I hated feeling this way…uneasy and so uncertain. If only I knew what what was making my emotions so wobbly. If only I could name it. Then I could figure out what to do about it.
One day He showed me. It was doubt. Not fear or worry, but self-doubt that made me question everything I thought, felt and said. I didn’t like it, but naming it helped me know how to pray. Naming it led me to confessions I needed to make and promises I could claim. Naming it made me feel like I could finally stand up to it.
Recently I spent some time with my friend, Ann Voskamp. Leah and I visited with her family on their farm in Ontario. While we were there, II was reading a chapter in Ann’s book, One Thousand Gifts, where she talks about the power of naming things. How essential it is to our healing and hope.
We spent time on the porch talking and Leah recorded our conversation so we’d be able to share it with you. It’s so good to know we’re not alone in our doubts and fears. As you’ll see, Ann and I had many that overshadowed our lives for so long, but we found healing and hope once we learned to them. Would you join us on the porch? Be sure to turn up the volume. A truck or tractor passes and it gets kind of loud. <Also, if you are reading this via email, just click on the post title to see the video on my website>
I love how Ann shared, “When you don’t have a name for something, you’re haunted by it’s shadows…But when you can name something… It loses it’s mask and you can find a strategy to deal with it.” (One Thousand Gifts)
Join us Friday…Ann and I kept talking, and we’d love for you to join us again on the porch. I could have talked with her all day! We’ll be back Friday to share more. If you’d like a reminder, simply put your email in the update box at the top of my website, and I’ll slip you a note in your inbox when it’s posted.
We have a few gifts… Would you leave us a little note by clicking “Share your thoughts” below this post. We’d love for you to be part of the conversation, too. And I’m giving away 3 signed copies of Ann’s book, so I”ll draw names from the notes you leave here.
One last thing… I wanted to share how Jesus has been working behind the scenes knowing the topic of today’s post. I’ve been receiving notes from many of you reading my Confident Heart devotions in The 7-day Doubt Diet. Just this week, here is what two of you wrote:
“Renee, I just finished reading the Introduction and the first chapter of A Confident Heart . Thank you so much for writing a book like this and knowing exactly what it’s called that I’m going and have gone through all my life and didn’t know what it was called. ~ Sharon
“I’ve always doubted myself, but like you I called my different names. It felt so good to know and hear that I am not alone and that I can find my God-Confidence. ~ Megin
I smiled, knowing it was all HIM!! You are on His heart and in His thoughts, my friends. And if you are curious, maybe now wanting to read Chapter 1 of my book, I’d love to share it with you.
Remember to “share your thoughts” below so I can choose the winners of the 3 signed copies of Ann Voskamp’s New York Times Best-Seller, One Thousand Gifts . I’ll announce the winners next Monday. And since we talked about overcoming self-doubts, I’ll tuck in a copy of my book with each of Ann’s for the three of you who win.
If you are reading this via email, please click on the post title to “share your thoughts” on my website and enter the drawing.
Amazing!!!! God is opening my eyes and my heart with every post. This interview was such an eye opener. My trial has been a huge black monster over me that has pushed me away from all I have ever been for God. I’m hanging on to my love for Him, yet this monster is between us. I am so anxious to see God luminate and make this something He can help me to identify, deal with and walk away from. I know God is in it all, I have just not been able to see because of the darkness and fear. God bless you both fo opening your heart and life for God to use for others. I can’t thank you enough. Renee
Thank you so much for your blog, your devotions, and the book you wrote. Unfortunately, I’ve struggled with self doubt far too long. I have faith that with God, and in time, I will overcome it. Thank you so much for all you do. You’re helping change so many lives!
Would love to win. I can certainly relate to the frustrations that can get a woman down. Self doubt is such a pain!
It was delightful to see two women of God come together and share the light of His word. The excitement in both of your lives as you shared your thoughts reveals the grace of our Lord speaking through you. It is evident how much we need each other as we depend on Him. Thank you both for being transparent and shooting from the hip the light of Gods word showing us how to expel the shadows in our lives. Thank you also for reminding me to name the good things in my life to shine and shine some more. Glory to God.
I just took the Doubt Index Analysis and am happy that it puts me in the middle range as I thought I was going to be lower. I am having an especially difficult time right now and can’t figure out why. I have been single and celibate for over 16 yrs and have just started dating again. I want to be married again. God has done a lot of work in me over these years so that this extreme feeling of inadaquecy and constantly being on the verge of tears has surprised me. I am hoping your books can give me some guidance.
thanks for your devotion on prov 31 this am, going thru a lot of self doubt and wondering what God has for me. I’m so thankful that other women have walked this road and are willing to share insights and prayers!
I so enjoyed this video. It is so true when you put a name on something how it changes your perspective. Thanks for welcoming us to the front porch. I can’t wait for the next time.
I enjoyed the video very much. I’m currently doing a Bible study on the Psalms and find that what you discuss about self-doubt, fear, and lack of courage, are the same things that David was dealing with during his time in the wilderness. I am looking forward to reading Renee’s book, because I often suffer from lack of confidence in my daily life.
I’ve been wanting to read “Thousand Gifts” every since a friend recommended it, but our library doesn’t carry it. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thank you for this. I loved that we need to name the dark and the light. We need to slow down and name the gifts because time goes so fast….and those remind us that God is with us in the dark places. Loved it!!!
I have had a rough week of self-doubting as an adoptive mom to be… sometimes the unknowns of this adoption journey can be overwhelming. I needed to hear and read your devotion today that not only is God able – He can strengthen me so I am able as well. Would love to win.
Thank you for the gifts. In a season of trial surrounding my family acutely, I came across Ann’s website via a link and was so grateful for the dare to live fully in Christ in the moment, and have been keeping my log of 1000 gifts ever since. It is helping enormously and I know the Lord led me there for me to change my perspective and grow at this time, when it could have been so easy to have myself a pity party and choose another path. Your 7 day doubt diet Renee has made it to my list of gifts too! It is a rich blessing and I’m grateful for it. Thank you so much ladies, for sharing this with us.
Thank you so much for your candid porch conversation and allowing us to watch! To actually put a name to our doubt, and the other “things” that hold us back, is quite empowering! I look forward to hearing more! Thank you for your ministry!
It’s amazing how just simply naming God’s gifts can change the way you look at all of life!!!
Thank you for the devotion today. It was exactly what I needed today. I appreciate the humble spirit you have in sharing with others.
Thank you for this encouraging post. Thanks to your 7-Day Doubt Diet, I feel like I am finally starting to overcome my self-doubt and trust in JESUS. I am dying to read BOTH books! 🙂
Articles on insecurity have always attracted me, I too have struggled all my life with this “shadow” of insecurity. How interesting it was reading the analogy of your shadow packing your bags for your trip. What a great comparison to our insecurities! I signed up for the 7 Day Doubt Diet and am looking forward to what God has for me through this plan.
I’ve read chapter 1 of your book and feel “A Confident Heart…” and “One Thousand Gifts” can encourage all women young and old to grab hold of what God has in His word for them. How I wish I’d had these resources earlier in my life to encourage and help me.
As a personal testimony, God helped me work through a lot of my insecurities over the years by reading His word and claiming His promises as well as through prayer. A former Bible College dorm mom (who I had no contact with for nearly 40 years) recognized what God did in my life only through a letter (no personal contact). To God be the glory great things He has done in my life.
Stay close to the Lord and you will do great things for Him, to Him be all glory and honor and praise
I love that quote! Thanks!
Renee, I was SO touched and encouraged by your interview with Ann on the porch. My husband and I are going through the most intense spiritual battle of either of our entire lives. At times, we have felt such hopelessness in our situation and the uncertainty has been almost unbearable. Sometimes, I feel like the enemy has launched a full attack on us, and things are so hard to understand. It was SUCH a help to consider the thought of naming things in our situation. God has provided armor for us to wear into the battles we encounter, and Ann’s comments made me think of the shield of faith and how it quenches all of satan’s fiery darts. Naming something is a form of lifting the shield of faith to expose and quench all of satan’s lies. Each lie is like a fiery dart, piercing into the mind and soul and causing us to doubt God’s love for us, His plan for us, and His presence in our lives. Oh, I thank you SO much for this interview! May God use it to bless many, many others!!
Everything about this post and your devotional on Proverbs31 today speaks directly to me……this message is such a mighty answer to a desperate prayer, thank you! I am going to save $$ for both books, yours and Ann’s and feel this is such a sweet gift from God. Not only have I been almost delibitated by self doubt this year, but it is now spilling over to my 16 year old daughter, I am desperate for guidance and correction. Thank you for sharing your insight!
My sister recommended One Thousand Gifts to me, and I would love to win it! Doubt is such an insidious creature in my life. I love that women are sharing the power of God to overcome it. Thanks!
Wow! Thank you both for sharing your time together with us.
Renee, God so spoke through your devotional to me this morning about my own self doubts. But then it became even more crystal when watching/listening to you and Ann converse. One of God’s greatest gifts (arent they all great!) is learning that in our trials, our darkest moments, that He is so close to us He whispers not only our name but He’s telling us how to overcome our own imperfections, not the situation. It’s not about the circumstance. He uses this time, this time when we can hear him most, to heal us, get rid of the junk, make us more like Jesus…
Thank you and Ann for being one of God’s greatest gifts to me today!
I am right in the middle of your devotions and just amazed at how God is using so many sources to bring me to this place. I am so curious to see what the “One Thousand Gifts” are! I have always had a hard time labeling my feelings and the barriers to my spiritual growth. Thank you for sharing! I also appreciate the intimate setting, not “hollywood” make up hair and set. Kinda like we are all on the farm! 😉
Thank you so much for sharing your heart and as someone above said, being so transparent. I’ve also been doing the diet and I can certainly feel God moving and working in me. I too have struggled for many years, as long as I can remember, with self doubt but not knowing what it was exactly that was holding me back. There have been so many moments in my life where I knew God was telling me, “Go here” or “Do this”, and I chose not to because I just knew I wasn’t smart enough, equipped enough, what if I fail, what if I embarrass myself, etc. That feeling, that doubt, IS so paralyzing. I’ve spent a lot of time in my life either in bed or on the couch because it is that crippling. Now that I have a 3 year old little girl, that’s not an option so much, lol, but that shadow is still there. So, your words and wisdom are finally helping me to put a finger on “what is wrong with me”, something I’ve asked myself so many times. I can’t thank you enough for opening your heart and allowing God to work in my life, and countless others, through yours. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your boldness. I pre-ordered your book a while back and cannot wait to get it.
Good Morning Renee, It’s interesting how when you are sincere about seeking God in everything you do, how He will show up. I have had so much doubt about my abilities and gifts and whether I was good enough so I have sat on it for YEARS. I said I did not want to listen to any more lies the enemy was trying to tell me so I stepped out on Faith, signed up to sing a solo at my church and have stayed in prayer. Not soon after I made the decision to sing, I got the email for the 7 day Doubt Diet. When I got the email, I thought, could this really be God wanting to comfort my heart and to calm my anxieties. Oh yes, I have said “I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” and have encouraged myself with scriptures, but there was still that lingering doubt of whether or not I can do this. I am now up to day 6 and I know God is really using your experience to calm my anxiousness. I will have 11 days before I sing when I complete this journey of the 7 days. Please PRAY for me to place all my trust and faith in God and that I do this all for the Glory of Jesus. Please pray for my thoughts of “what will they think” or “will I be good enough” or “what if I make a mistake.” Like you, I want it all to be zapped away, but I realize that this is needed for me to get closer and to trust fully in the Lord. I thank you for your honesty and your transperency as it helps to show us that no matter where a person is from, their social status or anything that can differentiate us, we all struggle with some form of doubt & insecurity. Again, please PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for me to be used by God.
Renee, thank you for writing these encouraging words. The 7-day Doubt Diet helped lift a load off my shoulders. How often Satan uses even everyday things to put doubts in our minds. He is so suttle and he knows he has to be when we are reading God’s Word and listening for His direcrtions. I am so thankful for your willingness to share from your heart and pray God’s continued blessings on you and your P31 sisters as you faithfully share from your hearts and encourage others to live closer to our awesome God.
Insecurity has been my calling card all my life. I am so thankful I am finally hearing God’s words and becoming the woman he created me to be! Your devotions have spoken straight to my heart!
God has just recently revealed some things to me that I have been dealing with but was unclear exactly what it was. It does help to know what the root of the problem is to be able to remove it. I thank God that He is faithful when we pursue Him and seek Him, that He will reveal Himself to us! Thank you for sharing today and for giving all your readers the encouragement to face our problems with God working through us! God bless!
Both of these books are on my “to purchase” list once I finish the ones I’m currently working on.:) Thanks for your encouragement this morning!
Thank you for sharing your heart and speaking to us in truth and clarity! It is both refreshing and enlightening to read and listen and apply all of this to me! Replacing the voice of doubt with God’s voice of confidence is awesome! God Bless and Happy Day!
I’m so looking forward to reading both of these books. I’d love to win them!
I have been like a sponge just soaking up all that I have been learning from the 7 day doubt diet. Putting a name to my feelings has really helped to diminish them. Thank you for your message. I would love to win both books. Have a blessed day!
Thank you for sharing God’s insight on doubt. Of course, the timing is perfect.
Thank you for this powerful message. I look forward to reading both books and deepening my relationship with the Lord through them! Blessings!
Wow! I can’t wait to share this with my friends, we have discussed this so many times. The inability to attach a name to something makes us feel powerless to fight it.
Doubt, worry, fear, insecure, feelings of not being excepted, just to name a few.
After listening to the video and following along with the 7 day doubt diet, I realized when I put a name to what I’m feeling the power that it has over me fades. I need to turn my thoughts to what God thinks about me and replace the lie with truth. I haven’t been given a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, of love and a sound mind. 2 Tim 1:7……………..I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength Phil 4:13…………… Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests (worries) to God. Phil 4:6……………Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on the completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil 1:6
Thank you for being so transparent and sharing this message of truth.
God Bless
Stephanie 🙂
Oh, what beautiful words of hope! It’s so tempting to want to leave the dark, burdensome things un-named, lurking in the shadows. How wonderful to hear Ann say that by naming them and bringing them into the light, God can bring beauty from their ashes. It’s so easy to be down on myself all the time, feeling useless and hopeless. Your conversation with Ann has brought a fresh perspective and a ray of hope! Bless you!
Thank you for sharing all your insight … I love the bird nest on the cover of the book… Perfect and serene!
I had read a little of Ann’s book and and I love her writing, it was a pleasure seeing and hearing her as well. I keep a thankful journal on my computer and from time to time I enter what I am thankful for on any given day. After watching this video I am challenged to enter in that journal on a more regular basis. Too often our eyes move from what we have to what we no longer have. That in itself lessens our gratitude. I am also enjoying the 7 day Doubt Diet. Those doubts we have are so stubborn, but I am certain God does not want us living in their shadows. Thank you both so much for your writings, they are truly inspiring.
I have read One Thousand Gift and loved it so much that I’ve purchased it for a friend and would like to give it to other friends too! Renee, your insight and honesty are so refreshing, I’m very excited to read your new book!
Oh my, reading your devotion on Proverbs 31 and then hearing your talk to Ann was like you were speaking directly to me. I have been talking to my daughter-in-law about this very thing lately and reminding her of all the good things she is and has accomplished. And that process has helped me take a look at the good things in my life. I always thought I covered my fears by making a joke about myself, but it seems that everyone saw through it but me! Thank you, thank you. God will use this to speak to so many of us.
I have heard so much about this book and am eager to read it. How cool that you are sitting with the author and discussing it with her. Thanks so much for sharing the insight. What a gift!
Wow… several of my friends have recommended Ann’s book… one has actually taken it to heart and has been keeping a photo journal of daily thankfulness on Facebook.
I’ve also done the 7 day Doubt Diet… and reading the first chapter of A Confident Heart struck so many chords with me… can’t wait to read both books… just have to wait till the budget allows for extras!!!
Thanks for sharing your heart and struggles… it is truly a gift!!!
Thank you for sharing, in so many ways. What a step it is when we can name things and may all who listen to or read Ann and your’s words be blessed in their life by taking that step.
That certainly did brighten the light that the Lord has been working on in me. At first, I didn’t understand the video; too early in the morning for me, maybe, but as the veil lifted, and I began to understand, it became a powerful message. Yes, to name something gives it an entirely different view. Now I have something concrete in my hand, so to speak, to better deal with it.
I know many people have said they do not like to be ‘labelled.’ But it is labels that help us to understand; others as well as ourselves. Name it and it helps to bring understanding; it loses the power that ignorance holds.
Thankyou so much for sharing this talk you both had on the porch that day; it has helped to empower me to better hear from the Lord, by asking Him for His help. Naming it is the first step to overcoming it! And I feel I have much to overcome.
I love the way God orchestrates our lives and brings us just what we need when we need it. Yet again this rings true with this video, blog and website. I am excited to read “One Thousand Gifts” for more insight and healing.
So true that naming something brings it to life and changes your prayer life and way of dealing with it. Thanks for the encouraging video.
I have a revelation just by listening to the two of you speak forth the gifts of God and the most important gift of all time, Jesus. I have learned that naming something is really really important because it really does chase away whatever that is dark and binding. I thank God for you, for becoming a woman of faith to encourage and share God’s love to all.
I was so blessed by your blog tonight…the video of you and Ann chatting felt like I was there on the porch with the both of you. Thank you for your words of blessing and encouragement …. both of you!!! How I enjoy and am strengthened by your words and by your devotion!!
Thank you
I am thankful for God’s strength through His Son Jesus, and for making my way perfect! I would love to win both books!! Thanks for your encouragement!! 🙂
I love the concept of calling what it is. I know for so many years I had no idea what it was. But it is self doubt which leads to all other things. There is amazing healing in bringing things into light.
I really appreciate the challenge to frame my life’s memories. I appreciate the pictures Ann captures because they take me by the hand to a place I want to be… in fellowship with God…. with family…. with friends…. and share with those who are hurting a hope to know this fellowship.
Such a delight to see two women blessing so many people with their conversation. Thank you for sharing your lives to all of us, who also struggle and live with the shadow of fear and self doubt that easily shatters our confidence in God. As I type these words, the fear of rejection gripped me. I feel a sense of uncertainty in sharing my thoughts. But your conversation challenged me, encouraged me and touched me to strive to live my very best for God. Knowing that God brings the light even into the darkest moments that I am not alone in my struggles has given me a new sense of hope that I too can claim his promises and live a life with a confident heart. I was actually in the verge of writing down and naming one thousand things that I love. And as I stared into a blank piece of paper and realized how many a thousand names were I was at a loss for words. There are indeed so many things to be thankful for and so often we don’t notice them unless we name them and take the time to acknowledge them in our lives. Thank you for giving me a new sense of hope through your ministry. As I share my thoughts to you tears are rolling down my cheeks. I sense God’s peace in my heart and I pray more people will come to know God through your ministries and may He continue to work through your lives so that more people will experience the perfect love of God and claim his promises. It has been a long time since I was able to marvel at the works of God and I thank the two of you for sharing me this experience.
We shouldn’t hide things from the Lord. because nothing is hidden from him to begin with. Instead we should put a name to it and call it what it is, so that we can face it no matter how fearful it may be. I thank you both for letting all of us know that it is the right thing to do. We should bring things into the light to see them. I take comfort in knowing that Jesus is close to the brokenhearted and gives strength to all who lack it. That he will always lead us to truth and bring everything into his light and work all things together for his glory. Thank you for being so open and honest about your walk it gives me hope !!!!