Some days my written words come easily. Other days I need to show and tell you what’s on my heart. Today is one of those days.
Please {like pretty please even if you don’t normally watch video posts} click the arrow below to “hear” today’s message from my heart to yours. I don’t want another day to go by without you knowing this…
{Are you a note-taker? If so, I created “Video Message Notes” in a PDF and in MSWord just for you. Even included blanks to fill in. 🙂
Today’s Giveaway:
Two friends of mine who serve behind the scenes and are part of our online study, [thank you Donna & Veronica] have donated copies of my book to giveaway today. Together we created 5 gift packs for 5 of you. Each one includes a copy of my book, A Confident Heart {for you or a friend?} and my testimony/teaching message on CD, Letting God Fill My Empty Places.
Let’s Connect {and how to enter today’s drawing}:
I’d love to hear your thoughts about today’s message… and this is an easy way to enter today’s giveaway too. Just click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that – share your thoughts. {I love to read them! And pray over you when I do.} I’ll be there reading and sharing my heart with you too.
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Wonderful devotional and illustration! Too often I think we as women look in the wrong direction for fulfillment … sometimes it is well masked in what appears to be an appropriate pursuit — we strive for weight loss, or approval from our husbands, for accolades from other women, for success at work. This is a great reminder to us all that none of these things will fill that empty space reserved just for Christ! Thank you for this great teaching.
Thank you for that illustration and sharing what’s on your heart. I have been searching for someone or something to fill those empty spaces. I lost my husband a year and 6 months ago and having been searching. I know the only one who can complete me is God. I need to stop looking in the wrong places for the people I think will fill those places and focus on God.
Thanks for your message today. All we need is Jesus to fill the longing in our heart. God Bless you!
I loved your article today, as always. I know that what you wrote about today is so true because I have had a very hard time trying to quit smoking, which I know is something I am using to try to satisfy or fill the whole meant for God. It doesn’t work and because of that I would like prayer. To be honest and to help you know better what to pray for me, I need prayer about God taking the desire to smoke from me and filling me with more desire for Him. See I quit for a month but when the hard time came I fell. It has devastated my confidence and I am worn out trying to fight my selfish desires. So I know your article was a word for me to get back to God, to trust Him in spite of the hopelessness I feel over this. I am trying. Thank you.
Wow!! What a powerful message!! I tend to look to food & clothing to fill me up and I’m always disappointed. Thank you for encouraging us to look to God for our fulfillment. Makes perfect sense, but oh how easily we get caught up in the other “stuff”. I am making a commitment today to look to Him. Thank you so much for this message and illustration….perfect timing!!
This is just what t I needed right now. God is GOOD!
Thank you so much. This is exactly what i needed to hear. Many times i turn to my friends not God. Many times ive humbled myself sucked it up and told Him what was going on. I have so much faith but yet i struggle everyday with the bible. Over the past two days i have had it rough. I eventually cried it out to God. Then of course, as i sat in silence my two yo comes in calling my name lol i try to come to Him thru out the day but its really impossible with kids, sports, living with the inlaws. I really have no quiet place. I feel convicted of it at times but what do i do? You have really put it in picture for me. Im a new christian. I was saved and baptised last yr in aug. But He has really done lots of work on me and Hes still working. I understand how to give Him my problems, i know to have trust and faith, but how do i completely let Him in? But He still fauthful to His promises and keeps blessing me. Im ever so thankful for it. I thank Him everyday for the big and small. But i have to say your visual really opened it up for me. Thank you so much Renee. Hope you have great blessed week!!
Oh Crystal! God loves it ANYtime you come to Him. Your desire to seek Him is evident; may He richly bless you as you continue to seek Him.
That hit me right where I am today. So, simple, but not easy to do. I, like many, am missing my mother, the source of unconditional love in our childhood. I am posting that verse in Proverbs on my wall (physical) and to my wall in FB. I would really like to win the giveaway. Thank you for this opportunity.
Good Morning,
This message is so on time. I struggle with this daily. I am so glad that the Lord has shared this message with me. It reminded me that no matter what, if I don’t look to God to fill the emty holes, i will just keep longing for something to fill me and nothing will be able to. Please pray that I am led by the Holy Spirit to look to God for all things daily. Thank you and God bless you for your ministry.
Heavenly Father, I pray for my sister, Brandi. Lord may she be filled with Your love. She wants your Holy Spirit to enter her life and lead her daily. I’m praying for her now, that You would remind her of this request and guide her even now.Amen. Blessings, Brandi!
Hello Renee,
After listening to your message I realized that I empty my jar of things but I did not invite Jesus into my heart and my life. I am so used to being disapointed that it never occured to me that that wasn’t the way it was supposed to be. I’m so used to relying on myself that I never thought about it in this manner. Don’t misunderstand me, I trust and rely on God for everything, but I realize now that may not of been completely true. So thank you AGAIN, for pointing me in the right direction!
Thank you for sharing this timely devotional this morning. I have been feeling quite empty the past few days .I confessed this to my prayer partner this morning. I am between so many things in my life now and have been asking the Lord what would He have for me to do with the balance of my years. I need employment; I am recovering from an injury and must work within new limitations. I am in my middle years and divorced. Sometimes life appears bleak. Your message was encouraging this morning. So I will ask of the Lord anew and afresh what is it that my heart is seeking. I know He willl answer. Thank you!
Thank you so much for today’s devotional. It really hit home. Bless you.
What an awesome illustration. Thank you for sharing and allowing God to use you to demonstrate His word is such a simple way. Stay blessed!
Hi Renee, I am so glad I opened your message this morning (I couldn’t refuse a pretty please,lol). God has been trying to teach me this very lesson but I couldn’t understand exactly what He was saying. I told my girlfriend yesterday how I wish He would just explain to me what it is He wants me to know….I really believe He used you to do that! You have no idea how much this has ministered to me this morning!!
Thank you for that timely message. I did as you said and watched even though I don’t typically…I’m more of a reader. Boy did it speak to me. I have been able to follow God’s leading and stop looking to so many outside things to fill me…but as recently as this morning, I am STILL seeking to be filled by my husband. It is so frustrating to have such a stubborn area. I keep taking it to God and He gives me gifts, like leading me to your beautiful message just when I needed it. He’s working… I just need to keep my eyes on Him. Thank you for helping me do so.
WOW!!! Renee, thank you for your message and for the reminder that really we only need to be enough for God. I am a “people pleaser”, I always have been and I have always felt like if I could make everyone else around me happy that I too would be happy. Although, I have found that to not really work because then I begin to feel unappreciated and used even though I have done it to myself. I know that God has all of the answers and am slowly learning that it’s ok to ask Him for help and this devotion was my confirmation. This really hit home with me as I sit here with tears rolling down my face. Thank you and Proverbs 31 Ministries for all you do and for making a difference in lives like mine everyday!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!
Wow! That was a beautiful illustration… I loved the Jar filled with things… and the comparison to being filled with Jesus… He really is what ever heart longs for…. Thank for a great reminder…. Loved it! Thanks for sharing!
I struggle with that empty place occassionally, but my husband is currently overwhelmed by it. I will share your inspirational message with him, and pray that he can begin to put more hope and trust in God than in positions or recognition. Thanks so much for sharing!
This was a wonderful message that spoke to my heart today. My husband has an autoimmune disease that has kept him from being able to work for years now, which makes it necessary for me to work full time. My job has been fairly high pressure with very little positive feedback. I have struggled under the weight of never being “good enough”. This was a great reminder that I need to look to my Father to fulfill those longings in my heart for acceptance and approval. Thank you!
Thank you for your message. I am new to proverbs 31 ministry and have found it to be something that I look forward to each morning as I seek my Abba Father in a time of great need. Although I have walked with Christ 36 years, I found myself this year grieving beyond what I thought was humanly possible. My husband of 26 years announced he was gay and wants to embrace it. He has moved out and my emptiness has been crippling. This process of looking to my Abba Father to fill that hole in my heart is a moment by moment journey. I have to keep emptying my jar and asking God to fill my heart. Trusting Him to fill me in my moments of the flood of tears and physical pain usually leaves me groaning and crying out to Him and he is faithful to give me just what I need in the moment. Thank you for your prayers and message.
Lord Jesus, I pray for my sister, Toni, right now. I pray that you would fill her as only You can. That her emptiness would not be in vain, but that she would be used for Your glory. That her emptiness would be filled by Your love and give her confidence. That You would fill her like she never dreamed. Thank You for Your Word and may this dear sister find strength in Your promises. Amen.
Thank you so much! This is just what I needed at just the right time! God’s PERFECT timing, as usual 🙂 I am going through some struggles with my parents & siblings, and have been considered the outcast because of standing firm in my convictions. I have had such a difficult time letting go and moving forward. God has really been working on my heart and showing me that only HE can fill those empty spaces in my heart … Thank you so much for the reminder <3
Wow! What a great illustration! Beautifully done. I think that this is a lesson I seem to need to learn over and over. Just as I think I have this figured out, life changes a bit, and I’m placed in a position where I need to learn all over again that only God can fill my empty places. I’m amazed at how often I have prayed, “God, I know only You will completely satisfy me”, and yet how often I am disappointed when something I do or get doesn’t make me feel happy for long.
Thanks again for the reminder that only Jesus gives the water that fills us completely–no more empty places!
Thank you for sharing. I get off track from time to time. He is the only one that can truly satisfy.
Amazing illustration. Great encouragement to be mindful of our perspective.
Also, unrelated to the devotional. There is a problem on your website relating to your conference schedule sign up. How do I contact website support?
What a powerful message to make it easier to “see” this truth
Thank you Renee for another great video. The visuals definitely drove the point home! I was so excited, I shared your video with my Christian Singles Small Group. We are currently finishing a series on identity and dating and this fits perfectly with where we look for our confidence, our acceptance, and our identity. It is only God who defines us and who fills those empty spaces. God bless you!
The message really challenged me to see the reason why I have seasons of doing well in my marriage. The times, like now, when I find it hard to love unconditionally are the times that I am seeking my husbands approval and acceptance rather seeking God’s. When I seek God…I can give dispite being hurt, tired, or bombarded with hurt feelings. But the moment that I seek to fill a place designed only for God with worldly affection and approval, I faulter and begin to attempt to feast on that which will never fill or make me whole. K
Isn’t that the truth- about struggling to love our husbands back when we feel that they aren’t giving what we need if that is the ‘source’ we are looking to! I love that connection- that when I am letting God fill me, I will have SO much more to give in my relationships.
This was an amazing illustration, very true and clear. This hit home and gave me inspiration to seek God for fulfillment and not other things. This. Is what I needed. Thank you for giving me this word and message. I know will turn around and start allowing God to fill me with his living water.
Thank you for the “Video Message” notes! They do help this note-taker SO much, Renee! May God continue to help us re-prioritize what we fill up our hearts with. This video was great in clarifying that!!
This came on a morning when that longing for something more was causing an ache in my heart. God has given me everything I ever dreamed of, but of course, as life on earth goes, the fulfillment of each dream never seemed to match up to what I dreamed. From a husband to a house to children to position to things and food…my heart has searched for satisfaction from them all. But each gift He gave came with pain and suffering as well, and great trial in some aspect. Each gift would not fill me, but somehow leave me emptier feeling than before. So, I would think the answer was in the next goal or desire. Mind you, this is all while being His and attempting to follow Him. Now, I have lost the desire to dream, but still have that ache that longs a dream. I believe this devotional and the illustration was meant for me this morning. So God could SHOW me a picture of what I am doing. I know He has tried to tell me over and over, but this was a picture for me. Thank you for pointing me in such an obvious way to the hollow spaces within me and to the God who wants, (obviously or I wouldn’t have received this devotional or if I did I wouldn’t have been pressed to actually read it and then to go on to the video) fill all the empty spaces within that ache to be filled.
I’m asking God, what it is that I must take out of this very full ‘jar’ to make room for Him. I see pouring the Living Water into an already full jar. God’s offering fills in and around the pieces I have put in my life trying to ‘fill-up.’ But there is not room for the fullness of God. I have packed the well with obstacles. I am seeing that I must unpack to release those obstacles into God’s hands to receive the very thing I’m so aching to have. Empty is a good thing to offer up in order to make a way where there seems to be no way. I have not written comments before and don’t know if this will reach you, but I am grateful for the message God has sent me today.
Bless you, Sharon! So glad you are here and hope you’ll return!
I have never been happier since I started letting God fill those empty spaces….my desire is to show others how they can achieve that peace…..because it is amazing!
Thank you so much for this timely message. After a very difficult move to Texas with 6 kids, I have been searching for so many things to help fill up the emptiness I have been feeling. I know where to look, I have just lost that focus. Leaving family, friends and everything familiar left our whole family searching for happiness in things and activities rather than in our Creator. My husband and I have been working hard to refocus our family in the past few weeks. Your visual Is going to end up in our family devotional 🙂 thank you!
Thank you so much for your message Renee! How timely God is, always waiting for the perfect time just for us…that is how much He loves us! Your message and illustration could not have come at a better time for me. I’m closing the door to the fridge and the cabinets to fill me up(food) knowing that HE is the Only One that is able to do that! Praying for all those who have commented with their own “fill-ups”! What a blessing you all are at P31!
Dear Renee’…what a timely message this is. I was just sharing with a friend last night the “emptiness” they feel in the loss of a loved one. When I opened my e-mail this morning to find this message, I immediately thought of my friend and sent it to them. I had done a sermon in our church last month and some of the scripture I had used said God was not a respecter of persons…when we are in Him that there is neither Jew, nor Greek, male nor female….I reminded this person of this, because it is a “male” friend that I sent it to. And as I told him, even though this message was from a women’s group, designed for women, it was a timely message for him too….thank you…and it always “amazes” me “how” our God works!!! “He” is “oh so good!” Praise be to the King!! In His Love…:o)
Praise be!
Good morning ! Thank you for your message! God knows I need things right now in black and white and your message not only was that it was in color and spoke right too me! 🙂 how awesome is He! I do long to fill my empty spaces..I feel it’s on the tip of my tongue..although I go to God ALOT more than I used to I would love to visit about how to do this in my business and personal life…I keep talking,listening,waiting and such until He tells me. So in the mean time I’m glad I found proverbs 31 and your personal site as well! Your prayers are greatly appreciated! I look forward to tomorrow
The Lord sent your message to me today, in the most amazing way, at the most perfect time. For weeks He has been trying to get my attention by taking away the things I use to try to fill my empty spaces for example: my cell phone, (my connection to friends for affirmation)- mine fell in the toilet ruined, a friend gave me one to switch my number to and it couldn’t be switched for some unusual reason, I planned to buy a new one and the transmition on my truck went out – no money for new cell phone, so I switched to plan B my Nook & Laptop= my connection to pintrest, which is like virtual shopping and facebook for affirmation from friends and family! Only to have a freak power outage, only on our street, in whole the subdivision – no Internet with no power, I went to look for my Nook charger to take it over to my mothers and surf the web, it had completely fell apart, wires falling out of the adapter. No internet, no ability to charge the devices, no cell phone, no extra money to go out and by new replacements- Okay Lord, I guess I am finally listening-you have my attention!
So I finally sat in prayer and meditation yesterday and came to hear/realize the same words you spoke here, only to wake up this morning with an email from my “spirit friend”, with a link to Proverbs 31, where I saw this link, your link -my “reinforcement” message for the day! The Lord letting me know, I got it!! ( Followed by him saying “Now go DO something with this knowledge!”) I have some hurts to heal, forgive and pay attention to, but thank you for your words, video, and thank you for letting God speak through you, to me, today!
Thank you so much for this message. My husband and I are going through a trial right now. I am the more spiritual one and I am the one that (I feel) is closer to God, but I know that I’m not as close as I need to be. I know that I can always get closer. I would LOVE to have your book to help plant seeds in my heart that I don’t know I’m missing. I know God is filling my soul but I know that I’m not letting Him shine out of me like I need to. Maybe I’m not letting Him…
Thank you for your words. Thank you for Proverbs 31 Ministries. It has changed my life. I found you guys at just the right time in my life. God is really cool like that!! 🙂
This was a really good illustration. I have done this. I realize now that only God can satisfy me. I need to focus on him filling my jar and not anything else. Thank you for this video.
Thank you for sharing your heart to help me heal mine. This clip was very powerful for me as I am a bible study table leader with 9 women looking to me for guidance and I am battling my own struggle with self worth so I have been seeking Him and His word. He led me to this clip today to remind me of who I am in Him and all that I long for with unconditional love can be met simply and completely in Him. Thanks so much for being an inspiration to me so I an share this with others! May you have a very blessed Mother’s day!
I’ve tried for years to fill that spot with food, I’d rather have God fill it with Himself. Thank you for your encouragement.
God’s timing is so perfect. This is just what I have needed. Isn’t it amazing how we try everything else when the solution is right there in front of us? I am just thankful that God knows how to reach my heart. He sends me sisters with His personal message just for me, at just the exquisitely correct moment so that I am able to understand what He is telling me. Now I can release the deep, penetrating, profound, longstanding hurt with His deep, penetrating, profound and permanent validation. Thank you Sweet Jesus.
I can’t explain how much I needed this today. Struggling through a marriage that has had too many heartbreaks and ups & downs, I have longed for my husband to truly love me. What I’ve learned today is that my longing needs to shift back to Jesus and the rest will then come together perfectly. Thank you.
Wow! So many times I have asked Jesus to fill me with his Spiritt. But what I didn’t realize was all the stuff I’ve been carrying in my jar and how difficult it is to try & fill those {limited} empty spaces with Him. What a great visual reminder that the more junk I get ride of, the more He can fill my jar! Thank you Jesus 🙂
love your outlook!! 🙂
Today’s message was an awesome and powerful message. It also has confirmed what I have been studying and asking God to fulfill in me. I so want to be confident in who I am in Christ. However, I too look to the gifts and not the Giver to make me whole. As I was studying the passage about the woman at the well, I began to long for the living water Jesus spoke of. And like a ton of bricks, it hit me, that was what I had been searching for. I wanted the living water to spring forth in me so that I could be confident in knowing that God is all I need! Thank you Renee for the confirmation in your message today.
Thank you so much for this teaching. I totally needed to be reminded of this today. This is one of those areas of struggle for me and I’ve been working on chipping away at it with the Lord over the last few years. He’s been so faithful as I’ve been holding captive my thoughts on Him! Not only was this a good reminder for me today, but it’s something I’d like to share with my children as well. Thank you again for sharing your heart!
Thank you for the visual to really see what Gods unfailing live looks like and how we like to fill it for him with things and stuff. My favorite part was learning about unfailing love and how it’s not ever attributed to a person. God is Good all the time!!!
Great video! I have heard of this idea before but the new take-away for me today was your suggestion to ask God what is taking priority over him. I usually try to figure that out by myself. No wonder I don’t get a clear answer. Thanks for this encouragement!
This is my first time visiting your page and boy am I glad to have found it! I am a new mom and it has been so difficult for me lately to keep my relationship with Jesus thriving and intimate. I am guilty of looking for my husband, my son, my friends, etc to fill my heart and I know it’s a silly choice anyway, because God is the only one who will really satisfy me! Thank you so much for this video and the blog because it’s an amazing picture of how God wants to fill our hearts. And if we leave the stuff in our heart and try to have Him fill it, there’s too much stuff in the way and not enough of Him!
Thank you so much!
Abby, hang in there! Being a new mom is a huge challenge; may God use this time to draw you ever closer to Him, relying on Him for your daily portion of strength and grace. His mercy is new every morning- remind yourself of that!
Renee thanks for the message. Right on time. The illustration was great!