Happy Easter friends! We are on Spring Break so I’ve unplugged a little bit. But today we watched something I wanted to share with you. Our family has seen this powerful video message a few times. {Maybe you have too.} But it’s a message I just can’t get enough of.
I thought you’d enjoy watching it too as we prepare to celebrate and worship our risen King!! If you’ve never seen it, you’ll be so glad you did today!
That’s My King! from Albert Martin on Vimeo.
Resurrection Blessings,
I’m not sure where I heard it… “when you say the name of Jesus-you say a mouthful.” Thank you
Awesome! We can’t ever out love the Lord. We can’t ever boast too much about who our God is to us. This Dr. hit it right on the head. Can’t wait to be with Him in heaven. What a beautiful day that will be! Thank you God for your sacrifice so that we could live eternally!
I love the music, very touching and powerful. But why does this guy have to yell to get a point across…
Dear Renee, God knew when you stepped in the shuttle at the airport heading to the cruise, that I needed what you have to share regarding our Lord. Your word about him and you and the blessings you share, have changed my life, thank you sweet friend for doing the will of God. I will be forever thanking him for his son and your friendship. love ya my friend….
GLORY!!! He is my KING too!!! Thank you for being such an awesome KING!!! GLORY!!!!!
Thank you Renee for sharing that with us…so incredibly powerful…touching that special place God spoke into when He saved us…reminding us that God is all powerful, sovereign, righteous, and yet merciful. God bless you!
Looking forward to re-starting the study on the 23rd!!! So grateful for a 2nd chance for the study!
Blessed spring season to all!
Happy Easter Renee! Christ died on the cross to forgive all my sins, I am now a new creature old things has pass away thank you christ.
Thanks for sharing!! Got on late. But it was Gods timing for me to see the video I’am sad that our confident Heart Bible study is over!! I will be still praying for you and your ministery and family!! Thanks sooo much you are soooo busy and you still take time to share!! I’am so grateful that you were obedient to God’s voice to do that Bible study!!God Bless I Love you!! Joyce
That’s my King! Amen! Our pastor shared a video with the same message yesterday.
God Bless
Thank you Renee for sharing this and all that you share with us. I praise God for you because you inspire me on a weekly basis. I don’t have time to read everything I want to read daily, but I try to catch up weekly. I hope your Resurrection Day was full of joy! I know mine was! Because He LIVES!!!
He’s my king, too. What a powerful video, Renee. My preacher yesterday asked us not to just check Easter off as “done” but to keep remembering it every day as we return to our own Galilees, as the risen Savior told His disciples to do. Take Easter with us to into our Easter Mondays and beyond so that we can all help the Easter story “to be continued.”
AMEN & AMEN! THAT’S MY KING! Thanks for sharing Renee! It brought excitement to my soul again!!!!!
I love it!
That’s My King!!!!! Thank you for sharing this video. I can’t imagine the pain or suffering He endured for me. But as I think of HIs torn flesh, piersed hands, feet and side, the thorns punchuring His head I can only see the great love He had for me. A person with so much sin and regret but my Jesus paid it, the price to redeem me. Thank you Jesus..
That’s MY KING!! Thank you for sharing this inspiring video.
He is everything I need! Thanks for the reminder!
Brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing.