“Don’t doubt in the dark,
what you know to be true in the light.” Anonymous
My friend Glynnis had three little boys within five years. She quickly felt overwhelmed by the role of molding the hearts and managing the behaviors of three very different children! After attending a parenting class her church offered, Glynnis felt hope when she heard stories from other parents. She wanted more classes and encouragement. Since there wasn’t anyone to lead a parenting ministry, Glynnis’ pastors asked her and her husband to help.
Although they didn’t feel qualified, they were willing try anything to get support, even revealing to others that they weren’t perfect parents. When they shared their problems with other parents, they received wise counsel and practical suggestions that really helped.
As Glynnis shared in her devotion on the P31 website today, God wants us to come to Him, just like the woman in Luke 8:44-48 who went to Jesus desperate for help despite what others thought.
Discouragement is one of the things that sends me into a tailspin of desperation as a mom. Like the woman in the passage of Luke who was completely depleted of her energy, her strength and her resources, I can get so wiped out that I start to feel hopeless. I just wish I could learn to start running and hanging onto Jesus before I get to that desperately discouraged place. I asked Glynnis if she ever struggles with discouragement. Here is what she had to share:
This is a challenge I’ve particularly faced being a mother. My time is not my own when even one of my five children are at home.Even when they are away, there is laundry, dishes and papers to read or fill out. I often wonder what I could accomplish if only _________.(you fill in the blank).
As I’ve navigated parenthood and working at home, I’ve had to deal with this issue of discouragement, and realize it’s not God’s plan for me.Despair is Satan’s plan for me. He has no hope and he wants Christians to join him in his pit of despair.
For me, it comes down to – who (or what) do I trust?God has challenged me to answer that question. When my faith is misplaced, discouragement and despair have a speedway to my heart.But when it’s placed appropriately in God, then I might have some blue moments over the daily frustrations of life, but they don’t keep me down.Here’s an excerpt from my book, “work@home” about dealing with this particular challenge:
A wise friend once told me “Don’t doubt in the dark, what you know to be true in the light.”
Remember the words in Jeremiah 29:11,“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’”
While despair is Satan’s plan for you, hope is God’s design for you.There is only one place true hope can be found and that is in God.
Hope comes in our relationship with Jesus and all our needs can be met completely and permanently.
Hope is what we hang onto when life doesn’t make sense and tragedy hits.
Hope is how we can agree with Paul and say “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
Hope is how we endure when life is difficult.Paul, Silas and Timothy wrote to the church of the Thessalonians and said,“We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”(1 Thessalonians 1:3)
When you start to doubt your purpose, remember to look to God for the answers.Keep your eyes focused on Him, and He will direct your path.
In Christ’s Love,
Glynnis Whitwer
If you feel desperate, discouraged or in need of hope, please let me know how I can pray for you today. I want this “Month of Encouragement for Moms” on my blog to be a place where you can be real about where you are as a mom and find God’s hope through His Word and through the stories of other moms just like you!
Copyright 2009, Renee Swope – All rights reserved.
Today’s Mom Give-Away
We’re giving a copy of Glynnis’ book “work@home“designed to help women transition from the traditional workplace to working at home. Practical in nature, it includes chapters on budgeting, starting a home based business or organizing your home office. Glynnis offers encouragement for moms at every stage of working at home!
We’re also giving away a year’s worth of Family Devotional Magazines from D6.
To be part of today’s give-aways, click on the words “comments” below this post. PLEASE include your email in your comment so we can get in touch if you win!
Many moms today are feeling desperate, discouraged and alone in their struggles. The D6 Conference is a movement of Christian leaders rising up to encourage and equip today’s mom, and dad. Consider registering before the early bird deadline ends Feb 2nd!
Glynnis is doing a series for Work@Home women on her blog . For more encouragement as a mom, read You Are not Alone by clicking here, after leaving a comment to participate in today’s give-away. Be sure to leave your email, too.
It is comforting to know that other mothers have the same struggles. Thanks for the Hope-ful advice!
JD at [email protected]
Today was one of those days where I didn’t know if I had the strength to go on. I was tired and fatigued and the doctor’s office called me with the results of my blood test to say my iron was low and I needed to start taking iron pills. I expected a quick burst of energy to accompany the Rx they called in for me, nothing happened. I will go to sleep and try again tomorrow, maybe it will kick in then. Your e-devotion whispered the desperation I was feeling today and I realized that I was not alone in feeling overwhelmed as a stay at home mom…[email protected].
This is my first time stopping by your site. Your words are especially encouraging to me as a stay at home mommy. I am a mother of 4 under 5 1/2 years old. During these tough financial times I am torn between finding a job or working a few hours a day while the kids nap in the afternoon. I would love to be entered into your drawing. My e-mail address is [email protected]
Thank you and God bless you
I am a mother of a two year old little girl, and I often question if I am raising her in the way she should go. I know it is me and my Husband’s responsibility to make sure that we teach her all the things she needs to know. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed at the fact that I may not be teaching her all the right things, but I know that we’re not perfect and I’m trying to do the best I can. I am always open for some encouraging words and your devotion was the one today. Thank you.
Email: [email protected]
Wow what great giveaways. Thanks for the encouragement and the chance to learn more. Thanks also for bringing us all closer to God.
Shelley MI
[email protected]
Thanks so much for the daily inspiration! As I had 3 kids in 3.5 years (2 boys, 1 girl). I related to today’s issue quite well. Some days are tougher than others and some bring more joy than others; but all can be great days if we give them to God.
Laura V in IN
[email protected]
I am on kid number two and I dont think I can have another kid due to the different personalities and agendas..also I am used to working and now I am a stay home mom…totally different aspect! However, I have learned that I must totally rely on GOD! [email protected]
I am a mom to 3 children 5 and under. Nathan will be 5 in Feb, Gabriella is 4 and Lucas is 2.
Having 3 so close together is a daily challenge.. it seems like they go through alot of the same things at the same time. When you add in a child with developmental delays and communication issues.. its almost like having 2 4 yr olds and a 2 yr old.
I have really struggled with being the mom God wants me to be at times with stress that enters in at my house.
Its good to hear about the struggles of other moms to know that there is hope.
And encouragement for those not so easy days- He is in control.
[email protected]
Please pray for me as I journey in a new way to the heart of God.My twenty two year old son shot and killed himself three days after Christmas and this is so unbelievable to me.I know that I have not had this news sink in and although we have been through the funeral and all I just feel numb and sick and empty and I don’t even know how I really feel.Thanks for your encouragement.abbasdaughter
Thank YOu I needed the encouragment today. I always feel like I a failing
Great encouragement again today. Just wanted to say, the song you posted is my husbands favourite song. That alone makes me love him more :o)
Love & hugs,
Thank you so much for your encouraging words and for taking time out of your busy day to minister to so many.
I appreciate you!
[email protected]
I love the idea you have this month to blog for moms. It is so easy to become overwhelmed as a mom. New moms, or moms with young children should check out a Mothers of Preschoolers group to help them (mops.org). I think Christian support groups are the way to go, so you realize you’re not alone.
Great series.
Motherhood…whew…who knew???
It is the hardest job you’ll ever love…
It is maddening and the most amazing
It is mystifying and humbling
It is growing and stumbling
It is loving and losing
It is loving again
It is trying and trying harder
It is giving it all up to God
again and again
It is loving someone(s) so much
your heart will burst
with longing, love, frustration, more love,
with hope, despair, and prayer
It is getting a glimpse of how God feels about us….
And becoming amazed at how He loves our children much more than we ever could…..
It is committing them again and again into His care…
and letting go………..
I love being a mom but sometimes struggle with the challenges of raising a teenage son. There is so much out there to draw him in to the ways of the world. Thanks for the messages of hope and the encouragement you give to those of us trying to survive this crazy, wonderful thing called parenthood.
[email protected]
Thanks for sharing encouraging words!
I am at a point of desperation for wisdom. My daughter is entering the tween years. Last night she shared how she is struggling with teasing about a boy that she has tried to be friendly too. The kids in her class are saying that she “likes” this boy. She is so frustrated. As a mom, I want to make it all better, but I’m sensing that I just need to walk through this season with her, ultimately pointing her to her relationship with the Lord. Lord, give me the wisdom and discernment I need in this new season of parenting!
[email protected]
I am a work-at-home Mom, and boy do I feel blessed to be able to be at home with my 14 month old daughter. I often feel guilty for feeling overwhelmed b/c everyone is always saying, that must make thing so much easier! I know it does but there are still those days when it feels like there is so much to do it will never get done!
Thanks for your encouragement, your ministry is a blessing!
I would love to read your book
about working at home!
[email protected]
Thank you so much for the devotion and the words of encouragement.
[email protected]
[email protected]
I sure did need to hear this today! Goes right along with the parenting topic we are covering this month in marriage class at chruch. Thank you Renee!
[email protected]
Thanks for all the encouraging words. Sometimes I think the parenting struggle only exists behind our four walls! We have two children, a 5th grade daughter and a 1st grade son. Every day is a new adventure!
[email protected]
thank you so much for your words today! I am a mom of 4 (ages 9-14!) and feel so alone with new issues that have arose in our lives this summer. I am currently working outside of the home partimte at our church as the secretary but feel the definite guilt of doing so — even though i take my children to school and am usually home before they are!
Thank you again for your encouraging words!
please feel free to check out our fmaily blog and if you have any advice for our situtation– please share!
Blessings on you!
my email is [email protected]
Thank you for this daily inspiration.
[email protected]
I’m a homeschooling mom of three who struggles with finding balance. Thank you for your ministry and the words you post here. You are an encouragement to me.
[email protected]
Thank you so much for this site, it’s what I have been looking for a very long time. Sometime I feel like a failure as a christian mother, my lifestyle and schedule have pushed God to the end and many times I have tried to run on my own power and end up worse…please pray for me, that I mite be more organized as a mother and be a better example to my children.
Thanks for the encourgaging words today! I had 3 boys in four years. I feel discouraged many days as I look around my house with toys always on the ground, laundry to be done, dishes in the sink, etc. Thank you for being real!
[email protected]
I am a mom with 3 kids, and I work part time. I would love the wonderful Proverbs 31 magazine. I was just looking at it on the website this morning!!!! Thanks for your encouragement and your dedication. My email is [email protected]
Thank you for the gentle reminder that God is in control of us. A few months ago, I felt distressed. I as deeply discouraged and felt unworthy to serve Him. He took me to Isaiah 49:16; “See, I have engraved you in the palms of my hands, and your walls are ever before me.” He was saying to me that He sees and hears what is happening in my life and He will not let it break me for I am permanently His. I felt so loved.
I know I have failed my children as a mom. I also know God is gracious to forgive me and anxious to help me succeed.
Thank you and you have a great day.
Thank you for reminding me that at those many moments of frustration and desperation that I should run straight to Jesus. He is the only one who can calm me and give me the fresh new perspective that I need to be the mom He wants me to be. Thanks again for the daily blessing this blog is to me!
[email protected]
I love Proverbs 31. Thank you for the encouragement. I stay at home and need this encouragement often. [email protected]
Very, very encouraging! Raising a child with special needs has its challenges and rewards. I use to get frustrated by my daughter’s behaviour because she can’t talk. I have cried to God so at least she can express herself but that has not happened yet. But God has given me the grace to deal with all the challenges that come with raising a child with special needs. I don’t know what I would have done without His Holy Spirit, His word and your very encouraging devotions.
God Bless you!
[email protected]
I love the idea you have this month to blog for moms. It is so easy to become overwhelmed as a mom. New moms, or moms with young children should check out a Mothers of Preschoolers group to help them (mops.org). I think Christian support groups are the way to go, so you realize you’re not alone.
Great series.
I love today’s devotion. I really look forward to the devotions in my inbox daily. I quit my job to stay home with my daughter over 4 years ago. While it has not always been easy, God always provides. I just had another baby and I am looking for work I can do from home as well as ways to save my family money. I want to be a good steward with what we have and also be able to bless others and give. Thanks for your encouragement.
[email protected]
Thank you so much for taking the time to write these encouraging words for stay at home moms. Melissa in Oklahoma
[email protected]
We own a business that is up for sale and I would love all the prayers that I can take for that to happen. I don’t want to miss the things that I miss while being what I feel “trapped”. I can’t go on any of the field trips or any of the school functions. I work like 55-60 hrs a week and my husbands job doesn’t allow him to be home much either. My son needs at least one stable parent with a “normal” schedule.
Thank you so much for the encouraging words.
[email protected]
Thank you, Glynnis, for reminding me that despair and discouragement are Satan’s plan for me, but that hope is God’s design for me. It is easy to wallow in self-pity, frustration, depression, and guilt–to even think that we should punish ourselves for mistakes as a wife/mother by holding onto negative thoughts. But this habit will not bring us hope/confidence that we can overcome our shortcomings. I need to daily begin leaning on Christ’s everlasting arms and accepting His grace even when my sins weigh me down.
[email protected]
I too have 3 boys all within three years apart. They are all so different. My escape is my bedroom with the door locked, but I know where my real escape is…..looking towards HIM.
Thanks for the devotion! I’m so thankful there is HOPE!
[email protected]
For the third time this week the verse from Jeremiah has came across my path. I have 3 children that are 8, 6 and 3, and although they look alike I wonder sometimes how they live in the same house yet are so completely different. I can relate to the parent struggles and the discouragement and despair in my heart – I am allowing satan to get the upper hand and I refuse to let it go on another day. THANK YOU for the encouragement and hope, and for being real. Your words this morning were just what I needed to not go to a place and just cry it out, but to fall on my knees and praise God, to seek out His wisdom for parenting not my own.
My email is: [email protected]
God Bless all of you Proverbs 31 women! These encouraging words everyday are so incredible to me! What a joy you are to reach so many women and families!
My email address is: [email protected]
Much needed, thanks for sharing! God Bless you in your ministry and service to the Lord.
[email protected]
Your words are so encouraging! I’m definitely interested in the giveaway book, since I’ve left the office world to stay home and pursue my writing and artistic passions. My email address is [email protected] if you need it. Thanks again!
I just found your blog today. Just in time, this is my last week at my job – next week I begin staying at home as a full time mom of three teenagers. Thank you for the encouragement!
[email protected]
Thank you so much for the encouragement. I have two boys under 6 and transitioned to working from home about 2 years ago. Thank you for being the tool God used to speak to me today.
Kristi in Texas
[email protected]
Jesus came to give us Hope, thank You Lord!
Lisa in WA
[email protected]
Wow! There are days when I feel absolutely desperate. I am a stay at home mom of three. My husband had a stroke a few years ago and is unable to help out very much. So it all falls in my hands. Thank you for the encouraging words. [email protected]
I related to the story today and just have to say thank you so much for the encouragement. Often, I feel like a bad mother, with two boys and a girl ages 10, 8, and 4 there is not enough hours in the day to take care of everything and it makes me feel like I always neglect something in my life. Me, my kids, my husband, my home, or my job. It is very overwhelming.
Thank you so much for doing what you do, I could spend hours on here reading and listening to all that you offer. Keep up the great work!!
Rhonda in Texas
[email protected]
I navigated to your site after reading Glynnis Whitwer’s devotional this morning. As is God’s way, her devotion really hit home with me, as I have struggled with parenting this week. Proverbs 31 devotions are always an encouraging part of my day, and I sometimes e-mail them to my friends when they come to mind. I came to your comment section because I was interested in your give-away of the family devotions. My e-mail address is [email protected].