Update: When I started to write a post today (Friday), I sensed God wanted me to leave this post up through the weekend. I pray these words will fall fresh on your weary or worried heart today. They have on mine. I am working on my book proposal about a woman’s doubts this weekend. I’ know I’ve said it before but I’m really starting. I have to thank you because your comments and God’s clear leading have inspired me to take that first step! I’d treasure your prayers as I seek His thoughts and gather mine. I’ll keep you posted, and I’ll be back Monday with more encouragement!
When I look at a rocking chair I feel peace-full! And I have to admit, I long for peaceful almost as much as a cup of coffee or the chance to stay in bed longer on cold winter mornings. Yes, peace-full is very appealing to me.
Worry is the opposite of peace-full. It leaves me me peace-less!
There are times when I don’t even realize I’m worried. My mind is wired to think a lot so I get used to the constant flurry of motion in my brain. Worry will start to slowly creep in, and then before I know it there’s a stirring in my heart, my neck is tense, my mind won’t shift gears and little concerns have kicked into full blown worry.
Author Linda Dillow says, “Worry is like a rocking chair, it will give you something to do but it won’t get you anywhere!” Oh, she is so right. When I finally stop worrying, I realize I’ve wasted a bunch of time and mental energy thinking about something I can’t change when I should’ve been talking to God – since He is the only one who can.
In Philippians 4:5b-7, Paul tells us how we can find peace in the midst of our worries. He says,”…the Lord is near. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:5b-7 (NLT)
In the NIV translation, Verse 7 says, “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Oh that God’s peace would transcend my need to understand! Sometimes that is my biggest problem, I can accept what God is doing if He’d just help me understand why He’s doing it that way.
I want what Paul promises. I want God to guard my heart and mind with peace as I tuck myself into Jesus (because He’s near) and live in the sovereignty of Him being in control. Let’s break down the ways Paul says we can get God’s peace that is far more wonderful than our minds can understand:
- Stop worrying
- Start praying – tell God what I need.
- Thank God for what He’s already done
Now that is doable! So why is it so stinkin’ hard to do? Why do I naturally do the opposite? I think it’s because the enemy whispers in our thoughts: Do not be calm about anything; instead worry about everything. Tell God what He should do. Then take control if He doesn’t listen. And the concerns that consume your thoughts will devour your peace as you wring your hands, allowing anxiety and fear to rob you of your joy!
But according to yesterday, we are taking those thoughts captive, right? We are throwing them in the outfield and claiming God’s promise to provide just what we need – peace. So, today when our concerns consume us, let’s choose to stop and empty our hearts of our worries, talk to God about what we need and THANK HIM for His faithfulness and provision. One thing I do is write it in my journal so I can look back and remember the times God has been there for me or my family. It’s amazing how peace-full comes when I stop worrying, start praying and begin thanking Him for what He has and will do.
“You will keep in perfect peace, (her) whose mind is steadfast, because (she) trusts in you.” Isaiah 24:4
This Week’s Mom Give-Aways
This week Leah will be drawing names from each day’s comments for this week’s give-aways which include the following:D6 Mom Tshirts, “Total Money Make-Over”by Dave Ramsey, Finding Home by Jim Daly, George Barna’s “Revolutionary Parenting”, “My Single Mom Life”by Angela Thomas’ and a year’s worth of Family Devotional Magazines from D6.
To be part of these give-aways, click on “comments” below. PLEASE include your email so we can get in touch if you win. Thank you D6 and Proverbs 31 Ministries for all the great give-aways!
I am reminded that God is in control… I don’t have to worry!
ladyverlina at yahoo dot com
I am reminded that God is in control… I don’t have to worry!
ladyverlina at yahoo dot com