Welcome to my NEW website!! I’m so glad you stopped by today! If you found your way here from the Proverbs 31 Ministries invitation to join us on The 7-day Doubt Diet, click here for more details or simply sign up in my sidebar.
If you’re visiting after reading my P31 devotion, “When Worry Makes Me Wonder”, thanks for hopping over. In my devotion, I shared how a few years ago I felt like I was suffocating under everything that was going on in my life. Have you ever been there?
Slowly, I let worry weave it’s way into my thoughts and wear me down. Eventually, I came to a point where I was exhausted and ready to resign from just about everything…life, ministry, etc.
I ran out of fuel and felt like I didn’t have enough energy to handle all of my roles, relationships and responsibilities.
I also ran out of faith. I started doubting my ability to to hear God clearly and to do all I assumed He wanted me to do.
All my worries started making me weary. And they made me wonder… I wondered if I could manage my life. I wondered if God noticed and cared about all I was doing for Him, and others. And I wondered why God wasn’t doing something to make my life easier.
One day I was reading in Luke 10 and noticed Martha felt the same way. She couldn’t get everything done and it was making her come undone. That day I noticed something. She went to Jesus. Yes she was freaking out, but she went to Him about it.
And she asked Him the same question I’d been asking in my heart:‘Lord, don’t you care?
“She came to Him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care?that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!’” Luke 10:40b (NIV)
And how did Jesus respond to Martha’s doubts and demands? “’Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’” (NIV)
I knew God wanted the same for me. He did care. He did notice. He’d left a note for me right there in scripture to show me what was going on in my own heart. And He’s done the same for you.
I sensed He wanted me to come to Him and talk to Him, instead of talking to myself (in my head) which only made me worry more. And when I did come to Him with my concerns, He replaced my thoughts with His thoughts. He replaced my worries with His peace.
Some days I needed to do more than pray. I needed to give my worries to Him. So I wrote them down on index cards and put them under a cross I have next to my bedside. Physically placing them there, and giving them to Jesus was so powerful.
I also looked up promises in scripture to replace my worries and doubts. I found verses like Psalm 55:22 that says: “Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you…” (NLT) I also found 1 Peter 5:7 that reminded me: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” (NLT)
We need God’s presence and the promise of His care as a dwelling place for our hearts. And on those days when we we just can’t do it all and we wonder if God notices how hard we’re trying, He wants us to know He notices and He does care. He cares about us and He loves taking care of us and all that concerns us, too.
I’ve got a list of “Peace-giving Promises I’d love to share with you on my FREE resources page. And I’d love to pray for you today, too. Be sure to leave “share your thoughts” below and let me know one worry you want to leave with Jesus and I’ll pray for that concern. And also be sure to enter my drawing for my “Contagious Confidence” Give-aways.
Peace-Giving Promises GIVE-AWAY!
In my book, A Confident Heart, I share in chapter 9 how we can turn our fear-filled thinking into faith-filled believing and stop Satan from stealing the confident peace that’s meant to be ours in Christ. Today, I’m giving away 5 copies of A Confident Heart to ONE of you – along with a Free “Confident Heart” Q&A Conference Call. That way you can gather some friends to go through the book together and we can talk about it if you want to! And, because I want more than one winner, I’m giving away 2 more Advanced copies to another one of you, too.
I would love for you to join me in sharing God ‘s peace-giving promises today! Here are a few things you can do to enter today’s give-aways:
1. Share this post or a link to the “Peace-giving Promises via email, Twitter, your blog or Facebook. Let’s encourage as many women as we can and disarm the enemy from his weapon of worry. My “Tell a Friend” buttons below makes it really easy.
2. Sign up for the 7-day Doubt Diet (if you haven’t already) and invite friends too! It includes a week’s worth of devotions with more powerful promises, personal encouragement and scripture-based prayers to help you lose the weight of worry and doubt so you can gain a confident heart!
3. Sign up for my email updates in the little box at the top of my website to receive news on give-aways, free resources, blog posts and more! I’ve got all kinds of announcements coming up!
Leave a comment by clicking “Share Your Thoughts” below and tell me how I can pray for you. Also, let me know which or all of these you are doing to share God’s peace-giving promises today. Your comment will enter you into the drawings. I’ll announce the winner on Monday, July 18th!
And be sure to download your copy of more “Peace-giving Promises. “
Renee, I just read Day 7 of the Doubt Diet–THANK YOU!
I feel like giving up often in the areas I struggle most with. But God wants to hold my hand and lift me up again. Thanks for sharing this encouragement!
Thank you, Renee, for listening to God’s calling for you to write A Confident Heart. I have been struggling with fear, worry, and anxiety for several years. It’s been about a year since I first recognized that doubt is one of my struggles as well, and it leads to the fear and worry I deal with daily. God has given me many victories over the years, and I can see growth in these areas. However, right now I feel all those things you mentioned in your Proverbs 31 devotion on Wednesday, and I am exhausted and weary. I have been for a long time, and it is only getting worse. I am really looking forward to your book. I have asked our church to consider it for our Ladies’ Bible Study in the fall. Would you please pray with me that God would lead their hearts in making a decision that is according to His will? (If our church does not choose A Confident Heart, I plan to read it independently.) We need a spiritual revival in our home as well…our children are in their pre-teenage years, and becoming rebellious while moving toward a love of the things in the world rather than Jesus, and eternity. This concerns me and is a heavy weight on my heart. I see how easily Satan can use it to regularly discourage me, and I am not effective for the Lord when I am discouraged. Thank you again for your ministry. May God get the glory through it all!
Thank you Renee for the opportunity to receive your book. I am in the process of writing a book I know God put on my heart to do. Doubt through the writing process has been my constant companion even though I “KNOW” the calling of this book is from God. This became apparent to me when I was in Church one Sunday. Our Pastor gave the invitation to come up and share testimonies. Many came forward and due to time constraints, I was unable to give my testimony that day. I was disappointed. In the whirlwind of my disappointment, God spoke to me. He told me I was not looking at the bigger picture. He spoke to me of reaching millions. Since that day, God has continued to give me confimation after confirmation about writing this book. But the doubt still remains and it stifles my progress in bringing the book to completion. If I continue to stand in the shadow of doubt, the pages remain blank. I would so much love to come into His Light and fill the pages with His inspired words. Please keep me in prayer to His endeavor. Thank you for your encouragement.
Hi Renee – I’ve done all three of the above, not for the contest, but the Lord has always led me to you and I believe in you and certainly believe in the book! Please pray for me. I have been ask to teach a ladies Bible study at my Church and have never taught adults! I’ve taught children and junior high students! I have prayed about it and feel led to accept the call – step out of my confort zone! I am looking at several of the P31 resources. Thank you for all you do! ~Hugs~
Thank for the idea of writing your worries/fears down and placing them under the cross. I am going to implement that in my home for my husband and I do together. Loved the doubt diet! I am anxiously waiting to read your book. It is going to be a great follow up the Hidden Joy study. I love that Lysa encouraged to pray for more and WOW did God show up and show off. Don’t limit him.
Thank you, Renee, for doing this! Our family has been through a lot this year…death of a parent, becoming grandparents, empty nest, and leaving the Army after many years to take a head pastor position. Weary doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel right now, and the weariness invites doubt. I am passing this along to my two older daughters and some friends in our new church. Looking forward to the message that God has given you to share! Bless you today and always.
Thank You Renee for your insight. I am going through a lot of doubt in my life right now and your words of encouragement are very helpful. I am going through a divorce and struggling with finances. Have a son 21, lives with his dad, who hates me and denies he even has a mother. There is nothing more hurtful than comments like these coming from your own child. My daughter 18 who lives with me and is a support to me. I am at the point of doubting that God is really there and cares. Deep down I know He is there and cares but I am having a hard time reaching Him. I have done one of the things you suggested. Writing down the things I worry about and put them on the cross. I have a cross next to my bed and I put these worries under it. It is so hard because I keep wanting to take them back. My strength is gone, I have no more. All I want to do is cry all the time. Friends and family keep telling me it is going to get better. It is hard to see that happening. The only thing that does keep me going are devotion I read daily and the prayers of my friends.
Thank you for the ministry that you have. God is using you to touch many lives including mine. God Bless you!
Can you know yet not know something about yourself? Shoving, covering up or denying its existance does not mean it is there. I believe now is the time to take an honest/open look at this area of my life and deal with it. By the grace of God it will be dealt with. I will not rest until every thought of self-doubt is in subjection to God and His Word. Please pray for me.
I have completed the three requirements to enter the drawing. I pray those who need it most gets a copy in Jesus’ name.
I just wanted to comment that my scripture memory verse this week is Psalm 18: 32
“It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect!”
How can anyone have self doubt with a Promise like that!!! 🙂
I would love to win a copy of your book! 🙂
(Also would love prayer for a financial breakthrough for my husband’s business)
Thank you and thanks for all the encouragement!
Thank you for your post. I needed to read that because unfotunately I worry way more than I should. One worry I am surrendering over to God is my pregnancy. I am 12 week pregnant and three years ago I miscarried at 12 weeks, so naturally my flesh wants to worry about my pregnancy and if the baby is okay. Father God I give you my worry and will trust that Your will be done and that this baby will be healthy and full term.
Hey Renee,
I put this on my fb .Your Doubt diet is great and I pray that Lots more ladys will sign up for it. Please Pray for my 18 year old son he is going through a rebellous Time he has A girl friend who is not helping.I don’t know what to say to him. I am just praying.Thanks
Perfect timing! I can really use a doubt diet right now. It’s so easy to let doubt seep in to drown out the Lord’s direction and encouragement.
Great devos! Something I truly need. Tried to share via facebook, but my security service is keeping me from sharing it, grr!! good to have internet security, but not now!
Thank you so much for these words of encouragement! I look forward to reading the book. If I don’t win it, then I will be buying it for myself and several friends that I know it would encourage, also. I have shared your devotional on Facebook ~ It was so good! I knew that it would be a blessing to others. I also shared your link via email with several friends. I signed up for the “7-day doubt diet”. I did the “Doubt Index Analysis”, and printed the great resources you had ~ the “Peace Giving Promises”, the Promises to Personalize” and the “Food for Thought”. I also read the 1st chapter of your book, and I am ready to read more. Please pray for me! I know what I need to do. I have been seeing a Christian counselor for several years. I know the Bible well. But I still struggle with self doubt, anxiety, fear, depression. Right now I am really struggling because I feel overwhelmed. My husband travels with his job so I am responsible for so many things, and it just becomes overwhelming at times. That is when I really start to have the feelings of self doubt, etc, and what I need to do to combat the enemy’s attacks just flies right out of my mind, and I am sucked into the feelings of anxiety and dpression. I would appreciate your prayers! Thank you! And thank you for the resources! I look forward to reading the rest of the book!
After being ridiculed as a child, then experiencing multiple life-altering events as an adult, I have been plagued by doubt and fear for most of my life. I now know that God loves me, but I still struggle with feelings of inadequacy and often am emotionally paralyzed by the fear of ‘not being good enough’ or ‘not doing well enough’. I lost my precious Daddy this past April, the day after my birthday. I am happy for him that he is with Jesus, but my heart hurts. Please pray for me that I will be set free from the bondage of doubt and fear. I already know that God will comfort me in my sorrow. He always does.
Thanks for your prayers, Renee. I have ordered your book and I am looking forward to reading it.
Just tweeted and I am already subscribed to both! So, all of the above. Please pray for me while my 15 yr old is away on a month long student exchange program—on another continent because I struggle with fear/worry. I give God all of the glory for giving me the courage to allow my daughter to go on this trip and for giving my daughter the courage to go! And she struggles with fear and worry, too!
I have done all three!! Thank you so much for the encouragement. I have always been a person with a lot of self doubt and I am so looking forward to your 7 day diet! Lately worry has been overwhelming at times as my 7 year old son came down with MRSA while my husband and I were 3000 miles away on our very first week long vacation without kids. It was overwhelming to be so far away and not be able to take care of my very sick boy. I had to work so hard to give him to god and at times all i could do was cry and know God knew my heart. He had surgery to drain the infection and now has a pick line for the next 4-6 weeks so he is able to recieve IV antibiotics I was so overcome with worry in the beginning that the infection would never go away but i knew God was telling me in my heart that He had this under control. Each day is filled with more things to worry about so I love your idea of writing them down and giving them to God that way. Please pray my son continues to get better and for patience for myself and husband as this places a lot of stress financially and emotionally on already tired parents of 3 little ones.
Thank you so much for your message today about WORRY and giving up. I too feel my mind with worry and dobut about how I am going to make it as a single mom. I stress myself to where it really affects the interaction I have with my daughter, my family, friends and even co-workers. I have this emptiness that I know is full of worry and if I would just let go and let God, I would feel so much better. I can’t wait to start your 7 Day Diet! It couldn’t come at a more perfect time in my life. I”ve shared your blog with a friend in need, signed up and so would love to win the books and call!
Please pray for me as a single mom to make the right choices and budget my money to cover all our expenses.
Thank you for your works, I am so glad you didn’t give up!
Renee, I signed up yesterday for the 7-Day Doubt Diet. I read Chapter 1 last night and have done the first lesson today. It is absolutely AWESOME! Thank you for sharing your book and all your insights. It is exactly what I need in my life. My desire is to become MORE confident in my walk with the Lord and do ALL that He has called me to do. I am throwing ALL my insecurities in the trash NOT my confidence! May God richly bless you!
My grown son was killed in a fire on April 23rd along with his girlfriend and I have been filled with grief and despair. Your devotionals have been a blessing to me. I signed up for the 7 Day Doubt Diet and would love to read your new book. I appreciate your prayers.
Oh man, I can’t even begin to tell you the things that swarm in my head every day and as much as I try to give them to God they always come back at me. I am a mother of 4, I am trying to run a home business I started myself and I am a Pastor’s wife in a position I was drafted into I didn’t sign up for it. My husband was granted the position at our church after my father (who was pastor) passed away and well I just don’t know what I am doing here. I am getting flyig by the seat of my pants on the job training as I go and it’s not easy to say the least. The ministry thing is my biggest stressor and I feel all those things and more that you stated above. I don’t know what I’m doing, how I’m doing it and our church is so small and not very well off financially so we do all the work we do in the ministry for free and I have to do most if not all of everything that happens at the church from cleaning to Sunday mornings everything except preach. Yeah that’s where I need prayer.
I am sharing the giveaway on FB and also signed up for the 7day doubt diet and well this is my comment 🙂 Thanks!
Hi Renee, I have been praying that God would give me a book/devotional that would meet this stirring in my heart. When I received the Proverbs31 Ministry email and read your devotional and read about your new book A Confident Heart I knew that God was speaking to me….so….I’ve done all the above! I have 3 daughter-in-laws and I have emailed it all to them as well. I’ve been praying God would use me in their live’s and open doors to share with them by using your book. Thank you for your hard work and obedience to the Lord…we are so blessed!
Love, Karon
Hi Renee,
Wow, God is so amazing! He knew just what I needed as found your devotion and just signed up to your 7-day Doubt Diet! I have been struggling with self doubt regarding if I matter! I began doubting my worth on Tuesday when my boyfriend did not call me when he was in an accident with his motorcycle. I thought do I not matter enough for him to call and let me know! We have talked of marriage and here he doesnot even call to tell me, it began a spiral down of my past failures! Am I not important, does he love me etc and the list goes on and on! You know what I mean!
Anyway thank you Renee… I also ordered your book! I want to be a God confident woman! Thank you and I am so excitied…
It is such a blessing to have clicked on your website today. I signed up for your 7 day diet and also forwarding to friends and sister for they will also be incouraged by your story. My prayer is for my husband. He is an atheist. I had know idea that he was not a christian men when marrying him 5 years ago. He would read the bible with me and had gone to church with me before we got married. It was 6 months in the marriage that he told me. I pray daily for God to reveal to him the truth and touch his heart. I get so discouraged but I know that God is an awesome God and he hears my prayers. Thank you so much for letting me share my prayer. My God bless you and your giving to so many with your devotions. I have not read your books but I would love to have my heart touched by them. Thank you and many blesses to you.
I am so grateful that a friebnd emailed me this website today. God knows what i need and when i need it. Over the past few days I have been in such a tizzy wondering how I would come up with the balance of money for my son’s final semester in college. I even started doubting and second guessinbg God. I am glad to know that he sees and knows my needs and that he will supply them in due time. Continue to lift up my son and I as we continue to wait on God for a breakthrough to meet the july 20th deadline.
I’m signed up for your Doubt Diet.
I FB’d about it!
Self doubt is a big issue in my life. Please pray I will find my worth and confidence in Him.
Dear Renee, Praise Jesus,
Thanks for the wonderful work you are doing in the spiritual world. I’m blessed to have read about your work. Am also blessed to have joined P31 for thed daily devational verses. Am from Uganda, Africa, East Africa. Am a born again christian, a pastor, a women leader and a founder of Goshen Children Centre at Holyghost Power Centre Church in Uganda. But currently in America, Texas State, Houston City for a vocation and later a conference Global Church Fellowship at Florida Fort Meyres. Just chapter 1 of your book A Confident Heart has really touched me. It is exactly what i have experienced all my life right from childhood to date. I thank God for all the scriptures i have picked Isaiah 49:23 to be my guiding factor. I believ by the time am done with the 7-day doubt diet i will be a very powerful person in the name of Jesus. i have already posted the information to my daughters, women community of our church and friends. Am planning to organise a conference at my church in November this year so that you may come and speak to the ladies of Uganda, twe need transformation from the life filled with fear and self doubt to faith- filled life with God- confidence.
May God Reward You Abundantly.
Thank you so much for your encouraging words and leading us to God’s word and prayer to work through these ‘issues’ in our lives! Thank you also for listening to God’s leading in your life and sharing what He has done for you! 🙂 You are a blessing to many!
I have truly been enjoying your devo’s and your thought provoking messages on Self-Doubt and I’m so looking forward to your new book!!! You have given me great encouragement just at the right time and I thank you that you are fulfilling God’s ministry as you are. Pray God’s peace and rest upon you so that you may continue hearing and walking the path that God has given you and through that – helping and making such a difference in the lives of others. I have posted your 7-Day onto my facebook pray – I hope others will check out the site and gain as much encouragement and comfort as I have.
I would really love to win you give aways!!!!! It would be such a blessing….
Be blessed,
P.S. Prayer request – pray that I can learn to let go of the little things and focus on what is truly important in order to bring more peace into every day life….worry and stress can be overwhelming and truly is of Satan….Thank you!
I have signed up for the 7-Day Doubt Diet and have forwarded your message and invitation to several friends. I have suggested that they use your book for their next bible study. I look forward to more of your wisdom and faith in your book. Thank you.
I LOVE Proverbs 31 and all that you are doing! I LOVED the Doubt Diet and even posted it on fb!!! I would really LOVE to win the give-away too! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I really enjoy the devotion you put out. It really speaks to me. It has blessed me and I do need that especially I have been struggling with a lot of life issues. I get discouraged and disappointed with life.
I appreciate your work and you have touched my life with your devotions.
Hope to be able to get your book.
I too have already signed up for the 7-day Doubt diet and I loved it. It was so neat to see God working in me through you. Each day the devotion describe me perfectly. You are someone I always look up to. You are an excellent example of a women of God!! I am looking forward to the release of your book!! May God continue to bless you and your family!
I am already signed up for the 7-day Doubt Diet and I receive your email updates. I plan to follow you as long as you have something to say. I once heard you speak at a women’s ministry event in Concord, NC and I fell in love with you. So I’m a loyal follower!
I am signing up for all three. Your story has inspired me and your book interests me. For over 20 years, I kept a secret about a life changing decision that cost me my family. This secret boiled inside of me and took away my confidence. I ran from everything, including God. One day, in quiet desperation while driving my car, I prayed to God and He brought a wonderful Christian man into my life that has helped me get closer to God in a way I never was before. In September 2010, God directed me to deal with this issue as it was causing problems in many of my relationships. He placed before me 4 different but very similar studies and commanded me to go through these simultaneously; this would take up most all my free time. I obediently followed His direction and embarked on my journey September 2010 – April 2011. Today, I feel free of the torment that once kept me in bondage and am able to share my story with other women. My story specifically helped one woman in my group free herself of a bondage that was ruining her marriage and today, her relationship is flourishing. I still have a long way to go and I’m grateful to be directed to your website and look forward to gaining more confidence through your 7-day Doubt Diet. May God’s blessings be poured out on you for His work you are doing. Thank you.
That is awesome Kathy – may I ask what studies you did?
Dear Renee thank you so much for the Study and the promise sheet. This is one of my struggles worry and i really want the Lord to change me in this area. Your study has been a blessing and encouragement because you are so open about your own struggles. This is the day that the body of Christ should be encouraging one another and lifting each other up and you do that so well through your website. The Lord is definitely showing me how we need to bear one anothers burdens and how we need to be open with each other, I would love to get a copy of your book but for now i will work through this study The proverbs 31 team is a blessing to so many women and to me. I think Women’s Ministry is so important. By the way i followed your adoption of your daughter i can relate i brought home two beautiful boys from Guatemala and one of them was about that age. Now they are both in 5th grade 6 months apart. Adoption is a blessing from the Lord. Thanks again for the time you put in to share what God has laid upon your heart Ruthie
I have lived my life with worry since I was a very young child. I have recently gone through a divorce and I doubt everything. I am always second guessing my decisions, thoughts, opinions, everything. I am afraid of making another wrong decision. So, I think this book and the doubt diet will be a great benefit for me. I hope I can walk away being a stronger woman and more confident in who I am in Christ when I finish your 7 day doubt diet and eventually your book.
I’ve signed up for the 7 day Doubt Diet!
I thank you so much for sharing your devotion this morning!!! I’m Kinda letting go of a lot of circumstances that are beond my control…I have five girls, and my 14 year old has been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension plus she has azburgerz sindrome…they will perform a CATH in a few weeks to determine the pressure in her heart. I know and beleive that God works for good in every situation, just that I’ve been worring in excess, but I have released it to God…there is nothing I can do but Praise HIM for my daughter and the time HE has giving me to raise her up….
Her name is Nataly and I ask you to keep her in your prayers…
GBU, Miosotis
Renee, Thank you for your sweet spirit! The thought of a virtual stranger asking me if she can pray for me is humbling! I am thankful for your “doubt diet.” Worry plagues me just as it does so many women! My current prayer request involves worry itself. I am a working mother who thankfully has summers off. As the school year quickly approaches, I have anxiety creeping in. I worry about the busyness of my soon-to-be schedule and the exhaustion that I have felt in the past with my responsibilities. Thank you so much for your prayers!
Praise the Lord that he recently directed me to this website through my prayer. You girls continue to amaze me by your dedication; and surprise me by your energy! I love this site and you girls; I am so grateful to the Lord that he has you all doing this.
My mother used to say that I live to worry; I go to bed to worry while others go to bed to sleep. Well, she was right; but I also did not know the Lord then either. Since coming to know Him, I have become a different person, but the old habits continue to return and rerun. I try daily, with the Lord’s help, to keep my focus where it needs to be—on Jesus–and I am improving, but still, of course, failing as well. BUT there is improvement. He is faithful and as long as I place my trust in Him, I will continue to improve.
Those peace giving promises are soooo necessary for us to live for reasons other than to worry, and for when we go to bed, to go to sleep, and not to worry. The more positive God honoring truths we place in our minds, the more amunition we arm ourselves with against evil, right?
I had experienced 3 mental breakdowns in my younger years, and many years of psychiatry following. Since coming to know the Lord, He has freed me from so much bondage, I can’t begin to share with you. But, I can attest to who He is; and He is love. Love in its fullness. And He is using you for this purpose, for which I am delighted. Thank you for following in the path He has ordained for you. I look forward to coming on board on many studies etc. that you will lead.
Peace Giving Promises is going to be beneficial for — I would have to say — everyone!! I do look forward to this, and to becoming better acquainted with your site. Congratulations, by the way!
Worry … because of this I turned down a job offer this week because I was worried about the financial impact on my husband and I. I was worried that going from full-time (45+ hours/week) to part-time (28-32 hours/week) pay would be a hardship and that our lives would implode because of me. The really sad part is is that I felt God’s call to put my application in for this position. I felt that He was calling me to work less for the world so that I could explore the call I keep experiencing to go into ministry. I worried that because I’m “older” – past my mid-50s – that I would compromise what my husband and I have worked for these past years. Worry … some days it’s what I do best. Thank you for your devotion today – I am going to place a cross on my nightstand and leave my worries there. God bless!
Thank you so much for your devotion on worry. I have signed up for the 7-Day Diet as well. God has been speaking to me through the story of Mary and Martha, because just as the Martha is in this story, so have I been. God has shown me this and helping me to change and choose what is best, to sit at the feet of Jesus and relinquish all my worries and cares to him. Your devotion was just another confirmation from the Lord that he is concerned about me and loves me. Thank you again for ministry.
It is almost 5am and I have been up for hours worrying about not having a job and how as a single 61 year old woman I could be considered employable. I have also started drinking to ease my worries and I know that is not the answer. Please keep me in your prayers that I will once again feel God’s love and presence in my life. Whenever I have placed my life in His hands, I feel the peace that passes all understanding. But lately I have felt so detached from the spirit. I can’t believe I found this email from your ministry in the middle of the night to comfort me by reminding me that I just have to believe God has a plan for me and my life. Thank you so very much for your reassuring words of God’s love for us, his children. I can’t wait to read the first chapter of your book later today because I now believe I will be able to get some sleep. God bless you and all you are doing for women all over the world with your words of wisdom from God’s holy word. I truly believe that God talks to us through other people and you just gave me the message I needed to hear from Him that He is still with me and has not deserted me. Thank you again.
Thanks for sharing your today’s devotion Renee. Its really not an accident that i stopped by here in your blogs. I believe that God was the one who led me along to come across your writing through the Proverbs 31′s Encouragement for Today’s devotionals. This is really timely that Im also clouded by many worries about my future after a devastating heartbreak. I had so many dilemas.. Thats why i really feel blessed to have the Proverbs 31 Authors who keep on sharing your heart to us.
Im praying as well to definitely get your book somehow, someway 🙂
Thank you so much for today’s devotion. Actually, July 13th devotion, it is still the 13th here in Colorado. I have to share what your devotion did for me. I was sitting in a surgical suite with my husband who had just had surgery to remove a quite extensive squamous cell carcinoma. I had been praying for him for so long and hard yet doubts kept creeping in that they would not get it all. No matter how many times I rebuked those thoughts, they continued. The Holy Spirit nudged me to pick up my phone and check my email! I looked up and said, “Now?” I did and found your devotion. I had no more doubt or worries! I knew that I knew that I knew! The doctor came in less than five minutes later while I was still crying my eyes out and praising God and told me Joe was cancer free! Praise God!
Joe has to have a part of his finger amputated because the surgery didn’t leave much to repair. The news is devasting but I continue to encourage him that God will see him and us through this. Your devotion was perfect timing! God never ceases to amaze me how He works through others to deliver the promises we need when we need them! I have signed up for the, “Doubt Diet” and ordered your book! Thank you and may God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry!
♥ Anne
Thank you for today’s devotion. I caught it early this morning and it was very timely. I will be doing the “Doubt Diet”. Your book will be helpful to anyone. Prayers for wisdom are always appreciated.
I have pre-ordered your book. Can’t wait to get it. Plus, I did the ‘doubt diet’. But, I still am dealing with doubt and worries. I really apreciate your web site, along with all the P31 sites. Some of the emails really touch my heart.
I would apreciate prayer , to over come my doubt and worry.