Wow, okay so the west coast hangover has made me quite dingy. I had no idea how many pages would be filled with your heart-sharing comments. It started out with 108 but I shrunk the fonts, reduced the margins and hit print. The final was 76 pages of precious comments! My little ink jet at home would’ve choked :->. Thank you Lord for the P31 office printer.
Then I prayed about how to choose with so many pages. I gathered three of my sweet co-workers (Teri, Samantha and Kristen) and had them pull a page from my stack of 76, then they each picked a number between one and how ever many comments were on that page. Here are the ones they picked with their comments. Some didn’t leave emails so if it’s you, please post your email in the comments today, so I can contact you for a mailing address:
Kim said…
What a great encouragement today. I am on a journey to get real with God and find out who He created me to be and “what I am supposed to do when I grow up” at 42! I have to say that I am choleric/meloncholy personality and I keep getting in my own way of being the person God created me to be in this life. My fears/perfectionism and my high expectations of myself and my family can cause much distress for me and of course, those around me!I know my weaknesses and not too sure about my strengths, but I am learning to trust God and let Him be in control. (altho. I tend to yank back the reins from Him too often!) :)I am glad that I am the not only women struggling with feeling lost and I have been blessed by reading your blog and other ladies comments!Thanks, Kim (need email)
Ginger said…
Great blog today. I feel like I’m constantly trying to figure out God’s purpose for my life. Maybe your book will help me.
Anonymous said…
“The Real Me” was my feelings put into words. Thanks for having the courage to do that. For my whole adult life I’ve said, “I’m still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.” I usually laugh…but it’s not funny!I am sanguine and melancholy! I truly am “outside of the box”. I have five children who I love dearly. Committing my life to raising them and being a wife/homemaker is what I thought was most important. Now I find myself going through a divorce and my children becoming adults & not knowing what God’s purpose/plan for me is! As I go through this healing process, I pray that God would show me HIS plan for my life. It is the first time in my life that I have to think of myself and take care of myself too!I look forward your book and seeing how God will use it in many women’s lives. God Bless. (need email)
CJ is also a winner. I wanted to give a 4th set to CJ, the first one who left a comment. Her transparency ministered to so many and set the day in motion with real girl-talk. So many of you commented that CJ had written just what you felt. Thank you CJ for your willingness to share your heart with us.
Please leave your email if you are one of the winners. If not, I picked some alternates so let’s see what happens. Have a great day friend!
PS. If you didn’t win and you’d still like a copy, click on this link (Shaped with Purpose Workbook) to the P31 website where you can order my Shaped with Purpose Workbook.
I also have a CD of me speaking about it – has more of my personal story and in depth teaching, but it’s not yet on our new site. If you want to order both, please call 877-731-4663 and ask for Teri.
Thank you very much! When I read through the posts there was a sense of joining of hearts. The frailty of humanity is what binds us all together…and is the very reason He came to save us.
God bless you! God bless us (everyone)!
Congratulations winners! God bless you. You are all so fine!
I thought your post and that devotion were so applicable to many of us. Thanks for sharing. It was great to see you at the office yesterday.
WhooHoo! I cannot believe that I won! Thank you! Thank you!
My email is
[email protected]
Congratulations ladies!
I have to admit when I saw how many comments you got, I was shocked! It just tells you what a nerve that struck. Keep on keeping it real Renee! Hope you get your sea legs back soon too 🙂