Here is a video of one of my D6 stories that was filmed at my house when the D6 team was here in December.
I am dying to hear your D6 story!
I know you’ve got something to share, especially if you were part of my month of encouragement for moms in January. So, please share your story in the comments at the bottom of this post. And if you do, you’ll be part of all kinds of prize opportunities!
D6 Devotional Magazines and a FREE D6 Conference
Here are three great prizes you can win!
1. If you share your story – big or small – in today’s comments, you’ll be included in a drawing for my Mining for Gold in the Heart of Your Child CD and Chartor another parenting resource if you already have that one.
2. If you video and download your D6 story on YouTube, you willwin a free year’s worth of D6 Devotionalmagazines for parents and children!
2. AND Your video will also be entered into the drawing for an All-Expense Paid Trip for TWO to the D6 Conference.That’s right! By downloading your D6 story on Youtube you will qualify for the contest to win an an all-expense paid trip for 2 to the the D6 Conference! Wouldn’t that be amazing!?
We have a weekly "Family Home Evening" with our two children. It's a night that we sing songs, read scriptures, have a spiritual lesson and an activity. Our lessons the past month have been centered around serving others just as the Savior served His fellow men and taught us to do the same. We've read about Christ healing the ten lepers, the parable of the Good Samaritan, and other stories about service. Our chilren are still very young and learning the concept of service is very new to them.
One night, as we were preparing the children for bed, our son Daniel reminded us that we needed to say our family prayer. He turned to his younger sister and said, "Raelee, do you want to say the prayer? Do you want me to help you?" We were so touched as our 5-yr-old son helped his 2-yr-old sister say a prayer. I then wrapped my arms around my son and thanked him for reminding us to say our family prayer and helping his sister, serving her just as Jesus Christ served and loved everyone. He said that he remembered that Jesus loved everyone and that when he grows up he wants to be just like Jesus.
There have been many other proud parent "D6 moments" as both our children have done little things for each other–like getying a drink, holding open the door, singing songs together, sharing toys. Sometimes it feels like what my husband and I are teaching our children goes in one ear & out the other, but then we witness what can only be described as little miracles taking place in our children, and it is so uplifting and encouraging to us as parents!
I had a very hard life growing up, and when I was 16 I met the man I gave everything I possibly could along with my heart, and at age 20 gave birth to our daughter. I was sickly inlove with him, and he abused me along with getting me into enough trouble that landed me in Prison. He got temperary custody of our daughter and at age 25 I still don’t have her back and havn’t had her since she was 2 in a half. To think that would be the only awful thing I went through in life was not! On Aug.7,08 I was ran over by an ex-boyfriend driving a truck and left for dead. The whole time I was in the hospital I blamed God, and would not thank him for me living through that-I couldn’t figure out why I was alive. I am now married to God and a woderful man! I was married to my husband 2/24/09 and baptised 4/15/09 and so thankful for both! The only thing missing is my daughter. I have surrender it to God, and believe he will bless me with her in his own time I just have to be patient and trust in him. The desire for being as close as possible to God is overwhelming and wonderful! I’m going to start a spiritual journal to record all my blessing, fear, doubts,struggles with God,and my walk with him of what I’ve learned. Then I will pass it down to my daughter. The psalmist wrote “Write down for the comming generation what the Lord has done, so people not yet born will praise him. I have so many blessings, and am so happy to have this wonderful feeling of desire and to know that I AM ALIVE!!!FINALLY in my life! Thank God for other believers like you so that I may feed off of, and become even more close to God. Thank you for your stories! Godbless, and thank you again! Tammy
My D6 story: This past Tuesday we sat down to eat dinner and my 3 yr old son asked for the BBQ chips. (That was my nutritious contribution to the grilled burgers my husband had made.) Anyways as I past them to him he said, “Thank you very much.” Before I could say your welcome he said, “Those are Jesus words.” I said what,” Our 3 yr old again said, “That’s what Jesus says to say.” I was amazed that he had such a big thought over the two little words THANK YOU. And as I told him that YES Jesus wants us to be kind and when we say thank you we are being kind. My thoughts were how wonderful that God gave my husband and I a small nugget comfirmation that even our youngest son is understanding by our example of who God is. Thank you for allowing me to share my story. Have a blessed day in our Lord. all 4 HIM, Angela
I would just like to ask what language the woman Renee is speaking. it sounds terrible and very difficult. I hope you can enlighten me. Many thanks in advance. Maureen.
Hi Tammy,
The contest goes through May so you’ve got some time. Thanks so much for participating and have a great trip out of town. We have spring break next week and I can’t wait!
Oh, Renee, that was precious! Thank you for sharing!
I had every intention of taping my story while my mom was here this weekend, but time got away from us….we are going to be out of town for about a week….I’m just wondering what the deadline is for getting our video downloaded?
I will be back on the 12th of April.
Thanks, Renee!
oh my word. My husband and I were JUST trying to finagle a way to go to this! Thank you for this opportunity!
What a great story:) I love Joyful’s story as well.. I have had so many of these moments, but I am drawing a complete blank at the moment:(
I enjoyed this story the first time I heard it, but it’s even better seeing your sweet face and hearing your precious voice.
When my son was about 6 years old, both sets of grandparents were coming over to a family dinner. We were celebrating both the Grandma’s b’day’s. My son decided suddenly that he wanted to give them a gift himself, besides the one I had already purchased and wrapped from him.
Halloween had just been the day before and we had attended a church event where the children were given treats as they completed different carnival type activities. When my son came home he carefully sorted and organized his candy, putting his best and favourite chocolate bars aside.
After a trip to his room, he came downstairs with two little parcels wrapped in 6 year old wrapping style. When the Grandma’s opened their treasures they each had received Christopher’s most favourite chocolate bars. Tears filled my eyes as I shared with my son how God also gave His best and His most treasured Son, Jesus. God gave His most valuable possession for us.
My sister, who was also visiting, now pulled out a surprise she had brought for Chris, so he would have something to open during the gift time. He opened up one of those huge chocolate bars – of the exact same kind he had just given away. Again, we had opportunity to share with our son how God rewards those who obey Him. We shared how God can do more than we ask or imagine. We talked about how how the Lord responds to our kindness, selflessness and giving.
We have kept the wrapper from that chocolate bar as a ‘memory stone’ of God showing Himself so personally to a little 6 year old boy. God is interested in the smallest details of our lives and longs for us to see Him in every day moments.
Oh..and before I go…having ‘red’ hair really isn’t all that bad! ;o)
Love ya,