Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are or why you do things the way you do? I remember all the way back to Jr. High feeling like I didn’t really like who I was. I’d compare myself to those around me and try to figure out who people liked most, so I could be like them. It was exhausting!
I want to to talk a little more today about something I shared in my devotion, “The Real Me” featured at Proverbs 31 and Crosswalk. The journey God’s taken me on to become the woman He created me to be has totally changed my life, and all of my relationships, for the better. I hope I can encourage you today with somethings I’ve learned.
First of all, comparison can be my worst enemy. My friend Genia summed it up well one day when we were talking about it. She said, “When we compare ourselves with someone else, we can never measure up because we compare our insides with their outsides.”
She’s right. I usually compare how I feel on the inside with how someone else looks like they have it all together on the outside. Paul talks about the comparison trap in 2 Corinthians 10:12, “but when they measure themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding.”
Comparison leaves us confused and discontent. It causes us to compete with each other but God never intended for women to compete with each other; He wants us to complete one another. Seriously, He wants us to encourage each others’ strengths and then be who He created us to be.
Paul explains why in 1 Corinthians 12:18-20, “But now God has placed the parts, each one of them in the body just as He wanted. And if they were all the same part, where would the body be? Now there are many parts, yet one body.”
The truth is: You are uniquely you because God has a unique purpose for your life. God created you with a unique personality because you play an important role in the story He’s writing in your life. You are “God’s masterpiece…created anew in Christ so that [you] can do the good things He planned for [you] long ago.” Ephesians 2:10, (NLT)
There are certain thing He wants to do through your life and that is why He gave you a personality that is one-of-a-kind! In her book, Personality Plus, Florence Littauer describes four personality types. Most of us are a blend of two. See if you can relate to the desires and emotional needs of one or two of these:
Phlegmatic: Desires PEACE
Needs times of quiet, reduced stress, feeling of worth, relaxation
Choleric: Desires CONTROL
Needs appreciation for achievements, opportunity for leadership, and participation in decisions
Sanguine: Desires FUN
Needs attention, affection, approval, activity with people
Melancholy: Desire PERFECTION
Needs sensitivity, stability, support, space, silence
- Which personality best describes you?
- What are your greatest strengths? What are things you think you need to work on?
- What challenges do you face in discovering your unique “you”?
Click on the word “Comments” below to share thoughts or questions. If you don’t have a blog, click on anonymous, then leave your name and email to be part of a drawing I’ll do this weekend to give away a copy of “Shaped with Purpose : A Practical Guide for Discovering Who You Are” Workbook and CD.
Each comment will be entered for the give-away so be sure to include your email in your comment, and I’d love to know your age and where you’re from.
I can't believe how many of us are out there-women in their 40's (I'm 45yrs) and are not sure of God's purpose for our lives. I so want to know mine. And I find it challenging to search for it while making dinner, looking over homework and other day-to-day activities. But I know that He has a purpose for me and I need to commit time to discovering it and all the wonderful gifts He's given me. I pray for all of us who are searching. Thank you for your devotion today!
Erin in Geneva, IL
[email protected]
Being teased as a child has made me into a very self conscious adult. It is hard to love and believe in yourself when others break you down. Striving for perfection and approval from others is an exhauting and self-defeating task! However, knowing that God made me wonderfully complex gives me comfort and I pray that He will help me to be more accepting of my uniqueness. My email address is: [email protected]
Sweet Renee, what a joy to read your blog today! I used a similar idea to teach atheist kids from the USSR why they need God to be moral people. I asked them to tell me how long a pen was. After telling them, "No, I don't want to use centimeters or inches as my measurement" someone finally said "It is one unit long!" I responded "Great, now how long is this pen?" Showing them a pen of a different length, I tried to get them to see the uselessness of trying to compare the two pens when each was exactly one unit in length. Telling them that you have to measure something by something else outside the thing being measured, I was able to bridge into talking about how you can't measure human behavior by human behavior. You need something outside humans. That, of course, only works if there is a standard above human behavior. Once they had agreed to that, they could then see the need for God to be moral!
Be blessed, dear sister!
PS, I'm 56 and I guess I'm somewhere between a phlegmatic and a melancholy.
This really hit home with me; especially since my husband and I have been out of work for over a year. What is God doing? is my constant question. I always described myself as a chameleon–whatever you want me to be, I will try to be that. This is not glorifying God and not helping me! I will dig deeper to find out who it is that God created! ME! [email protected]
I fit in all categories of the personality test! haha! I'm 30 and on the search for God's dreams for my life. [email protected]
What a great post! I really like the quote about comparing our inside with someone else's outside. How true!
I'm 36 from Charlotte, NC.
Thank you so much for your devotions and post. I'm a recovering perfectionist, so I spent most of my life comparing myself to others. I'm finally starting to figure out what gifts/abilities God has given me (at age 44y.o). I was jealous of my husband who can witness and give the gospel message so effortlessly, and has brought many to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. I just recently realized that God would rather that I mentor people in their walk with Christ, and help them to grow. We each fill a very important and unique place in God's plan. Mentoring does not come easy to my husband, while for me it seems effortless.
After that realization, I'm really trying to focus on what God's desires are for me. He has removed all responsibilities from me right now, and I'm learning what it means to "Be still and know that I AM God." Psalm 46:10.
These last few days of P31 devotions have really been ministering to me, because there are days where I stumble and just want to give up.
Thank you so much for making yourself vulnerable so the rest of us can grow.
Love to all the girls @ P31.
Wow, yesterday I was wondering what I should do. I honestly feel as no one likes me. I know, that sounds so jr. high, but it is how I am feeling. I am a horribly lost 50 year old christian woman with no direction in my life at all. My husband and I recently moved to a town 1800 miles from my home, my family, my life. I miss my son, my grandaughter, mysister, my parents and on and on. I do visit, but when I do I almost feel out of place there too. I know God has a plan and purpose for my life, but I have no idea whatsoever what it could be.
My husband and I are both disabled with many medical problems and as for me, that has defined me all of my adult life. But that's not who I am. I'm not just a transplant patient, I am … hummm… I don't know who!
As I read the perosnality traits in the devotion this morning, I honestly didn't know which one, or two, or three, or even all four I fit into.
It is time for me to find out who God made me to be. I am so looking forward to this journey of self discovery, just the possibility has given me a hope I didn't have before I read your devotion this morning. Thank you!
[email protected]
Oh how well I can relate. I am from Memphis, TN at 39 years old and have become lost in trying to take care of everyone and everything in my life. I am almost drowning in the whirlpool of chaos of husband and parents.
I truly need a copy of the book to help me discover the real me that I have been looking for since jr. high school too.
Thank you for listening to my rambling.
[email protected]
As I was reading your devotional, it was almost as if I was reading it. I grew up in a home that was enmeshed, to use a technical counseling term. Basically, you weren't allowed freedom to be your own self and do your own things. So, growing up I was very confused as to who I was, who I wanted to be, what make me uniquely me, and why anyone would ever want to love me. I have learned a lot about this, partly through living and interacting with people, and partly through taking almost every personality test I have come across. My husband was also instrumental in this. Without sounding too sacrilegious, God would be the savior of my soul and my husband the savior of my heart. I have so much to be thankful for when it comes to both of them.
I'm still trying to figure some of this out, especially since I am pregnant with my first and wondering how this will change everything, but I not longer feel as lost or confused about my purpose and who I am.
Thank you for sharing!
Age 29
[email protected]
Today's devotion was exactly what I needed to hear! It is what I've been dealing with for years! I am almost 48 and never went to college because of financial reasons and also because I didn't know what I wanted to do! This lack of college degree has always limited what job levels I've been able to land. I've tried many career paths, none of them were very successful. When I had children (in my 30's) everything was focused on them, my ideas were pushed aside. I love doing for others and never try to do what I really want for me. I know that God has much more in store for my life! I've prayed for years that He would open the doors so I could see the rich, fulfilling life He has in store for me. I'm going to buy the books referenced in the devotion and open my eyes and heart to His voice!
I am 41 years old and still discovering each day different things about myself. I can only do this through allowing God to speak to me. It has taken me so long to allow Him to do this. However, I still feel like I have a long way to go and I am very interested in reading some of the books that you spoke of. Thank you for this devotion that opened my eyes and others eyes to the fact that we need to learn just who it is that God created us to be and stop comparing ourselves to others and changing to fit in.
email address: [email protected]
Very well said Renee! I think as women we do get caught up in competing with one another rather than lifing each other up. It's important to know who we are in Christ and listen for his calling on our life.
Blessings to you!
This is the unlock of the locks which the devil has put in different people's ways. But as the Bible says that ' I will go before you and brake the chains of bronze and show you the hidden treasures…' I believe the Lord is using you to bring a restoration in our lives. Am a new member who just found this site today and am blessed. Please I still need more of these and even other brethren feel free to help me with much more.
Am Dan Ochola from Kenya.
[email protected]
Thanks for your encouraging words.
I need to ask God what he desires for me instead of listening to others. I'm on the right path.
[email protected]
Thank you so much for posting this devotion. This put into words what I have been struggling with, and I too thought I was the only one. I am 40, work outside the home and have a 10 year old son and wonderful husband. Blessings to you from Oregon.
I have been dealing with this for a while. About a year ago our pastor did a sermon on dreams – which hit home. I have been working toward determining them, and handing them over to God. But, I never looked back at myself…to see how God created me. I now have a new perspective, and – quite frankly- am now overwhelmed by more work that I need to do.
It never stops, I do need to always seek, always work and always strive to be what God wants me to be.
Thanks for this devotion. I am almost 39 and would love to know who I truly am in Christ.
I am actually going through Temperament counseling with the NCCA. They have a fifth temperament that fits me. Supine. Ü But I would be between a malancholy and phlegmatic….Good thoughts for the day. It also helps to know who your spouse and children are. You can then attend to their needs as well….
I'm 44 and also feel that I haven't quite discovered my purpose yet. Thanks for your devotional. I'm looking forward to following your blog.
[email protected]
Thank you so much! I am a 36 year old married mom of three…I am a wife to a man in the military…I struggle so much with my identity…I am his wife, their mom, the dog's owner, a district empolyee…i have all these hats but yet find little joy…even in knowing what colors i like anymore..my mother said i liked red, so i like red – even though i really like blue. my husband tells me i will enjoy running. i hate it. my children tell me – well they are teenagers they tell me alot…and of course there is little recognition in being a Navy wife…i sit in the background, noone knows who i am, but he wears a uniform, gets saluted, wears medals…Don't get me wrong, I am so incredibly proud of my family, I try and make sure eveyone is emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy…but as of late…i wonder who am i? what do i like? its as though everything has lost its flavor..Now it would be nice to have medals and a uniform identifying me and my worth, but i know that is just what is on the outside, i want more, i want to be the woman God has created and desires me to be…and that will be my new prayer…and the prayer for my daughters..that they not be lost in indecision of who they are, to be proud of the quirkiness they may behold and embrace the desires to do things out of the norm..as long as they are what God is leading them to do..to be a bridge to His light.
Thank you so much for this devotion today that I got through Crosswalk. I felt like God was speaking to me today because, like all the other posts on here, I too struggle with finding my purpose in life and what it is God has in store for me. I'm 33 and a working mom but there are times when I want to quit my job and stay home with my 2 year old son but feel like I couldn't handle it. Currently my husband stays home with him and he works in the evenings when I come home from work. I've been struggling for years to find the right career or what it is that I'm passionate about to find a career in that. I am going to continue to pray for God's will and to show me the direction He wants me to go. Thank you for letting me know that I'm not alone in this topic, I'm not comfortable answering those questions about dreams because I do not know what I want to do. I'm going to keep on seeking God's direction.
[email protected]
Thank you for today's devotion. I'm almost 30 and I've been feeling totally discouraged lately. This was just what I needed to hear this morning.
Stacy (NC)
Thanks so much. At 51, i am still trying to figure this out. Looking forward to checking out the resources you mention.
Thanks for your devotional today. You put into words exactly the way I feel inside. I'm very happy that I've found this website! 🙂
Renee, wow you have gotten quite the response from this devotion. It was wonderful and it looks like it was as much of an encouragement to be as it was to many other women. I am approaching the big 3-0 and feel exactly as you described. Thanks so much for sharing your heart.
God Bless You,
[email protected]
Thanks for this timely message. I will be 52 in a few days and have been laid off for over a year. The only lifeline I have right now is my faith…can your book and cd be purchased in Christian Bookstores?
I really need some support and would love to read this over the weekend! Thanks! Bobbi
This came at the perfect time. I was just talking to my 14 year old daughter about her dreams for her future when I realized I still (at age 44) don't really know what I want to be "when I grow up". I work a FT job that I usually like, but sometimes I wonder if God doesn't want something more for me. I'd say the categories that best describe me are choleric and phlegmatic.
Thank you for this post and the book references.
I don't know what I want to do when I grow up either, and I'm 29 years old with 4 kids! I have never really known my strengths nor had a specific desire for any career. I can't seem to find anything that I really enjoy doing.
I would call myself phlegmatic to a fault. "Peace and relaxation at nearly all costs."
email [email protected]
Hi Renee,
I have been asking the Lord to show me why I am here. What is my purpose? I am 42 and my two children are now living many miles away. God spoke to me through your message (this is the first time I have ever clicked on your site through my "Crosswalk Encouragement For Today". Thank you for sharing the tools we need so that we can be complete!
[email protected]
I guess this is the way God wanted it to be. I didnot do my morning devotion this morning becasue I overslept and I said that I was going to read the devotions in my mail box as my only devotion until I got home. I got hit below the stomach by the question what will I like if all things being equal. I had to think on that for a minute but fear, anxiety will not let me see. Its so dark but the only things that I see in a flicker is mom and wife. I am 45years old single with no child. I have made somany mistakes that I understand God if never allows me to be either of this.Timies and times agian He brought me to the brink and I blew it off. Now I see myself as when He talks about giving the land rest for a while and going back to refarm it but if you don't He will drive us out and let the land rest(paraphrase). I am in this place with no friends and afraid to venture out. I turn people off with my actions but I don't mean to and as such I pretend that all is well on the outside. I don't have any dreams anymore becasue I don't know who I am or what I look like. I see myself in the mirrow but soon forget what I look like. I can't sit still for long for I am really busy yah? I am a joke
This devotion seems to be on a theme for me. I keep asking myself what I want to be when I grow up. I know I have unique gifts and passions to share. Unlike you, I know what I would do if I had unlimited funds, no doubts, no fears. It's a dream I've had for years and years. I just need to figure out how I can make that work for me considering I have no funds, fears, and doubts. My prayer is that God continues to nudge me with these devotions.
I'm 35 years of age,never been married with a teen daugter 16 years old.I too am still searching for the answers to who I am in this world. We stay in a small flat and we have our ups & downs. Today's devotion pulled at my heart strings, because sometime ago my daugter wanted to know the same about herself. I wasn't very supportive cause I DON'T even know the real me, or who i am suppose to be.I don't have dreams, since my life became a routine.all my friends are married so i avoide going out with the team,being the odd one out.i avoid mingling with the parents of Charnè's friends cause i look very young for my age and feel like they ignore me in the company like I'm a kid and don't understand adult life. I seriously at myself and where i fit in, thanks so much. gerri
I'm 35 years of age,never been married with a teen daugter 16 years old.I too am still searching for the answers to who I am in this world. We stay in a small flat and we have our ups & downs. Today's devotion pulled at my heart strings, because sometime ago my daugter wanted to know the same about herself. I wasn't very supportive cause I DON'T even know the real me, or who i am suppose to be.I don't have dreams, since my life became a routine.all my friends are married so i avoide going out with the team,being the odd one out.i avoid mingling with the parents of Charnè's friends cause i look very young for my age and feel like they ignore me in the company like I'm a kid and don't understand adult life. I seriously at myself and where i fit in, thanks so much. gerri
I love so many things about this post and about your devotion! One of my favorite lines from your devotions is this one:
"It's not self-seeking but God-seeking to intentionally get to know and become the woman He created you to be."
That is so good, Renee! I struggle with feeling self-seeking and selfish..but God WANTS me to become who He created me to be. And that is going to take asking Him who He wants me to be…it's going to take learning about me. I am bad to lean towards encouraging others and not letting Him encourage me about me. But I NEED His direction and encouragement. SO thanks for opening my eyes to see that I am not being self-seeking. 🙂
And I love the line in your post about how we are to complete one another as women, not compete with one another. Soooooo good!
Okay…I won't comment all day.
Just thank you. Thank you so much for having a heart to encourage women to find who they are designed by God to be. To walk in all He has for them! I am 33 years old….and I am so ready to start living the life HE has for me. So ready!
I love, love, love you, my friend!
🙂 K
(And thank you for the giveaway!!!!!)
What great timing! This devotion and blog have really helped me to fully recognize that I should accept and love the woman God has created me to be. I just turned 23 years old and have done some pretty cool things in my life. However, I really have not found fulfillment as I would like. I believe that once I take this "journey to self-in-God" my life will be more fulfilling and meaningful!
[email protected]
I subscribe to Crosswalk daily and after reading todays encouragement for women I was nearly in tears. This is so me! And I never realized it. I spend every day, stressed, busy, no time for me, no time to focus on what I need or who I am . . . I don't know. And yet I am somehow drawn here to your site and whamm! there it is. Added to this is the simple fact that I have started a journey back to Christ through some very special people in my life. I am participating in a weekly Bible Study and when I found Crosswalk I was thrilled . . . and now your site. What's next? I can't wait for the next ephifany in my daily life.
I live in Hedgesville West Virginia and I am 42 – almost 43 yr young woman.
Thanks for the devotion today! It really hit home with me. I have been feeling this way for some time now and trying to figure out just what purpose God has for me and if I am even close to living my purpose. I look forward to reading these Proverbs 31 devotions everyday and I have to tell you that almost everyday when i read them I feel like God is speaking to me becuase in one form or another it completely relates to my life. You ladies are awesome and I appreciate you so much! God Bless you all!
Amanda – 34 from Illinois
[email protected]
Do you have other books or resources you used to help you along this journey? At 37 I find that I've lost sight of what I enjoy doing and what preferences I have as I honor and care for my dh and two ds's. Any and all thoughts you have would be deeply appreciated.
[email protected]
This is me! [email protected]
Oh my goodness Renee! You must have used me as our inspiration for this! My whole life I have always dones what I had to do, never what I wanted to do. It wasn't till recently that I started thinking about what I really wanted to do. But now I feel like I've waited so long that its too late for my dreams. I've been thinking alot lately to about where I serve in church. I seem to have my feet in so many different areas and now I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. I know I need to pull back but I'm having trouble deciding where I really want to be.
And a quick side note: A few years ago on our women's retreat our speaker took us through a personality test to help us determine our type.Through the course of it she describe the different types (the same ones you did) and then we scored ourselves based on different answers to questions. However at the end she explained that most of us all have at least 2 of those personality types in us. Then she went on to describe a certain patern it follows. Well, of course I didn't fit the pattern at all. And I still remember her words: "If your pattern is diagonal, then something is wrong, because it shouldn't be that way. It should be up and down or side to side". I laughed about it at the time, but I've never fogotten it.
Anyway, thanks for the chance to win, I'd love to take time to figure myself out, and maybe I'll find out that there isn't something wrong with me after all.
[email protected]
THANK YOU! God is speaking to me through you today. just last night I was discussing this exact topic with my husband, not knowing who I am or what I'm supposed to be. I never imagined myself at 32 with four kids 6 and under but God obviously thinks I can handle it?! You have given me the tools to start this journey of "finding myself" and God's purpose for me. I admit it's a little scary to start because I don't feel like I've ever been able to find myself in personality tests or spirtual gifts analysis because i always just barely fit into all categories (trying to be who I want me to be maybe?!). I now want to make time to try to figure this out to be who God wants me to be. Thank you for showing me it's possible, I felt like you had written just for me today!
[email protected]
Thank you for your devotional. This really spoke to me this morning. I have been going through some new challenges and have just realized that after 7 years of raising twins, being the best mom and wife I can be (along with many other hats), that I really have no idea what God has in store for me or what I am supposed to be doing.I have found that my best is never good enough for the people that surround me and that I only need to do my best for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The good news is I do know God has a plan for my life. But I have to admit I am scared of what that plan is. I do find comfort that His plan is perfect and He will be satisfied if I am obedient and He loves me always. I pray I will find the purpose for my life through Gods great Mercy and Grace. I will definitely have to find the time and materials you have suggested to start this journey. Thank you for your perfect timing.
Kimberly Hill
[email protected]
Thank you so much for this devotion today. I am 38 years old and live in a small town in Minnesota. I keep asking God what He has planned for me. While I am a wife, daughter, and mother of five great kids, I just can't help feeling that God has more in store for me… Thank you for the resources, I am definitely going to use them to help me in my search to find out why God put me on the great Earth of His! : ) I would love to be entered in the drawing, my e-mail address is: [email protected].
Thank you for the devotion. I have been pondering these thoughts for a while now. I am 47 years old, and in the midst of the search.
[email protected]
I was so excited when I received your devotion today. This has truly been a struggle in my life recently. I'm almost 26 but I struggle with the fact that my life isn't what I had dreamed it to be when I was 5! I am slowly learning to appreciate where God has me and find comfort in the desires He has placed in my heart. Thanks so much!!!
[email protected]
Thank you for your wonderful, on-the-mark devotion! Like so many others, I too am constantly comparing and coming up short. I am 47, lost my mom when I was 13 and had an abusive dad. All of this formed me into a people pleaser. I need prayers and would love to be in the drawing for your book – [email protected]. I am reading a book right now – Good and Angry by Turansky and Miller – a wonderful book that explains how explosive parenting creates people pleasers – its really great – and I pray that its insights will help me be a better mommy to my HS 8yo daughter. God's blessings to everyone, you are in my prayers today.
I am turning 49 in a few weeks, helping others has been what I do. Just last night my husband said "You can't make everything alright for everyone." I know that is God's territory, but yet in the business I do seem to carry burdens that arn't mine. And in that business, somehow I lost me. Thank you, I want, as you have, to serve Him in the way He created me to, instead of this whirlwind that keeps me off balance. Thank you. [email protected]
I can relate to exactly what you said. As I go through life, who I am changes and is becoming clearer the older I get. When I worked, I was focused on my career, but now that I'm a mom, it has caused me to be focused on being focused on Christ first and letting Him lead me and just enjoying each day (our girls are 6 and 4) and seeing where He takes me in the future – I trust in Jeremiah 29:11 – "I know the plans I have for you . . ." [email protected] from Chicago (age 37)
Thank you for putting into words what I have felt for DECADES. I am 54 years old and have always wished to be more of what I just….am not. I have been so mad at God for making me quiet, shy, introverted, a behind-the-scenes kind of person and have often wished I could be more outgoing, fun, and the leader everyone follows. But I simply am NOT that type of person. My good traits are that I am loyal, trustworthy, sweet, kind, and a very hard worker. I know I fit perfectly into the Body of Christ and just need to accept with my heart what I already know in my mind. I have confessed this sin many times and do so once again. With NEW resolve to praise Him for who He made me to be!
Thank you for your honesty! [email protected]