that God made me to be but I definitely want to find out. As I was reading the four personality types I felt like I needed all of them?!? (very confusing) How can I discover my strengths? How can I pull them out when I have trouble just identifying my strengths?
[email protected]
I feel like this devotional was written just for me. I need to take the time to look and pray for what God wants for my life. Thank you for writing this.
WOW! I am so excited I stumbled upon you today. I read the proverbs 31 devotional daily. God has really been working on me in this area of finding myself and loving myself. It is a hard pill to swallow. Your words hit home and were reaffirming to what I have been thinking and searching for. I have been a stay at home Mom for 4 years and I lost myself in the boys and put myself and my dreams and desires out of my mind. I have been thinking about what can I do, what will I do to make a difference when they go to school. I have been seeking God and searching for resources to help me on this journey.
Again just thrilled to stumble upon your loving and encouraging words. I will now be a loyal follower. I am 33 and live in Biloxi, MS. [email protected]
I loved this devo today Renee! My 5 year old son asked me one day what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told him that was a good question 🙂 I am 34 and I never really knew what I wanted to be. Even now if I had to go back to work I don't know what I would want to "do." I know my passion is for other women to know freedom in Christ and who God made them to be. I know that I love reading my Bible and praying and studying God's Word. It is a deep passion of mine. I seek God everyday for His purpose for me and I know that He is leading me. I am starting to teach a Sunday school class this fall using one of Lysa T's book and I know this is only the beginning. I have a heart on fire for God and I know He is leading me into His purpose and plan for me life!
God Bless Renee, what a wonderful ministry this is!
Brandee, TN
[email protected]
Love this minsty. This spoke to my heart today. I'm 37yrs. old and dreading 40. I read the different personalities still could'nt tell
you which one is me. I have always been a people pleaser and am starting to struggle w/ burn out.
I'm praying to just learn about me as I learn more about God. I Thank
God for your encouragement everyday.
Gosh, did this one ever hit a nerve in so many of us! I definitely fall into 2 of the personality traits, 1 more dominant than the other. At 56, I have spent a lot of time wondering who I am and what I should be doing. I must admit that as I look back at my life, I missed a lot of the good times with my children as they were growing up by obsessing on what the world considered success in my career. Striving for and taking a job with more money, more responsibility, and more acclaim at the expense of time with my children. And all of a sudden, they were grown and gone and those special times could not be recreated. Experience is truly the best teacher but some lessons are learned at a high cost. I still struggle with finding balance but I now look to God to help me instead of trying to do it all on my own.
Thanks, Renee, for sharing your life so openly. What a blessing you are!
I love this devotion today, I am 27 and I don't know what my dreams are. I want to know who I am in Christ to be used for His glory. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'm going to start praying for Jesus to show me who I am in His eyes and help me to become that person.
I love this devotion today, I am 27 and I don't know what my dreams are. I want to know who I am in Christ to be used for His glory. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'm going to start praying for Jesus to show me who I am in His eyes and help me to become that person.
Hi Renee, I'm 32 and feel alot like you did at this age! Comparing my inner self to others on the outside. What an awesome devotion today. Thanks for reminding me of God's unique and special plan for MY life – His truth is freeing. 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Margaret~ [email protected]
Thanks so much for the devotional today. My husband and daughter work nights so this is my morning time.
God has been teaching me a lot in past year about who He wants me to be in Him. He has shown me that than plan is not about me and what makes me "happy" but what brings glory and honor to Him. That's what are lives are all about-Him.
Marcia Reed
[email protected]
Thanks for your words of encouragement. I've been having a tough time lately knowing where I am being led by the Spirit. I just completed a study at my church called Companions in Christ. And although a couple of things became clear, I am still feeling fuzzy about the way to go. Several years ago, I worked on a ministry candidacy program, but was not told at the district meeting that I wasn't clear enough about my call. I know ministry comes in all forms and ways, but I can't seem to let go of the idea of being a pastor. Some one who had been at the Committee meeting told my pastor that my emotions were part of the reason I was not allowed to go forward within the church's ministry program. Therefore, I am now even more confused about ministry possibilities. But I continue to serve as a musician, Sunday school teacher and anyplace where an extra pair of hands are needed in the congregation. Please pray that I will let go of what I need to and will grasp what I need to learn for the rest of my journey. I am at this time 61, a mom of 2 grown children and Nonna (grandmother) to 2 handsome boys, lost a job last November but am working in a nursing home as an activities assistant 20 hours a week.my email is [email protected] would love to hear from those like me or who have made it through the tough stuff. Grace peace and blessings to all.
I have a general idea of who God wants me to be, but it's a matter of accepting that person. Still praying that I can follow his will and become that woman of God.
[email protected]
Thanks so much for this wonderful
message. How many there are of us
who seem to be lost and don't know
where to turn to find our way.
Lynn 52
[email protected]
Like so many of the others here I too am lost. After being a nurse for
15 years, I wanted to be just a mom.
Well, now 15 more years later, I
feel like I have no real identity.
I was good at what I did as a nurse,
but no one ever says to me, "Wow,
mom, you really are good at doing
that laundry!" I don't know what
to do with myself. I too am
praying God will reveal his plan
for me. I am worried that I am
getting too old to follow His
path. Thanks for the insight that
I am not alone in these thoughts.
This hit so very close to home for me today. I am in transition, which is giving me a HUGE opportunity to find out who I am and what God wants me to do. I've been soul searching for a couple of weeks, struggling with the devil who keeps telling me I can't afford to go back to school and how selfish of me to want to create debt in my marriage with student loans etc. . . and then, the clincher is, when I feel sure that what I want to do is be a career or occupational counselor for college students, the devil tells me I'd never be able to get a job because I'm 52 and it's too late. I'm still struggling, but your devotion today helped me to kick satan down and tell him leave me alone! I have so much to offer in the higher education arena, I've worked in 2 colleges and I just seem to click with the students on such a wonderful level. I KNOW I could do that job! Can I get through school though??? See. . . satan, he gets me everytime!
Your instructions said to leave your name and E-Mail and where we're from. But I didn't see a place to do that, when I sent my comment. So, I know you'll never be able to put the two together, but just in case, I ended with "I need help for me, because that will help my husband since we work together."
I guess I put it here. M. Bailey. Asheville NC 56 [email protected]
Well, you have hit the nail on the head… look at all of us who could relate to this sense of uncertainty as to who we are in Christ and what he has planned for us. I think we should start an online group whereby supporting each other in this endeavor. I know I need the support! After I read the devotion, I went to our local Christian bookstore and couldn't find your book or CD about finding one's purpose…. so please enter my name in the drawing. Thanks again for being that vessel that God used this day as a blessing for so many. Bobbi [email protected]
I, like so many others on here, have no clue "who I am" or "Who God wants me to be". I never thought about it that way. I guess I never really thought about it. I just go from one day from another, and I am about to burn out. Thanks for your words of encouragement. However, I still cannot figure out which personality I am. I have a little of each of the four.
I need help for me, which in turn will give help to my husband since we work together.
I posted earlier today and have popped back to the blog to look at all of the comments. I wish I could give everyone a hug.