We’re celebrating the release of my NEW Confident Heart Devotional book!
- If you’re ready to live the life of faith God’s designed for you and become all He’s created you to be, this book is for you!
- If you have read the book but need daily encouragement to refresh your heart and continue in your confident heart journey, this book is for you.
- If you’re looking for a gift of enoucragement to give a friend who needs to know about God’s unfailing love and grace, this book is the perfect gift.
- If you know someone who has walked away from God, this book is for them.
Here’s a peek inside:
“I can’t do it all! I am not cut out to be a wife, a mom, a daughter, a speaker, a writer and all the other things God has called me to.” I had barely opened my eyes, yet I already felt beat up by feelings of inadequacy. My thoughts were against me, and my feelings were too. About that time, my radio alarm came on and my thoughts were interrupted by Twila Paris. With confident assurance, she sang truth to my soul, telling me it was not a time for fear, but a time for faith and determination. She challenged me not to lose my vision or be carried away by my emotions, but to hold on to all that I had hidden in my heart, and all I believed to be true. Then she reminded me of the most important truth of all: God is in control.1 As my thoughts aligned with God’s truth, my whole perspective changed. I went from feeling afraid to feeling determined, from feeling out of control to knowing God is in control.
Every day we have a choice – to either to let doubt beat us up or to let God’s truth build us up.
In the same way a radio has AM and FM frequencies, our thoughts do too. They are either AM (against me) or FM (for me) thoughts. Honestly, we are often our worst critics and have a lot of AM thoughts. And if our thoughts are against us, our feelings will be too. The next time you get feelings of inadequacy, stop and identify what you are thinking that is making you feel that way. Then compare your thoughts to God’s thoughts found in the Bible. Do they match? If not, find a promise in God’s Word to replace the lie that has filled your heart with doubt and start thinking about that promise. Even say it out loud and pray the words, asking God to make them true for you in that moment.
For instance, when doubt comes against you, telling you that you’re weak and all alone, focus on the truth that God is for you! You can be strong and courageous because the Lord your God is with you. He promises to never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV)
Then why not turn that truth into a prayer – claiming how much God is for you: God I’m so thankful You are for me. Because You are for me and with me, I can be strong and courageous in this situation. You promise You will never leave me nor forsake me. I’m choosing to think Your words that are for me instead of listening to the doubts that so easily come against me. You have full access to God’s power and His promises to live with a confident heart. But it won’t just happen because it’s possible. You have to take action! Just like I tuned into a Christian music station the night before, let’s be intentional about tuning our thoughts into God’s thoughts toward us, today and every day! Lord, help me remember today that You are with me to fight for me against my enemies of insecurity and feelings of inadequacy. In all these things, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
When I say: Everything and everyone is against me. God says: I am for you! “What, then, shall [you] say in response to these things? If God is for [you], who can be against [you]?” Romans 8:31 (NIV)
Today’s Giveaway! Leave a comment today sharing why you’d like to win a NEW Confident Heart Devotional book for you and a friend! Simply click “share your thoughts” below. You’ll be entered to win 2 devotional books, plus my new Book and DVD bundle! Entry with Purchase When you purchase “A Confident Heart Devotional” book you will be entered into our series of giveaways that include more books, DVDs, a Skype encouragement andcoaching session with me and the grand prize $200 Visa Gift Card. {EMAIL your receipt to –> [email protected]
When you purchase “A Confident Heart Devotional” book you will also receive a link to download FREE BONUS RESOURCES – including 18 beautifully designed “When I say…God says” promise cards like this one to the left and “Confident Heart Prayer Journal” pages to download and print. After you leave a comment, scroll down to the next post to see samples. 🙂 HOW TO ENTER
Leave a comment today and… Email a copy of your receipt to [email protected] {Contest ends midnight, November 10th. Winners will be announced on my blog Monday, November 11th.} BE SURE TO SIGN UP for EMAIL UPDATES in my sidebar —> That way you’ll know about every opportunity to enter and WIN! We have more coming!
One of my weakness is being insecure/lacking confidence, it is the one weakness I struggle with daily. I want to be bold and I want to speak out and share.
Prayers for you, Jennie!
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Ephesians 3:20-21
Be Inspired By Him,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I love to spend time with my Lord in the early morning. Always looking for devotions that will deepen my relationship with him.
I have recently come across your material in Girlfriends in God through the Bible Gateway and have been immediately touched by your content. I can’t believe that a woman of such stature in God’s eyes has the same struggles as I do. I am daily encouraged and after reading the snippet from this devotional am impressed with the depth of discussion and the scripture references to support your encouragement. Thank you.
I would love to get a copy of this devotional as it would be an awesome tool to use to minister to the young women at the rescue mission either prior to or at the end of individual or group sessions. I am a single mom & finances are tight…so any assistance in obtaining books/dvds which can be used to witness to others is helpful to me. Thank for writing such encouraging books, as I have struggled with my self conficence & insecurity…I love your prayers & verses included in your book.
I’m needing something uplifting to help drive me and remind me of Gods way and will for me. Stress at work and in daily life has weighed me down and the little things in life and my Christian values are overpowered. I think this devotion would give me what I need to lift me up and back in the right mindset to deal with my daily woes better. I have a co worker who is much like me, over worked but has a drive to be her best. I would share this with her. Maybe even do a before work devotional to prepare our thoughts for the day.
Praying for you Kari.
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
Thank you. I work in the ever so changing world if public education. The demands are overwhelming and sometimes get the best of me. I pray my Christian values show in my daily actions and words tith my colleagues as well as my students and their parents.
I would like to use the book to continue to encourage myself and other young ladies in the Kingdom. I believe it is a powerful tool.
I would love to continue gaining confidence and sharing this wonderful message with friends…:) Thank you
Looking forward to reading another devotional supported by this amazing ministry Proverbs 31! Another tool to use in helping to build strength and confidence for every season in a woman’s life!!!
I would love to win this devotional! I am looking for a new book to begin the new year with! This study would be a perfect way to start my days in 2014!
I have struggled with self confidence all my life, and as a new Christian, A Confident Heart has helped so much. My Christian mentor will be moving away soon, and having a daily devotional will give me the strength to start my day with confidence.
We are so glad A Confident Heart has been such a help to you!
Prayers to hold you and your mentor during this time of transition. He is with you!
Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
Be Inspired,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I have not read your book, but have wanted to for some time now. I have two daughters, a 3 year old and 2 month old, and I know that you cannot teach your children what you do not have. I want my daughters to be confident in their lives and to be confident in their faith in God, but I need to be confident in my own walk with God before I can teach them to be confident in their walk with God.
Prayers to cover and encourage you as you grow in confidence through Christ, His Word and as you overflow wisdom, confidence and love to those precious daughters!
We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders. Psalm 78:4 NLT
Be Inspired,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I believe what I will discover in this book will not only greatly enrichedme and my love ones but it will also help me to get back on track in my personal ministry. For a very long time I have been bogged down by circumstances in life. I lost my confidence to reach out and minister to another being. I believed I need to rekindle the passion and keep the water constantly flowing because there is purpose in what is happening in my life. I need others to bounch back and I am eagerly looking forward to winning a copy. Thank you and God Bless you.
This has been a very had year for my best friend and I. We have both had devastating circumstances that have turned our lives upside down. I was in a horrible car accident that has left me disabled since January 2013, and my friend has lost both her Mother and Husband to death in the same week. Faith has been weak, but we are still trying to hold on!! We soooo need encouraging words to help on our path!
I just went through the heartbreaking memory of the first year anniversary of my Mom’s death. Although I love the Lord with all my heart and soul, and believe and trust in word, the enemy has been beating me up awful bad. My Mom was a great encourager and always inspirational, a motivater and Always lifted me up. I am in the valley of financiial distress, coupled with many other afflictions. Depression and discouragement visit me more than I would like them too. I believe this book could be one of the tools God may use to save my life.God blessed me with the opportunity to go on a Women’s retreat with 109 other women from my church at The Kalahari Water Resort. I know that this is the beginning of my breakthru, and the book would help me continue the journey of being the woman that God created me to be. I despartley desire to walk in my divine purpose, and live God’s plan for me.
Praying for you as God comforts and encourages you.
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I live in Ethiopia, but will be returning to the states for a few months this winter to have a baby. I would love to go through this book with a friend while we are there, and then bring it back and use it here. Thanks for hosting such a contest!
We just moved and I don’t always have access to my laptop(and it has been acting funny lately),so having books is really helpful right now. I would love to share with my mother,as she has been losing her faith also. I am afraid I will lose her(as I did my dad years ago),without her truly knowing God. 🙁 That is incredibly sad to me! 🙁 I hope I win!
I’d like to win a New Confident Heart Devotional book for myself and my wife and other family members since we need the biblical and practical support on the transforming process of our new lives.
Thanks for God for his amazing grace!
I’d love to read these words of courage and strength from Renee. She has the ability to connect with my heart as easily as a sweet sister sharing a cup of coffee at my table! And I know I could benefit so much from developing a heart confident in the purpose God has carved out for His daughter.
But today I enter the contest with a friend in mind. I’ve been praying that I’ll be able to provide her with just the perfect encouragement she needs in this season of life. Fear, doubt, dependence and violence stands at her door. They rob her of her peace and have her questioning her belief in heaven, in Christ. Prayers please for this woman and her teen daughter who is also in pain.
Thanks for giving us this opportunity to win your Devotional book and CD! Why I would like to win, is because our women’s small group used your book “A Confident Heart” for our last study, and I know it is amazing! I am still using the truths from the book at least once a week! I know just who I would give one of the Devo books to too. 😉 The CD’s would be used for another study – the ladies would learn so many truths of the Word to ‘grow’ them in Jesus!
Blessings to you!
From reading some of the comments it seems that many of us women are in the same boat. I have the book, but like many others I have started, I haven’t finished it yet. Ugh! Then comes the feelings of inadequacy like you described in the devotional…another thing I’m not doing right. I know I have grown though over the last several years & I hope to continue to grow into what God calls me to be.
I love Renee! I have enjoyed what I have read of A confident heart. I look forward to her devotional!! Great Job Renee
Renee, I read A Confident Heart and your Bible study last spring was my first OBS. I LEARNED SO MUCH about myself and God’s promises to me, THAT I SIGNED UP again to do the Proverbs31 OBS. IN THE MEANTIME, HAD A FRIEND THAT JUST NEEDED THE BOOK MORE, so I gave her mine. Still following the P31 OBS by using my detailed journal from when I did yours! Would love to read your devotional and share it with that same friend, who by the way is Loving your book! 🙂
I would love to be entered into the contest.
Thank you,
I would love to have this devotional because it would be a wonderful companion piece to the current OBS that I am enrolled in right now. It would be a great joy to share this devotional with my friend whom I call Sissy because she is not able to participate in this study and we could share this wonderful journey and grow confident together in our relationship with the Lord. I truly hope that I am chosen as the winner because my dear sweet Sissy needs some encouragement and words of hope that will refresh and revitalize her spirit and her soul. She is such a special and wonderful person and I would love to be a blessing to her in this way.
I have a friend who I love very dearly and consider her as my sister. She is going through so many trials and her faith is somewhat weakening. As for me I also have gone through trials but even though, my faith has gotten stronger, I know that God nor leave us, nor forsakes us. We have to be strong in our faith and know that God is always in control and he answers our prayers, on His time nor on ours. Be patience, keep on praying and we will see His answer. Getting a copy for my friend and for myself, will be a blessing.
I would love to get this book for myself and for my friends who no longer are in church. So many times we allow for our circumstances to weigh us down and we forget that God is always there.
I would love to win a copy of this devotional book to enjoy myself and have something to share with another woman. I’m all about continuing to grow in our walk with the Lord.
I’d like to win a copy of this book because I struggle so much with my thoughts and my mind! Its a constant battle for me, but the Lord has continued to set me free, layer by layer. I have such a big heart to help others in this area.
My sister isn’t saved, but the Lord has drawn her closer. She struggles a lot in the same way I have in the past and think this book would help set her free!
Praying for you as you minister to your sister and praying alongside you that God will draw her to Himself. Praying for God to fill you with His peace.
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I would like to lead a small group based on “A Confident Heart”. That will be the first one for me. I feel that I need to step out in faith and do it! I feel that God has finally equipped me to the point where I can start sharing all I know about Him with others. I am excited!
Yay God for prompting you to lead a study! Way to say “Yes” to Him! He has equipped you!!
Blessings and prayers,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I am loving this series! I finished reading Unglued (which is amazing) and then listened in September and got a friend on watching Renee’s videos. We both had to sign up for this and I was able to get my local library to order the books so we could do it together. Love the encouragement, the example and the testimonies!
I would love to win this give to a loved one who is struggling to be all that God has called her to be. Plus. I would be Blessed to win too! That’s just Awesome!
I am so excited! 🙂
I would love to win this book! How quickly Satan likes to creep in and tell us we can’t do it all or we aren’t good enough, not in God’s eyes! I need a constant reminder!
I’d love to give a copy of this book to my mom who was recently diagnosed with uterian cancer. She has had surgery and is in the middle of her chemo treatments. I believe this book would encourage and uplift her spirits. She is a beautiful woman inside and out and the very best friend a daughter could ask for. In addition, I ask for prayers of complete healing for her. I know God still performs miracles. 🙂
Confident, strong, and free…. You know, I feel all those things separately, but I’d really love to learn to feel them all at the same time and to show my daughter how to be a confident, strong, and free female!
What wonderful timing! A gift from God to have inspiration when life seems too much.
My mom and I have both struggled with self esteem issues for many years. For me this led to a very deep depression, and I know that my mom is pretty depressed as well. More recently, God healed me of that depression and I thank Him tremendously for that. I bought my mom the book ‘A Confident Heart’ and I would love to be able to add to it and give her the devotional so that she could add to the book with a daily devotion. I recently started college, so I am unable to buy her one.
I purchased “A Confident Heart” when it first came out. It is still a blessing to me. It is exciting to know about the devotional. I am mentoring a new christian and this would be a good study for her and a way to witness to one of my sisters that struggles with insecurities and anxiety. This study is so wonderful in helping us take captive our negative thought life and replace it with what God’s Word says about our identity.
My daughter is 16 and recently started struggling with depression and anxiety. She then stopped going to church and didn’t want to hear about God. A month ago she tried to kill herself and was hospitalized and quickly released as our insurance denied her treatment. Now she is home and I’ve been doing my bible studies, just as I started the confident heart book she wanted me to read to her from it. It talks about God and she doesn’t care. She doesn’t say too much some times and other times she talks to me about it. I’d love to have more to share with her. I also meet with 5 people while their children are at AWANA’s and now 1 is doing the online study. One doesn’t have money for a book so we share, and the other 2 gain from and add to our discussions. This book allows me a mom drowning in medical debt to share with all these people. I’d love to see what more God would like to do through me, a tired special education teacher who stuggles with feeling inadequate and overwhelmed by life as a single mom to two 16 year olds with chronic medical needs.
God bless you Renee, and Proverbs 31 Ministries, for inspiring me to grow beyond self doubt boundaries, set aside unhealthy destructive choices, and reap the ripe harvest of God’s bountiful blessings!! Far too many years of my life were spent existing, unsure how to truly live, within destructive and abusive relationships and choices until I opened the door of my heart fully to Jesus. Am richly blessed to now reach out to youth, teens and young adults with the glorious hope we have wrapped within God’s extraordinary gift of love found in Jesus. Your devotional would richly bless and strengthen me within my outreach ministry!!
God bless you, and all you do in the Lord, to help set captives free!!
Hugs, joy and love,
Kimberly <3
I would love this. I grew up in a rough household without god in it and I would really love to get closer to him by using this devotional.
The online study has already spoken to me and it is just getting started. I would also like to share this with my sister who struggles tremendously with feelings of inadequacy in many areas of her life
I have been enjoying the Encouragement for Today devotionals and often forward them to friends and family. Recently we moved out in the middle of the country and I have developed a close friendship with my Christian neighbor who has been in prison because of drugs and is trying to get her life back together with her husband. Her daughter, also a former drug addict, moved in along with her boyfriend and baby so now they have five people living in a small mobile home. Under normal circumstances, that would be difficult, but they deal with this extra issue along with the disability of my friend’s husband. This devotional book would be an awesome opportunity to share truths from God’s Word in a unique practical way. I know God lead us to this location to minister to hurting people and this would be a great help in that effort.
I would love to win this devotional. I am in the midst of trying to save my marriage, but it is one sided. I am so in need of uplifting and feeling better about me in this whole ordeal. My BFF is also going through a divorce, and she wants to be married. We are both in such awe of how someone who once said they love you can just walk away and not look back. They leave us wrecked, abandoned ,a dn alone to wonder what we did or didn’t do all the while they are happy and moving on. Thank you.
Going thru cancer and all that entails….tests,scans, being poked and prodded, two surgeries (and two more to come), chemotherapy and now radiation, all in the last seven months. Need all the courage and strength possible!
Goodness look at how courageous and strong you have already been!
As an Overcomer and Survivor of breast cancer I will pray in the name of Jesus for all your needs in the days ahead and a healing covering to be about you!
Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits – Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. Psalm 103:1-5
Be Inspired,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I loved this book!! I have done the online bible study and I am doing a bible study using the book to help bring my mom who is bound in satans chains! This devotional would be an added piece and another tool to help bring myself as well as my mom to Christ.
Awesome Renee!!! Thank you for allowing a God to lead you.
I am reading the book right now & love it!
I ve heard great things about this book and would love to win a copy, going through a really rough time right now and maybe this book will help turn things in a better direction for me. thanks and God Bless
I’ve been reading A Confident Heart with the online study group. This book has been so encouraging to me. I’ve been unemployed for over 6 months. Some days, I don’t venture outside. I have an interview scheduled for next Tuesday. Reading the book and The Book (the Bible) has helped me to turn up the FM thoughts and to turn down the AM thoughts. The devotional would be an additional help with summarizing God’s thoughts “for me”.
There is so many areas that I need help in that I will just leave it at that….. I need help.
No money to buy the book, and although I normally don’t do the “enter to win” things, this is something I feel compelled to do.
Whether I win or not, I can see from the comments that there will be people praying for my journey. That would very much be appreciated.
May God bless your efforts,