We broke 1000!!! As of noon today, we have 1,003 surveys!!! That’s simply incredible to me.
You can win ‘Beyond the Shadow of Doubt’ DVD if you or a friend complete the survey for the first time this week. Just please let me know in the comments ( click on “comments’ and type in the white box). Be sure to leave your email and I’ll draw another name (of new surveyors) and give away a copy of this message on DVD filmed at She Speaks last summer. I’ll announce that winner Friday.
Book Give-Away Winners
With the help of Random Integer, I finally chose the winners. I had entries from my blog, through email and on facebook so it took me a little bit to get it all organized and numbered. Drum roll please….the winners of “Who Holds the Key to Your Heart?” by Lysa TerKeurst are….
One More Winner I decided since I had so much support from you all in the first 862 surveys that came through Thursday – Sunday, I would give away an extra ‘Beyond the Shadow of Doubt’ DVD.
The winner ia [email protected]
Now I gotta go write some radio shows for my recording on Friday. They were due last Friday and I am so late! All that book proposal writing got me behind on a few things. I need lots of encouraging thoughts/ideas for shows, and the ability to quickly condense them into 184 words max! God is able to do exceedingly more than what I can think of or imagine…right?
I just completed your survey – what an eye opener. Thanks! Debbie Pedersen
Dont' know if i'm too late – but just filled out the survey!
Connie Boyd
[email protected]
I just completed the survey and now I sit here in tears…because while being honest on the survey, I realized how much "doubt" runs my life…I feel like such a loser after taking it….how does one overcome such doubt?
Hi, I completed your survey and got to it through Lysa's blog. I look forward to reading what you will have to say on this topic. As I took the survey, I realized that doubt for me was like an invisible force that holds me back, and so it's something that I don't really give much thought to and thus don't "war" with it. Thanks for making me aware! =)
[email protected]
I filled out your survey today. I love your blog and Proverbs 31 Ministries!
Beth Honnold
[email protected]
I just did your mini-survey. Crossing my fingers!
Darlene Oakley
[email protected]
I completed your survey this evening!
Thank you for the opportunity,
[email protected]
I just completed the survey!!!
Thanks, Renee!
Love you,
How did you know everything I'm thinking and feeling?!?!??!
Thanks for your blog…I am blessed by reading your words. Praying that you get all your writing done. I just completed your mini survey as well.
I completed your survey! Wow, it's right on track. Thanks.
[email protected]
Finished the survey!
[email protected]
What an affirmation that this is a topic women need help with. I just completed the survey….good luck with your book.
[email protected]
Hi Renee,
I just took the survey today (Wednesday) via Lysa's blog. Thanks for the giveaway!
[email protected]
I just took your survey. I didnt know doubt could whisper such things. Thanks for making me aware and be on guard now.
Many Blessings,
Carol Sutton
[email protected]
Hi Renee,
I really enjoy reading your blogs, i really feel the heart you have for helping other woman move past the pain and get to the Gain, amen.
I have just completed the survey would love a chance to win your book here is my email.
[email protected]
Thanks Lisa P
I completed the survey!
I completed your survey!
Julie Roat
[email protected]
God Bless
I completed your survey. God Bless you and your ministry!!
Dionne Wyly
Fort Worth, TX
[email protected]
I was over at Lysa's blog a few minutes ago, saw the invitation to complete the survey & wrapped up about 1 minute ago.
Doubt – one awesome tool the enemy uses to his advantage every chance he gets. He's quite adept with it, too. It can be quite the "discussion" in my head to push past what the enemy tells me and get back to basking the light of God's truth!!!! It's an almost daily battle sometimes, it seems.
[email protected]
I just completed the survey. WOW – what a weighty issue, and one ever so pertinent to me personally. Thanks for taking this on!
I’m kind of slow, but I completed your survey today.
Please pray for me. On Friday, I am flying to Colorado Springs to meet and sign a literary agent. Won’t let Satan bring in those doubts!!!!!
I just completed the survey. Thanks for your words of insight! This has become one of my new favorite sites to visit!
[email protected]
I just completed your survey, found it through Lysa’s website.
I can’t wait to read a book like this. Everything I have been reading/hearing/coming across has been about how doubt and fear hold me back from being who God wants me to be…
and allowing Him to truly come in and “clean house” by stripping away all that is false in my life, so that I can mirror His image to others.
I hope the survey helps you!
God bless,
[email protected]
Hooray. I am so excited for you!
He BLOWS me away, Renee! 🙂 I KNOW what His Word says….I know He is indeed a God who does exceedingly and abundantly above and beyond…and yet I am STILL so blown away to see Him move! 🙂 I am excited to hear the final tally, friend!
Praying for you as you prepare for Friday! 🙂
K 🙂
I completed it yesterday does that count?
[email protected]
Hi Renee! God Bless You! 🙂 Your daily devotions are very dear to my
heart – keep up the wonderful God given talent. Oh I completed your mini
survey. Amazing how God works – I’m dealing VERY strongly with this issue
as we speak!
In Christ’s Love,
[email protected]
I just completed the survey via Lysa’s blog today. I must tell you that the survey was like a mind-reading expedition about doubts – – you nailed it on the head! We are looking for a new Bible study for our 5 person group from church – – this seems perfect. With any luck, I’ll win the book and can let the others check it out.
I think it is perfect for all women!
What’s up with this crazy doubting we allow?
Anyway, thanks for your work!
Michele Walters
[email protected]