Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are or why you do things the way you do? I remember all the way back to Jr. High feeling like I didn’t really like who I was. I’d compare myself to those around me and try to figure out who people liked most, so I could be like them. It was exhausting!
I want to to talk a little more today about something I shared in my devotion, “The Real Me” featured at Proverbs 31 and Crosswalk. The journey God’s taken me on to become the woman He created me to be has totally changed my life, and all of my relationships, for the better. I hope I can encourage you today with somethings I’ve learned.
First of all, comparison can be my worst enemy. My friend Genia summed it up well one day when we were talking about it. She said, “When we compare ourselves with someone else, we can never measure up because we compare our insides with their outsides.”
She’s right. I usually compare how I feel on the inside with how someone else looks like they have it all together on the outside. Paul talks about the comparison trap in 2 Corinthians 10:12, “but when they measure themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding.”
Comparison leaves us confused and discontent. It causes us to compete with each other but God never intended for women to compete with each other; He wants us to complete one another. Seriously, He wants us to encourage each others’ strengths and then be who He created us to be.
Paul explains why in 1 Corinthians 12:18-20, “But now God has placed the parts, each one of them in the body just as He wanted. And if they were all the same part, where would the body be? Now there are many parts, yet one body.”
The truth is: You are uniquely you because God has a unique purpose for your life. God created you with a unique personality because you play an important role in the story He’s writing in your life. You are “God’s masterpiece…created anew in Christ so that [you] can do the good things He planned for [you] long ago.” Ephesians 2:10, (NLT)
There are certain thing He wants to do through your life and that is why He gave you a personality that is one-of-a-kind! In her book, Personality Plus, Florence Littauer describes four personality types. Most of us are a blend of two. See if you can relate to the desires and emotional needs of one or two of these:
Phlegmatic: Desires PEACE
Needs times of quiet, reduced stress, feeling of worth, relaxation
Choleric: Desires CONTROL
Needs appreciation for achievements, opportunity for leadership, and participation in decisions
Sanguine: Desires FUN
Needs attention, affection, approval, activity with people
Melancholy: Desire PERFECTION
Needs sensitivity, stability, support, space, silence
- Which personality best describes you?
- What are your greatest strengths? What are things you think you need to work on?
- What challenges do you face in discovering your unique “you”?
Click on the word “Comments” below to share thoughts or questions. If you don’t have a blog, click on anonymous, then leave your name and email to be part of a drawing I’ll do this weekend to give away a copy of “Shaped with Purpose : A Practical Guide for Discovering Who You Are” Workbook and CD.
Each comment will be entered for the give-away so be sure to include your email in your comment, and I’d love to know your age and where you’re from.
As i was reading ur post i too realized i was just leading a regular life as a housewife, mother and devoted church goer. Many a time i have asked the Lord to show me my purpose for his kingdom and I feel so lost. Thanks, i will try to listen harder to the Lord to show me what he wants for me and my life.
Thank you very much for this devotion. It has moved me in more ways than I can list in this missive. I am 46 and I've spent the last 18 months grieving the loss of my marriage and my home. It’s time for me to move on and I’ve been praying for direction and purpose. Thank you for providing the first step. [email protected]
Today's devotional and your blog felt like you were talking about me. I've been a people pleaser and peace keeper my whole life. I thought a few times that I didn't even know who I was because I was always trying to be whatever everyone else needed me to be. I still don't feel like I know who I am. Thank you so much for your making me feel like I'm not alone in this that there are other women just like me.
[email protected]
I am a 73-year old great-grandmother, but I still love reading your articles – and passing them along to "my girls".
I wish I could say that we all find our way eventually, but sometimes I wonder what I am doing here. Then I remember, if God didn't have something for me to do here – then I would be THERE!!!
[email protected]
Wow, thank you for this devotion today! I have always thought that there was something wrong with me because I don't know what my dreams are or if I even have any. I am 46 years old and I honestly don't know what I would do with my life if time and money were unlimited. But can I be all four of the personalities? LOL 🙂
From the Monday, I was feeling a bit confused about myself. Those questions mentioned in your devotion are some that I ask, and I didn't know how to proceed, thanks for your devotion it has help a whole lot. Am 34 and today I know with God am closer now to answering who I am.
[email protected]
Placencia, Belize, Central America
I am sitting here with my mouth wide open. Minutes before I read your devotion and blog, I was writing in my brand new journal (I am trying it again) about this very subject. I was pouring my heart out to the Lord about not knowing who I was and asking Him to help me become the woman He created me to be. I was sharing the disappointments in who I see myself to be and so not wanting to live with so many regrets. Then I open your devotional and blog and God said see – your not alone. See I have helped other and I will help you. Thank you so much for listening to Him and writing this today. My eyes are filled with tears as I write and I feel something like excitement in my chest to see where this journey will take me. My name is Amy. I live outside of St. Louis. My email address is [email protected]. I do have one question – how do you stay on track? How do you not give up?
I do understand what you wrote about today. I am 50 yrs old and still trying to understand what God has planned for me. God has been good and faithful to me but it is me that still does not understand.
God Bless you
Hi Renee. I think you've really stareted something here! I forwarded parts of your blog onto friends in my email today and had surprising response as well. Just as the person above, I just finished the book Captivating and God had another book waiting for me. The last 18 months or so have been such a journey of self-discovery that have been so amazing. The last few days or week, I have been slightly off course and feeling down, wondering how would get it back together….and along comes your Post today, followed by your Daily Devotion…seems like I am finding my way. I cannot wait start your workbook and CD. I think it might be a great gift as well. Thank you so much, my heart very much needed to hear the messages God so so beautifully delivered through you today. I am thankful you were were open to His work. Have a very blessed day!
This is exactly what I have been praying about the last several months – Thank You, Lord, for always speaking to my heart and leading me in the direction to become the "me" You have made me to be. I pray I continue to hear! I am 45 years old and most of my life has consisted of what others thought I should be. I truly want to reach others in the way God wants me to – uniquely – I'm just not sure what that looks like ?? Thank you, Renee, for this very God timing devotional and post. All because of Him,
[email protected]
Wow Renee, this really hits home. I am a mother of 2 grown boys, 50 years old and have struggled with these thoughts for some time. I read the devotional every morning then pass on to 2 dear friends. It is encouraging to know that I'm not the only one feeling this! It is truly a gift from God to read your insights today and to let me know I'm not the only one! Thanks for sharing and I'll keep praying about God's will for my life.
[email protected]
At the age of 43 I really don't know who I am. I've spent my whole life pleasing others.
This devotion has struck a cord in my heart but where do I being?
[email protected]
I am a 38 year-old working mom of two. Seems I've been asking God for so very long what purpose He created me for. The Word says He has given every one of us gifts and talents to be used for His kingdom….still looking for mine. I am barely, barely beginning to come to a small realization of one thing I think may be my "passion", but have NO IDEA how to even begin moving in that direction (because, of course, it seems impossible!), or even really how to specifically define it.
I've done all the tests (personality, spiritual gifts, strength finders, colors, animals, Bible characters, Meyers-Briggs, you name it) but the only one that really seemed applicable is the one you mentioned – I am most definitely Melancholy/Phleg! But I seem to have none of the STRENGTHS of a melancholy, and ALL of the weaknesses of a phleg! Yay. And knowing my personality type really doesn't tell me much about my life's purpose….
It's frustrating that we have to spend (literally) half our lives not living in our purpose because we can't figure out what it is. I would love to do the book and workbook you are giving away, but still I think God reveals His purpose for us when He's ready. As I said, I've done all the tests….until He's ready to show me, nothing I can do will make a difference.
West Texas
[email protected]
Thanks for this devotion today Renee. I can really relate to this topic! I am a people pleaser or a "Ms. Fix it" as my family would call it. I am the last person that gets MY attention in my life. There is always something else that comes up or pushes it way to the front of my "list" and I know it needs to stop. Thanks for putting the words down on paper (email) so I may pick them up!
I pray the Lord leads me to where I need to be so I can start to please him and not everyone else!
Wow! 230 comments before mine…and every woman on here can relate. Makes me realize that I'm truly not alone in my struggles.
I am 33 years old and I too have spent a lot of time comparing myself to others…trying to fit in and be everything to everyone. You're right, it's exhausting! Honestly, I think I've gotten a lot better (with the Lord's help) in this way in the past few years, but even now I still struggle.
I am a phlegmatic/choleric mix. Strange mix I think, but…it's true. It's also strange that it took me so many years to figure that out. When I was a teenager we studied this in church. I thought I was a melancholy because my mom was a melancholy. 🙂
Comparison goes right along with the reaccuring theme in my life lately. We are reading the book, "The Uncommon Woman" by Susie Larson in our book study right now. I have read this book before, but for some reason the first chapter that takes a look at insecurity "hit me" a lot harder this time. Susie ventures to say that insecurity is another form of selfishness. When we're insecure we make decisions with ME in mind. I'm thinking the same is true of comparison. At least something to think about. 🙂
Thanks for being obedient, Renee. I appreciated this post today.
[email protected]
Northeastern Iowa
thanks for the devotions and follow up on your blog.
I am Debbie from Pennsylvania my email is
[email protected]
Wow what an Awesome message you shared in the devotional this morning. All you women at P31 are so blessed with words of encouragment. I have been reading through all of the blogs and relizing that I am not the only one who feels like I am not sure God's plan for my life.
I am 20 years old and just made the first step in really listening to what God wants me to do. I had been dating an awesome Christian man for over 2 years. We had been engaged and were planning a wedding for this October. A month ago God really laid on my heart that I needed to wait to marry this man. So I shared my feelings with my finacee and then postponed the wedding. Then after hours of time spent in prayer and listening to the Lord I knew that I needed to end the relationship. There were things that would not be compatable in a marriage at this point and we both needed to rely on God more in our life before we could get married. This is the hardest thing I have ever done and am really missing this man. I know I am in God's will though, and I have such peace through this all.
Know I am relizing that I was pushing my dreams aside to prepare for married life. I train horses and give riding lessons. I have always wanted to show horses and compete at a Pro level and had been saving up since I was 15 for that. The money I was saving was going towards a wedding and I knew my dreams were never going to be accomplished. I am waiting on the Lord to be sure this is what he wants me to do. I am struggling with the fact that it is not exactly missions or totally for the Glory of God, even though I know he can use me where ever he has me.
I guess I just dont know if God would give me a dream this big that will take so much money and possibly not further his kingdom more. So here I am once again praying and seeking Gods will of what step to take next. I guess I should follow my Big Dreams becasue they were put there by a very Big God.
Anyway not to write a book, but Thanks so much again for all who have been posting it is a great encouragment to other woman. God gives us all dreams we just sometimes get lost in our "To Do" lists to follow our hears.
[email protected] Any emails from whomever would be awesome, I love chatting with other Godly woman 🙂
This topic definitely resonates with me. Reading the other posts, it's good to know others in their 40's also struggle with the same thing. I'm 43 and still trying to figure it out.
[email protected]
Amazing! I have been trying to find myself my whole life. My mom died when I was 5, so being an only child of a controlling father, who loves me very much. My goal in life was to be a mother. I have devoted my life for the past 26 years to my 5 wonderful children. I am divorced & try to please them. I have 3 years before the last one graduates. Then what? I will be able to work on me.
My whole life I have asked myself "Why am I the person I am?", "Why was I born in Iowa to the parents I have?", "What is the purpose in my life?" I am very much a people pleaser, who compares myself to others. I like how it was stated that you can't compare outsides with insides. I feel I have a hard heart now and am very selfish at times. I would like to remarry someday but feel I need to find myself first. I have been reading devotionals and spending more time with God over the past couple of years. I get so caught up in the busyness of life and my kids that there is never enough time for me. It is hard doing things alone and I don't reach out & tend to stay home. I am a teacher & decided to go back to school for my masters & concentrate on me for once. Pray for me to get through it and find myself in the process.
Thanks so much for your devotional, I usually don't search through here after I read it though. God was working! I will pray that God leads me on his righteous path to be the wonderful person I want to be, through him. [email protected]
Wow, this devotion really hit home for me! That would so be me sitting in that group dreading answering that question. I am 48 years old and I don't know who the real me is. I have been married for 25 years to a man that has had control issues that he is improving on with God's help. I have a 24 year old daughter who lives at home with my one year old graddaughter and I have an 11 year old son. I was a stay at home mom until 3 years ago when I got a job at my church as a bible teacher to 4 year olds during the week while their parents came for bible studies of there own. It was something I really enjoyed doing. When my daughter moved in with the baby and went back to work I left my job to stay home and care for my granddaughter. I feel very strongly about leaving my children in day care and that included my granddaughter so I gave up my job for a while. My life is all about making time for God and taking care of my family. That leaves little to no time for me. You have really given me a lot to think about. I will be getting with God on this and getting the books you recomended. I am looking forward to finding me. I have shared this devotional with my 67 year old mom. She raised 10 kids and now it's just her and dad. I went to visit her recently and she is consantly trying to find something to do to keep her busy. That usually involved helping dad do a project. Still peaple pleasing. I pray she will benifit from this too. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us. Thanks Renee for the eye opener.
Tammy from San Antonio, TX
[email protected]
God led me to this today through my Proverbs 31 devotional. It was exactly what I needed to hear and spoke straight to me. I am 28 yrs old and going through a bit of a rough patch at work. I find myself frustrated when I feel I'm trying to do the right thing when others aren't. I often find myself being a people-pleaser instead of sticking up for myself. You've helped remind me that I need to keep God in focus. I can't help but have tears come to my eyes as I read other women's comments and find that I am not alone in my struggles. I look forward to coming back to your site for more encouragement. Many thanks.
[email protected]
currently stationed in England
Thanks for sharing this. It is right on time because now that I have been staying at home for 2 yrs I feel I have forgotten what it meant to be jsut me. Doing what I like to do and actually having dreams for myself. Don't get me wrong I love focusing this time with my children but I can't forget about me. I am going to get back in touch with me and start to discover who this new person is that I am becoming throught this journey of motherhood!
Astra Aker
[email protected]
North Carolina
I am 34 and I've already been on one heck of a journey recently. I lost my dad 3 years ago and at the same time he was diagnosed with cancer, I met my now, current husband. I had so many emotions going through me at once I don't know if I could really comprehend them. I was baptised 2 years ago on Mother's Day. We've been married for a year now and I am the happiest I've ever been. My husband has helped me grow so much in my relationship with God, but I still do not know what God wants me to do with my life. I keep feeling a tug, but I don't know what to do with it. I've had a low self-esteem most of my life (as I think most women do) and so now that I'm older and a little bit wiser, I realize that it is time to figure me out. I love my family but I know I could be so much better for them as well as myself if I knew what God wanted from me.
I would love to win the workbook & CD. Email address: [email protected]
I'm nearly 63 and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I just go along doing whatever is necessary to keep our family surviving, whether that means working a job I truly don't like just to keep food on the table or allowing my 38 year old daughter to verbally abuse me because she has a need to be hurtful to me, I just do whatever is necessary. I'd love to know what God had planned for me and what I'm missing out on.
CRooney [email protected]
I just want to start off by saying that God is totally blowing me away this last week or so. Especially as I have been reading this today. I have felt myself in constant comparison all my life… with my sister, my mom, my step-sister, my step-mother…. girls I have been in school with, and even CLOSE FRIENDS!!! I always felt different and hated being different because I didn't know why I was! Well, after MANY, MANY not-so-smart choices in my life I have finally surrendered my life to Christ to serve Him wherever He calls me. And I am realizing that I have gone through everything so that I can "bear witness" to others that are experiencing similar things.. like you have been doing! I want to say that I am still not completely aware of His plans for me, but I am now on the road to healing and finding that out! I thank you for being obedient to His calling for you life so that I could have a sister-in-Christ to walk this road with. I am SO looking forward to what God is doing in my life and I'm ready to see who He has called me to be! And where He has called me to go!
Thanks for this great devotional. I am 43 years old and seem to find parts of me in all of those personality types. Any given day or wind shift and I can change! haha! I had a job at my church that ended a few years ago and it began a journey for me to discover why I'm here. The job defined me. I felt that I had a place and a purpose and that I fit in. Then the job ended and I was completely and utterly lost. It was 2 years before I could be at church without crying. It was and can still be a really rough road. I was at a ladies meeting a few months back and the speaker asked us to go be alone somewhere in the church and to read Psalm 139 out loud and really take time to reflect on EVERY SINGLE WORD and how it related to each of us. I was so overwhelmed by realizing (and doesn't that seem stupid at my age) that God KNOWS me. He MADE me and He LOVES me. Just the way I am. No more need to people please. Just HIM. He'll direct my paths. He'll show me my purpose.
Oops, and I am a Melancholy/Sanguine, which is a really odd combination that causes me to have lots of inner struggles, LOL. It's about 70/30 but sometimes that inner sanguine fights hard to get her way!
Well duh, I forgot to include my name, age and location and email in my comment.
Gail Clark, Age 55, Arlington, Texas
[email protected]
Wow. A friend sent me your Proverbs 31 devotional, and I felt so amazed to find there is another woman out there who also feels like she is still that junior high girl trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up. I've taken many personality tests, so I know my personality and my strengths and weaknesses, but because of the path my life has taken, I have never really had the luxury of considering what I really love and what I would passionately want to do if money and time were not obstacles – because they always have BEEN obstacles. Every time I read a book or watch an Oprah episode about "finding your inner passion, following your dream, find the real you" blah blah, I feel so frustrated and like a failure because I feel just like the woman who wrote that devotional – I have NO clue. I have many things I enjoy doing, some that I really love, but I can't ever seem to zero in on the one thing or even a couple of things. I have subscribed to your blog and look forward to reading more on this subject. And it's encouraging to find that many women feel like I do.
I especially love your prayer at the end of the devotional, which focuses not just on God showing me what I should be doing, but asking God to show me how he wants to USE my talents for his purposes. I have printed it out and plan to read and meditate on it as I pray those words. Thank you.
Hi,I am a stay home mom and a wife. This is year a milestone for me. I can't believe I am going to be forty and my daughter, 13 this year.
I relate to so many other ladies how they have expressed themselves. At times, I feel like I cannot even express my feelings. However, I must say that the good Lord has blessed me with so many blessings. I always remind myself not to look at those who seem to have the perfect of everything but to look at those who have less and try to be grateful for what I have. And be a encouragement and help to others.
Thank you for sharing your devotional today. I listen to a local Christian radio that is how I came to know about P31 ministries and ever since (3 months) I have been reading your daily devotions and I have been blessed immensely.
I've been seeking the Lord's guidance in my life as to what to do next. I want to go to school or even get a job. Above all, I want to be that person that God created me to be.
I so clearly remember once a preached preached something like "How God created each one of us (unique) is a gift to us, and what we become (to be Christ like) is our gift to him."
My prayer is that the Lord will reveal His purpose for my life.
[email protected]
Dear Renee,
I'm 36 and though I think I know my purpose or at least I know "my" purpose for me, I think it's time to find out what God's purpose is for me.
I fit into the personality type of melancholy, and desiring perfection for myself is tiring.
I really enjoyed your blog today because it fits right into where my thoughts are right now in finding out what God's purpose is for me and how He wants to use me for His purpose.
This is an issue I struggle with quite a bit. I'm 34 and a new mommy. I know being a mommy is one of my purposes, and I love my career, but my "me time" is non-existant. When I was younger I wanted to be so many things – an artist, a gardener, an executive, etc. I often wonder where my passion went and what my hobbies are besides cleaning and paying bills. I need to ask God for guidance to find balance. Thank you for this post!
[email protected]
I am also reading Cure for the Common Life by Max Luccado which also addresses God's unique design for you. I am a teacher and I not only try to see my uniqueness but also my students' and my childrens. Thank you for your message, it was validating and unlifting! I think this journey is ongoing on refining who you are in God's beautiful plan.
I am a 42 yr old wife and homeschooling mother. One child is a young adult in college, the other is a 12 yr old and still at home. I do have dreams that surface from time to time, but those dreams seem to get buried under the busyness of taking care of my family (and aging parents).
I have been struggling with this very issue for some time. Funny how the enemy can almost convince me that it's only me. Well, as I've read through all these many comments, I'm clearly not alone!
Recently, I asked the Lord to please point me in the right direction toward fulfilling His dreams for me and He directed me toward this Bible Verse: "He hath shewed thee, O man (or O woman in my case), what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" Micah 6:8
So, I am now asking God for daily opportunities to show mercy, to live justly, and to walk humbly wherever He'd have me to go. It may be on an overseas mission trip, or across the street to my neighbor's. I know if I am faithful in the little things, He will unfold bigger dreams and plans for me in His time. But today, I can praise Him for already fulfilling one dream, and that is of my entire family serving the Lord!
Be blessed!
I had not really thought about this topic before. It was quite an eye opener and one that has now caught my attention. I look forward to finding out more about "me"!! [email protected]
Please enter me in the drawing [email protected]
Thanks for sharing your story
Renee – I am fairly positive you must have crawled inside my thoughts and written this devotion from my own perspective. I am 32 years old in a job I don't like at a company I LOVE and am still trying to figure out who I am and what to be when I grow up! God created me to be his precious daughter despite my own perceived imperfections. Even in looking at the personality types listed in your devotion I was thinking, "Well, I'm some of this but some of that too." Ack! Thank you for your inspiring message. I am going to look up the resources you listed to see what God has in store for me. 🙂 Thank you again for this precious message.
Brenna Smith
[email protected]
Thank You! This so touched my heart today, I am 53, a mother of eight and a grandmother of 9 soon to be ten grandchildren. I have lived my life for my children and so struggle with who I am and what my dreams are. I have defined myself as a mom and as a grandma but i feel God has more for me. I just wish I felt I had some clue what that was. Thank you again for the encouragement. God bless!
Wow. Thank you for speaking to my heart today. I have never left a comment on a blog before, but at 49 am still learning and trying things — although I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up. Thank you for the encouragement. After reading through other comments I can see that I'm not alone.
Wow. Thank you for speaking to my heart today. I have never left a comment on a blog before — and at 49 still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up. Thank you for the encouragement. After reading through the other comments I can see that I'm not alone.
I have really been trying to figure out what God wants me to do with my life. I am 29 years old and went back to school after I had my first child. I have changed my major more times than I can count, all because I have not truly found my calling yet. I wondered if you could share the titles of those books you mentioned? I truly hope that everyone who has commented on your devotion today gets the answers they are praying for. I know that God has a purpous for my life and that I am uniquely gifted in some way, I just have not been shown what that way is yet. I pray that I find out before graduation… =)
As I sat and read this this morning I know that it was perfect timing and of course it would be because God is perfect. He knew I'd would need this at this moment. This my second attempt to comment because for some reason I lost my first draft. I am struggling in my marriage right now of 23 years. My husband and I married young. We have 4 boys.I am 42.
I wonder at times of discord how would I support my famly if something were to happen to my husband, God forbid,I know God will provide. Is there something that I should be doing or could have done to be somewhat prepared for such an event. I have been a stay at home mom for the most of our marriage which has been a blessing. I have attended some college courses here and there but never attained a degree. I'm getting to a point where I am tired of being fearful and not knowing who I am and when I do find out will the people in my life accept or reject me because I'd be different. I love my husband but I'm struggling to trust. We have been through so much. I think a big part of the struggle is because I don't know who I am.
Today I begin to pray that God reveals what it is I am to do. To reveal what my true dream is and the freedom and courage to carry it out.
Thank you for your sharing your knowledge of how God has used you and is using you in the lives of others.
I turned 48 years old today. I'm a mother of 3 (ages 24, 21, and 17), grandmother to 1.
Great devotion. It made me think that I truly dont' know myself. I'm so busy all the time helping and listening to other people I dont take the time for myself.
Dont know if I ever will.
Thanks so much for your devotion today Renee! It spoke to my heart as it has done with so many people here! It is comforting to know that I am not alone in this journey of finding out who I am in Christ!
Jennifer, 39 yrs
[email protected]
Your devotional today met me where I am. I have struggled for so long over "who I'm gonna be when I grow up." I am about to turn 40 and feel that I am finally growing comfortable with who I am, yet there are still many questions about exactly what I am supposed to be doing, as far as using my gifts and talents for the Lord. I am a wife and mother, which was a major part of my dreams as a child, but I desire also to have defined my "own" special calling. I am thankful to have seen the Lord working in my life through the years, and I know He will continue to do so. Thank you for the encouragement.
[My name is Tina and my email address is [email protected]]
Isn't truly amazing how these devotionals ALWAYS seem to be what we need to hear from God each and everyday. I must say that at times I also struggle with this in my life. I am 39 turning 40 and I feel like I have lived 1/2 my life and I'm still not sure where God is taking me. I struggle with this because I have 3 daughters and feel like I should be more of a model or example to them but if I were to be completely honest I am still looking for that "thing" that lights up everything in my heart with passion. This last Sunday the sermon was about "Jesus is close so hold on–Don't let the Dream Die" I was amazed at how God spoke to me through this sermon. When we had our alter call my soul and spirit were rejoiced but my brain was confused becuase I couldn't understand what was going on…it's like they knew something is going to occur in my life but my brain was waiting to get the message. Has anyone ever experienced something like this?
Thank you Renee for speaking (writing) to us from your heart!!!! May God continue to bless everything you touch.
In Christ Service and yours,
Silvia from South Florida ([email protected])
wow … i'm 43, thought I'd be a stay-at-home mom of a few children by now (we'd talked of 3 or more…!), maybe even looking at colleges for the oldest by now … shoot! My Mom became an empty-nester @ 40 and Grandma a few days shy of her 42nd birthday! sigh… but God's given my hubby and I 4 boys of the feline kind and "adopted" kids in our church (some even call us uncle and aunt!). But then you mentioned in the devotional "I was also a constant candidate for burn out." … and that's what I feel LOTS of times … and what in the world does GOd really want me to do?! Tho I feel i'm where I'm suppose to be in the jobs & ministry I have, there's still been something "off" or missing … thank you for sharing and giving guidance to find out who God's really made me and each of us ladies!
Thank you for sharing!
Su, Austin, TX
[email protected]
I was just crying about this same thing this week. I am a 33 yr old mother of 2 and attending CCU at night for my teaching degree, while working part time at my church. During class Monday night we took a "smarts" test and out of the 8 smarts tested, I scored lowest in knowing myself. I have always placed everyone else's needs and desires before my own. I have always believed it best to strive for humility and always with a servant heart. In the process I have neglected self and now I have no idea what my dreams are. I can never make up my mind about anything and I always wait for someone else to tell me what to do. I have never been confident in who I am, though I strive to be Christ-like always. For the first time in my life I made a choice for myself and went back to college again to get my elementary teaching license. I want to be confident that this is going to be me, but I'm scared.
I really needed today's devotion, and I almost skipped taking the time to read it! I would've missed out greatly in what God was trying to tell me! Thank you! Thank you for being obedient to God's leading in your service. It is obvious that so many of us needed to hear this today!! I pray that each one of us women will take some time to allow God to tell us His dreams for us. I pray we will embrace them and go for it under God's leading!
Bless you Renee!
Love, Christina -GJ, CO
[email protected]
What a great topic! I am looking forward to starting the journey to find the 'real' me.
[email protected]
Thank you for your devotional. I am just coming out of a very stressful and depressing time in my life. I have realized that for, at least the last 33 years, I have been trying to find my significance in other people – most specifically, my family.
Having realized this I know I need to find out how to be "uniquely me". I read your online devotional this morning, thankful that God is helping me to become who He wants me to be but sometimes not knowing who it is that He made me to be. Does that make sense?
My prayer, recently, has been that God would help me to love Him with all my heart (affections and loyalties), all my soul (my "self" and my will), all of my strength (physical activities and fortitude) and my mind (intellect/my thoughts).
May I share a recent experience I have had? I was having a quiet time with the Lord one morning when I began to sense His Presence in a way I have never felt before. Whenever I have felt His Presence near me it has been a wonderful experience, but this time was different – more wonderfully sweet, if you will. I wasn't quite sure what was happening so I said, "Lord, I have experienced Your Presence before but this is different. What is the difference?" His response to me was, "Child, I have you in my lap and I am hugging you!"
God is so good!!
Thank you for being obedient to God and allowing Him to work and speak through you.