I’ve needed to take a little blog break to review my book manuscript for final edits, but it’s taking much longer than I expected. It’s due Friday.
Like most of the southeast, we got LOTS of snow Monday, and the kids have been out of school all week due to ice on the roads still. So it’s been a little distracting around here.
Today I went into hiding. For over 8 hours. Only came out to get some kisses and bedtime snuggles with baby girl and have dinner with my bear cubs. Just took a short break tonight since my eyes are crossing as I sit here in my little corner of the world, reading 60,000 words spread across 137 pages. This hibernation is hard for a sanguine girl like me who’s been snowed in for days. So, I asked Jesus to meet me in this kinda hard place and speak the words my heart needed to hear. I knew He knew better than I did.
And He gently lead me to this from one of my favorite writers who always knows just what to say and just how to say it:
How do I live in God’s presence? How do I detect his unseen hand on my shoulder and his inaudible voice in my ear? Here are a few ideas:
Give God your waking thoughts. Before you face the day, face the Father. Before you step out of bed, step into his presence.
Give God your waiting thoughts. Spend time with him in silence.
Give God your whispering thoughts. Imagine considering every moment as a potential time of communion with God.
Give God your waning thoughts. At the end of the day, let your mind settle on him. Conclude the day as you began it: talking to God.
Just Like Jesus
~Max Lucado
Give Him your thoughts sweet friends. Each and every one of them.
I’ll be back next week,
First and foremost, I would like to say that I am new to the Proverbs 31 website and it has been a blessing to receive the encouragement and know that I am not alone in my struggles to become a virtuous women of God. Thank you to you and all your staff members! I received a prophetic word from a friend right before the start of the New Year and I must say that every word of the prophecy is coming to past. She told me that God was not through with me yet. This is my year. God is going to move in my life like never before. He loves me and always has and he has a plan for me. I'm special to him. I must say that prior to those words being spoken into my life I had been feeling a strong sense of God's presence in my life. Since the speaking of those words into my life, God has truly been breaking down strong holds and repairing wounds. Your post "Listening to God" was truly an on time blessing. I have been battling with that very question-Is it God that I'm hearing or is it my own thoughts, feelings,or emotions? You reminded me to look for those I will begin to look for those biblical consistency you mentioned to help with answering that question.
Thank you,
:)Like Kimberly, I love the passage you shared. Giving God my thoughts is something I'm working on. This is especially difficult when you have roommates and there are so many things you have to talk about: boys to discuss, jokes to share and school woes.
I've realized how necessary spending time with God is and the importance of setting our thoughts on Him as often as possible and I am working towards a firmer relationship with Him.
Anyhoooo, all the best and I'm looking forward to the book as WELL!!!
Thanks Renee for these reminders. It's so easy to get caught up in the "agenda" for the day… Needing Him– Lynette, IL
I would love to be considered in your book give away. This year I turn 50 and have begun looking at what have I actually accomplished in Jesus name. I purchased the book "Made to Crave" after reading a facebook post from a friend. I hope to learn more about craving God and not the many distractions in life like food.
[email protected]
Thank you
Through being sensitive to God's voice it has le my life in an amazing direction! Thank you for today's devotional! My email is [email protected]!
I'd love to be included in this book giveaway. I'm reading Made to Crave right now. thanks for the post
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
This is exactly what my heart and mind needed this morning! Isn't God good?!!! Thank you.
I really connected to how do I live in God's presence. Reading the Word with prayer before bed, sometimes journaling my thoughts and prayer too, help feed my hunger for communion with the Lord. Then praying and praising Him to sleep I go. Yet, the Holy Spirit has trained me to awake praising God about the same time in the wee hours before early morning. This allows me to listen or praise or pray specifically- then a little more sleep before the day begins. I pray again for His help during the day. He helps me pray through out the day for the passerby, myself or a brethern in Christ. He reminds me to give thanks and praise frenquently during the day. I feel a loss when I don't get to read my Bible at work each morning or listen to His Word over the internet. His presence comes in so many different ways when we build our relationship with Him. God bless you and the work you do. It helps so many.
I loved this devotional. I even copied part of it down in my prayer journal so I could remind myself what my day needs to be. I love waking early and spending time in God's word. I am trying to communicate with Him more throughout my busy day. I prayed for you this morning-may God bless your obedience to Him.
Love that Renee! Just like Jesus, it covers it all! Thank you for sharing your time with us and again, can't wait for your book!
Thanks for sharing Renee! Our computer has been down so I've been catching up…good to see things are progressing with the book. I'll keep praying and at the same time keep trying to give Him ALL my thoughts! Blessings to you, Jill
🙂 I love this! Especially "before you step out of bed, step into His presence"…and that then I can STAY in His presence all through out my day…with my waiting thoughts, my whispering thoughts, and then my waning thoughts.
Thanks for sharing this, sweet friend. Max Lucado has such a way with words.
I am praying for you (and for your crossed-eyes). 🙂
Much love,
So glad you came out to say hi to us!!
I know the mixed feelings that snow days bring. I do hope you got to enjoy it before you went to work!!
Down here in H-town they don't have snow days, we just drive to school in the 20* weather! haha but it has been sunny and beautiful too.
The book is gonna be so great!! I'm jealous you are getting to read it now 😉 I can't wait to get my hands on it!!
Love you!!