It had been a really terrible, awful, hard day. So hard that I sat and cried. And yet, it brought me to the end of myself. And that was a good thing.
When I finished crying, I sat down to do some work and happened upon a story about Andrew Carnegie that completely changed my perspective as a mom and as a child of God.
Andrew Carnegie was the wealthiest man in America in the early 1900s, so wealthy that he employed over 42 millionaires. When asked how he developed these men to become so valuable that he would pay them that much money, Carnegie explained that “men are developed the same way gold is mined. When gold is mined, several tons of dirt must be moved to get an ounce of gold, but one doesn’t go into the mine looking for dirt — one goes in looking for gold.”
I’d been buried in the dirt that day. I was lost in the monotony of motherhood and felt like my days had no meaning. My discouragement and feelings of failure as a mom left me so disappointed in myself. And I was convinced God felt the same way about me.
I started wishing I had a gold-miner in my life who could see beyond my mistakes and find the gold in me. That’s when God whispered to my heart, “Renee, I am that gold-miner. You are the one who is so critical of yourself. You are the one who focuses on your faults. But I see the gold of My image in your heart, and I want to bring it to the surface so your kids can see Me in you.”
As I sat there trying to process what God was whispering to my heart, stories from the Bible started flooding my thoughts helping me believe that God really does see beyond who I am to who I can become.
That day God used His thoughts to give me a new perspective – of Himself and of myself. Then He challenged me to look for ways to transfer that perspective to my children.
It’s easy to get buried in the dirt of discontentment, disobedience and discouragement. You may even be thinking, Where’s the gold in it all? I wondered, too. But after reading Carnegie’s story and hearing God speak to my heart, I wanted to become a gold-mining mom.
As I thought about the gold I wanted to see in my children, character traits of Christ such as patience, kindness and contentment came to mind. I decided to make a list of golden attitudes and actions and look up Bible verses we could learn together. Then I made gold nuggets by balling up foil and spray-painting them gold.
In the following weeks, each time my kids showed a golden attitude or action, I’d reward them. When they saved up enough nuggets, they’d get a special treat. We also found new character traits and Bible verses, wrote down ideas to live them out and started making them part of our family devotions.
It took time for me to embrace a grace-based parenting perspective and let God’s new truths sink in. But I was so excited about having a spiritual focus as a mom. I started getting creative and about finding time in the midst of my busy days to get into His Word and get His word into me. And as I did, He used His thoughts to re-shape mine.
God’s Word became a part of our everyday lives as He taught me to take my eyes off of my children’s habits and focus on their hearts. Not only did it change my kids’ attitudes and actions, it changed me, too. For the first time in months, I was excited about my role as a parent. God had given me a new perspective, and a whole new sense of purpose as a mom!
Lord, thank You for not focusing on the dirt in my life but seeing beyond who I am to who I can become. Help me believe that, receive that and give it away to my kids, my husband and my friends. Help me look at their hearts and encourage the glimpses of You that I see in them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Portions of this post are in my book, A Confident Heart.
Copyright 2011. Baker Publishing. All rights reserved.
Purpose-Driven Mom Gift Pack:
Enter to win my Purpose-Driven mom message on CD and my “Mining for Gold in the Heart of Your Child Character Chart and The Mom I Want to Be by Suzie Eller. To enter, click “share your thoughts” below and share why you’d like win.
I really needed this devotion today from Proverbs 31 and then the continuation of it here on your site…I will be Friending you on Facebook as soon as I leave my comment!
If I won, I would choose the GoBible Original both for myself and my dear friend. We both have 4 year old boys who we love dearly…she also has 16 month old twins (boy and girl) and I have a 15 month old daughter. We are busy Mommies who need Go Bibles!
Thank you for being JUST what I needed this morning!! I had never thought of putting my resignation on pink paper…but I had wondered where I could turn my resignation in!!! 🙂
The Voyager Bible would be a lovely surprise, no matter the version. I would share the 2nd pack with my dear friend Pam. We've been friends for 30 years, and God has been working so strongly in both of our lives. The enemy keeps trying to keep us from meeting and encouraging one another, but God always finds ways for us to grab a quick conversation or an email.
I'm really excited about looking for the gold in my children. We have 5 and they range in age from 5-21! There's a lot of gold there…just need to go looking!!
Kathy Graff
[email protected]
Thanks for the wonderful message. I'd love the Original Go Bible- sounds like a great way to listen… probably would encourage my children to listen as well. I'd share the second pack with my good friend Sara, who is bravely facing the challenge of being a single mom. – Koe – pahlka at
I really needed that devotion this morning! God's timing is always perfect. I would like the Voyager. I would give the 2nd gift pack to my friend Vanessa because she is such a great friend, and we seem to struggle in the same areas.
God's perfect timing! My heart and head have been dealing with this as of late…I would choose the Voyager go Bible..I would share the other with my dear friend Marlana who has the same struggle as I do!
Thank you for your encouraging message today! About a month ago, I actually googled the words "Burnt Out Mom" and looked at the symptoms that so closely matched mine! LOL. I am a Mom of 5 children ages 9-18m old twins. There are times where I feel that this journey as a stay at home Mom is going to do me in… but I know that God has great plans for us Moms. 🙂 I'd love the GoBible Voyager and I'd give the second pack to my best friend! Thanks so much!
I just wanted to say how much this devotional touched me. I feel like this is the story of my life. I have a 9mo. old and another child turning 3 year in June. As much as I love my daughters, there are so many days that I feel like a horrible mother and dislike my life. It is so frustrating to hear others say how much they love being a SAHM when I so often feel differently. Thank you for giving me hope and reminding me to reach out to God for everything!
As a mother of five children (age 7 and under) I can totally relate to your devotions today!!! Thanks so much for all your encouragement for moms:) I think ALL of the GoBibles look great but the Voyager (NIV or Word of Promise) is super cool! It's hard to choose just one friend that I would give the other pack to…I can think of four great "mommy" friends that would love the gift! But I think I would choose my dear friend, Kim. Thanks for both devos and a chance to win!
[email protected]
Thanks so much for the wonderful devotion today. It was just what I needed. Being a pastor's wife, working a full time job and being a mom of two is sometimes very overwhelming. Especially lately. I would give my second GoBible to a young mother in our church who is struggling to raise two young boys and keep her marriage going. She needs all the encouragement she can get to keep her strong in her relationship with God. I'll take any of them.
How refreshingly honest, real and needed today's devotional was on wanting to throw in the "Mommy" towel! I haven't commented on your blog before but felt compelled to share another level of insecurity I've found satan is all to eager to capitalize on…I'm an adoptive mother who's never given birth to nor carried a child. There are thoughts that, "I am illegitamate, and knowledge, wisdom, special Mommy secrets come via the birth canal." I know this sounds crazy, but it's in the back of my mind. When other mothers like yourself get real and provide a glimpse into their own struggles it provides comfort for the rest of us in knowing we're not alone. Grateful!
If I win I would like to give the second gift pack to my sister in law. She has an autistic son who, like all children, is wonderful and challenging all at once. I know she would love the original Go Bible. My email is [email protected]
I would LOVE the original GoBible because it has all the features I need or would use as a busy mom. If I won, I'd give the duplicate to one of two people (I'd have to pray about it more if I won) either a girlfriend of my mine who believes in a higher power but hasn't decided yet what that higher power is or my sister who has had a challenging time giving into her need for a closer relationship with God because she thinks Christians are a one size fits all & have to be people who "push" the word on others. I think either busy mom would get a lot out of a product like this!
I love God's timing. It is like you were writing directly to my heart today Renee. I subscribe to two devotionals and they were both on the exact same topic today. Do you think God is saying something to me? :0D Thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing your struggles and victories. It gives so many others hope!
If I were to win, I would love the NIV version of the Voyager. The second set would go to my dear friend DeLeslie. She has two little girls and is 5 months pregnant with a little boy. Her husband just deployed to Iraq for a year – so I would love to be able to bless her with some timely encouragement for this season in her life. Blessings!!! Teresa G
As I read your devotion today I remembered those early years of being a Mom and the "I wanna quit" moments I had. My girls are teenagers now and those feelings still surface as I guide them to becoming independent young women. As a single Mom, God has been been my strength and my courage when we faced misunderstandings and those "brokenhearted" days that young girls endure. I know He will continue to help me be the Mom he desires for me to be. I would so enjoy the Voyager and I would share the 2nd one with my Pastor's wife. It would be so helpful to her when she is out and about and wants to share with people.
I find such encouragement in your writings and look forward to reading more.
All I could do was read and cry. Thank you so much. I feel so overwhelmed and today is certainly one of the days I would love to throw my hands up and walk away. I would enjoy the GoBible Voyager and I would give the second one to my sister-in-law who is my best friend. She could certainly use it. My email address is [email protected]. Thank you.
This was such an amazing devotional. With all that went on in my house this morning, getting ready for school – it was just what I needed to build myself back up and make it through the day. Thank you so very much. My Bible goes with me everywhere I go. But the Voyager Bible is amazing and would be the one I pick. Keep the devotions coming – they really help!!!
The voyager looks ideal. Great devotional. Though my kiddos are 11 & 13 there are still times I wonder what I've done wrong. I do recall being frustrated much of the time when they were toddlers. I'm also posting this giveaway link on my blog in hopes that one of my readers will be blessed by the devotional and/or win the giveaway! Thanks!
Thank you for the devotion on motherhood. I am the mother to five precious girls but some days those inadequate feelings pop up. Everyone sees me as the mother of all moms but I too have bad days. If I had the gobble I would like the original one. I would give the second one to a dear friend who is a single mom of two boys. She struggles with depression n feelings of being inadequate quite often. I think a gobible could be a great gift n encouragement for her.
As I type this I have tears streaming down my face. I promised to myself and God last night before I fell asleep that I would show grace to my kids today and stop yelling; and yet I have only been up for 20 minutes and have already lost my cool. I woke up this morning to my 3.5 year old twin boys demanding milk, cereal, their tv show. As I came to conciousness with these "orders" being barked in my ear I felt my irritation level growing and growing until it burst forth with me yelling at them. And I start another day feeling like such a failure as a Mom and Christian. And then I read this devotion that just cuts right to my heart.
If I won I would choose the GoBible Voyageur. I would give the second pack to the only other woman in my church who has young children.
[email protected]
I loved your devotion today as I have felt that same way many times! I lost my husband when my children were 3 and 5 and there were many days when I wanted to throw in the towel! Thank goodness I never did and my children have grown into wonderful teenagers (although sometimes I still want to trade them in!). I'd love to have at GoBible Voyager, and I would give the other to a good friend of mine who is just starting out in "mommyhood" with 2 toddlers and a full time job, she's certainly got her hands full and I'm sure she has the same kind of day you spoke of in your devotion at one time or another. Thank you for your wonderful insight!
Thanks Renee for this devotion. Just recently I told my husband I wanted to run away and how I can relate to those women that do. My daughters are 11 and 6 my son is 25; talk about drama. My heart breaks for my oldest daughter as she is troubled by mean girls at school and she is such a sweet spirit. Sibling squabbles, dirty laundry, a wayward 25 year old and just promoted working hard husband. Man o Man. If I won the GoBible voyager I would share it with a friend who is not saved. She is a single mom and goes as much as me. What a blessing your devotions bring. Thanks a bunch and Gods blessings to you and Proverbs 31 crew!! Melanie McKinley [email protected]
Thanks for sharing this…I think we all struggle with being a mom and a wife too! I homeschool my children and there are days when I really want to throw in the towel…it's usually because of my bad attitude unfortunately! I would love to win this giveaway to help me in my journey. Thanks again. Tammy P. I will friend you on facebook.
Renee, thank you so much for your devotion today. As a work-away-from-home mom of a 3 month old and a 23-month old (will be 2 in June)-and stepmom to a 5 and 11 year old-, I have felt like giving up on more than one occasion recently. I went back to work in April after a 2 month maternity leave and trying to balance everything that everyone needs from me has been very hard. On top of that my almost 2-year old hit the "terrible 2s" very early and it has been such a challenge to figure out how to discipline and correct/teach him.
I feel guilty for not having enough time for my husband, and especially for my little ones.
I would love the voyager GoBible and would share the other with my friend Sara who is a stay-at-home mom to 3 great kids!
I would choose the voyager for myself b/c I am always stopping to look stuff up or cross reference. I'd choose the same for a good friend who is a first time mommy who is always on the go.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and encouraging mothers. We need it!
Thanks for the timely devotion. It came at a time that I'm questioning my effectiveness as a mom and needed a reminder that I need to rely on God. I'd love the voyager GoBible. I'd give the second to a lady in our church who is a single mom.
I love your post today. It is exactly how I feel many days. I think I would like the GoBible Voyager because I like the text on the screen and I am a visual learner. I would give the give one to a great friend of mine who struggles daily with the challenges of motherhood. I am thankful that God has put us in each other's lives to lift up and support one another. I am excited to see a great tool like this! I had not heard of it before I read your post. Thanks so much!
[email protected]
Hey girl! What a great giveaway.
Even better is the devo and the post. I still struggle with this alot… especially because I war with my stinkin flesh so much. Thank you for the reminder of the promises in God's word.
I'll defer to you on which one. I'm an NAS person, so I guess KJV would be best. And I would share with my aunt who has cancer and going through radiation and chemo.
I really appreciate your words in this topic of comparing ourselves to others and just learning to let us give it (our lives, troubles, worries, etc.) to God.
I feel we need to stop judging ourselves and others and support one another.
I have a friend, Cathie, I would give the second set to because this is an area (comparing and trying to do ALL herself) she struggles with. She is such a strong woman and mom of 4, but lacks confidence in herself. She has made it through so much, I admire her will and grace.
I would be happy and grateful with either bible. Thank you,
[email protected]
This was a great devotional and perfectly timed for my life right now. Thank you! I would really enjoy the GoBible Voyager and would pass the second one to my dear friend Barbara who has been with me, encouraging me when I needed it most these past several years.
Great devotion today! I would I would really enjoy the GoBible Voyager. I would give the second to a dear friend who is a single mom. God brought her two lovelies through the miracle of adoption, fulfilling unexpectedly her hearts desire to be a mama. Hers is a truly beautiful story! She is such a role model to me of godly attitude and purposeful living…but I know that she could use a little encouragement!
Thank you for your words of wisdom! Shelly
[email protected]
That was a very timely word. I have often felt how you feel. I'd like the GoBible Voyager because it would help me get into the Word more but mostly because I could share the 2nd one with my mother (who is blind) and that would give her the opportunity to hear the Word of God and navigate it by herself. The fact that it has a rechargeable battery and easy navigation would open a door for her that has been closed all of her life.
I would really enjoy the Go Bible Voyager. I homeschool my children and this would be a most awesome tool. I would give the second one to one of my best friends who has three children and who practically lives out of her car because they lived such an action packed life. Thank you so much for the encouraging words today. Being a mom is so tuff and I begin my day with a devotion from one you Proverbs 31 sisters each morning. Each of you is a blessing to me!
Thank you for the encouraging words. I would give both of the GoBibles away to my daughter and son-in-love. They are church planters who live busy lives across the country from our home. Both are also trying to bring their temples into submission by training for 1/2 and full marathons. This would give them much encouragement on those days when it all seems too much. They have true hearts for the Lord and are following Him in faith and obedience. I would be thankful and appreciative for any of the GoBibles.
Hi Ranee,
I am a great grand mother to 7 beautiful children. I could have used this devotion when I was a young mom struggling to keep going with 5 little ones, a house to run, meals to prepare, etc. I'm sure you know what I mean.I was always sure I was not quite up to the job abd wasn't good enough. I do not want my grand children to feel this way while raising their children. I would love to have the GoBible Voyager for myself to continue and enrich my daily walk with God. The second one would go to one of my young grand daughters who is struggling with the demands of work and a little one. Thank you for your insight. We do tend to try to go it alone, don't we? Thanks again.
Thanks for the encouragement today, I think this might be one that gets hung on my wall of "You can do it, girl!" reminders. 🙂 We all need it along the way, and God's timing is impeccable.
I'd be happy with any of the GoBibles. It seems it would be such an easy way to get those spiritual reminders during a long commute, cleaning the house, wherever!
I'd give the second to my best friend, an amazing mom of 8 who on the outside is one of the women we all compare ourselves to that seems to have it all together and then some, but I know she has days too where she wants to turn in her pink slip. I'd love to be able to give her something to show her just how amazing I think she is!
Wow God truly knows what we need to hear and his timing is never an accident. I am a blessed mother of 2 and my wonderful husband is in law enforcement so our schedules are also hectic. I would love the Go Bible Voyager to help improve my daily on the go devotions. The second one I would share with a friend , however after reading other comments I feel so not worthy. Thank you for allowing God to work through you.
Wow.. With 4 boys, 11, 9, 6, & 4, I stay discouraged & this devotional came at the right time.. I'm so blessed by it.. The GoBible Voyager would be awesome.. I would give the second one to a wonderful friend, who has been there for me every single time I needed to be the "crybaby" about my life.. She has 3 kids of her own, works full time & her husband does shift work.. She always put things into perspective and when I am wrong she tells me .. And I love her for that. She always backs up her advice with scripture. Her walk with God has been the best thing in her life and it shows… She is my inspiration. Thank you for always having encouraging devotionals! Proverbs 31 is a blessing!!
Wow, I don't always read the devotions but I opened it up this morning and it's exactly how I've been feeling lately. Sometimes I think how can I continue to go on everyday doing the same thing. I feel like I don't do anything right. I work full-time and I'm exhausted when I get home and my little girl just wants to play and have fun but I'm so tired. She will be 3 in a couple of weeks and she is not speaking really well so that has been a big concern for me. She is also a little delayed physically and that concerns me. I just need to let go and let God do the work. I found out I am pregnant again and I am already asking myself how am I going to do it. I really need encouragement. I would love the book and the GoBible Voyager!
I think I would like the Voyager GoBible and the second one would go to my sister-in-law Debbie. She struggles a lot with things in this life and just can't seem to get and stay rooted in Christ. Please pray for her
Wow I so needed to hear that message today! I have been battling breast cancer and the effects for 2 years now, trying to hold it together for my now 6 and 10 year old boys, and being left by my husband….I do feel like a failure most days! I want to start living life again! I would love to have the voyager and I would give the other one to my best friend who has been by my side from the day I got my diagnosis and is also a mom of 2 whose husband works out of town a lot. Tracey V.
It is so great to know that I am not the only one who has ever felt this way. I love my kids but there are a lot of times I doubt my ability to be a good mother for them because of the choices they make sometimes. Should I win this giveaway I would prefer the Voyager (NIV version) and the second one I would give to my neighbor who is struggling with trying to complete her BA with 2 girls under 4 and is 6 months pregnant. They are in the middle of a move, her husband is in the air force, and many days she finds herself stressed and questioning whether she is doing a good job, or even doing the right thing. She is a great mom and is really trying to raise her children to follow God.
me and my husband were just talking about this last night! he is a stay at home dad, so this is very applicible to even him! this is exactly what we needed to hear. how Perfect is God's timing?!?! we would choose the voyager because with a mom/dad on the go- rechargable batteries are amazing!! i would give the other set to a dear friend of ours
I thank God for your ministry and the way you've touched my heart. I am on a refocusing journey in so many area's of my life. My family's health, finances, and spiritual issues are a huge burden, and only with God's power can I even be at this point.
I would be so blessed to win the GoBible Voyager or the Original and to share it with my dear friend Jan who also has 2 young children. If I were able, I'd buy them right away. They sound like an incredible tool to keep focus. Thanks again for all you are doing.
Rosanne McLellan
Thank you for a great devotion today. Definitely something I struggle with as a mother. I have not heard of the GoBible, but would love to receive one. The second one I would give to my sister who has recently given her life to christ and is a single mother that recently lost her job. I just want her to continue her walk with God and not give up because of her current struggles. Thanks Kristie
I really needed this devotional today. I feel so irritated and frustrated alot with being a mom. I feel like I raise my voice all the time and I see this starting in my 6 year old. I feel like she and I butt heads all the time. I also have a 2year old daughter. I so long to be the mom with never ending patience and endless self-control. I feel so out of control sometimes and don't want to "ruin" my relationships with my girls. I want to have a great relationship with my girls when they become teenagers!!!! I would give the second set to my sister who has 6 children and home schools them all. Her husband is in school to be a minister and works full time also so they don't haver very much money at all. She would never be able to buy it.
Your devotion today brought tears to my eyes knowing that I'm not the only one who struggles with feelings of discouragement & failure while thinking everyone else has it all together. I have 6 children, 4 of whom I home-school, & every day is a challenge. I'm so thankful for His grace! The GoBible original would be wonderful to have, & I'd give the second one to a dear missionary friend in China who has 7 children. Thanks for sharing your struggles & victories! — Terri
Amen you are a blessing and an encouragement.
This was just what i needed to hear today. I would chose the Voyager go bible. I would give the other to a recent friend that im starting a new friendship with. We are both determined to do all we can to be good mothers and wives. Thanks to the wonderful content on your blog we can research. Surrendering your marriage was a great place to start.
Renee that was such a great encouragement for a stay at home mom. If you picked me I would enjoy the GoBible Voyager. I would give the other one to my amazing sister who Loves the Lord and is commited to doing whatever he calls her to do know matte what the cost. She travels a lot and it would be so helpful to her. Thanks again for this generous offer.
Thanks for your words of encouragement. No one can tell you the daily struggles of motherhood until you become a mother. I often tell my friends as a wife and mother you're like the glue that holds the family together but nobody even notices, not that we need constant praise but it would be nice to be thanked occasionally. You are a wonderful lady, I heard you speak in princeton wv last year you were sick and had forgot your suitcase! You made me laugh and touched my heart, thank you 🙂 I would like to win the go bible original and give the other to my mom.
Sammie ~ [email protected]