Our new Proverbs 31 Ministries devotional book: Encouragement for Today: Devotions For Everyday Living just released and I am so excited to be giving away 3 copies of it today!
It includes several devotions by me and a bunch more from my dear friends and team mates at P31. Here’s a little bit more about what is inside
Pull away from the things that are pulling on you and find lasting encouragement for today.
For twenty years our P31 team has equipped and encouraged millions of women around the world to live in the power of God’s truths that apply to our everyday lives. Written by women from every walk of life, in Encouragement for Today you will find inspiration to live authentically and fully grounded in the Word of God.
Sharing from the realities of everyday life including highs and lows, humorous stories and tender moments, you’ll enjoy 100 daily devotions woven together with wit and wisdom. Pull away from all that is pulling on you and find lasting Encouragement for Today!
What do YOU like to do or where do you like to go to pull away from all that pulls on you and spend some time with God?
Leave a comment below sharing your answer! Three winners will receive a free copy of our new book. {If you are reading this via email, PLEASE CLICK HERE to visit my blog and leave a comment under this post.}
I used to have a swing in the woods that overlooked a creek. It truly was my “God-spot,” but ministry changes have relocated us, so I currently don’t have a space to dedicate quiet time to. Maybe someday.
I created a special place in my living room and I get up early in the morning to enjoy time with The Lord. Just me and him!!
I’ve converted a walk in closet to an office where I can close out the world and relax in the presence of God.
I like to sit in my recliner in the evening after everyone goes to bed and read a devotion or work on a bible study. I also really feel close to God when I am by myself driving in the car. Sometimes I go for a drive and get a coke and just drive around and I thank God for who He is and for all of my blessings. I am always blessed looking at the trees and flowers or the snow … Sometimes I will listen to christain music, but most of the time I just like for it to be quiet so I can think about God.
Sitting on the back porch
reading the Bible,
drinking a cup of Starbucks
listening to K-love on the radio
with Proverbs 31 Women speaking
just me and God
feeling free, to just be me!
I love to grab a cup of Latte with Jesus! I always love to chat with Jesus at the small local coffee shop 🙂 Sometimes the coffee shop is filled with the loud music or people chatting around, but this community-friendly environment cheers me up to spend a special time with Jesus there 🙂 If I’m in need of quiet moment with God, then sitting in a bench at the park would work better.
I sit outside first thing in the morning. There is nothing like seeing the clouds become tinged with pink as the sun touches them to remind me that God made it and He has my back. Just to imagine that someone that owns EVERYTHING knows and loves me gives me an awesome feeling.
The pastor of our church recommended taking a weekend vacation in a hotel room, alone. To just spend time in prayer and in God’s word. This is what I plan on doing. I am a mom of 5, so you can imagine how badly this quiet time with God is needed.
Finding time to spend time with God is always a challenge with the pressure and expectation of this world pulling on you. I find that driving down the road with my radio playing Air 1 and really listening to the words help me get closer to God. I can see things from others perspective which usually helps me work through areas in my own life. Thank you P31 and Renee for all that you do!
I love to grab a chair and go outside, and sit and watch the birds, the breeze flutter through the trees
It’s relaxing, and always reminds me of God’s peace. It refreshes me and helps me be in the Lord’s presence. Before I moved to my current location, I would go out and sit by the lake. I absolutely loved that. So many beautiful nature surroundings.
God help us to hear your sweet voice. To be quiet before you! Lord we need more of you in our Lives!
I pull away first thing in the morning. On weekdays I sit in my living room with my bible and iPad and spend time I study. When I’m at work and need a break from what I’m doing I hop on my email and catch up with the daily devotions that come to my inbox. On weekends I start my day where ever I can be alone – usually propped on my bed after making it – as I am usually the last one up on those days as opposed to the first as during the week. And if I need to pull away at ather times, I usually just take a deep breath and pray a silent prayer. I guess I’ve been practicing “breathing in Your grace, and breathing out Your praise” even before the song by Matt Redman introduced the concept to the world through music.
I spend the first 30 minutes after my shower with God in quiet time. I read several devotionals, 1 of which is from Proverbs 31 ministry. I cannot tell you how much better my days go when I have this quiet time. It has really made a difference in the way I interact with my spouse, son and co-workers, even the other drivers on the road do not have the same effect on me, as they did before.
Thank you so much for the ministry of Proverbs 31, and also for yourself, You are such an inspiration.
God Bless,
I get up every morning, prayer and read my devotional. After my son and husband are off to work, (since the weather is cooling off I can’t go out to my bench by the garden), so I sit on the sofa with my second cup of coffee, read my bible, pray my prayer list, journal. I love being able to sit in the quiet and pray, just to close my eyes and be alone with God!
Outside under the trees to listen to the wind and watch the kittens romp around.
I used to have a rocking chair by a big window in my family room that I used to pull away. We’ve just remodeled that part of the house to be a dining room, so while the window is still there the rocker is gone. I haven’t found my new spot yet.
I have the book and love the way it is written. It speaks to my heart in so many ways, I love each devotionals reinforcement with a prayer, a reminder and time to reflect and respond and back up Power verses. I take this with me to work. I read it daily and sometimes throughout the day.
Proverbs 31 Ministry has been helping me to grow in my walk with the Lord. I have participated in a few of the online bible studies, and have several other books by many of the wonderfully gifted writers on the proverbs team. God bless all of you, may he continue to provide you with wisdom, and insight to lead more women to him.
I so look forward to a sweet commune with God through the reading of His Word before my day starts. It is time where I surrender my heart to Him and seek His will and the renewing of my mind. His Word is my bread and my soul has come to depend on Him for the strength, wisdom and His love to see me through the day. In June of this year, I came across P31 devotion and now I can hardly wait to read and meditate on the daily word. The stories shared are so personal and applicable to me. It’s is my “dessert” after my quiet time. If I continue to abide in Him, He will abide in me. What a blessing.
I love to read the daily Proverbs 31 devo with good fresh coffee. Another way is to sit on our deck and look at the trees, and especially enjoy the beautiful fall weather. How wonderful to be quiet and remember that God is indeed in control and to listen for His quiet voice. Thank you Renee and Proverbs 31 for helping me on this journey.
Believe it or not–it is the kitchen table where I find my comfort when I feel overwhelmed. There in the quite and with a cup of coffee in my favorite mug I sit and read my Bible. After that alone time as Philipians 4:13 says “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” Amen.
I love to go to my brother’s grave and sit in the stillness. I can hear God more clearly without all the daily distractions and stress. But, everyday I wake and get my coffee, head to the computer and do a daily devo with the Prov. 31 “Encouragement for the Day”.
Renee, thanks so much to you and all the ladies at P31! I have read your devotions, books, and completed online studies with all of you. I do not know where I would be through this last year if not for the P31 ladies; you have been with me through a very troubling, yet transforming year in my life. I hope all of you will accept my sincere appreciation for what you have done in my life…you may never know personally, but God knows. And I know He is what truly matters…
I go to my chair to relax and read
Oh my! The norm for me has been to hide in plain sight. By this I mean: I put my housemate on notice that I am secluded for a time; turn off television, telephone, and any tele…thing else that distracts me from quality time of prayer and conversation with God. Along with that I usually have identified and prepared some scripture reading/passages on which to meditate. What a time!!!
I normally wake-up every early morning when the place is still dark, where i can find a quite place and start my Quite Time with God. I love to read His word, sometimes i don’t really understand it but i kept on reading because i know He is with me and will help me to understand His word. Sometimes i cry, i felt discourage, feeling lonely but i usually pray to God to keep me company all the time. I love God and i know that He loves me no matter what. Thank you!
I am a single mom, who works 50+ hours per week, and is working on my Masters right now. My life is full, too full, and my favorite place to meet God is my prayer area, I created in my bedroom. I can go there, fall on my face before God and pour my heart/soul out to Him. He is my lifeline and my strength.
That’s easy -the beach! I love the sun and its warmth, sound of the waves, the smell of the ocean, and the feeling of the sand in between my toes. I enjoy worshiping The Lord and think of songs like Shout to the Lord that talks about the seas roaring at God’s greatness. Being in the mountains near waterfalls wouldn’t be so bad either. 🙂
Through this wonderful group of women I am getting back with my Lord. I now realize that all things are found through my Lord. Waiting for Bible Study to start on the 13th. Thank you all.
Believe it or not, I curl up in the bathroom in my robe and read my devotional and have time to commune with God. I read my devotional, write something down, and proceed to take my shower and pray. It starts my day off right. Ideally, I’d prefer to get away somewhere comfy, cozy, and warm, but I go with what works.
Sitting where I am now on my glider on my front porch outside enjoying all of God’s beautiful Fall colored leaves. Before I have to go lead GreifShare. Thank you I’m ready Lord to go with you!
Worship helps me get away and gives me renewed perspective on what’s important. Having said that, this book looks awesome! 🙂
I like to take a walk or just sit outside and be still. Walking gets me outside and also gets my thoughts on things I want to pray about. God speaks to us more when we take the time to be quiet and listen for his voice.
I would love to have this devotional. I struggle daily with being a working mom and making sure my kids get enough of me and my husband too. I would love to have this to add to my mornings! I love reading your blog!
I have been in a battle for my health for the last year. I was diagnosed with two forms of Stage IV cancer and given 3 years to live. I continue to live my life and move forward daily, knowing that only God knows the number of my days. He is the one in control of my health. I continue to have faith that if it is His perfect will to heal me here on earth He will! I am a mother of 4 with an amazing Godly husband who loves me and serves the Lord by caring for me so greatly!
I would love to receive a copy of your devotional!
I love to sit on my patio in my porch swing. I usually think about what heaven will be like and pray to God.
This is my alone time and I don’t know what I would do without it.
I know that I need to pull away from life’s distractions and be with the Lord but sometimes it is so hard. I am trying to get away because lately I have been overwhelmed. As a matter of fact last Monday (September 30th) I took the day off just to stay home and feed on the word. I would love a copy of the devotional.
I love to go to my goldfish/koi pond in my backyard to pray and get alone with God…It is peaceful, and living in the country I see God’s creation all around me…I meet with HIM every morning…It is just special to be outside early in the morning looking up and giving thanks, praises to HIM.
Daily I walk the dog and begin my prayer time with God. Enjoying his creation makes me feel very close to him. Then after arriving at work I begin by reading through 1 or 2 of the Psalms. On days I don’t work my favorite place is the patio in warm weather to do bible study. In colder weather I’ve set up a study nook in the basement. Although lately my son has taken to using it for homework!
Meeting God in the morning before the start of the day….I am learning to be still before Him and let Him speak to me. If I could go somewhere special to meet God, it would be the mountains.
My family and I have just returned from a few days at the beach. To me, nowhere else gets me closer to God. Hearing the sound of the ocean waves and seeing the constant-ness of them gives my heart such peace. When I am at the beach, my mind, my soul, my life can focus completely on God. I would love to “pull away” and go to my favorite place more often–but, I am grateful for the opportunities I have to get away from all that’s “pulling on me!”
I don’t have a set place and/or time, just whenever/where-ever the mood strikes. This morning it was while I was doing yard work. Some days its at my desk at work, in my car, at the store, stuck in traffic, etc. Since God is everywhere, it doesn’t matter where I am or what time it is, He is with me always.
I find that I am currently in a transitional phase. What used to work isn’t working out, and I am struggling with that “perfect” time. Therefore, I find my quiet time is usually any time I spend in my car travelling. It is an issue I know I need to master for my further growth in Christ.
Hi Susan,
I can understand some of what you are feeling. I live in a small home with my husband and mother-in-law and it seems there is “no real quiet place” for me. I go walking by myself and talk to God or in my car to work I talk to God, my commute is 45min. I try to make it a point to turn the tv off because ot takes alot of my time that I could be talking to God. If the tv is on through the daytime, I listen to christian music.
Because I am a middle school teacher and care for three elderly people, my parents and my aunt, a few years ago I realized that if I did not learn to ‘Be Still and know that [He] is God’, I would not function well in any of these roles. I am also a wife and a mother, and want to do all of those roles well….in the eyes of God. I want to do my God and Savior honor in all that I do, but I can not do that without Him. For me, getting away from all that is pulling on me can be as simple as feeding my chickens or walking through the woods. However, even this does not work if I am not in the Word seeking God’s truths for my life and reading such verses as “Be still and know that I am God.”
When the weather permits, I enjoy outside on my deck. I have my Bible and devotions and prayer journal and usually a cup of fresh coffee. I often stop and pause and say a prayer of graditude while reflecting on nature around me. Indoors, I have my kitchen table in front of double windows to look out of.
The city I live in is on the Mississippi river. When I really want to escape and be with God I take my things and sit near the waters. I usually have my personal time in the mornings but I have been known to anytme of the day depending on day to day schedule.
I love being outside, I feel closer to God when I am close to things that were created by His hands. However, in extreme emergencies (when I need Him immediately) the bathroom is where I go.
When I read the insert from Sue telling about the book, it was like someone was reading my mind. I have felt like the Lord was leading me toward missions but keep praying for clarity. Have been patiently waiting for directions and feel like I am in a dry season. I go spend time with the Lord in my backyard when I rise in the early morning while I can still see the stars. It is so quiet and peaceful that time of day before the world rises.
I like to drive out to Liberty Point and look out over the lake. It is so peaceful. I need to make a trip there again…soon.
After working all day, going to school, and taking care of my husband who has stage 3 liver failure, I don’t get much rest or alone time. So, I use my time in my car to and from work. But believe it it not, I have to make the time and I take a bath. I use that time each to fully escape and talk to God. It seems to be the most quiet and actually when I am the most tentatively praying and listening, even though I’m so tired. I know I need that time to rejuenate!
I go for a walk with my dog. It helps me to clear my mind and then talk to God. I have to work at listening to him but when I do, I hear so much that helps me.
I love devotionals. I try to read and journal about what the Lord is teaching me , before going to bed.
I set my alarm to get up early…4:30 am!!! I am a single mom with 2 boys who are the loves of my life, and very involved in sports and activity! Next to watching them play, I work full time and I’m in graduate school part time, so my spiritual food usually must happen very early in the wee hours of the morning! He never fails me….when I give God that time, He always fills my needs, whether a certain scripture, or answered prayer, or just peace for the day, He is my Rock.