Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are or why you do things the way you do? I remember all the way back to Jr. High feeling like I didn’t really like who I was. I’d compare myself to those around me and try to figure out who people liked most, so I could be like them. It was exhausting!
I want to to talk a little more today about something I shared in my devotion, “The Real Me” featured at Proverbs 31 and Crosswalk. The journey God’s taken me on to become the woman He created me to be has totally changed my life, and all of my relationships, for the better. I hope I can encourage you today with somethings I’ve learned.
First of all, comparison can be my worst enemy. My friend Genia summed it up well one day when we were talking about it. She said, “When we compare ourselves with someone else, we can never measure up because we compare our insides with their outsides.”
She’s right. I usually compare how I feel on the inside with how someone else looks like they have it all together on the outside. Paul talks about the comparison trap in 2 Corinthians 10:12, “but when they measure themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding.”
Comparison leaves us confused and discontent. It causes us to compete with each other but God never intended for women to compete with each other; He wants us to complete one another. Seriously, He wants us to encourage each others’ strengths and then be who He created us to be.
Paul explains why in 1 Corinthians 12:18-20, “But now God has placed the parts, each one of them in the body just as He wanted. And if they were all the same part, where would the body be? Now there are many parts, yet one body.”
The truth is: You are uniquely you because God has a unique purpose for your life. God created you with a unique personality because you play an important role in the story He’s writing in your life. You are “God’s masterpiece…created anew in Christ so that [you] can do the good things He planned for [you] long ago.” Ephesians 2:10, (NLT)
There are certain thing He wants to do through your life and that is why He gave you a personality that is one-of-a-kind! In her book, Personality Plus, Florence Littauer describes four personality types. Most of us are a blend of two. See if you can relate to the desires and emotional needs of one or two of these:
Phlegmatic: Desires PEACE
Needs times of quiet, reduced stress, feeling of worth, relaxation
Choleric: Desires CONTROL
Needs appreciation for achievements, opportunity for leadership, and participation in decisions
Sanguine: Desires FUN
Needs attention, affection, approval, activity with people
Melancholy: Desire PERFECTION
Needs sensitivity, stability, support, space, silence
- Which personality best describes you?
- What are your greatest strengths? What are things you think you need to work on?
- What challenges do you face in discovering your unique “you”?
Click on the word “Comments” below to share thoughts or questions. If you don’t have a blog, click on anonymous, then leave your name and email to be part of a drawing I’ll do this weekend to give away a copy of “Shaped with Purpose : A Practical Guide for Discovering Who You Are” Workbook and CD.
Each comment will be entered for the give-away so be sure to include your email in your comment, and I’d love to know your age and where you’re from.
At 51 years of age I feel like I have wasted so much of my life comparing myself to others, and looking over the fence at those who "seemed" to have it all together. I would love to have that time back so I could be satisified with myself. But the wonderful thing is I can begin now, with God's help, to become that woman God wants me to be, and that means knowing I am not perfect, but being satisfied with God's handiwork in me. My likes and dislikes, my talents and gifts. Seeking His face and finishing the journey He has set before me. How exciting!
WOW!!!!! Once again my Proverbs 31Daily Devotion has hit the nail on the head! So many new stresses have reared their ugly heads in my life that I am totally lost, frustrated, and wondering if "this is all there is" to life!!! I realize that what is missing is the ME that God created! I know what some of my passions are, but don't seem to have time to pursue them. In that, I've lost my deep, peace-filled connection with God and all those I love. I go through the motions of life without really living it! This devotion has made me realize that in order to truly love those around me and live each moment in a way that honors God, I must first truly know and love the wonderful ME God created! I'm going to purchase the book, PERSONALITY PLUS, so I can learn who God created me to be. And most of all LOVE the woman He created me to be!!! I pray that God will open my heart and soul to His guidance as I begin this journey. I'm 53, but maybe it's not too late to teach this 'old dog' a new trick or two! 🙂
I'm 32 and have been feeling badly that I don't know who I am or what I'm about or what God wants me to do with my life. I thought I was a little old to still be struggling with knowing myself. It's helpful knowing I am not the only one in the world feeling a bit lost at 32. I guess I still have time to figure it out.
Wow! God meets us right where we are. I am 51, married and have a 15 year old son. I have been a stay at home mother since he was born. We have done a great deal of moving, which causes constant change….locate a new church home, new friends and find where I fit into God's plan in this new place. It is a struggle and as I become older I feel a bit of panic and pressure to get "underway" with what God wants me to do and be. I always feel His calm reassurance to stay focused on growing up my son into a Godly man and encouraging those around me, but sometimes I just feel there should be more. Reading this post has comforted me to know I am not alone! Thank you and God Bless.
Wow!! Can you be all 4? I don't know who I am and I am 53. I am a mom and a friend but that is about as far as I get. I talk to God all the time and pray a lot to try and see what my purpose and direction is from God. For many years I was a mom, wife, best friend, co-worker — then my spouse had an affair and did not want to even attempt to work it out. It has taken 5 years to get past that. I had such a hard time because I felt like I had lost my purpose – I felt like I had lost my family – which in essence I had; not too mention my mom had passed suddenly 2 years prior to that so it was really a melt down. I am better today, thank you God, because of the awesome people he has placed in my life but I still have a long way to go. Thank you so much for sharing.
[email protected]
I loved your devotion. I feel like it speaks directly to me. I just had this conversation with a friend of mine about how I have worried for so long on how to please others, I have neglected my own real interests all along and feel like I am missing what God wants to do in my life.
This was one of those perfectly timed messages for me, I love it when HE does that!
I a 32 year old mother of 2.
It has been so eye-opening to read some of these comments. I thought I was the only one feeling 'lost' and without purpose. I am 39 years old and just had a baby. I also have a seven year old son and none of my friends are in the 'baby stage' anymore. I am struggling daily with comparing my life to that of those around me. I have been praying for God to give me the peace that surpasses all understanding so that I can be content in any circumstance and live out God's will for my life. Thank you so much for your message today. It reminds me that we, as women, need to build eachother up rather than competing with eachother (even if it's just in our heads). It has really inspired me to investigate who I am and what God's purpose is for me!
This was really good. I am 31, been married for almost 4 yrs and do not have children yet. I recently left a well paying job of 9 yrs to pursue something different and hoping that God will bless us with children and I can be a stay at home mom… but in the meantime, I have plenty of time on my hands to seek after God and what He wants for me…I don't really know the real me at all…I have no idea what my gifts & talents are…so I am praying that this will be a time that GOd uses to speak to my heart & give me passion for my purpose in life. I want to hear "well done , good & faithful servant" how can I hear that if I don't even know what I'm supposed to do? So thank you for this devotion today, it encouraged me to seek God to show me who I am & why I was created. God bless. …[email protected]
Hi – I am 43 and feel just like many of the other women here. I feel like I have to remind myself that I am an "grown – up" and I have the right to make decisions, have opinions and have desires. I always seem to feel guilty when I do stand up for myself. I hide behind my obsession with weight and dieting. I feel like I am stuck on a hamster's wheel – and cannot get off.
It is so awesome when God brings you just what you need to get you back on track.
[email protected]
Thanks Renee
I'm 50yrs old married and have two adult sons. I know that when I look at others, I do not want to be like them or walk a mile in their shoes. I know what the Lord has brought me through and the only one I want to be more like is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Having said that,I am not sure what my passion is, I seem to like doing most everything I guess that's ok and I'm not sure about my personality either. I don't believe it's only one but maybe several. I'll ask others who are close to me to tell me what they see. Sometimes I cannot see the forest for the trees so to speak. I am working outside the home and love my job, however it's nothing that I can "move up the career ladder", just feel sometimes like I'm at a dead end, then other times I'm happy just working, it's like a hobby. (go figure)I also love being a home, their is always something to do so if I were laid off,it wouldn't hurt my feelings. I guess I sound weird. Love in Christ.
Hi, I'm Valerie Rogers & LOVE the topic for today! I have struggled my entire life with the question, "What's wrong with me?" & it wasn't until a few years ago that I realized that there was nothing wrong with me–I am exactly who God made me…extremely liberating! For years, I lived in a constant state of fear, but through the prayers & encouragement of my parents & friends, God has done an awesome work in my life!
When I was a little girl, I had all these big dreams, but I lost that somewhere along the way. Fear is such a horrible thing; not only does it paralyze you, but it steals your dreams. I lived in fear because I did not know who I was in Jesus, and now that I know who I am, I find that my dreams are getting bigger & bigger. I can't wait 2 c what He's going to do next in my life.
Saints, since we have to live on this Earth & go through all of the trials & tribulations that come along with living a life that is set apart for God, then we might as well have a little fun while we're here-(My Life's Motto…feel free to use it for yourself!)
Your Sister-In-Christ,
Valerie F. Rogers
This devotional really hits home with me. I struggled for 35 years to please everyone but myself and God. At that time I finally understood my worth as a child of God and my life has been so much better. However, even now at 54yo I am having thoughts about what God wants me to do with the rest of my life. I am definitely at a crossroads and your devotional is the catalyst I need to figure out what to do next. Thank you for being so willing to share your journey. God bless you!
Betsy from Garner, NC
Thanks for your honesty. I love to read your devotions. They always seem to come "just at the right time". I am 39, to be 40 this month and am a middle child. I have always wrestled with where I fit in. I am a pastors wife and try to 'be all to all' and am exhausted trying. God is so good though and He constantly woos me back to Him and His values for me.
Thanks for your sweet spirit of understanding where we are at. Blessings today.
It is so nice to see that I am not the only one that feels this way. I am a 40 yr old mother of 2 and I am still searching for God's plan for my life. I am so grateful for this devotion, because it makes me realize that I must pray harder on this issue. If we sit, God will speak….thank you so much!!! 🙂
[email protected]
very insightful and eye opener ideas. have been challenged to find my personality.
[email protected]
country: Kenya
I am in my 30's and have been seeking God's path for me, for a very long time. I seem to get distracted by life and so busy that I just keep getting things done with out time spent realizing who I am or why I am doing them. Maybe it is time I slow down for myself as well as my family.
[email protected]
Thank you P31
I am 52, and retired last Feb. I am not sure what I should be doing. I dont know what Gods plan is for my life. I question every thing I do. I also regret retiring at times. I am praying for God to reveal to me a plan He has for my life.
Thank you for this devotion. At 41, I also wonder what plan God has for me. I am a people pleaser also. But, I am seeing less tendencies of this behavior as I get older. This devotion will make me more aware of the choices I will make for ME and MY plan.
[email protected]
I am a very mixed personality. I find I want peace but I also want control. This has served me well as a pastor's wife in a small church I am often looked to to take charge of things. But I find that as I get older, I would like someone else to take over. God has taken a quiet, shy, woman and thrust her into the frontlines for His kingdom. I pray I am up to the task. Best wishes for all of you gals at the conference. I live in northeast PA and am unable to attend at this time.
[email protected]
Wow, what a great post! I think I might just have to get this book to explore my personality type further!
Thanks for a wonderful and encouraging post, Renee!
Prayers and blessings,
[email protected]
34 years old
My name is Trish, and I am 30. Thank you so much for your blog. I have been struggling for the last year and a half to discover who I am and to break free from the life-long struggle of being oppressed & depressed by my abusive family & childhood. The Proverbs 31 email devotionals and blogs have really opened my eyes and my heart to healing and to a new way of life. I thank God for them.
[email protected]
This is amazing! I have been in counseling for the last couple of years battling panic and agoraphobia. One of the biggest things we have worked on is just this…… finding out the woman I want to be, my interests, a passion. I have spent my life being who I thought everyone else thought I should be. I am 55 years old, retired from the school system and currently working from my home. Everytime I even approach this subject, which is almost daily, I draw a complete blank. I pray daily for God to lead me in the direction I should go. In reading the four personality types….. I am definitely all of them! I suppose if I had to pick two they would be Sanguine and Choleric. This is huge for me right now. I am still praying.
I am 46 yrs old and i have been struggling for so long and i am realizing that when i read how we compare our insides w/ somone's outside it seems hopeless and they seem happier. Well, i have been asking God to show me a new way and a new life that i have been searching- i have been dealing w/ depression for forever and i am so tired of feeling down. i want to enjoy my life w/ my 3 children and 1 granddaughter who unexpectedly join our family. So i am "crying" out to God to rescue me and that i can enjoy life to the fullest as God has meant it for me as a christian.
It's encouraging to me to see so many others experiencing the same issues….although I admit I'm a bit afraid to find out who the real me is. God has definitely been trying to get my attention in this area, but I'm in a state of denial, I guess….Thank you and keep on doing what you're doing!!
Thanks so much for your devotion and blog. I know the Lord wanted me to read it today because it goes right along with the book I'm reading, "The Dream Giver," by Bruce Wilkinson.
The Lord has showed me that I've let fear keep me from the Dream that He has for me.
Thank you for reminding me to ask God what HIS Dream is for me. He truly wants to show each of us what Dream He's prepared in advance for us!
I'm 48 and have just started asking God this question. It's so good to know there are other women out there who are my age and are going through the same thing.
Thanks again!
[email protected]
I'm a 41 yr old wife and Mom of two great kids, ages 3 and 13, what a relief to know I'm not the only one still searching for who and what God wants me to be. My personality falls within the choleric and sanguine. Cant wait to read and find out more about me!
Dear Renee,
I too clicked on your site after reading the devotional. After reading all the comments I too wanted to share my story. First, it was so encouraging to see women who are around my age wondering who they are. I am 55 y.o. and the oldest of 10. I have always been the one my parents depended on and as a result became a people please because helping my mother out made me feel good about myself. Unfortunately, in doing so I let myself go and really had no close friends growing up, I was heavy, shy, a dork really and very afraid to talk to anyone. I have never been happy with ME and at times cried out to God why He created someone like me, which I now know was wrong. I've been married almost 32 years, have 3 grown children and 2 grandsons yet I feel like I have to do things to get anyone to like being around me. Even my marriage suffers because I can't let go and believe my husband truly loves me. That is why I had to make a comment. I am feeling that way big time this morning and I read the devotional and clicked on your site and read the comments and thought God is trying to tell me something. I don't know who I am, what I like. I can never make a decision for fear I will upset someone. Something as simple as picking out a movie terrifies me that my husband may not want to see it so I am always playing the "what do you want to do" game. I know I need help. I want to know me before it's too late. Thank you for your sharing this morning. Pray for me that I can truly know who I am in God's eyes, not the worlds.
[email protected]
I enjoy learning about personalities. It helps me understand others and myself better.
[email protected]
Obviously this has hit a nerve with so many of us! I am so thankful that it is not just me who struggles with this. I am 48, and keep wondering what my gifts are, if I even have any! I work full-time, have two teen-age boys, and just try to please everyone. Then I wonder what is wrong with me that I'm not more happy! Thank you for your words of hope and encouragement.
I too wonder who I am, but I desire more to know who God wants me to be? I run and run and run, to take care of the kids the house, my family and friends, and I can't really just quit. But I need something for me, not selfishly but God seeking. I began putting my husband first then my kids, and my mom needs help (she has been there a millon times to help me)and others that need help from time to time. But after a while, you lose who you are, what your doing. I want to please God, I know that if I follow his path that my life will be better than if I follow my own path. But I often feel like I would be taking away from others if I do what I want or feel that I should do. It feels like I am being selfish, but actually I am seeking God and his way. But when I am in the middle of a busy day or chaos at home I don't recognise those subtle signs that God gives me. I need to work on that, as well finding me in the middle of my own life. But I wonder if the process of defining yourself is a lifelong journey, because we are constantly changing, and our lives are changing. The kids are babies,then school-age, teenagers, young adults, then we get to be grandparents. As if this was not enough we add growth in a marriage, job changes, house changes, character changes, parents aging, loved ones coming into and out of our lives. And all the while we are trying to seek God's will, his approval, his voice in our life. No wonder I am tired. 🙂 But that is when I get to rest in his comfort the most, when I am too tired or confused to do it anymore and he carries me thru, time and time again. I love our Lord and I am thankful that someone loved me enough to share him with me. Good luck to all in this journey.
Thank you, P31 for your daily devotionals, sometimes it is literally God's words to my heart.
Hi Renee,
What a great topic. At 45 I still wonder at who I am. I don't know what my dreams are. I,too, had been so busy filling everyone's needs that I got lost. Well since a teenager, I have been doing for everyone else. Never taking the time to look inside of me and who I am. Thanks for the encouragement to do just that. The book looks great. Beth A. [email protected]
I am 32 years and realised that I really hate my job and I have been browsing the internet trying to find what can I do to do a fulfilling job I came to a stage where I have to find my personally then its there I will know what I’m meant to be.
I, too, am still searching at 49. I believe we are to keep searching. Sometimes I feel I have shallow dreams and desires, but maybe in the end God will use them to help others.
Thanks for your devotion today. I am 36 and totally identify with the struggle to know who I really am and God's dreams for my life. I struggle with being a people-pleaser, too. It's nice to see other people's posts and know that others struggle with this, too! Amy from San Jose, CA [email protected]
Thank you for your devotion today. Through P31 I am continually amazed to see how many other women feel just like me. I am 35 and I cannot answer those questions either. I don't have any dreams, and that has frustrated me for some time. I have always been one to put my needs and wants aside for the sake of others. Just as you said…my soul has shut down. None of this truly hit me until I read your devotion this morning. Thank you for sharing that there is hope and how to go about making changes. I am so anxious and excited to find His purpose for me as well as my dreams!!!
Blessings to you!!
[email protected]
I've been a stay at home "working" mom now for almost two years. I am 32 (from California) and I have two girls, ages 2 and 3 1/2. I taught public school then began my own home daycare so that I could stay with my girls. I figured, if they have to be in daycare, I want them in my daycare. I have been so busy with raising children, I feel like I've lost who I was in the process. All I think about are the children and my husband. I know it is a season in my life…but I miss using my other talents and abilities, too. I would not trade being home with my girls for ANYTHING! I just wish I had some sort of outlet.
Email:[email protected]
This bring to mind what I am currently struggling with – my path. Although I believe God placed me where I am now (working at a church), my husband has been laid off and a financial crisis is pending. Praying for guidance on whether I need to search for a job away from the church to help provide for our household… [email protected]
Thanks for your openess and honesty Renee. I could completely relate from the first word of this devotional. You always make me realize I am not the only one who has ever felt this way. And reading other people's comments brought tears to my eyes, knowing that you have truly discovered what God has planned for you to do. Thank you for sharing. You touch many people's lives.
I have searched to find who I am, but truly, I will think I've got it figured out a bit, but always seem to go back to doing what everyone else needs me to do and being who everyone else needs me to be.
Life is a journey. It's such a blessing to have a loving God and good friends along the way.
Oh, by the way, I'm 41.
Looking at the personality types, I do not know where I line up. And truthfully, I have always hated that question, what do you like to do? I don't know, it depends on the day, my mood, with who, etc..
Just 2 nights ago I was in tears saying to my husband, I don't know what God wants me to do. Our fairly new church is moving locations and change is on the horizon. Others are talking about how they feel led to do this or that ministry. I felt like a failure not having any clue. I had to remind myself that although I do not know yet, it is God who has called me. He has a place for me, somewhere. Thank you for this devotion, I know God is speaking to me through it.
[email protected] I am 27 years old
Thank you for today's devotional. I am 50, and even though I feel like my life has been productive, I want to be everything God wants me to be. I know that my marriage and my job are in God's will, but I want to do more for Him.
I am going to get those books and prayerfully find out what God wants me to be.
This is timely for me today as well! I am 52, and I have set aside this month to pray, study & hopefully figure out a little better who I am, and what my gifts are, and how I can make my life count. Thanks for the encouragement!
[email protected]
I am 63 and still trying to figure it all out. I know God made me to be more than I am but somehow I feel as though I have missed all that He had for me.
Your devotion this morning has made me really sit up and take notice and it also brought tears and prayer. So where do I start? Any suggestions?
Thanks for your post today. I was just talking to my aunt a couple of weeks ago and telling her that I have no idea what I want to do with my life. For the last 13 years I have been a pastor's wife and 9 of those I have been a mother. My youngest child is now going off to kindergarten this fall and I am trying to figure out what I can do with my "free time". For so long I have been the support for my husband and care taker of our 3 kids. I feel that I have lost myself in church life and being a wife and mom. It seemed so selfish to ask what I wanted to do and be when I have others depending on me. I felt that I was just in the place I needed to be at this time. Now that I am starting to have some "free time", it is time for me to start to look at what I was created to do. Thanks for pointing out that God created us to be unique.
Shannon age 34
[email protected]
I read your devotion on Crosswalks today. I am 55 and feel like I don't know what my talents are and direction would be. I have been doing what I am suppose to be doing at home. I am married and work full-time. My mother-in-law lives with us and is handicapped. I am not sure what my God given talents are but would love to know what God has given me to do. Thank you.
It is amazing to me how God brings just the right sermon, or just the right devotional, or discussion with someone that I need at the moment! I pray that God will direct me to be the person He wants me to be – more Christ-like for sure – but to stop trying to please the world and please Him which will ultimately give me the peace I have been seeaking.
Thank you for sharing your story.
[email protected]
I'm 35 years old and my husband has told me many times that he does not understand how I don't know what I want for myself. My life is full with a full time job at a church and 2 young daughters among other things and my days seem so busy that I can't imagine pursuing something that is as lofty as a "dream". At times his comment to me has been discouraging. Your devotional and blog today was very encouraging to me. As the years pass by I wondered if I would run out of time to define and go after my dreams (he has had many already). I think that if I were in the situation that you described (what you would do if finances and failure were not an issue) I would have responded the same way – not because that is what I wanted to do but because I couldn't answer any differently. Thank you for sharing your story as it has really spoken to me today.
[email protected]
This devotion seems coming at a wonderful time. I am going 39 in Oct, a mum of 3 young children (girl 12, boys 9 & 6), a cancer survivor since Jan 2006, completing all my treatments in Aug 2007, involve in church ministry, husband was retrenched months ago and am feeling anxious, burn-out. Who am I?? Have been pushing myself do my best, have been teaching, coaching my children on academics, on God, on loving one another like rushing as not sure how long I will be here. Always others mentioned I done a good job, taking care of family and helping others, am a super woman. I have not stop praying asking God to lead me, but am exhausted. I always try to please others, out of my way to help. I am more of chasing for perfect, excellence achievement.
I love what you said about how God created us to complete one another not compete!! I live in an area that is very competitive and it is very easy to get caught up in that. My hearts desire is to be a completer (is that even a real word : – ). Thank you for the devotion today! [email protected] from Ohio
How timely your sharing about Who Are You. I am 65 years old and have been a mother since 16. After raising children, Through many difficulties we had to raise a couple of our grandchildren. Now my mom lives with us. She is 87. I have NO IDEA of who I am. Please give my some ideas of what I can read or study to help me have a life of my own before my time is over on this earth. I know God has had a plan for me and I probably missed it but would love to Bless Him with what He put in me. Thank you
Thank you for being such a blessing to others. This devotional especially hit home with me. I think alot of us try so hard to please others that we don't take the time to understand and please ourselves. God is definately working in and through you.
I am 57 and just now working hard to know the real me. I want to impress on all of your readers to pray and listen to God speak to your heart. Sometimes we don't take the time to really stop and be quiet and listen.
Bless You!
Bonnie @ [email protected]