Welcome to my NEW website!! I’m so glad you stopped by today! If you found your way here from the Proverbs 31 Ministries invitation to join us on The 7-day Doubt Diet, click here for more details or simply sign up in my sidebar.
If you’re visiting after reading my P31 devotion, “When Worry Makes Me Wonder”, thanks for hopping over. In my devotion, I shared how a few years ago I felt like I was suffocating under everything that was going on in my life. Have you ever been there?
Slowly, I let worry weave it’s way into my thoughts and wear me down. Eventually, I came to a point where I was exhausted and ready to resign from just about everything…life, ministry, etc.
I ran out of fuel and felt like I didn’t have enough energy to handle all of my roles, relationships and responsibilities.
I also ran out of faith. I started doubting my ability to to hear God clearly and to do all I assumed He wanted me to do.
All my worries started making me weary. And they made me wonder… I wondered if I could manage my life. I wondered if God noticed and cared about all I was doing for Him, and others. And I wondered why God wasn’t doing something to make my life easier.
One day I was reading in Luke 10 and noticed Martha felt the same way. She couldn’t get everything done and it was making her come undone. That day I noticed something. She went to Jesus. Yes she was freaking out, but she went to Him about it.
And she asked Him the same question I’d been asking in my heart:‘Lord, don’t you care?
“She came to Him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care?that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!’” Luke 10:40b (NIV)
And how did Jesus respond to Martha’s doubts and demands? “’Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’” (NIV)
I knew God wanted the same for me. He did care. He did notice. He’d left a note for me right there in scripture to show me what was going on in my own heart. And He’s done the same for you.
I sensed He wanted me to come to Him and talk to Him, instead of talking to myself (in my head) which only made me worry more. And when I did come to Him with my concerns, He replaced my thoughts with His thoughts. He replaced my worries with His peace.
Some days I needed to do more than pray. I needed to give my worries to Him. So I wrote them down on index cards and put them under a cross I have next to my bedside. Physically placing them there, and giving them to Jesus was so powerful.
I also looked up promises in scripture to replace my worries and doubts. I found verses like Psalm 55:22 that says: “Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you…” (NLT) I also found 1 Peter 5:7 that reminded me: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” (NLT)
We need God’s presence and the promise of His care as a dwelling place for our hearts. And on those days when we we just can’t do it all and we wonder if God notices how hard we’re trying, He wants us to know He notices and He does care. He cares about us and He loves taking care of us and all that concerns us, too.
I’ve got a list of “Peace-giving Promises I’d love to share with you on my FREE resources page. And I’d love to pray for you today, too. Be sure to leave “share your thoughts” below and let me know one worry you want to leave with Jesus and I’ll pray for that concern. And also be sure to enter my drawing for my “Contagious Confidence” Give-aways.
Peace-Giving Promises GIVE-AWAY!
In my book, A Confident Heart, I share in chapter 9 how we can turn our fear-filled thinking into faith-filled believing and stop Satan from stealing the confident peace that’s meant to be ours in Christ. Today, I’m giving away 5 copies of A Confident Heart to ONE of you – along with a Free “Confident Heart” Q&A Conference Call. That way you can gather some friends to go through the book together and we can talk about it if you want to! And, because I want more than one winner, I’m giving away 2 more Advanced copies to another one of you, too.
I would love for you to join me in sharing God ‘s peace-giving promises today! Here are a few things you can do to enter today’s give-aways:
1. Share this post or a link to the “Peace-giving Promises via email, Twitter, your blog or Facebook. Let’s encourage as many women as we can and disarm the enemy from his weapon of worry. My “Tell a Friend” buttons below makes it really easy.
2. Sign up for the 7-day Doubt Diet (if you haven’t already) and invite friends too! It includes a week’s worth of devotions with more powerful promises, personal encouragement and scripture-based prayers to help you lose the weight of worry and doubt so you can gain a confident heart!
3. Sign up for my email updates in the little box at the top of my website to receive news on give-aways, free resources, blog posts and more! I’ve got all kinds of announcements coming up!
Leave a comment by clicking “Share Your Thoughts” below and tell me how I can pray for you. Also, let me know which or all of these you are doing to share God’s peace-giving promises today. Your comment will enter you into the drawings. I’ll announce the winner on Monday, July 18th!
And be sure to download your copy of more “Peace-giving Promises. “
Thank you for your devotion today! I am looking forward to the 7 Day Doubt Diet. I often struggle with self doubt and worry. This is especially true right now, as my family is at a crossroads with many big decisions to make. We are praying for God’s wisdom and guidance. Thank you for your encouraging words and reminders of God’s amazing promises.
The new website looks great. Thanks!!! Life and all the changes, all of a sudden I’m faced with a 32 year job ending and still to young to retire. So after a 35 year abscence from school (high school) Im finding myself back to college at 52 years old. What was I thinking. My confidence is somewhat nonexistence so I am looking forward to your new ministry. I pray daily for God’s wisdom and guidance. I have a peace about what Im doing, but every now and then you know who comes prowling and drops in to give that self-doubt thought. Thank you again for being faithful. God Bless you. .
Came across your Doubt Diet today … couldn’t be any better timing. After 17 years at one company I’ve relocated and am in the midst of a job search. ‘Rejection’ from applications to jobs you’re confident you are qualified for makes one question and doubt self like never before. Looking forward to the next 7 days and refocusing on the truth! Thanks for your prayers and words of wisdom.
I am signed up for your emails! Thank you so much for being an encouragement to us all. I am a young writer/speaker … not really sure what to be doing right now except spending time in the word and praying. Just found out about the She Speaks Conference tonight… wish I had known sooner – I would have been there! But I know God’s perfect provision will prevail! I’ll be there next year! 🙂
I’d love a copy of your book and to discuss any questions with you, what an amazing blessing!
Wow! Almost 200 comments! Awesome!
I’m already signed up for the other things so I thought I’d enter for friends. I posted on my Facebook page and also on the SS Attendees page,
Renee, Your devotions always seem like they are meant for me!! I feel renewed after reading your devotions and looking up the corresponding verses. I have signed up for your emails and shared the link with a few friends who would benefit from your thoughts & wisdom.
Your devotional went right along with what our Recovery Pastor was teaching on last night and he had some hard questions for us to answer. What do we fill our time with instead of meeting with God? That was one of them, I didn’t think I did that because I don’t do anything. I have no joy. I know he meant it that way, what things distract us like TV, hanging out with friends, shopping, etc. I feel like I have no friends anymore. I have run them all off. I don’t watch TV until my husband comes home. He works almost 11 hours a day most days and I am lucky if I get more than 2 minutes on the phone with him in a day. He is very tired when he comes home and we are having marital problems that we are working on and seeing our counselor again. We just had our 33rd anniversary. We have been through thick and thin, for better and for worse with each other. My daughter has a 9 month old daughter that we have never kept but we are finally beginning to get to see on a more regular basis. I am bipolar and was very very ill about 4 years ago. I said some horrible things to hurt my daughter but never knew or remembered until someone finally told me. I was heavily medicated. I hurt her in high school also when I found out my father was a pediphile. He did not sexually molest me but he mentally abused me and used me as an alibi and was very cruel. It was a violent atmosphere to say the least. Pornography was everywhere. Drugs, guns, you name it. Demonic things were happening all around me as well. It started when I was in second grade. God is restoring lots of things in my life and healing me slowly but surely. I am not the confident godly woman I once was that led post – abortion bible studies and helped my friends and was a friend. I heard from someone the other day you have to be a friend to get a friend. Well, I guess I am not doing that. I do share and encourage others, but I must sound like Eeyore most of the other time. I have my moments when I am really walking with God and hearing Him and then I am sinking calling myself a loser and yet I talk back to myself and preach the gospel to myself and that is a beautiful thing I realize later that I have done that and that I have all of that scripture hidden in my heart. It is amazing what He pulls out of me when I need it. He is mine and I am His. But my prayer request is that I will believe that HE really does love me ALL the time. I must not. For I learned today that I do fill my time with something on days that I am not seeking him that must comfort me…calling people on the phone. Anyone who will listen. ANYONE. I crave women s fellowship. I used to be in prayer groups, bible studies and I am so used to isolating that I don’t know how to break free. I used to play tennis 5 days a week and play competitively but my team wouldn’t let me back on after an injury and then I learned FINALLY, they were not my friends. They were acquaintances that I played tennis with. I have surrounded myself in a great “community” at church again and that is a great start but I have no one to just go grab a cup of coffee with or run to TJMAXX with, you know? I am hungry for fellowship with a sister like that but SHE MUST LOVE JESUS MORE THAN ME AND MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS WORLD. I have learned my lesson. I have signed up for the 7 day diet and I am going to email a friend about this diet and I would love to have a book. I have so much to learn about trusting God and believing that He has GOT IT. I loved your idea of every night writing down the notes by the cross. I can do that! It is accomplish-able. I can do it. I am going to try to do all the things you asked. They are accomplish-able! I am looking forward to this. I am praying and longing for the day I can keep my Mallory (that’s my grandbaby) on my own or with Grandpa and just be so thankful to God! So many other women have so many more serious things to pray for that I hate to even ask for prayer. But I know God is a mighty God and His arm is not too short to take care of ALL of us women that are hurting and needing His love. He is my Papa. I have been given a new daddy since my earthly father is estranged from me and was so wicked and unrepentant. I have forgiven him but I cannot and will not see him. That is part of the reason I believe that I have such a hard time believiing that God loves me and that my husband loves me. At least I am understanding that and once I understand something it is SO much easier to go to God with and lay it at His feet. But it takes time to heal. Thanks for listening.
Hello Renee –
Perfect, divinely-inspired timing for your study in my life. I am returning to the classroom in a few weeks in my college major area after an absence of 13 years. Although I’ve been involved in education, it’s been in other academic and administrative areas in church schools, so returning to my main endorsed subject in a public school is bringing up all kinds of self doubt. I am so looking forward to your study and sharing this message with as many women as possible. Thank you so much!
Wow-could use this. Economy not great-my music teacher, husband lost his full-time job last year. God has richly provided (enough to cover needs!) but we are lacking health insurance and some peace of mind. Not that God hasn’t given us all that we need and then some-I still can buy a few new pieces of clothes and take my kids to fun places, but it’s not steady income. And I very much believe in staying home with my kids, but not sure if now I should search out a teaching job to see if I can get us health insurance.
I signed up for the Doubt Diet, your emails, and tweeted this 😉
Already got the 7 day doubt diet, signed up for updates.
Prayer request: just diagnosed with a herniated disc in my back. Going on a mission trip to WV next week before returning for She Speaks. Pray the pain is under control for both. thanks!
I have so many worries…so many concerns…one of them being that I am not sure how to sit at Jesus’ feet. I know he loves me, and friends tell me that he wants to hold me, carry me. It is hard to imagine, since I can’t see him, or feel his arms around me. I have been a Christian from a very young age, and God has done so many things for me, plucking me out of despair and hopelessness, and bringing me wonderful, Godly friends, who pray with me, encourage, and stand alongside me, and point the way to Jesus. Jesus has miraculously saved my life so many times, so I feel guilty about my difficulty in this area.
I thank God for using you for me today. I need prayers – I’m just so overwhelmed and feel a little depressed for some reason. Just so many things going on in my life and I just need to surrender everything to God. He knows what I need. Thank you for your ministry.
Thank you Renee, I really need this study right now! I signed up for the doubt diet and subscribed to your emails. I loOk forward to reading the doubt diet and then hopefully The Confident Heart!
God bless you,
I hardly know where to start. Please just pray that I will somehow learn this lesson of faith and will find His peace in the midst of an ever changing storm.
The worry that I want to give over to Jesus is the worry about my finances. I live alone and it’s so hard trying to pay all of my bills in such an expensive city. It’s so shameful because I’m stuck in this never ending cycle of debt. I have no idea how I’m going to get out and sometimes it seems like I’m never going to get out. I barely have enought money left over for food and gas. I’m really praying for the Lord to pull me out of this sea of debt.
I tweeted the promises (@mimi5383).
Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Hi, as well I have done all three or more on your list and I would LOVE to receive your book, and if not by you, then I will be purchasing it because I truly NEED it. You see when I was 32 years old my husband died from a “sudden” heart attack at age 39, leaving me a widow with 2 small children ages 3 and 5. I then started having panic attacks from worry and fear that I too would die and leave my children with no parents, I was having “chest pain”, but every time I went to the ER they said it was just anxiety and stress induced. SO I started to trust in the Lord, going to Bible study after Bible study learning all I could about God and found Jesus and even re-married 1 year and a half later after meeting my new hubby in church. Things were going good, then I got the call, my mom “suddenly” died from a brain aneurysm, which again left me having panic attacks and fear and anxiety. Any little feeling or tingle in my body I would panic, well I went to my Doc, (due to I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia), for a reg check up and told her about my mom passing away and she sent me for an MRA of the brain due to I had seen her for “headaches”….and they found that I have a brain aneurysm also, but small enough that it just needs watching at this point. Well again always having panic attacks and anxiety attacks, trying to “trust” that the Lord has this all in control some days is just plain hard. I recently had an ob/gyn visit due to severe hemorrhaging and now need a hysterectomy to remove all because I have cysts and fibroids, one they say is as big as my uterus and my neurosurgeon won’t release me to have surgery just yet. Today as a matter of fact i went for an MRA to see if there was any change and he said it was worse, I also am out of work right now because my right arm is numb from a pinched nerve due to excessive stress, which flared up my fibromyalgia…..so you see, I could really use some confidence right about NOW!! I also have a clown/puppet ministry that i began as the Lord layed it on my heart, which as of right now with my right arm being numb cannot perform for our church and area churches. I am believing God’s report and am fully trying to press on and through all of this and I know that my problems are nothing compared to someone who is battling cancer as my dad did, he passed away 2 years ago from esophageal cancer and bladder cancer. I try not to focus on me but CHRIST, my Redeemer, my Savior, my Everything!!!
Oops! I forgot…please pray that I will not forget God’s love and fall back into bondage. I need to stay in God’s Word so He can change me…I can’t live for God on my own strength.
Thank you Renee for letting God use you to share His truth! I am so blessed by what I’ve read so far on your website, in your devotionals @ Proverbs 31, in your 7-Day Doubt Diet devos, and on your TV interview. God has lifted a cloud from my mind and a burden from my soul within the past several weeks. He has used your message as one of the ways He is working in my life. I’m so excited, and I want those closest to me to have the same “relief” from God. I shared your link on Facebook too. I can’t wait to read your book! Thank you!
I am uplifted by your Chapter 1 of your book, I shared it with my daughter, I believe we both can benefit from it! Great words of wisdom, your website is a valuable resource.
WOW how God works… at just the right time, when I am struggling, a friend sends me your link. I am so looking forward to the 7-Day Diet! I have been battling the not enough’s lately in the realm of my prayers for marriage restoration. My husband finalized a divorce over a year ago, but we reconnected and started dating again a few months ago. My prayers have been for a complete restoration, but there are many blended family barriers. I find myself falling into doubt and despair at times wondering why I am not enough or when will I be (for the marriage and spiritually). I know that there is more going on in the spiritual realm than I can even fathom, but I am a bit weary. My prayers are that my husband will develop a stronger desire for God and walk with Christ and that all the other priorities and issues will fall into their proper place, and that I continue to be transformed and deepen my relationship with Christ. I am challenged to not look at the past and to see that He is doing a new thing. Thank you …. as I sit here teary…. I look forward to this journey!
Hello Renee!
I signed up for the 7-Day Diet and I cant wait to start receiving it! Todays devotional surely reminds me that I too need to trust and have faith. I have always struggled with faith and trust, and now more because My youngest daughter Ysabel, who is 7 is going through some health issues and although we are doing everything in our power to get her better, it seems like the more I pray about it it, something else comes up. I pray everyday that GOD (who I know) is taking care of her continues to show me that he is in control and not I. Deep down inside I know it will all work out and she WILL get better, However, when I think “ok GOD you are in control and I believe in everything you say in your book of greatness! (The Bible)” Satan always gets the better of me and starts putting the doubt and the “what ifs” back in my head. I ask for your prayers as well if possible and I Thank you for your encouraging words that I need so much at this time in my life! I pray that GOD continues to bless you and your ministry to reach out to all GODs girls! Thank you so much ! Martha
Just signed up for the 7 Day Doubt Diet, and read Chapter 1 of your new book. Loved it. Can’t wait to get the daily devotionals and get started. Would love to be in the drawing to receive the book. God bless you.
Thanks for the opportunity to win your book…..it sounds great! I signed up for your newsletter. I will continue to enjoy your blogs and when you are on Proverbs 31. I try to use scripture to help when I am down. My request for prayer is for daughter in her struggles as single Mom, job, finances, troubles with EX, health, and job for her friend….just laid off. Thanks and blessings~~
signed up for your emails and have already received the 7 day diet and loved it! Can’t wait for the book. Thank you for all you do!!! GOD Bless!
Thanks so much for sharing this Renee… we are just going thru some things and waiting on the Lord in other areas…
Worry definetly takes over in stead of just trusting Him …. Satan has his heydays,,,,,,
God always uses something or someone to remind me that I just need to trust Him because He will always come thru and I just need to let it go….
Please pray for us… we have some very imminent financial needs that have to be taken care of asap….. we know He has a plan…..
I already get your email updates..have gotten the 7 day doubt diet emails and shared the link to todays devotional….
I pray that the Lord continues to bless you as you serve Him..
My life came to a screeching halt 17 years ago with deep depression. I had been spending a ton of time with God in prayer and in His Word but only felt worse about myself. I would read some scripture and try real hard to do what it said but would only fail and then feel worse about myself. I couldn’t figure out why other people seemed to be able to handle life but I couldn’t… thus feeling worse. Plus, I didn’t feel like a Christian should be struggling with depression.
I finally got into counseling and a recovery group in our church. I worked through some deep pain in my past with a lot of help from a counselor and started taking better care of myself. Before this, I never said no to anything and felt that the more I did, the more God would love me. (I don’t think I could have verbalized this at that point but that was how I was living my life.) I read the book “Boundaries” and it helped alot. Then I got into a Conquering Codependency Christ Centered group in my church. We went through a 8 month weekly workbook with a small group of equally worn out women. This changed my life. I started covering over the lies I was believing with truths of God.
I began to be able to Rest as Jesus says “Come unto Me all you weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” Matt 11:28
The material was so life changing that I have now run 5 different Conquering Codependency groups with worn out burdened women and seen God transform their lives from bondage to freedom. I would highly recommend this to anyone struggling with these kinds of issues. There is help from people that understand!
Isaiah 61:1-3 says:
1 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
because the Lord has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners,
2 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the Lord
for the display of his splendor.
thankful for God’s help and healing,
Letting go so God can handle my worries is what came to mind as I read your devotion. I am a perfectionist who needs routine in her life and when it gets chaotic I worry and the whole nine yards. So I am trying to learn to let go. God can handle it. I will be signing up for your 7 day devo.
Thank you for doing this. I’m looking forward to working through the 7 day devotional, and would love to get the book, too. I’m pretty sure I need this right now.
Oh, I do grow weary from worry. Your blog and book exerpt was a pointed reminder that God is in control…to be still and know that He is God.
I have done all three things that you suggested above. I was telling Pastor Dawn about your book today and told her that I can not wait to read it. She was interested in it as well. I would love to be able to go through your book with a small group of women from our church. I do have a prayer request today also. My husband recently lost his job and I ask that you pray with us that God will help him to find the right job. Thank you for your wonderful blog and sharing with all of us! I love reading your posts and so many of them really touch my heart!
We need rain so bad in the Texas Panhandle. Our crops are suffering. Thank you for your words of encouragement today.
I am doing all three of the ideas!
I am overwhelmed with the number of comments that are already on here just today. I could list several prayer requests, but, if I need to do just one it would be to overcome the stress in my life. It has caused a lot of health problems. I have been a Christian for 40 years, read my Bible and pray daily, am active in my church, love to do volunteer work helping others. And yet, I am always tense and have a hard time giving up worrying. In need of finding a job and at age 57 in this economy, don’t even know where to start. Guess that is already two prayer requests. Enough for now! 🙂
Renee, I LOVE your new site! It is really terrific! Can’t wait to come back frequently…See you soon! Lynn
I just finished your 7-day Doubt Diet. I also shared your free resource page on my facebook wall! I began praying several months ago that God would use my husband and I, and the phrase that kept coming to mind was that I wanted to be “profoundly effective” in doing His work. Since then, our life has been turned upside down as we have faced faith challenges on every side. (I should have expected this, right?) BUT in the midst of all the “stuff” going on around us, God has opened doors for ministry (in our church) and we are learning to serve Him even while the storms rage around us! We are strangers, but your ministry has been a great encouragement to me! I will continue to share your devotions, book, etc. with my friends!
Thank you for the reminder.
Shared post via Twitter and signed up for email newsletter/devotions. Love the new site and the focus of this book! I struggle with worrying about provision and what God wants me to do ministry wise. Trying to surrender and let go, and just trust!
This devotion came to my inbox at just the perfect time…I could use prayers for peace.
I woud read this with my adult daughter. Her husband wants a divorce after 6 years of marraige. Please pray for Megan.
Thank you …I am looking forward to reading this. I loved the 7 day devotionals you sent. I do NOT have a confident heart. I am insecure, but working on it with the help from some wonderful friends. I am looking for balance in my life….priorities…getting God back to the center. Being a wife, mom of 2 wonderful kiddos, full-time work outside the home (summers off), volunteer in children’s ministry at church, 2 Bible studies, serving in the community, trying to lose weight and be more like Jesus…I get weary!
Thank you for your inspiring words! I am looking forward to reading your book.
LOVE the new website and always love your giveaways. Thank you for being available to God so you could minister to me (and so many others).
I already signed up for the 7 day doubt diet (and shared the messages with several of my friends at the time, because it was so awesome) and I signed up for your e-mail list last night. I have been worried about work lately, and that I am following the wrong direction. I would definitely appreciate the prayers!
God’s timing is always perfect and the 7-Day Doubt Diet Devotional a couple of weeks ago was no exception! Each day spoke to challenges I’ve been facing and I was eager to share with anyone who’d listen – my ladies group has decided to use your new book for our next bible study. We are so excited! Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights – I will forever be changed by the way God is working through you~
I love Ps31! I get the magazine and watch their facebook feed. It never fails to encourage me. My cousin recently lost his legs and left arm in a work accident. I just finished a journal full of scriptures for him and I had to include parts of articles that were in PS31. I also just finished Craving God, which has helped me stick to the crazy strict diet I’m working on. I can’t wait to start on your material! Looking forward to the blessings:)
Thank you for being faithful to God so you can encourage us!
Hi Renee! If you could please pray for our family as we are hoping to add to it but dealing with some fertility issues. And I did all 3!! Thanks!
This is all so needed for me right now. I struggle with worry and self doubt daily. My biggest worry right now is finances. My husband and I are struggling to make ends meet. It seems like we try to cut things out, but then another unexpected expense comes along and we are right back where we were. Neither one of us wants to get a second job, but it may be the only way to get some of these bills paid off. Please pray for me and my husband, that God will reveal His plan for our finances.
Stephanie, Ft Worth, TX
Love, love, love everything I’ve read so far about your new book. I’ve been a fan of Proverbs 31 on facebook . I decided to like your FB page for your new book because every time a quote was posted from your book from the P31 page, it was truly inspiring EVERY time. I hope to win a copy BUT even if I don’t, this will be a book I will own. 🙂 Blessings to you and your ministry!!!
I can’t wait for your new book!! I just finished reading your 7 day doubt diet and I was left wanting more! I can’t wait to see what God is going to do in my life. I so need something like this. I have been going through a teremendous amount of stress, guilt, and doubting myself. Thank You for shaing with us. God Bless you
I’ve signed up for email updates and the 7-Day Doubt Diet! Loving it so far!!!!