Facebook Party winners announced in the post below this one. 🙂
Today, my friend Kimberly is here to openly share her struggles with condemnation and how it has made her see herself so differently than God does. She’s written something for us below, but first I want to share this powerful 2 minute video she filmed with her church to capture what God was teaching her about the destruction of condemnation and the healing power of His grace:
{If you are reading this post via email, click here to return to my blog to watch the video.}
From Kimberly…
A few years ago, if you would have asked me if I believed that God loved me, I would have told you, “Yes.” Realizing His great love for me has been one of the sweetest truths I have ever come to know.
BUT, if you had asked me if I believed God could use me or would even WANT to use me… well, I would have hemmed and hawed and never really landed on an exact yes or no. Why? Because I felt unusable. My sins and mistakes disqualified me. I looked at myself and saw all of my flaws. I saw deep insecurities. I saw my too often short temper. I saw a lack of discipline, a lack of Biblical knowledge. I saw lack upon lack, failure upon failure.
“Jesus loves me? Yes. He died for me. But Jesus would like to use me. Ummmm…seriously? I think not.”
I love how He corrects our wrong thinking through His Word.
As I sat reading the Bible one day, heart heavy from discouragement, God led me to read John 3:17. It comes right after John 3:16, one of the earliest verses we ever learn about how God loved the world so much He sent His only Son Jesus to die for us so that, believing in Him, we could have eternal life. John 3:17 goes on to tell us more:
“For God did not send His Son Jesus into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”
I felt the Lord urging me to look up the definition the words “condemn.”
Condemn- 1. to pass an adverse judgement on; disapprove of strongly, censure; 2. a) to declare to be guilty of wrongdoing; convict b) to pass judicial sentence on; inflict a penalty upon c) to doom; 3. to declare (property) legally appropriated for public use; 4. to declare unfit for use or service. (Webster’s Dictionary)
That was exactly how I felt. Unsafe. Unlovely. Unusable.
Convinced that Jesus wanted to wrap caution tape around my life to keep people back. “Stay away from this one. I love her, but she’s still too messed up to be of any use to me. Better stand clear of her.”
The words of John 3:17 coupled with the last definition released a flood of truth and healing over my heart. The Father was whispering tenderly to me. He did not see me as I saw myself. He did not see a condemned building…someone dangerous. Someone unlovely. Someone unusable. He saw someone He loved so much that He would send His only Son to die a shameful and excruciating death for her. He sent His Son to save me. To forgive me. To heal me. To set me free, fill me up, and USE me.
The tears began to flow as He let me know that I am usable. And not only does He find me usable. He wants to use me. I am not the same woman I was 13 years ago.
- I have been forgiven of all of my sins. (1 John 1:9) (even the “big bad” ones)
- I am a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
- I am complete in Christ. (Colossians 2:10)
- I have purpose in Him. (Ephesians 2:10)
Let these sweet truths wash over you today. Jesus did not come to label you unusable. He loves you and He has a purpose for your life that is of great use to His kingdom!
Thank you so much Kimberly for sharing your heart and being so honest with us today. I got so much encouragement from your transparency and writing. So many of us can relate to what you shared.
Let’s Connect: So friends…How about you? Do you believe God loves you, yet struggle to believe He could ever use you? Do you struggle to believe He would want to use when you look at your flaws and failures? I’m so thankful for Kim’s message that sets the stage for some real life transparency and hope today.
Do you know someone who feels condemned and like God can’t use them or love them? I’d love to share the truth of God’s unfailing love with them. My book is on sale today through May 11 for $6.99 at Lifeway.com! I know many of you have given it to friends and I want you to be able to do that more now than ever {especially at this price!} after watching the redeeming work Jesus is doing in your lives as we read it together. Click here if you’d like to get a copy for 50% off .
{PS. Save your receipt! I’ll be offering some FREE resources to those who buy a copy of A Confident Herat in May. Working on the details of the special promotion and will post them here by the weekend!}
Sometimes He just wants to use you to lavish His love upon. n He is the creator of love you know. And, the author and the finisher of our faith.
His love – it is so amazing. Blessings to you, Florence!
precious, precious. such grace the Lord bestows on us. thank you for sharing!
Thanks, Jean, for commenting. So thankful for His grace!!!!
Thanks for sharing Kimberley.. I grew up in Brooklyn, where there are lot’s of condemned building. It’s does feel like many things in my life felt like that building. Family & friends ended on drugs, many of them are gone. Not mentioning many them also alcoholic, but thank God he saved us. Yes including myself. Broken homes, problems that got shoved under that table sort of speak. Why because of the shame you felt, and you felt just like that building. Yes I also felt like a failure, and sometimes I still do when it comes to my children. I often feel if I only hug them enough, or protect them when they were little things would be different. I also have attendance to judge others, and I ask why Lord why can’t I stop sinning.I believe in God with my whole heart. I thank him for saving us by cross. I want to stop being my own worst enemy, I want stop being depressed. I’m want to stop feeling like a failure. That’s why I came to God. That’s why I got this book confidence heart . That’s why I ready bible, and be apart of bible studies groups. I know God is saving me through people like you who shares their stories. I know God is saving me, even when things get overwhelming. Sometimes things happen in your life for good, then some will happen where you feel like you took to steps backwards. I know the devil temps you & love one’s, that why I’m grateful for his mercy. I just what to have confidence & words to say you not allowed in my life ever again. You not allowed in my thoughts ever again. God is my savior, I just got to stay true to my faith. So that I could share with others, and with my children. I’m not in this group by accident, God is saving me.
I am glad you are reading Renee’s book and that you are pressing in and reading His Word, Caren. Praying for you as He continues to speak to you of His great love for you. Thanking Him for the powerful ways He changes each of us from the inside out through His Word and His Spirit. And I am always so thankful that He says He WILL complete the good work He began in us. (Philippians 1:6) Praying He tears down that word “failure” off of your life and helps you rest in His grace. I am still learning how to rest in it, too!
What a powerful video and testimony. Thanks you Kimberly for sharing! In my short time of studying the Bible, I had not paid much attention to the verse that fallows probably the most well-known verse in the whole Bible. John 3:17 brings about assurance to me that God did not see me as “unfit for use or service” but of value, and great worth!!! So much so that he sent His son to die for me (and for you). That thought takes my breath away. After reading this chapter I know have a better understanding as what it means to be condemned.
It took my breath away, too. How tender and how personal His love is. How powerful His Word. Blessings to you!
Thanks for sharing. I use to think that God could not use me. My relationship with trust has gotten stronger and because of that He is using me in a way that I would have never imagined. God is good and He wants to use every single one of us for His glory.
Awesome praise, Twana! So glad you are walking in faith and joy!
Kimberly….what a wonderful testimony to our Lord. It fills every ones hearts. I am however sad to see that so many are truly feeling condemned. So glad that we can have studies like this to be opened up to the truth.
I am so glad for studies like this, too, Bonnie! There is freedom in finding out we are not alone in our struggles. And it is sweet to walk forward in hope with others!
Beautiful truths, Kimberly! So glad you were able to move past condemnation to share we me, and so many others, this truth today!
Although I’ve come a long way on this journey with Jesus, as I was reading your words tears came to my eyes as I realized that self-condemnation still holds me back to some degree. Jesus paid a high price for my freedom, it frustrates me that I let myself get in the way of accepting what He freely gives. I’m so thankful that He not only loves me, but WANTS to use me…me. WOW! The LORD is sooo good!
<3 to you!
I still battle with it, too, Rachel. I still have to choose to believe HIS Word over the lies of the enemy or the wild and ever-changing emotions of my own heart. It really is amazing, isn’t it? That He WANTS to use us!!! You are right – He is so good! Love you, friend!
WOW!!!!!! Thank you for this message, it was exactly what I need.
So glad He spoke to you through it! He always knows just what we need. 🙂
I don’t think God can use me. I keep making the same mistakes over and over and over. I say I am sorry…and I mean it. I pray to God asking Him to forgive me, but then the next day I seem to fall right back into the behavior I don’t like. I read my bible. I read Christian books. I go to church. I don’t know what is wrong with me 🙁
Hi Dawn, I’m praying for you and asking Jesus to show me what you need to hear from His heart. We are so all different in how we process things and how we act and react. Can you share a little more so I know what kind of mistakes you are making. There are so many layers to life. And if you don’t want to go into details. I completely understand. 🙂 I just wanted you to know I read your note and hope to be able to come back before the week ends {traveling so it will be a little challenging to be on the blog Th-Sat.}
Hello, Renee. Thank you so much for reading/replying to my comment. In a nutshell….there is a Christian lady whom I just do not get along with, From the very first time I met her(online)there was just something about her that came across as phony to me(in the way she talked to me and treated me). We just simply do not get along..our personalities clash. I understand we are all works in progress. I do. But she just rubs me the wrong way. She tells me she loves me like a sisterly Christian love, but it just feels….fake. Hope I am making sense? Lol. Anyway, other Christian friends tell me they love me..etc..and I can feel their sincerity! It is like I KNOW down deep, they mean what they say to me. But with this other lady, I don’t get that feeling. We are/were friends on Facebook. All this makes me feel like maybe I am not really a Christian because I don’t like this person 🙁 . Aren’t we supposed to be friends with every Christian we meet? Love them? I just get so confused about this situation. Thank you again for reading my comment.
Praying for you as you travel.
Dawn, I am so glad you came back and replied to Renee. I was hoping you would and debated about leaving you a reply before you explained more. I know Renee will have such good wisdom to share with you! I just wanted to come back by and encourage you, too. Having trouble with liking other people definitely does not in itself make you not a Christian. I think it just makes you human like everyone else. There will forever be people who rub us the wrong way – even other Christians. I have someone in my own life right now that I am truly struggling with. And where the Lord has brought me to with her is to pray for her. To pray for God to bless her, to encourage her, to heal the broken places in her life. And I pray for myself – that He will give me wisdom as I talk to her and interact with her and to give me HIS love for her. People stuff can be hard. And it is just further proof we NEED Him. We cannot do this Christian walk without Him. Being a Christian doesn’t mean we won’t have areas where we struggle. Praying He will give you wisdom with this relationship. And I know Renee will have more to say. 🙂 She has spoken such great wisdom into my life so many times.
Love and prayers, K
Kimberly, Thank you so much for your reply! Yes, praying for her is what I need to do. And you are right, I cannot do that in my own strength. Just as I cannot forgive those who have wronged me in my own strength. I will pray for her. And for myself that the Lord will open my eyes to really SEE her as He SEES her. Tysm for taking the time to help and encourage me 🙂 .
Thank you, Kimberly. I, too, love the word picture you posed with the old house; it’s actually a good picture of before and after Christ, too, as before we allow Jesus into our lives, we ARE condemned and then, miracle of miracles, we allow Jesus in and not only do we become a new person in Christ but we have been saved from condemnation as well!
Renee, I am struggling with “failing forward”, I am just not getting the concept! Help!
Hi Alice! I wanted you to know I see your note and wan to answer 🙂 I will come back hopefully tomorrow. We’re traveling to Miami where Im speaking tis weekend so if I don’t get to come back until later, that is where I am 🙂
He is truly a God of restoration!!! Blessings to you, Alice!
Kimberly, your video message is so powerful! Thank you for sharing! So often I have felt, and sometimes still feel, that I am not good enough. Or, I will stay stuck in the past and tell myself that I am flawed and useless because of past pain and mistakes. Thank you for reminding me in John 3:17 that God sent Jesus to save us and not condemn us. Once I have repent of my sins, I am forgiven! And, I need to forgive myself and live the life that God has for me, and not allow the devil to let me live my life in shame.
Thank you and God bless! 🙂
Learning to receive and rest in that forgiveness – that is huge! Blessings to you as you trust His love for you and cling tightly to His Word!
Thank you so much for sharing Kimberly! That is very powerful picture (the condemned building) When I look at my life from that perspective, I can really see that God can and wants to use me.
So glad He spoke to your heart through it!
I am still struggling with the “God love me ” thing. I sit here lonely with no one to talk to. I “know” in my head that God lives me and that I can talk to him. I just can not for the life of me get it to my heart. Why would God love a emotional reck, a horrible mom, wife, friend, a person full of depression and anxiety who thinks everyone abandons her? I can’t get it. I am trying to get put of this hole but its not working. Thank you Kimberly for the video and verse I will try to hold on to it.
Praying for you, Shannon. I think I had to get to a place of no longer trying to figure out WHY He would want me and simply thank Him for the truth that He DOES want me. Me with all of my yucky past, me with all of my junk right now. Romans 5:8 says Jesus died for us while we were still sinners. He knew what He was getting when He chose us. He saw it all and still picked you and me. Praying the truth of His love will sink down deep into your heart. Keep clinging to His Word and pressing into His presence. Blessings, K
Thank you Kimberly.
THANK YOU Kimberly,
I really needed to hear this message. I so oftern times feel “condemed” like the building unsafe, unusable. I suffer with BiPolar Disorder and its a daily struggle to to get over the mistakes of my past, the reality of my future, and the lies in my head that I am not good enough. I needed to hear that through it all God has a plan and I will be used for something I am not deemed condemed. Thank you.
Praying for you and for every woman battling these lies of condemnation. Praying what I typed in an earlier reply – that God will help us tear down the “condemned” signs in our lives and instead help us to write in permanent marker on our hearts what HE says about us – that we are Loved, Chosen, Redeemed, Set Free, Adopted, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, and totally Usable!
Wow thank you for your testimony Kimberly. I have been condemned by many people in my life for a long time. Right now in this very moment I feel unusable. I am a stay at home mom of three and now have two bulging discs in my neck preventing me from being able to care for my house or my children. I cant do much with no use of left arm and hand. So last night during renees facebook party i decided to make a group to where we women could connect on facebook and talk about the book and give and get feedback. I feel its making a positive out of negative
Praying for you! Great big ouch on the two bulging discs! And praying He shows you ways that you are indeed usable right now – even in the simplest but most meaningful of ways.
Thank you Kimberly, I too felt that I am forgiven and loved by God, but not usable. I compared my life to family members, friends, and even strangers and I thought I had soooo much less, proof God could not use me. Today i know i am a new creation, lovable, and usable in God’s kingdom. 🙂
🙂 Hooray for truth! Praying for you as you daily choose to continue to believe you are all He says you are!
Thank you Kimberly for sharing. I had not look at v 17 like you shared, I will be studying this too. This chapter 7 of the book has lead me to so many scriptures. I am grateful for your story and the building illustration was wonderful, God can use us , no matter how broken we’ve been, He sees the beautiful in us…how awesome is that. I have been telling my 36 year old daughter about this book, she is struggling alot with her past. I gave her the Uglued book Lysa wrote, and she finally bought this book (A Confident Heart), she has only read the first 2 chapters and has called me sobbing….I will share your story with her, I am so grateful for all of you, My heart has been so light since this study, I love that God loves me the way I am, I was broken and He made me new.. A new creation .Thank you for the scriptures…
You know a book is good when you give it away to others. And I have given Renee’s book away to others, too! I loved reading how God is touching both your heart and your daughter’s heart with this book and with His Word. Beautiful testimony of His love! Blessings to you!
Thank you Kimberly for sharing your story. One of my mothers favorite Bible verse is John 3:16. I have read John 3:17 before but it hasn’t made its impact on me until now. Hearing and reading what you said about that verse gave it a whole new meaning to me. My struggles are much like you described. I listened to the video more than once. I know what God has put in my heart but doubt keeps me from doing what I should be doing. I say, to myself, “your good enough is not good enough”. Someone else can always do it better. God can use better people, smarter people. I am learning so much about myself in this Bible study. Many things I have hidden to avoid rejection and shame.
Thank you, so very much, Renee for this study and for the videos.
I am SO glad you are reading Renee’s book and going through this study. Such HOPE found in the pages of her book – and all because her hope comes from the pages of HIS Book! 🙂 Blessings to you as you believe God’s Word is totally true for YOU!
Kimberly – Thank you for sharing! Your video really touched my heart! Thank-you!
Thank you, Christina! I am just so thankful for how He loves on us through His amazing Word!
Ohh dear sister in Christ, this is one of the most POWERFUL video clips I have had to pierce my soul. I have condemned myself so much through the years, it has been a struggle but God is showing me I DON’T HAVE TO, I am free because He is truth and not condemnation which is satan. I am learning that I AM HIS MASTERPIECE. Thank you so much for your transparency! God bless you.
Blessings to you, sweet Jenny, as you grab hold of His Word for YOU! Believing it and receiving it for yourself. Hugs to you!
I loved your messages this morning. It’s the failures since I became a Christian that weigh me down and make me feel unlovable and unworthy. Thank you for the very timely reminder of God’s love and that he can use what I think is ‘unusable’.
Thank you for sharing!
Me, too! I think I had an easier time receiving His forgiveness for the sins that came during the time of my life when I totally denied Him. The stuff after I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior? What absolute shame I felt! Learning to remember we ALL fall short. We ALL need grace. We ALL need fresh mercies – DAILY. 🙂 May we rest in His love and fully receive His forgiveness.
Even our failures can be redeemed and used by God to give hope to others. It’s not a fun way to go, but I guess even a bad example is better than no example at all, right? “Here, see this? Don’t do it. Don’t believe the lie behind it.”
Praise God for the ways He works ALL things together for the good of those that love Him. 🙂
Thank you for sharing, dear sister Kimberly!! Just recently God laid this verse on my heart and mind too. Now I can not stop with just saying John 3:16 I have to include verse 17 all the time!! Amen!!!
Awesome! Don’t you just love when He brings the same verse to your attention over and over in different places? Blessings to you as you trust in and cling to His Word!
Thank you for this reminder. So often I feel my world is so small, working from home and having a special child. I feel so often that I am unable to do things for the Lord and others, because of the needs at home. I often feel that I am unusable outside. Watching the video reminds me that this is where God is using me. My daughter is such a special being. We don’t have to go outside to be used. It is just as important to be used where we are and where we are needed.
Loving and caring for your daughter – that is 100% being used by God! I think the enemy LOVES to feed us the lie that being used by God only happens outside of our homes – belittling our hugely important roles as wives and mothers. (He sure has done it with me many times!) What seems small is tremendous to your daughter. Blessings to you as God uses you in mighty ways within your own home. He sees your love, your faithfulness, your heart of service. Blessings to you!
I took a while to realize this but God was even using me before I accepted Christ. Only now I know it and am joyful to serve Him.
So glad you are able to serve the Lord with joy! A blessing indeed!
Sweet ladies, I just wanted to leave a quick note before I go to get my girls from school. I will be back later this evening (if not in small spurts in the afternoon) as we have homework, dinner, and church. Know that I will be praying for each of you and will come by later to chat more. THANK YOU for letting me share what God has done in my life, Renee.
Yes, I know God loves me. I’ve often made the mistake of comparing myself to others He is using, which makes me feel I’m not where I should be in my walk and not of use, at least not now. I need to keep reminding myself that He wants to use me where I am, not where I want to be.
I love that, Barbara! He wants to use us where we ARE, not where we want to be! Great word. And that comparison trap? Ugh! One we need to avoid for sure. One I know I have to watch out for on a regular basis! Blessings to you as you are used by Him!
Yes, I believe God loves me.
I use to pray and pray for God to use me to reach others and always felt a “no” answer. Recently, I’ve come to realize that answer was “wait.”
Today, I can see God using me, but it’s not in the way I had anticipated. Even still, I am very thankful and praise God for all he does through me.
I have had my fair share of “no”s and “wait”s, as well. And I have also had places where I did not realize being used by Him can be something as small as choosing kindness, being faithful to pray for others, or even just sending a card of encouragement. Stay willing – I know He will pour His love out through you!
Thank you so much Kimberly for sharing your struggles and your perception and also your hope of renewal and change in your life based on God’s undying love and TRUTH! Amen.
Thanks, Elizabeth! I am so thankful for the HOPE we have in Him! Blessings!
thank you Kimberly and Renee. My heart hurts all the time from the weight of condemnation. Not being good enough, not worthy, a failure. I’m trying to do the hard work of “rewiring my brain” to truth. After 40 some years of believing the lies they are so a part of me; who I am. Now I say scripture out loud and pray this would create new pathways in my brain. It is very hard and does not happen quickly. I am encouraged by your storyKimberly but most of me says “it’s not going to be that way for me”. Lie. I gues I have to keep fighting.
You are SO right that this is not an overnight process. I have been learning these truths and “rewiring” my own brain with His Word and His help for quite a while now. It is like Renee says in her book – it is a daily choosing. Choosing to believe what HE says about me. I love that you are saying Scripture out loud. That is great! I have to get kind of loud with it sometimes – on those days where I feel like the enemy is a bit loud with the condemnation. Keep pressing in! He is faithful and His Word will not return to Him void – it WILL accomplish much in your life! Isaiah 55:10,11
Kimberly your words really touched my heart. I have struggled with condemnation for many years. Your testimony open the door for my healing and deliverance to begin. As a child I was taught John 3:16 but Now I find hope in John 3:17. I love the illustration of the unsafe building. I know that I am usable. Thank you for letting God use you. May God continue to bless you.
Thank you, Xiomara! Blessings to you as you daily choose to believe what GOD says about you!
Great words. I think if I felt God was using me for His kingdom, if I was in His will, I wouldn’t be so afraid.I could have more confidence. I wish I could clear the line to Him so I could hear Him more clearly.
One thing I have found out about the struggle with confidence? That instead of being ashamed of it, I can allow it to help me press into Him even more. Praying for you as you continue to go through Renee’s awesome book and as you cling to God’s Word! Praying that what the enemy sees as a place to bring you down, God will instead use as a place to make your walk with Him ever stronger.
I feel exactly the way Kimberly feels. Like I am unusable and definitely unlovable. Sometimes I feel as if I do not have enough experiences to be useable or I am not the kind of person people want to spend time with or listen to so I am even more unusable. In order to be useable you have to have the kind of personality that gets people to notice you and want to listen to you. Getting around people in non formal social functions give me such anxiety. I cannot even have small talk with people. Which in turn makes me unlovable. Even to this day I doubt God can use me and more importantly, He thinks I am too damaged to even want to use me.
Kelly, hang on. Take one day at a time. I posted something too. I feel like you too, but we must have faith and trust in the Lord. I know we get set back by our thoughts and FEELINGS, but we need to keep going and know that God is with us and will never leave us.
Praying for you, too, Kelly. Keep on hanging on. Hang on to every word of the promises God has given you! God does love you! He will never ever leave you!
Hi Kelly K.!
I thought I was the only one who felt that way. I too have deep insecurities and have never felt good enough- let alone good enough to be used by God. I know what you mean about the social anxiety. I have always had that problem and it’s so hard to deal with. I am 47 and just nowhere close to where I thought I would be by now in life. I get so depressed sometimes – feeling like I’m stuck and don’t know how to get out of this rut. I am trying my best to stop doubting myself and God. It’s just so difficult when you’ve always done that. This book and study, along with all you wonderful ladies, has truly made a difference to me. Thank you all for your great comments and concerns. It is truly appreciated!
Sweet Kelly, I wish I could just download straight into your heart all that God has shown me and taught me and healed in me over the past years. Please let me encourage you first and foremost – you are LOVED by the Father. I mean a deep, passionate, unwavering love. A love you don’t have to earn. A love you cannot lose. A love that will never leave you or forsake you. And even when you don’t believe it? It is still there! So I will be praying for you to be able to believe He loves you and to receive that love. Praying Eph. 3:14-19.
And then about your personality – believing that to be used by Him you have to have a personality that is magnetic to others. I want you to know that if you have a quieter and more reserved personality – He can totally use that! My husband would be a hermit if I let him. 🙂 BUT, he has the most amazing giving heart. And he serves and helps others so well. God gave you your specific personality for specific reasons. I know Renee has a chapter in the book on personality and how God created us. Praying He will help you to see yourself as beautifully designed AND totally usable.
Praying for both you and Julie E., who so sweetly responded to you to let you know you aren’t alone. I so get this struggle! Even the “socially awkward” part. No joke. Me and small talk? Not. Friends. Praying He loves on you in tender ways. Stay in His Word and keep pressing in to His presence! Much love, K
To Kelly, Julie, & all other fellow introverts,
God made us introverts & he doesn’t make mistakes. It’s the world that tells us being an introvert is wrong. God WILL use our introversion for HIS glory!
Thank you Kimberly for sharing your story! I’ve been encouraged,may God continue to use you and be blessed !
Thank you, Illonda! Blessings to you as you are used by God!
I want to send this to my friend Alice who has a daughter also named Kim, who has been fighting against God’s best for her life, kind of caught in a lie, like this Kimberly. Thank You, I am sure you are reaching many Kimberly’s Alice’s, Florence’s and unnamed others.
Praying for the other “Kim”. Kimberly actually means “of the royal meadow” – so I am praying that He will open her eyes as He did mine – to see that she is a precious daughter of the King. That she will allow Him to reign in her life, seeing that every move He makes in her life is out of His perfect love.
Blessings! K
Thank you so much for sharing your video Kimberly . It was a beautiful and very powerful video and one we should always remember. I have felt condemned many times and lost my faith in the Lord but he has turned me around to see him and to hear him — he has given me a new life and I have asked that my sins be forgiven and the pain be removed from my heart- I have been reborn and have been given a second chance on life by the Lord finding the power of prayer and the healing of several doctors who have guided me down the path to a better life. I have been given a second chance on life by having surgery for the pinched nerve in my back that L4-L5 were causing. I have been rebuilt and I know the Lord was with me through the surgery and the healing process. I believe Kimberly you will be forgiven and you will not be condemned — You have the faith and the courage to go forward and I know you will.
I will reread the verses you suggested and have faith Kimberly you will be forgiven and not condemned .Praise the Lord Kimberly and ask him into your heart and he will answer your prays.
Thank you, Nancy. 🙂 I am so very thankful He has made His home in my heart. I cannot imagine ever doing life without Him again. And what a wonderful testimony of His faithfulness in your own life! Blessings to you!
John 3:17, WOW…THAT IS BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks for sharing Kimberly. It is so true. We often have to remind ourselves of that verse.
For, I notice for me, I can read it ,but like you, I too had a hard time personalizing that for myself. I often thought, I was not qualified to be used by God because of my past and what I have done to offend my savior. But in my moments of despair one day God whispered in my heart this… he who loves and has forgiven me * ONCE AN FOR ALL*, ‘As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us’ (Ps 103:12) and wants to begin a new life in me as I allow him to be LORD over my life. As I continue to fellowship with HIM, trusting only HE lovingly has the power to speak these words to me, I started to have the revelation that HE can use my past, and the lesson I have learned out of it be a testimony and an encouragement for others. Moreover, I notice often, when I doubt he can use me, he can put me in a situation where HE allows me to encourage others, AND gives me ALL the tools to do the work, and I am left amazed at his GRACE, LOVE and FAITHFULNESS towards me.
We often think in human terms (in our finite mind), and that is why our vision is limited ‘“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts’ (Is 55:8-9), and but the God who knows it all want to allow the spirit who is within us to do the work, ‘Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us’ (Eph 3:20) and all we have to do is be the ‘willing Vessel’ to be used by him.
Beautiful truth, Tati! Isn’t His Word amazing? Isn’t it such a GIFT? For me, it has been getting to that place that you are talking about here – that place where I believe His Word for me. The place where it is personal and it is mine and I cling to it and let it guide me and shape me and redirect my heart.
Blessings to you! Thank you for sharing your heart! 🙂
Simply powerful! So glad Kimberly shared this. I’ve definately felt this way and increasingly as I step out more into ministry. But I see the Great Hope in your words! May God set us all free from every lie that has decieves and binds us!
Thanks, Taiye! I am so thankful the Lord opened my eyes to how badly I was beating myself down. And then I am also so thankful Renee allowed me to share it here with others. What great hope we do have in Him! Blessings to you as you continue to choose to cling to His Word!
Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us, Kimberly. Wow! I have John 3:16,17 memorized, but never thought of verse 17 in the way you have presented it to us. Praise God! I am one of those gals who often feels “little” – a lie of the enemy and my flesh that I am not totally rid of yet. I haven’t felt that way in a long time, though. 🙂 I really want to be past that and so much more. This is great food for thought.
I popped over to your website, Kimberly, and I really like the title and heading pictures. I’ll be back there, I am sure. God bless you richly!
Thank you, Cindy! For all of the kind words. And I will say…even though the Lord has brought me a LONG way with all of this, it can still be a battle. It is a DAILY choice to believe I am who He says I am. There is a great song by Gateway Worship actually called “All He Says I Am”. A great one to check out on YouTube or Spotify. 🙂
Thanks Kimberly for sharing! I really needed to hear the definition on condemn because I believe that I have already condemed myself “unfit or unsuable”. I realized when i read your testimony that God didn’t condemn me, but I did. Thank you for shedding light into my heart about this season in my life. It has been such a hard season for me, but I know that God has purpose for my life even though I don’t feel it or even sometimes believe it.
Oh, Erica, what a thought – God has not condemned us, but we have condemned ourselves. This really makes sense in light of Kimberly’s testimony. I believe we allow condemnation to come on us, through various situations, words spoken, and we need to remind ourselves, immediately, that we are not condemned in Gods eyes. I relate to you Erica. I don’t know exactly where you are, but I relate. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. God bless you!
Yes, Erica – I know for sure I condemned myself. Saying I could not serve Him, that I was unusable. I would ask Him for forgiveness but never fully receive it. I wallowed in shame instead of receiving His forgiveness and hope and love. I love Psalm 103:14 – it says He knows how weak we are, He remembers we are dust. And then Romans 5:8 which tells us that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Those verses just remind me that He KNOWS we cannot keep it together. He KNOWS we need Him. And He longs for us to receive His love and forgiveness and to then let all that He has filled us with pour out on others.
Praying He will help you tear down the “condemned” sign and instead write in permanent marker on your heart Loved, Chosen, Accepted, Beloved, Adopted, USABLE. 🙂
I am slowly beleiving I am worth something. After 19 yrs of marriage it ended in divorce 12/12 and two of my children not having anything to do with me. Now I have to move out of my house, probably at the end of the month. This is so final to me. Somewhere in the back of my mind i really thought we would all get back together and all would be good. I know I am where God wants me to be, but I am so sad about it.
Having to move and leave, along with everything else. Please pray for me that I will be strong, no fear,
anxiety or depression, I want to flee from me. I know God is with me, but I feel so alone sometimes.
Thank you all and Renee.
Father God, I lift Wendy to You. You love her greatly and deeply. Please wrap Your strong, loving arms around her. Please give her Your peace that passes all understanding. Thank You that Jesus became to her wisdom from God – and righteousness and sanctification and redemption – …” 1 Corinthians 1: 30. That verse begins, “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, Who became for us….” You could not be in a more safe and secure place. Please remind Wendy, often, she is safe and secure in and with her Savior. We bind a spirit of depression in the name of Jesus. Please provide her a place to live in just the right timing. Please give her special Christian friends wherever You place her.; friends who can bless and encourage her and to whom she can be a blessing and an encouragement. Please grace her for this transition and help her to know Your presence always. We bind the enemy, her flesh, and the world with their lies. May all voices not of you be silenced and TRUTH prevail! We thank You that you will guide and direct Wendy’s steps and walk with her each step of the way, that she will be strong and not fearful or anxious. In Jesus’ Name Amen!
Here is a scripture passage for you. I find it interesting that you wrote you want to flee from you. Look at the statement in the light of what Kimberly shared. It is speaking to me, too. 🙂
1 Peter 5: 5b-11 (NKJV) “Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed in humility, for “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble” (Ephesians 5:21) 6 “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. 10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. 11 To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
Much love to you, sweet sister! Because of Jesus, Cindy
Such words of encouragement, Thank you so much Cindy.
I’m praying for you too Wendy In Christ Love
Thank you Angela!
I am praying for you, as well, Wendy!
Thank you Kimberly.
Wendy I am praying for you! God does have a plan for you! HE loves you and is with you ALWAYS! Find your strength in HIM. Blessing my dear sister!!
Thank you Marni for the kind post.
Wendy, I am standing in prayer with the other ladies! I know God has big plans for your life! Remember that He loves you!
Wendy, I am also praying for you. God bless you.
Thank you Susan.
Wow, I have the same feelings and though I was heavily involved in Ministry and now I am doing nothing as I feel I am unqualified, what can anyone possibly learn from me? I can’t even get through to the people who knew be B.C. and who see the complete transition that GOD has done in me. Is my life not a living testimoney to what GOD can do? To take a broken useless vessel as myself and place it on a shelf to be on display reflecting the light and beauty of Christ? Why is this not enough, why do I still have doubt that GOD has and can continue using me dispite my sins?
Help me LORD to overcome my doubt in you and in myself. Forgive me for doubting you and teach me to trust you more. Amen
Praying for you right now, CJ. Asking the Lord to love on you in special ways and to reassure your heart of His perfect love and perfect plans. Believing that He uses you more than you even realize as you live your life shining for Him.
Thank you for sharing. This video touched my heart. The enemy makes me feel so unusable He keeps trying to tell me I have messed up too much. That I will never do anything big for God. That I shouldn’t even try. I need to listen to God’s voice. And believe that I am good enough for his Kingdom. I long for the day when I wholeheartedly believe this and am used big by Our God. I know that day is coming. 🙂
If I sat down and wrote you a list of all of my many sins (and you can go read my testimony called “My Love Story” for an idea), you would so see that if God can use me – He can use anyone! It is not about our qualifications – it is all about His grace and forgiveness and His ability and willingness to use a willing vessel. We are offering the world Perfect Him, not perfect us. Phew! What a relief. Now to remember that for myself each day. 🙂
Praying God will show you ways He already IS using you to bless lives. I bet He is even more than you realize. 🙂 We so often look for big someday things to do. I think mostly He is just wanting our right now surrender – which He can do amazing things with. Hugs to you. K
Hi Em, I can and relate to how you feel. I to feel that I have messed up to bad in the past to ever be used by God, and oh how bad I want Him to use me.I pray everyday to be good enought to do something big or small for Our Lord. One day it will happen i know. I will never stop praying for this and I will be praying for you also. In Christ Love
Thank you so much Angela! Glad I’m not alone in how I feel!
I’m realizing that our mess ups can bring us closer to God, and that he uses those for His Glory when we allow him to. As one friend told me, we don’t have to be “good enough” first. thank goodness.
Love in Christ,
Hi Em thanks for the encouraging words from you friend. I need them. I will keep praying for you and every one else that feels this way With Gods Power we all can and will change. In Christ Love
WOW. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I so needed this today. I can relate to every word you wrote. Since I am at work, I’m unable to watch the video, but the words you wrote spoke volumes to me. Between the enemy feeding me with lies over my insecurities & condemming me over my past sins. Then joining a church & trying to live up to a performance based relationship with God, makes a person feel unworthy, unloved & stuck. But luckily I was able to leave to church I was attending when I rededicated my life to God & found a bible based church where the grace & truth of Jesus is being preached. I’m still struggling, but I know that what God started, He will complete.
Sweet Tiffany, can I just tell you how much I totally get the performance based relationship thing? And that I am still learning what grace means and how I still have to catch myself from trying to “earn” God’s love? That is one of the many things I love about Renee’s book – being able to dig down into the truth that we are loved. Pure and simple. We can be confident in His unwavering love for us.
Here is a link to something I recently wrote. Not to promote me….just to say, “I get it.” And here is where I am learning to break free from performance. Praying for you today by name! K 🙂
Thank you for the prayers and the link. I could relate to that post as well. Especially the part of constantly striving & putting on perfection, pretending that everything is alright. I’m currently taking a break from singing in the choir because I realized that as much as I love singing & serving the Lord, I was becoming too much like Martha. I was trying to put on this outward mask that everything was OK & get up there every Sunday morning to sing, while deep down I was falling apart. I told my choir director that I didn’t think it was fair to her or the other members because I knew my heart wasn’t right & I needed a break. It was a hard decision to make, but the Lord has been wanting me to slow down & spend more time with Him & I believe it is exactly what I need right now. Along with A Confident Heart, I’m also doing the Stressed Less Living online study that Melissa Taylor has going on right now & they are both definitely what I am needing right now. Thanks again. 😀
There are a lot of things I would love to do for the Lord and I just do not have the resources or knowledge how to go about doing those things…I do not know where to get the help I am needing,
One thing, I am praying that God will provide a building and money and other resources. If God wills, I would like to start a ministry for women and have Bible studies and other helpful ways to ministry to women. I would like to have Speakers, Music, even a buffet where we could have fellowship or a place to have coffee/tea and snack..a safe place that reflects Christ.
but, I cannot do this alone and need His help.
I think those sound like awesome plans, Joyce! I am praying with you for the resource and direction to do His will. And praying that He will show you even small steps right now that mean more than you realize – women you can bless along the way. Not just when you arrive at an “official” ministry – but those hearts you bless more than you can even realize in the day to day. I am glad we can trust Him with the desires of our hearts. AND I am glad He is able to use each and every day to be a blessing for His kingdom.
Praying He gives you wisdom and direction. Thanking Him for His perfect plans and perfect provision for your life.
Powerful video Kimberly thank you never seen the verse like that before.
I never had either! 🙂 I love how there is always more and more and more to uncover in His Word. It is FULL of great riches. Thank you for the kind words and for leaving a note!
Thank You Kimberly for this testimony. The Lord USED you to speak to me directly. My ex-husband uses words to CONDEMN me in being a mother to my 10 year old daughter, I never do it right, I am not a good mother, etc. and I could never find the right word to explain to people and myself how he makes me feel when he opens his mouth to speak to me, until this morning. But, I was drawn to read John 3:16-21 to be reminded of what Jesus has done for me and what promises he makes to us, I am not condemned in the eyes of the Lord, and thats where I need to stay, in the light! Thank You from the bottom of my heart for sharing, and may God shower you with many blessings!
Precious Holli, I am so glad the Lord spoke to you. And you are so right to stay in the light and to press into His Word. I am praying for you as you make the daily choice to believe the truth of what God says about you in His Word. I love His reminders to us in 1 Corinthians 13 – that He loves us with a love that BELIEVES all things and HOPES all things. He looks on you with hope! He knows that with Him ALL things are possible for you. He is not a God of shame and condemnation.
And I have to tell you – He has had to bring me a long way as a mom, as well. I felt so sure for so long He had made a mistake in making me a mom. But He has shown me that I am part of His GOOD plans for my daughters’ lives. And I know YOU are a part of His GOOD plans for your daughter’s life. Keep clinging to His Word! I am so sorry for the hurtful words you have had to endure, but I am oh, so thankful that you know where to turn for hope and love. Love, K
Thank you, Kimberly, for your response to Holli, especially about parenting. I am the mom of a strong-willed and insecure 16 year old gal – Shirley. We struggle in our relationship, though her dad and i are seeing some positive changes lately Praise God! I really like what you wrote about being “part of His GOOD plans for my daughters’ lives.” Wow! That is nice and refreshing I must remind myself of that often. 🙂
God bless you richly!
Kimberly’s story is very beautiful. Sometimes, I feel that my usefulness comes in seasons. There are seasons in which I stand back and just devote my time to prayer and Bible study. Other seasons, God brings me out into ministry. I have a problem of getting carried away in thinking what a great difference I have to make in order to feel justified in my faith. God has to remind me that I must obey and follow His will at all times, not go off running on my own. Reigning myself back proves to be harder than it looks, but trusting and letting God take over can be exhilarating!
I’ve recently been forced into a transformation with my job- I’m losing it- within the next few months I will not have a job any longer. I was hit with – what’s next? I know God has other plans for me- but wasn’t sure what it all meant or where it will be. Thank you Kimberly for sharing that- it only affirms things for me as I heard many of the same promptings from God- letting me know over the past few months that He has a plan for me & I need to trust Him- that He can & will use me. I can’t see what that plan is right now- but I am trusting & moving toward Him- listening for those promptings I know will come as I keep walking. My legs may be a bit shaky in my steps, but I know as long as I keep moving- He will guide me.
Julie, I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten caught in the trap of feeling like I need to do something “BIG” for the Lord. I forget how He uses me daily in ways that may seem small to me but are HUGE to the person I impact. And, we have no clue how our seemingly small acts of obedience may have a tremendous ripple effect. I, too, have to be careful I don’t run off on my own. 🙂
Charlene, I am praying for you in this time of transition! I know for me those can be some of those times where I really run into doubt – when the ground feels shaky beneath me feet. So glad we have His promises to cling to! Trusting in His love for you and His plans for you!
Thank you Kimberly for that video. God definitely used you in this video, what a great message. I have never thought about the word condemned using a word picture of a condemned building. That speaks volumes to me!! WOW thanks for sharing your insight and your heart with us today. God bless you, you are a blessing!!
So glad it spoke to you, Janet. I cannot tell you how my heart flooded with His love when He whispered these truths to me. I love how He speaks to us. AND I love how He loves us – a love without fail for sure! Blessings to you!
Thanks Kimberly for sharing your heart. I have never really looked at John 3:17 like that before. I too had had John 3:16 pretty much drummed into me as a child but never really taken much notice of the next verse.
So going to have to study that one some more. Many blessings 🙂
I had never paid it a whole lot of attention to it either, Gwenda. So glad God highlighted it for me. And praying what He showed me helps others to see just how usable we really are by the Father. Blessings to you! 🙂
Kimberly, thanks for sharing. I believe God has used you to help me realize that I am worthy to be used by Him.
So glad He spoke to your heart, Felicia! He wants each of us to be vessels of His great love. Praying for you as you allow Him to be poured out through you!