Praying God’s promises — it’s changed me.
That’s why I included a prayer at the end of each chapter, weaving together Scriptures from that chapter and others I sensed God wanted us to engrave on our hearts.
“Praying God’s Word has been one of the most life-changing ways I’ve learned to live in the security of His promises…and isn’t that what we all want?
“One way God tells us that confidence will come is when we ask Him for what is already part of His will. ‘This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us’ (1 John 5:14 NASB). So there you go: we can be confident we are praying God’s will when we pray God’s Word!” p.25
But that’s not all.
Romans 10:17 tells us that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” so let’s pray these promises out loud again and again.
Yes, even if it seems weird. Find somewhere you can be alone to speak these truths so you can hear them, and let them echo in your thoughts.
Trust me, it makes a difference. “When we pray God’s words out loud, and hear them, the Holy Spirit engraves them on our hearts and writes them in our thoughts. We internalize God’s truth and our faith grows as we are transformed from the inside out!” p.25
Let’s join our hearts and pray Chapter One’s prayer {together}:
Lord, I pray that You would give me a confident heart in Christ. Take me beyond believing in You to truly believing You. Help me rely on the power of Your promises and live like they are true. You say blessed is the one who trusts in You and whose hope and confidence are found in You. Those who hope in You will not be disappointed, because You work all things together for good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.
When self-doubt tells me I can’t overcome my insecurities, I will believe Your promise that all things are possible to whoever believes. I will not throw away my confidence, because You say it will be richly rewarded. I will persevere so that when I have done the will of God, I will receive what You have promised. My confidence is in Christ and I am no longer one who shrinks back and is destroyed, but one who believes and is saved! In Jesus’ name, Amen. {See Jeremiah 17:7; Isaiah 49:23; Romans 8:28; Mark 9:23; Hebrews 10:35–36, 39}
{Special FREE Gift & GiveAway}
Chad Lawson, my friend, award-winning composer and pianist, has graciously shared his beautiful, Spirit-filled Song of Prayer below.
Even though it will probably be hard at first to sit still and just listen, please pause to soak in this God-gift. This was filmed while Chad sat and listened to the Holy Spirit. He simply played what God laid on his heart. You’ll see the joy of Christ in Chad’s smile but more than anything, you will experience the peace of God’s presence through his music.
If you’re reading this via email please click here to visit my website to watch. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this – I promise.
You can find and download A Song of Prayer on iTunes for ($1.99) or Amazon ($.89)
{Special Give-Away}
3 Special Order Song of Prayer CDs
To enter to win one: Click “share your thoughts” below this post and describe how you felt or what you sensed God whisper as you listened to Chad’s Song of Prayer.
Remember, if you’re reading this via email please click here to visit my website and participate. All entries must be put in the “share your thoughts” section.
Chad’s music is beautiful. So soothing to my soul. I was disappointed when the music stopped so I restarted to listen again.
Perfect music to listen to as I fall before God in prayer.
Thank you for sharing. I love it.
I haven’t said anything till now. This is the 2nd attempt at this study, and so much has been happening (NOT good) in my life. I used to be confident, now I’m a broken shell of a human. Marriage, Health, Kids..everything. I don’t understand why God has allowed all this. I don’t understand a christian man who says he loves you yet does everything a man can possibly do to hurt a woman emotionally, mentally, verbally, spiritually and physically. I don’t understand why so much pain has to be born in one lone body. I trust God, I just don’t understand. Love this song.
I’m glad you’re here, it’s good to hear your voice. I’m so sorry that you are feeling so broken; you have come to the right place. I pray you will be blessed with strength to stay with the study so that can experience healing. Will pray for you and your family. Jesus promises that He has not left you and is aware of your pain and sorrow. May his healing balm become present in your life today!! Don’t give up, keep your hope and faith in Jesus!
Thank you.
In response to Vikki’s post. I believe men need this type of study also. There are alot of insecure ,hurting, angry men out there also who need to find their worth in the Lord. They don’t know their true identity. They take out their anger, and their insecurities on the people closest to them…..their wives and sometimes their children. Glad you were able to express your pain and what is going on in your life. That is the first step towards healing
God’s gift is so evident in Chad’s music.
I felt the peace and joy come through so clearly. God is saying to me “Cheryl, slow down and see more of my amazing gifts. You miss so much when you hurry all the time.” Thank you Jesus!.
Beautiful. Listened to this first thing this morning and what peace it brought into my heart. What a Jesus feel day it will be.
After reading through Chapter 2 perhaps 3 or 4 times, the idea that God was not created in my Dad’s image struck me hard. That was immediately followed up by the words that told me that I am created in God’s image. Praying and seeking, this is what came to me: God did not create me to be betrayed and used by my parents. The truth is this; He knew me before He knit me together in my Mom’s womb and God created me for a profound relation with Him, an intimate communion with Him. My first and most profound relationship is with Him. Only then will I be able to share with anyone else, in the perfect love of Jesus, how they, too, can share in the same through my Jesus.
The Lord spoke to me & said Rachel be not afraid for I am always with you! I love you Rachel! Go out and speak of me to others. Thank You Lord!
How beautiful! It’s so awesome to listen to PaPa speak in yet another way. My heart has just been filled again this morning so I can face today with a more confident heart. Listening to Chad and watching the in come up over the TN plateau surely does reinforce PaPa’s power and promises for us and with us. AMEN
Lovely. I am left without words.
Running through a meadow, as free as a bird.
Walking beside Jesus my Savior, my refuge and my fortress.
Sitting beside a creek as the water drifts by.
Having a sense that everything will be ok.
Be at rest My child, be at rest. Open your heart and allow me to pour in My living water, and I will fill you upto overflowing. Springs and rivers will flow from you. Everything that I touch is renewed. Rest in Me, Rest in Me, I am doing a new thing, and what I started, I will bring to fruition. The season is changing, we are moving from the cold, hard death of winter, to spring, all things are reborn, springing to life with joy. Dance in the morning…sing in the morning….laugh in the morning…Rejoice in Me, for I have made you and I love you, I Rest in Me, lay your head on My shoulder, let Me cradle you in My arms, love Me like and infant and know all your security is in Me.
I wanted to close my eyes and so i did. I felt closer to The Lord. ” be still and know that I am”.
As I listened to this Song of Prayer. I was led to pray for all the ladies that are taking part in this online bible study. I prayed that through the Holy Spirit and this study we would have a revelation of how valuable we are to God. That we are women of worth. That I am a woman of worth. I was a stay at home mom and according to my husband, because I did not work outside the home , I had no say. This has been imbedded in my heart, and it hurts. I am in expectation of what the Holy Spirit is going to do in all of us ladies. Thank you.
Caused me to truly WORSHIP this morning! Praise be to God………
What a God inspired piece of music. It brought peace to my soul after a long week of battles. Thank you Lord for leading this man to follow your leading.
I have been listening to this song, while reading your posts. Tears of joy rolled down my face as I heard your hearts and knew that God was listening. Chad’s music ministry is a gift to each one of us from the Lord. Jesus knows each of us intimately and has walked where we walk. He has so much to say to each of us. Isn’t it lovely to know we are so cherished and loved? Thank you, Chad. Thank you, Jesus.
I knew I needed this Bible study…just didn’t realize just how much I needed it. I have been overwhelmed these past few months and my heart has been so heavy that I haven’t even been able to pray or worship.Just want to thank you for this refreshing and renewing I so badly needed. God bless
While listening to the Song Of Prayer being played I literally felt the Awesome Presence of God ushering me
Into a place of rest in Him. And even in the stillness I experienced His Presence just surrounding me and overshadowing me . I felt as I was just basking in His Presence and He was truly ministering to me because
I was totally speechless and I couldn’t move from where I was laying even if I wanted to. It was truly powerful
Soothing and comforting.
Thank You Jesus for the musician’s obedience.
Life is stil beautiful and I am still with you.
It’s good to know that I am not alone in the journey to become a confident “hearted” woman in God. This book transformed me. It touched places that were so raw and unreachable for many years. It has propelled me into a new place in my life and ministry. Thank you Renee for being REAL!
The song by Chad made me think of trust. Trust comes in waves…easy to trust in the happy times but more difficult to trust in the dark times. Like a sea: coming in and out of the shore.
I prayed today’s prayer over and over as I listened. I felt both peaceful and powerful at the same time. What an awesome God we have….
Tears streaming down my face as visions of the future filled and increased.
A special purpose I have for you… but wait…
Dance with me now, my sweet.
My Darling, dance with me and stay.
God is amazing and my confidence grows more and more everyday. Thank you for sharing.
Such a blessing to listen to this gifted pianist. I felt such a sense of piece wash over me as I listened. I felt as if God was whispering to me to leave the cares of this world behind and trust him. I sensed such a release of the tensions of this worlds. Love this music.
To stop trying to handle everything …he has me in the palm of his hand and he wants me to give him the load I have been carrying for so very long….all of my doubts and fears and insecurities…..all of the things that have me doubting who I am and what my purpose is….I’ve been running from God since my husband died and he wants me to stop running and let him hold me and give me back all that is lost and has been taken from me….oh how I want so badly to belive and trust him again….to live in his shelter and forgiveness and grace….please Lord show me where you are so I can find you and rest!
I so love this piano playing. My son plays piano and so I love to just listen to free worship. What a blessing and so anointed. Thank you for sharing and I already downloaded it on to my Kindle Fire HD.
I found myself sitting in bed, restless and unable to get back to sleep when I felt a tugging at my heart to check in and found Chad waiting to play his music. What are the chances that God had HIS hand in this!!! I am sitting here listening to the sweet melodic sounds and I feel a wave of peace come over me. It’s almost as if waves are crashing to the shore. I can feel all tension leave my body beginning from the top of my head down to my toes. I am finally beginning to relax as I listen to his music, soft, sweet strains of pure joy. As I close my eyes and listen, it feels as if I am floating, light, airy. What a pleasant feeling.
You can be sure I will download this one and have it so that I can listen to it again and again. Thanks Rene for sharing it with us.
I loved this music! So peaceful….thank you Lord.
Beautiful song! I felt very peaceful and close to God while listening. I feel like God is saying- Lay it all down, trust in me, I will give you all the confidence and strength you need. He is my light and I feel closer to Him than I ever have before.
Thank you for sharing this with us!! Thank you too for this wonderful study. I have needed this in my life.
I am praying for a change that is in me, for me, and to God.
Peace Be Still, i have everything taken care of, feel my Love for you, you are precious and beloved my child, im very near.
Absolute peace. Stillness. Trust.. Calm in the trouble waters of life. The sense of God carrying me away. Beautiful sunrise and sunset. Heaven.
A very talented piano player. Loved it.
I felt God and the Holy Spirit through Chad’s playing. God said, Tammy you are good enough, just as I have given Chad this gift, so I too have many for you, all you need is trust in me and I will not let you down but teach you your own gifts, if you will allow. Please when you ask something of me, leave it with me and do take it back to try to handle alone. My will is being done in your life. Live my word, tell others of me and you will be blessed. I did not give you a spirit of timidity but of strength. My daughter, go, believe and trust and I will be there. WOW! i cannot believe as chad played this all came out as he was praying and my fingers never left the key board. I can, I can, Thank you God and thank you for this wonderful opportunity to hear this message.
This song is so peaceful….so soothing, like nothing I have heard before…
absolutely beautiful
The anointing is Amazing! The Holy Spirits ministry is so wonderful. What a blessing this was! It radiates God’s presence and peace!
this song makes me think of love and joy
Be still and listen and I will truly bless you.
It was so amazing. I just came home from going to a remembrance for a Pastor at my church who past away this Monday. I was listening to this as I was reflecting on what a wonderful man of God this pastor was. How he fully embraced how the bible told us to live. During his 15+ year fight with cancer, you would have never known, he was never indignant, never angry nor never had a “bad day”. This pianist elegant and graceful music, reminded of just how elegant and graceful life should be. Not the everyday hustle and bustle that we have allowed it to become. Putting anything and everything in front of what should truly be most important to us God and family. As tears streamed down my eyes, God reminds me that he is the music in our hearts that we should all be listening to and for. After the wonderful service today, God reminded me that we should be living everyday for him as if it is our last, because we don’t know when he is going to call us home.
An overwhelming sense of peace…… the first time today….. Thank you!
Be still…
This is what this song makes me think of:
Psalm 91
1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
There aren’t too many songs that usher you in the arms of God and place you there in his calm, quiet care where you can just exhale and be still. But this one..this one is one of those songs. Thanks for sharing.
Just when I was dealing with doubt tonight and talking to God; your email on confidence come through!! Tonight, you were my answer from God!
This piece was beautiful. It was so soothing, and peaceful, and relaxing. It helped to calm my mind and focus on God.
As I listened it took a few minutes to just let myself relax. But as I began to I felt the surrender as peace moved thru me. Soon it was a sense of freedom and joy was released mingling with the peace. Next I imagined rain and its refreshment and cleansing like the grace of God. This was a wonderful “peace” of music and my heart is still light from all that it supernaturally delivered
The music was beautiful. It took me so many places and so peaceful. Don’t listen in the car. It is relaxing and causes deep meditation. I feel renewed. I saw pink light and felt so much LOVE.
THe music soothed my soul and filled me with with peace. I was able to absorb it and feel God’s beauty in it, so that I was able to journel my prayers of Thnaksgivng to him this evening with a heart full of thanksgiving and forgiveness towards those I have felt to have hurt me. To place my trust in him, that he will help these situations to resolve according to his will and plans, so that these others and myself can be surrounded by his peace, forgiveness, strengh and love.
What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Peace and rest for the weary soul. Music is a healing balm. Thank you for sharing this with us. Love this music and this study.
No other fount I know! Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
This study is an answer to a prayer that I have prayed for so long. I used to think I was confident until faced with situations (which, of course, caused my emotions to go from one extreme to the next) that shook me to my core. My anxiety is overwhelming at times and then the doubt and depressed moods set in. I know this study is going to be difficult but I’ve learned God does His best work when we are in our own personal “wilderness”. Thank you, Renee, for allowing yourself to be God’s instrument to help others have “A Confident Heart”. Praying for all of you.