Welcome Encouragement for Today friends! I’m so glad you hopped over after reading my devotion! I’ll explain in just a minute how to enter today’s giveaway. But first I want to share 3 ways we can replace our guilt-induced doubt with grace-infused confidence pulled from Day 12 of my “60-Days to Stop Doubting Yourself Confident Heart Devotional“:
“She never thought anyone would find out about their affair, but now her secret and her sin would be public.
Just as the people gathered in the temple, surrounding Jesus as he sat down to teach them, the teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman who had be caught in the act of adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus,
“Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.” (John 8:2–6)
They hoped Jesus would condemn her, but the opposite happened.
Instead of lording over her, Jesus lowered Himself before her. Grace knelt down to write on the ground. {tweet this?}
“But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. (vv. 6–8)
The Bible doesn’t tell us what Jesus wrote but I’ve always wondered if it was the Ten Commandments, since her accusers said Moses’s law commanded them to stone her. Plus, after writing, Jesus challenged them to examine their own sins and see if any of them were without fault.
When Jesus stooped down to write a second time, perhaps He wrote over the law with redemption. Could it be that He covered the commandments with words like grace, forgiveness, and mercy. Scripture doesn’t say. But we do know that something radical happened. Everyone dropped their stones and walked away.
“At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, ‘Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?'”
“No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” (vv. 9–11)
In my Proverbs 31 Ministries devotion today, I shared about a time when I really blew it and guilt convinced me I was no longer qualified for my calling. But God used my friend and spiritual mentor/mom, MaryAnn Ruff, to show me what the redemption of God’s grace looks like. And ever since that day, Jesus has been teaching me how to replace my guilt-induced doubt with His grace-infused confidence.
3 Ways to Replace Guilt-Induced Doubt with God’s Grace-Infused Confidence
Remember: Remember sin is not who you are; sin is what you do.
Although Jesus knew this woman had sinned, He made sure she and the crowd knew her sin was not who she was. It was what she had done.
Her sin didn’t get the final say. Jesus did.
Refuse: Refuse condemnation, but lean into loving conviction.
They hoped Jesus would condemn the woman, but the opposite happened. Instead of lording over her, Jesus lowered Himself before her.
When you fall into a trap of the Accuser (Rev. 12:10), close your eyes and picture Jesus – the person of Grace – kneeling down before you, looking into your eyes and loving you out of your sin.
Ask Jesus to help you recognize condemnation’s accusing statements like “You’re a failure” or “You can never be counted on.”Refuse to listen to his lies. Instead lean into God’s loving conviction that is specific. Instead of a broad, sweeping you-are-a-loser label, Jesus will point out our sin and show us what to do to right the wrong.
Instead of “You’re such a failure,” God might say: You were critical in the way you talked to _________ . You need to say you’re sorry and ask forgiveness. Then tell _____ something to build them up.
Replace: Replace the guilt of sin with God’s redemptive grace.
In the presence of Jesus, the woman’s accusers walked away. He dismissed them one by one, until He was the only one left standing. He replaced their position of authority. He was the only One left speaking into her life.
Jesus help me replace my guilt-induced doubt with God’s grace-infused confidence. @ReneeSwope {click to TWEET}
God’s grace lures us out of darkness; His kindness leads our hearts to repentance. (Romans 2:4)
He wants to draw us away from destructive behaviors that hinder our relationship with Him and others, so we can live in the freedom of His forgiveness and the security of His love.
Lord, You say there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and my life is hidden in You. Thank You that because of Your love and grace, my sin never gets the final say about me—You do! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
ENTER TO WIN: A Confident Heart Devotional GIVEAWAY
Enter to win my A Confident Heart Devotional book and a set of scripture promise cards. Filled with powerful stories, practical life-lessons and biblical insights to help you and your loved ones overcome fear and worry through the power of God’s truth each day!
Click “Share Your Thoughts” below to share how today’s devotion or post spoke to your heart. Your comment will be your entry to win!
I am a guilt ridden and have had feelings of inadequacy since childhood (I’m now 72 years old). NO! This is not due to my parental upbringing who were loving, supportive, and never ever made me feel inadequate or not good enough…when ever I displayed self-doubt…I got nothing but encouragement and love from them. And there is nothing from my childhood experiences that I can blame for this. I have accepted this is just the way I was born to be by God’s Will for me as an individual to overcome. I have been praying, studying the Bible and searching for a long-time to find the key for freedom from my self-destructive behavior. I have offered it up to God but it apparently I keep taking it back for some reason. Have I fallen into the “trap” of the Accuser (Satan and his demons) my entire life? I don’t have that answer. I pray to Jesus everyday and throughout the day as needed to help me to reject Satan as He did in the wilderness, the Garden of Agony, and while on the cross.
A dear life long friend of mine put onto your daily devotionals and highly recommended your book “A Confident Heart” which I will be ordering today. I prayfully hope this may be the “key” to help me set my self right in God’s eyes. He does not want me to dislike myself … after all he doesn’t make junk (an old cliche)
I too would like to thank you for bring me back to center…God is Great.
I struggle with today’s world and want to get back to the simple life. Each morning when God sends the humming bird to my flowers I realize How simple life could be if we let God lead us.
Amen…. God bless you for sharing these comforting and practical truths. Amen to the prayers! Hugs to you.
Thanks so much for the devotional today. As a husband, soon-to-be father, and public school teacher, I’ve struggled with balancing my priorities and making the most of my time. I’ve carried a lot of guilt and shame around through the years, and your devotion reminded me to walk in grace and surrender and speak out of my weaknesses and struggles. Even when I mess up, your words remind me that God sits on a throne of grace, not condemnation. It encourages me to get out and share my message and my struggle with the world to display God’s redemptive and healing power. Thank you so much!
Dear Renee
About 15 years ago, I was verbally abusive to my precious daughter(my only child). She was only six-years old. It’s a long story. I will make it short. I was very hurt and angry with her kindergarten teacher, and I ended up taking the anger out on my daughter. Before my angry outburst, my daughter always called me “mommy bear”. Since the moment she was born, my #1 priority was to protect her. I kept her with almost 24/7 until she started preschool at age two. Well, I ended up breaking her heart with the kindergarten situation. I still have not forgiven myself. I have to take tranquilizer to be able to sleep at night. My heart and soul are taken over by the guilt of breaking my daughter’s heart. I forgot to mention–after I yelled at my daughter, she never called me “mommy bear” again.
I so needed this today.
Hi Renee,
God used you in a mighty way to help me “see” that Jesus
not only doesn’t condemn me He lowers Himself in my presence
forgives me, and grants me HIS mercy and grace!
Wow It is hard for me to get my mind around this
new insight into the depth of My Savior’s love for me
thanks you for your dedication to Jesus and using your gifts to
help fellow sisters in Christ learn to love Him and confidently serve Him.
Everyone should read this book ‘A Confident Heart’!! Church ladies groups should do Bible studies on it too and it would help soo many ladies and even young ladies to grow confident within themselves. I was married out of high school to a very controlling guy and by the age 22 I had a 3 yr old son and a 3 mth old son when their dad abandoned us and I raised them 6 yrs by myself till I remarried. Then I was married 22 yrs and had 4 more children. After a horrible controlling and deceitful marriage, I then went thru a divorce 4 yrs ago..worse part of it was losing my 2nd son from my previous marriage in a horrible motorcycle accident 4/11/11. Hardest thing I have ever had to go thru..and for my kids ages 36-18. I received no money from my sons father..who he only saw maybe 10 times in his life when he was killed at 29 yrs young. Nor from my soon to be ex at the time..but his amazing friends raised every penny thru donations..other events to pay for my sons funeral and they gave me the most beautiful gravemarker I could ever imagine! I was dealt a lot of hard blows thru my divorce..but thu it..and the loss of my son..I’ve found out just how tough I really am. But thru my marriage and him stripping me of any self confidence I felt very beaten down. Then I came across ‘A Confident Heart’..and I felt reborn and empowered. The book showed me where I could be confident in myself again..not an overly proud person..but self confident in myself and thru God who had always been there for me..even when it felt like I was all alone and I wasn’t. I’ve went thru the divorce even after a lot of counseling thru my pastor and his wife and other church leaders but to no avail nor interest from my spouse at the time..I did what I felt I had to. Its not an easy decision to walk away..but it takes 2 and I had tried for over 12 yrs. But thru everything..I have found out just how tough I really am! And I can’t imagine getting thru anything I have without God being a big part in my life. I’m not saying God condones divorce..but God knows my heart..and that’s what I do know.
This book is amazing and I have read it multiple times and have just started it again! I’ve never done the devotional but I’m sure it will go places in my heart I haven’t dealt with. Still such an amazing book that I believe every church ladies group should pursue in their church. Thank you Cindy
In the middle of a storm where family is trying to throw my past in my face like a weapon, the enemy has been trying to grow doubt where there was clear grace. I needed this reminder in the middle of this personal battle more than you’ll know. Thankyou!!!
I am certain that each of us have experienced ‘big’ sin and are still caring shame from it…. but we must realize that sin is sin and once Jesus forgives us, we are to move on with our lives, turning from that sin and live without shame. God’s grace is so wonderful and so abundant – He loves us more than we love ourselves and even more than we can imagine. I love your books and your encouragement Renee, keep it coming. Thanks, Julie
I love your connection between guilt and doubt. So often I doubt if I am “good enough”; I doubt my husband’s love for me, God’s love for me, my ability to train my children in godliness and parent them in a way that reflects God’s loving nature. And all of this doubt is connected to guilt. I feel guilty that I haven’t done enough to be good enough. I feel guilty about not being a “good wife;” for not doing enough to deserve Gods love and for not being a better Mom. I understand the connection between guilt and doubt now! And recognizing the negative pattern is the first step in not letting it wreck my life and hinder what God intends to create and do in my life. Light bulb! Thank you!
This is EXACTLY what I need to get Satan off my back and walk more confidently into His Throne Room as His daughter. Today’s P31 article sounds like to story of my life! Thank you for being vulnerable and transparent. I so NEEDED it. The thoughts (doubt) you shared is a constant “reel” in my heart after each failure from raising my daughters to writing godly pieces, speaking engagements, teaching His Word, etc. I NEED this devotion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much love from one daughter of The King to another 🙂
-Cyndi Coleman
I almost blew by this devo (hence the late reply). I didn’t view my doubt as guilt induced. Then one sentence hit me in the heart … How can I speak about this if I can’t even live it. I’m currently in the midst of starting a blog. I joined Compel and have the site ready to launch. Two posts are complete and I’m working on the third article. And there I am. Stuck. Feeling unworthy for this calling that was clearly from God. Feeling like I don’t always live out my faith and worried I will be “found out”. Thank you for your boldness of truth. It inspired me today. What He calls us to, He will equip us to do!!
Thank you for sharing what you have gone through and showing that we’re not beyond grace and forgiveness. I’m guilty in allowing my confidence to be shaken, rattled, and even broken lately. Even to the point I’m not sure how to start over again. You’re devotion was very helpful today. Thank you!
Thank you Renee,
I so needed this. As this weekend 09/27 I confessed my affair from last year to my husband. It has been REALLY REALLY HARD THIS PAST WEEK. Really long night of talking and crying and some yelling has happened. A lot of confusion of He can handle this then he can’t handle it and a lot of hard questions about it that I just want to forget and never remember. but He is also been loving in some instances and hugging me and it’s really just been a rollercoaster this last week and I felt condemned everytime we talk about it, but I’m so thankful for this and you reminding me of God’s grace. We have really been talking and praying to God this last week to keep up us. I would ask for LOTS OF PRAYERS that my husband and I with our 2 sons are able to heal from this horrible sin I have committed. We know we need our hearts to be made knew and restoration and I pray it comes sooner than later. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR THIS POST! I THANK THE YESHUA FOR SHEDDING HIS BLOOD FOR ME AND MY SINS AND BY HIS GRACE I’M SAVED AND I KNOW “THAT GOD CAUSES EVERYTHING TO WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD OF THOSE WHO LOVE GOD AND ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE”
This was really encouraging! I’d love to win a copy of the book!
Im sitting in thr church parking lot… discouraged and with all sorts of feelings todaya message addressed…and I chose to read my emails and …..what. a Blessing to find this one in here… please add me and my family to your prayer list if you serve and love King Jesus….
Im not sure where I put my entey in to try to win the devotional…if this is the wrong place…please let me know
I Thank you
Thank you for this. I get so busy looking at my circumstances and situation and pain that I forget to look at God and the guilt and condemnation can be blinding. It’s comforting to know that He sees the us he created us to be and not the us we believe ourselves to be. I really needed this reminder of grace and redemption.
For many years I struggled with feeling condemned when I’m convicted about something. At first I thought it was all the enemy’s condemnation, but I couldn’t get rid of it. (I was trying to get rid of a legalistic past when I thought that condemnation was the Lords conviction).Then I realized that when the Lord convicted me, then the enemy would come in and confuse me with extreme feelings of guilt, so I couldn’t actually hear the Lord. Now I’ve been recognizing the difference and feel so much more peace as I repent of my sins and refuse to listen to the lies. “Refuse condemnation but lean into conviction”. Thank you, you clarified that more for me! And I love the picture that Jesus bends His knee to look us in the eye when we have sinned.
He wants to draw us away from destructive behaviors how awesome is that gods grace is so wonderful I was raised in church and my parents are ministers but as I i have entered adult hood I’m learning so much more and being blessed behind measure
This devotional is just what I needed today. Thank you.
I have to constantly fight Satan’s nagging thoughts in my brain. Condemning me for things that I’ve done . I love that we can turn it over to Jesus – call Satan the liar that he is and fall into the grace that Jesus provides
Lord, I continue to do things to make up for my past sins – knowing this is not the way. I know you have forgiven my sins and I say I trust in You. Cloak me with Your love, words, and truth – let them overpower my heart and mind;. Give me the strength to overcome the Devil’s lies and attempts to downplay Your love and forgiveness.
One of the things I ask myself is “are my thoughts to myself or others displaying the Fruit of the Spirit?” If it is not I change my line of thinking. Thanks for the giveaway!!
Oh Renee, your words are always so very helpful. I tremendously enjoy and need your ministry! I pray that God continues to help you guide.
I had a child from an affair and had felt/still feel tremendous shame about it. So much that even though my husband wanted to work through it and move on, I did not think it was possible because of what I had done. Only when I share about it with others, I feel better. The secret loses its power over me. Praise God for the Grace He has shown me.
I hope i not too late to enter. This was a wonderful devotion and spot on what i needed to hear today!! Thank you.
Am in a near-constant battle with my 16 year old daughter’s bad choices and my husband’s (her dad) non reaction. Am praying it helps her to hear “sin is not who you are, it’s what you do.” Navigating the teen years is a HUGE challenge in today’s world…for teens AND their parents. I don’t know where we’d be without God’s grace.
Thank you so much for the reminder about forgiveness. It is so difficult to get through the day when I am weighed down by guilt, sometimes even guilt about something that happened a long time ago. I am so thankful for a Savior who can see through the sin and still love the person inside. Thank you for the reminder and inspiration that God can use people like me to serve His purpose.
Perfect to read this devotion and receive today. Thank you! “When we confess our wrong thoughts, words and actions and receive God’s forgiveness, we can replace guilt-induced doubt with His grace-infused confidence”.
Very timely reminder. We need to make sure our helmet of salvation is on to keep the enemy’s lies out! Along with all the other pieces of armor in Ephesians 6.
“The Accuser.” How often have I taken his lies, internalized them, and repeated them to myself as truth. Such a good reminder that I have an enemy who is trying to convince me that my guilt is too great and I will never heal from the lies I’ve believed. Thank you Jesus for the truth of your conviction! Help me to refuse the condemnation and empower me to change!
This devotional hit home!! One thing I struggle with is remembering that my sin (or someone else’s sin) does not define me (them), but how God sees me (them) is who I am!! Thanks for the reminders!!
This story is such a beautiful story. It’s one of my personal favorites of the Bible, although we don’t hear about it too much. The love of Jesus amazes me more and more each day.
Here is the correct email address. I have saved the 7 Day Doubt series that Renee sent so long ago which then prompted mean order of her book entitled Confident Heart. So helpful at the time I read it.
I have the 7 Day Doubt series still saved in my gmail account that Renee sent so long ago. So helpful!
Thank you for that heart reminder
I have 7-Day Doubt emails that you sent saved in my computer!
This is exactly the message I needed to read today after saying words that left me feeling guilty. It was like a tiny miracle in my inbox!
I struggled for years with depression and occasional outbursts of rage. This deeply affected my children, my husband, me. I have been healed and forgiven. However, just last week, after a disagreement with my oldest child, I questioned her further and found that she harbors deep anger toward me and the enemy has used this to make it even bigger, even worse than it was. I began the battle with deep guilt again. I have asked her for forgiveness, but she has not yet responded. I am praying for her and my other children. The enemy is using my sin and her unforgiveness to enslave her to this deep seated anger. Though I have been battling the enemy against that familiar guilt, I know WHOM I HAVE BELIEVED. And I know who I am in Christ Jesus. Now, my prayer is for deliverance for my child(ren) and how I can help with compassion and whether or not to tell them my story. They are all adults now, perhaps some explanation will be helpful.
This is a very difficult place, but God is God and I trust Him.
Thank you for your encouragement! I often struggle with Mommy guilt when I don’t get things right. Thank you for the reminder that God’s grace is bigger than my guilt.
It’s so easy to want grace but at times extending grace can be so hard. We feel wronged and forget we have wronged others. What a perfect illustration thanks for posting.