Welcome to the BLESS IT FORWARD stories and give-aways. If you don’t know the details, be sure to read Monday’s post to find out more so you can participate. I’ll be giving away 5 prizes to bless 5 people and give them the chance to pass those blessings on to others.
I cried through most of your stories yesterday. Isn’t it amazing (and so encouraging) to see how God uses ordinary people to be an extraordinary measure of His love to others? So many were an answer to someone’s prayers!
These stories are beautiful pictures of the gospel – Jesus’ life in others. I love knowing that Jesus died not only to get us out of hell and into relationship with Him because that is the desire of His heart, but also to pour Himself into us so that others will be drawn closer to Him. I see that in the response of each recipient. They felt God’s love through the blessings others gave.
My friend, you have a purpose. You were created to reveal God’s glory – to give visibility to His invisible character. Because it is His encouragement, His peace, His kindness, His compassion, His thoughtfulness, His sacrificial love that wants to come out through your words and deeds. It is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27)
We all have something to give, big or small, and when we do we are just as blessed as the one we give to. It doesn’t have to be monetary either. It could be something as powerful as a personal note of encouragement, a prayer email, a voice mail simply saying “I am thinking of you today or something as anonymous as paying for the order of the person behind you in the drive-thru window.
So, how will you bless it forward today?
I’ll share what I plan to do in the post below: Blessed to be a Blessing.
Yesterday I was blessed by a new friend, someone I feel I have known all my life. In just a short time with just a few words, she confirmed for me who I am in Christ. She is quite possibly one of the most amazing women I know. Today I am praying and looking to my ministry in Christ with new excitment and joy… and was able to encourage a sister to do the same. I am thankful for that person, for the wonderful woman God made her to be, for all He has done and will continue to do through her. For her transparency and honesty and for her faithful heart. For her willingness to “bless it forward”…. it has changed my life and renewed my spirit. Thank you Jesus for my new friend, an answer to prayer. Amen
Hi 🙂
I will be able to bless members of the Beth Moore bible study I am attending by telling them that their prayers were answered! I was having trouble with a loan and asked these special ladies to pray for me and to ask God for help. God came through in a mighty way and I’m emailing the ladies tomorrow to tell them.
Another simpler way I bless it forward is by saying a prayer for the waiters and cooks when I go out to eat. I also always say please, and thank you. And when they ask how I’m doing (a pretty standard greeting these days) I reply and then ask them how they are doing. You’ll be amazed at what a profound impact this has. Most of the places I frequent know me by face and some of them know me by name as well. It’s always a blessing to see their faces light up.
Thanks for challenging me to be more deliberate in my blessing of others!
~Heather from ND
[email protected]
Well, this is how I blessed it forward today!
I was speaking at a Ladies event this morning, just over an hour away from my home. It was a wonderful morning and the Lord blessed my heart abundantly for sharing with these women.
Just before I was leaving the co-ordinator came over with a card. I knew God was telling me to open it up and sign any cheque inside back to the ministry team who had invited me so they could further their ministry. (It was a community outreach morning – the ladies were from many different churches, plus ladies just from the community.) So, I did and I took it over to the woman who had invited me to speak. When I told her I wanted to give it back to her to be used to further there next outreach, this dear lady started to cry. At first she said I couldn’t do that – what about even my gas/travelling expenses? I told her that God had provided for me, and I wanted to give this back as a gift to them for the blessing they had been to me – they had given me an opportunity to share about my love for the Lord and that was the best thing I could receive – an opportunity to share His love with them.
It truly is better to give then receive!
All for Him,
(PS: Just to let you know, no-one else knew I had done this, and seconds after I did, 3 ladies approached me to speak at ladies events at their churches. I see that as God immediately honouring my obedience and providing further opportunities to speak for Him!)
“Bless it forward” is an awesome idea. Yesterday I left a post and talked about how God has encouraged me {with the help of a wonderful woman of God} to find my identity in HIM. It has been a good, yet challenging process. I am slowly uncovering HIS truth and getting it in my heart.
I volunteer @ my church with our benevolance ministry. We help people with utility bills, rent, food, etc. When I was first asked a couple of months ago to help out, I didnt think I could do it. I was reminded its not me, but its GOD working through me. HE just wants a willing vessel.
During each interview we always take the opportunity to talk to people not only about their physical needs, but about their spiritual needs as well. When they come in, some people are hitting rock bottom. I realized though once you hit rock bottom, then you are able to see, Christ is the “ROCK” at the bottom.
It always blesses me so much to be there and see how God moves!! Well today a lady came in for help with a power bill, we were able to talk to her about what and who God says she is!! She has been abused most of her life, as well as her marriage, which ended up with her spouse in jail and a family with alot of emotional scars.
The truth of God’s word just poured out of me to her. In the middle of talking, I was reminded of the devotional yesterday, and how we are to ‘bless it forward’ She was overwhelmed at what I was saying to her, but encouragement was just coming out of my mouth. After many tears, she left with a seed being planted in her about knowing how much God loves her and how HE wants nothing but good for her. She is not who the world says she is!!!
I sat back afterwards and thanked God for reminding ME how awesome HE is. Sharing my experience, yesterday on this site and then today with her, has strengthened me.I think sometimes we forget, and then God has us come in contact with people to remind us. I thank God for you, Renee, and I pray HE will continue to encourage others through your words and I pray that I will contine to BLESS IT FORWARD!!!
Katina in Va
[email protected]
I blessed it forward by telling a Mother of one of my students how thoughtful her daughter was at school yesterday. (Her daughter is Autistic).
Gravsville, AL
I am back and my attempt to bless it forward is directly connected to the story I shared yesterday. Today I found out a mom who brings her kids to the same homeschool choir group my son belongs to is facing a struggle. Her sweet little baby Jackson (3 months old) has a hole in his heart and is scheduled for open heart surgery on Monday. So today I sent Elisa a note with words similar to ones that encouraged me just 2 months ago – “I have no words to say, but I know we serve an amazing God who is and always will hold you little man in his hands.” I pray they give her the same peace they provided me. In the meantime let’s all pray God brings them comfort and healing along with his peace. Thanks, Jill
Today I blessed it forward by encouraging a fellow worker in the office. I complimented him one on one and then again in front of our boss.
Tonight, I want to find something positive to say to someone I struggle with at my other job (if she is there and another day if she isn’t.)
I shared yesterday how God blessed me with a best friend, who has encouraged me in writing, and in music ministry at our church. She is constantly pointing out to me the ways that God is healing me and using me.
So, I have a dear friend and sister who is in my small group. She had surgery for cancer, and they got it all but they are giving her chemo as a preventative. She has had 3 of 12 treatments. She is really having a hard time it right now. Today she told me that she has spent the last 4 days crying. I am going to write her a prayer, and a card, and have my kids (who call her Grandma Sandy) draw her each a picture… anything I can to help cheer her up, and encourage her, and comfort her the way I have been comforted.
Thank you so much for this reminder and opportunity!
God bless,
But di2&7#8d1n;t the north invade in 1975, though, when Watergate was alive and kicking? Must consult Wiki. But this is all OT and against the comments policy so I’ll bow out.
Thanks for the encouragement! This morning I decided that no matter who I am with, whether it is taking my youngest to the orthodontist, talking to my husband on the phone, sitting at Culver’s with my prayer group tonight–I will remember that they are the most important people I will ever talk to–realizing that our time together has a purpose.
God bless
Luanne in WI
[email protected]
Today I decided to smile at everyone I come in contact with. This might not seem like much but it can really make a difference in someone’s day.
Have a blessed day, 🙂
[email protected]
My husband and I have very different love languages. We’re almost backwards from the norm! I’m a touchy-feely girl, while he’s a wordy man. It’s really, really hard for me to find wordy ways to show him how much I love and respect him, but I’m going to try to do something for him each day this week. This is definitely an area in which I need to improve, and I appreciate your reminder of how important encouragement is!!
I am excited about another way that I am blessing it forward.
I had an email from a friend and sister-in-Christ who has had some health problems for quite some time now. In that email she mentioned that she is no longer able to drive and how she longs to be able to get out once in a while and go to the library, and how she doesn’t know how she will get to the grocery store, doctor, etc. as she does not want her husband having to take time away from work for all of those things.
I will be leaving work soon because of my disability, so I volunteered to be her driver. This is such a blessing to my life because this lady is truly one of God’s chosen saints. She is such a woman of faith and I love to spend time with her. She was very happy and excited, but I think that I was even more so. I can not wait to see the way God will take this opportunity and use it for His glory.
I’m liking this “bless it forward” idea so much, I plan to challenge my bible study group to jump on board the idea when we meet again tomorrow night.
May God’s grace and mercy reign!
I am back today to say how I will Bless It Forward.
I don’t have monetary or material items to give because my home burnt and we are currently living in a RV.
But…. there is power in prayer and that I can do. Just a simple act of kindness can mean more to someone than we will ever know.
Thank You Rene for this wonderful message. I will remember to always Bless It Forward.
God Bless,
Cheryl =)
[email protected]
Renee, I have enjoyed your devotionals on Pr. 31 so much, and really enjoyed the one yesterday, and the idea of Bless it Forward. I’ll tell you what I do, and will continue to do. God has been so abundant in supplying my needs since my husband died, and has been since before he died when he was out of work. I have felt my ministry could be making quilts or something for the visiting speakers we have come through our church. We have special meetings twice a year sometimes, and lots of missionaries, as well as speakers at our Christmas party, Mothers Day luncheon . . . that type of thing. I’ve made several quilts that I’ve given, and some smaller things when I’m running out of time.
I feel this is something I can do to thank God for what he has done for me, and be a blessing to our speaker,
Sharon Sandahl
[email protected]
Currently I am in the process of blessing it forward. I have always had a heart and passion for adoption/foster care children. I knew at some point that would be God’s plan for my life, but I didn’t know how until just recently. On a shoe string budget I am building a community called Hope Blooms. It is a non profit. We will build homes for married couples to live in, in a community, to do foster care with hopes of adopting waiting children. This has been a process in the works since July. So we are in the very beginning stages. I am almost through with the tax exempt paperwork. I am so excited to start the actual building of homes. Right now our prayer is for finances to file the paperwork with the IRS…..I know God will take care of it, so it isn’t a worry. I am waiting for His surprise way of doing it, to show my mom a tangible way that God takes care of everything….I know this is a huge way to Bless it Forward. A small way that I did just bless it forward is to mail out a card anonymously to a struggling teen, and told her how her life has blessed me….
thanks Renee for prompting this!
[email protected]
Thank you for the reminder to have an ‘outward’ focus. Sometimes life gets so hectic or chaotic that it’s easy to lose sight of what our connection with God is all about. I need to spend time with the Giver today…to hear what He would like me to “bless someone forward” with….
May He bless you…and all who read your blog today! May we each be free to receive from the Giver so that we can give (without expectation)…to be blessed, to become a blessing!
I am back today to tell how I blessed it forward. It is Ministry Appreciation Month and so we took each pastor a card and one of those huge chocolate cookies that read..GOD BLESS. Just a nice gesture. WE tend to forget the hard work that they do and the long hours that they can potentially have. I have witnessed this first hand. Whenever we call in regards to our family our pastors are the first to send an ecncouraging email or a card. They have come to the hospital and waited with us through many surgeries, prayed for us and just loved us!! So, have you thanked your pastorial staff this month??
Have a blessed week,
Tricia in KY
[email protected]