Praying God’s promises — it’s changed me.
That’s why I included a prayer at the end of each chapter, weaving together Scriptures from that chapter and others I sensed God wanted us to engrave on our hearts.
“Praying God’s Word has been one of the most life-changing ways I’ve learned to live in the security of His promises…and isn’t that what we all want?
“One way God tells us that confidence will come is when we ask Him for what is already part of His will. ‘This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us’ (1 John 5:14 NASB). So there you go: we can be confident we are praying God’s will when we pray God’s Word!” p.25
But that’s not all.
Romans 10:17 tells us that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” so let’s pray these promises out loud again and again.
Yes, even if it seems weird. Find somewhere you can be alone to speak these truths so you can hear them, and let them echo in your thoughts.
Trust me, it makes a difference. “When we pray God’s words out loud, and hear them, the Holy Spirit engraves them on our hearts and writes them in our thoughts. We internalize God’s truth and our faith grows as we are transformed from the inside out!” p.25
Let’s join our hearts and pray Chapter One’s prayer {together}:
Lord, I pray that You would give me a confident heart in Christ. Take me beyond believing in You to truly believing You. Help me rely on the power of Your promises and live like they are true. You say blessed is the one who trusts in You and whose hope and confidence are found in You. Those who hope in You will not be disappointed, because You work all things together for good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.
When self-doubt tells me I can’t overcome my insecurities, I will believe Your promise that all things are possible to whoever believes. I will not throw away my confidence, because You say it will be richly rewarded. I will persevere so that when I have done the will of God, I will receive what You have promised. My confidence is in Christ and I am no longer one who shrinks back and is destroyed, but one who believes and is saved! In Jesus’ name, Amen. {See Jeremiah 17:7; Isaiah 49:23; Romans 8:28; Mark 9:23; Hebrews 10:35–36, 39}
{Special FREE Gift & GiveAway}
Chad Lawson, my friend, award-winning composer and pianist, has graciously shared his beautiful, Spirit-filled Song of Prayer below.
Even though it will probably be hard at first to sit still and just listen, please pause to soak in this God-gift. This was filmed while Chad sat and listened to the Holy Spirit. He simply played what God laid on his heart. You’ll see the joy of Christ in Chad’s smile but more than anything, you will experience the peace of God’s presence through his music.
If you’re reading this via email please click here to visit my website to watch. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this – I promise.
You can find and download A Song of Prayer on iTunes for ($1.99) or Amazon ($.89)
{Special Give-Away}
3 Special Order Song of Prayer CDs
To enter to win one: Click “share your thoughts” below this post and describe how you felt or what you sensed God whisper as you listened to Chad’s Song of Prayer.
Remember, if you’re reading this via email please click here to visit my website and participate. All entries must be put in the “share your thoughts” section.
I love listening to music while I read my Bible and pray. It helps me to block out all of the background noise of my roommates.
As I was listening to the music. A bird started singing. What I heard was God telling me that see I even take care of the birds, how much more will I take care of you. Your made in my image, I Love You. So cool to hear that today.
LOL… Marcella, this is amazing… there was a bird singing in the background when this was being recorded…
The notes flowed like sparkilng droplets in a never ending river of light and peace. I truly felt the presence of our LORD with me, whispering to me that all I need to do is just breathe in the air He made and feel His love encompass me. I know He is holding my hand on this journey,just as He is holding me in the palm of His hand. Don’t be afraid. He is holding you too. Blessings to all of my sisters!
While listening to this I felt a calm come and a ton of emotions come over me. I just kept picturing a hand and a smile. And I knew that God was telling me to follow him and trust him. He wants me to let go and truly follow him completely. I never thought of listening to music while I prayed and this helped me to focus on God and clam my thoughts. I am so glad that I started this study and am discovering all these great resources to help me in my journey with God. Thank you
I felt relaxed, peaceful and loved.
Beautiful, peaceful, lovely — what a blessing
Peace of God…….
Beautiful song! Thank you for sharing!
I visualized being on a tour of heaven – where He’s preparing a place for us 🙂
I have been wrestling with myself, have felt anxious and edgy most of the day. I listened to this during dinner and feel a huge sense of peace, a calm and my wrestling is not there now. I shared with my husband that he (Chad) was playing what he felt the Holy Spirit was leading him to play. I hope to listen to it again before I go to bed tonight. Thank you and Blessings!!
Like a mother swaddles her infant, I felt like I was swaddled in God’s love as He whispered, “I love you, my beautiful daughter.”
Rest…My burden is light…peace…
What a beautiful song. It was so peaceful and soothing to the soul. How awesome that Chad Lawson is being used by the Holy Spirit to share his gift and talent. I could see that Chad was in total dependence of the Holy Spirit with every key that he played. Thank you Chad for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you as a vehicle so that we may be soothed by the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Spirit continue to bless you and may you continue to play for the Lord.
While listening I hear God telling me to rest in Him, be patient and wait on his timing for things
Peace. I heard God whispering to me “My peace I give you, be full of Joy for I am with you”. (:
peace, quiet, rest, life, hope
What beautiful music — my spirit joined in worshipful accord … it was obvious that God prompted Chad’s direction! Thank you for sharing with us! 🙂
I just released all of my worldly troubles and rested in the peace if my Heavenly Father. We talked. We held hands in the garden. Oh what a glorious half hour with the one one I love!
So Beautiful and Tranquil
I Felt at PEACE !!!
What a Gift from God above : )
I needed this quiet time, and music speaks to me. Tears fall as I listen, allowing me to let go. Let go of fears, hurt, hollow feelings, mistakes, tightness. I am now able to reach up higher, love better and trust in My Father’s promises.
He says, “Let go.”
What a peaceful way to connect with God and be able to worship through this music. Just sit, close your eyes and let God speak to your heart. Let God’s peace surround you.
It’s been a tough week for me, but knowing that God is there and closing my eyes to listen to this music that is filled with so much love brings a peace and comfort to my heart.
Allow God to fill your heart by listening quietly to this music. God bless.
At first, I felt a slow approach to the Master, then as the music became intense–I was showing Him my anxious moment and cares that pull me down. Near the end, I felt his love soothing my heart and mind giving me hope to continue. Finally, a joy floods within to give me the will to continue with life and seeking His guidance. Finally, peace, that only He can give.
Listening to Chad play was a true blessing. I have had an unusually super busy week (with everyone gone on vacation) at work. I have been on the go all week, and had to miss out on my women’s Bible Study class this week due to work. Sitting and listening to this song I heard the Lord speak, “Time to slow down Kourt, this time is meant for you to find peace in Me”. I focused on the prayer that Renee shared (see above). I recall simply sitting, listening, and relaxing by taking big deep breaths. Closing my eyes, focusing on Scripture and breathing in His unfailing love. What an awesome way to end a super busy work week. Thank you Renee for posting this video.
The song was beautiful.
This was lovely. Thank you for such a gracious and uplifting gift.
My problem is not being able to get close to others, because I am afraid that my heart will be hurt. It seems like I always hold my hands out and push them away; they cannot get close! This chapter has made me see this about myself, and I hope that I can start to change this about myself. With God’s power, I can do anything. My hope is that I will trust in Him completely, so that I CAN forge ahead in relationships with others.
Soul-filling God given talents… do we all long for one that someone else has? But don’t we all each have one that God has given to us for the person we are? Our personality we have, the smile we have, the heart we have, the ability to make someone’s day just a little more sweeter. The “hug” that does the trick for when someone feels like they can’t go on. The “gesture” that picks someone up as they feel like they can’t keep going. The encouragement that someone gives without a worry of wanting anything back in return. Just as this man plays his song from his heart through the divine spirit, we have the same thing, a talent so unique that only God has laid upon our lives for our moment in time through his divine plan to make someone else’s life filled with a great spirit. Slow…. steady…. pace…. emotion-filled playing to fine tune the heart to Your will…. Beautiful.
Thank you God for our GIFTS that only YOU can put in our lives as you have with this man’s music. Thank you for loving us each day and giving us a moment that only we know that You put there for us to enjoy and proclaim. Victory! You speak in tongues and sometimes we feel so confused and yet we know that it’s your word… as a “term of endearment” that only you speak to us….. a word, a phrase, a look…. we know it’s from You and we know that only you can make us feel this special and allow us to use what You have given to us. Thank you, Lord, for all that you have done, you’re doing and you will do. Thank you for daily grace upon our lives that we know only You can and will place in our lives. Thank you for allowing us to cry out to you in our time of need knowing that in time Your will be done. In Christ’s name, Amen.
Thank you for sharing this with us… beautiful. 🙂 I’ll definitely be downloading this.
God is calming my heart, bringing me into His peace, revealing His Glory. Moving me to focus my heart and attention on Him in the mist of the day, in the mist of children calling my name. Letting his presence wash over me, refilling my weary soul, allowing Him to refocus my mind and refresh my spirit. He is good as He dances over me and asks me to join. To take pleasure in who He is, and finding Him loving on me as His daughter, telling me that even though I struggle, that I faulture that He still loves me and wants me to be His. I sense Him telling me to share who He is with others. To love on them the way He loves on me, with abandonment. To open my heart to others so He can flow through me to touch them.
I played the piano for many years and have had the joy of feeling like something else was guiding my hands to give life to what I was feeling. This is beautiful and I feel blessed to have been part of the sharing. Thank you
Great song the music was very soothing and calming something I need alot of at this time. Thank yuou for sharing this
This music was very soothing and in listening it gave me the calmness of mind to hear the whisper of the Lord. He said some very moving things…things I would never have heard in the “noise” of the day. Thank you for sharing this…it was divine intervention! I needed to hear this message. 🙂
I am really enjoying this bible study!
I felt peace in my heart as I listened and prayed. “Be still and know”
Such a peaceful and inspiring piece of music. Thanks for sharing!
As the music washes over me at the end of this rather stressful day, I close my eyes and call out to the one true Saviour of my soul. Jesu come and wash me clean, wah me free of all the day’s hardness, the doubt that has settled in for the future, Tears stream down my face and I feel refreshed and renewed. Thank you, Lord for your Holy spirit and for loving me even when I don’t deserve it.
Hi Mary T! As I reread all the posts I read this one and said I didn’t write this…but sat and reflected and wished I had! What a beautiful way to release all the stress that builds up inside…ps I decided to use my teacher name so we won’t get confused…but I will be looking for your posts! God Bless!
very soothing. very calming. i was amazed at how long he played but when you are at the feet of Jesus time is not of essence. we forget time. we forget worry. we forget our troubles. all our cares our cast on Him. Powerful.
Wow , what an awesome young man and his wonderul song of praise to our lord and savioiur. I could feel , the holy spirit thru the whole song, and what and awesome expeirence, it was like gentle as a lamb just like how Jesus is with us, and I could feel the strong wind come across in the strong message that he is putting forth in the song and then like the gentle breeze again.; Thank you for this and thank you for this site on Proverbs 31 to help us grow and learn to lean on him more everyday,I am so blessed and thank ful for you and for Jesus lifting us up as we journey thru this together.
Wow! So great that Renne shared this song. I have been having a hard time finding a way to have quiet time with God without getting distracted. I had thought of using music. Chad’s piano is beautiful and helped me to stay focused on listening to God. Thank you!
Oh what a beautiful song…I ‘saw’ His creation…beautiful meadows, babbling stream, white clouds blowing by through the beautiful blue sky…and felt the Glory of His creation and His amazing love toward me…
That was so peaceful…
Thank you Chad!
Thank you Renee! 🙂
I closed my eyes as I listened, and the world stopped for 32 mins. Everyone has expressed so many different aspects of this music, I’m not really sure what I can add.
I have always loved piano music – probably why I’m a pianist as well. In High School I was asked to pick out or compose a piece of music that best described God in my opinion. I did something very similar to this, and if asked again today, it would be the same.
Piano music has always made my world stop, and brought the presence of God beside me.
This music brought serenity and thoughtfulness to my heart. This bible study has been amazing and the daily devotionals have always arrived at just the right time. I first heard about this ministry on our local Spirit radio station, I signed up and then joined 3 bible studies. Thank you all for your love, support and prayers. You are all amazing and wonderful gifts from God.
That is absolutely amazing and inspiring. It brought such peace and calmness to a somewhat stressful day. I needed this. Thank you for sharing this with us. Just beautiful!
So moving! I feel like there are so many layers to that beautiful music! A total feeling of peace just washed over me. But also there was a sense of challenge to seek after Him wholeheartedly❤
Very peaceful and beautiful..Be still and know that I am God! Felt Gods unconditional love around me and felt like He was telling me everything will be alright. Trust Him!
So Beautiful! Peaceful . Be still and know that I am God! 🙂
Peaceful!!! Beautiful! God gave him a wonderful gift.
Beautiful!!!! Cant wait until my kids bedtime to be in silence and listen!!!
I got up close and personal with my heavenly Father. For the first time in a long time I was totally honest with Him. What a wonderful feeling to have said how I felt about a situation that happened to me in my church. I told everything that was on my heart. I feel free of pain anger and most of all hurt.Thanks Renee for the healing prayer you gave us.
Praise Him! 🙂
I was speechless as I listened & began pouring out my heart to God on paper I couldn’t stop writing what turned out to be a love letter to God just telling Him how he makes me feel & how alive I am because of His incredible grace I couldn’t stop crying &I got a release & refreshing. I always read the emails but today eas the first time i clicked on something. I was so blessed. Thank you for posting.
Very peaceful, I felt like I was in Heaven and all my cares and worries and the rush of life were gone. I pictured myself sitting by Jesus on the grass by a stream and could hear the water rushing over the rocks. We were laughing and talking and He told me how much He loved me. The sun was warm on our faces and I sat amazed at His love for me. Wow, makes me homesick for Heaven!!! Thanks for sharing this video, it is definitely a work of the Holy Spirit. 🙂
I love this! Wow-there’s alot I can relate to with Chad.I have wanted a piano since I was a small child, yet was always told they were too expensive.As God would have it, most everyone of my friends growing up had one, yet they never played them. Strange, I thought. I learned to play by ear because I wanted one so bad. My Christmas lists consisted of wanting a brand new black shiny piano, to a used piano, to eventually just wanting lessons, which never happened. Discouraged, yet eventually my aunt & uncle got one at an auction and I learned to play theirs, however the problem was they lived 40 miles away. So discouraged and never having the funds to buy one, I tucked this talent into my pocket until I turned 19 and finally was able to take lessons at the local community college. Needless to say, it turned out to be a disaster. The teacher was so busy telling me everything I was doing wrong, from hand placement, to sitting properly that I withdrew from the class. It was actually two different things to me. I couldn’t play eloquently, what God would place on my heart and always felt an inner struggle-trying to learn the music chords. It was like learning to ride a bike in a whole new way. Yet it was discouraging for me, so once again, I tucked it away in my pocket, hoping one day I will be able to afford a baby grand piano and just play it on my own, however I wanted to play,whatever came natural to me. Well, here I am in a different season of my life, going through a 2nd job loss since 2011, trying to do what God is leading me to do.I always hear people say you need to use the gifts Gods given you for His glory, yet I still dont own a piano to this day. There was an opportunity for a keyboardist at my church, but then again, I don’t read music, so I didn’t go there. It is discouraging, yet I can truly say when I’m sitting at a piano, alone, I could literally play all day long, I get so lost in it. I’ve always wondered why God gave me this-if I can’t use it. Then I convinced myself that it was just a form of expression from suffering the childhood neglect from being in such a large family-children were seen and not heard. Ah well, I keep telling people, one day, ONE DAY, God will somehow provide a black shiny baby grand piano…I just know He will. Loved this!!♥
Loved it and it’s so peaceful. Helps me to put worries behind .
No words, just a beautiful dance with my Father.