I hated feeling this way…uneasy and so uncertain. If only I knew what what was making my emotions so wobbly. If only I could name it. Then I could figure out what to do about it.
One day He showed me. It was doubt. Not fear or worry, but self-doubt that made me question everything I thought, felt and said. I didn’t like it, but naming it helped me know how to pray. Naming it led me to confessions I needed to make and promises I could claim. Naming it made me feel like I could finally stand up to it.
Recently I spent some time with my friend, Ann Voskamp. Leah and I visited with her family on their farm in Ontario. While we were there, II was reading a chapter in Ann’s book, One Thousand Gifts, where she talks about the power of naming things. How essential it is to our healing and hope.
We spent time on the porch talking and Leah recorded our conversation so we’d be able to share it with you. It’s so good to know we’re not alone in our doubts and fears. As you’ll see, Ann and I had many that overshadowed our lives for so long, but we found healing and hope once we learned to them. Would you join us on the porch? Be sure to turn up the volume. A truck or tractor passes and it gets kind of loud. <Also, if you are reading this via email, just click on the post title to see the video on my website>
I love how Ann shared, “When you don’t have a name for something, you’re haunted by it’s shadows…But when you can name something… It loses it’s mask and you can find a strategy to deal with it.” (One Thousand Gifts)
Join us Friday…Ann and I kept talking, and we’d love for you to join us again on the porch. I could have talked with her all day! We’ll be back Friday to share more. If you’d like a reminder, simply put your email in the update box at the top of my website, and I’ll slip you a note in your inbox when it’s posted.
We have a few gifts… Would you leave us a little note by clicking “Share your thoughts” below this post. We’d love for you to be part of the conversation, too. And I’m giving away 3 signed copies of Ann’s book, so I”ll draw names from the notes you leave here.
One last thing… I wanted to share how Jesus has been working behind the scenes knowing the topic of today’s post. I’ve been receiving notes from many of you reading my Confident Heart devotions in The 7-day Doubt Diet. Just this week, here is what two of you wrote:
“Renee, I just finished reading the Introduction and the first chapter of A Confident Heart . Thank you so much for writing a book like this and knowing exactly what it’s called that I’m going and have gone through all my life and didn’t know what it was called. ~ Sharon
“I’ve always doubted myself, but like you I called my different names. It felt so good to know and hear that I am not alone and that I can find my God-Confidence. ~ Megin
I smiled, knowing it was all HIM!! You are on His heart and in His thoughts, my friends. And if you are curious, maybe now wanting to read Chapter 1 of my book, I’d love to share it with you.
Remember to “share your thoughts” below so I can choose the winners of the 3 signed copies of Ann Voskamp’s New York Times Best-Seller, One Thousand Gifts . I’ll announce the winners next Monday. And since we talked about overcoming self-doubts, I’ll tuck in a copy of my book with each of Ann’s for the three of you who win.
If you are reading this via email, please click on the post title to “share your thoughts” on my website and enter the drawing.
Thank you for sharing that visit on the porch. I think that most of us have heard all of our lives that whatever we receive comes from God’s hand, both good and bad. The idea of naming it, whether it’s the bad of a sickness or a struggle or a doubt or a sin, or the good of a gift, a blessing, nature, or a relationship, a conversation, a new thought, a scripture…whatever it is, when we name it we are being like God, using our creative powers and we look into his heart and his face–as much as is possible while still in our mortal bodies. One day we will see him face-to-face. I’m trying to slow down and notice them and write them down, but this is the first that I considered that the “bad” things are gifts to write down too. We can see his face in them, we bless God when we’re grateful for them, we allow him to bring beauty from the ashes of our “sacrificing” them…the sacrifice of praise. “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of Christ Jesus concerning you.”
I recently finished reading One Thousand Gifts, and have begun naming gifts too. As gratitude grows, so does confidence – Thankfulness does feed faith. It really does.
WOW! It is through women like you (Renee) and Ann that God has been showing me the past couple of years that I AM NOT ALONE in what I’ve gone through and continue to go through BUT THERE IS A WAY PAST IT!!!!
Yes, I know I’m really ‘late’ reading this but on July 20 (when you posted it), I was spending the day buying a car and preparing to get up and leave the next morning to head to North Carolina for SOME reason – lol
I believe that I am reading it in God’s ‘perfect’ timing though – I was so happy to receive two free copies of your book at the conference. You signed one for me and one for a friend – and I already had one on pre-order that I have since received. I am offering it as a give-away on my blog
I wish I had the money to buy your book for every person I know that would benefit from it – that is how strongly I feel about it.
It was such a privliege and honor to meet you at She Speaks and to be able to see your “heart”. You were one of those people that just immediately struck a special place in my heart because of your ‘genuineness’ and honesty. Keep on “keeping it real” as Mandisa says…….
Love you!
Oh – and just in case you read this and hop over to my blog – don’t fret! Although there are no comments on that one, there have been a couple of comments on my other one – http://www.WATERforKingdomGirls.wordpress.com – for the same deal
This book sounds so interesting and helpful to me,,, I am 62 yrs old and still struggle with self esteem and confidence in many areas, I am so weary of it, I would love to win a copy of your book, “a Confident Heart: ” I believe it will help me, If I don’t win,,, then I plan on buying the book for sure!! thank you sharing your heart. coni
I never knew about the naming of things but know that when I was able to express it and share with a trusted confidant, that it lost it’s power over my life and released me from the hold on my life. Great message and I love the inspiration and encouragement from your site. Thank you so much and God bless your ministry.
Thank you for listening to God’s call to visit Ann and have Leah record your precious conversations with Ann. Before I have even read Ann’s new book, the ordained conversation between the two of you has given insight into my lifelong struggle of self-doubt. Thank you for being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
I am so blessed to name two more gifts in my life: Renee Swope and Ann Voskamp – real life friends, sisters in the Lord. Thank you!!!
Thankfulness. When I steal a moment to imagine a world of thankful people, I see a world free of all evil-doing. I get a glimpse of pure joy and it warms me all over. It makes me want to mow my neighbor’s lawn, pay for the stranger’s frozen yogurt, and hold my little girls a few seconds longer.
Agreed, there is something profoundly different between an “unknown” and a “known” and proclaiming a name…also makes me think of a new perspective on proclaiming the Name of Jesus..and “at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, every tongue confess..”
Yes….this is truth. Naming things brings them to light and
is the first step away from fear. Thanks.
So blessed by your discussion, ladies. I resisted the idea of naming for many years–thinking that labeled or pigeonholed a person, but have since come to realize, as Ann says, that it chases away the frightening shadows. Naming also breaks denial, helping us be more open to saying “Abba, I need your help and healing in this.”
Hope you are both encouraged as your efforts are a blessing to so many.
What a wonderful conversation and how great to put voices with both you and Ann. I wish I could name it but I right now I can’t. It’s a struggle with ……..something. Is it fear, is it lack of confidence, over confidence, lack of trust? I wish I knew.
I just love listening to the 2 of you talk. Wish I was there to feel the excitement I see on your faces as you talk of the goodness of the Lord. I wish we were neighbors!
Just what information you have sent me this past week has had such an impact that I couldn’t wait for the book to come out in August. My OCD kicked in and I wanted to get better yesterday so I found the book and got it. I just can’t believe how well you know me. I wish you had written it sooner but when I first needed it you wasn’t even born yet. I have to get myself A Confident Heart before I can help others. My kids are grown and I can see the damage I did to them. I so wish God would say to us that it’s okay we’ll just do over the messed up parts but it doesn’t work that way. I grew up with so many doubts and fears and everything that started with lack of self, (self-doubt, self-contimnation, self-disipline, self-love, and self-understanding) and gave myself, fear, pain, hurt, lonliness, being mistreated, eating disorders. Couldn’t believe God could love me because my own parents didn’t love me. I look forward to walking this journey with you and others that have had similar lives. In God’s name we can get better. Love you, Sharon
Wow – two delightful, humble women. Thank you both for openly letting God live through you. His glory in you is evident. Would LOVE to own these books. Thanks!
Thank you both for sharing! I found Ann’s blog only months ago and it has been life changing….though I am daily gripped by fears, doubts and insecurities and I so often choose to go to my “default” instead of “framing the gifts” even within difficult circumstances. Thanks so much for sharing your lives with us….
I have been blessed over and over by Ann’s book and her blog site, aholyexperience.com. I am excited about Renee’s new book and look forward to sharing both books in a bible study I will lead this fall. Thank you both for being sold-out women for God. May you continue to touch hearts in His name…JESUS!
Please please please!!
My eyelids are shutters by my blinking, either on luscious light or searing shadow, depending on seeing moments
giving fullness of God or a sliver of self.
I would so love to read both of these books. I have done the 7 Day doubt diet and learned a lot from it. I am sure whoever receives these will be blessed by them! Thank you for sharing with us.
Treasured conversation between friends.
Renee, have you ever heard this song by Christa Wells….it’s entitled, “Frame the Clouds”. Came to mind as I listened to the video. http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_2097310 We need those words to frame the clouds.
Thinking about you and praying right now my friend. Love you so.
Yes, naming BOTH and turning to Him!
Hebrews 12:2 (CEV)
We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete.
I love that Ann’s book started with a DARE!
We have been put into what feels an impossibly hopeless place right now and have such a need for Godly wisdom. What you are saying has been a real encouragement. Thankyou Lord, who I am trusting to daily bear us up.
The more I read the more I realize that I have self-doubted myself so long that overcoming it will be a long process that won’t just happen overnight. Besides self-doubt I also lack self-discipline. I’ve never have liked reading so getting the information is one step but turning off the TV and reading the material is about like pulling teeth. I got the book Made to Crave and the workbook that goes with it but I’ve only got to chapter 1. If anyone can suggest something to help I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
The other morning, the morning after a very difficult day with my son’s behavior, I woke up, not with joy that is supposed to “come in the morning,” but with fear that I was not going to know how to handle the behavior again patiently. Of course, after pouring my heart out to God, I felt better and the fear was gone, but I know now that it was self-doubt. Thank you for allowing me to see the name for it.
Wow-you two ladies are incredible-coming along side me to help me worship,see Christ as he really is…
The one who will cast all my doubts away-Thank you both for taking the time to help me see my “stuff” , name it and ask God to be rid of it !
You’re angels in skin-
Love Sincerely,
I tripped across AHolyExperience.com some time ago, found the book just as it was being released. I consumed it: by reading a moment, or a long time – several sentences or a chapter or more… savored, journaled, studied. Thumbed back thru pages, looked up passages, began my own thousand, re-read yet again. I have already purchased ten additional copies and distributed; I have printed, cut and pasted six Colossians memory books to give to my “girls” (10th graders) that I mentor for us to memorize together. Iron sharpening me perhaps as they cut me to the core with insightful, wise, God-loving questions? They too have consumed the book. My 11-year old son journals into the 7 a day booklet that we print, cut, and shape into life giving lists of thanksgiving. The two older boys (16 and 18) soon to leave my nest – speak “gratitudes” ~ recount to me their thanksgiving: Yeshua’ may I remember each gratitude forever. God moves in mysterious ways. Thru a book, thru a life, thru a tree falling on a house~ yes, “all is grace”.
Love, Love, Loved the porch talk. Your book has changed my life. I’ve never been one to journal….now I look forward to it every day. You give answers to the questions about why bad things happen….and how to thank God for His goodness, instead of blaming Him for all of the evil. I love your blogs. Your amazing photos cause me to worship the Lord as much as your beautiful words. Thank you for being used by Him to bring others closer to Him. You are a blessing!
Naming things takes my focus away from myself and the inadequacies, problems, disappointments and refocuses me to the wonderful gifts of each day- even if it is the mountains of laundry- at least I have clothes to wash and appliances to make it easier for me- God is good each day and provides all I need for the day- focus on Him and His gifts.
Hi Renee, I wanted to b on the porch with you and Ann! sharing tremendous treasures…how precious. I love the idea of “framing” for “focus”. That is a life changing truth.
I was just sitting here silent trying to name what it is that’s so encouraging about Ann’s and your conversation, Renee. I think that it is the refreshing honesty of sisters in Christ who are willing to bear each others burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Thank you so much!
Amen…when we bring things into the light it dispels the darkness…and as I pondered naming, the Lord reminded me that Jesus IS the name above ALL names..hallelujah!!
I love that idea of framing the moments that you and Ann talked about. What a grace that we get to be in God’s picture. I’ve read Ann’s book and have given my copy to someone else. I’d love to have another to give away an bless. I love to read people’s stories of what God has taught them so I think yours would be a great read.
I speak the name “LORD Jesus” often because then I am placing him as “LORD/Master over
every situation and circumstance.
Never is there a reason His children should doubt. We need to confess our unbelief and soak in His
presence and abide in His mercy and love. Reading the Psalms often inspires me.
Always giving thanks and praise for the joy of fellow sisters.
Naming His gifts has brought me to live with open hands… in surrender, rather than with clenched fists… demanding.
It has given me a desire to live daily with an ungrieved Spirit of God.