Do you ever have days when you really don’t want to get out of bed? Days when you wake up and the thought of all you have to do is just so overwhelming that you’re not sure where to start. Maybe your list has sub-lists and your sub-lists have sticky notes. Or there are issues you don’t really want to deal with. Circumstances that are more than you can handle. Emotions that are overwhelming. Maybe words that need to be spoken or hurts that need to be mended.
On days like that I wish I had this verse painted or stenciled in a pretty font on the wall that is opposite of my bed so that I’d see it when I wake up. I’d open my eyes and read:
The Lord is with you.” Luke 1:28
The Lord, your GOD is with YOU!!!!!
What list could I not prioritize and commit to Him, knowing that He’s with me and His plans will be accomplished?
What troubles could I not face if I remembered that God’s favor rests on me, even when others don’t – and that if He is FOR me then who can be against me?
What words could not be spoken in love, for the purpose of building others up according to their needs?
No matter what your day looks like or how you feel when you wake up, even if it’s not painted on your wall, let God engrave it on your heart. I’m praying that you’ll hear the angels whisper as you wake:
The Lord is with YOU.
Your message on honoring your husband couldn’t have come at a better time. We had a really bad weekend. I’m praying daily on improvement.
It helped me see things in a different way when i read some of the stuff you wrote..thanks
Cathy Newson
[email protected]
I have such a struggle with this issue, thank you for the encouragement.
Thank you so much for that Renee….it hit the spot.
Happy Thanksgiving Sweet Sister!
This is great Renee! At church we have a little lady, Miss Katherine…103 yrs old and when asked "How are you doing?" her answer is always "I'm blessed & highly favored!" She even said this when she returned after being gone for a few months after a fall & broken bones. Simply amazing.
Your posts always bless me.
Thanks so much for your prayers for Carmie, Alyssa & Amiyah. You are the glad we're sisters in Christ! 😉
love you,
Wonderful word for today! I love it! I would definitely like to have that stenciled on the wall! Great post. Much food for thought.
Thank you . This is so timely for me today.
I was taking a bloggy break last week, and this morning I was thinking, “I need to swing by Renee’s.” Mmmmm…God is so good.
I was just telling a friend yesterday that I have been going through a season where I wake up defeated. So discouraged as soon as my eyelids begin to part.
I think I need to put this verse up on my bathroom mirror. How tender God is. How His love downright baffles me. But just because I can’t wrap my brain around it doesn’t mean it isn’t real and true.
Thank you for your ministry…here and in all you do with Proverbs 31 Ministries. (I love hearing you and Lysa on the radio as I wait in the carline for my girls!) 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving, Renee!
I was a little emotional when I commented last night. After a good night’s sleep and my coffee I decided I’d spill some beans here too.
Now that I know that you know that I know…let me just say I’m so excited about “you know what” happening in Houston with “you and you know who!”
Giggle Giggle
Paula G.
Preach it, sista! A very timely and welcome message.
I was a little emotional when I commented last night. After a good night’s sleep and my coffee I decided I’d spill some beans here too.
Now that I know that you know that I know…let me just say I’m so excited about “you know what” happening in Houston with “you and you know who!”
Giggle Giggle
Paula G.
Thanks for being so faithful in blogging lately and for encouraging those of us in the blogosphere. I don’t get to read everyday but when I do I’m always sure to backtrack and get caught up. I’ve been reading your blog since I attended SheSpeaks in ’07. I’m encouraged by all that you’ve been through this past year and your ability to share from your heart. God is really pouring Himself out through your writing and I hope there’s a book in the works. Don’t give up.
I haven’t blogged in over 2 months and have really lost my desire to do so. I haven’t given up but just going through a season. Don’t know why I said all of that, I just feel you can relate!
Paula G.
What a lovely post to read before heading to bed. I pray I WILL hear those words whispered over me tomorrow as I awake from slumber.
As my mind drifts to that possibility, I wonder though…would my response be that of Mary’s? The following verse reads, “Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be.”
Would I be perplexed and anxious? Would I need the reassuring that Mary needed? “But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God.”
I’m thinking I might need that reassurance as well. I think I would need to hear it again. “What? I’m highly favoured? Did I hear You correctly?” Sadly I too would probably need the repetition, clarification and confirmation.
It is a pretty amazing thought that the favour of the God of all creation rests on me and that He is with me! WOW! (Now how am I going to get to sleep :o)
Sweet blessings to you my favoured friend,
Goodness! This would be amazing to see every morning! What a confidence booster!! I think I’ll write it on a card for my bathroom mirror…
Thank you for this reminder that He is with me every morning when I get up to face the day.
Blessings to you!
Thanks for being so faithful in blogging lately and for encouraging those of us in the blogosphere. I don’t get to read everyday but when I do I’m always sure to backtrack and get caught up. I’ve been reading your blog since I attended SheSpeaks in ’07. I’m encouraged by all that you’ve been through this past year and your ability to share from your heart. God is really pouring Himself out through your writing and I hope there’s a book in the works. Don’t give up.
I haven’t blogged in over 2 months and have really lost my desire to do so. I haven’t given up but just going through a season. Don’t know why I said all of that, I just feel you can relate!
Paula G.