Today it’s my turn to bless several of you with a prize, and give you a way “bless it forward” by sharing the gift you receive.
But before I announce the winners, I just have to say that I’ve been incredibly blessed by your stories, ideas, commitments to help others and your sweet words of encouragement to me that have totally blessed my heart!
Now, there just wasn’t any way I could choose the winners. You are all amazing! So I recruited some assistance.With the help of Random Integer Generator, here are our winners:
# 17 – Elaine at Peace for the Journey
#38 – Christy at Living on Grace
#28 – Sharon at [email protected]
I combined the two posts from yesterday for the second drawing. The winners are
# 8 – Lehrerin (I don’t have a way to contact you. Please post your email for me)
# 19 – Janine Petry at Something with Love
Congratulations girls! I pray that God would bless you through these gifts and show you how He wants you to bless it forward by passing them on to someone else after they have blessed you!
I hope you’ll keep coming back to share how you are blessing it forward this week. I’ll be sure to tell you what He’s telling me to do and how I am following through. I’ll share tomorrow about my coffee yesterday and how it was a Divine appointment God just happened to plan on the day I would be looking for ways to bless someone. He’s so cool like that!
You are blessed to be a blessing. So go bless someone today!
Just a quick follow up. I said that I wanted to find something positive about a coworker and compliment them on it. I managed it 3 times last night and by the end of the night we were laughing. Another woman said to me tonight. “You two don’t usually get along, but you really were last night.” So, it was even noticeable!
Thanks for making us think about all of this.
Thanks for being such a blessing. I was so touched to be “picked”–I believe it’s all God’s affirmation. I SO want to be a blessing to others. Thanks for truly making a difference. God’s used you to help teach me. Janine
Congrats to all you ladies!
Renee, I’m almost in tears reading that I was one of your winners. As I said, God has SO blessed my family in the last few years. It would take me hours to tell what He has done for us. I get online today, and see He has blessed me again.
I will keep you posted on how blessing it on continues : ^)
[email protected]
I want to say congratulations to all women, who have sent their stories in and to those who were blessed. I say congrats because in one way or another you have gotten a victory. You have encountered GOD and you will never be the same, because of the love or kindness you have been shown or have shown others. I also want to say I have learned something crucial in this challenge……….
I am still selfish… My flesh soooo needs to die. Are you reading this thinking, What in the world????
Let me do like it says in the word. Let me confess my faults to one another..
I got online today and when I seen the names of the winners, I didnt see mine. I thought well let me read what these winners wrote. Then I realized I didnt deserve the prize. God showed me, the only reasoned I responded in the first place was to win a prize. Not to bring HIM Glory. Can we say OUCH!!!This made me sad when He showed me this. Dont get me wrong, I know all the changes that have taken place in me has been by GOD. All the encouragement has been from God, the way I blessed it forward was from God and for God, but when I first started this challenge it was for my own gain. Not GOD’s…. LORD FORGIVE ME!!!! Time to cut away more of the flesh..
When we BLESS IT FORWARD it should be about GOD, not man!!! I thought I got it, but it took me not getting it, to finally get it!!! If that makes any sense..
May we all continue to encourage others, and to allow God to speak to us, through us, and mold us into HIS image…. EVEN WHEN IT HURTS!!!
Katina In VA
[email protected]
Hi, Renee! This is definitely a blessing. So many things are changing in my life right now that being remembered or chosen (even by the Random Integer Generator) is so exciting – and then there’s the also the happy mail to look forward to. Thanks so much!
[email protected]
Well, that’s just about the best way to start me day (actually it started hours ago, but only now getting to blogland). I look forward to being “blessed” in fuller measure by you friend, and I will, indeed, pass it on to others.
I feel so incredibly blessed to live in a country in which I have yet to shed my physical flesh for the cause of Jesus Christ. So many others are making that sacrifice, even today. It seems my other flesh (the inner workings of this temporal frame) would be more willing to make that walk. Alas, the constant diligence of my faith journey.
As I choose to “die” once again to self this day, I do so knowing that a greater sacrifice has been made on my behalf and stands as the ultimate benchmark for my pitiful attempts at sanctification.
Oh for the heart of a loving Father. May mine speak with the outward flow of blessing because of his inward flow of grace.
Love you, friend, and thanks.