We’re celebrating the release of my NEW Confident Heart Devotional book!
- If you’re ready to live the life of faith God’s designed for you and become all He’s created you to be, this book is for you!
- If you have read the book but need daily encouragement to refresh your heart and continue in your confident heart journey, this book is for you.
- If you’re looking for a gift of enoucragement to give a friend who needs to know about God’s unfailing love and grace, this book is the perfect gift.
- If you know someone who has walked away from God, this book is for them.
Here’s a peek inside:
“I can’t do it all! I am not cut out to be a wife, a mom, a daughter, a speaker, a writer and all the other things God has called me to.” I had barely opened my eyes, yet I already felt beat up by feelings of inadequacy. My thoughts were against me, and my feelings were too. About that time, my radio alarm came on and my thoughts were interrupted by Twila Paris. With confident assurance, she sang truth to my soul, telling me it was not a time for fear, but a time for faith and determination. She challenged me not to lose my vision or be carried away by my emotions, but to hold on to all that I had hidden in my heart, and all I believed to be true. Then she reminded me of the most important truth of all: God is in control.1 As my thoughts aligned with God’s truth, my whole perspective changed. I went from feeling afraid to feeling determined, from feeling out of control to knowing God is in control.
Every day we have a choice – to either to let doubt beat us up or to let God’s truth build us up.
In the same way a radio has AM and FM frequencies, our thoughts do too. They are either AM (against me) or FM (for me) thoughts. Honestly, we are often our worst critics and have a lot of AM thoughts. And if our thoughts are against us, our feelings will be too. The next time you get feelings of inadequacy, stop and identify what you are thinking that is making you feel that way. Then compare your thoughts to God’s thoughts found in the Bible. Do they match? If not, find a promise in God’s Word to replace the lie that has filled your heart with doubt and start thinking about that promise. Even say it out loud and pray the words, asking God to make them true for you in that moment.
For instance, when doubt comes against you, telling you that you’re weak and all alone, focus on the truth that God is for you! You can be strong and courageous because the Lord your God is with you. He promises to never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV)
Then why not turn that truth into a prayer – claiming how much God is for you: God I’m so thankful You are for me. Because You are for me and with me, I can be strong and courageous in this situation. You promise You will never leave me nor forsake me. I’m choosing to think Your words that are for me instead of listening to the doubts that so easily come against me. You have full access to God’s power and His promises to live with a confident heart. But it won’t just happen because it’s possible. You have to take action! Just like I tuned into a Christian music station the night before, let’s be intentional about tuning our thoughts into God’s thoughts toward us, today and every day! Lord, help me remember today that You are with me to fight for me against my enemies of insecurity and feelings of inadequacy. In all these things, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
When I say: Everything and everyone is against me. God says: I am for you! “What, then, shall [you] say in response to these things? If God is for [you], who can be against [you]?” Romans 8:31 (NIV)
Today’s Giveaway! Leave a comment today sharing why you’d like to win a NEW Confident Heart Devotional book for you and a friend! Simply click “share your thoughts” below. You’ll be entered to win 2 devotional books, plus my new Book and DVD bundle! Entry with Purchase When you purchase “A Confident Heart Devotional” book you will be entered into our series of giveaways that include more books, DVDs, a Skype encouragement andcoaching session with me and the grand prize $200 Visa Gift Card. {EMAIL your receipt to –> [email protected]
When you purchase “A Confident Heart Devotional” book you will also receive a link to download FREE BONUS RESOURCES – including 18 beautifully designed “When I say…God says” promise cards like this one to the left and “Confident Heart Prayer Journal” pages to download and print. After you leave a comment, scroll down to the next post to see samples. 🙂 HOW TO ENTER
Leave a comment today and… Email a copy of your receipt to [email protected] {Contest ends midnight, November 10th. Winners will be announced on my blog Monday, November 11th.} BE SURE TO SIGN UP for EMAIL UPDATES in my sidebar —> That way you’ll know about every opportunity to enter and WIN! We have more coming!
OMgosh how exciting…actually devotional, cds and a personal call…who wouldn’t want it. Thank you.
I would like the book but until finances are in order after all the recent chaos I’m unable to buy it. I am at this point giving my heart to God. For the last 2 1/2 yrs my focus has been on helping someone that didn’t want help. I don’t even know when I list focus of my #1. I have to get my life back in order and now that my hindrance is gone I’m happier and I feel closer to God. However I’m still a baby. Still learning and its hard. So much to take in. Trying tofigure out how to juggle everything and be the best I can even when I feel that I am failing. I have boys to raise and have no clue how tofix the damage done. I can say my 9 yo has started singing worship songs again. Sometimes just in the car but I’ve caught him a few times at home. It names medsmile. So on this devotional thing how doss it work. I have a small devotional someone gave e a few yrs back but I don’t understand how it works.
My 26 year old daughter and I are cut from the same cloth. While we are sensitive to other people’s needs, we are also sensitive about what people think of us, to the degree that is debilitating. Our antennas are always up! So this book sounds encouraging and inspiring for both of us. I like the excerpt about AM and FM!!!
Since I started this bible study I have been amazed to uncover all of the little ways I defeat myself – things I thought I had buried years ago, but really only craftily redesigned for adulthood. Growing up I thought I only had myself to rely on, and I continually made mistakes and dubbed myself the “failure” I was expected to be. What a gloriously freeing feeling to know that I do not have to rely on my own strength. God will take everything and lead me where I am meant to go. He lifts the burden from my heart and soul and still loves me in all of my imperfection. Some days I try to hold on, but am quickly reminded that I need one thing to get through – Him!! I would love this devotional to help remind me every day to seek confidence in the Lord. Praise, God!
Thank you so much for this book and study it has truly changed my life when I read the email and saw all the post the old Barbara would have thrown away her confidence and thought do not bother but the new Barbara persevere .I am 46 years old and finally I have my true identity all my life I was everything people spoke over me and who people thought I should be how can a person be confident if they have no idea of who they are. One day I would like to share some of my life with you I know that is the reason why I am so passionate about writing my book .Each day I pray God word over my life I never did that in past times.During this season it has not been easy bit I can say with confidence that God has made it beautiful in his time. Be blessed because you are indeed a blessing to all women.
I would live to read this book however, I have
been unemployed for almost six months and I
cannot afford to buy it. The Bible Gateway’s daily
devotionals have been a much needed blessing
every morning as I start my day of seeking for a
job opportunity. The main reason I feel i desperately
beed to read thid book is because despite my strong
faith and firm believe in Romans 8:28, as the days
go by, I feel my self-confidence diminishing and inner fears
of being inadequate taking over.
I already have the book and am taking part in the Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study, which I’m finding very helpful. I would love to win a copy of the book to pass on to my friend, who is struggling with her confidence at the moment and needs to be reminded how precious she is to the Lord.
We are all called to encourage one another!! THANK YOU for following your calling and doing it so well!!
I am in a very Dark place right now and am not sure I can work my way out if this. I need help learning to be confident and trusting.
I have done your online bible study on this book.
I have learned a lot and its been an eye opener for me.
I still need daily reminders on how to live my life with
Confidence. That’s why this devotional would be a great companion.
I love the ‘sneak peek’! It makes me very excited about the book. It also seems like the perfect gift. Have a blessed day!
I would LOVE to share this AMAZING book with my friend, she would love it as much as I do!
Renee, thank you so much for your wonderful book!
I am currently doing the online Bible study and have been reminded how hard it is to keep your focus with this world bombarding us daily with anti God ideas. I think this devotional would help with that daily issue of bringing our focus back to God and what He says about us and how He wants to help us through life.
I read the book, which was a huge help while I struggled during the first half of this year. I had a baby last fall, and I was miserable as I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing! I’m happy to see the devotional. I hope to get hold of it and let God use it to keep healing and changing me!
I am coming into my own spiritually, emotionally, professionally, etc. I am using all the resources at my fingertips to bring me guidance and truly bring the bond I have with God closer and more true than it has ever been. I wrestle with struggles, tests, confusion daily. I find myself pulling God moments from everyday lessons. Realizing I am a growing and changing woman has only set my heart more on fire. I am also newly engaged, planning a wedding, and growing my relationship. He and I are seeking our own spiritual path with God in order to help enrich our spiritual walk with God as a couple. The long and short of it, I can’t wait to seek this devotional out!
I would love to get a copy of this book for me and my sister. I am in the process of reading A Confident Heart and doing the online Bible Study and its been a tough road to hold a mirror up at my heart and sort through this, but God is working and speaking truth in my life. I’d love for me and my sister to be able to walk this together. She is 3 states away, but still my best friend.
Thanks, Renee!
The thought of freedom is Christ makes me smile!
I love the concept of changing our thoughts from doubts to God’s promises. I need this kind of reminder often, I can’t wait to read this book!!
I would love to win this devotional study book. One main reason is that I can use every bit of advice and reassurance of God’s plan for my life. There are days when i feel strong, like i can take on anything! There are other days when i am ready to give up, i feel weary and then God sends someone to remind me that I am never alone. I can use the daily reminders, the daily reassurance, the daily renewal. Whether its fear, doubt, financial struggles, physical struggles, we all face something and i am certain this book will remind me how strong God made me. How unique He made me. Another reason is that I have a young daughter who is also learning about Christ and all of the beautiful promises He has for us. Not only will this devotional help me in my growth, it will also help out my daughter and will bring us closer as mother and daughter. As a single mom I try my hardest to instill a strong foundation of how much Christ loves us and wants us to follow His every command in our life. It always helps to hear it from others that are going through the same walk. The Lord is our Refuge and Strength, we just want to continue rejoicing in His Holy name!
This book provided such powerful insights and hope for my life!
I have shared the information to so many other friends, truly a life changer!
Need the reinforcement and encouragement of this in my life. To help me stay focused, and to help others in their journey as well.
I so love reading Proverbs 31 ! also I recently bought your book A Confident Heart !! I can not tell you how much it has lifted me up, given me so much to replace all the lies Satan has been telling me. you see my husband was in Iraq and Afghanistan, there he lost his faith- in our LORD and in me!! He found comfort in the arms of other women, now the enemy loves sending reminders in the way of a thought ( my strongholds) , a sight. Anything he knows to say to me- “you werent good enough- good enough wife, prayer warier for your husband , just plain not enough of anything- you failed” Thats what I hear in your book I hear you giving me prayers, encouraging me, giving me scripture to combat!! I love reading God,s promises to me, I believe they are for me. And when the enemy throws so much at me- I have God,s words to stand on. I stood on them in a different way when he was gone- I prayed for my husband for his safety for God to send an army of angels to surround and protect my hubby- and you know what? I kept a journal, after he returned home and told me of some very scary situations he was in , I rushed to get my journal. And there it was in black and white, so many nights when I had awoken feeling a strong need to pray for him- he was in trouble, the dates were etched in his head, but writen with my hand!! how wonderful and loving our Hod is. HE awoke me, my husband saw this with his own eyes and now my husband is a believer again!! We are working on our marriage, your book helps me there. To regain my self confidence as a wife. sorry I have gone on so long, thank you so for writing this book, I plan on getting one for my friend when I can afford it too. You have a gift of writing and this woman who belongs to Christ thanks you!!
I’d love to have this devotional book to start my day! I share a devotional every morning on FB and I’ve done Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling for two years now. Maybe it’s time for a switch! And I have a special friend that could use the message every morning also that I’d love to share with.
I am so excited to see this new devotional! I am one of those who needs daily reminders of who I am in Christ! This sounds just perfect not only for me but also for both of my teenage daughters.
I had to order. Tried not to spend money but, I know it will help me. Lately, I just feel so overwhelmed with everything I need to do. I can’t catch my breath (literally & figuratively). This cold won’t go away, I’m asthmatic so it’s in my lungs. The “When” cards will be handy. I’m so very grateful to all of you at P31 for listening to your callings. I’m so grateful to have a Savior that loves me.
I would love to win this devotional study. I would share it with my devotional group at work, that way we all could prosper. We have devotional each morning before work starts and it makes the day better (more managable). It also allows us time to thank God for all that he has given us. We all enjoy opening our hearts to God each morning. I also have family devotion at my house. It is the best part of my day. This would help me in my journeys.
i’d love it for my mom & i
My friend and I are seeking to find strength and confidence in the Lord as both of our husbands have left us. It’s hard not to struggle with your self image when rejected by your spouse but being reminded of who we are in Christ is where we need to be. Eyes fixed on our Savior and Lord!
‘ thank you for the opportunity to focus my life the healing palm of the Lord confidence building . I have gone through some negative times but now with God’s help, I can be a confident person that the Lord wants to bring out again . Looking forward 2 trying the online Bible say
Thank you for the opportunity to change my negative thinking into positive processor by focusing on what the Lord would have for me. I am looking forward to joining your online Bible study how find the inner confident woman Lord would want . That focus would bring me to a life closer to him and more ability to be in his service . That is why I wish to win the daily devotional keep my mind totally focus each day. on His plan for my life.
my life
I grew up in a loving home amd have no excuse for why these negative thoughts drag me down. I would love to have this daily encouragement and to share it with my mom.
I would love to have the devotion book. Our church just finished this book in a women’s class at church. I did not get to attend any of those because I work, but I talked to the lady who did the study and she is starting a wednesday night group and I can attend! So I would be so excited to win the book!
Cammi Waggoner
After years of abuse as a child and then living out of a fractured heart and life for many years as an adult until I was able to begin trusting God, I still struggle with confidence of heart, mind, and strength on a deep level. Through changing churches (for a good reason), God connected me with a dear sister in Christ who introduced me to the Proverbs31 ministry website and the daily devotionals there. Almost daily, God has used these devotionals to encourage my heart–it’s like those women know exactly where I am on that specific day! I know it’s a God-thing, but I’m so grateful He uses people with Jesus-skin on them, as well… I believe I would really benefit from the book–learning to trust my Jesus a little more. I would also love to share a copy with my Jesus sister who introduced me to Renee and the rest of the gals at Proverbs31 as a special “thank-you”!
This is like the icing on the cake! Thanks for doing the devotional. Blessings to you 🙂
I loved the book and have s friend that I would love to hare this with.
I would like to win this devotional book to continue to encourage me in days I struggle with self-confidence and self-esteem, plus share it with my friends and family who need encouragement to overcome the lies and strategies of the enemy who attempts to steal, kill and destroy our joy in Christ Jesus.
I’m so excited about a devotional based on this book!
My life has been strengthened by reading Renee’s devotional thoughts… I know I will be blessed by her devotional!! 🙂
Newly separated from my husband after 24 yrs of marriage I’m challenged to find out who I am & what my full purpose in life is. I want to be a godly woman & mother so that I can lead my sons to a fruitful life & to be the men God has called them to be. Their father is in their lives but not on a spiritual level. As I was listening to KLOVE on the way in to work this morning I realized how important it is for me to be that role model for them. I already struggle with staying in the WORD every day & feeling like I’m not impacting my son’s lives enough. So maybe I should start with me a little more so that I can be focused & confident in who I am in Christ so that I can effectively & affectively lead my children to be the men & husbands God wants to bless them to be.
When we moved to this small town, and I started at church again, this woman and a couple of her friends took me right in. They were like the sisters I had never had. I had not had strong sister (familial and Christian-wise) relationships like that in over 20 years. We both struggle with depression and both had serious health problems during our various pregnancies. By the Grace of God we are both here and our children (seven total between us) are growing up and growing strong. I would love to be able to share this devotional book with her as a symbol of the encouragement that she has shared with me.
Would love to win this for a friend she still struggles with the fact she was a teen mom and both her kids are grown. When I met her she could not even say God and wouldn’t let people pray for her. I can’t wait to hear her say Jesus is Lord.
Looking forward to this confident heart as my life changes and I want God to be there with me every step of the way.
This book sounds amazing. I must get a copy to share with my daughters. One of our biggest issues is insecurity and self-doubt. I’m afraid I passed that sown to them. I welcome the challenge of working with the Lord on this so we can become all that He wants us to be.
I have never read the book, but this sneak peek is very inspirational and going a through life changing challenge I would love the opportunity to not only receive a blessing to rebuild my confidence but the chance to share this blessing.
Excellent book, so many applicable thoughts. I have shared the book with others in my church and community. Looking forward to the Devotions book as well.
I am really wanting to grow spiritually and mature in my daily walk. I think daily devotionals are a great way of doing this! I would love to win something!
I am reading A Confident Heart right now & following the online
Bible study. It’s only week 2 and I am can feel God working in my life &
changing my heart. I am excited for the weeks to come. The daily devotional would be
a great way to continue on this journey!
My journey toward confidence began 4 years ago when I protected my children and myself, removing an abusive/alcoholic father from our home. It has been a long journey of finding new ways to seek His will and understand where He wants us to go. This book may be the roadmap for that next part!
Brave Mom (That is what I will call you),
Praying for you and your precious children.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard (and guide) you in all your ways. Psalm 91:11
Be Inspired By Him,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I would love to win. I purchased this earlier this year & it has been such a blessing. I have a few people that would love Renee just as much as I do. Can’t wait to get the video & devotional.
Confidence has always been my weakness, I’d love to read something directed to that area of my life. Thank you for the opportunity! Great giveaway!
A Confident Heart is sometimes a daily if not hourly struggle. I would love to share these with my sisters.