We’re celebrating the release of my NEW Confident Heart Devotional book!
- If you’re ready to live the life of faith God’s designed for you and become all He’s created you to be, this book is for you!
- If you have read the book but need daily encouragement to refresh your heart and continue in your confident heart journey, this book is for you.
- If you’re looking for a gift of enoucragement to give a friend who needs to know about God’s unfailing love and grace, this book is the perfect gift.
- If you know someone who has walked away from God, this book is for them.
Here’s a peek inside:
“I can’t do it all! I am not cut out to be a wife, a mom, a daughter, a speaker, a writer and all the other things God has called me to.” I had barely opened my eyes, yet I already felt beat up by feelings of inadequacy. My thoughts were against me, and my feelings were too. About that time, my radio alarm came on and my thoughts were interrupted by Twila Paris. With confident assurance, she sang truth to my soul, telling me it was not a time for fear, but a time for faith and determination. She challenged me not to lose my vision or be carried away by my emotions, but to hold on to all that I had hidden in my heart, and all I believed to be true. Then she reminded me of the most important truth of all: God is in control.1 As my thoughts aligned with God’s truth, my whole perspective changed. I went from feeling afraid to feeling determined, from feeling out of control to knowing God is in control.
Every day we have a choice – to either to let doubt beat us up or to let God’s truth build us up.
In the same way a radio has AM and FM frequencies, our thoughts do too. They are either AM (against me) or FM (for me) thoughts. Honestly, we are often our worst critics and have a lot of AM thoughts. And if our thoughts are against us, our feelings will be too. The next time you get feelings of inadequacy, stop and identify what you are thinking that is making you feel that way. Then compare your thoughts to God’s thoughts found in the Bible. Do they match? If not, find a promise in God’s Word to replace the lie that has filled your heart with doubt and start thinking about that promise. Even say it out loud and pray the words, asking God to make them true for you in that moment.
For instance, when doubt comes against you, telling you that you’re weak and all alone, focus on the truth that God is for you! You can be strong and courageous because the Lord your God is with you. He promises to never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV)
Then why not turn that truth into a prayer – claiming how much God is for you: God I’m so thankful You are for me. Because You are for me and with me, I can be strong and courageous in this situation. You promise You will never leave me nor forsake me. I’m choosing to think Your words that are for me instead of listening to the doubts that so easily come against me. You have full access to God’s power and His promises to live with a confident heart. But it won’t just happen because it’s possible. You have to take action! Just like I tuned into a Christian music station the night before, let’s be intentional about tuning our thoughts into God’s thoughts toward us, today and every day! Lord, help me remember today that You are with me to fight for me against my enemies of insecurity and feelings of inadequacy. In all these things, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
When I say: Everything and everyone is against me. God says: I am for you! “What, then, shall [you] say in response to these things? If God is for [you], who can be against [you]?” Romans 8:31 (NIV)
Today’s Giveaway! Leave a comment today sharing why you’d like to win a NEW Confident Heart Devotional book for you and a friend! Simply click “share your thoughts” below. You’ll be entered to win 2 devotional books, plus my new Book and DVD bundle! Entry with Purchase When you purchase “A Confident Heart Devotional” book you will be entered into our series of giveaways that include more books, DVDs, a Skype encouragement andcoaching session with me and the grand prize $200 Visa Gift Card. {EMAIL your receipt to –> [email protected]
When you purchase “A Confident Heart Devotional” book you will also receive a link to download FREE BONUS RESOURCES – including 18 beautifully designed “When I say…God says” promise cards like this one to the left and “Confident Heart Prayer Journal” pages to download and print. After you leave a comment, scroll down to the next post to see samples. 🙂 HOW TO ENTER
Leave a comment today and… Email a copy of your receipt to [email protected] {Contest ends midnight, November 10th. Winners will be announced on my blog Monday, November 11th.} BE SURE TO SIGN UP for EMAIL UPDATES in my sidebar —> That way you’ll know about every opportunity to enter and WIN! We have more coming!
In the midst of a difficult time and every time I log into FB, a quote from you speaks to me right where I am. I am always amazed at the many ways The Lord speaks to us, I had just read the verse in Romans you referenced above, before logging into FB tonight. Finishing up a Bible Study on my own and would LOVE your devotional book.
I shared your “doubt diet” link in a Bible study I was leading in the spring – there are two women from that study that were SO impacted by signing up that it has been amazing & encouraging to watch. I’d LOVE to pass these materials on to them. Neither of these women have a lot of disposable income to buy the book – and our family has limited finances as well, so I’ve not been able to “gift” them books. And my copy is on kindle, so I can’t even lend it! Anyway, that’s what I’d do – lead them in a study of your book & let them make use if the materials!!!
Seeing how God is using this study in my life, I would love to keep going with the addition of the devotional.
Thank you so much for this study
I absolutely loved the book and the study group. I have been battling cancer for the last 2 years and your bok has been truly inspirational and uplifting.
Receiving this email offer today on this website is not a coincidence but the Hand of God working in my life. I had just been to a prayer meeting where the Pastor prayed and delivered me from the Spirit of Rejection, Pain, suicidal, low self esteem, extreme heart ache and pain & sufferings. I brought in my sick grandpa to be prayed for but i was not physically sick, however, i was covering up a bleeding heart and a broken spirit. I silently cried to the Lord when Pastor was praying for the sick people..telling Him to just heal my wounded heart and the dreadful feeling that i’m just a big disappointment.Noone knew the pain i was going thru..only my Father coz i didn’t even hve the confidence to share with anyone my pain..i always have the brightest smile painted on my face wen i am in peoples company. My message last Sunday night (20/10/13)was “look up, build your confidence,be restored, be healed”.That is why i feel like this book was made for me and my step to living a confident life in Christ.
You have to just love God’s timing! So thankful that Renee’s offer landed in your email. Praying for your broken heart and pain. I love this verse and promise that God gives us in Romans 8:28: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Know that God sees your pain and that he is using it for His glory and your growth. I know, easier said than done. Praying for God to focus your thoughts and your eyes on Him and your healing process continues. He loves you like no other.
Prayers and blessings,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I would love to have a more confident heart in God and to share that with a friend.
This sounds like a great devotional book I’d so appreciate having it for myself and the young lady I’m mentoring. It would so helpful for both of us as we glean from the word of God what a great way to keep us both encouraged. What an awesome surprise this would be for her.
God bless you Renee for your obedience to God to teach us ladies the infaliable Word of God, for the purpose of application in our lives as His daughters
In Christ Ana
Thank you for your note of encouragement Ana, and for taking time to leave it. Praying for you right now 🙂 !
I met Renee at one of her deals on the Confident Heart- I was so excited, filled with God, and wanted to light the sky……but I did not have anyone to really share myself with. My church…well, I hung back and did not tell too many I even attended. Now I play the piano and organ at my church, and yet…am still dragging “my tail” to do things, to share, and to learn. I really need to get rid of “my tail”. I did take a leap of my faith and called a church member of whom I enjoy and I asked her to introduce me to a women’s group in November. I yearn for friends, companionship, and I want to pray or others. I can be a great Christian if I want to be. I wish I could win your books and information– I sure could use it.
I would love this devotional as a study guide with my best friend. Life is getting heavy and I think that this would encourage us! When we are finished I’d like to pass it on to my mom! I’m struggling right now with who I am and how I see myself. I’m trying to see what God sees– but it’s hard. I always feel like a failure. God Iis working on my heart!
2 years ago I came out of an emotionally abusive relationship that not only skewed my faith but left me half the woman I previously was. I lost all confidence in myself, even my ex-husband was shocked to see that another human being could take that from me. At 55 years of age I sought therapy, Proverbs 31 and purchased A Confident Heart”. I am still healing and continually go back to the pages of this book that reminds of God’s unfailing love and how wonderfully made I am for His plan and not mine. I have a new friend going through the same thing and I want to pass on my book to her and ideally add the devotional which I will purchase on my next payday. Thank you Renee and Proverbs 31 Ministries. 🙂
I love Renee’s emails and am sure I would love her book! Been going through some tough times and would love the opportunity to win! May God Bless you and sustain you! Thank you.
Hi there,
I find life so hectic and trying to fit in a devotional time is always so tricky so I love the look of this book and think it would help me on my journey.
OH how I need this!! I am an RN who has lost my job due to 2 back surgeries and too many back procedures to count. I need an uplifting presence in my day to day life!! I would be so grateful!!
I am on a journey with God that needs support each day. I feel as if I am on a climb toward His purpose for me..this book would be a wonderful addition to this climb! Looking forward to potentially reading it.
I read the book back in the spring and now I am doing the OBS based on it, but I noticed that I need these reminders from the book to refresh my mind and knowledge on a regular basis, so they will root in my heart and mind. The other copy I’d like to give either to the Women’s bible study group at my church or to the Christian library in our city. I think it would be great to share it with others so they can benefit from it too.
I would love to win a copy of this book because i believe that whatever we feed/fertilize/nurture is what grows. This book would allow me to affirm who I am in God and grow spiritually as a result. It would also give me a word in season for others.
I love this book it has help me alot with my journey with God I have struggled with confidence all my life this book has given me hope and confidence I thank God for opening my heart to learn from this bible study I would like to be able to share this book and devotional with other women.
I NEED this devotional. Going through an unwanted divorce, you can imagine the beating that my confidence has taken. God is walking me through identity, and A Confident Heart was one of my first steps…one I want to revisit for sure. And one I’d like to take others through. My bible study teachers says our group is a launching pad to send us out to start more groups where we as women can help other women. I want to help other women who need encouragement like I need. Who need to know who we are as God sees us.
Always looking for devotionals and bible studies to do. Just started a bi-monthly women’s bible study group. This group is so encouraging and I know that God will continue to do great things with your ministry. I wish I could get this devotional package, but unfortunately we don’t have the funds to do so at this time. Hoping to win it though! Thanks!
It would be so inspiring to have this devotion. I have been blessed to stumble across P31 Encouragement Devotion and Confident Heart? I am inspired to see how your trials were the Father’s will for you, and how you have humbly surrendered to His call. Today many are blessed and set free, because your confident in God, is proof that we serve a Living God, an all mighty God who has unfailing love for all! May we all be encourage to trust God in the trials he has chosen in this present time, and may we thank Him for the blessings that will glorify Him!
I enjoy reading your devotionals and I’m so excited for your book to come out!!
Thank you for this blog post and the timely reminder to keep my internal radio tuned to the right frequency.
Thank you for your devotions. I follow Proverbs 31. I am truly born again. I know death and now I know life. It takes lots of prayer, scripture and support for a woman who KNEW Christ, Left Him, and has now returned to not tear myself up for all the bad choices I made. Thank you for support and encouragement and reminding me I can be confident.
When I received this offer in my email box it was right when I was asking God to heal my heart and lead me to be the woman he wants me to be. Praise God for coming at the right time and answering my prayers!
I am interested in your book because I would like to start a women’s group but I am currently working on my own issues and I feel that the Lord wants me to be prepared to do his work. This would be a great resource for my personal growth and preparation to do His work.
Being confident in myself has always been a struggle for me. I know that’s not what God wants for me, but I need a little kickstart to help me change that 🙂
I would love the devotional! I’m doing The Bible study now at OBS, but also meet with a group of other moms from my church weekly and would love to give the devotional to a couple of the moms just to be a blessing to them…I know it would encourage them so much. I would love it!
I’d like to win these to share with my sister, Carolyn, who is currently doing this study online with me. It would be a wonderful follow-up gift to encourage us more when we complete the study.
I need a confident heart. My life is lived for the Lord. I find myself struggling to stay positive. My husband and i are separated after 27 years of marriage (his decision). We had no children, l am alone and isolated and without transportation and i dont know what to do. I pray and study the bible but still i get so depressed in this valley experience. I am thankful the Lord is with me, He is my light in this darkness. I would love to win but i ask for prayers. Thanks and God bless you.
I would love to win these books so I can share them with my daughter. She is recently divorced with a small child and having a tough time. She has let Satan beat her down. I loved the book but thought maybe a devotional would be better for her.
I heard Renee speak on The Confident Heart at the Compel Conference, and have read the book. I think the devotional would be very helpful in daily reminding me that God is in control, and none of my own failures or struggles can separate me from God!
I have been working in full-time ministry at The Walter Hoving Home for almost 5 years. It was 6 years ago that God, through this ministry, saved my life from drugs and alcohol. Before coming to the home, I had achieved a number of accomplishments in my life including obtaining a Masters Degree in Education and teaching Highschool for 6 years. Needless to say my addiction robbed me of everything and my identity. Now that I am working in ministry, my goal is to foster and encourage change in women’s lives. I am often insecure in my ability to influence women and would love the encouragement that you offer. I need to be poured into so that I can continue to pour into others.
I struggle with confidence. Since I was a child with four brothers who liked to pick on me… Through sexual abuse a few years ago… Through up and down health issues for the past five years… Through the chronic pain this past year… And most recently, through losing my job two weeks ago. Satan has used this to his advantage, telling me I am not good enough and that God doesn’t love me and that if He did then none of this would be happening in my life. However, in my head I know this is not true. I know God loves me. I know He cares. I recently opened my Bible to see where I would randomly land. I opened to the book of Job. And god has been showing me so much. Just because we are “good” or “Christian” or “righteous” doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen. We are called to consider it pure joy…. Even when life sucks we are called to praise Him!!! Why? Because testing of our faith refines us… Just as gold is purified by putting a flame to it. Confidence: it can make or break you depending on where your confidence is placed.
Today was a perfect day for me to view this information regarding A Confident Heart Devotional because I am trying to search God’s will for my life through a very trying time in my life. I have been struggling with my husband leaving me and now that we are separated, I have been trying to find peace and I know it only comes from God. His grace and peace surpasses all understanding and I need a confident heart to rebuild the most treasured things in my life that the storm has torn apart and it feels like they have been blown away for good. God uses the storms to make us stronger, but I need this book to have confidence through this journey I am facing. Once God has mended my life’s turmoil, I would like to devote to helping others through their struggles as well. There’s a song that says, there may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning. I am taking one day at a time and seeking the joy that only comes from God daily. His grace will find me because he can provide something beautiful to touch me.
Im always looking to get closer to God i would love to read this book and share it with others
I am almost 40 with a loving & understanding hubby, and three kids (10, 8, & 6). After being a SAHM for the last 10 years I have reentered the work force part time at the beginning of this. I know there is a transition time but I am struggling, especially this week. I love all three of my children but sometimes wonder why God blessed me with three kids. I guess I just don’t feel worthy enough to do the job He’s given me.
Yesterday and this morning was a rough morning with my 8 yo son. When I read the devotional on here I just sat there thinking of how much God loves me. I was reminded that God is there with me giving me the strength & confidence I need to get through the day. Thank you!
I would love to win the devotional because I am currently doing the OBS, and I am LOVING the book. It is sooooo speaking to me. And I would like to win a copy for a friend because I have a very dear friend that got me into the last OBS (which was my first) and I think this devotional would be a great way to tell her Thank You for being a sister in Christ with me. 🙂
would love to give to my daughter who has lost confidence in her self.
Your book, A Confident Heart, along with God’s leading and guidance has literally changed my life, my confidence level, and most importantly, my relationship with God.
I have been blessed by the love of the Lord. 6 months ago I pulled myself out of a terrible situation. I was killing myself with drugs and surrounding my entire life with people whom i called my friends doing the same thing. I saw suffering in each person except myself. I was so desperate for an answer to my life that was going so far downhill. I called to my friends who attended an AMAZING church in Austin, TX. I found my soul was starving for the Lords love. He saved me and I was baptised by the name of Jesus Christ and devoted him as my savior. I am still digging into everything I can to heal so I know this book would be a huge benefit to my new found happiness.
Debbie Ling
I feel this book and devotional will give me the confidence that I am lacking and help me to help others build their self esteem and confidence that I come in contact with.
I have a friend who is going through all sorts of thing with her children and also with a possible foreclosure on their house. She struggles so hard to stay strong and not be afraid but it creeps in everyday. We are on the phone alot to keep each other focused on how strong our God is and therefore we don’t have to be. It would help each of us to have this book. Thanks.
I did the Confident Heart study with a wonderful group of ladies at Legacy Christian Church. I would dearly love to win the giveaway and have the opportunity to experience the devotional.
Confixence has long been an issue with me. I would really benefit from a devotional on this issue.
I have been struggling and my faith is damaged. I’ve been to the dropping off point
In my life. What’s the use in continuing with this fear every day? It’s to much to handled. How do you give something to God and then not worry about it? Fear it ?
As I read the inspiring words about your book I thought oh please this maybe what helps me to get back on track.
I’m entering in hopes of being a winner of one of your books.
And would like to say thank you for the time you have invested in writing these books.
God bless you!!!
The devotional books would help my friend and I to connect on a different level
I sometimes feel so inadequate trying to be a 52 year old mom to beautiful 7 year old and 11 year old girls, be a wife, help take care of an 86 year old uncle, work full time and balance other responsibilties. I feel like I am on autopilot and my “job” is to take care of others needs. I at times feel so helpless and alone…that the Lord doesn’t even hear my cries. I feel this devotional would be my stepping stone to get back in tune that I am a valuable part of God’s plan and I am worthy to so things for myself without feelings of guilt. I want to be reminded that I am “God’s Girl” and other “positions” I hold in my life shoudl be worthy of Him. I think this devotional would be a gentle daily reminder of His love for me and how important I am to Him.
I hadn’t heard of this book until now, and it sounds like a wonderful insightful book. It is on my “to get” list.
This topic is so real for women today. It remains a struggle for me at times to be confident in who God says I am, and what the world and me dictate I feel I am.
I am overwhelmed with the need for communicating with God and His Son Jesus and dealing with sickness. I am at my wits’ end in procrastination, and trying to help a brother who hasn’t spoken to me since May of 2005!
The Proverb 31 drvotionals sustained me as I supported my sister through her cancer fight. So many times they spoke to what we were dealing with. My sister loved listening to them. Now my cousin is battling cancer. l can’t be there all the toke and would.love to give her this devotional.