Some days my written words come easily. Other days I need to show and tell you what’s on my heart. Today is one of those days.
Please {like pretty please even if you don’t normally watch video posts} click the arrow below to “hear” today’s message from my heart to yours. I don’t want another day to go by without you knowing this…
{Are you a note-taker? If so, I created “Video Message Notes” in a PDF and in MSWord just for you. Even included blanks to fill in. 🙂
Today’s Giveaway:
Two friends of mine who serve behind the scenes and are part of our online study, [thank you Donna & Veronica] have donated copies of my book to giveaway today. Together we created 5 gift packs for 5 of you. Each one includes a copy of my book, A Confident Heart {for you or a friend?} and my testimony/teaching message on CD, Letting God Fill My Empty Places.
Let’s Connect {and how to enter today’s drawing}:
I’d love to hear your thoughts about today’s message… and this is an easy way to enter today’s giveaway too. Just click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that – share your thoughts. {I love to read them! And pray over you when I do.} I’ll be there reading and sharing my heart with you too.
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I wish I could express to you how timely your message is for me. Only this week I declined a position which provided more job security. However, this position also included a longer commute, time away from my family and a greater burden of responsibility. Ultimately, I had to ask myself, which was more important – my career and money or availability for my family. In agreement with my husband, we chose family. Some may think this should be an easy decision, but in today’s market, all options must be reviewed. I believe however, for me, part of the attraction was looking to “things” to fill the spaces – the days where maybe I don’t feel appreciated as a mother, but know in my heart, it is where I am to be. Thank you!
Blessings to you Friend! I travelled a long career path to find my way home with my family. So thrilled to hear that you feel confident in your decision. God is good!
Thank you so much for this message. God needed me to hear these words today.
Renee, that was a really good message. there are definitely times when I am always looking for something to make me happy and I seem to never be content with what I have. For instance, I have been wanting a house and have asked God numerous times for that blessing and it has times taken over my thought process. Listening to your message tells me that maybe God will bless us with a house, maybe not as soon as I want it but that I need to remove it from my mind and put him in the forefront. Not just for what I know that he can do for me, but just because I love him and he loves me. Thank you for taking the time for making that video, it made the empty spaces a lot more clear to me.
I woke up early today, very much unlike me. I was debating on whether or not I should go meet friends for coffee, which was set for the time I usually get out of bed. I was frustrated that this time had been chosen, I never plan anything this early…I need time to wake up. I’m a crabby morning person. I grudgingly got up and checked my email to find out if someone changed their mind and wanted to meet later. All I saw was ” can’t wait to see you!” and “see you there!”
Argh! Really?!?
After those emails to the delete bin my Proverbs 31 email popped up, I looked at the title and cringed. Oh my stubborn, crabby heart was pierced!
After reading it, I wanted more! Fill me up Jesus!
Thank you for the video, I needed that beautiful face to tenderly give me Gods truth and soothe away the crankiness.
If I had stayed in bed I would have missed this precious time, this beautiful sunny morning and seeing our hummingbirds come back for the first time this spring!
Thank you.
Sweet! 🙂
Thank you Renee ! You have no idea ( maybe you do ) how true what you speak of in this video describes me. God has helped me overcome many personal struggles over the last few decades, but I stubbornly still struggle with many. The fact that I never completely an education or reached “my” ideal body size still keeps me in bondage. I admire your honesty and am so excited to be following your online study ( my very first online study!!) thanks again for your continuous prayer. I am hopeful that by completing this study there will be victory!!!
I loved this message. God sends us just what we need to hear at the right time. We sometimes hear these stories over and over and they just don’t sink in. Then we listen with our heart as welland it all comes together. Thank you for speaking to my heart today I really needed this.
Dear Renee,thank u so much for ur encouragement. Ive been so down due to the empty places in my heart,searching for God to fill them,bt it still stayed i knw better,to let God show me how to position my heart so i can be filled by the power of His love. God bless thee.
Thank you Renee for your illustration today. I’ve been going through some of life’s biggest struggles and despite all of them someone has been placed in my life with an encouraging word or invited me to a bible study. I am so thankful for this bible study this moment in my life. There so many hurting women out there and I just want to learn and share. Gods word to help someone else know His unconditional love.
Dear Renee,
Isn’t just like God to keep knocking on the “door” of our hearts, over and over until we open up and say; OK!!
For 3 years I’ve been trying to leave a toxic relationship with out much success. 2 weeks ago I finally ended it. I’ve known all this time he was not the right person for me, but I kept looking to him to “fill my jar” -please!!
I had been listening to a Beth Moore series and she also spoke on us filling our jars with other people, things, addictions. I couldn’t get it out of my mind. After a very verbally abusive encounter with him, I ended it. It’s been truly like going through detox, but over and over I keep hearing this story in my head. Today when I was still laying in bed, I said; God, help me to remove him from my heart and head. I don’t want him taking up so much space. Then I got up, checked my email, and here you are today with THE SAME BIBLE STORY!!! This is NOT a coincidence!! When God speaks to me, He has to say it over and over again until He really gets my attention. Today, He has. Thank you for this powerful message.
OH girl! I’m a hardhead too. 🙂 Such repetition it takes to get our attention. Blessings today.
Thank you Renee,
So good to be reminded of where to place our trust. You telling us to “Shift our dependence from the gift to the Giver, along with the end of this weeks verse, “Show me the way I should go, for to You I lift up my soul.”
Keeps us in a place to be filled by God.
Thank you! The illustration was great! I love the practical steps to follow!
I have lived the majority of my 60 years trying to fill my “empty places.” I am a Christian. I am a life coach and counselor. I have been blessed by much healing and freedom from strongholds in my life. Christ is my life….. And here is the “but,” I still long to be loved and known by another person. My feelings are so powerful that what I know and what I believe are lost in a turbulent sea of doubt.
I am grateful for your message. I know that it is Truth, and I long for the day when my heart submits to the one who calms the seas!
Dear Theresa,
I am 65 and was feeling similar feelings today. I am lonely, but I am finding volunteer things to do at church and friends in my neighborhood. I listen to Christian radio and feel that I have accepted Jesus as my savior and that has given me peace. May God richly bless you and those you coach and counsel.
Blessings, Elizabeth
Thank you Renee for this devotional and video message! I need so much to allow God to fill my empty and broken places, instead of looking to friends and family to do so. I haven’t done your Confident Heart study yet, but do plan to. I hope your day is wonderfully blessed as you have blessed my day!
God is currently dealing with me on this. For many years, I was a drug addict and I also saught the love of men to fill the void in my heart. As I grew older, I did settle down, get married, and quit the crazy lifestyle. A year ago, God revealed Hisself to me, and it has been quite a whirlwind ever sense. What God is dealing with me now, is my use of alcohol. After a long line of family history of addiction, watching my father turn to alcohol to solve his problems, turning to drugs to ignore my problems as an adult, and eventually turning to alcohol myself…even though I “settled down” I have realized that I still turn to alchohol instead of God. I’m in the process of ridding myself of this idol and allowing God to fill me. It’s a process, and I still make mistakes, but God is with me every step of the way. I am so greatful for His grace and mercy. And I’m so greatful for you Renee. The first time I was lead to Proverbs 31 I was hooked. You are an incredible blessing to me. Thank you!
Bless you Audrey! Lord Jesus, thank you for the victory Audrey has in you!
Dear Audrey,
May God continue to bless you and keep you strong in your fight against alcohol. Our bodies need water and our hearts and minds need Jesus who is living water. He will sustain you and give you the peace that passes all understanding. I am praying for you.
Hugs, Elizabeth
Thank you so much for this reminder and illustration. As I face a new trial in my life filled with rejection and bitterness from my husband, it made me realize that there’s nothing that I’ve accomplished in our marriage by putting him above everyone and everything. Christ is my unfailing love and as I pray for healing and reconciliation, I pray that Christ fills my empty places first!
I love this illustration! Thank you for sharing and thank you for reminding me that God is all I need!
I have been walking with the Lord for a long time. I am now retired from work and going through a time of adjustment with my husband and I both being home 24-7.
I am also since January learning to fill my heart with God instead of attempting to do that with food.
This video was such a lovely picture of that.
I know I need to be filled with God in order to live a Godly life, especially since I am no longer using food for comfort and having to adjust to new ways of relating to my husband. Since he retired, he has looked to me to be his every thing and from the perspective of someone who someone else is trying to use for their own filling, which can only come from God…it is simply draining for me. I NEED to be filled up with the Living Water so badly all the time.
This is a hard season but a good one. Some days, like yesterday, I feel like I simply can’t go on another day. But by the grace of God I do.
Thank you for writing the book and making that video. It is very timely for me.
Gods words are always timely as long as we keep listening. From another visual learner I thank you for sharing the gifts He has given you.
This devotional really spoke to me this morning because I, too, struggle to find fulfillment in other areas. I think if I could just be “important” enough, I would find this satisfaction, so this following sentence really resonated with me: “I’ve also looked to possessions and positions and accidentally put my hope in recognition. I’ve thought “if only I had or could…”
I’ve prayed that prayer this morning that you posted asking God to help me only find my fulfillment as a person in Him (that’s the only place you’ll find it anyway!). Thank you for this uplifting thought before I start my busy day!
I want to thank you for your encouragement today. I struggle with being able to forgive myself for my sins. I know God forgives me and will never leave me, but when I go back and do the same thing again, it’s hard to forgive myself for my weakness in succombing to the temptation. Thank you for the encouragement to look to God for the fullfillment I’m looking for!
WOW! What a truly great way to express what so many of us are feeling. Running from one thing to another and one appointment to another… life is SO FAST now. Even though we know God is our refuge, we still try so hard to be and do everything for ourselves. Thank you for this wonderful illustration. I normally do not watch video posts, but I am so glad you encouraged us to and so glad I listened this time! 🙂
Women tend to fill their hearts with the needs of others. The hardest thing to do is to put ourselves first before God. I try to remember if we don’t care for ourselves, who else can we care for. God tells us this every day, he knows we need to be filled by him. My children are grown, but we still think they need us. . . the joy and blessing of grandchildren are part of my life now, and I look at the retirement of my husband. I know that it is only with God’s guidance and strength that I will be able to do all of the things that I need to do. I will pray to be filled by God’s love first, and then, and only then, I can share his blessings to others. Thank you for the reminder of who should be filling our hearts and our lives.
This video helped direct me on the right path/mind set this morning. I have been on a quest for that certain something, but had no clue what I was looking for. I have reached a point in my life that nothing fills that restlessness in my heart. Sometimes, I don’t know if God hears me, or if I am asking too much, just complaining, or not worthy because of my sins. I will ask God to fill my heart with his spirit and keep praying for more faith.
Thank you Renae, I loved your message. There always seems to be a longing in my heart for something or someone else. I know I need to open up to God and those around me. Materials things fade away. I crave close friendships with Christian people. Knowing Christ is the center of my life, makes everything bearable. Thank you for these wonderful messages of inspiration.
Wow! My brain is screaming at my heart, “Guilty, Guilty, Guilty!” In the last 3 years, due to still unresolved medical issues, I was forced to leave a “job” that “defined who I was”. My adult children moved, married or began new relationships ~ ones that limited their need for “mom” ~ The Other “who I was”. My sweet husband, exhausted from my illness and striving to maintain work, home and his own sanity, pulled into himself ~ in need of solice, rather than a wife who needed to be all things to all people ~ the 3rd “who I was”. Yesterday included many hours of tears, anger and questions. The things I had filled my basin with, those things which gave me my identify, have been stripped away…I don’t know “Who I Am” now or “who I am supposed to be”…but thanks to your message this morning, I know, without a doubt now, where to begin to look. Thank you for sharing your message.
What a wonderful affirmation. Thank you for sharing, Candy!
Thank you for your thoughts today. I to have been struggling to know what to ask God for. We want to sell our house to move to another and I have been taken over by these thoughts. My question has been should I pray for god to find the right person to buy this house? I think you have answered my questions today that I should let god fill my heart for the right reasons and the right things will happen.
Again thank you
Thank you! The visual illustration will remind me to focus on the Giver and not the gifts. My children are grown but I do remember those times when they didn’t know what they were looking for and wouldn’t be satisfied with what Dad and I found for them. Many times they were just so tired and really wanted love and attention from us but didn’t know that our love and care was what they wanted. Thank you for your thought provoking messages. They continue to provide me with guide posts that refocus and lead me back to my Father.
What a great parallel- to the times when our little ones just want our love but don’t even know that as the reason for their distress. As a mother of two ‘littles,’ that insight struck me. Thank you!
Thanks for sharing the word with us. Loved the illustration.
Renee, thank you for your insight and illustration. Before you put the items back into the gift box, I realized that as the vase is transparent, others see what fills our lives due to transparency. As believers, are we consumed with material things and activities that reflect that we are His children? Do we bear a resemblance to our Heavenly Father as our faces, eyes, hair, hands, skin bear the resemblance of our parents? If He fills me, I will reflect Him. Thank you for allowing this teaching moment through the power of the Holy Spirit.
That is a powerful insight! Love that – thank you for sharing too!!
Thank you Renee for reminding me that I need to seek Jesus to fill my empty places when I feel sad, alone and unloved, etc. It’s so difficult when the world and even those around us tells us otherwise.
You bring up a great point, Teresa. The world is so convincing with its ideas of all the things we “need” to fill us. Yet those very things create more emptiness of soul. Bless you today!
Thanks for a timely reminder!
I just watched your video today about the woman at the well and how it applies to our lives. Renee, I am woman at the well. Ive been searching for so long For something or someone to fill the empty spaces in my heart. As a young child being abandoned by my father And then as a young woman who always wanted a husband and a family only to live nightmare of my ex husband sexually molesting my 9 year old daughter. I tried for many years on my own to bury pain in my heart. I am coming to realize that I cannot do this on my own. My life And my heart has been broken for so long and for so long I continued to turn to the wrong things. Thank you so much For today’s video. Although I am a christian, I never asked God to Show me the places in my heart that could only be filled with him. Thank you for the hope that you have given to me on this day.
What a sweet prayer…to ask God to show you where you need to be filled with Him. I know He wants to do that for you- His Word promises it! 🙂
Thank you Renee for your message. For years now I have been seeking to reach that place where He is “all that I want and all that I need:” I often feel that I will never reach that point. Lately tho my thinking has changed and I have started wondering “Have I reached that place but haven’t recognized it?” Your video has opened up the door for me to ask someone… you…. “What does being filled with Him “look” like?”
I often feel a longing or a disappointment for a certain thing that I do not have in my life right now. However, each time I feel that way, I go to Jesus, spend time with Him, and that longing is almost ALWAYS replaced with a peace and a contentment. That peace now comes much quicker and completely than it used to when I first started my journey with Jesus eight years ago. I also have come to know, when I feel that parched, drained, needy feeling over things or people, that NOTHING but Him can truly quench it. Does “being filled with His living water” mean that I NEVER feel longings? OR does it mean, like I just described as my experience, that yes, we do still have the longings, maybe often, but each time we feel them, we go to Him and He will fill those dry places? I look forward to your insight on this. Thanks!
I have been going through a very empty, lonely time in my life. I have recently told myself that I hear the GPS talking to me more than my family. Everyone wants me to do something or has to go somewhere, including my husband who cannot drive any more. He is in the Army and was injured in Iraq. I have plunged into the book of Psalms and started to write in a journal. I read in the Bible until I get something that means something special to me so that I may think on it when I feel so alone or overwhelmed. I find myself so thristy for my quiet time. Christ alone can feel my heart with Joy!!
Love your illustration!!
Bless you Rita! I love that last statement you made.
Wonderful and timely message. I am working on turning to God rather than food and this fits so perfectly with my struggle. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Well, I don’t know how to word things I want to say. But I have this issue of filling up with the wrong things. I am new in Christ and just want to do the right things. Thank you for your words of encouragement.
I think your words were perfect! We all have this issue in same way, shape or form. What a great lesson, huh? 🙂 Blessings to you today!
Dear Renne, it is such a God-given blessing to share my situation with you today. I needed a friend to pour my heart to, and to objectively listen to me. In my thirst of finding a job. I came to meet an old friend, homeguy (from my home town), and my ex-lucturer, asking him to hire me. He was quite willing. So we met, he was handsome and attractive, so I fell for him, but did not comment. As a single woman, praying for a husband, I asked myself, is it an answered prayer? But my old friend was so uncomfortable with my being born-again, and he said he has to help me get out of it.
He picked me up from work place and dropped me at home, departed on the note that I’ll email him my CV.
last night I asked the Lord about him. I had a dream, I dreamt we were crossing a flodded river, when 2/3 of crossed, I spinned under the water, but managed to rise up, and others, about six, drowned. So, as the survivors we went to report the drowning to father (Catholic priest). Father said we must bring candles equalling the number of those that have drowned, he lit and said a prayer of releasing their souls to rest in peace. Then I woke up.
To me this was a warning, that, should I go on seeking to quench my thirst from men, I’ll be in danger. It could cost my life.
I remember last year, I received a prophecy that the enemy is after stealing my salvation, and is sending false love (husband that is not from God).
Please pray with me, I need the Lord to bless me with more wisdom, so that I DO NOT FALL AT ALL. I need prayers that I reach my destiny in righteousness and integrity.
Be blessed,
Dear Lona,
Your dream and your sincere words touched me deeply. I believe that God is protecting you when you pray and ask Him questions. Jesus taught that if we have seen Jesus we have seen the Father. Jesus did not condemn the woman who committed adultery and he did not come to condemn us but to set us free from sin and give us everlasting life with him in heaven. When we seek God first, we will not be taken in by men who take advantage of women whom some men perceive are easy to get because they appear needy or have low self-esteem. We are adopted into God’s family and are daughters of our Father God who loves us. Just as a loving parent corrects a child out of love, our heavenly Father will correct us and help us “do the next right thing” to follow in the way He wants us to go. I heard a woman who speaks to other women about being a single parent say to go to sleep early in the evening because that is the lonely time. I am praying for you. I also pray before I go to sleep and say the 23rd psalm and pray when I get up. The Lord is very present when we pray and praise Him. God bless you and help you find a really special job. Blessings, Elizabeth
Thank you for sharing this very timely message. Probably most of us have empty places in our hearts, some recognized, others not realizing that’s what’s ‘bugging us’. I have a huge hole right now, and this will encourage me to remember that only He can really fill it. My adult daughter, Mandi, has been diagnosed with a serious mental illness that’s really taken a toll on her life, her children, family relationships and her faith. She knows and loves the Lord, but it’s hard for her in the midst of the illness to recognize what the emptiness is from – she struggles with loneliness and abandonment fears – and who can fill it. She also has a blog, and should you have the time to send her a brief note of encouragement from your wise words, it would be a blessing. Here’s the link :
Thanks for your ministry!
I have heard that Bible story many times and tend to nod my head. “yes, I know, I know.” It is always one thing to know the Word in your head but so, so important to feel it in your heart. Thank you, Renee, for bringing Jesus word deeper into my heart this morning. The past 2 years of my life have truly worn out what confidence I had in my heart. (sold family business, moved, husband deployed, relocated 4 kids including 2 teenagers) Through your story and visuals this morning, I find I am again comforted and renewed in my relationship with Jesus Christ and find myself coming closer to the peace which only He can bring and sustain.
I am going to put sticky notes everywhere to remind me to “Look to that Giver”.
Thank you Renee for this wonderful message. Great way to start the day.
What a creative, practical way to implement the lesson! Love it.
That was an amazing devo you wrote for the prov 31 site today. Wonderful depiction and good lesson. TY!
Thank you Renee for redirecting my eyes and heart back towards the giver of life. It is so ease to get caught up in activities and lose sight of who it is that fills our every longing. I have been feeling that nagging of “What exactly am I looking for?” I think part of the answer is that heavenly ache that will never be filled here. But should be used as a reminder to seek our savior more completely. I am guilty of seeking to fill that ache in other ways and other places. It leads me to failure and depression every time. I pray that I will be seeking the only One who can Satisfy every longing of my heart.
What you said about the heavenly ache is true. He is the only one Who satisfies! Bless you, Amy!
Renee, this is a very powerful message. Recently, God spoke to me about this very issue, and I have been diligently working to replace people and things with Christ. Thank you so much for your devotionals. They are encouraging and inspirational, and I pray God will continue to use you for His glory.
Thank you Renee for your wonderful illustration….. I am guilty of filling my jar with all of the items you illustrated! I am guilty of telling others about my problems and concerns, guilty of trying to fill the jar with things that I think would make me happy and help me through difficult times……….. Your illustration shows me that I need to put those in a thankful for each day and ask Jesus to fill me up with him..go to him instead of others. Thank you for those words. Blessings to you.
Renee, what a beautiful message, beautifully conveyed this morning. As I listened, I was filled with a confident, peaceful feeling in the same way your jug was filled at the end of the message. I am reminded of the verse about not just hearing the word of God but living the word of God, and your message today encourages us to do just that. Our Heavenly Father really can do it all for us, like nothing or no one else can, Praise the Lord.
What a great illustration. I am praying and taking more time to quiet my soul from the busyness of life this week to listen to God. What am I seeking? What am I truely filling my life with? I get so busy in my life with my daily tasks and chores and lose sight of how quickly my heart and mind can get off track. Thank you, Renee for this illustration and the reminder to keep our focus on Jesus.
Thanks Renee for this message. I read your book over the winter and I am now going through the online study with you, which means I am re-reading it. God has taught me so much through this book about myself and what I have been missing in my relationship with Him all of these years. My walk with Him has led me to more and more dependence on Him with each and every day. He has met me right where I am and has lifted me up into His arms of security. I love resting there and finally having the confidence that only He can fill me with. Conifdence that cannot be found in my job, my husband, my children….and yes, even in my ministry work. Thank you for writing this book, for the online study and for this video message.
Amen Sister. 🙂
I loved that with all of the “things” that we use to fill our jar, it looked jumbled and confusing, but with the “Living Water” it was peaceful and serene looking! Anne Morrow Lindbergh said that women tend to muffle our spirit’s demand to be filled by adding activities to our lives – relationships, obligations, and activities. I am going to be determined to still my soul and be deliberate about what I allow into my life this week! I am turning to Jesus to fill my jar this week.
Awesome thoughts, Carol! I thought the same about how peaceful the jar looked when it was filled with the water. Christ brings such peace to our issues! 🙂
I love this illustration. I have looked in all of the earthly places to fill me up even though i am a Christian. I have been left empty and broken looking for love in all the wrong faces and places. I am now learning that all those things never satisfy and that my true worth can only be found in Jesus. As i take this journey i thank God for women like you who encourage me to keep walking toward his unfailing love. Keep allowing him to fill me up where nothing or no one else can. Thank you.
We are certainly in this together – I love sharing what He’s done and what He’s shown me that has led me out of that empty place into the fullness of HIS abundant life and love!!
Thank you Renee. Your illustration was very powerful, helpful, and timed by God for the visual learner in me. I am currently at this very place walking through the depths of who I am and how I have filled my life with so much else to find my identity. I am working with a through a process to discover my identity in Christ and this was sent by Him through you to encourage this journey for me. Blessings as you continue hearing from God to encourage others.
I”m praying for you Karin. So thankful for Jesus and how He knows just what we need. You are loved!
This was so powerful. It’s like we have to do a total mind change in order to truly understand what and how this works. I just fell pretty short and I hate my mistake right now. I just wanna be made whole. This video completely explained how to do that. Thank you
What i shared in this video has completely transformed my life. Nothing else satisfies. Only Jesus. Only His unfailing love.
Your message is exactly what I needed at that point. Husband abandoned me and the kids and I became lost he sent an email from afganistan and just out of the blue I felt completely lost. My three teenagers kept asking me to please find him and I couldn’t I will show them this video cause over the last 3 mths I’m loosing my children and sense of values with them. They believe everyone will leave and no one will stay even when I tell then God is the answer. They refuse to go to church they feel betrayed and I’m right along with them. After seeing your blog I’ve now realized he’s gone nowhere I have pushed him out not today I want him to fill my emptiness . Thank you!
Oh Aly, I’m so sorry for your hurt and pain and your husband’s abandonment. Jesus would never do that to you but we live in a broken world and we are wounded by broken people. I am so thankful Jesus brought you here today – and spoke to your heart through my message. Praying for you and your children now. For His love, comfort, mercy, grace and forgiveness to wrap about your hearts and help you heal and hope again. Please sign up for updates if you can. I have another video next week that speaks to the topic of healing and finding courage to hope again after we’ve been hurt.
I will be praying for you to Aly!
I will be praying for you and your family. I can’t even imagine how this must be affecting you all. Know that God will carry you through this, He is holding you right now.
Praying for you, sister!
I thank god for the you.
Its been very hard but God is awsome God in the all that he is doing in me.
Thanks for sharing the video and doing the online bible study. Ive seen lots of different analogies, and I really liked this one too. It really helped me think about the value I put in the things in my life and where Jesus stands in my life. Im glad Im doing this online study with you and the other girls.
Thank you for this online study. The Lord has been doing a healing in my heart of old hurts, feelings of rejection, and just feeling like I’m invisible and nobody sees me. As I go deeper into the Word and realize I’m His beloved my outlook on Life has been changing. I found the book “Made to Crave ” to help me lose weight through Biblical scriptures. What I’m finding is my weight wasn’t the only thing holding me down. How wonderful to know that He is restoring my heart.
Thanks so much my friend…He is really using this study to challenge/comfort/convict/encourage. I did not realize I had thrown away my confidence….and have realized anew that He Himself is my Confidence my Very Great Reward…now & forever!…loved the video message guide…blessings sister…and all my sisters on this journey…sandyT/kc
So powerful!