I have something really important to tell you today. Lean in close. Really let this get past your self-doubts and into those assurance-seeking places in your heart…
Yes you. The beautiful one sitting there looking at the screen.
I know it’s hard to believe sometimes, but it’s true. You fill God’s heart with absolute joy and every day you take His breath away with your smile.
Just a slight glance in His direction makes Him pause. He loves the unique way you do things. He really enjoys watching others love on you and bring out His best in you. And He’s not critical of your mistakes like you sometimes think, or waiting for you to do something productive. He simply delights in you because you are His. And that is enough.
It took me 20 years to understand and 10 more years to truly believe this was the reality of God’s love for me. The same was true for my friend Sheri Rose Shepherd who I’ve asked to be a girlfriend guest blogger with us today. Like many of you, I’ve been blessed by God’s words written through her, so today I’m giving away a copy of her book, “His Princess.“ More about that in a minute.
Sheri Rose is a woman who can relate to almost any woman’s battle. A former Mrs. United States, she grew up in a dysfunctional home and was severely overweight as a teen. As a young woman, she battled depression and an eating disorder. In spite of an English teacher telling her she was “born to lose” and a learning disorder—Dyslexia—Sheri Rose has (in God’s strength) become a Best Selling and award-winning author. Sheri Rose is also an internationally known speaker and Bible life coach.
Today, in my devotion on P31 and Crosswalk, I shared about God’s lavish love for us and how He wants us to live “loved” because we are. Then I asked Sheri Rose to share with us what she believes is the most important thing for women to know, so we can grasp the depth of God’s love for us. Here is what she said:
People often ask me, “How did you break free from your painful past and the lies and learn to embrace truth.” To be honest, I still have to fight the lies I’ve believed about myself. It seems to be the battle each woman I have met faces.
Many of us have experienced what I call “Spiritual Identity Theft.” We’ve somehow lost our confidence in who we are in Christ, and we feel worthless or wounded by someone’s words.Others of us hold in our hearts a false identity. We believe a lie about ourselves and we have allowed that lie to define us.
I understand what it is like to feel worthless and walk with a wounded heart from hurtful words. Perhaps you’re just recognizing the root of the lie you have been living in.Maybe it was hurtful words spoken to you by a father or mother, brother or sister, teacher, boyfriend or husband. Maybe it was an employer who thoughtlessly felt like dumping lies on you.
I don’t think those hurtful words are easily forgotten but I do know healing and wholeness can become reality in our lives when we learn how to embrace God’s truth.You do not have to let others’ hurtful words define you anymore. They did not give their life, as Jesus did, to prove your worth. We are Daughters of the King of Kings whether we feel like it or not.
Let me be a spiritual mentor and give you the three keys to unlocking lies and finding your true identity, I call it “a truth makeover.”
1. Know the Truth. You Are…
- Chosen By God (John 15:16)
- A New Creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)
- Holy and Pure (1 Peter 2:9)
- A Trophy of His Grace (Ephesians 2:8)
- His Princess Warrior (2 Timothy 4:7)
- His Beloved Bride (Psalm 45:11)
2. Speak The Truth…
Whenever a lie is spoken to you or a lie enters your mind, speak this Truth out loud…
“That is a lie. My worth is not in what anyone else says about me or what I feel at the moment.”
3. Fast Off Speaking Lies
Try a seven-day fast by not speaking anything negative about yourself or repeating any lies that have been spoken over you or about you. If possible, ask a friend to hold you accountable to speak only truth.
4. Read this Love Letterfrom God:
My Chosen Daughter,You are royalty even when you don’t feel like a princess. How you feel about yourself will never change the truth of who you are in Me. You are My treasure, and I have chosen you. If you ever begin to doubt your significance, just look to the cross and remember I gave my life to prove your worth. I see your heart and I know you fight to find truth. So start by recognizing who I am: the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and your Daddy in heaven. Saturate yourself in My truth and you will discover how loved and treasured you are.
Love, Your Lord who is Truth
Living Loved Give-away
- 2 Free BibleLife coaching sessions(One winner)
30 days of spiritual mentoring with Sheri Rose
You keep one session and give one away!
- Rest Assured message on CD by Renee Swope
How to Stop Worrying & Start Resting in God’s Promises
2 copies of this message on CD (one winner). You keep one and give one away!
- His Princess: Love Letters from Your King
One book by Sheri Rose Shepherd
To enter to win, click on the word “comments” below this post, and type in the white box. Sheri Rose and I would love to know your first name, your age, where you are from, who you will invite to do the Bible life-coaching sessions with you or who you’d give the extra of my message on CD to. Please be sure to sign up for email updates in my right sidebar (so you will know if you win), or leave your email in your comment so we can notify you. I’ll announce the winner next Monday, March 7th.
Dear One,
I smiled reading your delightful devotion this morning. Having reared five children, I know the feeling well. I remember the first born and the desire to just hold him forever. Now he's a grown man, but then I would often wake up to find him asleep in the rocking chair with Jeff's arms around him, holding him safely.
Another thing that I remember well is being so afraid that I couldn't love another child nearly as much as I loved him. Yet with each new baby, my love grew enough to encompass that one, too.
I imagine that is how it is with God. Don't you?
Hi Renee,
I enjoyed your post today–thank you 🙂 My name is Hayley, I'm 48 years old, and live in Virginia. I'm not sure any woman can be told too many times how much she is loved and how precious she is. These words were very sweet to me today. I would like to share this material with my friend Beth.
Have a great day!
Hi my name is Mary and I am 51. I would share this gift with my friend A. She recently had gastric bypass surgery and has lost about 100 lbs and has more to go. She is learning to accept her 'new' body. She is a new creation but is getting to see it in the flesh too.
My name is Angie, I am 37 years old and a wife and mother of 2 from Snyder, OK. If I won this I would most definitely give one to my best friend Sandi. She has been such an inspiration to me through some very tough times. Thank you so much for sharing your words and for offering this package. [email protected]
My name is Emily and I am 31. I would share the bible coaching with my friend Wendy. I live in Oregon. Thank you for your encouraging words!
Hello – I'm Heidi, 29 years old, from IL. With 2 small children sometimes its hard to focus on God's love for me! I would share this with a group of women (and moms) that I am close with. We occasionally do a Bible study together. Thank you.
Good Morning! My name is Toshua, I'm 37, and I live in Illinois.
What an awesome post; thank you both so much!! If I win, I plan to share the spiritual mentoring with my best friend, Amanda. We love to discuss what God is doing in our lives and she has such a hunger to know Jesus more and live in his light.
I would share the CD with my beautiful daughter. She's just about to launch into adulthood. Thank you!!
Thank you for this wonderful message…My name is Vickie and I will be 52 in about 3 weeks. By the world's standards, I am a very successful woman, but I have fought lies of self-worth for the 33 years of my marriage. By God's grace, I am no longer listening to those lies and am now facilitating a young woman's Bible study in our area of Mississippi. I would share the coaching or the cd's with a young woman who can learn the TRUTH and come to know and BELIEVE it to the depths of her soul!!! What a difference God makes…from generation to generation!!!!
Thank you for allowing God to use you in His service!
Dr. Vickie
Hi Renee and Sheri!
My name is Helenann, from snowy Michigan. I just turned 66 and am deeply grateful for God's consistent presence and love in my life…. in spite of my daily mis-steps! I daily celebrate this blessing as well as the strength God gives us to meet life's challenges!
If selected, I would share the coaching sessions and cd's with my sister! We are both retired teachers and searching for ways to carry God's Word in new directions!
Thank you for sharing your words, your life and your love of God with all of us!
I first want to thank you for such an anointed blog. The Holy Spirit really speaks to me through your messages and it always seems like what you are writing about is directed towards ME!!!!
I would be so blessed if I were to win this Living Loved package! I could definitely benefit from it spiritually and also emotionally. I am a "suicidal" diabetic who is struggling with the "want to" get better. I have been feeling so unworthy and hopeless. I know it's the enemey trying to destroy me. I need help!
A friend is on a dark path of adultery and has fallen so far from God. I would share this with her and pray that the Holy Spirit just breaks those chains in both of our lives so that we can live freely and feel like princesses! Thank you for considering me.
May God bless you tenfold in your ministries!
Good Morning! My name is Sharon and I am thirty-12 (kind of like 30-something… I just am not ready to enter a new decade-group, so I decided to stay in my thirties!) 🙂
I live in South Dakota which by the way is still below zero today!
If I win, I will share the goodies with my new daughter-in-law. It would be such a blessing to her sweet soul! It would be a perfect gift for her as she starts this new chapter in her life and desired to be a godly wife.
Hi Renee,
I am almost 40 (in July) and I find myself believing all the negative comments I have heard about myself. So much so, that it has lowered my self-esteem and self-confidence. I know God loves me but sometimes I just really have a hard time wrapping my arms around the idea of just how much. I would love to have one of the cds that could help me grow in my knowledge of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I would love to share this CD with one of my friends, Celia, who struggles with her own insecurites everyday. This would be such an uplifting experience for us to share this together and to hold each other accountable to not believe the lies we have been told.
Hi, My name is Gina. I'm 36. Thank you for always posting such encouraging thoughts and scriptures. It is hard getting through this life without feeling a little beaten up. I appreciate your honesty and ability to be brave enough to be real. This was definitely what I needed this morning as I'm going through some difficult things and trying to put the past to rest. I have to constantly remind myself that God is there, he loves me, and everything is going to be ok.
If I received either prize, I'd share with my friend who comes from a similar background to help her remember who she is in Christ when the pain of the past comes up over and over.
Thank you again for reminding us of the truth of who we are in Christ.
[email protected]
I am LaVonna, I am 41 and I live in New Brunswick, Canada. I would share the books and cds with my sistas in my local church via our budding library.
Today is my first visit to your blog and I needed to hear the truth you spoke. Thank you for mowing down the whispered lies that were starting to take root in my heart. I AM loved by God… AMEN!!!
Good Morning, my name is Anne – thank you so much for your words this morning. You have no idea how much I needed them. I am 51 have know the Lord most of my life but only now really realizing He loves me the same as everyone else. I am in recovery from a eating disorder that has controlled the past 10 yrs of my life and God is opening doors for me to be able to help other adult women with these issues. Your CD's and coatching would be of great value to me so that I can continue to learn and help others. Thank you for all you do
Hi, my name is Amada and I live in California. I am 41 years old.
I would share the the materials and coaching with my
sister in law who, like me, loves the Lord, but hasn't been able to live free from the horrible hurts of the past.
Thank you for this well needed message.
God Bless you all in your amazing work.
Hello, my name is Tricia and I am 37 yearsold. I am from Sandusky, Ohio, but have called Scottsdale, Arizona my home for many years now. I will invite Kelly, a young lady in my Bible study to do the Bible life-coaching sessions and give the extra CDs to. She is the youngest in our bunch and has a lot of questions. I feel led to lead her!
On the day I celebrate the love that my husband and I share, our 12th anniversary, I needed the reminder that he is not the only one that loves me. I've been battling the "why" question and trying to rest in God but it's been a struggle lately as I deal with self induced infertility. I know in my head that God catches each of my tears in His hand, but I sometimes begin to believe the lie that He doesn't care. Thanks for showing me that I need to refute that thought each and every time it pops up.
Hi I am Tracee. I am 44 years old and live in Gastonia,North Carolina. I love hearing from all of you. Someone from your group came and spoke at our church and was wonderful. I am a chaplain at our local hospital and see lots of tough situations. It really helps me to read what you write in your devotionals. I would probably take the extra cd to our office and give it out to people I encounter in the hospital who I think would benefit from it. The extra coaching season since I believe is on the computer I would give to dear friend. One of our closest friends died this week and it has been a tough week. Thanks so much for all you do and allowing God to shine so strongly through you.
I'm 37 have a 2 year old and another addition arriving in a month or so, so will be a mom of two children. I too have battled some past issues, still sometimes they resurface.
A friend through MOPS told me I need to read His Princess, so I have it on my list of books to get. How timely this post is as I am leading a women's bible study next week. I love to share the coaching with a friend of mine that just recently took over as MOPS leader.
My name is Dana and I am 34. I didn't realize until now that I am grown, that I was raised in an abusive (emotionally) household. Now I am married to someone that is finally realizing his abuse and working on it. I need this for myself and my mom, who has believed all those lies for so many years.
Hi Ladies,
I enjoyed your teaching so much. It's similar to our discussion at prayer group last night. Many of the 10 or so women struggle with who we are in Christ. One with depression, another with alcohol, and yet another with sexual identity. I'm 57 this month and it's taken me a long time to really believe that I am who God says I am and to love myself despite my struggle with weight. I would love to share your teachings with my prayer group ladies. I live in Birmingham, AL.
Blessings, Deb
I am Brenda 44 years old and I live in Brooklyn, NY..I would invite my friend Jamillah and My friend Eva who is very ill. GOD continues to open doors for us I look forward to walking through this door…
Hey Girls!!
My name is Heather Mead I am 35 yr old happily married stay-at-home mom with two girls 15 and 5. I find myself putting on several different hats daily. I love to read your blogs it starts my day off in the right direction!!
I would love to share the cd's with a beautiful friend that is now a new mom. She is struggling to keep her marriage healthy while struggling with her faith. I would love to share that we all struggle at times but we need to stay on the path that the lord has chosen for each of us.
Again thanks so much for the inspiration that you give me daily.
Heather Mead
Evansville, IN
[email protected]
Good Morning Ladies, I'm Deborah, 57, living in Birmingham, AL. Today's message hit my heart because many of the younger ladies in my weekly prayer group are also struggling to believe the truth about who they are in Christ. I would love to share your teaching with them. Sincerely, Deb
This is tough. I turn 42 next week….am overweight and have never been so in my life. It has made me depressed and exhausted to get around. I just joined a weight loss group and am moving forward after the death of my Mom in August of last year…it has been very hard to accept her death. At the same time my hubby lost his job but was blessedly able to return to his old one again. We have many things to be blessed for and I am learning to concentrate on those instead of the negative all the time. It is time to let go of the past and move forward. I would share this opportunity with my friend Lisa who has been my closest friend forever. She is awesome and I love her to bits. Thanks for this great message, I'm printing it out and putting in my journal.
Renee, I am Mary Lynn and really appreciate your devotional at P31 this am. It is something that I really needed to be reminded of. The key verse is actually my birthday verse! I am almost 44 (March 17) and have recently moved to Ohio from Georgia. I am trying to hear God's leading in this next season of life. It is not easy to wait and trust some days. So again thank you for your encouraging reminder that God is loving me despite myself. I would share with my sister in Alabama. Thanks again for your encouragement!
[email protected]
Hi ladies, I am 37 and from Mustang , OK. Loved this blog so much. It spoke to me so much. I would love to win these wonderful gifts and if I won I would share it with my friend Mary, who is in the same boat as myself in our spiritual journey, We help each other through things and she is a true soul sister! 🙂
Good morning, Renee & Sheri,
In the quiet & freedom of my now empty nest, several "elephants in the rooms" of my inner house have become quite obvious–I have run out of excuses to ignore them, to keep them quietly in the corner. I am learning to let my Father help me, and Zephaniah 3:17 is my guiding verse! (I have had the verse printed up on business cards & share the reminder, as the Spirit guides me, to women I meet in my work as a Mary Kay consultant.)
If I received the coaching or the cd's, I would share them with my 20-something daughter, who is walking with the Lord through a chronic illness, while working in her first professional position, 600 miles from "home".
Thank you for your ministering to us, Maysie Grace
Hi, I am Monica, age 46 and live in Illinois. I would share the additional teaching with one of the ladies in my Bible study group. [email protected]
I would love to receive your free gifts to share with the young people in my youth group at church
Brianna, 26, NC
I would share with my dear friend Katie!
I am Cindy, I am 45 years old and I live in Angleton, TX. I would share the CD and lessons with my daughter. I am always amazed at how pssionate she is about growing in her relationship with Christ. (She has all of Sheri's letter books). She also has two very good friends that she would likely share with.
Thank you, Sheri, for the wonderful books you have written and shared with us. It is truly a gift to reach out with truth in such a simple way. I am a school teacher and have bought several copies of your 'letter books' to share with my hurting students. I remember one of my girls last year telling me she read it one night and couoldn't wait to get home and start reading it again. Wow!
Thank you,
Cindy…[email protected]
I am Leigh and I live in Powder Springs, GA. I am 38 years old with 5 children. I just got to see Sheri Rose speak at a local church in February! She was wonderful!
I would share the coaching sessions with my step-daughter, Nicole. She is 20 and just going thru some troubling times. She has walked away from God and I pray that she will come back to him! I think it would be wonderful to do together.
I would give the CD to my friend that is the biggest worry wart!
Thank you ladies for speaking God's truth! I need to hear it everyday and are so thankful for your obedience to Him in your ministry!
Leigh F.
[email protected]
Hallelujah! Thank you Renee and Sheri for an awesome blog post-very encouraging. My name is Janet, 40 years of age and I live in New York. I would share with my friend, Barbara.
Tracy Whitesburg, TN. 37 and holding at least til May. I would like to win the sessions to give away to my baby sisters who are twins. They are on the brink of their adult life and could so use the training sessions. They have been my little girls since their birth while I was in 8th grade. With the help of my Nanny, I took them to church all their life from my pre-teen years through my college years even coming home each weekend to make sure they got to church. They stopped going to church not long after I was married. I pray that they would reignite their love for the Lord and lean on his understanding when starting their new journeys. I pray daily for their husbands to be and that they make the right decisions to keep them from harm. They are good girls and have a good foundation but I know their lives would be so much richer if they were truly led by the Father. My twin sisters could use the life coaching and would benefit greatly. Thank you for your post and your passion for follwoing the Lord's call.
I am in my 40's and oh how this brings back the words that were spoken to me as a teenager. Things like "you will never do anything with your life". I do suffer from low self esteem and if I was to receive the coaching or the cd's I would share them with friends who are going through the same thing.
Hi Ms. Renee and Sheri,
I am 52 and would love to share the coaching or the cd's with my mom whose 80 or with my daughter whose 25. I would love for the three of us to do this together so we may fellowship, encourage, and grow stronger in God's words.
Thank you for sharing,
I'm Prema 40 and would love to share the cd with my daughter or the session to give to my sisterinlaw
Thank you for your post! I seem to forget that God is crazy about me, I guess due to early feelings that I just didn't measure up. I'm 57 now, and a grammy, and still struggle with this every day. I'm praying that my children and grandchildren learn this early on and I try to tell them every time I speak with them.
I'd share this with my friends at church, who struggle with this too. Thank you for your writings and wonderful insights!
Hey Renee and Sheri,
I have really been encouraged receiving daily devotions .
It has been a daily highlight and words of assurance and hope. I have often shared your devotions with my own family. I have often been comforted by reading God's promises presented through your devotions.
Thank you and God bless you.
My name is Linda and I'm 38 years old, living in Ontario, Canada.
The coaching and cd sounds so amazing! I have suffered major depression, but through finding God and his love, I am doing well these days. However, I have a few friends that suffer deeply and need to know God and his love. I would share with them, in hope that they know they are loved unconditionally.
Thank you for you inspiring words!!
My name is Cheryl. I'm 52. I would probably give the Bible coaching session and CD to a friend who is fighting depression.
Thank you for sharing your gifts.
My name is Kendra, I'm almost 32(July), I live in Asheville, N.C., and I am a middle school educator. I would invite my mom to the sessions and give the extra CD to my girlfriend Jackie to listen to in the car and she drives her kids to and from school and practices.
Thank you for the encouragement,
Kendra Cameron-Jarvis
Hi, my name is Alicia. I'm 29 years old and live in northern Colorado. I would be more than honored to receive the coaching. I'm at a huge crossroads in my life right now with my husband of 10 years and have 2 precious children. I would share all this with my beautiful mom as she is confused and lost with all of the heartache she has endured. I just feel this would give us the boost of confidence that we will make it and be okay. Thank you for doing this and considering us.
Hi Renee and Sheri,
My name is Jasmine. I am 50 and live in Penang, Malaysia.
Thank you for sharing how God views us. Too many things/circumstances have chipped that away from my life and your words brought love and encouragement to my heart.
I would like like a copy of 'His princess'the book to share with my foster daughters
Hi, my name is Michelle, I turn 55 this month and I live in Southern Colorado. I would share the CD with my 18 year old daughter…the best thing I can share with her for her life ahead…her true identity and the love that the Lord has for her. Praise God!
Thanks for being faithful…
Hey Renee and Sheri:)
God bless you both, my name is Lisa and i will be turning 43 in June. I live in Nova Scotia, Canada.
I really beat up on myself alot thats what everyone says of me, i have a hard time just finding that acceptance that My Daddy God has for me. I could really use this coaching or the cd.
I would share the coaching with a lady that i do a bible study with at this time on the book of John, she has a hard time with the acceptance as well.
You are both inspirations, renee i love your blog and your little aster you all bring me joy:)
I'm Teresa, 41, and live in Nebraska. I would love to have the "His Princess" CD to give to my son's friend who is in a bad place. She is only 13 and desperately needs to know she is loved.
Hi sweet Renee (and Sheri),
I turned 41 last week, and I felt so disappointed with myself for not making more progress in my healing journey over the past year. I can't waste any more time.
If I received the coaching or the cd's, I'd share them with my friend Susan who is rebuilding a new life as a single mom of two almost-grown sons. She loves the Lord so much and needs to see herself the way He sees her.
Thanks for sharing such beautiful truth ladies, LeeBird