I hated feeling this way…uneasy and so uncertain. If only I knew what what was making my emotions so wobbly. If only I could name it. Then I could figure out what to do about it.
One day He showed me. It was doubt. Not fear or worry, but self-doubt that made me question everything I thought, felt and said. I didn’t like it, but naming it helped me know how to pray. Naming it led me to confessions I needed to make and promises I could claim. Naming it made me feel like I could finally stand up to it.
Recently I spent some time with my friend, Ann Voskamp. Leah and I visited with her family on their farm in Ontario. While we were there, II was reading a chapter in Ann’s book, One Thousand Gifts, where she talks about the power of naming things. How essential it is to our healing and hope.
We spent time on the porch talking and Leah recorded our conversation so we’d be able to share it with you. It’s so good to know we’re not alone in our doubts and fears. As you’ll see, Ann and I had many that overshadowed our lives for so long, but we found healing and hope once we learned to them. Would you join us on the porch? Be sure to turn up the volume. A truck or tractor passes and it gets kind of loud. <Also, if you are reading this via email, just click on the post title to see the video on my website>
I love how Ann shared, “When you don’t have a name for something, you’re haunted by it’s shadows…But when you can name something… It loses it’s mask and you can find a strategy to deal with it.” (One Thousand Gifts)
Join us Friday…Ann and I kept talking, and we’d love for you to join us again on the porch. I could have talked with her all day! We’ll be back Friday to share more. If you’d like a reminder, simply put your email in the update box at the top of my website, and I’ll slip you a note in your inbox when it’s posted.
We have a few gifts… Would you leave us a little note by clicking “Share your thoughts” below this post. We’d love for you to be part of the conversation, too. And I’m giving away 3 signed copies of Ann’s book, so I”ll draw names from the notes you leave here.
One last thing… I wanted to share how Jesus has been working behind the scenes knowing the topic of today’s post. I’ve been receiving notes from many of you reading my Confident Heart devotions in The 7-day Doubt Diet. Just this week, here is what two of you wrote:
“Renee, I just finished reading the Introduction and the first chapter of A Confident Heart . Thank you so much for writing a book like this and knowing exactly what it’s called that I’m going and have gone through all my life and didn’t know what it was called. ~ Sharon
“I’ve always doubted myself, but like you I called my different names. It felt so good to know and hear that I am not alone and that I can find my God-Confidence. ~ Megin
I smiled, knowing it was all HIM!! You are on His heart and in His thoughts, my friends. And if you are curious, maybe now wanting to read Chapter 1 of my book, I’d love to share it with you.
Remember to “share your thoughts” below so I can choose the winners of the 3 signed copies of Ann Voskamp’s New York Times Best-Seller, One Thousand Gifts . I’ll announce the winners next Monday. And since we talked about overcoming self-doubts, I’ll tuck in a copy of my book with each of Ann’s for the three of you who win.
If you are reading this via email, please click on the post title to “share your thoughts” on my website and enter the drawing.
Naming His gifts has brought me to live with open hands… in surrender.. rather than with clenched fists… demanding.
It has given me a desire to live every day with an ungrieved Spirit of God.
Thank you so much for sharing your conversation. Ann’s writing really has challenged me and lingered so that I can see God working. I’ve actually taken the time to stop and listen and watch for God and it’s a beautiful experience. Thank you for that gift.
Power in a name. I am that I am. He shall be called Emmanuel, God with us. I am Alpha and Omega. The Disciples were given a new name. Saul became Paul. Great significance in a name. Call upon Me. Just whispering His name unleashes power. Demons shrink at the sound of His name.
I just finished reading Ann’s 1000 Gifts. I want to share it with everyone! She was able to make me feel LOVED by God like no one else has ever done. Thank you Ann. I have begun my list of God’s gifts, the wonderful and difficult. Every blessing I receive is to go through my hands to others. I will not clench them shut. Thank you dearest Ann.
What a great way of putting it. If you can name something, you can face it. I hear it all the time medically, that when a diagnosis is finally made, then the process of healing can begin. This is a great reminder that there are other things out there that need to be named. I am going through some of this self-doubt myself right now. Would love to win these books and start the healing process.
Blessings to you!!
It is comforting to know that what we fear can be dissected and exposed to the light to dispel the dark mysterious doubts. I am finding new confidence in the Lord’s Word and how He guides me in big and little decisions. Hope to read the book and explore new ways to walk in God’s light. Thank you for sharing your insights through your writing.
I so enjoyed that video, thank you ladies for sharing from your hearts! I read Ann’s blog & have been wanting her book, and found your site today through her link, and have already been very blessed! God has been speaking to me about this very thing, and my children & I have decided to keep journals of our “gifts”.
I discovered you and Lisa on Klove. I logged on to your website and now I am totally hooked. I received your 7 day devotional and love it. Thank you for helping us become the women that we are meant to be.
Thank you both for helping me tosee the beauty in the small, seemingly mundane or challenging moments of life. God is always near and always weaving beauty into our lives. It is truly a pardigm shift that I am working towards. Thanks for your encouragement along this journey called life. 🙂
In a way, our self-doubt is often doubt of God. He promises that He is the one who is going to bring the good work He began in us to completion. I love the part in Ann’s book about fear being doubt of God’s infinite resources- HIs well cannot run dry nor can His storehouses be depleted!
The Name of the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous runneth to it and is safe. Names have always been very significant to God. He filled His Word with them, sometimes in lists even. We often forget how powerful a name is. Thankyou for this reminder!
I love Ann’s book and would love to read yours!
I am learning to embrace fully the joy, gratitude, and grace of the moment. It’s hard to just be conscious of things, yet even easier when you work at naming them– that provide power- emotionally and it makes it real and you can pray for it so much more concretely!
Sitting here feeling sad to miss you all at SheSpeaks this year. But sitting here on the porch with you and Ann helps, Renee. Honestly, I have to say, I’ve been to many conferences, but She Speaks is a special one. Such a life giving place. Praying for you all this weekend. Love to you.
I was reading another one of your devotions on cravings and it through me back here. Everytime I read something you’ve written God touches my heart. It’s like you have an insight to my life. When I work up enough strength I’ll post my Life Story. Just continue to pray for the many people that read what God has revealed to you. Thanks again.
I discovered Ann’s blog in December 2010. I was feeling hopeless and depressed, wondering if God really cared. My husband had been unemployed for two years and our faith was being tested beyond what we thought we could bear. When I read about her book One thousand Gifts, I wanted to purchase it but money was so tight I couldn’t. But I immediately started a Gratitude Journal and it has changed my life! It was hard to find things to be grateful for at first because I was so wrapped up in my fear, doubts and depression. I forced myself to focus—and I began to notice little every day blessings that I always took for granted. My 13 year old son son and my husband started a Gratitude Journal also. Now we are so aware of God’s hand in our lives. Taking the time to look for the blessings, makes me more grateful and I realize how blessed I am. We have not had much money in the last few years, but we are thankful for the many “gifts” our Heavenly Father gives us just because He lives us so much. And I feel rich in the things that really matter in this world. My faith has grown because of the hard times we have experienced. God sustained us and He has been faithful. Just this week, my husband was hired for a teaching position. Of course that went into our Gratitude Journals! I want Ann to know how she has encouraged me and I know God helped me find her blog that day. Would love to win a copy of One Thousand Gifts.
This brought tears to my eyes. “Magnify Jesus” Yes! and Amen! Thank you both for opening up your true selves for all to see…for Him to see!
Thank you for the encouraging words.
Yes! My Father is so Good to me . . . He is using yours and Ann’s sight to Love on and minister to me in such an Incredible way. You both speak to my heart in such a way that I know it’s the Father speaking directly to me through, bringing me the answers I need just when I need them. Thank you both so much!
I often say I think Ann is peeking in my windows because so much of what she writes about seems strait from my heart. As I raise my children, they are so good for helping us see in ourselves what we need to name and bring into the light. They are so transparent and see right through us, too. Thank you for your words that encourage.
Wow! God is using Ann to inspire me so much recently. This video clip will help me talk to one of my sisters who has just been diagnosed with lymphoma and who won’t accept the diagnosis. I can talk to her now about how naming it destroys the mask and the haunting, and can help her see God’s hand and His gifts even in this. Thanks Ann and Renee.
I love this whole discussion about naming the dark places in our lives so we can turn them over to God and be free of them. I’m loving Ann’s book so far (and would love the copy to share with a friend who could be encouraged by it), and look forward to reading your book as well!
I cannot express the impact that you have had on me.!!!!!! Thank you so much for FREEDOM!
Naming things does make everything a little less frightening. Naming things as you give them to God makes everything seem very okay!
I’m so encouraged by your work! I didn’t realize how much of my daily anxiety is caused by self-doubt. Thanks for helping me name it so I can face it and work on it. I’m so thankful to know that our Savior Jesus Christ will help me with this. He’s already answering some of my prayers through you and Ann. Thank you!
My big issue was bitterness and it took me thirteen years for me to put names to my struggles. I know personally what it means to battle discouragement and despair when I didn’t have the names for what I was feeling. Thankfully, God pursued me through my struggles, my avoidance, and my running until I saw the name for my issue, bitterness and judgement. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and blessing us with what you and Ann talked about.
I only discovered Ann’s blog (and yours, too!) last week. Since then, I’ve been steadily reading through the archived posts and I just can’t stop. The simplicity and poetic way Ann writes draws me in. I’ve marked “One Thousand Gifts” on my wish list & can’t wait to read it!
Trying to learn from this infomation of hope . I think your devotion is the answer for me!
Thank you for reaching out to everyone.
This is a real encouragement. I haven’t read either book but would love to read them!
I have been reading Ann’s book on my Nook. It is having a life changing effect on me. I have been a Christian for many years and met a friend recently for lunch who has also been a Christian for many years. At one point in our conversation she stopped and said, “Something has changed in you…what has happened.” And I think I’m only on the third chapter. Having an attitude of gratitude in all things deeply changes your perspective and therefore changes you. It helps you see things more as He sees them…which is very different from the way we typically see them. It is such a gift to walk with God -thanks for turning my heart toward Him.
Thank you for posting the video. It was good to have you both recap what 1000 gifts is all about. I am excited to read your book, because I think they will tie together beautifully!
Thank you so much for the video. Putting a name to issues is a great idea. Thanks so much for your words of hope and thanks so much for sharing.
I am learning not to run through my “valley” but to confidently and in the everlasting arms of my Father journey through this unlovely terrain knowing that He has total control when I truly surrender to Him. It is comforting to know that I am not sojourning alone. Thank you for your loveliness as you share what God has given to you with so many ……..To God be the Glory great things He has done!
Beautiful book, beautiful testimony. Just gave One Thousand Gifts to my sis-in-law and would love to share with more people. Great giveaway!
I LOVE Ann’s book!! It has inspired me so much and now I’m sharing it with a group of friends in a summer Book/Bible study group. Some of my friends are sharing a copy, so I would love to surprise them with a SIGNED copy!! That would be so exciting!! …..and now, I would LOVE to be God-inspired by your book!!! Maybe I could just share it with them for another Book/Bible study!! That would be great!
it is good to listen to both your words and experiences bouncing off each other. makes those of us out in no where land feel connected with other women learning to live with God in their lives…
I enjoyed this video today for many reasons and am confident that God brought me here just to hear this today. I recently had some medical tests done and was waiting a long time for answers….the process of all of this taught me so much as I worked through fear and doubt. I am thankful that our Lord draws us near as we learn from and through Him.
I have been searching your new website and am patiently waiting for your book to arrive. All my life I have had self doubts and anxiety that have kept me from doing and exploring new adventures. This has also hurt me with social situations. I feel inadequate to socialize. I am working very hard at discovering why. I would love to read Ann’s book too. It makes sense to name what it is that is causing self doubt. Thank you both for your ministries.
I’ve enjoyed Ann’s book for the past 6 months and have given it as a gift to my dearest friend. It has changed me in ways I can’t even begin to articulate. In listening to this conversation, I see that though I believe that I trust God, I do struggle with self-doubt, and in that way don’t trust God to work through me as much as I thought. Thank you for sharing & walking this journey with so many women that you will never meet this side of heaven.
Thank you so much for that short video! What a privilege to hear your conversation. And what a message of truth and encouragement. I would so love to win these books! Thanks!
I have read Ann’s book and subscribe to both of your blogs. I know that God is using you both to speak to my heart! Thank you for being faithful to Him! I want to win this to give Ann’s book to my sister who wants to read it (my copy is on my e-reader and she lives in another state so I can’t loan it). And after I read Renee’s book I will give it to her too! :o)
Thanks so much for letting us join you on the porch… it was a nice treat, although even with my speakers at 100% I had to strain to hear!! I am just finishing Ann’s book, and want to share it with so many, but don’t want to give up my copy … I know I am gonna read it again! 🙂 I would love a copy to share, and I could definitely use a more Confident Heart in so many areas of my life!!
Just within the last week the last day or two actually, I have begun One Thousand Gifts, and now that has led me here to visit with you….I’m looking forward to learning, and have begun my own “Gift List”, and I look forward also to reading your book. Thank you for taking the time to share…
Thank you so much to both of you for writing your books and for blogging in such a way that continues to encourage us all day by day! Thank you for this – what a challenge – something that has been difficult for me – to face these things!
thanks so much for letting us share in your discussion . . . what fun. what a blessing!
The bad thing about naming things is you find out you really don’t know yourself as well as you think you do. You think something should be named fear, but really it is self-doubt, or pride, or superiority issues, or over- competitiveness. This is one of those journeys I didn’t think I needed, as I always thought I was a pretty confident person, except in “those” areas. You know, the ones you tell yourself aren’t important.
I don’t really look forward to the process of your book, but the growth I hope to get from it will be worth it.
The verse in Romans that Ann referred to is one of my most loved . I speak it out loud whenever I need reminding of Christ’s amazing love and sovereignty in ALL THINGS! Thanks for the encouragement.
What a blessing to read your devotion and to hear you both talking. Perfect timing!! One Thousand Gifts has been on my “to read list” Heading now to sign up for “The 7-day Doubt Diet.”
Two women, being transparent about their fears and their love of Jesus. What a treasure. Thank you for letting us peek through the window into this sweet conversation 🙂
Just this evening, a friend named a strange weakness I’m experiencing in my hand. I know what it is it has a name. Reminds me of the ultimate power in His name. Perfect love casts out all fears. As the children and I continue on our summer journey of naming 1,000 gifts, I’m delighted to share a bit more about what God is teaching us through this powerfully simple exercise. Thank you for all that you do in the might name of Christ!