Ever feel like someone is telling you that you can’t measure up? That something is wrong with you?
If so, have you ever stopped to ask, “Who is saying these things? Who is causing me to doubt myself? Is it me? Is there something from my past that led me to believe this? Or is it the enemy of my soul disguising his voice as my own?”
Satan is the father of lies, and there is no truth in him (John 8:44). Oh how he loves when we believe his deception and fall into the ditractions of feeling inadequate and insecure.
The meaning of the word lie is “a falsehood with the intent to deceive.” Satan intends to deceive us and he does so by getting us to take our eyes off of who we are in Christ and focus on our flaws. That way we’ll spend our days figuring out how we can hide them. It’s exactly what he did with Eve:
“Then the eyes of both [Adam and Eve] were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’
He answered, ‘I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.’” (Gen. 3:7–11)
In response, God asked who told them they were naked. In other words, “Who told you that something is wrong with you?” By asking this, God made sure they knew someone was casting shame on them—and it wasn’t Him.
The enemy whispered lies into their hearts, causing them to move away from Him and from each other.
Satan’s intent is the same for you and me as it was for Eve, but we don’t have to go along with him. Instead we can refute his lies and temptations with truth. If we have put our trust in Christ as our Savior, we can stand on the promises of who we are in Him.
In his book, Victory Over the Darkness, Dr. Neil T. Anderson says, “The more you reaffirm who you are in Christ, the more your behavior will begin to reflect your true identity!” Here is a compilation of Scriptures Dr. Anderson’s ministry created to remind us of who we are in Christ.
I am accepted . . .
- John 1:12 I am God’s child.
- John 15:15 I am a friend of Jesus Christ, as His disciple.
- Romans 5:1 I have been justified.
- 1 Corinthians 6:17 I am united with the Lord, and I am one with Him in spirit.
- 1 Corinthians 6:19–20 I have been bought with a price and I belong to God.
- 1 Corinthians 12:27 I am a member of Christ’s body.
- Ephesians 1:3–8 I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.
- Hebrews 4:14–16 I have direct access to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ.
I am secure . . .
- Romans 8:1–2 I am free from condemnation.
- Romans 8:28 I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances.
- Romans 8:31–39 I am free from condemnation. I cannot be separated from God’s love.
- 2 Corinthians 1:21–22 I have been established, anointed, and sealed by God.
- Colossians 3:1–4 I am hidden with Christ in God.
- Philippians 1:6 I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me.
- Philippians 3:20 I am a citizen of heaven.
- 2 Timothy 1:7 I have been given a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.
- 1 John 5:18 I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me.
I am significant . . .
- John 15:5, I am a branch of Jesus Christ, the true vine, and a channel of His life.
- John 15:16, I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit.
- 1 Corinthians 3:16, I am God’s temple.
- 2 Corinthians 5:17–21, I am a minister of reconciliation for God.
- Ephesians 2:6, I am seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenly realm.
- Ephesians 2:10, I am God’s workmanship.
- Ephesians 3:12, I may approach God with freedom and confidence.
- Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
Which one of these promises did you need to hear most today? What lie do you need to replace with truth as you reaffirm your significance, security and acceptance based not on what you say or do, but on what Jesus said and did for you!
When you’re tempted to measure up today, focus “up” instead and remember Whose you are and who you are – in Him!
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“Contagious Confidence” give-away which includes a copy of “A Confident Heart” along with “Confident Heart” sticky notes that have quotes and promise from my book and a Starbucks gift card — for 3 of you! Also, I’d love for you to share today’s post by clicking on “Tell a Friend” button below. I’m praying HIS confidence will become contagious!
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- Find out more about A Confident Heart and read how it’s impacting other lives here.
- Read the “Table of Contents” to see what’s inside the book that will encourage and equip you to stop doubting yourself and start living in the security of God’s promises.
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Last week’s Winners: Lil’lyndie, Kathryn and Linda P. you’ve won a copy of Ann Voskamp’s New York Times Best-Seller, One Thousand Gifts and A Confident Heart. We have your emails we’ll be in touch to get your mailing addresses this week.
Hi there,
I just wanted to tell you that God is still using your words. I was just given a copy of the excerpt you used from Dr. Anderson’s book by my women’s Bible study leader. I hadn’t really read it yet. I am now being given it again. I had been feeling like I didn’t measure up, so I Googled “I don’t feel I measure up as a Christian woman”, and up came your post. Feeling this way has been a constant problem for me. These past few years have been particularly difficult as the revelation of my husband’s sexual addiction has come about, and becoming a mother (and not feeling adequate there either). Seeing Dr. Anderson’s words, God’s words really, for a second time, I again realize how much He must love me. Thank you for your faithless to share this important message.
It struck me how often I throw away confidence by calling it fear. It helps to have a label to what I am feeling but to realize the consequence gives a choice! A choice is glimmer of hope. A choice acted on opens the door so the warmth and brilliance of Hope floods in. Thanks for sharing.
As others have said, I have struggled with self-worth and self-doubt most of my life. Over the years, I’ve felt I’ve made some progress. However, about the time I start feeling a little more self-confident, something in my life happens to diminish any progress I’ve made. I am truly a “work in progress”. I’m looking forward to reading your book.
I’ve never been good enough — and now my second husband is getting ready to leave, too. So I’m sure that your book would be a good thing for me to read. Thank you for the chance to win it.
As a mother of 9 with my oldest 2 being teenage daughters I need to be teaching them confidence yet I cannot seem to quiet the self doubt & comparing myself to others. I am touched by Phil. 4:13 because it takes more energy than I have most days to just take care of their physical needs. My husband works 6 days a week-hes gone 12+ hours a day. I need confidence in so many areas…
The promise I needed to hear most today was: Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
I too, have struggled with being confident. I am better than I use to be. One day I had a teaching about how God made me perfectly. All the things I called weakness, whether it be too fat, too short, not enough education, unloveable, whatever the issue God still called it perfectly made. I still marvel at that concept. I still struggle with believeing it as truth. Some days I feel like the young outfielder in a comedy yelling, “I got it, I got it, I got it ( then the ball bounces on the ground) I don’t got it!
Confidence seems to be a journey for me. I wonder if there is a full arrival this side of heaven? I used to believe that maturity and confidence happened the same way our body matured…you just woke up one day and things had “blossomed!” Now I know that it takes knowledge, understanding, and wisdom from above, and good choices, to be all that He has created me to be, and to stand in that with great confidence.
I would love to receive your book. I have two daughters that I would love to give a copy to as well.
Hi Renee,
I read throwing away confidence and I just really spoke to my heart because I can relate to that Voice inside throwing me under the bus. Personally I made many mistakes as a young adult, but now that I am saved I am raising 2 children in a broken home. I see my teenage son making some life altering decisions and though he has heard about and seen Gods love, he still seems to be drawn to the world. I use my own wisdom and speak about the dangers not only of physical dangers and consequences but spirtual death and separation. BUT sometimes that voice creeps in saying, ” this is your fault, you married a non christian man and he is gone, and now your kids will suffer.” My confidence gets thrown in the trash! I am also training to minister to young girls, and raise them up to be modern day Princess’. I was excited for the calling! But again I feel I am not good enough, spirtual enough, or holy enough to serve these girls and help them see they are Gods Princess’. I finally asked for prayer and without actually telling them what I needed prayer fo a blessing was poured over me. I felt God whisper you have been washed clean, stop comparing the past, you are my PRINCESS who I love and you will encourage others. This battle is a daily battle against satns lies. I am looking forward to reading your book. I praise God for a woman of God who shares her devotional with us women who ALL need encouragement daily. Thank you and God bless!
As I listened to the short video, I just kept hearing myself say, but I can’t do that because I’m not good enough. With my husband of 29 years divorcing me the first part of this year, I have really been feeling and feeding my thoughts the thought that I am not good enough. I could do nothing to stop the divorce, even though I did not want it, so how could I possibly be doing the right things?
I am really hoping this book can help me rid my head of things that I know in my heart are not true, but I can’t seem to quit saying them to myself. God bless you with your work in this ministry, Renee. Thank you for stepping out in faith. But that we all had that courage.
I really liked doing the Self Doubt survey to see where I truly stood and where exactly I was letting Satan into my life. Now I have some focus on the areas that I will consciously look at and listen for those self doubt phrases that Satan like to put in my head. Now I can start to battle them with more confidence and learn to truly hear God’s voice-the voice of truth instead. Thank you to all who comment here and on facebook. It truly helps to know that I am not alone in this battle and that I have prayer warriors lifting me up.
Your devotional came to me today through the Prov 31 devotionals I’ve subscribed to. The timing can only be God’s. Self-doubt has paralyzed me so many times and in so many ways and I pray for God to free me of it and to instead walk confidently and in peace with Him. Currently, I am in a new job position where I have the opportunity to take some risks and have a positive impact, but am flooded thoughts RE all the ways I may not be successful. On a personal level, self-doubt has dominated and impacted relationships with men — feelings of not being attractive enough, slender enough, funny enough, smart enough…continue whisper throughout my head. What’s most frustrating is knowing how self-doubt impacts my ability to witness and serve the Lord. Satan knows what he’s doing and knows how to work me like a puppet. I am praying this work the Lord has directed you in will help in my transformation. : ) I was thankful for the reminder that “he who began a good work in me will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” I can’t tell you how I identified with so many of your experiences and how I think your book may be meant for me at this point in my journey.
Blessings to you and thank you –
Thank you Renee for your God given talent. It is great to see that others share how I feel. Your whole P31 newsletter spoke to me. My confidence in trying something new-if I failed then I felt I wasnt suppose to do it in the first place, people would see my flaws-they probably already knew them and accepted me anyways.The fear that the project or homemade gift or book or Sunday school class wouldnt be perfect, smooth,and polished-then people would laugh and think I was stupid. Thank you for your writing through God that you can inspire and spread a good seed into peoples lives so they may nurture this seed, have it grow and in turn share it with others.
Wow, what a tool to use with fellow teachers when the doubts creep in about are we doing what we should be doing with the students. One of my roles at school is that of guidance counselor and I can also see using this book with students who are struggling with who they are.
Thanks, for writing.
I am so passionate about what God has done in my life. He is the source of my worth and passion for life! I want so badly to communicate with authority the message of God to families, women, and others. So far I can communicate it to my own children, children at my church, and my small group, but the opportunities I have had to communicate in front of large groups of adults often result in tears and a feeble message being shared. I want to speak with passion and confidence as I share with others. I want to continue to lead others to change and a purposeful life of surrender to Jesus Christ. I would love to read your book as well as share it with a couple of friends and family members. I look forward to the “Doubt Diet” and what I will learn about God, myself and our relationship!
How God works is just amazing! I have been truly struggling for about 2 years with my feeling of unworthiness. I have just recently started to share my feelings and struggles with a dear friend. This dear friend introduced me to Proverb 31. I am a fairly new Christian, I would say that I am in the early toddler stages. ;-), so my confidence is easy to shake at times. It seems like the last week or so every time I start feeling overwhelmed with personal items, I get on to check my email and it will just amaze me how it is like God has sent the messages I have needed to read directly to my email box! Today reading your message has been no exception. I struggle with not feeling good enough, worthy of any attention, confidence to know I can do what God is whispering to me. You so touched my heart with your words and I just had to share. Winning a book and CD would be great but honestly I just wanted you to know your words reached out and touched me as if you were sitting across from me telling me personally what I so badly need to hear! Thank You! God Bless You and Yours! Your Sister in Christ, Sherry Lyn
Renee, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hadnt realized how much self-doubt has consumed me. I labled myself a worry wart and have just tried to deal with it for so many years. I am so glad to have found Proverbs 31 and you. I feel God is sending me help to learn more about myself and to trust him whole heartedly. I have two teenaged daughters and two sons who can benefit from what I can learn. In the past, I have put everyone ahead of myself. From today on I’m going to work harder on myself with the tools you have given me. Thank you! Thank you! May God continue to bless you and your work.
Hi Renee,
I read your P31 devotional this morning, and it really spoke to my heart. The Lord’s been talking to me lately about this issue of confidence vs. insecurity. I listened to Part 2 of a six-part series by an author named Mary DeMuth. The subject was healing. I didn’t expect the Lord to speak to me about confidence in this series, but He did. He spoke to me through Mary about being “healed” of insecurity by trusting in Him and not being afraid/hesitant to do His bidding because of what others may say/think. Also, I’ve been doing a devotional book by Susie Larson called “Balance that Works When Life Doesn’t.” A couple of days ago my reading spoke about insecurity. She talked about it as being a form of selfishness–“When our thoughts are wrapped up in all that is wrong with us or all that we lack, we miss what’s beautiful around us and in us. When we are insecure (or prideful, for that matter), we make decisions with ‘me’ in mind.” And, she also spoke about being faithful to do what God’s calling us to do, and not letting what others may think/say hold us back.
Then, this morning, there was your devotional. God does have a way of driving home a point. Doesn’t he? Thanks for having the confidence to write on this topic. 🙂
For many years I’ve struggled with insecurity and self doubt. I’ve really enjoyed the encouraging emails that I receive through P31, and the ones that you submit usually really hit home. I’m so looking forward to reading your book! Thank you so much for the encouragement you allow God to share through you! You are a blessing!
I know I need a revelation that will stick. This habit of self doubt is a complete dead end and it not only hurts me but also loved ones and anyone who would try to get close or know me I’be been here way too long. So glad you cared enough to write and do all you are doing to try to connect and change lives with the hope of how yougot free.
Today I am handing in my resume’ for a teaching position. Your devotional came at just the right time-I am amazed at how God can align these events. This morning as I walked the dog I was reciting in my brain all the possibilities of how I could fail at this job. I received yesterday in the mail two glowing letters of recommendation, I was thrilled. Today I thought perhaps they don’t know the real me, the me that fails or gives up too soon. Thank-you for reminding me of my heavenly Daddy that loves me, wants the best thing for me, has gifted me to work with children. Thank-you! I am printing the devo as a continual reminder. God Bless you!
Been struggling with the feeling of being “less of a mom” than all the others who make it look so easy, oh and those dreadful parenting magazines who threaten that if my children aren’t doing it ALL then surely they will not become successful adults. I’m a slightly ‘older momma’ who didn’t have the first until I was 36 and adopted the second 4 years later. Thanks for remiding me of HIS love and of my own special place in HIS heart.
The 7 Day Doubt Diet devotions have hit me right where I live. The encouragement that
it is giving me to find my worth in God is invaluable. It has also helped me
to realized that my doubts & insecurities didn’t necessarily originate from the
people around me but from Satan. I especially enjoyed the interview with
with Jennifer Rothschild. Thank you Renee for your blogs & devotions.
You asked us to leave you what was on our heart after reading this and first and foremost, the power of God and how he guides us to the right place. I am a subscriber of Lysa’s blog (and yours too now) and I was led to your blog today through her. I almost deleted her email but God nudged me to read it. So I did and here I am! I have struggled with relationships, my weight, my job, my finances, etc. and I knew that there was an underlying factor but I just haven’t discovered it yet. God has been dealing with me lately on some of these things but I just seem to keep hitting a dead end or failing again. Reading your blog and listening to the trailer for your book, makes me think that all of this could come from a lack of confidence. As I stated on Lysa’s blog earlier, I almost feel like I am so self-conscious sometimes that I make myself awkward for others to be around. I am pretty sure that I can pin point the time in my past that has brought me here but I am not quite sure how to break the curse. I have carried it now for 20 years and I am so ready to be free. I want to be happy in my body, happy with who I am, secure in my relationships and feel like a winner not a loser. So, that is some of what is on my heart today. If I were to share it all, it may take days. The bottom line is I feel like God has written me a little love note today that says, “this is where you struggle sweet daughter” and this book is just a piece of what He wants me to know.
I don’t have anything eloquent to say. I am simply interested in reading your book. Possibly it is a book everyone should read.
A thought that came to me one day while driving to work, praying about my people pleasing tendencies, is that when we worry about what other people think, we are placing them before God and making those people god of our lives instead of Jesus. Thanks so much for writing this book! I cannot wait to get a copy!!
Hi Renee. the scripture that popped out to me today was Philippians 1:6 I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me. ~ I have to believe that I am destined for good things! I have gone through a lot of things in my life but just to share a few, since i was a teenager i was physically and verbally abused by boyfriends. Then I joined the Army in hopes to “get away” from things. I ended up getting deployed to Iraq, where I was raped and mistreated by my superiors, and got injured. then I met someone who i thought was “the one” I had a baby who was a preemie and had several issues going on with her (she’s had 5 surgeries before she was 3yrs old) the Dr’s told me she was going to die. but by the grace of God, she is still here with me and healthy! but then her dad left us when she was 1 and hasn’t seen her in almost 4 years. so i’m a struggling single mom to say the least. I admit i lost faith for a while but one day my girl told me that she was in heaven with jesus and the angel’s and she saw me praying for her when she was sick and that “he”asked her if she wanted to stay with him or come to me. I was in awe! and found my way back to HIm. i still get real depressed though and sometimes find it hard to work full time and raise my daughter. I struggle financially, physically and spritually. ( i need to keep reminding myself that God loves me, and will complete the good work he started in me) i would love to win a copy of your book, as i believe it will help me in my journey. have a blessed day 🙂