Welcome to my NEW website!! I’m so glad you stopped by today! If you found your way here from the Proverbs 31 Ministries invitation to join us on The 7-day Doubt Diet, click here for more details or simply sign up in my sidebar.
If you’re visiting after reading my P31 devotion, “When Worry Makes Me Wonder”, thanks for hopping over. In my devotion, I shared how a few years ago I felt like I was suffocating under everything that was going on in my life. Have you ever been there?
Slowly, I let worry weave it’s way into my thoughts and wear me down. Eventually, I came to a point where I was exhausted and ready to resign from just about everything…life, ministry, etc.
I ran out of fuel and felt like I didn’t have enough energy to handle all of my roles, relationships and responsibilities.
I also ran out of faith. I started doubting my ability to to hear God clearly and to do all I assumed He wanted me to do.
All my worries started making me weary. And they made me wonder… I wondered if I could manage my life. I wondered if God noticed and cared about all I was doing for Him, and others. And I wondered why God wasn’t doing something to make my life easier.
One day I was reading in Luke 10 and noticed Martha felt the same way. She couldn’t get everything done and it was making her come undone. That day I noticed something. She went to Jesus. Yes she was freaking out, but she went to Him about it.
And she asked Him the same question I’d been asking in my heart:‘Lord, don’t you care?
“She came to Him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care?that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!’” Luke 10:40b (NIV)
And how did Jesus respond to Martha’s doubts and demands? “’Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’” (NIV)
I knew God wanted the same for me. He did care. He did notice. He’d left a note for me right there in scripture to show me what was going on in my own heart. And He’s done the same for you.
I sensed He wanted me to come to Him and talk to Him, instead of talking to myself (in my head) which only made me worry more. And when I did come to Him with my concerns, He replaced my thoughts with His thoughts. He replaced my worries with His peace.
Some days I needed to do more than pray. I needed to give my worries to Him. So I wrote them down on index cards and put them under a cross I have next to my bedside. Physically placing them there, and giving them to Jesus was so powerful.
I also looked up promises in scripture to replace my worries and doubts. I found verses like Psalm 55:22 that says: “Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you…” (NLT) I also found 1 Peter 5:7 that reminded me: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” (NLT)
We need God’s presence and the promise of His care as a dwelling place for our hearts. And on those days when we we just can’t do it all and we wonder if God notices how hard we’re trying, He wants us to know He notices and He does care. He cares about us and He loves taking care of us and all that concerns us, too.
I’ve got a list of “Peace-giving Promises I’d love to share with you on my FREE resources page. And I’d love to pray for you today, too. Be sure to leave “share your thoughts” below and let me know one worry you want to leave with Jesus and I’ll pray for that concern. And also be sure to enter my drawing for my “Contagious Confidence” Give-aways.
Peace-Giving Promises GIVE-AWAY!
In my book, A Confident Heart, I share in chapter 9 how we can turn our fear-filled thinking into faith-filled believing and stop Satan from stealing the confident peace that’s meant to be ours in Christ. Today, I’m giving away 5 copies of A Confident Heart to ONE of you – along with a Free “Confident Heart” Q&A Conference Call. That way you can gather some friends to go through the book together and we can talk about it if you want to! And, because I want more than one winner, I’m giving away 2 more Advanced copies to another one of you, too.
I would love for you to join me in sharing God ‘s peace-giving promises today! Here are a few things you can do to enter today’s give-aways:
1. Share this post or a link to the “Peace-giving Promises via email, Twitter, your blog or Facebook. Let’s encourage as many women as we can and disarm the enemy from his weapon of worry. My “Tell a Friend” buttons below makes it really easy.
2. Sign up for the 7-day Doubt Diet (if you haven’t already) and invite friends too! It includes a week’s worth of devotions with more powerful promises, personal encouragement and scripture-based prayers to help you lose the weight of worry and doubt so you can gain a confident heart!
3. Sign up for my email updates in the little box at the top of my website to receive news on give-aways, free resources, blog posts and more! I’ve got all kinds of announcements coming up!
Leave a comment by clicking “Share Your Thoughts” below and tell me how I can pray for you. Also, let me know which or all of these you are doing to share God’s peace-giving promises today. Your comment will enter you into the drawings. I’ll announce the winner on Monday, July 18th!
And be sure to download your copy of more “Peace-giving Promises. “
Congratulations on launch of your new website! It’s beautiful. After scrolling through some of the comments posted my heart aches for so many women with real burdens weighing them down. Thank you for being confident to respond to God when He called you to this very special and necessary ministry. Praying for you and all the women you have touched today. I will be spreading the word via facebook and personnal connections that we can all be lighter through A Confident Heart.
Thank you so much. I did all 3. I am so very excited about learning how to be a confident woman in Christ!! I have always struggled with this issue. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do! God bless! 🙂
Loved the 7 day doubt diet and can’t wait to read the whole book! Every day seemed to speak to me at just the right moment, guess it couldn’t have happened at a better time for me. Worry/anxiety has hit me hard ever since becoming a mom, but gone in waves. Your doubt index actually surprised me; I had thought my worry was worse than it really is. Since reading the doubt diet and getting the daily Proverbs 31 ministries email, my husband is noticing a change in my mood/anxieties. Found out today that I could get regular emails from your site, and can’t wait to be encouraged and inspired more. Thanks for all your resources on your site!
Hi Renee,
I’ve signed up for your email updates and for the 7 day doubt diet. I look forward to reading your book! Thanks for the chance to win! Have a blessed day!
Hi Renee … I am new to your website and training. 🙂 I like your site! I have been out of work since October 2010. I am my mom’s 100% caretaker. It has been good to be home to take care of her, but unemployment will run out soon. I believe I only have one more extension before it will be done. I have been looking for a job, but have not been able to find one in my area. I feel God has closed that door and has opened another one for me. I will begin school on August 3. Continuing Education classes in Medical Administration (this is a new career for me!) It has been many years since I have been to school! I know this is where God would have me right now, but I am a bit nervous about the next unemployment extension. I am working on overcoming this. Will you please pray with me that my mom starts feeling better, that I can overcome the doubt about the unemployment, that I have the skills to do well in school (and do well on the state certification test) and find a job after training. Good gravy that sure seems like a lot! No wonder I’m a little down. Anyway .. I have signed up for your 7 day doubt email. I can’t wait to get them. It just dawned on me they may be very helpful! I have also signed up for your email updates. Look forward to reading your encouragement! Praying peace and blessings over you and yours …
Thank you for the post. I struggle with worry on a daily basis. I have for most of my life. I signed up for your 7 day doubt diet and I would love to read your book. I have been trying to live what I learn on my journey with Christ, but like I said, my flesh is weak when it comes to worry. My mother has been diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, My husband had Hodgkins Lymphoma and is now battling Thyroid issues that stemmed from his radiation. My husband lost his job for 3 months because of health issues. I am a stay at home mom with 5 kids so you can imagine my stress level. I still count my blessings because I have a wonderful and supportive family, a roof over my head, food on my plate and a wonderful God and Saviour who takes care of me and loves me regardless of the fact that I continue to worry lol. Please pray that I can continue to lay down my worries and concerns at Jesus’s feet and live the joyous life He died for me to live. Thank you for all you do to encourage and lead. May God contiue to bless your ministry. 🙂
I shared the Peace-Giving Promised page on Facebook AND on Twitter (Bethany LeBedz). I’ll tell you what worry did to me: it made me literally, physically sick. I didn’t listen when God tried to get my attention in more subtle ways, so now I have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. He’s got my attention now, but sometimes I still forget and try to do too much and worry too much!
Hi Renee,
I am a subscriber of Encouragement for Today and I came across your 7-Day Doubt Diet. I signed up for the free devotionals as well. I have read the welcome email and I am so blessed by it. Chapter 1 from your book really spoke to me, to my situation. I believe it has got to be Daddy God’s appointment for me to come across all these. I really hope to have a copy too. I invited some friends as well to sign up for the devotionals. God bless you always.
everytime I start to read your devotionals I feel like it is something I have been through and that is it just for me. I know we girls experience a lot of the same situations and it is great to have someone that can relate to us. I enjoy reading your posts on FB, and your devos! Thanks.
Just finished the first chapter and connected right away! I also have that huge shadow on the wall. But I was shocked by one of the questions at the end ~ when is the earliest you remember doubting ~ you know what, it wasn’t until very recently and I’m over 40 years old! I immediately thanked the Lord and wanted to share with you! But then I got here and started doubting that I should write my thoughts . . . weird, but that’s what’s been going on with me for about a year now. I praise the Lord that during a time when I find ~ after all these years ~ I traded my confidence in HIM for doubt in myself; HE provided a (free) message from you that spoke to my need! Thank you for the encouragement. I just know the Lord is going to use you to bless many women and families!
I have been so blessed by finding you! I know God uses others to reach the area that we are most needing to look at. I have found peace and comfort knowing we all struggle and I am not alone. Satan wants division between us and God and the best way to do that is with doubt and fear. I pray that God continues to bless you in all that you do.
I have a lot on my shoulder at this time, I am trying to get a job but because my credit score is so low no one will hire me, i am behind in my house notes, I know in my heart that God has an answer for me, I love to help people, so I do a lot of volenteer work, I know God hears my cries, but it hurt so bad, I also look after my mother who is in a Senior residents. I don’t mind at all she is the only mother I have ever had. She is 92. I know God hears my prayers but I am doing something that is keeping me from my blessing. It is a blessing to wake up everyday. And I thank God for that. I have made some not-so-good choices in my life, nothing for jail or any tye crime, I mean finiacial wise. Please pray that God give me the knowledge and the strength with his blessing, to get a job and get back on my feet. And a finincial bless to get me statrted. I love the Lord God with all my heart.
I have done all three~I have even suggested your book to work through in Sunday School. Prayer request for me is to embrace every change as it comes without doubting and fear. Life seems to be changing so quickly in so many areas and I have never been fond of change at all.
I signed up for the 7 Day Doubt Diet and it has been amazing. The timing of each devotional was incredible! God truly used your words to touch my heart. I cannot wait to read the book! Thanks for listening to God’s voice and being obedient to Him. I know there are times as a Christian in the public eye, you receive criticism (also from brothers and sister in Christ, sadly) but please keep your head up because you are doing amazing things for His Kingdom!
I am living every word you wrote. I am weary and I am trying to take God at His word.
Please pray for increase in finances as I work part-time and attend seminary full-time and want to get out a financial hole. Pray for peace and confidence to take the place of doubt, fear and worry and the willingness to be obedient to our heavenly Father.
Thank you for the words of encouragement. I especially love how writing down your worries on index cards clears up any confusion in your mind and then physically placing them at the foot of the cross lets you know they are being taken care of by my God who is in control.
Hi Renee,
I too have done all 3! I printed out all the devotions for the 7day diet….I’ve never been confident in anything. I know this study is replacing the lies of the enemy with the word of truth in my life. Thank you!
I need your prayers for financial problems. I am to the point of feeling like nothing good can happen to me now. We are in such dire straights. I need help praying, I don’t know how to pray anymore. :,(
Hi Renee! I did the 7 Day Doubt Diet as part of the Hidden Joy study. I loved the Doubt Diet devotions and have saved the e-mails so I can go back to them later.
I have to admit – I am a worrier. I worry about everything. My Mom was a worrier so I think I get it from her. And it will wear you OUT to worry all the time! Not to mention the head-aches it will give you! I had never made the connection between everything I worried about and my lack of faith. It is kind of a control issue, I guess. If I worry all the time, somehow I feel like I am in control – rather than giving it all to God and let Him be in control and let Him do the worrying. Why do we do that? HE is the only one that has the power to change any situation we have on our list of things to worry about! Talking to ourselves (even in our heads) gets us nowhere, does it?
I have enough on my mind with trying to deal with all that “stuff” from my childhood – – I don’t need to add today’s things over which I have no control. Thank you for your devotion – your Doubt Diet – and your ministry.God bless!!
I also wanted to say that one worry I want to give to God is my children’s schooling choice. We were homeschooling, then last winter sent them to our local Christian school and I just can’t let the decision alone. I want to keep mulling it over and over and over and even throwing in our public school as an option. I want to give it to Him. And rest. It is so confusing for me when it is a decision that my husband and I have to make, God won’t make it for us. And, does the unrest in my mind mean we are doing the wrong thing? Ah! It goes around and around. Today, though, I’m giving it to Him. Thanks for the prayers in this!
Thank you for generously giving away advanced copies of “A Confident Heart.” I’ve had it in my Amazon cart for weeks now, waiting for it to be available! Can’t wait! 🙂
Today, if you could pray for me to actually receive and accept the love God pours out to me daily, and not worry about what friends or foes say that make it hard to believe God likes me just this way…that would be a blessing. Thank you.
God bless your ministry!
I loved the 7 Day Doubt Diet! Hoping to win a copy! I shared via facebook.
What a timely message. Your book holds so many truths, and you point back to Jesus and His Word at every step. I signed up for the 7 Day Diet and have enjoyed it immensely. Sometimes we have to take a hard look at ourselves and remember that we are made in the image of God. As long as we accept His truths and know Jesus as our personal savior, nothing on this earth can separate us from God’s love. Thank you for sharing this message!
So thankful for the message. I would love to do the study with my women’s group! I entered via email. Thank you so much for being obedient to what God has for you. It ministers to us!
Hi Renee!
How exciting this is! I have done all of the above! What an encouragement you and P31 have been to me! When I saw your new book I just knew it was meant for me! I can’t wait to read it and I know through your words God is gonna do a work in my life that I soooo long for! Blessings to you!!!
I signed up for your 7 day doubt diet. I’m very excited about your new book. Thanks!
I am signing up for the 7-day diet and sending the “Promises” link for my friends via email. Thank you for hitting the nail on the head today, this is my life. I have just about run out of steam and patience and why is it when we feel totally drained that we find ourselves dealing with disrespectful children, crammed schedule, interrupted plans, curve ball after curve ball. I need a catches mitt that is 5’8″ tall!!!!!!!!!!! Help and thank you, I’d love your prayers and I am going to print todays message and keep it handy when life zaps my energy! Blessings sweet Renee!
Karen g
I have signed up for your emails, have already done the Doubt Diet and can’t figure out how to share your Peace Giving Promises. 🙂 I did about 2 or 3 days of the Doubt Diet and realized that a *huge* part of my problem with looking down on others, my own indecision concerning my children, and my trouble with depression stems from insecurity! I cannot wait for your study with Melissa’s Online Bible Study and have my copy pre-ordered on Amazon. I would love to win a copy right now though!
I am a big worry wart! Big one. My husband lost his job last month, but he is also a seminary student. 2 days later, the seminary called and needed him to take an internship a year earlier than planned and said this would help him graduate a semester early also as his requirements will all be done then. So… I guess God has the plans and I have to stop being a worry head! We will be ok, we have planned for this time in our life for 5 years, but actually being to this point is scary. I need those peace verses very much! Thank you!
I would love to win a copy of your book. I constantaly deal with low self esteem and confidence. I can’t wait to read your book and share it with my daughter!! I have signed up for the 7 day doubt diet and cant’ wait to get a glimpse of your book with chapter 1!!! Thank You!!
I was falling apart a little just last night because of feeling so UN-confident. I feel like so many things I have dreamed of, hoped for, & wanted in the last several years have resulted in great disappointment and hurt, so much so that I have become afraid or unable to dream. I’m not over-committed, but under-committed because I think I probably can’t do it. People say “if you could do anything, what would it be?”, and I have no answer anymore. I know God doesn’t want me to be a glass-half-empty person, and I don’t like that that’s how I feel. I think today’s Crosswalk devotional was God-timed for me. I have signed up for the 7-day doubt diet devotional and am looking forward to what God wants to show me that I can’t see just yet.
I have linked this to my Facebook page, tweeted and shared it as an email to several friends. I have read your Doubt diet 7 days emails and was blessed. I have found that now that I am older I am a lot more confident in God. I just wish I had had all this information when I was in my 20’s and 30’s rather than having to learn it all the hard way. The way of experience. But I know that God is good. And I have lived enough to truly believe Romans 8:28
Every blessing to you.
Ok, I have already shared with a friend who signed up but now I am going to share on FB for the second time. ANd if I win the 5 books I will share with friends and host a group !
I absolutely loved this morning’s P31 devotion Renee, and I shared it via fb! I too can so easily go on automatic pilot but before long I realize that I’m exhausted and consumed with worry about so many things! This NEVER helps me and it always ends up taking me to a bad place and down a road that’s not so trusting in God. I end up complaining to Him, and admittedly about Him in these times. Thank you for the amazing reminder, as Jesus reminded Martha, that ONE thing is needed!
I just read today’s devotional and it really spoke to me, where I am right now. I signed up for the 7-day Doubt Diet and “liked” your Confident Heart facebook page. I am so looking forward to reading more and letting God work on my own self-doubt. Our pastor once quoted, “If Satan can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy.” I often feel that I am way too busy, but I don’t know how or what to let go. I could definitely use prayer for God’s guidance in that. Thank you so much for everything you do! Blessings!
Thank you so much for the first chapter. There are times when I feel like I’m the only one with doubts. Questioning God about where He has me and what He is calling me to do, can leave me forgetting that He has prepared me, gone before me, and will never leave or forsake me. Thanks again for the encouragement. Can’t wait to read the whole book…probably with a few special ladies. 🙂
Thank you for your ministry. Please pray for me as a mother of young children to remember God’s promises to me while I raise them. I signed up for the 7-day diet and look forward to the feeding of God’s Word to my soul.
I shared the link on Facebook. I completed the 7-day doubt diet and it was just what I needed so I am looking forward to getting the book. The summer has been very frustrating. I set out to work on a couple picture books God called me to. Then we had a major hail storm. Instead of being able to focus my time on writing, revising and editing the books, one sheets and proposals to get ready for an upcoming writer’s conference; I am having to call insurance companies. It has been very hard to find the balance between being a writer, a mom enjoying her kids and summer break, and dealing with various repair companies.
Loved your blog today. I also signed up for the 7-day doubt diet. What a great idea. It seems my doubt comes in waves. And prior to that I am believing God and starting to dream of what could be, and then that wave comes and it takes a while to get my bearing again. Satan loves it when we doubt God. It also seems that I go from one worry to the next. So I barely am standing and then I’m down again. Really looking forward to what you have to say about this tomorrow. Thanks.
I’m sure many ladies feel this way, but I feel that God sent today’s P31 devotion to my inbox just for me today. I have been overwhelmed with the weight of my worries and to-do’s lately, and this devotion was so encouraging. I did sign up for your 7-day doubt diet, and invited a friend, and your new book definitely sounds ‘heaven-sent’!
I found your blog through a link shared by Proverbs 31 Ministries. I shared the link and signed up for your emails as well as The 7-day Doubt Diet. I have shared your site, your devotions and your words with so many friends via Facebook. I am excited to know more on the word of God. Thank you for all your resources.
This sounds like just what I need. I worry about my kids, my marriage, my job, my husband. Everything. The times I’ve given a particular subject to the Lord, he’s come through and taken care of it for me. It is just so hard to give that up and depend on Him but that is exactly what He wants. This is so powerful and true. Thanks for dealing with this issue. I feel it affects so many people and keeps us from seeing all that God has in store for us.
Bless you,
I am the consummate worrier. It consumes me. I try hard to give it up but it seeps back in. I would love to find way to get past this and make my faith stronger in the One who can heal this part of me.
I would love a copy of your book “A Confident Heart”! You are such an inspiration to me and give me lots of encouragement! Thank God for you 🙂
Followed the steps for the drawing – as far as how you can pray for me: my Mother has Alzheimer’s and her condition is progressing at a rate much faster than I anticipated. It’s difficult to see her going through this, and it rocks my world in every way imaginable. I know the Lord is with me always, but some days the challenges seem like an uphill battle. I need the Lord’s strength daily, hourly – actually more like minute by minute. That is why the Doubt Diet seems like a perfect thing for me right now – I need to not let the circumstances shake me, and doubt to errode the firm foundation Christ has placed me on. It’s not easy somedays – the waves and wind of doubt hit hard on my heart at times. I would very much appreciate your prayers, may God bless you and your ministry. Thanks! Cristina
I have shared your site, your devotions and your words with so many friends via Facebook, email etc… not just today and not just for a copy of the book… I will be getting your book regardless of whether or not it’s a free copy!! Reading the first chapter and going through the 7-day doubt diet, not to mention your devotions, I feel like you’ve been writing my story. I am eagerly anticipating the release of your book and how God plans to use it in my life.
Thanks so much for sharing your heart with others so freely and transparently.
God Bless,
I’ve posted to Facebook, Twitter and signed up for the email updates. Thank you so much for allowing God to work through you. I’ve been so very blessed by the devotionals and free resources already. Thank you for being diligent and obedient. It will bless so many! My prayer request is for very clear direction. Direction for going back to work, joining a new church family and most importantly, adoption. Praying that He pours out his grace and love on you!
Thank you so much Renee for your encouraging words! I have struggled with confidence all my life. When I signed up for your 7-day Doubt Diet, I was a couple of days away from leaving on vacation and then I didn’t have internet access on our trip, so wasn’t able to do it, but I did save the emails and intend to try it again! It looked like it would be helpful. I dislike feeling this way; I feel inferior to everyone and it’s very embarrassing sometimes! Please pray that I can see myself the way God sees me! Thank you! God bless and have a great day!
Renee ,
I am so excited to be doing your study. I know it is exactly what God has in store for me at this time in my life. I am so tired of worrying over my finances. My husband and I have so much credit card debt I feel we will never climb out of this hole we have dug for ourselves. I live in constant shame and guilt. The bible is so true when it says we are slaves to the lender. It is like a noose around our necks that is choking the life out of us. God has blessed us with a great income that we have just squandered. At the time we had to live on credit cards to pay the bills and to make ends meet. Now we are paying the consequences. Every single penny we make goes to credit card debt. I want our money to glorify God and right now it causes nothing but shame. I hate feeling guilty because I cant tithe, give to missions, help my family or any other charity I want to support. Please pray for us. We are now on a cash only budget (for the past 2 yrs) and Praise God we have been able to pay down every single credit card on time every month. It is just so stressful. We are in debt to the lender and they can raise the interest rates whenever they want. It is a never ending battle. Please pray for us and thanks again. I just feel like giving up and starting over. But I know God would not want us to take the path of Bankruptcy. The thought of it scares me even more than our debt does.
I have been anxiously awaiting your book release of “Confident Heart”. I have always dealt with low self esteem, worry, and no confidence. I am dealing with a stronghold the enemy has over my husband and need to read this book so my precious daughter does not also grow up with confidence issues as a result of my husband’s drinking. Bless you for the book and daily devotions.