Welcome! If you’ve linked over from my Encouragement for Today devotion through Proverbs 31 Ministries, I’m so glad you stopped by! I hope you’ll enjoy today’s video, enter today’s drawing, and stay for a while.
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Have you ever noticed how something can happen or someone can say something and all of the sudden thoughts like “I’m not good enough” or “What is wrong with me?” will trigger a string of negative emotions?
Then, before you know it that awful, yucky feeling of self doubt comes over you and makes you want to shrink back in a corner. Self-doubt is like a bully. It makes us feel small, inadequate, less than and insecure.
But we don’t have to put up with being bullied anymore. We can live as more than a conqueror through HIM who loves us and gave His life up for us!
I’ve got a short video message to share from my NEW”Confident Heart” DVD . I recorded it to equip and empower you to stop letting doubt and discouragement beat you up and start letting God and His Word build you up instead!
If you’re reading this via email, click here to watch today’s video and enter today’s giveaway!
Confident, strong, and free – it’s closer than you think!
Join the next Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Study of my book, A Confident Heart. Filled with daily insights, powerful promises, weekly video messages, and Scripture-based teachings, this online study will be life-changing! And it’s being led by Melissa Taylor and her amazing Online Bible Study. Find out more about the study and sign up here.
The P31 online study is FREE! All you need is my book A Confident Heart: How to Stop Doubting Yourself & Live in the Security of God’s Promises. AND if you order a copy through Proverbs 31 Ministries, it will be signed and you can receive a link to download over $40 in FREE “Confident Heart” resources. Get your signed copy here and find out more today!
TODAY’S FREE BLOG OFFER: Confident Heart “Triggers and Truths” Printable.
“Confidence Boost” GIVEAWAY:
Today I’m giving away a copy of my NEW”Confident Heart” DVD and my book, “A Confident Heart” along with my message “Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence” on CD!To enter, click “share your thoughts” below this post and let’s talk about the things that trigger our doubts and a truth God spoke to your heart through today’s video message and/or my P31 devotion.
My doubts are triggered by never feeling like I measure up to people expectations. I try to please everyone and end up being torn whose need will I try to meet, husband, children, friends, and co workers. I need to be to be reminded daily about Pleasing God not people. Thanks for the The Confident Heart video series. i wish I could share with my daughters and my sister
Good morning! My am talk is usually about my disciplining my three girls. I worry constantly that I am going to do something and mess them up for life. So I am constantly second guessing myself. I get up every morning at 5:30 and have a quiet time and pray for wisdom and discernment hoping that will help, slowly I am gaining confidence and trusting in God’s promises that he won’t leave me not forsake me and I am so thankful because I can’t imagine doing this without him. Your words of encouragement were so true and so sweet and spoke to my heart! Thank you =) Have a great rest of your day!
Hello Renee,
I just recently learned about Proverbs 31 Ministries through a friends post on Facebook. I then signed up for the devotionals and visited the webpage to then find the online bible study. I have signed up and am looking forward to starting next week.
I am a mother of 4 children juggling many hats. This study struck a chord with me. I am very encouraged. Thank you!!!
Renee, I was reading your 9-17-13 devotional today, 10-6-13, (I know I’m a little behind!), I had surgery. I found myself relating to a lot of what you said. The video was very inspiring, I like the am, pm idea. I am really good at starting to go to church, Sunday School and Bible studies in the beginning. Then soon I’m making excuses and find myself not going totally. While reading the devotional a realization came to me as to why I do this. I have self doubt, I compare myself and have no confidence. I have only been trying to make an effort to make God a big part of my life for 19 years (that is when I got clean and sober). I’m 57 and divorced. Most of the people I meet in church my age have been going to church for many years, if not a life time and are married. I travel to AZ to see my Dad several times a year as he is an assisted living. I am his POA and that keeps me very busy. I feel different, addict-alcoholic, divorced, long distant caregiver and not very knowledgeable about the bible. I’m whining. I really want to try the online bible study you are going to give, it would work with my travels. I get paid 10-9 and I am going to try it. Please pray that I don’t stop with some stupid excuse. I forgot to see when it starts. If I’m late I’ll take the next one.
I been in the yes study and now going to be in the Confident heart study, I really enjoy the piercing truths that you share and life experience. I recently been on yet another Journey, with weight loss, and Receiving your diet on doubt meditation confirms the fact that ( for me ) that loosing weight is also a spiritual journey, directly affected by my emotional crutches and self doubts that weight me down, I have been able to incorporate loosing self doubt and emotional pain, to weight loss, like pounds of pain, I believe that we carry pain in weight, and it shows up on our physical structure. This is my experience anyway. Thank you for all that you and the Proverbs 31 ministries do. A special friend introduced me to this ministry and I will be forever changed, Thank you for enhancing my life through your experience and strength. WE truly go through things for others, and For God to us use and personal messengers to share his message .
Can not wait to have the study start…. Thank you.
Entering to win the video if not too late!
Soy colombiana y no sè inglès para escuchar y ver sus videos no sè como hacer para tenerlos aunque fueran escritos. Si me puede hacer el favor le agradecerìa mucho me parece muy interesante y edificante.
I really like the am/fm description and plan to look for the FM and walk away from the am. Thanks for your video!
I would like to enter for the give away for the Book A Confident Heart. I am at a place right now I can’t afford it for the study. I am the only one working & I am caring for my disabled husband & 2 children. It would be a immense blessing for me to receive it. It would also help with the study I signed up for.
In His Confidence, Roxanne
Hi! I find that so many things trigger me into a doubting mind making me feel worthless : a negative comment, losing my job, not being organized, having a messy house, my teenager not respecting me or not doing well in school, my weight, feelings, and that I’m divorced along with so much more. I need to have the FM ready at all times to free me and know God’s truth to the lies in my head! Thank you for you encouraging words!
Thank you so much not only for your encouragement but for your practical ways of how to shift our focus and perspective. I love the empowerment to take action. Realizing that what we think effects how we feel and then how we live. We have a choice with our thoughts and we can take them captive and hold them up to the light of truth. Thank you for showing us how to take a AM thought and replace it with a FM truth or promise from God. That is a great way to live out the power of this word that he has given us and move forward to bring him all the glory.
Thanks for this message. I needed it today. Just last night at a church meeting I made a blunder of a statement and two people jumped on me. I went home pretty defeated and negative. I really needed to hear this today. Thanks again. God bless you.
God is amazing! This is an area I have struggled with for years but never really knew why I always felt the way I did. My family is currently in turmoil. Partly caused by me because I have turned my head to the affairs and pornography that I knew my husband was involved with but felt that it would never change and so I needed to learn to accept that was the way he was and to hide it from our children and pray that God would do an amazing transformation in his life. Two years ago, he moved out to pursue a relationship with a married woman who became pregnant and said it was his. After two years and a lot of counseling, I have finally started standing up for myself. Unfortunately, I allowed the bullying to go on so long that now my adult children also do it to me. They have learned by watching. It is very difficult but I am trying to set boundaries, stand up for myself and not allow them to take advantage of me anymore. They don’t like it and have now started accusing me of being unChrist like. That the Bible says to do unto others. It is very difficult and would be so much easier to continue with the way it was but it literally and physically is not and will not be healthy for me. I would love to read your book but have very limited resources. I glean as much encouragement from God’s word and books from Godly people as I can. It is what helps me be able to stand up to the attacks. Thank you.
I registered with Proverbs 31 OBS to do: What Happens when women say YES to God, and was so excited to get into the next one that as soon as I received my book, I jumped right in. It is as if this book was written just for me. I have been begging God to show me what He wants me to do in His Kingdom, for His glory and have spoken to a couple of people about this. For at least four months I have been seeking earnestly. During this time I was struck with bouts of depression, anxiety and was booked off work for 3 months. I realise now that this time was necessary for me to get to know God better. I came to realise that He was not showing me because I was not ready, and because I have to completely trust Him and be 100% obedient; and only once I had accepted that fact, could we move forward.
On Sunday, I asked God to show me the way, and I was a bit disappointed when nothing seemed to come, oh how wrong I was: During worship we sang Trust You Jesus, I know You know all I require and will provide all my needs; as well as You bring the chaos back into order – Sovereign over all. Amazing that when you don’t feel you have received anything from God in answer to prayer, how much you did actually receive.
I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt what He wants me to do. Yesterday, my boss called me in for a chat, I told him honestly how I felt and this felt really good to get this off my shoulders and then I just prayed that I will leave the rest to God.
When I first read 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 “The God of all comfort, who comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort those in trouble with the same comfort we receive from God” ; I thought is this for me? If it is what You want me to do, please give me a confirmation and then I will know. I just went back to what I was doing and didn’t give it much more thought. Within a couple of minutes I had Isaiah 61 1-3 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the suffering and afflicted. He has sent me to comfort the broken hearted, to announce liberty to captives, and to open the eyes of the blind. 2 He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of God’s favor to them has come, and the day of his wrath to their enemies. 3 To all who mourn in Israel he will give: beauty for ashes; joy instead of mourning; praise instead of heaviness. For God has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory.
18 By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), Ephesians 1:18
While I was broken, God used that time to “rebuild my ancient ruins and restore the broken places in my heart that have been devastated” Isaiah 61:4
I know God wants to use me to help the broken hearted, and although I have no formal training in this area, I have been to the school of hard knocks and have enough personal experience that I would be able to be compassionate with others who may have experienced similar things. I am prepared to study so that I can be of more use to God though.
Now I need to trust God to open the doors for me, God can use my mistakes and hurts for His greatest purpose.
Now that I have had the scales removed from my eyes, it is not going away and everywhere I look is a reminder: When the enemy starts chipping away at your confidence, take authority over him in Jesus’ Name; resist him and he will flee (James 4:7).. He’s never going to take back the potential He poured into you…or say, “You’ve failed too often and made too many mistakes. Give me my gifts back.” No…His calling on your life will be with you till the day you leave this earth, but it’s up to you to…tap into it.’
From broken to Beautiful.
I just had to share this with you Renee, without reading your book (which I know is God inspired) I may not have found out what it is I need to do. May God continue to bless you.
The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about the triggers of doubt is everything in my past. There was so much that happened in my childhood that said I was never good enough, not worthy, inadequate, and not of value. I have struggled immensely with self doubt all my life. It has been such a challenge to change the way I think. Since becoming saved several years ago, I have trusted Jesus as LORD of my life and I now hold on to the promises of His Word to get me through each day. Like 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
I am looking forward to being part of this online Bible study with other women who share the same struggles.
I struggle with self doubt daily, and in every area. It’s getting to the point where I continuously feel inadequate at home, work, church… I am anxious to see what God wants to show me thru this study.
I am really shy, and I find it very hard to just go up and introduce myself to others, etc…My 4yr. old son on the other hand is not shy at all…LOL!
I find self doubt so overpowering at times, then if I will just pick up my bible and read and give it to GOD it is gone but sometimes we try to conquer on our own!
I have been struggling with self doubt for many years now and have felt worthless through the struggles I have been through. I have been a single mother to four beautiful children and now I have six grandchildren and I enjoy them but sometimes feel like I did not do a very good job under all that was going on. I shut down emotionally in a lot of areas. They have finally caught up to me. About a year ago I started having bad anxiety and panic attacks which cause my heart to race and my blood pressure to elevate. I have since been put on medication and am working with a councelor and a group to work through all these issues. I am really looking forward to this Online Bible study and would also like to have prayer for me as I go through all of this. Thank you
I am looking forward to this Study on A Confident Heart and the answer is The 7-Day Doubt Diet.
I have an at home business and when I fall short of reasonable goals, I begin to doubt myself. I would love to be able to work from home exclusively. I seem to be moving further from that goal. When I see the progress stop, I fall into self-doubt quickly.